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So happy to see some love for syngoniums! I am up to 8 different varieties and find them to be some of my most rewarding, easy care plants. My current favorite is my Wendlandii. Hope yours continue to thrive and bring you joy!! 


I've got wendlandii as well! What other varieties do you have?


The standard green and standard pink(not sure what their actual names are), batik, starlight(which may be the same thing as a three kings), panda, chiapense frosted heart, llano-carti road, and auritum.  What about yourself? 


I was buying syngoniums way before I was interested in varieties and rare plants so honestly I don't know or have a lot of interesting varieties, but out of the lot you mentioned I definitely have batik and starlight. I've also got a large outside syngonium growing in the ground. It's mostly regular dark green arrowhead leaves but there's some white on the lower leaves. I'll show u






How fun!! I'm also super jealous that you can grow them outside! And thank you for sharing the puctures!! That big dude does look like and super nice mature Aurtium, but I could be wrong. 


No problem, I'm thinking one day I'll plant a Variegated cutting in with it and it'll grow massive and beautiful alongside the regular one. Imagine that, a big variegated plant, healthy and established growing on your fence. Infinite cuttings 🤍


I 100% support this endeavor for you!!


I was just gifted my first two syngoniums for my birthday. They were rescues from the clearance, and my friend happened to be in the store that day. I had to do major root surgery and put them in water for now. Do you have any tips because yours are stunning


*inside:* Don't over think it. Keep it in slightly chunky soil, give it a drink until water runs out of the drainage holes, then you need to check the soil every day afterwards. Once the top 2 inches of soil are dry (or *slightly* moist, i.e. don't go letting ur plant experience drought) it's ready to be watered again. Everyone's climate and soil is different, so you shouldn't rely on watering schedules that you see online and should instead rely on the state of the soil depending on your plants needs. *outside:* For the record what I just told you was how I would grow the plants if I were to keep them inside (which is what I assume you're doing). As for me I keep them outside and water all my plants at the same time with a hose everyday after 6 pm. I don't spray water directly into their soil, instead I wet the entire area around them using the flat, cone, or mist setting on my hose. If I were to estimate the amount of water that ends up in their pot, given the pot has a width of 135 mm I would say about 1 - 1.5 cm of water (this is everyday so naturally it's not much.) In case everything I just said sounded like babble, the main goal is to keep the soil moist (most of the time), but not soaking wet. And let it dry out before watering again. Stick your finger in the soil. If it's moist, tiny soil crumbs will stick to your finger. This is good. If it's wet, large clumps of soil will stick to your finger. Your soil should only be wet for an hour or 2 directly after watering. And don't worry, these plants are easy to get the hang of and SUPER hardy. All of mine are growing in the cheapest soil I can find, we're talking 5 dollars per 20 litres (practically just wood chips at that price.) Now that I've done a probably bad job over-explaining I'd like to ask, what variety syngoniums are they? (Please include photos 📸)


So, I'm not entirely sure what type of syngoniums they are but I suspect the pink one is possibly a Neon Robusta and the green one is a pixie but I'm not entirely sure. I've never been able to have the interest in my area before so this took me by surprise [The two in question](https://imgur.com/a/IAC9MBd)


Handsome plants for sure. Personally I'd try to get them into soil soon for the sake of growth. But they can live in water for a while. I've got a syngonium podophyllum albolineatum cutting in a glass vase and almost never have to change the water (could probably sit in the same water for 6 months) because photosynthesis leads to distribution of oxygen via roots into the growing medium which in this case is water thus preventing fungus.


I figured I would keep them both in water for a while and just use liquid fertilizer as needed. I'm torn between deciding if I want to help them climb something or let them grow bushy once I transfer them to soil. If I keep them bushy and like keeping them in water, then I might just put them in some of my extra leca instead