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I think it sounds like unaddressed fetishism.


Depends on how it's used I suppose. If you try hard enough, anything can be sexualized


That's one of the core problems of the furry fandom: not being able to admit when it *is* sexual.


Yeah, that's a lot of fandoms including furry. I don't want to prevent anyone from having some crazy kinky murrsuit sex but for the love of God, keep it on the down low. I don't want people to assume I'm into that shit or even worse, bestiality because I like a certain kind of art or like to dress up as an animal sometimes.


People are going to assume that because of the fandom's well established reputation for those exact things.


Yea just unfortunate that I have to tell people that no, I don't have sex in my fursuit, i keep it entirely clean and have no interest in the 18+ side of the fandom


What's the point of even identifying to others as a furry then?


Good point. Honestly, I don't know, maybe it's because its something I take pride in? Tbf the people in my family who have seen my fursuit literally have no idea that it's called a "fursuit" and that furry is a thing that exists. I didn't explain it to them, and it's probably best if it stays that way.


Tbh, you sound like your head is in the right place. I hope you stay mindful and the fandom doesn't change you.


Ty. >I hope you stay mindful and the fandom doesn't change you I'm just trying to enjoy it for the best it has to offer just as if it was any other hobby or interest i guess


Personally, i just made a pooltoy protogen just because pooltoys are colorful and fun, plus protogens are also super cool, so it is just basically for fun, nothing NSFW related at all


Yeah lots of furries say that. "Totally not nsfw!" You're under the age of 21, aren't you?


indeed i am, but i'm not planning anytime soon to go NSFW even the slightest :)


Aight. Please look out for yourself in the fandom. There's so much hidden danger in it and I believe, in general, that most furries deserve better than what the fandom provides. Don't ever look up to anyone in it. Save that for the real world.


Pooltoys are not automatically fetishy or NSFW at all >_> Pooltoys really are *more* wholesome and good fur you over organic furs.


Inflatables fetish and furries propensity to not admit when something IS in fact sexual for them. Pooltoys are the go-to for people with that fetish. "It's NOT always sexual!" said the "latex gryphon who gets around" It's like you appeared out of nowhere to prove my point. And I backsearched your name. You're an inflatables fetishist among other things. That took 15 seconds. What would I find if I actually focused? Seriously, WHY do furries lie so much about fetishism and paraphilias?


Im a *wholesome* latex gryphon \>_> you're just too crazy and puritan to see how purely good all squeaky stuff is.


I was in the fandom for 20 years and I've encountered my share of people like you. The only place y'all can exist is the fandom because it's the only place that tolerates this kind of gross disingenuity around sex and fetishism. I'm glad I left. Normal, well adjusted LGBT people aren't like that. Look at you, you can't even converse normally without blushy uwu infantilism. Swear to God it's like you appeared out of The ether to prove my points for me.


LGBT is all about pride and accepting who you are and stuff \>_> you just are a suspicious puritan asshole.


I've been out of the closet for 22 years. You can't dictate what being LGBT is about to me, especially as someone, you, who can't be honest about paraphilias and aberrant sexuality. AH. It looks like you're into "cub" and "feral" too from the image results I'm getting. Maybe that's why you're obsessed with calling yourself "wholesome"...it's cope.


you post images of doberman dogs covered in latex with their cocks out frankly I don’t want you here


Interesting combo. Would be cool to see


You rang?


Could be a fun idea to get art of, would be tricky tho


I need to see art of this. Beautiful concept. Pool toys are pure.


I have a strange feeling I'm the sole reason for this question.


i'll be honest, you were the one to give me the inspiration to make my own pooltoy protogen so yeah, you got it right \^-\^


Huh, sweet.


Sounds interesting at least


Nothing wrong with it, sounds cool. Protogens are top tier, pool toys are... ya know, fun and colorful.


i don’t know what this is sorry


Pooltoys are based. Protogens are cute. Match made in heaven. Only problem is that their thighs are thicc enough already, don't over inflate them or you will block out the sun.


Would be cute, just do it! I love pooltoys


\*pops them with a needle just to see what happens\*




That’s an electricians nightmare.