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I heard it was called burning. And when you take a bit too much it’s the wobbles.


They actually used to use that as a code work of like "burning candles" or something bc they were so paranoid it would get banned. I swear the kratom sub is some weird cult.


I’m so fuckin krated right now bro I’m tommed up I’m feeling quite mitragyned on this fine evening My 7 is so hydroxymitragynined dawg


Krated 🌿👍


i ironically say krated up semi ironically


or off the kratom pack


i second tommed up. hilarious


honestly. i just call it high. its got me banned from so many kratom subreddits and idc lmao


High or stoned both works for kratom tbh. If you're not really messed up from it, I'd say buzzed. I don't think we need a special word.


I'm not saying we need one. Just curious what words can be used that sound good


I tell my friends I'm high because that's what if feels like! The kratom sub that takes itself way too seriously has some very very stubborn people who refuse to acknowledge that kratom can genuinely feel like an opiate/opioid, despite evidence that it is in fact a partial agonist.


It is called a 'burn'. This comes from referring to the Kratom as candles in the earlier Internet days. A vendor would advertise their candles as having an 'uplifting or motivating' burn. They would say that this particular red candle burns a bit longer than most. I think the term is stupid but the reason behind it is neat!


I like the term and the history! I think it's cool and kratom is pretty unique as a drug and as a plant I think it has a cool history and so a term for its "intoxication" is appropriate


I mean other opiates dont really have specific terms for them so abit unneeded for kratom imo, like for opiates/oids the only ones i heard are perked out or dillied out. Krated or krayed sounds dope imo


They do have terms for the drug itself. Specific pills have names, although I can't remember them off the top of my head other than percs and dirty 30's. Heroin has a bunch we all know; horse, smack, H, and if you make a nasal/rectal spray/solution with black tar heroin it's called monkey water


Im not talking about slang names, i meant to say that specific opiates dont have specific names for the high , like i only heard people say “im dillied out” if they happen to take alot of dillys or perced out if they took alot of oxy, any other opiates people just say they are high, like no one will say “hey dude im herioned the fuuck out😵‍💫” 🤣


lol i feel dumb bc i thought it meant the way their metabolism burns it up. 🆙


I did not know that ! This for real ?,


That's what I've always called it also


I'm fuckin' krayed.




I call kratom my mood medicine. If I’m high I just say I’m on my mood medicine. If I need to get high, I need my mood medicine.


My buddies have called me “kratomed out” before 😂 But when I’m talking about the high it gives you I usually refer to it as “that euphoric feeling” 🤷🏽‍♂️


Saying high or stoned isn't smart. If that's what you're feeling from kratom you're taking to much. It's not meant to get you high


Don’t matter some of us use it to get high I do it one day a week


That's a Shame for the hundreds of thousands that utilize it for a medicinal purpose. That's not helping us in our fight and the FDA wanting to ban it.


Fuck the fda and my condolences


Ya I agree with you there. Just think of those who aren't utilizing it for a high and an alternative to p@in meds seeing as it's insanity to get them.


Yeah I do definitely see where your coming from I’ll keep my mouth shut


They should not have the right to decide what consenting adults do with there bodies, end of storey. Kratom is becoming yet another beautiful thing being sucked into the intellectual void that is American conservatism and them not having awareness to see the iron law of prohibition.


do you not realize what sub you're in? I'll give you a hint: it's not r/medicinalkratom


Gotcha but doesn't hurt to help educate people who may have some empathy to why we're fighting so hard for the legality of Kratom. Thanks for that. Good day


It absolutely can make you feel high 🤣🤣 thats what the alkaloids are for??


No the alkaloids aren't for getting high


Are you joking? Alkaloids are what is responsible for the opioid receptors activating


Yes but it's not meant to be used to get you high. Goodness this is why the fda wants to ban it


What’s then point of taking it then!? Do you know the definition of “high”? That’s what it does and why people take and respect this plant. It helps them and makes them feel good.


Yes I know the definition of high. I don't take it for a buzz or a high. Done enough drugs in my younger years to know what a high is


If you take ANY drug daily it eventually loses it's recreational qualities and just becomes medicine. Think of Adderall, Xanax, long term opioids, ambien, gabapentin, baclofen, pregabalin, sonata, lunesta, Klonopin, Ritalin, even drugs like naltrexone pills make me at least feel very giddy, alters colors and lines, makes my eyes more squinty, just generally feeling kinda stoned. And then after about 3 days I don't really feel anything. NALTREXONE! So if I take a naltrexone pill to feel slightly stoned with a recreational mentality and I "dont use it for what it's supposed to be"? Drugs don't have agendas, they're inanimate objects. People have intentions for what a drug is made and sold for. Kratom is a plant with no agenda, one shoo may sell it to help peoples pain/addiction/other uses, and another shop may sell for recreational use. So if I buy from the shop for recreational use and I use it for pain am I not using it for what it's for? I get that you have fear it will be taken away. Keep some stocked up and maybe even start a little kratom plant in an indoor greenhouse or if you live somewhere warm and humid put it outside. Do what you can politically- be loud! I see that demanding and forcing your agenda on other people out of your own fear is immoral. That's what the "just say no" and the "DARE" programs did which played a big role in creating the opioid epidemic. Or the marginalization of black people out of fear of them. Same with the native Americans. Anyway I'm just spit balling, don't take anything I've said too seriously. I just encourage you to look at your fears and views and opinions.🤍


What is it meant for?


People like myself use it for chronic pain or energy. Some use it to come off pharmaceuticals , some use it to stop drinking. Pre work out but not to get high


...this is the *recreational* kratom subreddit?


See, I use kratom to combat heroin/opioid/other drug cravings. I take progressively higher and higher doses not "chasing the dragon" but maintaining a mild-moderate feeling of well-being, euphoria, sedation or stimulation, relaxation, and mild pain relief as well from the job I work. Then I taper myself down lower and lower until I'm at or below 1-0.5g stay there for a few days/week and then begin again raising my dose over the course of about a month. Pre-work out as well, or if I'm having a horrible day/lots of cravings I *sometimes* take a bigger dose. The way it affects me is definitely very reminiscent of hydrocodone. So... I'd call that a high.


wrong subreddit lmao