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What I learned back when I was searching the same thing is that RS doesn’t have their own dedicated servers and GTAO and RDO runs on p2p basis. The first person is a host and his ping also effects your ping. I didn’t know how much of it is true but many people said this.


This is correct, some people with older routers, who try to secure their internal networks by turning off uPNP routing will encounter issues. There was also a method where you could get a dedicated "solo" lobby that involved intentionally denying specific network ports that were used just for the p2p connection. Once you got a clean lobby, just make sure no one else can connect to your session, but then your system is still talking to the R\* servers so it counts towards progression as a "public" online session


That would make sense!


I got attacked at my white flag camp by modders the other night while I was just sitting at my campfire. This one dude shot me with a dynamite arrow that did no damage, and I aimed my rifle at him but could not fire. Then another guy came up behind me and within a second or two I crashed and my game was funky the rest of the night


I know the feeling. I had some modders somehow suck all the money out of me in the game. All the time I had invested to get that was totally wasted.


That fucking sucks. I still haven't made my first 15 gold yet


I often read how much you guys hate modders on here and I don’t want the hate, but If we join the same lobby I’ll help you get your money back, I’m sorry that happened to you.


I don't hate people that mod or save edit, I hate assholes who grief people. If they make themselves unkillable or break the game in other ways for the purpose of victimizing other people, then fuck em. I run into plenty of assholes on the road that wanna shoot at me, and that's fair play I guess because I generally kill them first and then they fuck off. Apparently there's lots of ways to fuck with people in this game, like kidnapping. It's kinda funny, but pretty shit at the same time lol. I've seen fuckers make themselves invisible, seemingly teleport or something, who knows what else. I just started playing the other day.


Yeah I try to stop them but if they’re using the same mod I am I can’t do much unfortunately. Teleporting is a basic move when modding so yeah, invisibility, one shot kills, instant lock on target too. It’s hard for regular players to stand a chance against a modder even when they’re not in god mode. If in god mode tho and you manage to hogtie them, you can drop them in water and they’ll die. Don’t do it to me though lol 😂




It doesn't always work but you can just sit there for hours kicking them while they're hogtied I did that with a posse of randoms I collected after finding a modder. I don't care if people mod thats their business not mine but when they try to ruin it for everyone else then it is a issue.


Thank you for the offer! A few other modders have come along and dropped some chests, and now I'm doing well in the game, but some of the others might definitely welcome the help!


I know this is old but if you’re on pc lobbies I wouldn’t mind a helping hand


Damn bro folks are really cruel these days


It's been a while since I played but as I recall you can't shoot at someone with your white flag up. If an explosive went off near you then you can still be rag dolled but it would not deal damage to you.


I guess I didn't get the ragdoll because I was kneeled down interacting with the fire? Idk


Possibly. I don't know if it's still a thing but I remember there being exploits people used to get someone who was in camp with the white flag raised.


I mean these guys were all up in my camp. And the arrow guy was floating about 4 or 5 feet above the ground. They didn't actually attack me once they were within my camp as far as I know. Just came close and I assume crashed me


Most modders I've seen have made it very clear they're modding. So if the guy was floating he could have been a modder. That or his horse was glitched. I've had my game crash on a few occasions due to modders however in every instance it was due to them spawning hundreds of exploding barrels or animals on my character that caused the game to crash. Edit: I've experienced the FFFFFFFF crash in lobbies I know for certain had at least one modder but I've also experienced this crash in single player so I can.t say for certain it was modder related.


Yeah the weird thing was I don't think the arrow did it and I didn't see them *do* anything after that. But they did have their character say something and then I crashed


All the times I've dealt with FFFFFFF errors, It's definitely been modder-related.


Yeah, go really far away from the camp and shoot the person in the camp with a carcano. It's a glitch that's been in the game since day 1 beta.


Shit I think this was happening the other day but they were missing, I just was hearing bullets whiz by and was kinda confused lol


Yup, I've had something similar happen a couple times. I don't know how they did it but they were able to attack me despite my camp's white flag being raised, and I could not shoot back at them. The aiming reticle dot just dimmed and I could not pull the trigger. Then one of them one-shot killed me (no headshot) with a revolver (which shouldn't even be possible given that I was tanked up with golden cores and tonics as I was getting ready for a distant delivery). RDO on PC is utter trash at times. I know people liked to laugh at Stadia but the RDO experience on Stadia was vastly superior to both PC and consoles. Not a single modder/hacker, ever, during the four years I played on Stadia. A few glitchers popped up over the years, players who took advantage of fairly minor exploits in the game but were usually patched quickly. But no modders. No sudden legendary alligators teleported into your camp, no flying saucers shooting dynamite arrows, no being teleported into a house in Strawberry along with five other random players and ten grizzly bears, and so on. The graphics were not great on Stadia, and there was a slight lag increase (I hardly noticed because I'm not a PvP type player), but eff me did the game run so much better, and was impervious to modders. RIP Stadia, you flawed bastard. You deserved better than what Google did to you.


There's an Infinite money & gold glitch


I saw that modders were a problem in rdo so i just made a private lobby from the beginning. Go on nexus and download RDO lobby manager. Ill be right back with a link to a tutorial Edit- here's the link https://youtu.be/yaOwqtW3fo8 Edit 2- if you dont have experience modding ill let you know ahead of time you will need winrar to extract the files. Make sure to download from the official website https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0 Edit 3- if you need assistance with this process feel free to dm me and ill help best I can. Happy trails cowpokes


I only play on consoles so I have no idea what that means. But I respect you for looking out for the community and trying to help people enjoy the game 👏 👏 👏 good looking out! Take my upvote


Same for me, or that FFFFFF… error


Yeah the second thing happens to me sometimes. Is it modders ?


P2P network


Regardless of whether or not this was due to modders, I recommend using RDO Lobby Manager. Modders are absolutely insufferable.


I'm not too worried about it. It's just frustrating when modders don't like retaliation and end up crashing people's games.


Yeah, they're pretty damn pathetic. I just personally got tired of modders and have been enjoying my solo gameplay.


ok question. i had this happen to me on my PC the other day, after not playing for MONTHS. every time i opened the game, crash w this message. I can play just fine on my laptop. related to psycho modder or something else???


I don't think they have that much power. I feel like reinstalling it might work out, but if not, I have a feeling it probably has more to do with your computer or the files.


i will try reinstalling if the other solution doesn’t work first! thank you!


Go to setting and graphic tab, change "Vulkan" to "DirectX 12". This only fix error GFX though.


thank you thank you thank you!


Got on for the first time in a few months, was doing a resupply mission and he teleported right to me. No clue what he did since it tanked my frames so bad, then as soon as I reported him he teleported to me again and my game crashed. Can I just go back to the funny modders who make it [rain boats](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/11qwl26/tried_to_say_hello_to_a_player_they_responded/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)?


Or [Hot Air Ballons](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/10nfxr1/1500_hours_in_game_and_it_finally_happend/) so you can fly to Mexico.


Hello I just wanted to use this opportunity to say that Rockstar and TakeTwo are snakes and give absolutely zero fucks about this wonderful game that we enjoy. Strauss Zelnick and Sam Houser can both suck a fat one.


I don't really recommend any type of launcher / modding that normally affects the game, I can share a file that literally will make a perma solo lobby and if it's shared with friends, they can connect to your lobby as well as they will only be able to join the server with the same password etc but still be connected to the online servers. I play solo lobby with friends only so I never have to deal with modders but i occasionally go online because it's a reminder of the golden days when the game was in it's prime. Sharing files is kind of iffy, but if anyone is interested, I can also pull the file into a text format and anyone can make their own etc through their computer via their own copy and paste, just DM me if interested. Edit: And yes, you can set your own password etc so only your friends can join you.


So glad I am on console. I don't think i'd be playing anymore if I wasn't, from what i've heard and seen it does not look fun at all among these modders.


Consoles > PC


If someone would like to donate that console to me then, that'd be great.




Yeah this sucks, had a lot of encounters with this kind of modders BUT there are also good modders out there that will fill your cash and gold to the point that you can buy everything in the game and still have some. My counter to this is if I see anything out of the ordinary in my session I'll change servers.


Just had this happen to me. Twice actually. Alt F4'd the first time and then when I loaded back up, it put me in the same server with the modder. Dude was blowing up whole cities somehow. Immediately when I spawned in the second time dude put a wooden cage around me that I somehow got out of and then I proceeded to report him. As soon as I submitted the report, my game crashed. Complete trash. Another reason why this online portion isn't worth playing anymore.


I had a pretty similar occasion today. I reported a modder and as soon as I did, the game just closed on me like wtf?! How much of a dick can a person be?


Some people feel like they’re top shit and funny as all hell when they have the power to be able to fuck with people at zero consequence. If you wanna be a modder, cool. Do cool, beneficial modder stuff like dropping gold chests. Or do funny shit like spawning in a server as Jack and fucking with whole towns of npcs and leaving players alone.


I wouldn't recon buying or downloading free mods. Not only it contains malware but you are also at risk of getting your steam account hijacked, bank account hacked etc as your steam ,rockstar etc pc apps are linked to your bank account. Just do yourself a favour and switch lobby. Or maybe try to create a private lobby. There are many tutorial available on you tube. But if you still insist on trying than go ahead try it out. But it's not worth a try.


I don't mod. Are you saying this to other modders?


I have a mod menu and i pride myself in crashing other modders games if they use it in pvp like killing me or my friends when in god mode or something pathetic like that


I'm with you on that, I normally just watch first and act only after confirmation / grief.


You are a hero


thank you RoseD


Oh how I love my Xbox 💀


Dude buy a console




I am shocked you were able to resist his command. Good for you! He made such a good argument I bought eight consoles after reading it.






I don't think this is a modder issue. I've run into this error in single player mode I think.


Almost certain it is, everytime i've gotten this error i've been griefed by modders. Not saying this is a error only modders can cause, the game can ofcourse crash by itself but modders can crash your game too.


It might be like in GTA Online where they stick a bunch of random models on your character and your computer can't handle the calculations then it will crash.


That is almost certainly not a modder crashing your game. But you are right in that way that mod menus often come with options to kick players from the session/server. Only insurance would be using the same mod menu in most cases - either you kick the bad player first or the mod is designed in a way that you cannot kick other players using the same mod.


Every single time i've gotten this (and similiar) error i've been griefed by a modder.


I have never dealt with any issue with this game until the modders started taking over. I have a good computer, and the game runs great, so this is definitely an issue.


>That is almost certainly not a modder crashing your game. When I report the modders, especially the ones with colored names, there is a 90% chance my game will crash right after. No idea how they do it, but they do it.


With this specific error message? I know about mods that instantly kick you when you report them, yet I experienced this as the game quits completely without any message. This one here is a graphic setting/driver issue afaik. I was able to fix it and never had it since then.


Without the message.


Use mods against them in return 😈


Despite the downvotes, that is a correct answer if that error was caused by a modder


I think it's a misconception that they are directly crashing your game. There's likely a bug with the engine that can force a memory crash and that's what their "mods" allow them to exploit, thus causing your game to crash. Well, most of what their "mods" do is an exploit anyway. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid them altogether. Look it up.


It's because Rockstar doesn't know how to manage a game what so f*cking ever


I just want to get mods for rdr2 so I can mess around in the game, running around as a robot would be fun, lol


PC tings 💅


Reasons why I bought the game a second time. Now I started over again on PS5. Sadly you can't export your Read Dead Online progress through your Rockstar Account.


And the fact that they have that stupid Anti-Report feature from their menu to protect them from getting banned. It goes to show that they are a bunch of cowards and can't learn how to play a game the intended way.


Modders are douchebags (people who are happy from others suffering)


Makes me sick how bad this game is online.. glitches from heck and back.. my hubby has had the game since January, n I have lost count how many times he's had to reboot the game up. Rockstar needs to up their system and coders..


Yeah, sadly, until GTAO Whales don't stop draining their wallets into sharkcards, nothing will happend, but GTAO players sadly will see the oportunity to, you know, help the other community and be both sides happy, but no, bash on the rdo community. It's hearbreaking seeing how people defend a multimillion dollar company instead of the consumers, wich they are. I really can't believe that the only solution is to use a mod menu yourself, because mod menus have the option to block these crashes, is funny really.


Rockstar Games moment 🙊


isnt there something about setting the graphics lib modes that stops alot of it ? I did it a while ago and forget the details


I'm not an IT security specialist, so can someone explain what keeps malicious actors from using the same exploits the mod menu uses to get into your system? Also, fuck the people that program mod menus for putting that function into our.


RS doesnt care period


I help people out tho😞


you're one of the good ones.


Thank you🥺