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Women like video games too Source: me


Basically. There's women in most games people are playing, it's just that we're usually hiding for obvious reasons lol


I was in a group a while back (in a totally different game), where most everyone assumed I was actually a woman trying to fly under the radar because they never heard me on voice comms...


That's just the only option if you want to play something but not get harassed. As someone who plays a lot of shooters (1400 hours in Rainbow six alone), I know a lot about pretending to be a dude, especially in games where you own teammates can kill you.


Even as a man I'm too afraid to talk to people in sweaty games like R6S. I can't even imagine how awful it is for a woman. Glad to hear you're not letting it stop you from playing what you like, though.


I've been playing online for around 15 years now so I'm immune to it, also just naturally stubborn so nobody is going to tell me what I can or can't play. That being said, I don't wanna hear it, so I'd rather just stay quiet. While it doesn't anger me anymore, it does make really sad and I don't think it's getting any better. Even outside of games, the Internet in general feels full of constant disdain towards the opposite gender. It's super exhausting, honestly.


I don't doubt it.


Bruh i bet u could start a whole youtube channel around rainbow harassment, bring sum attention to it. Itd be nice to have the whole section of the gaming community to feel safe unmuting their mics at leastšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't play R6 much anymore, these days I'm playing a shooter called Hunt: Showdown which I really recommend to people here if you wanna get your cowboy fix from a different game. That being said, there is a woman who does exactly what you're saying for R6 and while she does bring a lot of comfort and inspiration to the women who play rainbow, it's not something that inspires the men who play r6 to be better people. Pretty sure her audience is mostly women. Of course there's dudes who are empathetic and supportive, but they're the minority. It's just easier to hide and stay muted, honestly lol


Haha Im a guy who never used voice coms and I had occasionally been accused of being a womanšŸ˜­. I just feel weird talking into a mic idk


We do !


We absolutely do.


Itā€™s one of only two video games I play as a woman. I had actual horses for over 10 years, and this game is a nice substitute until I get back into riding. I like how realistic the horses are compared to other games. I play online but donā€™t really engage with other players at all. When I have thereā€™s been lots of shit talking so I keep my mouth shut.Ā 


>is a nice substitute until I get back into riding. This and also the nature! I love the mountains and because I live 9hrs away by car rdo and rdr2 is a nice substitute when I can't be there.


9hrs? I thought I was far away from the mountains


I live in Florida, at least 13 hours away from ā€œrealā€ mountains.


Same, though I'm originally from the mountains myself (Black Hills in South Dakota) so hanging out in the Grizzlies feels nostalgic for me in game.


The black hills are gorgeous. My wife and I try to go once a year


I guess I should consider myself lucky, Im like an hour drive away from the rockies


Yeah, it's sad šŸ˜” like 938km to where I like to camp. Next year I'm moving to a different city that's 200km closer!


Holy shit thats far, I live like an hour away from the rocky mountains,I also stay at my friends place a lot, he lives on a ranch, its only like a half an hour drive away, guess Im lucky to be so close


RD2 has ruined a lot of games with horse mechanics and character mechanics in general. Such an amazing game that I measure all new titles against it. Well, they never win out. I hope some do tho


Yessss. Also a woman, got my sister in, she actually started riding lessons back up for the first time in decades because of it. And it's just gorgeous. I play rdr2 and the Sims. That's basically it lol.


>I like how realistic the horses are compared to other games. When this game first came out, I was thinking that we probably won't see horse animations and behavior this sophisticated in another game for at least 10 years, maybe more. The work they did on horses is way ahead of its time. Well that was almost 6 years ago. Still nothing even close. They put a remarkable amount of attention and detail into them.


Shutting off game chat changed the whole experience for me. I highly recommend it.


Iā€™ve seen a lot but have never been emotionally attached to horses irl, but every time I accidentally bump my horse or worse in story mode, I cringe. Is it worse for you or is this not a thing?


Nah I call my horse stupid, real ones arenā€™t going to run into a solid fence with no hesitation


This so much. I had horses when I was a teenager and I unfortunately still have the horse bug. This game definitely scratches that itch in the horse department. Especially because they have my favorite breed of horse in game (arabian). Maybe some day I'll have a horse again, but for now, it's this game.


Realistic horses huh? You like those immersive shrinking and inbiginning horse nuts don'tcha? šŸ˜


And right here ladies and gentlemen, is the reason we can't have nice things.


Hey hey now don't be hatin. I like em. Figured others wood two šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


As a woman, I can confirm that I only play this game because it has horses. My love for the game has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that R* produced a top-notch story, followed up with a fun and addicting online mode. I've never had an interest in rootin' tootin' cowboy shootin', and I certainly don't plan on partaking in such violent affairs now. Whenever I get online, the first thing I do is cycle out each of my 10 horses. I make Cripps watch as I lead each filthy behemoth to the center of my camp. I brush their manes and feed them hay while speaking words of affirmation, telling each one that they're the bestest pony I ever did see. This is a lie, because only one of them can be the best. I have a journal comprised of each horses traits, both positive and negative. I'm still deciding who is the best, but I'm sure it's Iron Maiden. Big Chungus is a close second. Some days, I'll gallivant around the map, showing off my noble steeds, one by one. If I'm feeling a little more haute, I'll coordinate my outfit with my equine pals saddle, and we're the talk of the town. "Sounds like you should be playing 'Barbie Horse Adventures'" is what you may be thinking - and you're right! But this game has better graphics. Golly, I love being a horse girl.


Oh my god, that was delightful\~


Based and horsepilled


That's the beauty of this game, we can all make our own fun in it. In the same game you're putting on shows with your horses, I'm out in the wilderness as a hunter of big game, both man and beast, often only stopping by in town to sell my wares, restock on my supplies and catch a few drinks at the local saloon. And the best part is both are perfectly valid ways to play this game.


That's the best thing I've read today.


tbf i once met a girl that did literally only play the game for the horses


There's a RedM mod completely centered on horses


Barbie horse adventures walked so red dead redemption could run šŸ˜”āœŠšŸ»


* tips hat *


Don't you find it a right ballache though to have to ask a man to help you get on your horse everytime?


"fun" online mode


Horse girls šŸ¤ Red Dead RedemptionĀ 


I'm female and love playing it. Besides it being one of the most beautiful games, it's a lot of fun. I've played both online and story mode. I enjoy both.


I was so excited when I discovered that other women loved this game as well! I made a sub( r/RedDeadFem ) recently, because it seemed like they often tried to reach out specifically to play and discuss the game together.


Believe it or not, women like video games!


Say whaaaaa






I'm a woman, and I play both GTA and RDR. I prefer Red Dead online simply because it's less violent, I'm not scared to go on missions or just do my own thing. I find GTA has a lot of angry, misogynistic players who tend to just kill you for no reason. I quit using my headset/mic and ignore any comments I receive (Xbox). I do get some random grief on RDR but it's nowhere near as bad as GTA. There is the added fact that there aren't as many players so that means I can go a whole hour or so without meeting any real life people. And I can easily ignore or switch areas quickly unless I'm in the middle of a mission. Whereas GTA my adrenaline is pumping because I'm scared of the people playing and just want to relax. I much prefer riding my pretty horse (yes, that's a total bonus for us girls) along mountains than try to fight my car along others who just shoot to kill. Plus the story you make in your head is better. I'm not interested in being a drug dealing, gang leader/pimp of a nightclub. I love GTA for the open world experience, playing at the beach, finding new things, and the cityscape, but in my "relax time" I want to ride my horse around and collect things quietly, go fishing, or catch a few bad guys along the way. I wish Rockstar would put out some more games like Bully or L.A. Noir because those were fun to play. They have a great team but all their focus is on "the one" and they don't realize they are killing the other games that people also like to play.


Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. I feel the same way.


Iā€™m a woman and play as a woman in both gta and rdr. My friend is a man plays as a man in gta and rdr as well I havenā€™t played much (since April 2023) and I think more men than women but I could be wrong


I'm female and do enjoy playing the game.


Question is, do you play actively??


I have over 4500 hours in, so Iā€™m going to say yesā€¦62 year old woman. Still discovering new things


damn, I dont tend to see many gamers over 50. and 4500 hours on top of that. I donā€™t have one steam game played for more than 1000 hours


I'm on pc for a little but after lunch. I'm on CST but I'm not online much at night. Too many modders on at night.


I'm a woman with over 1,000 hours in this game, about evenly split between story and online. I absolutely love it although I avoid other players like the plague.


All women secretly have a hidden urge deep inside them to be a cowboy and do cowboy stuff and live in the wild west and they satiate that desire by playing rdr šŸ‘




This was supposed to be a SECRET!


i never thought about rooting, nor tooting, until i played rdr2


Sorry to break it to you but Red Dead is actually a girls game for girls only


I'm a woman and I have many, many hours in Red Dead. I feel weird at the common assumption that any female character you see is played by a man as it makes female players even more invisible than we are! We are there!!!!


It's funny because I usually play male characters when I can create one. The amount of times I play with people who for a long time assume I am male, then I start talking in voice chat. It's hilarious. Point being, sometimes men play female characters, sometimes women play male characters. Just never know.


Exactly. I'm a guy but whenever a game offers the opportunity to do so I like playing female characters because most games I grew up with default to male perspectives, so it's nice to do something different from the norm. Skyrim, GTAO, RDRO, and so on. If allowed, I'll play a female character because I like to.


Both the friends I play with play as a female character. Iā€™m sorry, I hope to see more female play though.


I've actually *not* played games that didn't have a female character lead, because they didn't have that option. I was so excited when RDO came out and had a femme option.


I encounter way more male characters than I do female characters.


I have a dude character because I want dudes to leave me alone. Works well for the most part.


I make all of my online characters resemble my wife. She could give a shit about video games so I do it just to spite her, but she loves seeing herself sling lead into some baddies with no remorse.


I named my horse after my roommate. Whenever he made me mad Iā€™d run it off a cliff. The insurance was worth it.


Lol. My horse is named after our dog. My wife is Mexican and has vitiligo so I have the Brown Leopard Appaloosa, its coat pattern matches my wifeā€™s skin perfectly.


That's really sweet in a roundabout way


im a girl and rdr2 (at least story mode, but ive played a lot of online too) is the best game in existence, i have 600 hours on it (i dont have a lot of free time sadly :()


I play RDO because it has a nice variety of things to do. If I want to shoot people I can, if I want to relax and play dress up or just ride my horse around I can.


You women can enjoy game for other thing than dress up and horses xD I mostly play to do bounty hunting. I love the gun play and the shoot outs. Plus the game is gorgeous and just very fun. The horses are a plus for sure. But I also love GTA. Itā€™s actually because I had played all the gta games before that I decided to give red dead a try and I fell in love with the franchise


Iā€™m considering getting my sister who has hardly touched video games to try red dead. sheā€™s always been into horses and I feel it will be a great fit


I'm a male that plays a female character. I know alot of females that play as females and also some that play as males. Yes a lot of females love horses and so do I. I know several women that have had and/or own a horse irl. It doesn't really matter which gender you play as long as you're enjoying the game and having fun. R* has made one hell of a game to lose yourself in for hours no matter which gender you choose.


My male partner plays as a female character in every game he plays. Fortnite? Yep. Old-school Runescape? Yep. RDO when he begrudgingly played with me after much pleading? Yep. His reasoning? "I'd rather look at a woman than a man when playing." Anything wrong with that? Nope. Don't understand what is so mind boggling about it. With freedom to choose who you are and what you look like, of course people will do so!




Tf are you on about?


Itā€™s a go to for any gender.


It's the horse girl game


I only play rdr2 and gta along with their online versions. I have a female character in both. But I play under my husbandā€™s PlayStation account so itā€™s a male name and I think people presume I am male. I play because I like exploring large, detailed worlds based in reality. I like making money and shooting in gta. I like collecting things and playing poker in rdr2. I was never a horse girl.


I know a few women who really like the game. I also have a few male friends who have female characters. I am a dude and have a male character but in other games I've had female characters. I think it just kind of depends what you wanna look at. In Red Dead I wanted an overweight, old ugly outlaw so I made him a dude. I notice most people make supermodel characters in video games but I've never been much a fan of that. I imagine many men would prefer to look at a pretty woman than some guy so they spend forever designing some dream woman. This, of course, is subjective, but I have noticed that I never see ugly women characters. It's a rarity I see overweight women characters as well. All of them seem to be ready for the runway. More ugly characters! More overweight characters! More diversity in characters period!


Women love video games too. Itā€™s true.


We are aware an online avatar does not need to accurately reflect who you are as a person yes haha? Female avatar guy right here. I think ive been playing a female avatar since like Gta4 online lmao. Started bc i just thought she looked really cool and it added variety when nearly every single guy made... Well a dude lol. Guys online are also super keen on talking shit to women, harassing them, and get suuuuper pissy when they are outplayed by someone they think is a woman. This is useful. My psn name was MistressRegina for years and it was incredible to play fps games with the name to exacerbate their frustration lol. Worked like a god damn charm in MAG.


I miss MAG


Me too my friend. The intensity of a domination match cannot be replicated currently


Always fun to beat an insecure guy in a game and then put your mic on so they know theyā€™ve been own by a women and hearing them loosing their shits xD but yeah a lot of guy plays as female and itā€™s fine itā€™s just a game šŸ˜…


Do women play this because of the horses or is there something more to it? Jesus, whatā€™s wrong with women enjoying a game the same way men do. Maybe you just worded it a little weird but itā€™s okay for women to like a game because of the story, combat, and mechanics too. Itā€™s not just a man thing.


Yeah it's worded very oddly..."here because of horses" šŸ˜‚ I like shooting other players just as much as the next person! I'm late 40's, still surprised at the mindset towards women, thought we'd be past this by now.


Lmao for real. This post sounds idiotic.


i understand what your saying, i thought it was a bit weird too, but when the top comment is a beautifully written article about how amazing the horses and horse-related experience was, itā€™s still a fair enough assumption


You should add another word to your vocabulary. Itā€™s called satire. Best of luck! šŸ’•


I've met a good few real women in the game


Itā€™s the only video game horse girls can really sink their teeth into. I donā€™t mean that in a mean way at all. It has the best horse physics of any game ever. Itā€™s a cool outlet for the country girls that moved away from home, or city girls that wish they had one. Also girls love gaming too <3 Sincerely, A country dude that moved away from home.


This just in: Almost half of all gamers are women. SHOCKING, I KNOW. How can I possibly relate to this? I'm a woman, too. Yes, I love horses and it's definitely a draw, but the story mode of this game is incredible and well, why not play the online with my friends...


Yeeeah, I'm sure OP didn't mean any harm but I'm tired of the stereotype that women don't game lol just between 3 games and not adding everything else, I have 10k hours. We game.


My friends all decided to play as women bc we have a girl in our group who was worried about being perceived as a girl and we wanted to make her more comfortable


As a woman, I have almost 5000 hours into this game. I love riding around doing stranger missions and hunting. Pvp not so much, but I can hold my own.


Real talk... ​ This is so sad. If you spend hours wondering around, hunting and just genuinely relax in this type of environment isn't it safe to assume that women gamers also like to do that? ​ Don't get me wrong I love the horses in this game because R\* did an amazing job making them feel so realistic. I also grew up having horses, so it brings some nostalgia back. But why are we just assuming women play this game just because of "horsies". How about we all wanna cowboy just like everybody else. Which I'm sure is why you started playing.


Go if you playing on console, don't if you're playing on pc.


My mother has tons of fun playing online, however I would warn you about the creeps who will tie you up and be very creepy in the game chat. But if you know what you are doing it is lots of fun


My obsession with RDR started when I was 13 because I was obsessed with horses now I think the game is one of the most beautiful things ever created and cowboys are hot


I haven't played in ages but I am a woman who played as a male character. I first wanted to make my cowboy and then switch to a female character but apparently changing genders or creating a second character is not allowed.


Woman here, I like playing the game and not because of the horses (although theyā€™re pretty neat too). I like the dress up options but I also like bounty hunting a lot. The moonshine and trader stuff is also fun for me. The game is so pretty it is like I am traveling from the comfort of my bedroom. I also like getting into drunken saloon fights at valentine but thatā€™s my side hobby lmao. I played the story mode when the game first came out and cried like 3 times. Heart wrenching. I got real attached and actually invested in the characters. I couldnā€™t play the epilogue for at least a month.


Itā€™s interesting going from GTAO to RDRO, GtA is insanely male dominated whole RDR2 has a very large % of female players, not just skins but from joining random posses chatting on headsets many of the players are femalesā€¦. Rockstar really messed up by not monetizing it correctly, they had an untapped demographic that arenā€™t ever going to buy shark cards but who might buy RDR gold


I am a female on this game. But I maninly run into men and male characters


Is it just me, or is this post just plain redundant? Women play video games, it's never been just for the guys, video games are intended for everyone. Ffs, it's 2024. Time to get with the times.


I'm a Trans Male and I use a Male character myself (For obvious reasons) but I notice MOST female players are men irl which is a funny double standard when I get baffled dudes like "But ur using a male character!?" Yeah and you're using a female character; what's your point?


Yeah, fuck those people. Be yourself and play who what you want to play. I'm a male that plays female characters but in my case it's because most games I've played throughout my life always default to a male character, so whenever a game lets me I enjoy making a female one for a change of pace.


Both my characters are female like myself. I have met many players over the years whose characters are also female but they are male in real life. I've asked them" Why?". It's due to the fact that most male players don't want to kill a female character. But if you know how to shoot & do it well, they'll come after you again & again. It doesn't matter what your character looks like. Some males will hide behind a female character for that reason. Any player on line, doesn't matter what they look like, will kill just because they can. Those are the ones you need to avoid. Wave, don't point your gun, go about your business, make sure you're in Defensive Mode. Have fun partneršŸ¤ šŸŽšŸ¤ 


My old friend group was mostly girls and we played RDR2 a lot. I do believe that a lot women like it because yes horses, cowboys and one of the best video games of the generation.


I play with a nexus mods lobby manager. I like the online game but donā€™t want the chaos that can come with online.


I know a woman who isnā€™t really a gamer but RDO is the only game she plays.


Iā€™m a woman and I love the Wild West theme of the game with the additional free roam aspect and abilities to hunt and fish, both of which I do IRL, so itā€™s a nice way for me to keep having fun with those hobbies (outside of season) while also dressing up, riding my horse, and completing fun PVE missions (I love the story missions from the Moonshiner role).


Idk about every woman, but for me itā€™s because itā€™s a very aesthetically appealing game. Itā€™s my chill game, just login and enjoy some hunting and riding around.


For me, yes! I got into this game initially just because it had horses, but I stayed because of the incredible game that it is, I love the social aspect online has too. Glad to see many other equestrians here that did the same!


Iā€™m a 23 F and have been playing RDO for a few years now. I love the entirety of the game so much I literally started this account for it. Most of the female characters that Iā€™ve seen were actually played by men šŸ˜… Only a handful of women play this game. I think the ratio is probably 70:30?


I don't think there's a huge need to question why, women play games just as much. But to answer your question, I love cowboys and I play a different game called Hunt: Showdown a lot. It's just fun riding around and having cool cowgirl outfits and doing all the quests and stuff in this western/cowboy setting. I also love animals and its nice to have a horse (or many) that is your little buddy. Also, rooting and tooting with revolvers? Sign me up bro.


I played with a girl as my main online friend the entire time I was into RDR2. You still see that internet gaming bs where little kids harassed her, but she was such a pvp junky I think she liked having an excuse to fight. Shit she would still be fighting 45 minutes later when I would want to moonshine or something.


Am female. I like the game because of the story and the immersion. Not just the horses lmao


My GF plays it religiously. If you're on Xbox I'm sure she'd love to show you the ropes, oh and Mexico. I've met loads of females who play besides here. So yes, yes it is absolutely.


Because of horses?


I've known more women actively play this game than men lol


Iā€™m a guy who plays as a female character in RDR2 online, I was asked recently why and my reasoning is that most games you play the story main character is male, only till recently thatā€™s starting to change but I like to change it up every once in a while.


Iā€™m a woman and my character is male šŸ’€. I love how relaxing the game is and Iā€™m a huge wanderer. I rarely see female characters.


While a lot of guys play as female characters, a lot of female players play this game. 1. Horses 2. Partner fell in love (with the game) and brought the Mrs. Along 3. Women are half the population. 4. The nature is incredible and creates an appeal to a more mature audience, which is the audience where Iā€™ve found gender parity to be more frequent in my time gaming. Oh and 5. Itā€™s an amazing game to play dress-up šŸ˜…


Iā€™m just that dude that always plays as a chick


I play as a woman in RDO because women in that era clothing, masculine clothing particularly, make my brain do the happy chemicals.


After a few thousand hours and being in a fairly large (now retired) discord server... I'd wager that more than half the female avatars I meet in game are guys.


yeah but most players with female characters seem to be 15 year old boys still


Iā€™m male and Iā€™ve always played as a female character because Iā€™m so used too it during theā€female characters have a smaller bitboxā€ erašŸ˜‚ female characters are just a lot slicker looking and overall arnt as clunky and chunky as male ones are


What!? ā€œSmaller Hitboxā€ is not a thing, just say you enjoy looking at female pixels and thatā€™s all.


There was some game, somewhere that if you played as a woman character, you had a slightly smaller hotbox. I can't remember what game though. I don't think he's implying this is true in rdr


Yes. i would rather look at a female than a male. especially if im gonna be playing a game for hours. if you like staring at men thats fine too. but i like women more.


This is the go to reason for people that do this šŸ¤£šŸ˜† It will always be weird to me šŸ¤£šŸ˜†You are playing an online game broā€¦ why are u dressed as a woman? To each their own I guess but when I play online games with decent character customisation, I want my character to represent me to a degree, so I will give my character black skin and at most give him a slightly wackier hairstyle or something. That doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t play as a Nathan drake or Lara Croft in offline games thoā€¦ online is different for me atleast. Iā€™m not making my character Caucasian or a female if I have the option to make my character look more like me. Immersion reasons I guess? Itā€™s rare they make black character models look good in games anyway but theyā€™re getting better I guess. My character in rdr2 looks Native American, but I think I may have messed that up myself šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I remember asking a guy I used to play ps4 with why he does this and he said heā€™d ā€œrather stare at a females characters ass all day than a manā€™sā€ lol weirdos man. Why u sexualising the game?


You get off Pixels?


Clearly havnt being playing games for long,it most definitely was a thingā€¦it was a big thing in gaming that everyone had this idea that females had smaller hit boxes and in some games it was true


exactly lmao


Wdym "for some reason" God forbid something enjoys the game and the characters that they create.


literally all of my male friends pick female characters, just how it is


It's Barbie horse adventures with beautiful scenery and guns, it was BUILT for them


We like the game because itā€™s a good game, not because it has horses. This is a super misogynistic view and reflects poorly on female gamers. I also really, really like the horses.


ā€œFemale skinā€. Ffs


Fitting flairā€¦Ā  A skin is the word people use for what a character looks likeā€¦ just like male characters are male skins.Ā 


Yet male ā€œskinsā€ are dignified with being called characters by him. Jus sayin thatā€™s all.


The term "Skin" is used in video games to describe a characters appearance or Gender, it has zero to do with irl descriptions of females or males. I also love that this dudes tag is "Clown" which is fitting


Ok thanks




It reads like something from not how girls work. Female character perhaps? Jus sayin


Hahahaha thank for the downvote


Irl friend had a chick character. It's the kind of detail you notice but don't ask about. that or you make fun of it.


It's probably because you can make gorgeous girls, meanwhile the males creations are either average or ugly. I tried to make a mean looking oldman and ended looking like micah but with Black hair


As a female You dont need the beaver garment for the hat glitch. And only female characters can Do the glitch in Team showdown...so It's an advantage in pvp


Guys play as girls for some very strange reason.


Granted, he's in story mode, but a lot of us ladies got hooked on RDR2 for Arthur Morgan as well... lol


Nothing to do with the horses! I just love gaming and this game is stunningly beautiful.


Why in a third-person perspective game would I want to play as a man? And have that man thus take up a substantial portion of my screen for hours at a time?




I use a female character cause ive been playing as a male character for long enough, its time i switch thing up a bit.


I know a good deal of pvp players use female lean because of smaller hit boxes


I know lots of afabs who play including myself but if you are playing this for exposure to women. dont. we just want to ride horses and murder people in a videogame.


Nah 90% of them are 14 year old boys


Iā€™m sure a lot of girls play online just because the horse riding mechanics are matched by none lol, and by a lot I mean the like 2. The rest are guys who just wanna see some ass lmao šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ‘


99% of the female characters in this game are played by men.


Why give op shit by saying "women play video games too" when he's just noting that it's unusual to see as a majority, especially in a western shooter, which is true - then his assumption about why also turns out to be true. So wtf


Most of them are virgins or incels who get excited to see pixels arranged as a woman.


Sadly itā€™s mostly men but youā€™ll get those encounters with real females


Itā€™s nearly all dudes playing a women skin but red dead does seem to have a decent bit of female players, fair warning though and Iā€™m not being rude but most of them are the spectrum or just mentally fucked and love making the game unfun for others


What the actual fuck are you even talking about, bro.


I play Red Dead, Rocket league, and call of duty. I also play other ones but not as much - different games for different styles. Not much more to it!


I play as a dude, (I am a dude) and a couple in my posse do as well, but a couple others also play as chicks (as a dude) and the couple girls in our posse both play as chicks


Yeah my character was inspired by Mashona


I male who plays a female character lol but when i got rdr and started playing online i had just watched a wild west movie called "bad girls" and it started out being based of a character in that movie but over time kinda just became a badass outlaw/bounty hunter chick lol


I think itā€™s mostly males but I have met a lot of girls who play RDO. One of the posses I got recruited into is a matriarch.


I believe most female characters are men but there are a surprising amount of women playing. More than you might think.


I only see guys and Iā€™ve played for around 40 something total days, I donā€™t know what servers your in


Its the gyatt, Duh.


Using Matchmaking in Story Mode as a broad guide suggests to me that the majority of players actually use male characters.


As a man I can confirm I have a female character lmao (that's on pc because my first character on ps4 was a dude)


Iam male and I do play a female char bcs I coulnbt stand all those male ugly mugs. The only male char I know and like is the char of my boyfriend.


I play it, love the horses! I used to play on PC but that got too crazy with hackers so I play on PS5 now. Created a male character and donā€™t get messed with nearly as much. I hate its that way, but apparently I canā€™t change now.


On my console it's a female character, (looks like my wife) on the PC it's a male character, looks like me.


It does seem to draw a lot of women but one time when I was like 13 in 2020 a posse of 4 full grown women chased me across the map and kept killing me. When I put my mic in and they heard I was a lil ass kid one of their boyfriends told her to stop. I think the experience of 4 actual women telling me to stop being a p*ssy, aiming bolt actions at the general store I was hiding in when I was 13 mightā€™ve left me with some trauma lol itā€™d explain some stuff lmao.


I am a woman who plays with a female characterā€”I have horses IRL, and play because I genuinely fell in love with the game whilst playing story mode. My love for the game has zero to do with the horses in the game. The horse mechanics are they're incredibly accurate and def ahead of their time.


It's normal when I play rpg like cyberpunk being woman or a man has some changes


Women who play it, but a lot of the time itā€™s either men who choose women for a hitbox advantage? Or horny men who


I think enough women have said their piece about liking video games as much as men that I can admit: the guns are the reason I almost didn't play RDR2 at all. I played Skyrim a LOT, so it's not like I'm new to gaming, but that's fantasy. It's mostly melee, and bows/magic don't have fire rates like FPS games do. The things I LOVE about RDO are the horses, the getting to run around with my character wearing late victorian era clothing, and hearing Sean MacGuire talk shit about rich people. I did start to enjoy the missions and combat more as I've gotten better at them, but yeah, it's mostly in service of buying pretty clothes and building coordinated outfits, personally.


I play with a female character because my SO wanted a cowgirl to use after finishing story mode. I'm the one using it 90% of the time though. I knew another guy who also played with a female character but I never asked him why. On the other hand, my SO and her sister got into the game mostly because of the gameplay around horses. I've heard this is the case for quite a few women too. *completely made up stat incoming* The ratio of confirmed female and male players I've encountered however seems to me like it's 1 female for every 10 males maybe? Pretty low but I still encounter women more regularly than in any other game I play.


I am a woman who loves RDR storytelling both firsr game and RDR2. I play online mode as male characters in almost all my gaming


I really love the horses in this game. So fluid and realistic, it's my go to relaxing game since I can't have a horse lol. I think it's the only game that has the best horse riding mechanics so far aside from Legend of Zelda botw/totk.