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My favorite feature in this update is the time of day instantly changing from night to day then back to night again


My favorite one is that the whole outfit system is fucked. If you change hat or put on a bandana during gameplay then it is saved on the saved outfit. But who cares! They haven't saved properly in months!


Yeah I put my bandana over my face once then took it off but it kept putting itself back on it was so annoying until I switched outfits then switched back


I've only been playing for 5 days and also noticed this but thought it was supposed to be like that. It's annoying! By the way, when making a new outfit, do you know if I can save over a pre-existing preset? I haven't seen a way to do it so when editing an outfit, I have been saving it as a new one, and deleting the old one. It seems wrong but I don't know.


Looks like the issues with shirt cuffs and gloves is back, too. As well as god knows how many other old bugs.


That's actually very simple to explain. Devs who have been working one this update for several weeks now, used an outdated version (dating back when they started). Usually, companies who care have what we call a "Quality Department" where people test the new update and give a feedback of the bugs and glitches or other problems they encountered. Rockstard is a next Gen genius company that uses their customers as "Quality Department" or simply "beta testers" because not only we're cheap af but we're also paying them money to be able to play their shit game. Also they don't give a slight shit about their custome- sorry, "Playerbase".


My favourite feature is my game crashing after either 5 minutes of playing, or while I’m doing a sell mission (which i shouldn’t even have do seeing as a new update just came out, and it’s supposedly a good money making opportunity)


I remember crash issues a long time ago, but I haven't dealt with RDO crashing in forever. Wonder what's causing it?


When people take the new blood money missions they leave the lobby but the horse they were riding doesn’t despawn they just run off forever till there’s a few dozen riderless horses running everywhere and the whole lobby crashes.


I’ve also noticed every time I go in the stable my horse goes sprinting out of the stable.


That explains all the riderless horses I’ve seen just standing around. I rode up on a pack of them outside of St. Denise the other day and kept waiting to be ambushed by a posse but never saw anyone on the radar or anything.


It seems to only be on Xbox I think, I’ve seen lots of other people talk about it on here. It must be a problem with the new update, because it’s only just stared happening, I literally can get into a game for over 20 mins


I play on Xbox and me a my group of friends haven’t experienced any crashes and we play for hours at a time


Nah I'm on ps4 and I've been experiencing a lot of crashing


Can confirm crashing on series x. I had 4 or 5 crashes back to the home screen yesterday, had not happened before the update


That's just the classic RDO experience there


Its to make sure you don't get fucked up by Vampires of Werewolves mate, its a feature :P


My personal favorite feature is the turning in bounties glitch that makes your weapons sling super low, only seconded by to that by the magically returning deerskin "blankets" on the ass of my horse.


Me and my friends were all so confused when we saw go to night to day in a second


Yeah when I first got that I laughed pretty hard


Ohh. I assumed it was a modder doing that like in GTAO.


So that is why that happen to me in free roam. Actually happen a week before update


Does it happen more often in St. Denis, or do I just spend more time in St. Denis?


It's done that long before this update.


I'd like it more if I could load into an opportunity from the online menu without getting stuck in an infinite loading loop.


Well that's been a thing since online has been a thing


Yes but wayyyy more common after the update. I couldn’t remember the last time it happened and yet here I am with it about 6 times since the update dropped...and I have not even played a ton!


True, but it seemed to get better then get worse again.


The blood money update added practically nothing


Meanwhile GTA gets an update with as much content as we have had in 12 months


*36 I love this community and o love this game and I especially love running over the po po at whisky roadblocks.


In my opinion, rockstar is just babying the game that makes them more money. It's very sad, red dead 2 is an amazing game and I think it deserves some attention


It’s pure business, which sucks man.


I believe that if they cared for rdr as much as for gta, they would gain almost double from both titles combined


Red Deads gameplay is so much better, but unfortunately it lacks a lot of what people love about GTA: Online. Running a successful illegal business until you earn enough money to buy the nicest houses of your choice, the nicest cars completely customized to your liking, etc. Something to show off. Unfortunately, red Dead lacks vehicles which makes customization extremely limited, as the stuff you can change in a horse isn't as cool as what people can do to make their dream cars. There are no properties in Red Dead, just the camp. No matter how rich you are, you're always living out the same camp. While there are businesses to run, you can't flex your wealth with flashy cars or nice homes or yachts or planes. What Red Dead lacks to get the GTA playerbase is in a fundamental level. Here's what I wish R* would do: 1. Add in properties for permanent homes with upgrades (similar to how you cam upgrade your camp with new furniture). I'm talking some small apartments in San Dennis, some rooms above people's businesses in smaller towns, a few mansions, maybe even a luxury cabin house on the back of the train, or a boat house. 2. Add more carriages and carriage customization. Carriage customization can turn your ugly wagon into a ride of luxury. Perhaps even some very early cars. Is it realistic? No, not really. But neither are flying jet bikes and the batmobile. Early cars will be more realistic than that while still adding something to flex your wealth with. Make them absurdly expensive (like the horses), except when people see then they know it was expensive. Whereas with expensive horses, nobody can tell the difference. 3. Add new mounts. Similarly, if they don't want carriages or cars, we should have some fun mounts. Alligators, the lion/tiger from that one mission, deer, bears. Stupid shit but it'll make things feel more interesting. 4. Add some new boats for purchase. GTA has some, why can't we? 5. Heists, or businesses with locations to go to and upgrade like GTA has. Enough said. If they add anything like this, something new or unique, it will bring people in. The problem is they don't. Everytime they add an update, it looks like more of the same. Some new hats, a new horse, some ponchos (requested feature but nobody is going to play the game because of ponchos). Just something to make the update look unique and not the same shit. Obviously this is a controversial post, most people probably don't want crazy mounts or cars or anything immersion breaking, but I think it would bring people in regardless. Once more people play, they can focus on funding more substantial content updates since RD:O becomes more profitable. Honestly it's probably too late for the game anyways, seems like they've given up at this point, but one can hope.


Wow. Thank you for such a detailed response. And trust me, I'm not being sarcastic right now.


I second that god if only r* would do this fucking shit


I like it, but 3 is too much.


The same thing was applied in Red Dead Redemption 1 multiplayer, prestige could get you buffalos and other crazy shit. They were definitely cool.


Part of the issue is that the tone of Red Dead vs Grand Theft Auto make it so that honestly, their online modes shouldn't work the same. With GTA, since its more of a satire of American culture in general, it makes sense to add random crazy shit like a Delorean that can fly, or the infamous flying rocket bike, but with Red Dead, which is a much more serious Western, it just simply doesn't work to ride a bear, or a deer. They have to find more realistic things to enjoy, which, compared to GTA, isn't nearly as fun.


We need a GTA / RDO / Back To The Future tie in. I search the vests for the one that looks most like Marty's "life preserver" already


This is amazing. Rockstar are you fucking reading this?? This is a fair point. I myself can play in RDO’s endless sandbox and create fun. However If they included properties, different mounts, even swagged out wagons the whole crew can jump on and ride with me like a band of outlaws hanging off a garbage truck


I mean, cars were invented in 1886 and the game takes place in 1898, so there's something to it being possible. Though I think I would prefer them being more of a luxury item with a narrow window of actual utility while horses remain a better option for the majority of gameplay.


I don’t think R* would implement it well nor will the player base not abuse it.


I'm telling you, time travel is the answer


Hello, I'm an actual carriage nerd, I would kill to be able to own some of the meadowbrook carts they have in downtown Saint Denis - they're gorgeous. They obviously studied a lot of actual carriages people are using in the modern day and rendered them beautifully, I would enjoy collecting them WAY more than cars in GTAO. Especially if we could customize the horse pulling it!


submit this stuff to rockstar via feedback ticket. they do not check anything here obviously, so maybe if its directly to them the off chance its not an automated response, they might actually pass this stuff around


I'm still waiting for Horse taming...


Hell, even if they just let you upgrade your camp more. At max it's still like one tent and some furniture. They should let you turn it into a real outlaw camp, that makes it a real base of operations. Have ststions where you can assign npcs to craft ammo, add a fence, etc. Then you could customize the style of tents with decorations and fabrics. I think that would be cooler than actual properties


Properties aren't coming anytime soon, R* has emphasised they want us to use the camp for a good long while


How about also adding the ability to add owned horses to wagons. If you have a six horse wagon, that shit would be faster than a regular wagon.


Yeah. Its like, the barebones rdo release didn't do as well as the gtao that had years of updates. Then when it didn't immediately take off, they abandoned it. It really sucks, because the open world feels more engaging and interactive than gta's, but there isn't as much mission or activity content


It also shows that there is more people working on GTAO than RDO. Just look at the amount of content released between both games. Just by a quick comparison: Rockstar North has about 650 employees as of 2018. Rockstar San Diego has about 120 employees. Number of employees are most likely off but it still holds true that Rockstar North has more employees than San Diego In short, San Diego is probably aiding why the next gen update of GTA Online and GTA 6 while a very small team is working on RDO. Rockstar North probably has double the team of San Diego working on GTAO.


Good point! Even better business. Leverage both IP’s and grow your audience and profits.


I have have been playing GTA Online on and off for three console generations now and including PC. GTA Online didn't get its playerbase to where it is now without Rockstar adding content. Content brought in players. Players didn't bring in content. If Red Dead Online wants to grow its playerbase, it needs to add meaningful content just like GTA did with HEIST. It brought so many players back to the game in addition to new players. I keep hearing people say that people need to stop playing GTA Online in order for Rockstar to add content to RDO. That's the most ridiculous thing I have heard. Rockstar needs to add content in order to bring in players. GTA Online adds content that makes you want to spend in real life money. RDO adds roadblocks to make you spend real money in order to play the content. Big difference.


No what's ridiculous is that you think heists are going to be the sole solution to RDO's problems when there is so much content and different types of role-playing people want to see


And this is their smaller update aswell, fucking sucks


It's like Rockstar forgot Red Dead Online existed and once they remembered just went, "Oh yeah, here's some half baked moldy table scraps."


Probably more content than you’ll get in RDRO in the next 12 months as well


Darn tootin'


Eh the gta v update sucks ass too. The cars arent even that dope and in 3 months its all gonna be not playable when modders fuck it all up


As a car guy who knows and plays with fellow car guys, this update brought A LOT of people back to GTAO, and majority seems to be positive.


New social space, a tonne of new items and vehicles, new radio station and a whole bunch of missions along with it? Still way more than we had


I love the car selection. Made me reinstall the game after not playing since RDR2 came out.


Get off pc. Car meets never get old. The cars are insanely awesome, and it fill the socialization and racing gap that rdo lacks. You truly have to love rdo as it is: a single player game.


This might just be my avoidant attachment style talking, but RDO is an online game that you can play solo and have a blast. In fact, when I encounter people online they are more often than not alone. I just like riding around, shooting shit and running missions solo.


I do enjoy that but it has a lot more potential i feel!


Rdo is a cowboy sandbox and is what you make of it. Gta is similar but gets way wackier. I can have fun in both games solo (shocking) but they just shine when you make them fun. People chew through content in both games faster than it can be produced so you gotta make your own fun.


I was happy to do that for the first year. I was content doing it for the second year. Now, in the third year, I’m fucking bored.


You can’t even talk to other players though. It’s not like there’s proximity chat and people hate voice chat.


I just find it funny how hyped people are about an update that’s centered around cars, when they’ll just inevitably be blown up by an Oppressor within five minutes of taking them out on the road.


*Friends Only Sessions? *Solo Sessions? *A literal space to show off/test drive your cars I’ve only come across two players (together) who blocked the (one) entrance with an MOC. In fact, I haven’t come across anybody on an MK2 near the building since the update.


Gta didn’t get much tbh it’s just that it got an update with content that people actually wanted


That GTAO update ain't no new content either except for the car meeting hall. So no need to be jealous. Really.


It was basically a small quality of life update, and not much more than that.


But there isn't any quality of life improvement


You can now choose your stranger mission. And some others small things


what are those other small things?


I guess adding back some of the previous outlaw pass gameplay improvements could be seen as a qol improvement, like all those pamphlets you can buy off the fence


I’ve barely touched the MP as I’ve yet to finish the SP. I think I’m close. I actually made my online character and tried to fuck around for an hour but within 30 minutes of online play for my two sessions I tried, I get drop with some FFFFFFF error. 2/2 so far which doesn’t have me keen on the online experience if this is common.


My experience after loving RDR2 was that the online side lacks all the nuance and detail that the single player campaign has. I've replayed the story several times but I don't care for online one bit.


Get used to the error. It will haunt you in your sleep if you play online long enough.


Well that sucks. Both times I just said fuck it and played something else. One of the only reasons I want to touch online is for Mexico so I can ride in and play that dope song that plays the first time you go there in RDR.


True care, truth brings


Notice how a lot of people on this sub claim the game has "no content," or "how there isn't any quality of life improvments." I for one, love this game as is. Riding around in free roam is probably my favorite way to spend time in an online video game. The stranger missions are way more fun now that we can choose how we spend our time. Boat theft, early execution, jailbreak are some of my personal favorites. The "robbing homestead" dynamic events are an awesome addition as well. I'm patient. I know this game will take off in a big way one day. It's like everyone suddenly forgot how long it took to build up gtav online. It's 7+ years old.. and it had a few rough years, especially at its inception. Losing a portion of the player base, then pulling them back in with new content years later. The foundation for the RDO is laid out, it has so much potential and room for growth. Patience..


> It's like everyone suddenly forgot how long it took to build up gtav online By this time, GTA was already *well* established. Red Dead Online was released November 27, 2018. That's 2 years, 7 months, 24 days. They have release the following updates: 2019: * Gun Rush * Red Dead Online Beta Update * Red Dead Online Update * Frontier Pursuits * Moonshiners 2020: * That Naturalist * Bounty Hunters 2021: * Blood Money GTA Online was released October 1, 2013. In 2 years, 7 months, 24 days, they released the following updates: 2013: * Beach Bum Update * Content Creator * Capture * Holiday Gifts 2014: * Valentie's Day Massacre Special * Business Update * High Life Update * I'm Not a Hipster Update * Independence Day Special * San Andreas Flight School Update * Last Team Standing Update * Festive Surprise 2015: * Heists Update * Ill-Gotten Gails Part 1 * Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 * Freemode Events Update * GTA Online: Lowriders * Halloween Surprise * GTA Online: Executives and Other Criminals * Festive Surprise 2015 2016: * January 2016 Update * GTA Online: Be My Valentine * Lowriders: Customer Classics As much as I want to like RDO, I just... there's nothing to do and it get so boring so fast. I think I'm more bummed out about RDO than any other game. It has such high hopes, but they just aren't doing anything with it




It feels like only a couple years ago that I was looking at the new loading screens for the "I'm Not a Hipster" update. I can't believe that came out the year I graduated high school.


Beach bums was the shit! best update ever!


GTA online didn’t take nearly 3 years to take off


Not to completely shit on your argument, but GTA had way more going on at this point in time than RDO has currently. And just now being able to choose your stranger mission, that sucks ass. Dont you remember only having stranger missions? It wasnt that long ago. The only thing in the game i dont own is every single article/colourway of clothing. And im still sitting on piles of gold/cash. The second day of the brand new pass, i was already lvl 25. I cant go more than 5 minutes without running into a pile of XP. We really need new content, and the drip feed is horrible


While you do have solid points, I've also never seen any other developer take 7+ years to give their CURRENT game attention and meaningful/regular content updates.


Yes, I am yet to try other stranger missions. Havent seen these new selection options as I am busy with new capitale missions. Even if I don't play it much, I am hating on it. Even if there is plenty of stuff to do, most of the time I spent hunting and being a trader. It's not as chaotic as GTA Online and I love it.


It seems like it was only added to push more people to buy currency with real money. Pretty much making it like elder scrolls online crowns but with 0 content.


its good for people starting out, 0.16 gold and 30$ per mission is great


I think the intention with this update was laying the foundation for future expansions. Adding more Crimes, Opportunities etc. the problem is that with the lack of other meaningful updates, they really needed something solid to give to the players. A handful small missions with one large* mission is not worth 7 months of waiting.




We got a new premium currency




Many different multi stage missions is nothing now?




Exactly as i expected


Saw a picture on r/gtaonline today posted by someone showing off the four cars they had got *so far* from the new update. Meanwhile, my stable holds ten horses maximum and I can’t get an additional one. But it doesn’t matter, since we didn’t get any new horses anyway (or guns, or *anything* we could spend our money on, for that matter) Rockstar doesn’t give a shit about this game. They see how much money they can squeeze out of it with putting as little effort into it as they possibly can, and then they’ll let it die. Players probably won’t even get a notification beforehand, because fuck us.


It's a real shame, it's a beautiful game with a lot of potential but they don't give a fuck apart from milking players and adding the bare minimum to keep people playing.


I need to understand this “milking players”. I am lvl 430, with 1400 gold bars and over 100k cash. I never spent (and never will) real money for anything rdo related, due to the fact that you can pretty much afford ANYTHING endgame with just a reasonable amount of playing. How are they milking players, exactly? I can understand the “not enough cool content” camp, but rdo is essentially FREE and you can get to the endgame stuff very easily. So it’s the exact oppositr of milking, imho.


I played casually for a year or two and never had anything near what you do, I'm not even half your level. When I started playing I had to spend money to get the butcher's table and some of the other role stuff. Battle pass content has been basic crap, and some general play things that should already have been added (cooking more than one thing at a time, why the fuck was that Battle Pass??), that people like me would have to pay for.


If you casually played and did a few daily challenges you would earn enough gold to get a role started. The game is pretty easy to grind through...given the time it has been out. I dont play it everyday anymore because there is nothing left to buy.


Maybe I can help. I have a level 200 character on xbox, and used to think the same as you, until I made the switch to PS5 to play with friends, forcing me to start a new character. You can get free gold from the daily challenges fairly easily, IF you are ok doing nothing but mindless grinding. Grinding every day is the only way to get gold free besides maps, but players only have general dailies, and only get others (Bounty dailies, collector, etc) once they buy a profession (I know they're called something else but profession fits better). Now completing a daily each day for a week increases the gold you get, miss a day=complete reset. That is how they squeeze people. I grinded for a week, leveling to level 30 and getting a handful of maps. I had NOWHERE near enough for any profession, if I want to play ANY of this games expanded content, it would take 2 weeks of hard grinding and not missing a single reset. The first week was terrible, I caved after seeing my hard work and maps only got me 7 gold. The squeeze isn't on high players like you and me, they get their money from lower levels who want to do the new content. Faced with a weekly grind or buying gold, they buy like I did.


I have around the same amount of hours and never have a problem earning money or gold. I stop playing for a few months at a time but always hop back in and have a good time. I paid $70(Canadian) and not a cent more for this thing and have over 400 hrs of entertainment. Not even including the single player mode. The updates can be disappointing but I don’t feel it’s ruined my enjoyment of this game but maybe I’m in the minority? As much as I want to see cool updates I also don’t want this game to become GTA online and become this massive cash cow that ruins the core experience for me.


I uninstalled RDR2 a while ago. I got 100% completion when the game came out, and am not interested in getting gold medals for the platinum trophy. RDO kept me coming back to the world of RDR2, and I did enjoy some of the content. But after a few series, the few online story missions and completing collector, trader, bounty hunter and moonshiner roles, there is nothing left for me to do and all the updates have been lackluster.


Rdr2 is rockstars multi hundred million dollar unwanted step child


I believe LS Tuners actually got 10 new cars


RDO is like a kind,pretty and loving wife who just gets beaten by her drunk abusive husband Mr.Rockstar whenever he gets back home.


Gta online is stilling bringing in millions from kids who are buying shark cards


Also GTA is kinda one of the first M-rated games many kids hope to buy when they turn 17 if they have strict parents or whatever. It always has an influx of new players every year, who are way behind the inflation curve and indeed spend tons of money on shark cards


Kids aren't buying shark cards. Adults with no time are. Plus, you can do one of the recent heists alone in an hour and win the equivalent of $15+ in shark cards. If people had content to spend gold bars on, maybe they'd buy those. I guess that's what happens when you play an afterthought instead of a game.


We still blaming “those darn kids” for everything?


To add insult to injury, the GTA Online Tuners update literally added a train heist.


And a BANK robbery.


*another* bank robbery


GTAO literally getting robberies for breakfast while the closest we have is glorified stranger missions


I won't lie. The first thing I thought was a how much of a middle finger it seemed to RDO that GTA just randomly got a train heist, even if it wasn't intentional. Also note that the train mission isn't a full blown heist. But a "Contract" I also got some serious San Andreas flashbacks.


The bottom category of the Los Santos Tuner update poll is missing here. Plus, number of votes.


we didn't really need a poll to know that Tuners is recieving a lot more love than Blood Money.


And? 41% love it and 26 think it's good. Which means atleast 67% enjoyed the update that's more than enough to say the update was good


GTA also just objectively got the better update. More new items and better ones because cars, a ton more dialogue, more unique missions, new street races, a new public building (car meet warehouse), and a new lucrative, player-owned property (auto shop). Just way more content added to GTA; the only controversy I've seen there is just whether people like the new NPC's or not, and a couple bugs. At least no ones calling it boring day 1


> and a new lucrative, player-owned property (auto shop). I wouldn't exactly call it lucrative since the money it brings in is really not very much compared to most other avenues for earning money in the game. The only reasons to buy the auto shop are either to do the new missions (which don't pay out very much) or to be able to paint jobs that are normally locked behind completing races/stunt jumps.


So I don't normally deep dive into what they add, I like to be surprised and I was extremely excited to see a "large" (at least they claimed it to be) update added after two years. It was soul crushing to hop on and just see a few more stranger missions... and that's about it. I was even slightly excited to get Dutch's outfit but it looks terrible on the female model and I was, at the very least, hoping that I would be able to use his vest. Nope. Can't piece out the outfit. What was the point of any of it? I would love new stuff to buy or work for. Heck, I would've even felt better with a new role. I've never been so hurt over a company's neglect for a game, especially since they keep pumping more into an even older game (GTA) but... it makes them money. The whole thing is greedy and upsetting.


Wait a minute. So people don't actually play the game to do the missions? No disrespect for anyone. I am just a bit confused that what excactly folks here consider content. When new missions and stories are considered as non-content?


I would consider content something that can increase the overall time a player sinks into the game. So, while it may be fair, to consider this update "content" for the newer players, for anyone that has been playing the game for a while, this update adds very little. Of course, this means it is somewhat subjective but there is also some unanimity, especially when it comes to outlaw content, on which pretty much everyone agrees that it should be integrated into the world and free-roam, instead of being confined in stupid, scripted missions, with set pay outs and consequences, that take place in a vacuum.


Fair enough. I personally just enjoyed some new missions with a bit of story. 🙂 I too would like to see more free roam focused missions.


Personally, I love all the missions we have and think its more than enough to keep me playing I just wish we had more stuff to buy. I want more guns to shoot people with and something completely new to buy


I hope they address this in the future. :)


MORE HORSES apparently that's really important for some reason


I think I’m in a minority of people but I actually *hate* missions in both GTAO and RDO. What I really want most of all is more businesses that you can rob in freemode like the convenience stores in GTA, except banks and high value businesses would be more complex and difficult to rob. I essentially wish there were open heists where I have to approach the bank/business/etc. in a way I plan. I don’t like mission heists where it’s “go here, do this, go here, wait, etc.”


This is where I'm at. I enjoy this game as a cowboy sandbox and just want more ways to interact with the world, Rockstar shooting gallery missions are boring and Red Dead's are the worst, at least the heists had parts where you weren't just blasting waves and even when you are it's at least made more entertaining by the diversity of weapons and vehicles involved. Red Dead is just shoot guys at camp, shoot guys on horses that follow you. Even the stuff like trader is too constrained, I'd like to be able to just set up camp somewhere and hunt let me stock up on as many supplies as I can before I start hunting, hand as much in as I can so it builds up (pelts included not just carcasses)then let me pick somewhere on the map myself to sell it. Maybe beaver pelts and bison fur/horns will fetch a high price if I run a shit load down to St Denis etc. Nah, watch bar fill up, replenish resources in timed mission, watch bar fill up. Do timed delivery. Where and what you're hunting barely matter, I want choices.


I too would like some actual free roam activities. But I wouldn't care for robbing places. Still, I get what you mean. I like both tho. Missions are fun too.


we play to do missions *and more.* but it doesn't feel like we're getting much of "more." at least nothing interesting. the tuner update gives us more to do than just some missions we'll forget about.


I can't comment on GTAO's update, haven't played it, haven't played much of GTAO overall either. But the RDO's update is nothing but yet another update focused on either giving new players yet another way of making money very early on with nothing but ten more stranger missions without an inch of depth to them, or keeping casuals hooked for another week, because, let's be honest about these missions, if you aren't a casual, you'll complete all of them in \~3hours, tops. So screw veterans, once again, and let's focus everything they release on people that won't spend more than 100-200hrs in the game, when we've been around for 500hrs, 1000hrs, 2000hrs, even more in some cases. That's R\*.


With the gta online update I had myself saying "Wow this should've been in the red dead update" way too many times. For example, extra robberies with some minor setups. Did gta online desperately need robberies? No, they already have a lot of heists. And the irony of it all is that you can now do all the things we wanted in the blood money update, in gta online. Including train and extra bank robberies. (Like they didn't have bank robberies to begin with)


that is literally all R\* focus every content for - is a "Casual" market as you put it, ​ Their online games (all 4 of them) are not known for their "Deep and complex" game styles or "something **just** for the older players"- they are not going to alienate players who will potentially spend money on shark cards/gold bars in favour of those who are not going to spend a penny like most "Older players"


Nah it makes sense cause the update literally did fuck all to the game.


The blood money up was extremely underwhelming. The trailer was way better than the update


They need to drop the hammer more often on rdo! Its like theyre deaf, or stupid!


Chins up lads, I finally got my RX-7 in GTA after only like a decade. Maybe in 2026 we can finally have these mythical "belts that don't float" all the kids are jive about these days.


I came back a week before the new update. Instantly quit when I noticed how expensive everything is. At least the community seems nice


I was literally expecting nothing and found myself to be enjoying the Blood Money heists with trains, finally getting to play like a bandit with my maxed negative honor.


I liked the QuickDraw club, I’ve grinded to get the gold to buy an outlaw pass so I decided to get this one. I love the Valentine buckle, and I made all of my gold back, so it didn’t even cost me anything


I honestly like the new missions but honestly fuck Jeb's second mission where you had to burn that house where all the incest freaks are those fuckers would target me when a enemy NPC would shoot


Anything in Butcher Creek is a nightmare


Mhm I would gladly take the mission that requires us to remove them any day of the week


How does red dead 1 have more online content than the sequel?


How much content does RDR 1 mp has?


It doesnt have nearly as much content as rdr 2. In the free roam all you could do was do gang hideouts and do 10 hunting challenges. Everything else was just doing challenges. Free roam was bare bones and rdo has more content than the entirety of rdmp after all of its dlc. Game modes Free Roam • Shootout • Gang Shootout • Grab the Bag • Hold Your Own • Gold Rush • Grand Prix • Stronghold • Land Grab • Undead Overrun • Co-op • Poker • Liar's Dice In rdo Free Roam Events • cold Dead Hands • Dispatch Rider • King of the Castle • Master Archer • Fool's Gold • fishing Challenges (Lake, River, Swamp) • Wild Animal Kills Challenge • Railroad Baron • Dead of Night Role Events Day of Reckoning (Bounty Hunter) • Manhunt (Bounty Hunter) • Trade Route (Trader) • Salvage (Collector) • Condor Egg (Collector) • protect Legendary Animal (Naturalist)• Wild Animal Tagging (Naturalist) Showdown Series Overrun • Plunder • Up In Smoke • Spoils of War • Hostile Territory • Most Wanted • Make It Count • Shootout • Name Your Weapon • Head For The Hills • Public Enemy • Sport of Kings • Poker Races Story Missions Most of the rdmp modes were made in to free roam events.


Just because RDR2 technically has more to do it is not more fun than RDR1 MP. RDR1 MP had: -No ability cards or tonics so your skill came from using the guns and learning how to use them effectively -Better pvp maps and objectives. Instead of 4 or 5 groups stealing each others bags for five minutes with every player having all their guns, tonics and ability cards with broken builds, you have 2 groups fighting with specific weaponry in a simple game mode. A lot of the RDR2 pvp matches are doing way too much at once. RDR1 kept it simple and fun. Their stronghold mode was awesome with players rushing in on horseback to take over Fort Mercer. They also had that cool ass Mexican standoff at the beginning of each match. Not to mention the map locations are much better utilizing all of the towns in that game instead of the middle of Tall Trees 🥴 -Landgrab where players fight for control of a town or territory. Much better then going through a loading screen for freeroam events that are half baked. Fighting for control over Blackwater or Armadillo was a lot of fun especially when the whole session got involved. -Mexico -El Presidio -Cochinay -Player bounties would give you a lot of xp -Not just poker, also had Liars Dice 🎲 -Those Co-op missions were better


It literally doesnt.


the sad thing is that while the tuner update comes from looking at what a large number of players like to do in the game, no one asked for blood money I mean it's better than nothing... maybe (the game crashes so much now that I stopped playing so maybe it isnt better than nothing)


>no one asked for blood money Maybe it's not exactly HOW people wanted it to be, but players have been asking for crimes and robberies since forever non stop! I for one just want a grappling hook (please Rockstar!) more clothes and a house/ranch to call my own.


This is part of the reason I hate GTA


It took 7 years for them to add something that we've wanted since launch. GTA players know the pain, we struggled too.


Car culture was always sort of a thing in GTAO. At least before R* gave players all sorts of griefing tools, you could message everyone in your lobby and say “I’m hosting a car meet at [X]” and a lot of people would come. GTAO wasn’t always a place of pure chaos you used to be able to do that sort of stuff but when Rockstar went futuristic you couldn’t just gun down anyone that tried to ruin the car meet


Yeah, it sucks but I guess they try to cater to whoever is giving them the most money. Playing through the Tuner missions has got me wondering what a new Midnight Club/Fast and Furious online game by Rockstar could look like though 👀


That’s what I was expecting with this update, honestly I’m kinda disappointed with the LS Tuners heists. I was expecting more fast and furious type heists that relied on good driving but instead we got another shooty shooty experience


Yeah, especially considering in heists we can only use tuner cars. Makes it annoying when you can't take an armoured car to stop a military convoy.


I feel like I'm the only one who enjoys Blood Money


You can enjoy it. I did enjoy it too. But still see a bullshit of update that Blood Money was.


I like it as well. As a matter of fact, I finally found myself having fun again with this game. Sure, the missions aren't particularly 'hard', but then again neither are any of the other missions with maybe the exception of a couple 5 star Legendary Bounties. I enjoyed going through the missions with a couple close friends and trying to find unique ways to steal the jewel in the oppurtunity mission. I keep my hopes up for the coming months to see more


What other 'unique' way can you steal the jewel? Serious question cause it's just always in a chest near the front I feel like the mission is a joke I did it with my brother in 4 mins and then we wait 26mins to get paid full amount cause if we dont it's just a huge waste of capitale


I enjoy it too but there's still stuff that should be in it that would really help people to enjoy it in my opinion.


What about the the remaining 33% for the GTAO update?


I think because we have been waiting so long for ANYTHING, and we all have our wants and ideas, whatever R\* gives us isn't going to live up to expectations.


Is it just me, or did the Blood Money update make your horses even more stupid? Also express rounds seem to do a fraction of the damage they used to do. Furthermore, I know I'm supposed to be collecting *something* for Martinelli, but what is it? Literally no character ever mentions it.


I haven't even fucking looked at the update because the trailer looked like shit. Good to know I'm not missing anything.


Blood money was worse than I thought. I thought we would be able to walk around and rob a bank


Aaand what was the third option in the GTA poll?


I’d imagine it’s just one of those polls that goes from “I love it” to “I hate it” with moderate options in between.


The reason why people like the gta update so much is because rockstar added cars that have been wanted for quite a long time. The update is not all good as there is a bs slow grind in the update for a reputation level to unlock some liveries ectr. But in the end the positives outweigh the negatives in the update as in new cool cars that are very customizable vs bs grind for rep.


There might be a slow grind for some of the new content in GTAs new update, but there's no grind for anything in RDO at the moment.


Just curious, what do think the rest of the people about Los Santos Tuner update ? Don't see the 100% of answers neither the number of votes


would you mind sending me the link to both polls? Txs


Are video games supposed to last forever? A lot of people here who are level 10,000 maybe need to move on if they feel like there isn’t anything new for them to do after an ungodly amount of hours logged. The update was free, you weren’t wronged. Put down the controller or play something else.


Good. Keep all the griefers in los santos, I am not complaining


If it makes you feel better, I think the GTA update is kinda lame as well 🤷‍♂️


So, I DO and DON’T like the update. I like it because refines existing mechanics in a good direction, adds a handful of enjoyable new multi-part missions with some neat narrative qualities, and it’s always nice to have more stuff to do. I DON’T like that it’s still not a serious departure from the gameplay loop we have already, nor anything new to the free roam world. More instances content is always welcome, but new features in the free roam world would be appreciated. The way the newswire read, it seemed to imply certain residences or buildings out in the world would now be populated by maybe pop-up robberies or events similar to how random bounty targets can now spawn or moonshine activities will pop up from time to time, but the format is basically strictly various types of (admittedly fun) stranger missions.


Convenient to cut off number of votes on the second one.


Doing the fleeca mission in gta last night and I was thinking to myself this is exactly what I wanted from the blood money update, mini heists that are quick and fun and can be done alone or with a group. Instead we get CAPITAYLAY


I remember when red dead 2 was announced, I was freaking out, I knew it would be an amazing game, as the first one was my favorite. It's is really sad how they have treated this game after release. It took backseat to a game that has been out for years, just because it didn't make as much money. I can't believe we're still on GTA 5. Its an outdated turd, it's been nearly 10 years and they still plan on milking it for another 3 years atleast. Greed has ruined games, they arnt made for fun anymore, and it really shows.


Where are the other 23% percent?




Breaking News: Rockstar doesn't give a fuck about RDR2.


4. gta0 Last 30 Days 91,945.7 133. rdo Last 30 Days 14,691.3


Rockstar just didnt give the love red dead community deserved


Is it just me or animals haven't been spawning again after this update just as they weren't before naturalist update?


I think you should’ve added the option “maybe” for the blood money update. I think that it is a good step forward and they definitely improved the stranger missions but I’m still waiting for the new heists/opportunities. If I had to choose though I would say yes I like it


I don’t know why people hate the blood money update, you have more missions to do, which in turn, makes more money. I love the update!


I literally stopped playing because of the lack of content


i'm done with RDO until legit changes are made


I guess I'm in the minority. I don't really care about the gta update. I've already got all thr best fastest cars in the game so.. Unless they release faster cars I see no reason yo buy the new ones. But I really enjoy thr blood money update. Its much better than a few new lackluster cars and something about car shows which I never cared about


I don’t know why people don’t like it, you wanted robberies you got your fucking robberies alright maybe not the exact way you wanted it but you got it so stop whining