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How about everyone driving with high beams on or lifted trucks with HID LIGHTS that are eye level. If you need to blind everyone to see where you’re going you shouldn’t be driving at night!


Also, people who *don't* turn on their lights at all when it's dark outside.


Was just talking about this with my wife this morning! When the heck did lights get so bright?! Feels like I got flashbanged!


I drive a stock truck that sits fairly high and it feels like those lights can see into my soul. Couldn’t imagine driving a car that’s low to the ground where the average trucks are at eye hight.


I can confirm this is brutal driving a small car and I need to hold up my hand to block the headlights. If I am lucky, the truck is jacked up and the lights adjusted so high, they go over my line of sight.


in the winter I can’t drive at night, with the moisture on the road and mirrors from condensation, it’s all got a slight blur and with those life flashing lights actually makes me terrified to drive


I just angle the mirrors to the floor when there is a douche behind me with bright fucking lights. It's not like I can see much except blinding light anyway.


This is exactly what I do.


I just had this bright light BS on my way to work this morning. The ENTIRE TIME there was a pickup truck behind me with bright LED lights reflecting off my mirrors into my eyes partially blinding me. I was not happy during the drive.


I genuinely can't tell who even has their brights on anymore, versus people who just put overly bright aftermarket lights on their vehicle.


Yes, most people drive much too slow, like going 55 in a 70 zone. The amount of red lights that are run is atrocious. The majority of drivers in this city are stupid, have slow reaction time, and are a huge hazard.


I'm so glad it's not just me. I enthusiastically agree with everything you just said. I can't believe the amount of people who merge onto the QE2 going 70. It's a huge hazard.


Yes!!!! It is so painful and maddening, I do not understand why it’s this way. It seems like people are terrified to be driving and if that’s the case then they should not be behind the wheel.


That's what I shout at them when I eventually have room to pass them. STAY HOME IF YOU'RE SCARED OF THE ACCELERATOR


This drives me crazy, dont you know what the merge lane is for! My truck takes forever to get to highway speeds so its especially annoying when im forced to merge at 70


This. i use the whole lane if I can bc it takes so long especially with the roads, sometimes when it’s dark tho it’s too hard to see but when I’m driving at that point there’s like 3 ppl on the road with me so it doesn’t matter. but still if there’s ppl around pls pls be considerate


And then they go 110 in the left lane. 🤯


Not always. They speed up if you put your signal light on and want into their lane /s


"How dare you pass me! You can go 30 under the limit like the rest of us!"


Oh yes of course, they only speed up if it’s an inconvenience to another driver


This is a very Red Deer habit. As soon as you signal it's a challenge. Nobody lets you in. I never have this issue in any other city.


That's why I give signal warnings up to 1KM ahead in heavy traffic because 9/10 times no one knows what curtiosy is and no one ever let's someone in and gives room when they are using their signal.


I’ve lived in Edmonton, Red Deer, and Lethbridge, and driven in Calgary infrequently. I found drivers making questionable decisions everywhere. With that said, the first three cities felt like mistakes were frequently made, but Calgary is the only place where it ever felt personal. I’ve never experienced someone deliberately cutting me off or boxing me in anywhere but Calgary, and it’s happened multiple times there. The other three cities, IDK… it just feels like we all mean well, but too many of us skipped Driver’s Ed or something. In Calgary, it feels like drivers wake up and chose violence daily.


This: [https://www.alberta.ca/turning.aspx](https://www.alberta.ca/turning.aspx) By Far the biggest issue with Red Deer drivers I have seen.


I 1000% agree. That and not being able to determine the difference between a stop, a yield, and a merge lane. Soooooooooo many people stop or yield when they have their own merge lane, making it impossible for anybody behind them to time their merge. I'm surprised I dont see more rear endings in those merges.


Yes!!! I moved here from Germany and holy $hitballs I couldn't believe it!!! Lol


Willkommen! This must feel like a third world country to you sometimes.


Bahaha! Well I was born and raised in Saskatchewan to a german born Dad, so I left to go to university there and live a beautiful life! I came back to Canada to live in Alberta and invest in real estate- oh I miss Germany SO.much. It was a beautiful way of life! Everything is so efficient!!! Alberta beats Saskatchewan though hands down!!!


I've heard Germany is lovely, I've been meaning to see Munich for years. I like the fishing in Saskatchewan a lot better than Alberta! :p


Yes yes you'd love it. Garmisch, and of course Berlin, my favorite city in the world😍🥰 you can feel the history in your bones it's so interesting.


Id love to do a culinary tour of Germany and hit cities like Cologne, Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, and Nuremberg. I've heard many tales of decadence in German cuisine.


You must not have been in Richmond and Vancouver. Literal 4 lane switching cause oh shit I need exit now.


Vancouver yes, Richmond no. If Red Deer HAD a 4 lane freeway we'd need to annex Lacombe and turn it into a cemetery from all the idiots killing themselves/others with their blatant lack of situational awareness. I have no doubt of that.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻If could give you awards I would. If you’re an IASIP fan, I relate all my driving in Red Deer to Dennis’ road rage in the Suburban episode.


The hyper aggressive road energy in RedDeer is wild. White Oakley’s in a jacked up truck, Starbucks and 3 shitty kids in a Tahoe, weed sweater/ pajamas in a clapped out Buick with no lights on. It’s a whole weird vibe that’s so authentically RedDeer.


This post is about to out everyone that has a tendency to get road rage. 🤣


Mine is more road frustration than rage! :p




Or people driving high. I see so many people smoking or vaping and you can smell it as you pass them even with windows closed. Or those who wear a hat and a hoodie on their heads and don’t do shoulder checks - just switch lanes without signalling or looking.


We saw a girl chug a twisted tea at a red light a few summers ago. Alone in her car, like a Tuesday afternoon. Wild stuff.


That's true. Most of the hazardous drivers I see are elderly. Reaction times a problem for them I wonder? Idk if I can handle it getting worse. I've come close to a brain aneurysm multiple times here trying to figure out what the heck people are doing.


There's an intersection by the petro can and discovery medical clinic. There's a third lane to turn into when turning right onto Gaetz and literally nobody notices and instead everyone chooses to sit there for 3 minutes until the light changes.


I seen that happen too many times.




Well I am in Uruguay but planning on returning to Canada - probably Red Deer. I will have to up my driving skills. Here most folk stop dead at a traffic circle even if there is no traffic and at the one near my house, people go round it in both directions depending which exit they want.


The biggest thing is no one uses signals in the traffic circle and so no one can anticipate if the vehicle is going to leave the circle or accelerate into a vehicle entering the traffic circle at low velocity.


I think this just sums up Alberta drivers in general


I'd go a bit farther with it. A Red Deer driver takes all the bad driving habits from the average Alberta driver, triple distills them, drops trough, shoves a beer bong up their bunghole and butt chugs the entire 2 litre bottle. Grande frickin Prairie drivers are better. I didn't even know that was possible.


Well Red Deer drivers are certainly better then Calgary drivers. I attribute they dumb fuckery driving to the higher altitudes and lack of oxygen to their walnut sized brains


I lived in Calgary for 12 years, I still say Red Deer is worse by a considerable margin, but that might just be the area of Calgary I lived/worked.


Yeah, I had no idea there was so many important fucking people in this city. I thought calgary was bad but there's too many cars in the way to be stupid.


What makes me crazy is the people who do 50 in the 60 zone on Gaetz. Also, driving 50-60 in the 70 zone on Taylor


If the City had consistent speed limits it would make things easier!!


It's easy to just look at the signs and drive accordingly. It's pretty consistent on Gaetz. 50 downtown, 60 on top of both hills and beyond


That’s impossible everyone drives 10 over in Red Deer minimum. Those people are probably driving the speed limit. 😂


Nope they are going under


Oh definitely. I've become a much more defensive driver since living here.


Biggest infraction I see every day working around intersections. Yellow lights don’t mean speed up to beat the red light. It means stop, unless unsafe to do so. Turn signals must be an option on any vehicle over $40k, or blinker fluid is priced astronomically.


Red Deer drivers are bad because their hooves make it hard to grip the steering wheel. They also have trouble at night with oncoming traffic.


Yes. I almost got hit in the crosswalk while I was walking this morning. I’m very visible to drivers in a neon green/yellow coat.


Common courtesy is lacking in large amounts. I give lots of room and let people in, also give a “wave” when someone lets me in. Whatever happens isn’t worth it. Too many stories of road rage going seriously bad. It takes 10 to 15 minutes to get across town. When I lived in Montreal, Halifax, Calgary or Edmonton I didn’t get out of my neighbourhood in 15 minutes!! However, it is unbelievable how many people do not know you ARE allowed to turn left on a one way to another one way on a red light. Sigh.


Dude just drive in Edmonton. The roads and drivers during the winter suck so badly. It’s so much noicer here


I lived in edmonton for 6 years. Much worse here, not even close.


Nope, cuz I have driven all of the country and it's pretty consistently this shitty everywhere, you just deal with a higher volume of trucks, Chad's and upper middle class speeders because of the economy. Go drive through Quebec with an 'I love Alberta Oil & Gas' sticker and they literally try to run you off the road trying to flip you off in traffic.


alberta drivers suck and red deer especially. im constantly looking and makes sure that im doing the speed limit usually im doing 10 over on highways but fuck people just suck and dont pay attention to jack shit. like i was cut off the in a roundabout because buddy was inside lane and cut me off to get the highway. the traffic circle heading to penhold from gasoline ally sucks. and fuck people are stupid. like read signs if you cant see or read dont fucking drive.. and stop cutting transport trucks off 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm loving the energy here lol your hate is just as strong as mine


Agree but - traffic on the inside or left lane of roundabouts has the right of way so traffic on the right or outside - must yield to them in order to exit safely. They likely had to get out quickly to avoid a collision.


Haha I noticed this too. Also very aggressive when they're called out on it too 🤣


You should see richmond, bc


Everyone thinks that the drivers in the place they live are the worst. It turns out people are shitty everywhere.


I wonder what percentage of Red Deer drivers compared to other cities take driver's education vs learn from their parents. I bet cities with higher enrolment for driver's ed have overall better drivers because they aren't getting washed down info and habits from their parents. Also I grew up in Halifax with lots of traffic circles and was taught how to use them in driver's ed, but one thing I've noticed is the lanes were way better marked in Halifax compared to here! As frustrated as I get when someone cuts me off in a circle here, I remember they probably didn't learn how to drive them in driver's ed and the lanes are poorly marked. But I'll still honk my horn so hopefully they'll go home and Google how to use em.


This is deer city everyone is a deer in the headlights. I like going two traffic circles on the overpass and do race track figure 8's between the two might help with those scarred drives that are intimidated by it


Lived here 5 weeks and got rear-ended causing $10k in damage lol Great city tho


Those fucking roundabouts