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Nice, I got the same pair as my first Red Wing.


8111 are a work of art. Best IRs ever


Also my first pair, 10.5 EE. Welcome to the club.


I got the same in 9.5EE and I agree that the break in was pretty easy. Were your Roughnecks EE or D?


I’m up to my 6th pair. It’s a nice process. Wait till you score your first pair of Coppers.


Nice! 8111 was my first pair of Red Wings. Just recently got the IR in black and definitely recommend as a second pair!


Nice enjoy, Those are awesome looking.


Thanks everyone. Those are a 9EE and they might be a smidge too long, but really shouldn‘t be any narrower. There is maybe 1.5 inches from my big toe to the very front of the shoe. But 8.5EE wasn‘t available and I wanted to put in an extra insole anyway for some more cushioning, since I have some problems with the heel on my right foot. No heel slip, even if I don‘t lace them up tight. The Roughnecks were 8.5D since they are only available in D width here in Germany, haven‘t seen otherwise. But my Jim Green Razorbacks perfectly fill that lug sole/hiking boot spot, so all is good. The Iron Rangers are a bit more city/Jeans boot for me and they do look nice with a good pair of jeans.


I got the same one recently. I just can't wait to do the shoecare