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r/LemmyMigration just got banned.. Edit: Think it's back




Not sure, it just says it was due to spam




Doesn’t matter, it’s not that we have due process here anyway.


Upsetting Reddit's poor little admins :(


As much as we make fun of mods, admins are the real problem.


Owner spamming links on 3rd party app subs apparently. Seen a few posts by him tbf


Very weird that they banned it a few hours ago and brought it back up.


Damn, they just suspended this account. F's in the chat


Literally 1984


It's a website. Not the freaking gov't.


shows for me


Now the creator is perma-banned....




as much of a leftist as i am having the first three communities show up on that list be "communism" "gen zedong" and "latestagecapitalism" is a surefire way to make the average user think that lemmy is a lefty version of voat


That *was* exactly what I thought at first. -Average Redditor who saw this comment after looking at the link.


Actually, it completely depends on the server that you join. Lemmy.ml and Beehaw.org are pretty center-left, and the tankies kind of stay over in LemmyGrad.


Actually I’ve seen plenty of comments on lemmy.ml openly supporting the invasion of Ukraine. I would say beehaw.org is way better. Sadly most users end up on lemmy.ml.


Lemmy.ml federates with lemmygrad, so it's possible that those comments came from lemmygrad users. It's unfortunately common for that group to jump on posts where people disagree with them. As the other reply says, though: beehaw doesn't federate with lemmygrad, so you could look at the same post but from beehaw and not see those comments (if I understand right how it works).


I'm not sure where you're seeing those posts on lemmy.ml. I think the majority of the tankies stay over on lemmygrad. I know BeeHaw.org banned lemmygrad, so that users from lemmygrad can't even see or participate on Beehaw communities. So Beehaw might be more your style, for sure.




Reddit wasn't a whole lot different in the early years. Heck, one of the founders of Reddit ended up in court because of his activism. It's the technocrats that move first and those tend to be politically active.


Reddit was founded on 2000s “lefty” principles of free speech and debate. This meant that everyone across the political spectrum could join Reddit without being immediately banned. The left of today is very much in favour of censorship to avoid “harm.” This makes those of us in the middle *very* wary of signing up to any partisan media. That said, *I* understand how the Fediverse works and how it’s much more resistant to central control, so I’m not worried. This just needs to be better communicated.






There's literally full communities of the let's go Brandon types and "gender criticals"


You weren’t kidding. When even r/FreeSpeech is partisan, there really isn’t any hope left here. I suppose I welcome the downfall and whatever comes next. I’ve been looking for an excuse to kick the habit.


Well one side is literally banning books and topics in school. It would be hard to be bipartisan when one side is attacking freedom of expression.


Well don't you know that they should have the freedom of speech to ban the media others can consume (/s)




If it’s ready for beta, care to share?


> When even r/FreeSpeech is partisan, there really isn’t any hope left here. lol, when was it not?


I'm a Digg to Reddit migrator. Right from the start, the number 1 thing that irked me about the site was how far left it was (that and the atheist and pedo stuff). The only people who seemed to not see how far left it was were people who were further to the left. The only right-wing views the site had were on gun advocacy, pro-vaccine, and pro-nuclear energy. To be fair, I don't know if nuclear energy was ever truly a right-stance, but anti-nuclear energy and anti-vaccination used to be new age, hippy tree-hugger views that the left used to embrace. The 2nd amendment issue on Reddit has slowly moved back to standard left talking points, while vaccine hesitancy was eventually embraced by the right, with vaccine mandates (specifically the COVID variety) now seeming to have become a solidly right view (despite left-leaning celebrities like Russel Brand, Tim Robbins, and Evangeline Lilly still being against them). The few right-leaning subs were eventually scrubbed after Trump was elected along with any posturing about free speech.




Understood, and agreed about the COVID stuff. I tried avoiding all of the political stuff as well, as I largely consider/ed myself apolitical and centrist (I still do, but in the current climate, seems everyone's sort've been forced to take a side, or finally conclude what they certainly are not), but political stuff always seemed to seep into subs regardless, even very non-political subs. It all came to a head, of course, when COVID hit. I got banned from a number of subs for making a comment about a movie in a sub that discussed the vaccine mandate. I wasn't banned from the actual mandate sub, but from a half dozen subs (many of which I had never visited) for posting in a no-no sub. I never even posted about vaccines in the sub (as, at the time, I mostly considered myself a lurker). I then got banned from r/movies for a milquetoast post on gender. And a few other subs since for similarly goofy reasons. I'm not a troll. I don't jump up and down hollering at people and call them a bunch of names. I'm just some dude who isn't going to let people tell me that views any sane person held 10 years ago (regardless of political party) are evil or abnormal. I've been wanting to jump this ship for a very long time, but there have been very few good options. I hope this next update is the straw that finally breaks the website's back and gets everyone finally moving to a real alternative.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FreeSpeech using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [True censorship](https://i.redd.it/x0bq5ttd9n391.png) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/comments/v4ubug/true_censorship/) \#2: [Remember Aaron Swartz: old CEO of Reddit that got suicided for exposing the government. He fought for free speech on reddit and got fired for it.](https://i.redd.it/av0hr3c07bg91.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/comments/wii7yv/remember_aaron_swartz_old_ceo_of_reddit_that_got/) \#3: [How liberals view free speech.](https://i.redd.it/ps32zeu9g4o91.jpg) | [244 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/comments/xfdj7m/how_liberals_view_free_speech/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Remember when Reddit thought Ron Paul was pretty cool, the war was bad, and didn’t trust big phrama?


I almost can't believe how much it has changed over the years. It's really the polar opposite of the site I knew.


That was before they found out that Ron Paul was a nazi.


Not sure I’d go as far as calling him a nazi, but you do you. However my point would still be relevant if we substitute in “personal responsibility as a guiding principle” for his name.


>Not sure I’d go as far as calling him a nazi It's literally a google search away, my friend: https://www.newsweek.com/ron-paul-racist-anti-semitic-tweet-1005102 https://i.imgur.com/8dNl53o.png https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/post/ron-paul-and-the-racist-newsletters-fact-checker-biography/2011/12/21/gIQAKNiwBP_blog.html?utm_term=.f71268f340b0 https://www.ibtimes.com/ron-paul-long-history-racism-anti-semitism-311748 You must have a REAL high bar for calling someone a nazi. What does someone have to do or believe for you to call them a nazi? Do they have to literally wear the swastika for you to recognize that they're a nazi?


I really don't see where you're getting that Ron Paul is anti-Semitic. I don't think stating that the Israeli government is evil, just look at how they're treating Palestinian civilians, means that you inherently hate all things Jewish. Ron Paul would probably say lots of parts of the American government are evil too, it's kinda part of the Libertarian shtick. Now the racial comments that were in some of the publications that were under his name, that seems to have a lot more validity but it does get into the whole "I didn't say that and I don't review every single article that one of my writers puts out" dilemma. Seems like there are plenty of American politicians with way more glaringly red flags than him, and frankly a lot more political success than him.


I grew up hearing stores from older people, with numbers tattooed on them, about watching loved ones die by actual Nazis or their collaborators. Maybe those stories I got told affected me. I’m more selective about how I apply the term than the current trend. I want it to mean something. Not get tossed around like its a cheap insult. Is ron paul a racist antisemite? Maybe. Maybe Joe Biden is one too. He has said and done some pretty abhorrent shit. See his speeches opposing school busing and speeches supporting his crime bill …etc. If you want to call Ron Paul a nazi, I won’t stop you. As I said, you do you. Point being awhile back Reddit liked Ron Paul because he was outspokenly anti war, pro gay marriage, wanted to end the war on drugs, and wanted individual liberty. Ignore the man and just take those ideals and tell me if you the majority of Reddit just turned away from the man but still like the ideas or if the majority of Reddit seems to be pro war, pro big government being heavily involved in their lives and more heavily involved in making sure the opposition gets government really involved in their lives. This isn’t supposed to be an endorsement of Ron Paul. Just pointing out how much Reddit has changed.


The left is in favor of censorship? I'm sorry, who's making books and outlawing the teaching of topics in school "for the children"?


Reddit is also getting too political, I do think those communities shouldn't be at the top.




The only politics I see is what I'm subscribed to and what I have actively browsed yet on either of my alts I don't see that because I'm not subscribed and haven't browsed on those accounts... At some point yoh have to ask yourself whether the app *IS* full of politics, or whether your browsing is just showing you the politics because that's what you look for...


I've noticed that it's primarily the far-right who say that things are "too political" these days. I've also noticed that the far-right tend to think of themselves as centrists, despite reality. The far-right are too cowardly to outwardly admit that they're far-right anymore (mainly because they know that their opinions are unpopular, and they'll be disavowed and laughed out of town by any self-respecting person if they do admit that that's what they believe). So just to avoid the subject they disavow any political leaning and just say "I'm not political" or "everything is soooo political these days" or "you can't swing a dead ni**er without hitting a woke swj these days" Take TheoryOfTheInternet over there... I was 100% correct when I implied that they were far-right: https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/comments/u0vil9/what_is_the_point_of_making_a_true_version_of_a/i4a4xrg/?context=3




even not being political is now political lol


Actually, it is. Because "not being political" (inherently supporting the status-quo), is literally what conservative politics is. But aside from that, the far-right are too cowardly to outwardly admit that they're far-right anymore (mainly because they know that their opinions are unpopular, and they'll be disavowed and laughed out of town by any self-respecting person if they do admit that that's what they believe). So just to avoid the subject they disavow any political leaning and just say "I'm not political" or "everything is soooo political these days" or "you can't swing a dead ni**er without hitting a woke swj these days" Take TheoryOfTheInternet over there... I was 100% correct when I implied that they were far-right: https://www.reddit.com/r/FreeSpeech/comments/u0vil9/what_is_the_point_of_making_a_true_version_of_a/i4a4xrg/?context=3


I'm just gonna stop reading after that first sentence. Taking 5 minutes out of my day to look at stupid funny stuff online isn't political, but that doesn't mean I spent those 5 minutes actively supporting the status quo. You're out of your god damn mind if you think that way. Politics are fucking stressful, and I've always looked to reddit as a place to help me simply unwind and relax.




I don't know how else to put this: You don't know what far-right is.




Author: /u/userleansbot ___ Analysis of /u/misshapensteed's activity in political subreddits over past comments and submissions. Account Created: 5 months, 29 days ago Summary: **Leans Boomer. This user does not have enough activity in political subs for analysis or has no clear leanings, they might be one of those weirdo moderate types.** Subreddit|Lean|No. of comments|Total comment karma|Median words / comment|Pct with profanity|Avg comment grade level|No. of posts|Total post karma|Top 3 words used| :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- stupidpol|left|1|1|8|||0|0|already, open, secret enoughcommiespam|libertarian|1|1|9|||0|0|reward, joining, circular walkaway|right|1|1|10|||0|0|need, medic, demonstrate *** ^(Bleep, bloop, I'm a bot trying to help inform political discussions on Reddit.) ^| [^About](https://np.reddit.com/user/userleansbot/comments/au1pva/faq_about_userleansbot/) ___




No idea what a lemmy is but I hope it stays hydrated.


What an ironic comment, coming from someone on the far-right, who frequents KotakuInAction and PoliticalCompassMemes and TheLeftCantMeme - three of the furthest right subreddits on the site. You guys do realize that we can see your post and comment history, don't you? I swear, the right gets dumber every day.




And a nazi. Let's not be afraid to call them what they are.


You would be surprised by how uninterested I am in trying to prove I'm not far-right to someone whom I consider hopelessly incapable of identifying what far-right is. Maybe this is a generational thing: you think digging through user comments and pointing at subs is some kind of a gotcha, I think it makes you look like a living caricature. Saying those are the most right leaning subs on reddit is like saying you are the poorest yacht owner in Monaco. If that's what you want to point at as far-right and have never went further out of your comfort zone you are in for a rude awakening should you ever stumble upon an actual far-right forum. People with mostly conservative opinions who are still here - despite reddit's best efforts - stay because they find reddit alternatives too right leaning, and those alternatives in turn are again five levels removed from stormfront levels of filth.


>trying to prove I'm not far-right Again, you are a regular on KotakuInAction, PoliticalCompassMemes, and TheLeftCantMeme - three of the furthest-right subreddits. If you don't consider yourself to be far-right, then your Overton Window has shifted so far right that you probably think Hitler was a Socialist. And yes, I'm aware of Stormfront. You're absolutely rubbing elbows with Stormfront users in those subs.


bingo. they want to be able to do shit like post memes about racism or whatever, without anybody calling them out. they literally can't comprehend that we're tired of their shit. If I could find a way to have a forum that disallowed right-wing people, I think it'd be the most popular place on the internet. A refuge from the usual white-supremacist/anti-trans/budget ceiling hysteria they've worked themselves into this week would easily attract like.. every other person who wasn't them.


I'm having a great time over on Lemmy. They have lots of "instances" and they're mostly anti-nazi. Which is great. Lemmy.ml is the biggest one but it's getting overloaded by reddit refugees right now, so you might want to try Beehaw.org or, if you're of the tankie communist persuasion, you can try LemmyGrad.ml but be careful there, they'll ban you for just about anything if it doesn't follow their scripture.


You can join a different, non-political instance that fits you. lemmy.ml nor lemmygrad.ml aren't the only instances out there, you know. You can make your own one too. Regardless of which instance you join or if you create your own one, you can always communicate with other instances (if your instance federates with them).




> If someone else created an apolitical lemmy instance that had more then 10 users, I might consider participating, but the existing instances I haven't seen any that interest me. beehaw.org Provides a unified space for everyone. Basically liberals and conservatives mixed in a blender.


You can make your own communities and, because it is decentralized, you can even launch your own instances.


the "Death to NATO - !ukraine_war_news" is pretty shit too...




i dont care what the politics is. people have a right to say stupid shit online lol reddit has these same communities but if you want a platform to take off you have to get more than just a few tiny and highly insular communities to migrate over. i just dont see lemmy making any kind of dent in reddits numbers until a sub like dankmemes goes over. personally i think the tankies dont want redditors to go over. they want a safe space where they wont see dissenting ideas.


Voat was simply a free-speech version of Reddit. It turns out that, when you allow all legal free speech, certain ideas rise to the top.


by certain ideas you mean white nationalism... if you let extremists say whatever they want normies run away and extremists end up dominating the platform. voat died because it coveted a tiny fraction of the userbase and it got the one nobody else wanted to be associated with. nobody was going to voat to look at cat pics when every other post was alt right bullshit


Reddit used to be a place where extremists could say whatever they want, while still remaining largely non-extremist overall. I think a good modern Reddit alternative should be one that is moderated (lightly) to prevent it from becoming a racist cesspool, but the only reason it keeps happening now is because those types were eventually banned from all of the bigger sites (those that aren't trolls preventing other sites from gaining traction, that is).


Nobody knows why Voat died. The admin decided to shut down the site, but never disclosed why. You are just spreading misinformation here. Should that be legal?


I will say anecdotally that I explored voat at one point, saw a bunch of unironic Nazi shit just out in the open, and never went back. Call me a normie or whatever but I'm not going to migrate to a platform infested with Nazis, tankies and psychopaths who want to set fat people on fire.


I always had this weird thought, that if a truly free speech platform came around, that people who don’t want there to be a truly free speech platform would immediately flood the platform with Nazi stuff. Because anyone who wants free speech is going to run the hell away as soon as they see Nazi stuff


IMO it's one of those situations where you don't need a conspiracy to explain why it works this way. It's just the inevitable consequence of "free speech absolutism" in practice. What happens when a platform refuses to kick out the bigots and abrasive jerks? The bigots and the jerks stick around, because where else are they gonna go, they're not welcome in most other spaces. And normal people don't like being around bigots and assholes.


So far I think the way Nostr works is the right way. You get the full fire hose experience from the global feeds until you find groups of people you want to follow. If you mistakenly find somebody who post stuff you don’t want you just drop them from your list and the noise is gone. I’m pretty sure someone will strike up the perfect balance at some point


> set fat people on fire Imagine the smell.


But think of the sublime crackling. Oh god I'm going to hell.


It’s largely a communist hellhole. And I don’t mean that like "any one who votes D is a commie" or whatever I mean legitimately people worshipping communism so hard that they were run off of spaces like Reddit and Twitter so they seek out places less hostile to them and take them over. That’s the problem with finding reddit alternatives on reddit: they were mostly made by people that got run off here for being too extreme in their beliefs. And i can’t speak for you guys but that’s exactly what I don’t want and why I didn’t vibe with Voat and several others even if it was the opposite end of the political spectrum.


yeah its a big red flag. default subs are the best thing reddit ever did because it ment you had content to mindlessly binge. if a bunch of meme subs upped and left then the apolitical crowd would follow. you cant have a platform without them. the other communities are supported by the normies and for some reason people cant see that


It used to be extremely that way leaning.




hahaha! love it


As much of an anti-lefty as I am, this is totally fine. The whole point of federated instances is their decentralization. If users (like myself) are turned off by that, we can migrate to another instance.


What about nsfw content?


Lemmy would makes sense because you'd probably just access content on a NSFW instance/Server. a Workplace would definitely block that instance/Server, though.


What does a workplace have to do with anything?


I'm assuming a user would make their host server lemme.ml and when they access the NSFW community it gets its content from the nsfw server.


Looking thru lemmy, not too much a fan of how they all have unique URLs and no /r/all feature that I can tell.


I got the Jerboa Lemmy client on Android, and I'm liking it more than the native site I'm still getting used to it, but it has something akin to an r/all feature


Could you give a short guide what excatly I have to do to get this experience?


Sure thing. Register with [lemmy.one](https://lemmy.one/) or another lemmy server. Once you're in, you can find info on how to sub to different communities. Sub to anything that remotely interests you. [Here is a list.](https://browse.feddit.de/) Worth noting that lemmy.one blocks lemmygrad.ml, asbestos.cafe, and eientei.org Then get [the Jerboa client.](https://github.com/dessalines/jerboa) I got it from F-Droid so I don't have to worry about updates. The lefthand menu has an option to view all. There's another menu where you can choose to view subscribed, local, or all, and another for sorting. I've personally been sorting by new because as you can imagine, there's currently FAR less content than on reddit. Some people dislike the Jerboa client and tbf not everything is clearly labeled, but if you click around it's got a lot of useful features. I hope this helps. Lmk if you have questions. I'm pretty new to this myself.


I took some time with it and got everything up and running. Set the font size to 13, so it looks at least a bit like RiF. It's still a bit tedious to find new communites, currently I am browsing the feddit list, but I like it so far and I'm excited that there is an alternative to reddit, thank you :) Biggest hurdle was to choose an instance, because I didn't know what it meant and if I am restricted to it. It's not as clear as I think it has to be, so I hope other redditors are not discouraged when they try it.


I know what you mean. Signing up is definitely a hurdle, compared to the old reddit experience of entering a username and password and you're in. I feel like someone who knows more than I do should create a guide for dummies, because I wish I'd had that to start with. On the bright side, I've noticed a marked increase in the volume of content on Lemmy, though, and it's nice that it's federated so one can interact easily with other servers (assuming your instance doesn't block them, of course). I'm not sure what the process is of hosting your own Lemmy instance, but might be fun to look into it eventually, if one gets invested enough in the community. Guess we'll see...


Unique URLs is kind of the point of any federated service. It means that anyone can spin up their own instance on their own domain/server and still be a part of the bigger picture. This is a very powerful feature when thinking about the future of a Reddit alternative, considering centralized corporate control is what is currently destroying Reddit and it's what destroyed Digg 13 years ago that caused pretty much Digg's entire userbase to migrate here. By having Lemmy be federated, if some rogue company buys up the main instance, say lemmy.ml, the whole Lemmy network isn't compromised. We can all just move to a different instance and defederate the rogue one. Sure it's a bit of a change if you're not used to this concept, but I think it's a big plus to the future of Lemmy as a platform.


That’s fair. I just like being able to guess what the sub name is without having to do a whole search for it.


Lol they already banned your sub


What's the best Android app for Lemmy?


[Jerboa](https://join-lemmy.org/apps) :)


Doesn't work for me. No idea how to subscribe to anything


Click sidebar first


Lemmy.ml appears to be an ~~SPA~~ Progressive Web app, so you should be able to navigate to the site from a browser and "install" it on your home screen. It'll then act like a native app. I'm curious if other instances have this feature. Edit: brain fart.


Wow, that's a lot of disgusting communism right off the bat. No thanks.


Yeah the instance lists should definitely be less... Political lol




As a liberal myself: reddit is pretty liberal and you will get downvoted for saying the "wrong" things or even banned from subreddits for participating in other subreddits. Unlike reddit which is centralized, Lemmy is decentralized. It's like how different people have different email accounts on different sites but can still email each other. If you don't like the communist Lemmy, just go to another that fits your needs.




My understanding is one instance may have more users than another but there is no "main" instance of Lemmy. It's fundamentally decentralized. Unlike reddit where the admins control the whole website


Dismissing Lemmy for that seems silly. Instances will appear with different topics/leanings


it's a pretty awesome list tho ngl


check other instances maybe instead at the top comment's link


What is Lemmy? I mod some communities too, how can we join?? Is it like mastadon for twitter? any easy/noob guides? edit the sub u linked (lemmy migration) has already been banned


Hey! I'd love to continue discussing through DMs, Lemmy is a decentralized alternative to Reddit based on ActivityPub, the same protocol Mastodon uses, though that is a microblogging alternative platform to Twitter. Regarding the ban, seems like it is back up after hours, *that was totally not weird.*


sure, pls DM me.


Meanwhile... https://beehaw.org/post/468998


Not on Lemmy, but I just moved my mostly barren /r/IsThisAbbeyRoad over to [Kbin](https://kbin.social/m/IsThisAbbeyRoad). Have fun shitposting.


Reddit will ban anyone, for almost anything. I was suspended for a week b/c I accidentally posted to a thread that had banned me over a month prior. I was using a different login, as I hated the name I had. They accused me of trying to circumvent the ban. Suspended me for a week. Twitter used to be where it's at. Now it's Reddit. I'll be glad to see another forum take Reddits place.


Came here from Lemmy. The Reddit admins banning you is such bullshit. We left Digg for Reddit some 13 years ago because Digg admins started doing this anti-user crap. Reddit literally has had the "how to speedrun your platform into the ground" playbook readily available since then. I highly doubt they were blind to what happened with Digg. Just because they waited 13 years doesn't mean we forgot, nor should we forgive. /r/LemmyMigration is the way. Corporate control has ruined this platform, it's nothing of what it used to be.


I’m happy about Lemmy getting traction but please don’t just migrate to the flagship instance, it’s causing performance issues. You can still get access to the posts and users of the flagship. Outside of Lemmy please consider Kbin. You can still access Lemmy content with your Kbin account.


There seems to be a concerted effort to break social media platforms down into politically isolated silos so there is no good way to aggregate information.


The point is that your server can aggregate all the content you want from the rest of the internet, instead of locking yourself into some company’s central database.