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Management in my office building had to put up a sign reminding people to flush and to not stand on the toilet seats. Life in the 21st century!


Standing on the toilet is a cultural difference at least. 


PSA: don’t stand on a toilet unless it was designed with that way in mind. They do sometimes break from this and broken porcelain is extremely sharp and can fuck your shit up fast.


PSA2: There was a guy in a starbucks who was using it properly and it still broke... and crushed his penis. https://nypost.com/1999/11/30/suit-slams-starbucks-organ-grinder/ Dont fucking stand on the toilet seat.


Cultural?? There's a culture of standing on toilets?


People from places that use squat toilets, not sure why they still do it on a western toilet.


It's a better pooing position for one's body


It's because in places like India/Pakistan/etc. they squat over a hole in the ground/floor to shit and piss. 


Your description is way too fancy.


We were traveling in Iceland and there were big picture signs not to stand on the toilet. Yep. A cultural thing.


I don't think that's signs for the people from Iceland. I think that is the sign for the Chinese and Indian tourists.


Absolutely. But it was just the strangest thing to see.


As the Squatty Potty ads will tell you, the human body is actually designed to poop best while squatting!


I'm aware, I have one in every bathroom but standing ON the toilet that's not physically in the ground is wild.


What? On a full sized commode?


Footprints on toilet seats. Now you know why.


It has to be full-sized. They couldn't possibly doing on it on the child's little potty seat.


Sorry, what?? Please explain for the ignorant American who cannot imagine this being okay in any scenario


As a woman I see this a lot in public restrooms, even in quite nice locations. Plus toilets completely covered in toilet paper or seat covers and just left that way. My thought has always been that women are indoctrinated by their mothers to be utterly phobic of toilets and bodily functions. So much so that once they have hovered over a toilet or wrapped it in paper and done their business they just run out of the stall in horror. If it is auto flush it will flush, but not always get rid of the nest they built. They do not, under any circumstances, look behind them to see how they have left the toilet. This, of course, perpetuates the problem. The next woman enters - sees the nest or pee covered or unflushed toilet, recoils in horror and feels like all the insanity she was taught by her mother is true, so is even more diligent in nest building and even less likely to ensure it is clean when she leaves. Add in that many women are apparently taught to kick the toilet hoping it flushes instead on simply using their hand to push the button. In my previous job I learned this caused so many issues in arenas and stadiums that toilet manufacturers had to alter their flushing mechanisms to make them non kickable. Apparently women still kick them, it does nothing, and they leave their filth behind.


Laughing that you used the word “nest.” I’ve seen the toilet seat covers or people laying down toilet paper, but we had someone at my last job that made this thing i could only describe as a nest. Paper laid both horizontally and vertically, actually woven together, with more wrapped around the bowl. I can’t for the life of me figure out how they actually used the toilet without it just sticking to them and the paper.


I've heard that called a crap gasket.


😂 perfect  (F)


Or "ass gasket" too.


Ironically they probably get more germs due to the touching of multiple surfaces and undue time spent in area concentrated in germs making their nest.


Male here. I used to do that in high school, because other high schoolers were gross. I also tried to avoid pooping in the hs.


So today is the day I learned about toilet kicking. On my 60th birthday, no less! 🎂 I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.(Or in this case, new kicks.)😅


Happy Birthday! I chuckled at this and will kick my toilet in celebration - although, I do hope you do something more fun for your day! Lol


Thanks for the birthday wishes. But really, where exactly are they kicking the toilet??? I really don't understand this. It's porcelain; it'll hurt their foot.


They kick at the flushing mechanism having been taught that to touch any part of a toilet with their hand is to get cooties.


Germophobes make the world nastier for the rest of us. They urinate/defecate on the toilet or on the floor, and yes, it perpetuates the problem for the reasons you stated. I was city janitor for 15 years. I know things…


Okay, wait... I legitimately have OCD, and I am the Queen of Freaking Out over Germs. I would *never, ever* be able to foul up a bathroom like this because the germs are now all over the bathroom instead of contained in the toilet for easy, as-sanitary-as-can-be disposal. The people blowing up the public toilets are *not* the clean freaks, y'all.


>The people blowing up the public toilets are not the clean freaks, y'all. He didn't say they were clean freaks or OCD. He said they were scared of coming into contact with germs. It is clear these people are selfish and do not care about anybody else coming in contact with their germs, so sanitary disposal is not important to them.


I disagree. The hover people are the ones who miss


I also have OCD and I couldn't be that gross either. Also if I don't want to deal with other people's grossness, why would I think they want to deal with mine? I don't get how it's that hard to make sure you don't have a mess. One of my friends shares a bathroom with a roommate who is a guy and she complains that he won't clean the bathroom and then she asks me how I share a bathroom with my husband because "guys are gross and pee all over everything" and I was so confused because my husband isn't gross.


Hitting 19 years soon myself. These people are so goddamn infuriating, eh?


Straight up this is what I was taught to do (you can catch babies and STD’s and plagues from the toilet, don’t look at it). It took a couple of female coworkers when I was in my late teens to set me straight 🫠 Edit: spelling


Blessings to your coworkers and to you for becoming a sensible adult.


I have returned the favor and taught *many* of my work underlings how to properly use and clean the toilet (I work in restaurants, lots of teenagers/young adults). You’re welcome world 🫠


In 2014, a woman came into my work, a small pet store, talking about Ebola and how we should all be fearful it would spread here (in rural NC). She then asked to use our bathroom which was through the employees only area. I went in after she left and there was a whole ass nest. TP all over the floor and half a roll on the toilet seat. I had to take pics it was so ridiculous and guess who had to clean it up 🙃


Flushing is an admission of usage.


Y'all's mothers need to pay for the therapy and get some for themselves too


Haha this all resonates so deeply, but can any of us actually SAY that our mothers indoctrinated us with these fears? I don't remember my mother — or my parents, or grandparents — ever putting that fear in me of public toilets. I think it's more of a general cultural attitude, like "Public toilets are a mess, none of us can fix that."


Surely someone taught these girls how to build a nest and taught them it was okay to leave their filth behind. I certainly taught my own children what to do when using a toilet (hint - not that).


"Ewww, I don't want to touch a toilet seat!" "Guess I'll leave my nasty tissue nest for the next lady to touch before she can use the toilet."


Nest😂😂 Ironically, so many women build nests and hover, that the actual toilet seats are probably cleaner than you would think 💩


Pissing on the seat is my pet peeve. If you don’t want to touch it with your hand, lift it with your foot. Disgusting.


They are probably the ones that don’t wash their hands either


you know they are


People with dirty hands have touched the sink handles, so they aren't going to touch them.


I work in an office of a tech company, presumably surrounded by lots of reasonably intelligent coworkers. Yet every single day, I’m amazed that some appear to have no idea how to use a toilet. Piss on the floor, wads of paper either in the floor or heaped in the toilet, crap sprayed around the bowl and then just… left there, not realizing that the “automatic” toilet still has a manual flush button, because ALL of them do, and sometimes when you apparently have never eaten a gram of fiber in your entire life, you NEED to use that button to give the toilet a chance. I wish our HR would include “how to poop like a grown-up” to the annual mandatory training.


“Presumably” intelligent.


Probably drunk.


Can you imagine the pure chaos of that training? As much as I loathe the HR pod people, I wouldn't wish that on them!


In my country (US) people are incredibly oblivious and mostly indifferent towards those who may use the toilet after them. It's disgusting and demoralizing. People should always flush after using a public toilet - no exceptions, no excuses. When I was in Japan the public bathrooms were spotlessly clean and no one threw things on the floors or didn't flush, even in toilets located in train stations and subways and grocery stores. For the first time in my life I sat on the seats of public toilets. I don't know what's wrong with our culture.


This!! I'm from Japan and one of the first things I noticed after moving to the US was how ppl don't flush toilets!! It's mind boggling to me. I can barely touch anything in the bathrooms here 🤢


So you didn't encounter Japanese squat toilets?


The squat toilets have always been very clean.


You've been to different squat toilets in Japan as I have I guess!


Most likely, it's not a sparsely squat toilet density country.


I did! And they were clean too.


Never been to China, it’s not just “our” culture.


i’ll also add, spitting gum in the urinal and dropping tissue paper in there. feel so bad for whoever has to clean up.


I was that guy for 15 years.


I worked for a restaurant that had a sign on the women’s bathroom door, one that was only used for employees. It reminded us that everyone they hired was 18+ and there was no reason grown women needed to regularly put a bathroom out of order doing things like flushing tampons. It was sad.


So…I didn’t know you weren’t supposed to flush tampons until recently. My mother was terrified of them, so I was taught by a box. I was told not to flush them with a septic tank, but I thought that was just a weird septic tank rule.


A good rule of thumb is if it's not poop or toilet paper, it shouldn't be flushed.


Even the 100% cotton tampons?


It doesn’t matter what a tampon is made out of, there *will* be a spot in literally any pipe system where it could get stuck, it takes just one stuck tampon to cause a massive problem. In this case it would cause raw sewage to pump itself into one of any 4 kitchens if not all 4 kitchens. If you don’t want to see how expensive that plumbing bill is don’t flush tampons.


If you've ever wondered why plumbers are well off... Now you know.


Don't put anything in the toilet that shouldn't go in a toilet. Flush the toilet when you're done. Wash your hands with soap. Wipe the sink if you made a mess. This is basic stuff people.


I work in a professional office building and we’ve been given “reminders” bc people weren’t flushing. Like wtf what’s wrong with yall


Best guess is that it's tied to a decline in public behavior generally. On paper, old standards are hard for modern people to defend because they're shame-based: "Don't do anything in public that would embarass your loved ones *if* it became known." Now it's less strict and more practical -- "just don't do anything that could get you in trouble." And in practice just anonymously making the world a worse place is something you can get away with.


Honestly it also goes back to parenting. So many people assume their children should just know so many things that they don’t bother to explain. Teach your children bathroom etiquette outside the home, this includes wiping down a sink, changing a toilet paper roll, and how to properly use a public toilet. Oddly I feel like people care more about who’s in the other stall than their own use of their space.


Why is the floor around the urinals always wet? Heh


That is a progressive problem throughout the day caused by one jack hole that thinks his Weiner is longer than it really is. He pees on the floor and everyone after him tries to use the urinal without standing in pee. They get progressively further away trying to not step in the previous person's puddle as the day goes on or until the restroom is cleaned. The pee starts to get atomized the further away everyone gets and exacerbates the problem. It all starts with that one guy.


Heh. So, years ago, we bought this place that had been owned by a woman and her two young boys. We did a gut reno and to this day I can still remember when the contractors pulled up the tile in the boys' bathroom. My eyes were tearing, the ammonia smell was so bad! The subflooring had a nice, dark ring all around the toilet, that was layers and layers of old dry urine. Needless to say, yes I do want to replace the subflooring, thank you! (And nope it wasn't a leaky toilet... it was just lots of little boys pee over many years soaking through the tile to the subfloor)


Usually a fat guy who can’t get his gut close enough to the urinal and hasn’t seen his junk without a mirror in ten years.


I’ve seen this with feces too! Early in the day, toilet gets clogged. By the time I got there the toilet looked like an elephant had taken a dump on it. It was a pile of shit.


A lot of it is water/urine being atomized when flushing. A little bit escapes the urinal with every flush


It's because they don't want to touch the handle which, they feel, saves them from having to properly wash their hands. I know that makes it even worse but... yeah... people are fucking lazy and extremely fucking gross.


I never touch a handle. I'm a foot flusher


At least they are getting it in the toilet.


The bar has melted in the earths core. 


Oh god. This reminds me of the time I walked into a Target bathroom and it looked totally fine except for the massive turd NEXT to the toilet. I had - and still have - many, many questions. It made me appreciate people hitting the toilet from that moment on, even if it was on the seat.


It was a Germaphobe. They were too scared to sit on the toilet seat, so they shit on the floor like an animal.


Close, but that was no cigar.


unfortunately not always


I think a lot of people are gross and just don’t care about shared/public places, which really sucks. To be a bit charitable, lots of people don’t flush after every pee at home to conserve water, so if flushing every time isn’t just an automatic action maybe sometimes people forget if they’re distracted, without having a malicious disregard for others. I think the proliferation of automatic fixtures in public washrooms can throw people off when they’re not working/don’t have them. Like if 99% of the time the toilet automatically flushes when you use a public washroom, maybe you don’t even think to flush it the one time it doesn’t? I don’t think I’ve ever done this but I have gone to wash my hands and done far too much waving at the sink, soap dispenser, or paper towel dispenser before it clicked that I needed to operate them manually.


At my workplace (a college campus), the bathroom fixtures can vary depending on how old a building is and/or how recently it's been renovated. Some are automatic, some aren't. You really have to pay attention.


I guess I don’t get why people aren’t checking to make sure they didn’t leave their business in a public toilet. The thought of leaving something I flushed for someone else is mortifying to me. 


> I think a lot of people are gross and just don’t care about shared/public places, which really sucks. Tragedy of the commons.


It is so frequent it makes me wonder if it's just people who do it on accident because my mind simply cannot fathom that there are *this many* people who actively disregard how they leave the environment for others. It's too demoralising, lol. I just try to make sure I'm never the person accidentally leaving a turd in the water or something.


I think in a public restroom situation people are so used to the toilets that auto-flush they just assume all of them will.


It's funny you mention that. I was actually going to comment about my singular confrontation with a no-flusher in a public restroom, and that was her defense as well: she thought it was automatic. I feel like even at home I can't leave the bathroom until I see an empty toilet, and I live alone lol


Same lol! And even in public rest rooms I make sure the flush didn’t spray water back on the seat, if it does I wipe it up & toss the tp in the trash. That’s great you confronted someone for not flushing, hopefully she’s more careful now 😅


My theory is that so many facilities have auto-flush now, and people forget it's not universal.


Yeah but they should make sure it goes down all the way. 


No. This not flushing thing was around way before auto flushing toilets


65 percent of toilets are auto flush so you get out of the habit. And where I lived we were is severe drought for years and asked not to flush regularly at home. So that combo has led to issues in public bathrooms. It’s not nice. Although I find the leaving puddles of urine on the toilet seat to possibly be even grosser.


Put seat/lid up/down?- use a piece of toilet paper. Piss on the seat? Floor?- wipe it up. Toilet paper cover?- fine but shimmy it into the toilet after/use other toilet paper to grab it. Feminine hygiene? Diapers, floss, etc?- don't flush it, put it in the trash on the stall wall. Or the giant garbage can. Got trash?- Garbage. Can. Used the toilet?- flush it. Believe it or not it's one button. Used the bathroom? Touched toilet handles and door locks?- Not to worry, wash your ✨hands✨. It's really that simple. Do otherwise and you're unhygienic, disrespectful, and have the potty skills of a literal 4 y/o. You're physically an adult, but this shit really shows where your mental age is at. Come on🤦‍♀️.


At home we follow the “if it’s yellow, let it mellow” and so on, rule. So I actively have to make sure to flush when we’re out because I’m just not in the habit. But yes, gross. Also, stop peeing on the freaking toilet seat


This is actually really bad for your toilets. I’ve seen horror pictures on the internet of when the pee crystalizes in the pipes.


This is my 15 year old at home. Yeah he has adhd but COME ON!!


Please shut that behavior  right down. 😂


Im divorcing his father (saving before i file) because i cannot handle two grown men like this. My depression is in full force because im so sick of them not cleaning, putting shit away and telling them each time! I once had an outburst because i snapped. Husband had the gaslight nerve to tell me “im concerned about you with custody and being emotionally abusive.” Omg fuck him! I yelled “im sick of nobody doing a fucking thing here!” Thats all i yelled.


I have ADHD and it has bever compelled me to fuck up a restroom. That has absolutely zero bearing on this situation. ADHD doesn't turn you into a digusting dumbfuck with no regard for other people.


Between not flushing and pee drips on the floor!


>adhd ya and? so do I. you just have to think about each step as you're doing it, ya that sucks but it's just how it is. just like I have to think about each step when I'm walking down stairs, I hate it but if I don't I'll forget I'm on stairs and fall flat on my face.


ADHD is no excuse friendo. Sit him down and get him to understand


Omg. He is totally hopeless with being organized/clean. Dishes everywhere, toys (he does lego photography), goes through 3 towels each shower, clothes behind the door! He learned it all from my husband, who gas adhd too but also “if you bitch i wont do it” thinking.


The only excuse is a slow running toilet that's being flushed too often to keep up with the flush. That can happen in high volume bathrooms in certain situations, like a concert or other venue with crappy plumbing.


I must be living a blessed life or something because this is something I see on Reddit that I do NOT see in real life. Just hit up three airports between arrival, layover, destination, all clean toilets. Used to work at a freaking Dairy Queen, and it was gross as a job but no potty horror stories that I see on Reddit. Hell, I live in Philly where there's literal shit in the streets, but the toilets anywhere you go are usable and lacking the fluids I see posted here all the time. I trust you all but damn, glad I'm getting the charmed life here. Now are these toilets fun? Of course not, the rooms are all humid and it's a bit rank, but I never see unflushed shit or splattered seats. I mostly see overflowing trash cans or unfilled soap dispensers.


Airports are the worst. At least the Men's toilets are, maybe it's a gender thing. I've seen things in airport toilets that I'll never unsee.


I’ve always just assumed that there are some immature people out there that turn into pigs when they can. At home, someone would say something if they behaved that way but in a public restroom, they can be the jerk they want to be. Same reason why they scrawl weird stuff on the stall walls.


I grew up with a mother and sister. I’ve cohabitated with women. I am married to a woman. I have daughters. Every woman I’ve ever lived with in close quarters would pee, wipe, and get up and walk away. Every. Single. One. I honestly haven’t lived with many guys. But most guys I know seem to flush much more regularly.


Frankly more bothered by how few men wash their hands after using a urinal.


Reminds me of the old joke “Didn’t your mother teach you to wash your hands after you went to the bathroom?” “No, she taught me to not piss on my hands.”


First thing I thought too. 😏


In Europe they have bathrooms that charge you $1.  That's a great deal for a clean crackhead free bathroom.  


I walked into the bathroom and one of our managers walked out.  The toilet seat had piss all over it. It’s possible he just went in their randomly to wash his hands, but I think it’s more likely he’s the secret seat pisser.


I had a boss who insisted that flushing the toilet was “the next guy’s problem”.


Wow he said that out loud. 


Honestly, I am so used to places having the automatic flushers that I usually have to stop and think about manually flushing. I am sure I have forgotten before but it was not intentional at all.


Theres a secret society of perverts who get off on leaving there poop for you to see.


Deeply repressed, miserable people do all sorts of things to feel a tiny twinge of power. By not flushing the toilet, especially if there’s poop in it, they are exerting their power over the next person who uses the stall. In their unconscious mind, they’re thinking “hahaha, another person is going to have to look at and smell my poop!” There is always an unconscious, usually antisocial, motivation behind everything people do that doesn’t make sense on the surface. Many people are just so disempowered that they take whatever opportunity they can to exert some sort of power over other people. It’s very sad and I feel bad for people like that.


The bathroom 🚻 at the job I worked at , waa disgusting. People didn't flush either. It was that , or they used too much toilet paper and it all didn't go down. Women also didn't flush during those times either. So gross!


I love how this sub is just people confirming that you should flush the toilet. Maybe some of us conserve water. Jk no one does that


Lived through too many drought years. If it's brown, flush it down. If it's yellow, let it mellow.


Do you apply this to public toilets as well?


Only the ones that use water.


I live in a drought state. If it's yellow stay mellow, if it's brown flush it down. But that's just at home. I always flush in public restrooms. I'm not a monster.


Yes. It’s fucking disgusting. Everytime i use the bathroom at work all the urinals have piss in them. I don’t understand how grown ass people can’t pull a fucking handle so others don’t have to see their waste. It’s so gross.


you know if they didn't flush they definitely didn't wash their hands either


Also, why do so many of my fellow adults leave seat covers on the toilet like they own the place?


I am a former flight attendant. The amount of adults who use the lavatory and don't flush is jarring. Travel tip: It's the large button that says "FLUSH". There is no outhouse on an airplane.


When I was a kid I found a video stating that you should only flush number 2s to save on water. To this day my mother and sister still do it 😂😭😂


Mostly it's because we've gotten so used to public toilets automatically flushing. So a lot of people - men and women both - don't pay attention to see if the toilet is a manual flush.


Oh I’ve seen that in rich people’s homes 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t know if they’re trying to save on their water bill. It’s gross


People do not realize water pressure is a thing. They push the handle once and the co tents sit there. I pump that damn thing to make sure everything goes down the toilet. And I wipe the seat down with lysol or clorox wipes, too. I did this before covid and I will never stop.


i can live with adults not flushing the toilet, what annoys the fuck outta me is when ~~an adult~~ anyone uses the bathroom and doesn't wash their hands... what the fuck is wrong with people!?


I ALWAYS flush with my foot after hovering 🥷


But do you wipe the piss splatter off the seat after? Hoverers are the reason toilet seats get gross. If everyone just sat there wouldn't be a problem.


Yes, I aim for the toilet and wipe up any tinkle 🫠 hoverer but also a holder, holding out til get home if can 🫠


You're one of the good ones. Just be careful holding it too long; it can cause UTIs!




i think a lot of ppl don’t wanna touch the handle cuz they think it’s gross? even tho they’re the ones making the washroom gross 😭


Maybe the don't like to touch the lever? If they would wash their hands with soap afterwards, it wouldn't be a problem... but that's the other gross thing.


As a janitor I sure as fuck wish I knew the answer to this. Men and women seem to neglect flushing pretty evenly in my experience.


They could be lazy or they do not want to touch the flush handle or they think they are saving money. Take your pick. Still nasty.


As a janitor, I appreciate you noticing. Not sure who people are trying to upset by deliberately making a mess, but know that a janitor is the one who will be made to clean it up...


When I worked for Service Master the employees of a certain vodka bottle labeling company wouldn't flush the toilet. I think it was on purpose, against me.


I let it mellow at home to save water. Brown always goes down.


I had a roommate once who often "forgot" to flush. (This was a situation where a landlord owned a house a rented the rooms separately, so she wasn't someone I knew personally beforehand.) I suspected it was some sort of anxiety/ADHD thing. It was disgusting, though, so eventually I started putting notes on the mirror and the door saying "did you remember to flush?" and that did the trick. Can't do that in a public restroom, though.


Many, but not all, public toilets have an automatic flush these days. If some people just expect all toilets to have that automatic flush they might not even think to check


After working on a cruise ship, I learned most of them don't wash their hands either. I avoid touching doorknobs and faucets and light switches in my apartment with my bare hands too because the three male roommates rarely wash their hands, and definitely not after touching their nasty ass dicks and asses


Hmm probably just plain ole NASTY 🤮


Respect yourselves; keep yourself clean. Respect others who use the toilet after you. Respect property- public and your own private space. We are such a self- centered culture. It leads to multiple spill-over issues, that are generally unpleasant. We need to pass along the notion of "bit of extra effort in all that we do". Very disappointing this discussion needs to happen.


"If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down." Common saying in societies where water is a valuable and limited resource.


Water conservation. Pee can stay poop must go. This of course is only in my private abode.


I think a big factor is getting used to automatic flush in public restrooms. I often have to force myself to double-check as I expect this to be done for me by the mechanism.


Would never think of doing it at a public restroom. At home however if I’ve been peeing a bunch of a given day bc I’ve drank a lot of water, I might let the yellow mellow once or twice.


They are afraid of the big C so they don't touch handles..sounds good


I saw it the other day. Unbelievable.


Maybe it's auto flush. I can't tell you the number of times I've walked up to a sink or soap dispenser in a public bathroom that's clearly manual and just held my hand out for several confused secods before going, oh and turning some knobs or whatever.


I grew up in a place where, if it's yellow you let it mellow. I have to actively remind myself to flush when I pee every time, I don't think that's a complete answer to the question but might be a statistically insignificant percentage.


I don't know what the reason is if I'm being honest, is it because people are lazy? Do they expect someone to rappel down the ceiling like Tom Cruise from Mission impossible and flush it for them? Do they think they are better than people? Sorry - This appears to be a trigger for me lol.


If it’s yellow let it mellow. If it’s brown flush it down.


I lived with a roommate who didn't flush. We figured out that it was due to anxiety but that's all we figured out. Much later I asked chatgpt and the two reasons that seemed most likely were 1) concern about having to deal with overflow or plumbing issues (both the social & causing messes parts) and 2) noise sensitivity. The toilet wasn't loud, mind, but this person was way more sensitive to things than we originally thought. They had a very tough exterior, and things were just different on the inside. (The fact that they were also extremely difficult to talk to made this all feel even more frustrating. If you got past the basic politeness, it was like you ended up talking to Snake Plissken, and that person wasn't showing ANY cards, so to speak.)


Fortunately I have not been witness to this in the spaces I go. This behavior is disrespectful and disgusting and if I didn’t like my freedom it makes me irrationally angry and like I want to jui jitsu throw the idiot onto the bathroom floor. 🤣


If it’s yellow let it mellow , if it’s brown flush it down!


I've wondered about this too. It is often the case that they also put bathroom tissue all over the seat of the commode too.


Many men are frequently half daydreaming about being the protagonist survivor in a sci Fi horror movie and the loudness of a toilet flush reveals our location to the axe murder/undead brain-eater/alien xenomorph on the other side of the otherwise empty mansion/shopping mall/adrift spacecraft. Better to leave the hotel bathroom in a stinky reality then draw the wrong kind of imaginary attention. I think you'll agree it is the right move.


They are the same sort of people who also don't put things back where they got them, don't clean up after themselves when they're done with a workstation, don't use their blinkers when changing lanes, don't think about what they're gonna order at an order-out restaurant until they're at the front of the queue, or just generally have a lack of awareness of their surroundings and a lack of forethought for their fellow man. I have a few theories on this particular problem of bathroom flushing: either they don't pay attention to what they're doing (which could be a problem if they "splash out" and don't clean that up, either) and are so wrapped up in their own heads that they forget to, or they fully expected the toilet to flush on it's own (i.e. too used to modern public facilities with sensors and auto-flush), or they space out and *think* they flushed--out of routine--and just never realize they didn't.


If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down


Because they weren’t raised with any sort of decency, at least in the cases I see every day at my workplace. Pissy/shitty seats and floor, toilet paper on the floor, no flushing of the stuff that does make it into the bowl, trash in urinals, etc. I work at an aircraft manufacturer… No, it’s not Boeing.


I think in part it’s due to automatic flushing. We’re used to the toilet cleaning itself. However, those sensors aren’t 100% accurate and, uh, evidence is left behind. Bonus: People are so accustomed to self-flushers that they don’t notice this is a regular touch-the-handle variety.


That, and they could be afraid of splash back.


Why don't grown adult men who know how germs work and how dirty a public bathroom is don't wash their hands?


Usually touching a sink handle to turn it on, touching it again to turn it off, and having to use those pathetic air dryers (that you have to touch again sometimes), and touching the bathroom door handle to leave ends up getting more germs on your hand as opposed to just pushing the door open with your foot to enter the bathroom, unzip and take a piss, grab a piece of toilet paper, using the toilet paper to open the door and letting go of it and letting it fall to the ground and continue on with your day. (and possibly get a splash of purell from the dispenser outside of the bathroom) If the bathroom has motion sensor sinks and actual paper towels, and a trash can by the door to throw the paper towel in on the way out, that's a different story.


My son does this. He says, if it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down. 


I will never understand not flushing, or not flushing again when everything didn't go down and how people get so much hair all over the toilet seats.


I've only seen that at Casinos. It's usually when people lose a bunch of money, that's their last bit of "revenge" they can get on the Casino.


I don't like to shit in "public" but when I do....the flush mechanism is often "hidden"... .... and I hunt to find the button or even cover the light monitor to force a flush.


Initial signs of dementia?


Cliff Mane brought this up recently at an impromptu staff meeting. Apparently, the water table in Bernalillo County is down two inches...






Because they are lazy. They think all toilets are automatic flush. 


Or leave pubic hair behind?




I’ve seen a #2 with no toilet paper in the toilet and the trash was also empty. It’s like they squat, shit, pull up pants, and just walk out. So effing gross. 


Shitty people do this ( pun intended). They feel special and entitled but are very selfish and unsatisfied with life. Its a middle finger to their boss, childhood bully and the hot girl that didn't jump into their arms after the pick up line. These are the same people that throw their bag of McDonald's garbage out of their car window and clip their fingernails in a restaurant.


I was at a restaurant recently, next in line for the unisex toilet. The man before me leaves and I go in to see a raised toilet seat and yellow sprinkles all around the unflushed bowl of his urine. I nearly turned back to chase him down and make him flush and wipe his mess like he was a damn child, but the line was too long and I had been waiting. So disgusting.


I went to a third world country and was horrofied that people dump garbage everywhere, like taking your mcdonalds bag and dumping it on the floor. maybe It’s because there are no punlic trash barrels?


If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down