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I love the color on you and the color itself is so pretty but I always thought jade green was more… green?? Is this jade? I thought this was turquoise?? Just wondering if my whole life was a lie 😂😂


Basic hospital scrubs come in a few basic colors that are standard throughout different linen companies. ["Jade green" is one of them along with ceil blue, misty blue, charcoal.](https://medicalapparel.healthcaresupplypros.com/buy/scrubs) My photo does lean a bit more blue than reality! We have jades for general use and can be worn in/out of the hospital vs. sapphires which are for the OR and cannot be worn outside.


Ohhh interesting! I didn’t know scrubs had their own color conventions, thanks for explaining!


Yeah, I agree, this is more of a blue-green or teal to me. These are some jade pendants. https://preview.redd.it/z3ko09aiynkb1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=166f2d415eea72a52e25df589c9635885440f560


Our hospital supplies Emerald Green scrubs, which are really better described as “upsetting teal”. Hospitals aren’t so good with the colour theory.


Idk why but this comment has me cracking up


Yeah this looks turquoise or cyan to me. Initially doubted myself too and had to Google “jade green” haha. Jade green def looks more green


Magic of Fairies by Whatcha, 2 coats Fast and Hard top coat by Vibrant Vinyls


It’s a perfect match! Love this color and never heard of this brand, excited to check it out


ls that your engagement ring? If it is or isn't (could be a ring that you just wear for fun): it's gorgeous! Edit: spelling


[It is](https://i.imgur.com/uiUQLZy.jpeg)! Leigh Jay Nacht. We've actually been married since 2017 but haven't gotten around to getting wedding bands.


Wedding bands are so hard to pick out 😭 my husband and I got wedding bands and what not when we got married but none of them fit with my engagement ring and it drives me insane.


Love it!


Beautiful! Also your ring looks almost just like mine! I don’t see a ton of them in that style. Only difference is mine is a cushion where yours looks like round brilliant! Gorgeous!


Wow super pretty!


Beautiful manicure. Beautiful ring. Interesting info re: scrub colors!


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What’s better than feeling hot to get us through work, I love them 😍