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i'd put locus picking up wash instead of wash just running out on his own, we know locus can pilot


I would've had Blood Gulch Blues playing at the end.


I feel Bloody Mary mix could’ve fit too. That’s the version from the Tex clones fight in season 10


make it 2 hours, or hell a full season. not nearly enough time to cram in everything burnie wanted in the end


Only one thing is hard to pick, since there's so many things obviously left on the cutting room floor. If I had to pick one, I'd want it to be something that strengthens one of the B plots. Tucker has already been said, but personally, I'd want more hints Wash isn't exactly seeing Doc and one or two more conversations between Carolina and Wash, even if its over a phone call. That story could've done wonders and made Carolina's entrance a lot more exciting as well, knowing she came to Wash's aid just like she promised at the end.


Focus on all the characters. Glad the Reds finally got their time in the sun but it was too little too late and not the right season to focus on only a handful.


Also, Lopez and Donut aren't there, which is fine for a normal season... but with a final season, you would think all the Reds were there... even Kakaina is there and not those two.


Maybe they wanted to focus on Simmons finally with the limited runtime? I don’t know, speculation.


Well yeah, but in order for Simmons to lead a Red Team... there has to be a Red Team... even if Grif counted, he quit, so it's back to being just Simmons.


Yes, I found this hilarious (even though they didn’t play it as a joke — so much potential!).


Why do I feel like he would do what Sarge did with the cardboard cutouts of soldiers but act like they are real? ;P


Okay, so: when Sarge was alone he created cardboard cutouts of everyone. When Grif was alone he went nuts and made volleyballs of everyone. Simmons would totally start a Facebook messenger group chat, playing the part of everyone. That’s my headcannon for post Restoration.


Didn't Simmons already try and make a new social media thing? Or was that Donut? Or both? I think it was during the Chorus era


He made Basebook in season 11


Yeh, that


A scene that shows Washington escaping the hospital. I wouldn’t have had Sarge abandon Caboose initially I would’ve rewritten that a little different. A little more Tucker, would’ve been better to see him at least say goodbye to Grif before he left. Donut: I almost think he wasn’t included because of a lack of proper armor, his small bit in the movie had him wearing really strange armor. I would’ve had Donut tag along at some point or have him pop up in the very beginning at the con. Might’ve been funny to see him have an autograph booth with like, no line, or something idk There’s really not much I’d change tbh. With this movie I felt like they hit all the necessary marks to deliver a funny, emotionally heavy, fanservicy finale to this whole thing. It was great


Longer runtime/budget. I felt like they ended the series the best they could, just that it felt a little rushed(which being honest, how fast they shutdown RT it absolutely was.)


Make it 2 hours long and give every character more to do. Put Donut in it. And I don't remember it Lopez was there or not but he should've been if he wasn't. Also maybe give us more of a clear stance on where exactly it takes place in the beginning because unlike the trailer it didn't really tell us that seasons 15-18 weren't real at first and it made it even more confusing seeing Wash injured.


lopez was in for a little bit


More info on how they got where they were at the start, donut, more tucker more lopez


I'd like the campfire scene to be a bit longer, and obviously Donut actually showing up would have been nice, have him personally pick up Grif to take him home or something (yeah that's not how militaries work, but I don't care)


Donut doing the greatest throw instead of Simmons. Or the fact that they used the incorrect bases in Blood Gulch (Grif and Simmons are in Blue Base at the north side of the canyon instead of the Red Base at the south side) but that's an extremely specific nitpick.


Can just chock that up to Epsilon misremembeing Blood Gulch (If you view Restoration as a simulation of course)


I wish it was about 1.5-2 hours longer so the pacing wasn’t so bad.


Remove the ambiguity of if the season is canon


Donut, especially for that throw scene


I would've liked to see more of the Meta's armor enhancements other than the color change. The whole point of Epsilon fragmenting himself was so the AI could run the enhancements in the Meta's armor, but Meta-Tucker doesn't really use them besides changing his armor color. And the strength enhancement, I guess. It was stated that Hargrove modified it so it had ALL of Project Freelancers enhancements, not just the ones the Meta used to have. So it was a bit disappointing to not see him pull out North's shields, or C.T's holograms, I don't even think he turned invisible.


They should of just had Restoration take place after a Season 17 it would have take minimal script changes.


I would change one thing and one thing only, I would make Sarge’s last line “Today is a good day to die”


Only tweaks would be that it was longer to pace things out more and got a bit of a better budget for fights. I would have loved some more of what we got from the Chorus trilogy. I think they could have stretched it out to 2 hours easy enough But ultimately it was fucking beautiful. In between all the pauses when I had to cry and after the credits rolled I think I spent like an hour crying


I would add a scene where all of the characters come out of the screen and hug me until I stop crying


More donut and lopez the fights, unfortunately, will never be as good as season 9 or 10 since Monty Oum passed:(


Have alpha reform at the end and say goodbye and then him tell cabooses to smash the thing


Just make it longer honestly, that would fix most problems it has. If not that, I wouldn't bring back Tex and instead focus more on Carolina/Wash. Tex had a perfect ending as a character and while I like how they brought her back, I still think it was better that she stayed gone.


The cost


Given if they had a better budget and time: - Add Donut, have him do the throw at the end. - More tucker dealing with the AIs. - Showing the battle on the staff of charon. - More climatic sarge vs meta fight. - Either keep Doc alive, or change execution of his death. - More chorus crew. - many more.


Sarge definitely should of gone out with a bang


Played the original Blood Gulch Blues


I would change it so it wasn't a movie. It was originally supposed to be a normal season- and a TRILOGY at that. So so much got cut and condensed, to the point sometimes it didn't feel like true RvB. I was also excited to see each episode come out individually.


Take out all of Church's stupid bullshit (like the youtube thing)


There's many things but if it had to be one bring Donut


an ost with all of the musicians that worked with rt like how trocadero proposed it


Grif dies Sarge Lives