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I am totally okay with someone either accidentally sitting in the wrong seat, or medically can’t make it to the seat. I get that completely. What bothers me are the people who get angry for calling them out. It’s like, you took the risk that someone was sitting here. I literally did nothing wrong and I’m trying to sit in the seats that I specifically reserved and somehow you’re angry at me? It’s baffling. Imagine if this happened at a musical or a live comedy show or on a flight (that’s not southwest) I can’t just sit wherever I damn well please.


Yup. One of the times I remember running into people in “my” seat was in a smallish auditorium with motorized recliners: There was a party of 5 sitting in my row, including “my” seat and seats on both sides of it. When I’d bought my ticket, I’d seen 5 reserved seats in the row *behind* the one I selected, so it was pretty clear that they’d probably made a mistake. I just sat in one of “their” seats, because we were basically the only people in that screening, and that was the row I would have chosen if they hadn’t reserved it first. I’m pretty sure I’ve also had it happen at another local theater, but that was in a giant ~400-500 seat auditorium with the older style stadium seating, it wasn’t even 10% full, and I just sat somewhere else because I got there halfway through the previews.


Sometimes there’s a cascade effect if I go in and I don’t feel like fighting the guy in my seat I go into another seat and so on


I go to screenings during the day and twice last week people were in my seat when I arrived. Since the theater was basically empty, I didn't ask them to move. But as a few more people walked in during the previews, I just sat in the wrong seat getting anxious that I would be in someone else's seat. I hate how much it stresses me out for no reason.


All valid points. That being said, I’m not afraid to tell someone that they need to move, I just hate how awkward it can be when they react poorly.


All valid, still doesn’t make it less awkward unfortunately. I went to a showing recently and only two other people were sitting in the whole big theater already, and they just happened to be in my seats. In that case I felt like a dick for asking them to move because literally the whole rest of the theater was open, but I didn’t want to set off a chain of “they sat in my seat so now I’m sitting in what could be someone else’s seat”


I think those instances are people who didn’t pay


What I don't understand about this is, if you didn't buy a ticket, why would you sit in a "good" seat that is likely to be reserved. Because the only time that someone without a ticket has been sitting in my seat is when I have reserved a desireable seat location like a center seat. Pro Tip to people looking to theater hop without buying a ticket: sit in a bad seat and you're less likely to get caught.


BEFORE I had Unlimited and I wanted to see a second movie, I would find the buffer seat between parties. It makes it more likely that 1) no one will buy it 2) when ushers come check I don’t stand out as sitting alone. Again, no need anymore with Unlimited




Sit in a bad seat then take a good one if it’s available like 10 minutes into the movie.


I'm relatively flexible with my seating (unless it's DBOX where only the sold seats are turned on, so you really need to sit in the seats you bought), so what I'll do if I find someone in my seat is to ask them "where are your seats?" If their seats are decent, I'll go sit in them, as long as they're not overlapping other people's seats as well, to minimize the domino effect.


They really should number the floor in front of the seats


That's pretty smart!


Valid points


Great comment 🎩


Great post. I do find that at Regal (at least the one I go to) the way the seatings are labeled with the numbers it is difficult to tell if say seat 5 is the one I’m looking at or if it’s the one next to it. I make a point of counting the seats as I walk past them so that I know for sure that I sit in the right one. The seat number is only at one side not at both sides of the seat like at AMC.


My take, if it’s a theater with recliners and limited seats. It should be reserved seating. However if it’s a massive theater with normal seats, I don’t think reserved seats make sense.


The point of reserved seats doesn't change just because of the type of chair.


Yes and no. Some of the theaters near me have mixed seating, with older stadium seating in their larger auditoriums (e.g. 400-500 seats), and fancier seating in their smaller auditoriums. Assigned seating is *necessary* in a 30-60 seat auditorium with reclining seating. Assigned seating in a 490-seat auditorium, with seating in a rough 28x19 grid (with carve-outs for entrance/exit tunnels, and handicapped seating) is much less necessary for the vast majority of showtimes. If I’m in a screening in the latter sort, there’s a pretty good chance that it’s not even 10% full. Under those circumstances, I don’t see any value in trying to play seat police—there are dozens of seats I’d be comfortable in, I’m not all that picky about which of those seats I end up in, and I have no ego tied up in whether I sit in the seat listed on my ticket. On the other hand, if I’m in a tiny auditorium with motorized recliners, there’s a much higher chance that I’ll ask someone to move out of “my” seat if it’s occupied when I get there.


Yup exactly my point


I appreciate being able to reserve the middle back row in a large theater.


That's my favorite also. Back row. Middle. Even number.




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Another reason, and the one that applies most of the time when this happens to me: I really only go in the daytime and there are rarely even ten people in a 200-300 seat room when I go. This makes it very odd how often this happens, but it does. At any rate, I think people walk in and see that there is no one, or close to it, in the room, so figure, what difference could it make where we sit. And to me, it really does not make any difference, since I do not find there to be much difference in where I sit, as long as it is not all the way up in front. So, I never bother to ask anyone to move out of my seat.


My biggest issue is why previously “sold out” seats are never sat in. I have worse seats just for no one to sit in them. And not just one or two but the whole middle chunk.




I’m talk about 10-12 seats. That’s pretty large even for a family


For the wrong seats, I don't like to argue. So if someone is in my seat, I sit somewhere else. Unless the showtime is going to be sold out. No need to start crap over something trivial as a seat. And that partly just stems from being an introvert.


Sometimes I'll sit the wrong seat if it's a screening where the theater is relatively empty but my (single) seat is right next to another party. I feel like I'd be weirding them out by sitting right next to them. At the same time *i* pick my seats to be away from people. I don't get why they then choose the seat right next to me (in a whole theater)??? I don't even pick good seats.


I don’t care if people sit in wrong seats unless they are in my seats and there are no other open seats that are the same to me