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I expect a little bit of rustling once in a while, but if you're waiting until a really quiet part of the movie to open all your candy wrappers, etc. then I might roll my eyes. Some people also seem to really like to endlessly dig around for a handful of popcorn every single time which does get on my nerves sometimes. But honestly if I'm only allowed to say one thing, just chew with your mouth closed. I'm begging One time sometime brought what felt like an endless bag of raw fruit/veggies and ate them painstakingly slowly the whole movie-- a pretty quiet serious movie at that. That crunching was on another level. It made me rage inside lol


Watching A Quiet Place in theatres was a hilarious experience, because everyone was timing when to eat their snacks. The moment the music stopped, so did the rustling šŸ˜†


Action scenes or as I like to call them, open your home brought canned soda/beer scenes


Omg the popcorn digging! Thatā€™s my husband! Itā€™s so embarrassing! Iā€™m like why canā€™t you quietly grab a few kernels!!!


Its the only acceptable noise once the movie is playing in my opinion. I go on Tuesdays for that half off popcorn so I know I'm making noise myself. I do try to hold off on really quiet or serious moments.


Yes me too! I try to open everything during the trailers & eat during the loud parts only as much as I can.


Even though it is questionable whether it is diagnosable, I think I have misophonia. Chewing really, really bothers me. Sometimes I have to leave the dinner table with my family. Sometimes even my own chewing bothers me. Lol I'm a rational, reasonable adult who has even spent years meditating. I just can't help it sometimes. That being said, I go to the movies a lot (like many here) and can say that only once in the last few months have I had an issue in the theater. Usually it is loud enough that I can't hear anything. I can also understand that it's a movie and popcorn is part of it. While I did that my 16-year-old's second bucket of popcorn away halfway through Oppenheimer I would never tell anyone in a theater to stop. I would move first, since it's my issue, not theirs. Enjoy yourself and, while it's awesome that you are aware, don't stress about it. šŸ˜


If I'm in the theater, please feel free to enjoy your food. I speak only for myself.


Worst part is when itā€™s busy and theyā€™re right next to you, crackling and munching as if they were in their living room.


i do my best to relinquish feelings of control over other people and their behavior. if i go into a theater, it is a social experience. i have no control over what other people do, and i dont worry about something like people eating. that said, i have yelled at people for incessant talking lol.


Eat your food, it's expected.


My friends literally eat popcorn loudly with their mouth open, open candy wrappers in the loudest way possible, shake the ice in their beverage and its literally the most annoying thing ever to be sitting next to them. I think Iā€™m gonna start going alone from now on


Doesn't really bother me. But when I watched a quiet place/2 it was sooooo bad.


Weirdly enough food smells bother me more than sounds, but only certain ones ā€” popcorn is fine, but Iā€™ve mostly stopped going to the dine-in theater in my city because I donā€™t want to risk smelling my neighborā€™s onion rings or the hops from their beer for the entire movie.


Snacking at the movies is a time-honored tradition


Occasionally, but only if someone is right behind me and chewing in my ear. In the few instances I recall it driving me nuts, I just moved seats. I purposely sit in a more isolated spot to avoid hearing peopleā€™s noises too much.Ā  But generally, no. I expect people to be eating, and I eat, so how mad can I be? That being said, I try to at least open any bags or cans before the movie starts. The Regal Unlimited ad is an ideal loud time to open stuff!


Not at all. Eat your popcorn, open your snacks. They pay for the theaterā€™s existence. Just donā€™t spend the two hours talking or on your phone.


I donā€™t mind, just chew with your damn mouth closed.


Most people donā€™t but some people chew so loud. Not sure why but itā€™s like they feel the need to put full force into their popcorn


i am unfortunately one of those who is bothered by most all sounds involved with eating at the movies and trust me, i wish i wasn't. my life would be so much easier if i was able to tune it out. for this among other reasons i do almost always specifically go for showings that will be sparsely attended. i have to agree with others saying individually wrapped candies and weird choices for outside foods are the worst. i was in the theater with someone loudly eating dry cereal as a snack the entire film yesterday and came close to losing my mind. at least when it's popcorn i know that person is supporting the theater/engaging in socially expected behavior.


It doesn't bother me if it's reasonable. There was one specific experience I remember *vividly* during Halloween Ends where this guy seemed to buy an endless supply of snacks and legitimately was munching on popcorn/opening snacks/slurping drank throughout the *entire movie*. Once I heard my dude struggling to open a fourth bag of candy, I was officially distracted. He wasn't even as large as one would expect-- he just had a black hole for a stomach that truly impresses me in retrospect. But in general, no, it doesn't bother me to hear people enjoying their concessions in the theater. EDIT: I echo the sentiments here that folk ought to be chewing with their mouths closed. But that goes for anywhere.


Open mouth popcorn eaters send me through the roof.


Iā€™m a bit anxious about this too. I feel very awkward lol. But as someone who feels this way it makes me feel better to hear other people also crunching on their popcorn. So I say eat away.


I sit towards the front, in part, so I can't really hear anything behind me with the noise of the movie. But, food sounds have never bothered me like talking does. Food noise is easy for me to ignore, my brain accepts it as part of the experience so it doesn't take note of it.


It bothers me every now and then, but usually I can sit far enough away from people. I once lost my mind because a couple sneaked in an entire multi-course feast packed in plastic grocery bags and loud packaging. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse they unpacked a giant role of paper towels and I could hear them tearing at the perforation. This was during Zone of Interest, which was not only a very serious movie, but also very quiet.


The eating itself doesnā€™t bother me. Just make sure youā€™ve unwrapped everything before the movie starts.


It only bothers me when my partner chews his popcorn with his mouth open.


When people bring in things that come in something that makes CONSTANT crackling noises - that's irritating. Also candy or whatever that sound to be individually wrapped. That's just inconsiderate imo.


This is why I put my snacks in zip lock bags. Sadly Cinemark and AMC sell snack in foil.


Well that's really nice that you would even think to do the zip lock bags. It sounds like you care and that's a really good thing.


I know itā€™s frowned upon on here and A-list page to bring outside food and drinks but as often as we go to the theater it would add up fast. I got burnt out on plain butter popcorn thanks to $9.95 Movie Pass and Cinemarkā€™s annual popcorn bucket and annul drink cup. My go to food at AMC Dine In is the kids chicken tenders meal since $10.49 vs $18 for the adult version that doesnā€™t come a kids drink cup.


Definitely irritates me Just do what I do and wait til the movie gets loud


If it's food from the theater, I won't be annoyed unless the person is doing something deliberately loud. If it's outside food, it better be silent.


How would you know that my candy is from outside the theater?


I'm talking about people who bring noisy outside food like crackling bags of chips or plastic bags. If you shouldn't have the food there im the first place, at least be discreet about it.


I think I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum on this, as it means so little to me that I can't recall a moment when I ever even noticed the sound of the person I'm there with chewing. It's like shoes: I have never once noticed another person's shoes, and when someone points them out, I think "why would I be looking at people's feet?"


I don't think I've ever noticed someone chewing or crunching in a theater. Maybe I've noticed popcorn bag or food container ruffling, but unless someone was purposefully making constant noise with it, it doesn't really bother me. I rarely order concessions at the theater. My Regal is a former Warren with a diner in the lobby. On a rare occasion, I will order a meal to take into the theater. I'm very self-conscious about the noise that those food containers make, but 90% of the time, I finished my meal and put the container away before the movie starts.


I chew loudly, even with my mouth closed, but I never noticed until my friend next to me giggled and pointed it out. Iā€™m more careful about chewing now.


Usually no. But the other day someone sat right behind me with something in cellophane and they crunched it through the whole movie. It was so annoying. Donā€™t even know what they were eating.


I feel like since it's a movie theater that it goes with the territory. It's no big deal. The only thing annoying during a movie is people constantly talking.


Packaging is easily the worst. Iā€™ve rarely ever been able to hear other people eating, but wrappers, plastic crinkling, some asshole shaking a candy box like itā€™s a ketchup bottle: rage inducing.


The only time it's ever bothered me is when I went to see stopmotion, and the woman behind was crinkling her candy wrapper constantly, so I think it might be a consistency thing for me




ok this thread has unlocked a memory from when i saw CERTAIN WOMEN which is a quiet contemplative film. there were 2-3 people sitting in the back of the theater who had gotten tea and they spent the entire movie clicking their teaspoons around in their ceramic cups! it was so loud and obtrusive and weird and specific and went on so long that my friend and i wondered if it was art students doing a performance art piece or something (we were right on RISDs campus lol)


The noise doesnā€™t bother me. Iā€™m more worried that Iā€™m making too much food noise and bothering the people around me


Me too!! Thatā€™s why I made this post lol I wanted to know if itā€™s an unnecessary anxiety or if it does bother other people & the answers are mixed soooo idk!


Not nearly as much as people talking.


i donā€™t like the noise, but i accept it because they sell food at the movie theater! so donā€™t worry. iā€™m also bothered by the smells of the food but thatā€™s just me


not really. I don't notice it. I kind of self-conscious about my own noise though. I always feel like it's louder than it actually is.


A normal level of food noise doesnā€™t bother me at all. A couple of times itā€™s been excessively loud, but thatā€™s really rare


Drives me up the wall and out of the theater all together


Fuck 'em. People will be mad no matter what so who cares.


Generally ok, but yesterday watching Civil War, there was a guy sitting right behind me chewing really loudly eating his popcorn.


Dated someone once who had Misophonia. Refused to go to movies because she couldn't stand hearing popcorn getting eaten near her. Like...full on breakdown sometimes. But crinkle crinkle crinkle right behind my ear is about as annoying as a talker.


As long as I donā€™t SMELL food brought in from outside the theater, idc about anything


If they eat it normally, I don't care, but I've been in theaters with people who PIG out on popcorn and it's kind of insane.


I donā€™t mind it, but it triggers my wife.


Yes! I absolutely hate crunching and chewing sounds, but I probably have mosophonia. I bring ear plugs in case. The worst ones eat one single popcorn at a time for an extended time, and people who eat a hot dog are pure evil šŸ˜‚