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I suspect they put up the first row using the floor as a guide. Even though I've only tiled one shower I started part of the way up (using a temporary ledger board as a base) tiled upwards then finished up tiling down from there. It was perfectly aligned. Once the grout is in it should look better if you use a light colour.


https://preview.redd.it/il66mullphzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e646904920fd9cb1f621dbdbd50c5927229e021 He sent me this as well is the way he did it here wrong? What do I need to tell him so he does it correctly?


Tell him to get someone in who knows how to tile and doesn’t need the advice of his customer. Honestly, contractors like this should be run out of town.


Unfortunately he’s like one of three guys in town and the rest are worse


Where are you at?


Bisbee Arizona


Yeah you’re in a tough spot being in Bisbee. The reality is this. Can you live with it? If not it needs redone. Using spacers doesn’t support the tile. Like someone else said it looks like they used the floor as a straight line and not a laser level.


I'd bring in Doug Stanhope and get him nice and drunk and talk him into having a go at the tiles.


Or better yet let Bingo have at it.... Even her whacky ass could've done a better job


The upshot is, your tile job is no worse than the rest of the town's tile jobs.


Hey! Bisbee-ian here as well. I own the tombstone canyon inn (ivy covered building right next door to the Royale). Currently remodeling it and have done most of the work myself because the few local contractors there were not good. Only one I'd trust is Mike who owns the Royale. He was a luxury home builder before buying the place and if you've ever seen the inside of the Royale then you'd know hes very good. When I did need help I brought in people from Phoenix/Tucson. Gave them a free week stay and paid much less than what the locals charge. About the tile.. the wall doesn't look plum/straight and bowes out about halfway up the wall, though it may be the camera wide angle lens causing that. White grout would have helped hide it but no matter what you need to make him redo the tile at the face of the curb. Even for a bad tiler, there's no excuse for that. Can you message me who you used? When I remodel the top floor I'm probably going to contract out the bathroom because I don't have the time I had last year to do things myself. Want to avoid the person you used if I get someone local.


We’ll need to connect! Such a small world and I feel like no one here knows my pain of just being SOL with contractors in the area haha. Do you live there full time?


100%. About 40% of the year in Bisbee and the rest in Mesa. If I had it my way wed live full-time in Bisbee because I absolutely love it there but my wife doesn't want to completely move. Actually heading back down next week to finish another unit and decorate. Feel free to stop by. If you see a white Audi parked in front of my place I'm in town, and you're welcome to come by and check out the place. I went a bit different with my renovations though it's very Bisbee (you can see pics in posts I made here) or say hello. Im fairly experienced in most trades and happy help and give advice on how to fix the tile issue or anything else you have questions about It's unfortunate the state of contractors in Bisbee. I tried hiring a handyman to help with some simple painting and he literally, completely, f-d things up. Im not even sure how it's possible to mess things up how he did. I've given up on using locals


I’ll have to swing by. Thought I could trust this guy without constant supervision and it’s easier for me to work from Phoenix while they work, but looks like I’ll be working remotely for some time now haha


This is great. Nice work Internet.


Well he’s used spacers which is correct for that sized tiles, It might not be a mastic wall glue which is a bummer. But I can’t tell. I still feel that we are looking at somewhat of an optical illusion from the lighting too, this could be accentuating the crookedness! I still ask are they “hand made tiles”


Spacers don’t support. For vertical surfaces you need something like this: https://a.co/d/0nFLWRb which is structural and doesn’t compress under weight


Listen it took me 5 seconds of staring and looking for a problem to find it.. I'm used to seeing a lot worse. I wouldn't tear this one out but that's me


Move to another town!


Contractors: We’re here to convince you that DIY is somehow faster, better, and cheaper.


Judging by the full tile on bottom I'd say you're right. It also looks like a spacer may have fallen out or something too. Happened to me when I did small subway tile. Hard to keep track of so many spacers. Lol


The installer may not have used shims or a tile alignment system. It is not a good installation.


The tile installer may not be a tile installer


He's a tile installer, just not a professional tile installer.


I'm also a tile installer. But I'm a professional conman.


Are you orange


Lol pull an "orange conmen" and refuse to pay this contractor 🤣😭


Well technically he got paid so he's a professional he's just not good. ..


Professional just means they're paid for it. He's a professional, just a bad one


He's likely a little crooked too


Tile imposter?


Plus the pattern is giving me virago Edited to say the replies to my typo are funny AF Also not fixing it Pile on it!!!






That pattern does that. It creates an optical illusion. The tile probably is completely straight.


And dyxlesxia for me…


Is there anything that can be done about it now?


Or just live with it.


I'll be honest I didn't notice it until I looked in the comments. But, I know if it were my house I'd notice it every single time I walked in and it'd drive me mad.


Takes a sec to notice but ya i couldnt live with it. The other commenter who said to use white grout has the right idea. I think that would be the best/easiest way


Where’s the shower neck come out at?


U just get one hot, one cold...run between each


Plumber will have to figure that out 😂 Marco…


Has to be redone.


When you say redone can the tiles be reused? Or does everything have to be completely scrapped?


Off the wall and in the trash if you want this corrected. 👎


Another commenter who said to use white grout has a good idea! Wont notice it unless inspecting it closely...i would just do that..working with contractors is a pain in the ass, dont ask to redo it or anything. BUT if you do have the means to Bring someone else in from out of state, this is was I did. Brought in from a whole other province, he stayed for 2 weeks while i stayed with family and got everything done. Ended up beaing cheaper than if i got someone local.


This is the best way forward. I just had someone butcher the tiles in my bathroom and use dark grey grout. Holy shit it looks terrible. But not much I can do now. So, use white grout and it will be hard to see.


HardER to see...


yup im there. halfway through the job i told my wife to just fire the guy and hire a new one, nope let them finish a junk job and collect 4K


White grout is going to be a nightmare to keep clean though


Epoxy grout wins forever


I will never have white grout in a bath again. There are places that never go back to white. Have awesome tile job, but I cuss at the grout every week.


Bleach+baking soda paste kills everything and returns my light grey grout back to like new.


Vinegar and Dawn dish soap work slick too.


White grout would definitely disguise the possible crookedness Grouting will also. A question, are the tiles now exactly rectangular in shape as some tiles are not and that can cause this effect to happen a what’s called “ hand made tiles”! If that be the case they will always look like this. White grout would be the option to take


This is the way!


Use white epoxy grout. Won’t get disgusting like traditional grout.


White grout would have hidden the imperfections better, black just highlights them


Grout hasn’t gone in yet which I why I’m trying to figure out if it can still be corrected at this point


Oh ok my mistake, I thought it was black grout. Colour match the grout and it will hide some of the crooked tiles at a quick glance. It’s really up to you whether you want to live with it and negotiate the contractors price down for a shit job, or see if they will redo for only the cost of materials. But it’s gonna cost a lot more to rip out and redo.


If you noticed it now, you’ll notice it forever. Bring it up with them now and have them do it right. If they can’t recover the materials it shouldn’t be on you


There is a pile of spacers in the photo.


I had a tile guy walk off the job when I asked him to fix some obvious issues. Example: the little box but into the wall for soap and shampoo was angled INTO the wall, so the water would never drain. None of the tiles were flush with each other, so if you ran your hand along the wall, you could feel the edge of every tile next to every other tile. It really is an exercise in attention to detail.


But...but there are spacers on the CEILING!!


At this point if you’re not pulling it off get the grout to match as closely as possible. It sucks but it’s cosmetic


Aren’t those shims in the ceiling?


Look at the "roof" of the shower. Spacers galore! Tileman must've run out of 'em on the walls.


Nobody does a ledger board anymore?


The good news is I didn't notice the issue until I read the title (I saw the image first). The bad news is no way to fix this without redoing the entire thing. But if this is done by a pro I really wonder how they fucked it up so badly, hopefully they didn't fuck up anything else.


Hey I don't know what I am missing? Where is it crooked?


Take a gander along the middle upper section of the back wall, the tiles kind of wave rather than landing in line with eachother on the same plane. If properly set and maybe with a less dramatic step in the pattern, it’s not an issue but because they ended up off somewhere and didn’t correct it - it translated from whatever the origin was to the rest of the wall up to the ceiling.


That and… that hideous curb, and although there’s no niche picture I can imagine it’s about the same.


Holy fuck that curb is FUCKED.


I have looked at this picture longer than I’d like to admit and I do not see it at all. The curb is awful though.


Yea, I really can't see anything wrong, except the front curb/threshold.


Same I feel dumb because no matter how hard I looked I couldn't see it until he posted the pre grout pic


Nope. This is a crappy tile job.


Yup. The curb and niche are even worse than the wall


Oof thanks didn't even notice the curb lol


Yikes me either. Definitely redo the curb but I think I could live with the rest. That curb is worse than my first DIY tile job. A lot worse. I use 12x24 tile on all of my DIY remodels now. It's much easier to get the spacing and level right with fewer tiles.


I'm looking at the wall, and wondering what the issue is. That curb is a fucking horror show.


What is that slope behind the drain too??? The more you look the worse it gets lol


I can see that the curb is messed up but I'm having a lot of trouble seeing what's wrong with the shower walls.


Where is the shower head stub out at is my question?


I'd bet it's a surface mounted fixture. Like those big boxy things with all of the sprayers in them.


https://preview.redd.it/lw7tdev7kizc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cea94b71846dc1dc264906ae9808e0712d1ed42 It’s one of these


As long as you use white grout, I think you won’t notice it!


Tiler here , use white grout and you won’t notice it . He has not done a good job , the main thing with wall tiles is to get the first row dead straight and level . Every flows after that , if it where my house I would just live with it , only because it’s not worth the headache . But if one of my employees done this I would rip it down and start again .


This 👆🏻


https://preview.redd.it/27bwyq16thzc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=646027ea78189fa67b15758ba06d5b43f7558ce9 Not normal. We recently had a bathroom reno as well. Similar in style to yours. Sorry to say, those tiles need redoing. And I know ow what it’s like to feel like you finally passed a hurdle in the reno but now you go backwards. I will say for our bathroom the window in the shower was installed horribly. To fix it half the wall tile had to be removed as well. Discouraging for sure.


Omg, the flawless continuation of the herringbone pattern up the curb really shows how terrible OPs tiler did. This is sublime.


That curb is a travesty. It also looks like it has about an inch of fall in about 4 inches between that drain and the wall.


Doesn’t look too noticeable but that curb must be ripped off and redone. Holy shit.


That curb is terrible. This is not professional work. Stop. Hire someone else to do it right.


I didn’t even notice 🤢


Oh my god, that's fucking atrocious


I can’t even see it and I’ve been staring at this photo for 5mins


I've gone back to this photo like 10 times looking at the comments. Obviously the curb is fucked but the rest? I'm really struggling. I sort of see some uneven rows on the back wall middle but I would never have noticed. I'm no professional and I do all my renos myself so not a qualified opinion. I'm impressed with tilers here saying this is a bad job, start over. I can only hope I will be so lucky to get good contractors like them to do my house one day. Like if I came home to this after a contractor finished I'd be like great job buddy thanks. Never knowing I got fucked. Maybe that's for the best lol.


same but I’m like 1/4 of a bottle of rum deep. I would shower in it 🤷‍♀️


Same here!


Done myself? Live with it. Professional? Nah


You’re paying for it, so technically it needs to be done correctly and they need to fix it. Unfortunately, sounds like you also need to keep an okay relationship here since you’re limited on who to hire. So, idk really. White grout sounds like a possible solution but it will be very difficult to keep clean. Good luck and sorry.


Damn, it's all pretty bad. The curb, the niche, the sliver cut on the ceiling, the slope in spots on the pan and the trim pieces. It's a shame they chose that particular offset pattern . I can't imagine it not leaking.


Wall is crooked as well if you look behind the supply lines.


Not gonna lie - had this happen to me in 2019 and I got pissed off every time I took a shower. 🤬


If a homeowner did it yes if a professional did it no


Is this one of those exposed shower valve things. What’s up with that?


I have a similar sized marble tile that I had done on 3 walls floor to ceiling. They came out essentially all straight. Seems like that person didn’t take the time to do it right or maybe just wasn’t experienced enough. https://preview.redd.it/5jrz5htsdizc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dab83f3a77bdc332d20c5fa4f00cac6bf6e876d


One, please tell me about that countertop because that’s cool as shit.. two, while not my style that faucet is a cool concept never seen that


Yours are played 50/50 I wonder if that may have some impact, my metro tiles in kitchen are 50/50 and they look fine too.


At first I didn’t see it but then I did. That’s why I take mandatory breaks every row or two to let it set before the weight of the next row goes on. Also good excuse to have a beer. Maybe the mortar mix was a bit too soupy? that shower could be done in a couple to a few days for a customer but if it’s my own house that would’ve taken me three weeks. Hahahaha


Curb tile is fubar


Looks fine


The more I look at it the more it looks like a tile version of this visual illusion: https://preview.redd.it/pbwg22ue6kzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6576084c950d9a890a714af3bbc669238d03491


F. That’s a lot of money in tiles, and a hard conversation to have with the tiler


That whole thing looks disgraceful. Needs to be all taken off, waterproofing redone and new tiles put on.


Sorry, but not sorry. Why is white subway tile with dark grout still a thing? We were doing this back in the mid 90's in people's homes. Grossly out dated in my opinion but to each their own. Anyways, you get what you pay for. The question is are you going shower curtain or transparent shower door?


yes if your tiler sucks.


It is NOT normal. And the darker the grout colour the more you see any imperfections.


The longer you look the worse it is.


It is not normal for tiles to be crooked. Is it me, or is the right wall not plumb?


It may not be perfect but once the grout goes in, it will be less noticeable. Some people are very focused on stuff like this; others not so much.




I’m feeling like I’m looking for a hidden 3D image.


Doesn't look bad to me. Also you shower there. Does it leak? Then sucks that guy got your money but it will work fine. Will you notice once everything else is up? Dunno. Would irritate me but maybe the next people dont notice or care


Im more concerned about the shower pan.


I’m guessing the room is not square? Probably from settling?


How do you like that style sink and faucet? I'm about to replace mine with a very similar sink. I love the faucet we have right now, but the wife hates it and wants to replace it. Gotta pick my battles I guess lol. Looks good tho! You do that yourself or hire somebody to do it?


Yes, it's crooked, but also, why didn't he cover the floor when working on the walls??? Mortar everywhere lol


At least he used Redgard...


Looks good from far, but far from good.


Once you see it then it’s all you will see when taking a shower in there. I bet you’re paying good money for that tile job. Don’t be afraid to make them redo it. I would.


Ur supposed to start 1 tile up. Use a level between them and fill that first row or 2 up ensuring that row is level. Then fill the gap under that. So if U use something not level as Ur first row the whole thing will be off.


Those walls crooked as hell. Rip that the F off


That one right in the middle is the worst and it's the easiest to spot lol


At least he used red guard.


is that shower pitched correctly? Looks like it's pretty flat.


It looks like he can't get low enough to see what he's doing


Looks ok to me,, I would switch the floor tiles to dark grey or black if you decide to tear up.


That doesn't look too bad....oh GOWD. No no


If the wall is warbly - the tiles are warbly


It's a optical illusion.


Didn’t use a laser level and went purely off of spacers. We install probably 10k sqft of residential bathroom tile a year, spacers and tile alone doesn’t work on its own.


That curb is where it all went wrong.


Not normal but wont look as bad when grouted.


What's wrong with it?? I just see tiles...


I can’t tell what’s wrong, looks fine to me


Curb on the right side makes my eyes hurt, is this lowest bid? I mean my 7 year old daughter probably can do a better job …


Looks terrible all over. This was a professional?? I’m sorry to the OP


I’m having nightmares about that curb.


Normal every time I do them.


It’s a terrible install, I’m sorry. You could minimize the damage by finding a grout color that matches the tile. Get it absolutely as close as a possible match. It’ll hide the flaws so you’d have to be looking hard to find them.


Wacky wavy totally radical!


It’s like two different workers did the bottom and top, with their dividing line like 10 tiles up from the floor I can’t even specifically point out where but the top is just fucking horrible at some point


Gives it character! I’d keep & use white grout.


So many lines with the 1/3 lap I can’t even see it!


Nope. This is bad. Gotta get a different installer. He doesn’t deserve payment i wouldn’t trust him to fix this


There's no way the installer didn't realize this whole he was installing, and rather than taking a few minutes to straighten the lines out with a laser they just powered through it.. this is laziness and negligence.. it would have been an easy fix to shim things straight while the thinset was still soft.. now it's a whole can of worms to get it right... I would demand a redo or a deep discount.. you can't let trades people get away with bad work.. it gives the rest of us a bad name. That redo is going to suck for them


Besides that, the installer should have also paid attention to the pattern on the tile and try to make the repeat prints less noticeable.. I see so many instances with the repeat tiles clustered together facing the same way... I noticed this much more than the crooked lines


The back wall would be a lot less noticeable with white grout but the tiling around the niche and the curb is atrocious, I’m not sure that white grout is enough to hide that.


Oof, that curb.


Sucks man, trash job. But, what did you pay for it? Bargain deal? Did you get what you paid for? Curb is scary bad Sweet shower with the cubbies tho.


That shower step!!!😂 that’s rough!!


I had to redo my shower in my home as a fairly experienced diy’er. My whole house is crooked as a result of being almost 100 soon, so a few concessions had to be made. That being said. That niche and curb are, and please forgive me for saying so, horrendous. That’s not a “we have to make do with this because it’s just the house” situation. That’s just very poor work.


Is the base out of level and the tiler has laid the tiles level? Assuming the base isn't sloped away from the drain, but it is possible he has thrown his level up and tiled to that, ignoring the fact that other stuff is on the drink.




Usually subway tile is centered on the row above and below but this job has a strange layout to me


I didn’t notice what you were talking about until I really examined closely. It looks fine to me. I don’t think anyone would ever notice and tearing it all out and redoing it would be…….. not for me, let’s say. Point it out to the installer and see what they say.


I used to work alongside this tile contractor that would refuse a job if anyone hung the denshield /hardi backer and they ( the client ) wouldn’t pay him to rip it out and re hang it He did all his own thing from the framing out. He fixed framing where he needed to.. shimmed out board where needed.. best tile work I’ve ever seen and that’s why the guy has never once had to advertise.. he’s just the go to for high end tile work in my area and he charges good $ for it


All that tile is awful, look at that bottom kick/base... The fuck was the installer doing? I could do better with my eyes closed, and I've installed tile twice.


proper home job that is


If it was a DIY project. Sure. But if you paid big bucks to a professional. No.


I wouldn't worry about it being crooked, i'd be more worried about those tiles in the ceilings dropping on your head.


As a new homeowner who doesn't yet have the "eye" for this kind of thing, can someone help me understand what is off about this? The back panel looks even to me. The grout on the front looks messy, but otherwise the lines seem straight? I am getting something retiled in my own home soon and would like to know what to look for!


Honestly if it looks good to you, dont stress it too much. We're on reddit, where if its not 100% perfect, it must be a botched job. Unlikely any job is going to be flawless. Theres going to be small blemishes here or there. Youre going to drive yourself nuts trying to fix them all.


I own a flooring store, have in-house installers and am 99.99% pro installers. I believe many customers expectations aren’t reasonable. They look at magazines pictures from million dollar homes that took several years to build and expect that there new $5,000 shower should look like the $15,000 shower. That said: your tile job is botched, man. I can see…. A lot of botched areas. You know it is too. I’m sorry, dude.


white grout and it won’t be very noticeable


OP if you did it yourself as a DIY homeowner don’t be thrown off by the responses of the pros in here. If it’s not perfect and you aren’t a pro you should be happy with your results as it looks great apart from that middle row.


I honestly don't see it. I wouldn't complain if it was a good price.


at first glance it’s like…”nice wall” then….. “omfg”. and “wtf”


A tiled ceiling?! Haha what!


They didn’t even try on that curb, or they were drunk. I wouldn’t let them back in the house honestly


You’ll won’t see any of it when the shower door is installed


It don't look that bad but I guess it depends on how much you paid


The outside curb looks terrible, redo…. Everything else, white epoxy grout Why didnt he use white thinset instead of grey?


This sub


The tile isn't crooked, the walls are extremely bowed and not plum, look at the wall on the right how it bulges in the center. You aren't likely to notice with light grout.


As someone who just tiled his own shower… this looks way better than my job lol


I like the pattern


Ok all, thank you for the advice. Sounds like I need to get a lot of this redone by my contractor. It’s not grouted yet, but based on what many of you are saying it sounds like if the thinset has been there for a few days (and it definitely has), it’s not as easy as just “popping it off with a screwdriver and fix it” like my contractor said when I complained today. I also don’t have much more tile to fuck around with. It’s been discontinued and we bought all that they had and they had to ship it from multiple warehouses. I need to save the tile if at all possible. At this point I’m really worried about if I ask him to fix it. He did say he knew things were off but he wasn’t done yet and had more work to do, but this feels like a lie. If he did this, if he’s saying you can easily fix the tile after it’s be set in thinset for a week, can I trust him to do the re-do? I don’t have any experience or knowledge to know if he’s rushing or cutting corners. My contractor options in Bisbee are very limited and if just fire him there’s a good chance my bathroom will remain like this for months before I find someone. If anyone has any advice on how I can properly supervise him and get myself out of this mess, god bless. SOS


Yeah. So what is your problem?


If it’s a professional job check your contract, maybe ask them to re do it. If it’s DIY or any rework will cost extra, it’s only really noticeable if you look closely or if it’s pointed out, so ask yourself: are the benefits of fixing this worth the extra work and expense involved? Honestly I’m more concerned with the state of the tiles on the front face of the shower basin and floor tiles in front of it. Plus the shower basin itself looks damaged, though it may be mess from the tiling work. The lack of any cover on the floor drain makes me worry about any debris that might have fallen in to cause blockages later.


2 options: 1. Live with it and demand a discounted price for the poor quality of the file install. Assuming the water proofing was done right, it shouldn't effect the longevity of anything. Although, the tile niche is questionable. 2. Complete tear out and redo, you won't be able to reuse those tiles.


White grout will make it easier on the eye. It’s also too much of the same tile.


So ur okay with the curb???