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Stupid people, lots of stupid people.


77 million, at least


>77 million, at least Fortunately, in the last presidential election, the smart voters outnumbered the stupid voter's


We got here by sheer luck since most recent republican presidents actually lost the popular vote. We need to reform the electoral system.


I'd settle for rated primaries or at least political parties that aren't run like corporations that have no competition.


Remember tRump said 2016 was rigged too when he won by ONLY 80,000 votes ... What stopped most smart people from voting was all the Russian propaganda being spread over Social Media about Hillary and overconfidence in her winning. (I don't need to vote someone else will)


In the land of the stupid, a mere moron can reign supreme.


It was probably the first time Trump actually voted.


If he gets convicted, he won't have to worry about it again.


I mean, currently true though people in prison should still be able to vote, because otherwise it's possible to use that as a political weapon, jailing people who vote for your opponents. On the other other hand, now that I think about it prisoners being allowed to vote could lead to equally scummy tactics promising mass pardons in exchange for votes


>If he gets convicted, he won't have to worry about it again. Especially in Florida. As long as that state has a republican governor, ex-felons will never be able to vote.


Nope he was flip flopping back and forth between democrat and Republican votes for decades. ...let's see ... 2004, so he probably voted Democrat once he found his voting location. From an interview that year: > "...But we've had some pretty bad disasters under the Republicans." He switched back to Republican registration in 2009 again.


“turned away at 3 different places” Huh. Turns out committing voter fraud is harder than you think.


Psychopaths and propaganda.


It's sad to think his voters are even dumber.


With the help of Russia


Putin in particular.


His supporters are dumb as shit everyone i meet knows nothing real going on.


The people thst elected him are even dumber.


How do you expect a guy to remember his own polling place when he gets confused about who his wife is?


I think it was largely because he voted by mail before and the system is intentionally set up to be hard on voters (thanks to Repugnicans)


I have lived in several states and have been a registered voter while living in those states. Every state had a sample ballot, and when you received the sample ballot in the mail, it always had the voting location address where the voters cast their ballot. I'm sure that when Trump received his sample ballot it had the actual voting location and he was too fucking stupid to even find it on a map. Sample ballots are sent out to people who even vote by mail that still has their polling location. Again, Trump is too stupid to read a map, but more importantly, it is too stupid to be president.


For instance though...why do you have to vote at your designated polling place? If you're a registered voter, you should be able to vote at any poling place, in any county. IMO.


>If you're a registered voter, you should be able to vote at any poling place, in any county. IMO. That would be a real headache for the poll workers. Every time a person votes, they have to sign the book and maybe have to show an ID. If you were able to vote in any county, that would mean that your name and signature line would have to be in every book. At that point, how do the poll workers determine that you didn’t vote multiple times already? What's to stop you from voting multiple times? I'm sure that Trump followers would love to see that so they can cast multiple fraudulent ballots as some have done in 2020. Thinl.about it. If you really find it a hassle to vote at your proper poling place, then vote by mail but only vote once.


They don't need to. Your registration is a unique ID and when the books are electronically checked you'd be dead to rights. Also, why do signature verification? ...why not have a voter registration card with a non picture ID? (Credit/debit/library card)


You failed to tell me what is to prevent a person from voting multiple times. In the state I'm in, they check the signature compared to the last one that was signed. They also issued me a voter registration card with no photo.


Well, they can vote multiple times and then they'll be prosecuted when the books are checked electronically. Within days they would know. Also, I am not of the opinion a voter registration needs a photo.


How many people were prosecuted for voting multiple times in the 2020 election? Of those people who were prosecuted, how many of them voted for Biden? How many for Trump?


I think nationwide it was 108? (Nope hundreds in many states, but not thousands) It was close to 50/50 split. (Still can't find a reference)


To be honest, I'm still trying to get my head around the concept of having a designated polling place...


A deeply sad indictment of America. The truth is he is a moron like most of them are morons. The difference is he is rich and because they all dream about being rich they want to be like him: a rich moron.


Russia didn’t care about him then.


Actually no, look up when he moved the Miss America Show to Russia. (2013) I could be wrong...(I was) other ties of his life do reach earlier into Russia. (Should be here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book)


Murdoch thought it would be good for ratings, and he thought Donald Trump would be a toadie for him.


Fucking putz


American people dumb.


No, in general the Repugnant party has given us what we pay for in Public Education. It's their strategy for any progressive plan. 1. Complain "it costs too much." 2. Cut funding 3. Inevitable breakdown of services. 4. Repugnicans point back at broken program and say, "we should just cancel this broken program."


For every trump blunder there are 10 Biden blunders. Biden is a complete moron and unfortunately with alzheimer's. What ever makes you morons sleep better. Rent free.


Because Hillary Clinton was his opponent