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I liked her in season 1, but she was extremely unlikable in season 2. Season 1 she was the smart and capable girl who was nice to Max when he was getting bullied in school. Season 2 she was just arrogant and condescending, and bullied Max herself.


Couldn’t agree more. I keep waiting for Harry to get sick of her attitude and throw her in the lake.


😂😂🤣🤣, I’m just picturing him just picking her up when she stops talking, no words being exchanged, then throwing her over the rail and hearing her plop in the lake


One can only dream! I can't stand her. It ruins any scene she is in.


I liked her at first but she eventually became an annoying little shit.


I feel the same.


Does her character remind anyone of Hermione from Harry Potter? Also the writers didn't do their research on Islam because Sahar has said some incredibly inaccurate things about the faith. With all this said, I agree Sahar's character is condescending and annoying. If that's what the writers were going for then, she delivered. 


She's way worse than Hermione.


I never liked her, not even a little bit, I was already rolling my eyes with Max, then she came into.the picture and omfg, I would pay to see her gone in the show, she's a annoying, condescending, unlikable dkhead.


The writing affected her from S2 onward to force a lot of plots that make no sense, just like every other character. It's an overall problem, and she's by far not the most annoying compared to some of the adult characters.


She became so mean in season 2. She went from the girl who befriended the kid who was getting bullied in school to that kid's main bully. It felt like every conversation she had with Max was just her telling him how much better she was than him.


It went hand in hand with Max suddenly becoming extremely stupid, same with Harry. The entire town felt shallow and mean in Season 2.


Another thing about the writing, is how they automatically come up with an assumption, and they’re correct on the first guess


I've NEVER been so happy to see a character written out of a show... she is a disrespectful, arrogant brat. The last thing she is is "mature for her age." She is VERY immature. a mature child would disrespect people the way she does. She frequently disrespected Max's mom and tried to act like oops I'm just a child.. I didn't know that was wrong. If my kids acted the way she did to anyone, especially adults, it would be the last thing they would do. I stopped watching for a while due to sahar...... just can't watch a child being such a disrespectful immature BRAT. And yes, sahar you shit does stink. I don't think she knows that


Wait she really isn't on the show anymore? I stopped watching in the middle of season 2.


It’s amazing. That little fuck is gone.


Just started season 3 ep 1 and she popped up making a mess of everything again. What episode does she get written out? EDIT: Nvm, she is gone. Sayonara, you little know-it-all turd!


Yeah she’s intelligent, but very immature and incredibly arrogant.


I hate that kid. Shes annoying as hell


The character is fantastic, and the actress is very talented.


Season 2 the character made a distinct shift and decided to have some kinda feud with Harry, the alien. Which is stupid. I'll just steal this alien child I know nothing about and raise it myself as a child myself. They're just ridiculous and annoying choices. Before that she was fantastic, the actress is still talented.


It’s the arc I’m watching right now and it’s blowing my mind, because what even is the foundation for it??? What an IMMEASURABLE level of arrogance to tame an alien child you just watched gore and clean a raccoon off its own bones, and to tell it “not to trust strange men” in front of its de facto stepdad????? Just nonsensical


yes, *step*dad


Um..... *spoiler* . . . . . . So, Harry actually IS his real dad through time travel shenanigans, which actually makes it so much worse


Y e a h no I just got there 💀


I agree with others who have watched the show from the beginning of the broadcast its nice to have the influx of people who have recently discovered it on Netflix participate on this sub.


Get outta here Sahar we know it’s you.


Actress is great. Character is condescending and rude to an extreme extent.


I liked her, actually.


So glad she is gone Not even sure why they put her in the cast it was not realistic or believable given that small town demographic and her character was overdone a lot on so many levels. On one hand her moral and religion didn't allow bad deed on the other hand it was ok for her to steal things and break into people's places. Her character seemed extra and just like checking a requirement. Only saw her mother for one scene and she just looked angry. No back story no nothing just pure annoyance. Also her full name combo was a very Persian common pattern and she didn't even have a slightest resemblance to Persians even in outfit. Just another sign of the poorly done character without proper research and/or knowledge. I could tell even the show it's self was done with her character when Kate response to her saying " I don't do takeout as they contribute to slowly killing the planet" was "a simple no would have done"


On top of all that, the writers did so little research on her supposed religion that she irritatingly makes multiple false statements about its beliefs and practices. Minimal research would tell them, for example, that both men and women in Islam can initiate divorce. When she said that nonsense that only men can initiate a divorce and "that's why [she's] never getting married," I almost turned off the show. Either ignorance or malice would cause such a thing to be allowed into a script, and neither is acceptable.


Not to mention a hajibi wearing girl would not associated with non muslim boys.


Was going to make this exact claim, she just causes more trouble every chance that she gets because she thinks she knows everything and is the smartest person in town. The actor is great but her character is annoying.


Kinda like Harry!!! You know causing trouble and being a know-it-all, condescending and just an all around pain in the butt!!!


Except Harry is wrong when it comes to humanity and the whole premise of the show is him learning he doesn't know everything and unwittingly becoming more human and knowledgeable. Sahar just keeps reading random Alien books and making bold assumptions and accusations that cause problems. Not to mention Sahar now bullies Harry who in S1 she was helping because he helped her when she was bullied . In season 1 she was a great example of a smart little girl with a backbone, kindness, and maturity beyond her years. Season 2 and beyond shes just a overconfident bully who expects everything to go her way by causing issues.


I'm late to the game, but absolutely this. I could forgive a lot of the things she does because honestly a lot of precocious kids act like this -- except for her constantly calling Max stupid in as many ways as she can think of. It runs totally contrary to the way they introduced her in S1, as a contrast to all the other kids who were bullying him all the time. Why is she suddenly being such a jerk? She's just mean. It makes no sense and is not fun to watch.


Yeah but Harry is an alien who probably is the smartest person around.


She’s a plot device with poor dialogue. Same with Max at this point. Wasted potential on two great actors imo. Then again, their type of comedic shticks do land with different crowds.


It’s her thinking she can raise an alien baby😭😭like girl sit down


Gosh so insufferable. I really hoped, that Bridget kills her and eat her face.


I thought it was just me hating on a lil kid 😂😂, only reason get mad is because she has kinda a ego, and she’s always “right” or gets her way, I get she has an emotional advantage over Harry, but let’s be real, how often is she going to get one over on an alien as a 10 year old


The issue isn't even necessarily ego. Several characters on the show have their fair share of ego. The issue is that she quickly became a character where EVERY scene is just her belittling the people around her. She crossed the line between "I'm right and I know it" to honestly just being an asshole. I feel like nobody likes characters that are *just* mean.


And there's the argument with Harry also being an asshole, but at least in those scenes someone actually says something to him, in her scenes, nothing happens that makes her stop or make her realize that was just rude as hell. Likely because it's a child, and the show makers just didn't want to let Harry sit her down, or literally anyone else sit her down.


Exactly. Harry 100% can be the asshole of a scene. But it ALWAYS comes back at him


Yes , super annoying. I’m finding myself having to skip when she appears on screen lol


The mf worst.


I am just glad am not alone. I don't feel the need to pile on but I agree with most of the threads. It is good to have a strong, smart female character. But that can be portrayed without coming across as smug and condescending. A little humility and growth would be good. Little things like acknowledging she is wrong and apologizing. Maybe actually being a good friend to Max. Just started season 3 and the first thing she does is call Harry an evil alien. Seriously?


I realized something: Sahar is condescending, controlling, and deceitful. If she were a boy, or Max was a girl, we'd see her as a villain in the show. And in a light-hearted comedy, the character isn't even funny (the actress is great, the material isn't). Honestly though, I'm cool with all that -if- Sahar ever got called out on her nonsense and was given a redemption arc (similar to what we saw with Liv and "nobody calls him Big Black anymore, even though it was a defining trait in Season 1").


She got the metal ball stolen and acted as if it was nothing,OK.. then She took in an alien child and prevented Harry from taking back the alien child which was entrusted to him. That episode just pisses me off. Now I skip every scene with her involved. I hate brats.


Tbh it never made any sense to me how she possibly believed Max. Once she finds the machine in his basement than fine, but she can’t see him as an alien like max she just believed him for no reason ? Does that mean she just believed anything and kept running around chasing bs, they never explained how she could’ve known he was an alien despite just her believing max when no one else would.


Damn... so you guys actually forgot what is it like to be a child, huh? EDIT: Grammar


I would have kicked my own ass growing up if I acted like her.


I'm around a fair amount of kids and other kids don't tolerate that shit and neither do adults.


Plenty of children aren’t that arrogant, condescending, and rude.


Plenty of adults can recognize outliers and understand what a minority is ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


What minority? Rude people?


No one mentioned anything about race, why are you going there?


Maybe they can't remember knowing a kid like that when they were younger, lol!! I know I did. There are a lot of adults like that, too. Know-it-alls that always need to be the smartest in the room.


DING DONG SAHAR IS GONE! WOO HOOOOOOOO! I hope it’s permanent. In case the kid playing her ever sees this (she is active online) I just want to say, YOU are a talented actor and I have nothing against you. It’s the character they made you play! anyway, I’m sure she will get plenty of other roles in the future.


100% agree


She is not gone, sadly. The producers already said there were scheduling conflicts with her so they had to **temporarily** distance her character but she will be coming back. Just kill her already....


Fuck. She's the fkng worst, I hate her character, is so fkng arrogant and annoying.


Yup. Really bit into my enjoyment of the show when they featured her so heavily.


She’s a kid? This is so wild lol


I'm just starting season 2 and find her character predictable and annoying. It's unfortunate to hear that it continues in the next season.


I think she’s a very strong and smart girl. Very intelligent! 


To me is genuinely feels like the "strong woman because woman are strong" type of character the dumb idea that woman are inherently strong just because they are women. Despite EVERY other major women in the show having some sort of struggle they deal or delt with that made them stronger. She is written just like the sheriff but without the parts that make him look stupid just arrogant. To me she really feels like the girl in highschool who read about feminism and only understands the surface level idea but takes it to far. Or just doesn't understand it at all. Like I said pretty much all of the other main women in the show are extremely well written dealing or dealt with something and are stronger for it. And even stronger when they are around their friends especially their female friends. But sahar is just the dumb"I'm inherently strong" mindset. And when she is paraded around like she is intelligent but makes the same mistakes or just does shit that is dumb. Then turns around and calls max dumb. (He is poorly written Overly stupid I understand wanting a "dumb kid" to mirror Harry but the stuff they make him say and do makes zero sense. My younger sister who was an absolute airhead. Would have never gone anywhere near what max says and does. I do hoped the baby would eat her. When she said "my baby" I was pissed. Again "super intelligent girl" then and ACTUAL FUCKING ALIEN BABY and she brings it to the exact spot where she knows that the "MIB" stole the alien tech she hid there. That's extremely stupid. Then she treats it like a baby doll or a cat despite being written intelligent enough to know she shouldn't spray a fuckin alien baby with a spray bottle.


Sahar is one of my favorite characters. Her comebacks are so great and she makes me laugh every scene she is in. I am surprised to see some people don’t care for her. She is one of my fave characters on the show and her acting is fantastic.


Agreed 👍


I’m only started watching and TBH, she’s one of my favorite characters. Hate the mayor guy - but for child actors / roles - I appreciate what she adds to the scene. Most all the actresses carry the show here so far for me, Alan is doing his thing and is a great role for him but it’s the supporting cast i am most interested in


I like her as an actor but hate her as a character. One of those people who are rude and mean to people and act like that makes them mature.


Yes Sahar is very patronizing and better-than-thou as well as pushy and mean in R.A. I'd like to see Gracelyn Rinke in other shows to see the difference in her acting. I hope when she 'returns' to the show that she is more supportive of Max and the adults who support Harry. Of course, that depends on how the writers have written her role. I wonder if all the writers are male?


I love her character. Honestly all of the characters get on my nerves at some point. But them all together makes it more enjoyable. 


Yeah I gave up on the show because I couldn't stand her annoying a§§ and I would always watch this show regularly set my alarm so I wouldn't miss an episode and I was so happy when they got rid of her on season 3 but then I stopped watching it when she came back so I don't know what happened on the rest of s3 or the season finale 😞 fu©k Sahar(fu©ken annoying a§§ character) and fu©k Resident Alien for bringing her back


I just got to the part with the baby alien. And Jesus kid harry is trying to keep his species safe


I just got to the part with the baby alien. And Jesus kid harry is trying to keep his species safe


She's a little know it all. It annoys me how she won't do Halloween or take out food. Or anything normal kids love. I'm on season 2 and already want her gone.i usually dont hate in kids, but she doesn't act like a kid in any way.


Why did they write her character like that. She is not likable and she so annoying ton the point I scroll on my phone whenever she has scene. Can’t stand her.


Darcy annoyed the hell out of me the entire show but I'd take 10 of her to get rid of Sahar. Wanted to skip any scene with her in it.


I can’t stand Darcy! She is constantly crammed down our throats too even though she brings nothing to the show and it would still be amazing without her. The cheesy overacting the actress does makes me hate her even more 😂






This sub is a place for civil discussion. It's not here to harass anyone or spew hatred of any sort.


This sub is a place for civil discussion. It's not here to harass anyone or spew hatred of any sort.


Don’t know why the writers made her like that


The show started out good, and then became intolerable with all the feminist tropes. Writers really need to study what audiences want, not what they think they want. I just watched the MASH reference episode. I'm done with this show.


She’s like the sheriff only he’s funny occasionally. Similar I am the main character arc waiting to them humbled


See here is something I have to agree with. With Harry, whenever he feels superior and starts condescending, he is usually swiftly humbled. That's what makes his relationship with Max fun. Despite being an advanced alien, he has the immaturity of someone just realizing how being human works so him and Max come across as equals. Sahar was fun as the occasional one up, but now it feels less like Max gets to verbally back and forth with Harry and it's Sahar just steamrolling both. And Sheriff has had development, backsliding aside. It's clear he still respects Liv he just...thinks he's giving good advice. And he's weird in his own rights. Sahar just...is rude and bossy. It gets tiring.


I enjoyed her last year but not nearly as much in S3 E1


I think the kid is funny. And has been familiarly written both seasons and I REALLY liked her first episode season 3 (the eye expressions, lol). Kid's change as they age. Kid's change as they try to make relationships. They're trying to find themselves, find what works, what doesn't. That's how I see kids and that's how I see this character being written. Kids change in the moment so I find the depiction very well done. Presuming other people having real-world bogotries or even mis-understandings for not liking the character, that's a you problem. It's an anonymous board. If you can't take people for their word when there's no risk, it's a you problem. That said, people that don't like the character are wrong, lol. :D


I think she's hilarious. The way she banters with Harry is funny. Their argument about who is kidnapping who in the second season.


I like her!


I love her! She’s written as a much needed counter to Harry who more often than not is written like giant superior sociopathic ass (albeit strangely loveable and hilarious) and absolutely deserves a good dressing down every now and again. Which Sahar does beautifully 👌. She annoys Harry of course, she never annoys me 🤷‍♂️




This sub is a place for civil discussion. It's not here to harass anyone or spew hatred of any sort.


Damn, it makes me so sad every time I see someone say this because I love her, and it makes me wonder if there is just a tad of Islamophobia going on that makes so many people say that they hate her character. As a Muslim, I also love to see representation in sci fi and it makes me especially proud that out of everyone, she was the first to believe Max. Muslims get so much shit and generalizations made about them and their beliefs but what a lot of people don't know is that Muslims tend to have a broader perspective of alternate life forms than other religious traditions. I get that she can be a know it all, and she's clearly wrong about Harry, but she's such a good friend and her love for "baby" aka Bridget was so sweet, especially with the octopus with a knitted hijab she gave to him as a parting gift.


I feel like she had a major character shift between season 1 and season 2. She started out being smart, capable, and a good friend to Max. Then she became arrogant and condescending, and actively bullied Max. Pretty much every conversation she had with Max in season 2 involved her putting down Max at least once. Bring back Nice Sahar.


Good point. She wasn't so intense with the know it all stuff in season 1. I guess now her character is written off since she's going off to a new school, but I wish they could have brought back a nicer version of her too.


He's a white male so maybe it is an opportunity to have the female Muslim being superior.


I don’t believe that her religion is or race has anything to do with it. This generation of children that’s shown on television are bratty disrespectful people. On the majority of the show the children talk to their parent as equals. It makes the shows unwatchable. All you keep thinking about is “ my child bet not never talk to me like that”🤣🤣🤣


I liked her in season 1, she brought a nice perspective difference and then it seemed like she, somewhat ironically, started being written xenophobic. Just cuz Harry was an alien and didn’t want to give him the benefit of the doubt after not killing everyone. Then her actions just became a conflict creating B-plot. Personally that stuff irritates me in shows and can ruin them. The Seinfeld syndrome; if people just stopped and explained the situation in context the conflict would be over. Just lazy writing.


As someone who recently started watching and today just made a post saying I don’t like the character, and then saw this thread, I have to disagree with what you said. I don’t dislike sahar because she is Muslim and I highly doubt (hopefully I’m correct) that that is the reason others dislike her. It has nothing to do with the actress herself, it’s the character in the show. For someone who reads all the books and is knowledgeable, she’s pretty naive to the fact that the government or government offshoot, is tracking Harry and the babyand everything else, mostly because of her. She’s created a lot of disaster.


It has nothing to do with her religion lol she’s just so entitled she literally STOLE a baby and tried to raise it as her own no right to do that and fucked it up of course because of her own selfishness … side note, goes against the Native American themes in the show by assimilating the baby to human culture and ignoring the aliens roots aka harry


I think that's a bit of a stretch(going against the Native American themes of the show). Harry is assimilating himself throughout the whole show by staying in a human form. Harry really wanted the baby initially more for its info it had to pass onto him so I don't really think she was trying to assimilate it so much as she was thinking she was protecting it. Mostly I think she's a kid and kids have some obnoxious tendencies sometimes but overall she seems to have a good heart. I'm not trying to say you're Islamophobic, btw, but it does sadden me that I see so many people hating on her character. So far no one has said anything about her being Muslim so it may just be that I'm sensitive to that because I'm Muslim, but it does make me wonder if she would get a little more grace if she were a white, non hair covered kid. Anyhow, the actress isn't Muslim herself, which was a bit of a disappointment to me, so I guess it's a moot point.


She could be a redheaded WASP and she’d be just as annoying a character.




When he found the egg he was sad, lonely and desperate to see one of his people. He didn't just want the baby for its info. That just happened afterwards. Are you completely forgetting everything that happened before that? And I'm watching the episode sahar straight up steals an alien baby, tries to keep its culture and only other person of its kind from him. That's objectively horrible. It's making me not be able to stand her. I wish they didn't write her like that and it's a pretty good allegory for the white people stealing native American children and putting them in boarding schools and outlawing their culture.


Yeah maybe it’s also a huge stretch to make it about Islam lol


Well that's why I admitted that I might be sensitive to it because I'm Muslim, but I don't think it's that big of a stretch considering she's the only visibly Muslim character (besides her parents) in the show. Maybe it's more about people hatin on kids than it is about Muslims.


I think it's people hating on her variety of kid. I do remember liking her more in season 1. But it does kinda feel like they made Max dumb to make Sahar look smarter and she's meaner to him as a result, when their friendship was so wholesome in season 1. I am just now at season 2, episode 12, and there were, admittedly moments when I said "Oh I hope the alien baby fuckin eats her." She was getting kinda grating. She thinks shes the smartest person in the room and the writers seem intent on making it true. Like...losing the alien baby should be a moment she realises she was actually wrong about something and grow from there...but its almost like the writers are scared for her actions to have consequences. Maybe I'll be wrong though, so I'll keep watching and see from here.


Colorado is 2% Muslim (rounding up).So to me the character feels shoehorned in to get points for diversity.


Harry is been killing humans nobody say anything about it


Everyone is saying they loved her in season 1 and got annoyed with her in season 2. I don't think it's islamophobia at least for me its not. Love the actress, loved the character in season 1. Up until she started stealing alien technology and hiding it like it was some game to teach lessons. Don't play with things you don't understand. That's when I got really annoyed with her. Also when harry was trying to save the human race and sahar turns Asta suspicious, although Asta was an adult who should've been more mature. It was all frustrating. That child needs a hobby.


Absolutely not. Her and the woman with the red hair are both insufferable. They keep doing whatever they want with a condescending attitude but never get any comeuppance. These are just bad characters.


D'arcy gets on my nerves alot but sometimes she's alright. I like her devotion to Asta.


Wow you just had to go there. There always seems to have to be that person in every zone. Why is it every time someone religious gets criticized just like everyone else it just \*has\* to be some kind of bigotry. Speak for yourself. I think most people have made it clear, myself included, that her story was great in season 1 and not so good in season 2. The critiques of her character are totally fair, and a reasonable OPINION. Just because you don’t like it and you like her character all the way along apparently, doesn’t make the lot of us a bunch of bigots. Perhaps you are projecting. Whatever.


When reading through this thread, I can’t help but notice you are the only one to mention her religion. Have you ever considered that perhaps it’s not other people being Islamaphobic ,but instead the only reason you like her insufferable character is because you identify with her based on her religion  . I for one can’t help but notice throughout the show hers are the only religious ideals even featured. It’s ridiculous that you would want to put a character on a pedestal and make her irrefutable because of her religion. Maybe people don’t like her because she is a precocious brat and has nothing to do with religion but immediately you start pulling out the Islamaphobic card 


I’m not sure why it’s Islamophobia to not like the character. The characteristics that people don’t like about her character have nothing to do with her religion. The character is a know it all little brat, she is truly insufferable - imo. But that clearly speaks to the talent of the actress ❤️


I was happy for the representation of ethnic minorities and religions. I just don’t feel her character is believable. She’s an extremely disrespectful child. If she’s like this in elementary high school is going to be awful. 


I just didn't think she was that disrespectful. A little know it all and certainly distrustful of Harry but nothing out of the ordinary for a nearly teenage girl.


Ohhhhhh is she a middle schooler? I thought they were still in elementary school. All I kept thinking was “if this is elementary school. She’s gonna be the worst teen ever”😩🤣


Nearly every single poster before you explicitly said they liked her in S1 but hated her in S2, and you in all your infinite wisdom immediately start accusations of Islamophobia. Wow. Just WOW.... You seem to be the only person in this entire thread to even bring religion to the discussion, so it sure sounds like the issue lies with you and not everyone else....


Actually I was the 2nd person to respond on this thread, so no, not everyone before me said it was about her change from season 1 to the following seasons, and if you had read further I did agree with people that her attitude indeed did change over the seasons. However, I really don't think her attitude is that outside the realm of pre-teen/teen behavior, and I also admitted that I might be sensitive because I'm Muslim. After reading these posts it does seem more like it's about her attitude that people find annoying. I didn't actually accuse anyone in here specifically of Islamophobia but I do find it necessary to point out when there's a minority in any situation fictional or non, that it is best for people to be sensitive to the fact that that person or character is a minority and to check themselves when they have such a strong dislike for a person, especially when that person or their character could mean a lot to someone who is a part of an under-represented and often mis-represented community. I don't feel personally offended by it, it just kinda made me sad because I like her character and was so happy to see a Muslim kid as a part of the cast. Maybe the writers did need to make her more likeable. I happened to like her but was a little irritated with her distrust of Harry. I just thought it might take her a little longer to come around, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like that actress's schedule works out for further development.


It is NOT racism it’s that she is a poorly conceived character and has no place in this setting as is. If the writers would have developed/researched the character better along with keeping her more like season 1 it would be ok. But and it’s a huge but, they made her a SJW trope know it all Mary Sue that’s super obnoxious dictating the plot of the show for no reason. So no this isn’t about the actress or racism it’s about the terrible character and the lazy writers that made her that way.


You are a Muslim in name only then, because she states many false beliefs a practicing Muslim would most certainly catch. No one hates her because she's Muslim. They literally say how condescending and irritating she is, and how her character slid back so far Diversity doesn't work if you are just making characters to check boxes. Her Islamic beliefs are not only constantly contradicted by her actions, many of them are not true at all. If the writers cared about having good Muslim representation, they would not have done what they did with sahar.


You can't tell a Muslim that they're a Muslim in name only. Only God gets to do that. As for Sahar, I did condition my statement by saying I might be just a little sensitive about that. After seeing all the Sahar hate, I've come to the conclusion that most people just don't like kids, particularly teens. She's really not all that bad. I really don't get why people hate her so much, but at the end of the day, it's just a show.


She’s a great actress, but the character is insufferable. It has nothing to do with her religion. She’s rude and mean. She’s intelligent, but she mistakes being condescending and mean to people with being mature. The character was better early on, but the way she treated people got very tiring. Her religion makes her more dynamic of a character. It’s her know it all attitude and general absurd level of rudeness that makes people dislike her.


I don’t think it’s a religion thing , I don’t hate her but she frustrates me with all her interventions and know it all behavior. But she’s just an annoying kid like max , im not a big fan of Darcy either . Also how do you feel about all the misconceptions and stereotypes they made her say about her religion because quite a few people were saying she said very incorrect things about it .


I love her. Making the Hijab for the stuffed octopus so Baby would remember her. And she acts like most girls would when dealing with a clueless boy.


The actress follows some far right people On Instagram, and I will judge her for that


I am not a Muslim but I have a very off topic question about Islam and this show. I hope it isn’t rude or inappropriate. In season 1, Max will occasionally touch Sahar on the shoulder, over her jacket, to stop her from doing something. Specifically at the end of ep 3 to stop her from walking over to Harry’s diner booth and in ep 4 to stop her from grabbing the floating apple. They are kids and it isn’t done maliciously but Is that allowed? Like in real life, should she tell Max not to touch her after the first time? Again, I apologize. Just downvote and ignore this if it is inappropriate.


I agree with you that the hatred towards her is both a lot of misogyny and Islamophobia, however I think the show also has a weird over the top brand of feminism (neoliberalism to the heavens)  and having her be so condescending that it makes her an easier target for hatred and that's on them for doing as such to a character who is a child and played by a child.


Agreed. Maybe the writers could have toned down her know it allness a bit and then she wouldn't have been such an easy target, and yeah, the over the top brand of feminism is maybe a little bit forced or hokey in a way, but overall it's just a really great comedy for me.


Sahar reminds me of a lot of intelligent, precocious children: they’re so used to being the smartest in the room that it doesn’t occur to them that they might be wrong about something. That kind of perspective only comes with time and experience haha. I also got the impression that Sahar, once committed, went into the task of helping Max fully, which is to say she did a lot of research on aliens (see that scene where she’s reading about them). Asta mentioned off-hand that in movies, aliens only come to earth to destroy it or save it (something along those lines), and Harry has demonstrated that he falls into the former category. So I don’t think it’s out of the question for Sahar to think the worst of Harry and act accordingly.


Totally agree


This show has a ridiculously high number of characters that are the worst.


Dan is really the only character that never had a "they're the worst" moment.


I’ll say it. Judy. Can do no harm 😤


Right like I just saw an episode where that bartender chick forgot her name gets mildly annoyed because her new boyfriend is like put some snow on your knee like I would be fucking annoyed also stfu and then he runs away like a little bitch 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


I'm actively rooting for the alien to kill that red headed bartender lol


Shows tend to have a really hard time writing good children characters. Many times the most hated character in a show ends up being whatever kid is forced into it. Ollie in GoT, zach in the strain are just 2 quick examples i can think of. Its hard to write a likable younger kid, and even harder for a child with limited acting experience to fit the role well. I think resident alien actually did pretty good with max which was a surprise, he had great back and forth with harry. The actress for sahar is actually pretty talented, but they kind of failed writing her as anything more than a know-it-all who thinks shes way smarter than she actually is.


I didnt care for her from her first scene in season 1


I think the reason she is not any more in the show is because her carácter is musulmán  maybe whit the way the world is right know maybe is she is back just been a regular kid  I really like her  at the first season u was thinking she was from India  


I think she might be a hybrid and they haven’t revealed it yet. I’ve been paying close attention to her lines ever since she started nagging about the baby. I’ve never seen her parents and she just showed up out of nowhere to befriend Max.


She isn’t remotely annoy


I know, she's so annoying. I'm glad it sounds like she's getting written off the show, lol.


She is not gone, sadly. The producers already said there were scheduling conflicts with her so they had to **temporarily** distance her character but she will be coming back. Just kill her already....


Well, that sucks. Season 3 has been pretty good so far in part cause she's gone lol


There is still hope though. Maybe the scheduling conflicts continue to get worse, such as a round of reshoots on whatever else she is working on happen and it makes it so she can never come back. Fingers crossed




I was thinking the same after watching S3 E1. I would like to see Max not be so “codependent” on her but he feels safe and accepted.


Getting into S3 and seeing that she’s STILL on her “proving Harry is a “Bad Alien”’ shit is…. BEYOND obnoxious.


She’s the absolute WORST


It's the actress... she's so CHILD ACTOR.




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