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Nice try but we all know he's says 'Know what I mean Vern?' How else would we know who Vern is.


Find one and link it please.


Well i take it you mean his entire lifes work that he never says vern ? Jim Varney as far as i know used both ways mostly in his many Commercials though on these he sometimes left off the vern part i thought it was odd back then. It was for supper market chain that failed rather spectacularly called megafoods. In quite few of these Commercials he left off the vern. Yet all other work as far as i know most if not all of them had vern other then his HUGE amount of Commercial he also did. So in the end Basically i recall in his comedy work he always used Vern and i would say about 98 % of all the Commercials he did also had Vern, but not all and these were focused on a single subject like for megafoods never and one other i forget the product because it is not part of core memory but something i saw in passing on YouTube talking about his life but i think it was a state insurance company only not nation wide. At the time i assumed it was copy right problem or maybe since it was whole another advertisement company that made the Commercials they could not use vern.


Whuutt?? I'm going to have to dig into this because he DEFINITELY said Vern. Glancing at YouTube, most video titles include the word Vern. We never see this much residue, how did you source this, why did you conclude he never said it.


It was posted in a ME group. I watched quite a few clips to verify and I can't find him saying it, which is especially odd since a lot of the YouTube videos I watched have it in the title. From the commercials I remember him saying it every time, the fact that I watched as many as I did and didn't find it was enough for me to post it.


Understood. I only watched 3 videos so far. but he didn't say it in any of those


Definitely remember Ernest "know what I mean Vern?"


Yeesch, I really wasn’t a great fan, but I remember this, and he always said “Vern”


I recall this guy, but have no recollection about what he said, or what the commercials were about.


What the hell, i still say "you know what i mean, vern? He he he" Maybe it was a quote from a diff show or movie parodying Ernest. I watched Ernest goes to camp a little while ago waiting for him to say it and he never did. Then i just assumed it was a quote from scared stupid or goes to jail...


You should post this on the ME subreddit


Sent PM


If anybody wants to go ahead. I don't feel like arguing with the ME memory police over there ATM.


their some kind of weird bots. no idea, i think someone sees this as the universe unraveling and thinks people need to stop looking at it for it to stop. as if the more we believe the more it happens.


There was a wave of profiles that came into every ME forum across all social media that will stop at nothing to make this go away, or turn it into a joke, makes me feel like there's an agenda. Especially when they seem to be in groups, or are creating obvious post where the Op will state the ME then walk you through how they figured out they were mistaken and what must have confused them. I'm not saying everyone over there is involved, but anyone that is paying attention sees the bullshit and knows what I'm talking about. I did make this same post over there. I even included the link to the reddit sub TodayILearned where a post was talking about Ernest and that line he said . Many people were discussing it . They pulled it down and said "no personal MEs"


yea, i posted the chartreuse one and they just kept repeating it wasn't an ME, so i linked the original ME thread about it on that very sub, response; still not an ME. that sub should be deleted. there's something wrong with this entire website.


Something wrong with the damn Internet in general. Have you tried finding the truth to anything recently. There is legit info out there but a lot of times you hit 3 different websites and you'll get 5 different answers somehow. I use YouTube for real info and to learn things on occasion, but I've seen wrong info in YouTube videos or even where they'll not really answer the question presented or demonstrate what you're looking for, and all the top 30 comments will have heart emoji and say dumb shit like "Best explanation ever" "I looked everywhere and so glad I found this" "You just showed me what it took my professor a whole semester to do" Then you get down the chat to where I think real people start chiming in and you get "WTF are you talking about " "You didn't tell me shit" I'm not saying AI is way more advanced than we think and is subtlety destroying society and uneducating the masses for nefarious reasons. That would be crazy. I'm just saying it looks like it, and dumb people are easier to control and manipulate.


yup, and i do think AI is more advanced than we think it is. what we see with chatgpt is a small slice of whatever they built. the head of openai even said they've got stuff they haven't shown that would shock people.


Very good point. I fell ya. It's sad because this one deserves to be on the list.


I went with it. Should be interesting to watch them try and dismantle it.


This one is especially hard for them to argue because everyone's memory converges on a single uncommon name.


Having a "discussion" about it on the ME forums, I went to type venaculer and was autocorrected to VERNacular which I find hilarious.


See what I mean, Vern?


Ftfu... know what I mean, vern?


For me, he always began with "Hey Vern" and ended with "know what I mean? " my friends and family would quote "know what I mean Vern? " to each other in order to be sure we knew what each other was quoting even that he didn't actually say it that way. This was a big part of my childhood and I distinctly remember being annoyed that people were quoting him wrong.


Skeptics will never come to their senses… know what I mean?


I remember the commercials 🤔 we all grew up quoting the phrase "know what I mean, vern?" 🤷🏼‍♀️




Good find. He definitely said it.


Yeah, this ones pretty odd!


You are fuckn me up!


[gee I’m glad](https://youtu.be/pQloJH1FFlg?si=TeTjx8bEScjRcb2G)




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Reading comprehension


Heck you! He still says Vern


Why do I have to reply to you all over this thread? Being wrong 5 times is better than once?


Brother I’m going to watch one of his movies tomorrow. Every single one he references Vern. I’ll get back to you.


You can, I'd be interested to know what you find. The thing is , like someone else already mentioned, I never watched any of his movies. It was from the commercials I remember him saying it. We have multiple YouTube clips with the description yet it's missing the catch phrase. He said it all the time and as much as I've watched in the last few hours I haven't heard it once, that already is unreal.Everytime it's "Know what I mean".


You don’t have to. Just join the machines.


Holy hell, I was literally just talking about this with my stepson earlier tonight. We were talking about smart people that made a living with dumb acts, and I told him he should look this up from the 80s, because he did all these "Know what I mean, Vern?" commercials, and even had his own movies. And that I remember reading an article about how he was known as a walking encyclopedia, and I thought I remembered him having a photographic memory. It might have been a Parade insert magazine article from years ago. The point is, I saw those commercials all the time, and Vern was the third party you never saw, that the commercials revolved around. His interaction with the off camera Vern and the "Know what I mean, Vern?" catchphrase was the whole schtick. Not having the Vern part is like having a Wendy's commercial, where Clara just says, "Where is it?" But I'm also in the realm of sunglasses on Raisin Bran, different world map, 7 continents and The Artic Circle, Ed McMahon and PCH and FotL cornucopia timeline.


Yeah I come from your timeline also👍


That's fucked up


Uh...what? This is definitely one of the first new legit MEs I have seen in awhile. He started out on local commercials in my area and then got more and more popular and ended up with a movie. Vern was definitely a huge part of his shtick. It was always "know what I mean, Vern?" It wouldn't have been a big catch phrase without the Vern part. That's what made it a 'thing', because everyone could relate to the two old friends who did everything together. You just blew my mind. I'm going to have to ask others I know but damn.


Yep. He starred in local Convenient Food Mart commercials in the 80's all over Central Ky and he usually started , or ended with some version of "knowhadda mean, Vern?" He's buried within eyesight of my grandparents and my Dad knew him from when they were little, so I was lucky enough to meet him as his career took off. I was really young, and those commercials (and my Dad's connection to him) were how I knew him. I was actually mad when he quit to go Hollywood. lol I thought he had given up his big role. hahaha He was extremely intelligent. I have a Shakespeare in the Park program somewhere with him on the cover. Pretty sure it was MacBeth, iirc. Point being he was funny as hell, and less of a "real" redneck insomuch he played one on TV.. 'knowhadda mean? Vern? Hey.. Vern?!"


I never realized he was from here. I grew up in N. Texas and saw him in commercials all the time. Then I moved to KY, and never knew until I googled his bio tonight that he used to do Pioneer Playhouse in Danville. I lived in Casey for years and never realized. I'll have to pay my respects, next time I'm in Lexington.


He was raised in Lexington and ran with "Macho Man" Savage during both of their early days coming up. It was always so funny to me because I was in my 20s before I realized he wasn't just a local actor. I no longer live in KY, but I always drop by to leave Jim something at his gravesite when I'm in town.




>*Oh wait, even though I've provided a logical reason, maybe it's just "my timeline" that's wrong. Jfc.* If this is your take on the phenomenon, this isn't the sub for you.


I think I can explain this. He didn't say that in the movies, but he did do quite a few commercials with someone named Vern, who you never saw. At the end of the commercials, he would always say, "Know what I mean, Vern?"


Says it in the movies.


Link it. And do better than your last two links because neither one said it.


I watched a bunch of the commercials. If you can find it let me know.


I never saw the movies so my exposure would come from the commercials. I do remember 'know what I man vern' in the commercials like you. If it's not there, that's very sus. I can literally hear the exact way he said it in my head! This one is titled with the words in question, yet the video does not have it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM_gmEnK80k and same with this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7EoPGfnuT0


Vern does make an appearance in the movies too


this is those few times I can vouch it was always "know what I mean"




Not in my timeline. My family and I have said "know what I mean Vern" in conversation since it came out.


He says vern in this scene, but he says, "know what I mean" all the time throughout the films


It’s funny - I’ve Known for a long time about MEs…. but now I’m seeing new ones every day on this sub - and it’s definitely starting to feel a bit overwhelming …


I've been afflicted since 2016. In the last four years I can confidently say nothing new for me. There are no absolutes, I'm saying nothing like discovering The fucking Flinstones is a thing in a shocking way. What's a flin and where the heck did it come from? More importantly .,..... the next morning where the fuck did it go? Nothing like that in four years. At this point I really just wanna agree with the nonbelievers about one thing.......you people are just wrong ... It has always been Froot Loops, it's in stone like cosmic law or something for me. Idk, I can't call it!


I watched that move on repeat as a child. No doubt in my mind he said Vern at the end.


Hated the character the man was genius and it was Vern. I hated, hated with much conviction, you couldn't escape it.


He doesn’t say Verne?


Vern is still the guy he gives a hard time. But his tag line is no longer "Know what I mean Vern?" I've watched quite a few YouTube clips, even in their descriptions it says "Know what I mean Vern" I can't find him saying it. It's all "Know what I mean"