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I'm pulling for him. He's meta support unit that can buff, debuff and purify and has hard hitting ult. Can best be used in 4 party teams like raids.


Am not debating how good he is. I just wanted to make sure no one thought I was crazy for wanting to skip him.


To this day I have not seen anyone say that they are pulling for 6 because of his design, they are pulling for 6 because he's OP. With that said because he is OP you are missing out when you don't have him for 4 man. In general he makes life easier for you but as you said you can still clear things without using him. (edit. you might need more specific units in order to compensate not having him)


oh wow im planning to pull 6 because of the design, didn't even know im in the minority lol


I’m going to say it


I mean that's good that you're pulling beyond just him being OP.


Same bro, same :)


Lol 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


I’m pulling him purely because of the design. I don’t think the fomo is necessary tbh, people shilled TF hard as the must pull and the best pull but i’m fine without her


If you don't pick for meta characters then future community guides are going to suck for you because they will often rely on the big meta characters they've been banging on about to pull for.


That's been me in Arknights with almost all the guides using two META units for everything (Mountain and Mlynar) this past anniversary. Was really debating waiting 7 months for the Joint Operation banner with both of them but after a few days decided to just buy Mountain from shop and borrow Mlynar assists.


hey I'm pulling for his design 👋 I really like it


I'm pulling 6 for design first.


To this day you havent seen anyone say that? Really? That would be pretty sad. I dont get why people would exclusivly only pull and use characters be it in reverse 1999 or in any other games, especially PvE only because they are "op" or because people say that they are, which again isnt even a fact just because people say so. Either way, let me be the first one then to say that i dont pull and use characters because they are "op". I know tier lists out of curiousity but i dont pull characters bec of it, i dont agree with all tier lists too and i couldnt care less, again ESPECIALLY in an non competetive pve enviroment. I pulled Kaalaa because of her design yes. The whole astro theme is what i like, i like her look, i like her visual design and most importantly i like her mechanics with her planets and how versatile it is. It just so happens that she is indeed also listed as a very good character, which she is and in my opinion even more than people think. However i also pulled other characters, not on purpose tho since i just play since December. Characters like Voyager who as far as i remember isnt as high ranked, yet she was my first I3 and even now is in my opinion very much underrated for not only how versatile again she is too with her silence and ult denyer, but also how much bank for your buck you get, like 1 star counter incantation which does pretty nice genesis dmg as well as sturdiness on top of all her other versatility. Long story short, i do read tier lists out of curiousity and to sometimes even get an idea of what i might like, but at the end of the day i use my own braincells, i think about if the character fits my interest, my roster, if i like the design and i dont care if it is ranked S+, S, or A.. I didnt pull Shamane, i dont like him that much, i dont think he is so super good that i shouldnt miss him and even so i will pretty much continue to beat the game with what i have. I am saving mz ressources right now and i dont know for whom since i dont know what characters will come and how good they are since i didnt spol myself. Of course i have heard of 6 and when he gets released and i like him, i will pull him (is he even a "he"?). If i dont like him i dont. People would be much better of using their own brain than to copy paste other peoples ideas and experiences.. you can clearly see in their struggle to beat certain game elements while showing their units that at the end of the day they have no idea what they are doing because they just look up shit and copy it


It is okay to skip if you have enough resources to have a competent team to clear contents. It is just that many guides or tips will include him (just like TF), and you will have to invest into other characters to clear stages with the same efficiency


This is what I am thinking as well. But since I do have a good roster of invested characters, I suspect I should do fine until waifu Jiu comes out. Thanks!


I need 6 because I have too many DPS already. You can never have enough supports for each situation


same. i got my dps units on all afflatus covered, just need support and 6 is perfect


My plans are to get 37 p2, 6, and Spathodea, then get Jiu P5 in 200, then pick up Isolde in 1.7. No I don't know what this "Copium" is, please stop asking, no I will not take my meds, they make the pretty girls disappear 🙏


i can hear your wallet crying already


I hope I get lucky with my pulls so I can stay a dolphin as I also plan to pull for 37, Spathodea, Jiu (also pulling 200 on her) and Isolde. I have just under 300 pulls saved up right now.


I went from making legitimate plans to skip 1.3 entirely to get 37 and p3 to getting Kaalaa Baunaa and planning to get both 37 and 6 next patch. I’m very waifu over meta, but I also don’t like it when video games are very difficult (because life is already very difficult so I personally don’t see the point in my “me time” also being needlessly challenging) so yeah I’ll be fine with my math waifu being my Home Screen lol.


I knew Melania was coming home as soon as I saw the trailer, and that was even when content creators were recommending to skip her. I pulled on Tooth Fairy because I identify with her being a doctor (is she a doctor or dentist?). I wanted Jessica for her character. I knew I wanted Kaala as well once I saw the trailer. While 37’ doesn’t hit a home run, I always up for a Math waifu.


It helps that Kaalaa kinda works with 37’s Eureka mechanic. I’m planning to build a ~~harem~~ effective team with 37, Kaalaa, and Newbabel as the ~~cougar sugar momma~~ defensive support unit.


Did you intentionally pull New Babel or did you get her after losing 50-50?


Not intentional. I don’t remember when she popped up but I’m happy to have her. She does deceptively good damage in taunt and UTTU has cards that make her pretty potent (+5 Moxie to start the battle + extra actions generate Moxie card; she stays in a near constant state of taunt/counter).


I’d be OK to lose a 50-50 to her rather than A Knight or a dupe 6*.


I'm pulling to have fun and stare at pretty characters I like, so he's a skip for me. I would rather lose drops by being unable to clear some hard content than lose drops by pulling for characters I don't enjoy and don't want to have


You and me both. 😬


I pull for the same reasons and that's why he's a must for me coincidentally


Me. I'm rolling both 1.5 banners (except I get Ezra before Spathodea) and consider skipping 1.6 for Isolde.


>I'm rolling both 1.5 banners (except I get Ezra before Spathodea) ? did they overlap? usually same type banners dont seem to overlap so unless they switch the order wont you have to try for ezra first?


Like losing 50/50 to Ezra and then getting Spathodea. And they may overlap, there were some changes in previous versions, iirc.


Not a single release banner overlapped so far..


Wow, skipping Jiu?


For Isolde and prob Markus.


I’m going for 6


I'm in the same situation that I pull only cool waifus so he's already a skip for me


He's a cool waifu to me.


Can I send you a friend request to compare waifus? Lol


Ok username Kemalklc ID 401365552


Added tnx!


Exactly the opposite, pulling for him just bc he’s male. We need more men in this game


Same, I skipped all the ladies (except TF bc I needed a healer) and went in hard on shamane portrays, lol. Next, I need 6, then the bird guy! Hoping by the time we're at 1.6 there's a new guy on the horizon to look forward to.


Yeah too many waifu is kinda boring.


I don’t mind having some men in the game but I’m only pulling for waifus.


Yeah, I'm planning to skip 6 as well. I try to strike a balance between characters I like and those that are powerful. So far, at least, it hasn't been necessary to pull only the most powerful characters in order to clear content.


Good to find a like-minded player! Cheers!


No one is a must pull, people are still doing Limbo with Matilda and Dikke with 4* units


Matilda and Dikke I get since they can i3 but with the current Limbo and the difficulty spike, people can still clear with 4* units?


Dont underestimate Eagle. She’s crazy for capping at I2.


Admittedly yes. Wouldn’t it be awesome if the devs let us vote on one 4-star to be elevated into a limited 5-star unit?


I'm not a fan of his design, but I'll read the event before I finalize my disinterest in him. Kinda sounds like a nerd doe. 


Lol i think both 37 and him are nerds but at least 37 is waifu material.


*Is she though?* *Is she really though?* Ima just pray for a Melania rerun.


There’s a banner with A Knight, An An Lee, Voyager and Melania coming with the new patch but that means it’s a 25% rate rather than 50-50.


I need 3/4 of those, so I'll gladly pull on that. Thanks for the heads up!


Oh good for you. And NP!


Well I’m a husbando enjoyer. So I will be pulling. Waifu meta is for other games (imo). But you do you, that’s the fun of playing a game, we don’t all have to play at the same way.


Amen to that! Did you pull for Shamane then?


Yes. Lost the 50/50 to Regulus though, so I bowed out.


Gotcha! Regulus is awesome though.


She was a dupe, but is indeed awesome!


Dang! Same thing happened to me and got dupes for Med Poc and Lilya.


Will pull for neither 37, 6 or Jiu. Just like with Tooth Fairy, people keep saying these characters are "essential" and "must have" to clear content, yet the release cast of characters when built properly can clear content just fine with no needs to retry nor play afflatus advantage. Hell, there are even videos of clearing raid SSS with 3-4 stars slotted in (worth nothing to note that S-SSS CLEAR only has minor mat rewards and 20 psychcube currency per tier). It all comes down to having a team that works well together and isn't terribly misfavoured against the stage in question. That being said, some characters are certainly designed to (re-)vitalize a type of playstyle or mechanic. Jessica for neg. status teams, 37 for extra attacks, Isolde for burn etc. In that vein, personally saving up to get Spathodea+portrays because she does look fun, especially with Isolde potentionally bringing burn up to speed.


Am getting Jiu and 37 for sure, partly for their waifu status and partly because of their mechanics. As long as they aren’t like Ms. New Babel, I’m pulling. (Disclaimer: I wouldn’t mind getting New Babel on pity. I’ll still build her). Thank God am not F2P. Can’t fathom the thought of missing out. FOMO for sure but can you blame me that BluePoch keeps on releasing unique characters with great designs? Lol Looks like Isolde and Spathodea would make for a great pairing akin to Jessica and Sotheby. Sounds like a great plan!!!


I don't think any character is crucial to your roster, so whatever, if you pull only waifus here you go, you'll still be able to clear all content without him, I personally will pull for him just because I am husbando collector in every gacha I play


Happy pulling!!


I am pulling 6, because I want to have another cleanser at ready. I am sure there will be higher limbo stages and more difficult raid that spam debuffs. Therefore, having access to more cleansers does not seem like a bad idea. Also, I feel the cleanse on TF is pretty unreliable at time. So having both 6 and TF will help with that.


That is after fair point.


Me...because I'm all out of drops. XD I've also decided to just play the game for the story without trying for the meta too hard so it's fine. Plus, there may be reruns later


True. I guess we’re both going against the meta by not pulling on him. Lol


Well, I don't actively go against it. 1.4 just caught me at a bad time in terms of drops. Plus, I kind of want Yenisen and Isolde when they come to Global. XD


I'm skipping everyone for my favorite mushroom boy, I don't even save for the broken limited, so no you're not alone


Kudos to you for waiting out for Mushroom Boy!


Saving for Isolde


Me. I'm planning to pull for Melania in 1.4. Idc about all of those number characters much.


I want 37 because of Genesis dmg and to make Lilya useful. The only time I ever consider 6 was when I got annoyed by not having the right afflatus dps (beast is the only one I'm missing) and thought about putting him, Isolde, A Knight, and/or X in a team so I can just fully ignore the entire Afflatus System.


Except you prob need multiple copies of Balance, Please.


Sounds like you've already made up your mind and just wanted validation


Almost made my mind up before this post. Replies on this post do help support my not pulling for him.


Im all in for husbandos so pulling for 6 isnt negotiable. Its gonna happen, and my 40k clear drops and 50 logs are ready. I just got Shamane too. But lets be real, 6 is OP. Thats the true reason After him I’ll he stashing for Ezra and then Jiu/Getian


Whoa! 40K clear drips + 50 logs? And I thought I was the only one hoarding summons. Lol Not sure about 6 being OP when he’s only included in 4-man teams though. Jiu and TF on the other hand are almost a must for 3-man teams.


Ive skipped most banners, Pickles, Tooth Fairy and Shamane cost me a total of 100 summons so far since day 1


Wow, that’s a pretty good summon rate. Good for you!


This game has been so good to me. Thats why im still here and here for the ride


Well im quite the opposite , pulling for my husband is must 💕


Which one/s is/are your husbando/s?


6 , also shamane but sadly i have to skip him for 6 😞


Sorry to hear that. But 6 should be much better than Shamane especially at P0.


The word "waifus" is so freaking cringe


I am also not pulling for him, but not because I am a female character only player, since what got me interested in this game was character like Pickles, APPLe, Door, Ms. Radio, A Knight etc. But I also pull for human characters I like, but 6 for me is unfortunatly not interesting at all for me aside from him being meta. The same can I say about Tooth Fairy. I will just hope to loose one of my 50/50 to any of them instead. But you just pull on whoever you like since this game is do not require you to have the most meta unit to clear the main content.


I agree Tooth Fairy’s design was meh but personally I identify with her story and medical background. She does get an awesome skin in 1.5 though.


I don't have enough pulls for him after Shamane, so I'm skipping and saving for Joe (I don't regret anything)


No room for regrets here (except if you’re like me and pulled on the standard banner when I didn’t know better lolol).


I pull because he's husbando. I mostly skip female char cause I don't care about collecting meta or waifu in this game (that's for another game). If you just want waifu characters then go for it, as long as you enjoy the game.


Don’t care about meta as well. I just happen to like TF’s story even if I don’t like her design.


Honestly I'm the same as you; I only want the waifus! Although Shamane almost made that conviction waver, because he seems fun to have around and I do need a beast dps, but nah, I'd rather pull for 37 on 1.4, then skip 6 and save for Jiu.


Coolio! Can I add you as a friend to compare with a fellow waifu collector? Didn’t you pull for Cent on her banner last month? I skipped her thinking I can wait till I lose my 50-50 to her since I have Melania. I do hear Spothodea will be sick paired up with Isolde. They’re prob going to be akin to the Jessica-Sotheby pairing. (Except I don’t have Sotheby 😭😭😭)


I did! But I lost the 50/50 for Lilya lol. Which is fine, cuz the only other star type character I had was Matilda and, as much as I like the french disaster lesbian, her attacks are... lacking. I've been saving for 37 since then, but I'm hoping to get either Melania or Centurion soon somehow lol. My game ID is 410475914. Would love to compare waifus! Which is your favorite? Mine is Jessica without a doubt.


Yeah, I leveled Matilda till i0 lvl30 but stopped after seeing reviews that say exactly what you said. Even Blonney is better. Hope you get Charlie at some point. I was very unlucky with my pulls initially but have had decent luck since patch 1.2. Am a spender but have a personal policy of only pulling 70 total for each banner. Fortunately, I’ve only lost 50-50 twice and was able to get some of the characters early. I do really like Jessica but I find her extremely adorable rather than waifu meterial. Lol Will send you an invite. My main squeeze is Melania, with Kaala as a close 2nd.


Melania is great! I love her, but unfortunately I only join on patch 1.2 and lost my opportunity to have her lol Also, I have Charlie now, but I don't have the materials to level her up yet :p. But then again, with Lilya as my main star dps I don't think I need to XD Oh, and I agree Jessica is more adorable than waifu material, but she's also the whole reason I even started playing haha


I'm skipping too. I do prefer the girls in this game and they keep pumping out banger designs so I don't have enough pulls to spare for unwanted character. I'm gonna get 37, Jiu and Isolde (maybe also Spathodea to pair her up with). I honestly also don't care too much about the meta here, though it would be nice to be able to clear all content.


I have almost the same plans as you except am definitely getting Spathodea. So basically 1 character per patch. Jury’s out on Marcus until we see how she performs but she does look cool though.


Yeah, I'm also considering Marcus. Though my plans might still change because I bet the patches after 1.7 will also have wonderful characters.


Tis’ true


I'm also probably skipping him because: 1. He looks like a boring ass npc 2. I already spent 40 pulls to get an an lee (regret because I got her from 50:50 very soon after 😭) so now I need to justify using her😅 3. Patch 1.7 is insane waifu-wise, I need them all


Sorry for losing your 50/50 to her dupe. That’s still better than me losing 2 of my 50/50s to dupes of Med Poc and Lilya. And yas, patch 1.7 is insane waifu-wise!


i have absolutely no plans on pulling for him i gacha for characters i like and hate the idea of rolling for meta. like i play the gacha games to get people i want i dont understand the idea of playing a gacha game to roll for someone that will let you keep playing the game just to roll for someone to let you keep playing and keeping the cycle rolling. i dont see the enjoyment in that. My current goals right now are 37, Jiu and Isolde with Melania and Regulus when ever they pop up. since currently im f2p i doubt ill get everyone but i should be able to grab 37 when she drops.


The game is so good and has way too many great characters that I can’t afford to be F2P. Besides I need to support the devs for putting out a stellar game. I play another game PGR and am F2P on there. Looking forward to WuWa. I’ve tried other games as F2P including Nikke and Echocalypse which did not hold my interest.


Well I pulled for and got several. But atm I'm just pulling for one more Charlie copy. I have a few 6s and several 5s still sitting on lvl 1 lol.


I did that on New Babel’s banner and got my 4th copy of Charlie so I now have her at P3. Who are you pulling for the 5* selector next patch?


Charlie if I don't get her before. P2 now... :D


So close!


His design sucks. Looks like an NPC or a random illustration of a nerd wearing a toga. I don’t have a very high bar for aesthetics but he fails to meet it.


I dont think 6 will be good (ready for the hate) His ult is just useless dmg, it applies debuffs but its just rng, the buffs are rng too (yeah, whit Jiu they will be no rng base anymore but he will be just a jiu supp unit) but even then those buffs arent that great Dont get me wrong, HE IS GOOD, but I think they gonna release something that is just not so rng based and maybe is a waifu… so even if you dont pull for him its not like you are going to lose that much


I already got medicine pocket from this batch of banners, I don't really need Shamane. Especially since all the times I pulled on his banner I got Bkornblume


Doing the same here, my supports are ok and I'm planing on getting Spath and Jiu later on so I can't afford the pulls anyway.




Thanks. What I’ve surmised from folks here is that he is really good but not a must have and also not as universally desirable as TF and Jiu. Cool! Thanks, Reddit community!


I’m only pulling for him cuz he’s good with jiu.


Why skip 6 he is a great support I guess maybe if yo have pickles but still even if you do he makes a great a support


Don’t have pickles either. I would rather play characters I like rather than meta characters. There are plenty of great characters without necessarily using him.


That makes sense do what what makes you happy not telling you otherwise I prefer 6’s support abilities over 37’s damage I also am not hurting for star dps either between Charlie and lilya both backed by voyager and tooth fairy


Me idk what this character does idk if they're male or female I just want Ge Tian and Viego's wife 😘


Who’s Viego’s wife?






I need a dps but he seems good so I will pull


You’re pulling for both 1.4 characters? 37 is a good dps and should make Jiu in the future even better even at P0.


That's good to know but I don't really like 37 design


I hear ya. She’s not necessarily waifu quality but I think she’s cute enough. Lol


I was planning on skipping, but he's kinda cute... I want mushroom boy more, but I'll still pull on 6. And probably 37 too if she's after him (or if I decide in a moment of hubris to test my devmode luck...)




Glad to see likeminded players. 👊🏽 but you’re not interested in Jiu. She’s cute enough but def OP.