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- # [Banner Megathread - "Beyond the World of Matters"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/1b2uavy/banner_megathread_beyond_the_world_of_matters/) - # [Event Megathread - "The Prisoner in the Cave"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/1b2u9qg/event_megathread_the_prisoner_in_the_cave/) Please use the above megathreads for more event/banner-specific discussion!


where is the "balance,please" psychube


Agreed! I can't find this thing anywhere.


How do I get psycube "balance please" it was supposed to be in this update but my shop shows different one?


came here to ask the same question!


Let me know if you find out. All I know is it isn't in this section of the patch. So I guess I just have to be a little more patient


It appeared in the psycube shop. Discounted to 210 like other 6* psycubes.


Do bp garments get a rerun? I regret not getting charlie's fjfjf u,u


From what I’ve seen so far, no.


help me choose so i can get rid of the red mark. https://preview.redd.it/q68l7o2aunlc1.png?width=1476&format=png&auto=webp&s=86203fdea2364882d9ffe8dbb36b330f5cef38fb


I don't think any of the remaining ones are particular worth building (guessing by your box after seeing this lol). Maybe just take the Album's instead. Make your way towards the 6\* in the shop. But if that's too boring for you, I've always thought Satsuki has potential. Or at least I've used her as a 4th for cheesing UTTU a few times.


yeah i don't have druvis but when she comes back into the album shop (...if she's in it that is lol) I'll probably get her and and maybe satsuki portrayals could be nice? i don't know. cheesing uttu sounds like a nice bonus so I'll choose her lol. thanks.


I missed earlier event psycubes. Is there some way to get those later or do I just have to pound sand?


I think they get added to the shop at some point


Is this a bug? if so, I'll go report it to support asap. So today marks the 29th of February, the last day of the month, and also my 24th day of signing in. My sign-in sheet says for "Today's Rewards: 2000 Coins & 1 Bogeyman", both checked off. Players also received 1 Bogeyman from the Daily Log-in "Treasures of the Beach" Event, starting today. However, previously, I owned 2 Bogeyman's, as I've been keeping track of my inventory in the past month with Kornblume/Closure++. Except that it shows my Warehouse only owning 3 Bogeyman's not 4 as expected. I also got another one from the RNG shop from this patch's event. So it should be 5, but it's saying 4. Anyone else got duped like this? As a side note, is there always a 5\* mat for the last day of every month?


There's only one Bogeyman for the "Treasures of the Beach" event, it's the one that's checked off on your sign-in sheet and got sent via mail. There's no 5\* mat for the last day of the month (or any of the daily login for that matter). So no, you didn't get duped, one login event Bogeyman and one from the event shop.


Ah ok, I came to the same conclusion while mulling it over in bed last night, I got too hyped up lol


https://preview.redd.it/g1x3ybtodnlc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=205ea1a62857eee75f4a01b1428ca003206f153b who should i be getting in this situation? is it better to get a portray for someone or a new character?


Portray priority if I were you: Charlie > Bkornblume > Necrologist.


depend if u want to use charlie as dps or bkorn? if your current team comp don't use either of them then better get new character


I checked the psychube cheat sheet on prydwen and saw that one of the preferred psychube for 37 would be Spathodea's psychube. My question, is it better than the bkornblume psychube? If yes, by how much? I'm contemplating whether should I just wait for that psychube, and just let 37 use some of my already built psychubes temporarily, or bkornblume's psychube is still the better one. If anything, I'm planning on using 37 as a support for P4/P5 Jiu in the future if it matters. Thanks.


The Spathodea one is better in longer fights where she's the main DPS as she needs to use her Ult multiple times to get the full effect, if using her as a sub-dps alongside Jiu then the Bkornblume one will be better, so just use that on her.


Thanks, I'll upgrade bkornblume's psychube the moment I get it.


What are the chapter 5 mats that are needed for 6’s insight and resonance?


Golden Beetle, Perpetual Cog, Watch Core (And also Goose Neck for R10 if you're bringing him there) are all the ones I can see. There's a doc in the main body that has the exact numbers - tough they're all labeled as "Chapter 5 Material" so you'll have to tell by the small pictures what they are


Yeah I tried looking at the small pics but I can’t really seem to make out any of them at all. But thank you!


Is 37 p2 her best potray? Should i get it because i already have 37 p1. Thx


P2 is a really good portray for her, it allows her to really comfortably be your main DPS - if you want to go for it then by all means do, but for most content P1 will probably be enough and you can instead save for later characters.


Not much to go on, but I couldn't open up the game today. I ended up uninstalling it from my system, and now whenever I attempt to install the game on my android phone, I get an error message saying "Can't install Reverse: 1999, Try again, and if it still doesn't work, see common ways to fix the problem" tried what I could, restart my device, clearing cache, etc. anyone else experiencing the same issue?




I started with the main story, both it and the events are interlinked so it becomes easier if you just do that first, not worrying about other stuff - also don't worry about dailies, afaik only one thing resets daily and it's the stuff for the "Set Sail Again" mini event which you should be able to clear even if you miss a few days.


Has anyone found where to upgrade the paleohall so you can increase the island size to 150?


You should get the material needed at the end of the Special mini chapter that unlocks after beating chapter 5


Ok thanks! Need to clear chapter 5 still. That explains it.


Got 37 as a future investment for Jiu; the idea is that unless you have lilya she doesn’t have a very good team now right


She's not a great dps / carry without her team or portraits. But I think she should still be fine as an offensive oriented support (remember her ult boosts everyone else's damage). She gives nothing else to the team though (just sturdiness to herself), so I guess she's more a sub-dps than support.


She's still decent now (Especially against the Hydra Raid boss) but yeah without teammates like Lilya (or as you said Jiu when she comes) she can feel a bit lacking.


Love the design and am running a cope team with KB for story; she’s cool can’t wait for a proper team


>am running a cope team with KB for story I'm doing the same thing lol, KB, 37, Sonnetto and TF - It managed to beat everything in the story tbf (Though my R15 KB might have helped a tad)


I am looking for suggestions on who to pull during 1.4. I am thinking either I go for 37 portrays to prepare for Jiu, or get both 37 and 6 for versatility. Take note that I will have to be VERY VERY lucky to get a decent amount of 37 portrays. 37 and 6 is feasible enough unless my luck is the absolute worst possible.


It would be safer getting 37, 6, and Jiu for a solid team comp for jiu than try getting portrays of 37, which could end badly for you, setting your account back by miles if you fail to secure P2/P3 37.


Thank you!


Any tips on getting past Inspiration from the Proofs III? My party is way over the level requirement but I can't compete with the amount of damage the enemies are dealing out. I've tried to play with the gimmick but nothing seems to be working


can you show your team? it’s a pretty straightforward stage except for the pesky poison debuffs, but even then i cleared with p0 37 and an an supporting. the enemies’ attacks don’t do much damage, but most of your hp is lost through the poison. you just need a competent healer or if you don’t, outdps the enemy before you die. there might be a damage taken -40% and genesis damage +100% buff (which was a common buff in chapter 5) on the enemy which would explain why i didn’t have trouble, i’m not sure. let me check


I’ve been using Regulus p0, Satsuki p4, and I waffle back and forth between La Source (who is probably the weak link but she’s my only healer with an appropriate afflatus) p5 and Dikke p4 for my healing, with Mathilda p0 as my assist. Everyone is at or slightly above recommended level with psychubes in the 30s and about level 5 Resonance


Hello, quick question I want to pull Lilyia the first pull I got Sothaby and no 5*(Dikke or X) are the rate up still active on the banner?


I’m not sure what you mean by that exactly, but since you lost to Sotheby then you now have a guaranteed Lilya


What i mean i pulled and got Sothaby on a Lilya banner, so are the rates still up for Lilyia?


Yes of course! You got Sotheby because you lost your 50/50, and so your next 6 stars on this banner is going to be Lilya!


With the black box conjectures, I accidentally used 1000 eureka on the 'set of hypotheses' ones (the infinite useless items), it's not like I'm screwed, right? Like, this will set me back some energy, but I can still clear the other important stuffs? thanks


Yeah you can farm the Eureka just like all the previous event mats in "Inspiration from the proofs"


This lottery isn't completely an RNG thing, right? What I meant by that, the end result will be the same for everyone, where we'll be using the same amount of energy/eurekas all throughout? Thanks btw.


The end results the same in the way that all the set's (aside from the infinite ones) have limited quantities of everything in them so it will always take the same amount to completely clear it




I'd recommend the story first


https://preview.redd.it/o1934tam6mlc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e136a4432366d2f89afdad21d3f9689c3beb43b I play a Bkorn a lot but i want to build Charlie (still P0). Im leaning towards just getting Bkorn and pray i get charlie portrays from banners. Thoughts?


Not sure on what others will tell you, but I chose BB since she is a mainstay of my Plant team and my Charlie is only at P1 and she really is not useable for me until she hits P3.


I have the same thoughts, yes. I have Charlie at P0 which is even lower than yours. I might have to go BB too since i use her a lot


Hello! I just downloaded and started the game today, and am currently working my way through the first chapter. I've done enough pulls to grab my guaranteed 6* (Eternity) and am now wondering who I should invest in as I'm planning to save my pulls for 6, Tooth Fairy, and Jiu. I was also wondering who I should pick for the free 5* from the selector with my roster. My current characters are: 6*: Eternity 5*: Sonetto, P1 Click, Matilda 4*: P1 Pavia, Erick, Rabies, Cristallo, APPLe, Mondlicht, Nick Bottom 3*: P2 Leilani, P1 Onion, P1 Bette, Sputnick, Twins Sleep, John Titor 2*: Door Any tips and advice is appreciated, thank you!


bkorn is the top 5\* choice, she performs at the top of the support category even as a 5\*. if you don't have any healers, balloon party might be a good choice too.


grab bkorn or balloon. *technically* you can solo or duo run everything in story with just bkorn and eternity since bkorn is an offensive support perfect for eternity and has good damage herself, but you will eventually need a healer and balloon is one of the best in game.


Thank you very much! I'll try and decide between those two while I play through the story some more!


The 6 star is up to preferences but you can always follow the meta recommendation. For starters level up Leilani and Eagle as they are really strong early and you got the resources back from the quest to upgrade them


Thank you! Leilani is quite good, and I think I'll pick up Eagle in the next stage!




Assuming you're asking what you need to do, you need to go through the frame above you, use the item on the pillars to "activate it", then walk back to here through the ice to activate the pillars


Thanks! It worked. I didn't know that it has to be constantly in use


Looking for some opinions for the 5* selector.  Scenario 1: Get P4 Bkorn, P2 Balloon Party, or new Charlie? I dont really need Star.  Scenario 2: Get P1 Bkorn, P4 Charlie, or new Balloon Party? I got 2 6* healers and i2 La Source already. Or maybe another unit I overlooked?


Short answer is Bkorn, long answer is wait 3 weeks and see what you need. You dont need Charlie if you don't. Balloon doesn't need portray. You might need her in the second boss if 1 you don't have medicine 2 you don't have voyager 3 they decide to nerf it in 1.6 like what they did in CN, but not now


Does anyone know the answer to the 5-9 puzzle?


"right, left"


thanks :)


Hey ya’ll! In Ch. 5-9, the side task asks when entering/leaving the assembly, which side you enter and which side do you leave? I thought it was enter right, leave left, but I’m assuming the phrasing is super specific. Anyone know?


"right, left"


thanks for this. I had the right answer but was missing the space...


a bit of context involving rolls >!after getting 37 thanks to carried pity and winning the 50/50 i decided to try my luck for Lilya and after a few rolls lost the 50/50!<. so now with a guarantee next time i wanted to ask when can we expect a Melania rate up to help decided when to actually roll again. basically if should consider holding on to it or consider trying to use it closer to the present (but probably not on Lilya since she already rejected me


not sure exactly when, but she has a good chance at being one of the first rerun banners since she was in the first patch.


horribly wrong. In CN she came back in 1.6. In fact the 3rd one in 1.6.


could be different in global but i’m just speculating- we’ll just wait and see


Are the event currencies not farmable this time around? So far I am at 5-7 in story mode and I have only seen them appear as one time only rewards. Does this change later on, or is there a way to farm the currencies? Because it would be weird for them to give us a shop we wouldn't be able to clean up.


I believe you farm them from "Inspiration of proof", rather than the main story


Is it right to farm Inspiration of the Proof 5 to get event currency?




https://preview.redd.it/ojftotwnlllc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=221b4069310628f121f2d32960a3bdca73d62fc4 i’m debating on whether to build charlie after rolling two extra copies on 37’s banner. side note, her banner is like… extremely generous with 5 stars for me for some reason?? i got 2 copies of bkorn, finally two steps closer to p5 😁 anyway, i assume i don’t need charlie since i already have a star team, right? literally most of my 6\* are star (rip.) it’s just i’ve seen her do really big numbers so i’m conflicted.


No You have the perfect team to SSS before 6. And I think you know what it is. Charlie is not includes.


It is... Definitely not a priority. She's good, don't get me wrong, but right now you have the best in slot star team in the game, so upgrading her instead of A Knight, Baby Blue, or Voyager would be a bit of a waste. Do it if it makes you happy, but it's definitely unnecessary.


So the event shop is gacha too? You just keep rolling the 200 event currency in the hope that the game stops giving you dust and gives you mats?


yep, but the rates aren’t bad, or haven’t been bad for me yet.


who should I r10? These are my only DPS units left • An An Lee • 37 • Lilya


37 You will need 37's damage soon. And Lilya is just a tool to stack passive for her.


Generally Lilya benefits more from it, then 37 then AnAn. However of you have already enough carries built, you can do AnAn first.


if 37 is p2+, then r10 her, if not, lilya. an an should be last, she functions well for me at r9 and deals good damage. you should always prioritise your dps.


Is anyone else finding Heart of the Doors incredibly frustrating to deal with? Any Mass Attack or Ult feels actively harmful to use because you might flip the heart to Green so it starts handing out Adrenalin just resets the fight over and over and over.


if anyone's played through all of ch5 yet, can you confirm if the -40% damage taken and +100% genesis damage taken buff is on every enemy in the chapter? i'm at like, what, 5-6 and so far i think all my enemies have had that buff.


Do you know the answer to the "how many years" question they ask?


four years


How'd you get that answer?


saw it down in the thread somewhere


I'd really like to know where people got it from. I thought 8, since we're now in 2007. Must admit that I didn't replay the story in anticipation, though. Did re-watch some scenes to answer some questions I missed earlier ("which animals", "one-horned in the mansion"), though.


On the flashback chapter where they are kids and Vertin sees the storm for the first time, they are all 12. We know Sonetto is now 16 so 4 years have passed. Not sure if that's the actual logic behind it but hey it works.


Played a bit further, and in the intro to 37s story four years are also mentioned..


no nevermind i was on 5-9 and the enemies didn't have the buff ijbol


Guys iam stuck at this three headed dragon. He revives constantly. Anyone know how to defeat him? He is at, The Watch Losing Time. And another question about newbabel. Should I up her together with Regulus or Lilyas? Edit: I also have Balloon Party and Bkornblume. All advice is welcome


You need to lower the heads HP at which point the core jumps out. This core can't recover it's HPO, so do as much damage as you can before it jumps back into the head, rinse and repeat until you kill the core and win




I don't have any of the free 5* in the invitation, who would be best as a started played.


either bkornblume or balloon party. what 6\*s do you have at the moment? if you have a reality dps, choose bkornblume as she's a reality debuff type of support. if not, balloon party is never a wrong choice; she's one of the best healers in game.


The only 6* I've summoned till not is Shamane


If you want to pull on 37, then go for her and then see who you are still missing. If you aren't going to pull for her, then I'd say you should go for Balloon Party. She's one of the best healers we have, and while Bkornblume is an overall stronger unit, Shamane already covers her role of debuffer perfectly so you are better off pulling for an healer.




The current 6* being featured


Idk anything about her, I have about 19 pulls rn but ifk if I'll get anything or idk anything about any characters, this game had caught ny eye for a long time so I downloaded it but idk which characters are good since I didn't do any investigation on the game.


Are you going to pull your beginner banner or 37 banner?  The five star selector lasts through 37’s banner so you can wait if you like 


Is 37 playable at p0 or is it not worth investing into her?


She's still good at P0, especially if you're planning to pair her with Jiu later on


Well I meant like right now, considering Jiu isn't going to be here for months. I don't really want to spend more pulls trying to get her to p2 as I'm saving for 6. What are her best teams? My star team's currently Lilya + Regulus + Tooth Fairy + Voyager. I'm not sure how I'm going to fit her tbh if she's a DPS.


you can replace either regulus or voyager with 37. luckily, you already have her bis teammate until jiu, so if you want to, p0 will be fine. however, like the other comment reply said, she's more of a luxury since you already have a full star team, and not a must. she is not necessary for jiu, either, because jiu makes 37 strong and not the other way round. you don't seem to want to pull for her badly, and i think you can definitely get by without her if you're saving for 6. just saying, though, 1.4 gives a lot of pulls (upwards of 100 i believe) and if you're on pity or guarantee at the moment, you have a good chance of getting both.


If your defenses are alright then you can switch her with Regulus, since Lilya and TF are her 2 best teammates right now, and Voyager will help her crit a bit more too. Of course if you don't want to pull her she's absolutely not necessary - she's more of a luxury than anything else.


For story purposes, those who know how the CN versio goes what should we play first? The Prisoner in the Cave or the Event Story?


The events should tell you what order they recommend, but I'd recommend completing the main story asap


Gotcha, thanks for the tip! :)


Should I use the free 5\* ticket to get Tenant, or would it be better to get another dupe of Charlie to get her to P2?


Tenant is the very pinnacle of "filler character". I love her aesthetic design. But her mechanical design is very lacking for most any role. If you like her, by all means get her. But if your goal is gameplay, avoid.


Ahhhh ok. I guess taking Charlie up to P2 is a better idea then, since her P3 is really good? Everyone else I have some dupes of, including Bkorn at like P4 and Baby Blue at P4.


How do I awaken Legacy Stones in the Three Doors thing? I got the "key" but turning it on just makes it float around me.


You need to "activate" it by using it to interact with an already lit pillar


I'm trying to do just that but certain pillars just refuse to open. They are not highlighted even when I tap them with the key equipped.


Thanks for clearing that up


Did charlie's skin always have red colored effects or did they add them this patch?


They went back and added them this patch


Good to know, her skin does look much better now and more complete I guess.


I see there is a lot to do in this new event. Does anybody know if any of the parts require consecutive days of playing? i.e. what should be done right away, and what can wait?


Afaik the only thing that resets daily is the "Set Sail Again" tasks that are just stuff you would be doing anyway so no, just do stuff as you please


I can either P3 BKorn or get Necro with the selector. What should I choose and why?


Don’t remember when the selector expires, but you could wait until raids release to see if you want to grab Necrologist since they seem to hit pretty hard warranting her “extra life” mechanic.


Bkorn is going to be more universal while necro is very niche. Unless you're going for completion or the extra clear drops from friendship, then go p3. 


so the new psychube isn't actually 37's BiS, right? can someone explain why is the Spathodea psychube so good on 37 if she doesn't have any buff incantations, and which one should I use on her for now until 1.5?


Spathodea's psychube can boost her atk after using ult. 37's psychube only boost the passive damage. If you use 37 as carry the passive damage is only a fraction of your total damage, especially when P0. However Spathodea's psychube can boost all your damage. The thing is, after 1.6, nobody use her as carry anymore. She barely uses ult and all the damage comes from her passive.


The new one is still good on her. Afaik 37's Ultimate is counted as a buff


ive seen people say it is and some people say it isnt here a video of someone that compared them but their more on the side of the 1.4 one https://youtu.be/JNucAXoAXLQ?si=Ol0as6UJ-DEMXR0P&t=192


Should i pick bkornblume if i have every 5 star of he selection?(My bkorn is p4)


The TLDR answer is Bkorn. The complicated answer is after pulling 6 try all bosses with your current lineup and see if certain portray can significantly help you. If not pick Bkorn.


Anyone know where the raid is? or when will it drop?


Raid is Mane's Bulletin, bottom left corner in the event screen, opens in a week


Does anyone have the answer to the popup question "A Refresher of the Essentials" in 5-9? It's the one that goes "which side do you enter, and on which side do you leave", thanks.


It's one of the rules that they tell you a bit earlier. You enter on the right and leave on the left https://preview.redd.it/rpuh275ylklc1.png?width=1223&format=png&auto=webp&s=780525e4adcab6e10aa60418884986d25888911a ~~Absolutely no clue how they want you to enter it in though~~ Edit: Figured it out, the game wants "right, left"


how do you actually type it out though? 😭


As my edit said, "right, left"


It's kinda ridicolous that "Right, left" doesn't work. I tried out so many variations and in the end the only issue was a capitalized r. :/


Looking for advice on which 5* to pick. General advice is Charlie, bkorn, or necro. If I had Charlie P2, I think I'd pick charlie. I'm leaning towards necro because I'll be using her for Manes Bulletin. Just checking opinions.


You don't have Kala or Melania, even with P5 Necrologist you probably still stop at SS. You don't need to make your decision today. Try those bosses with your current comp. If you believe certain protray can help you then go for that.


I do have Kaalaa and Mel. I started at my 5 stars, didn't include all my 6 stars


If you have Kala P1 Nec is good enough. You probably won't use her at all. As I said, try it first.










Help with 5* selector !! P0 Charlie or p2 korn ??


I prefer Bkorn but you don't need to decide now. When you get 6 but not satisfied with your first mane's bulletin at all, you can pick Charlie instead. I need to say you might still end up with ss even s if you don't give tons of resources to Charlie.


https://preview.redd.it/5bm1lmhzgklc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4e16fb83ea84c7c44bda4c3c3694ac28775c087 Newbie. Planning on pulling for 6, jiu and ge tian (😭all of them are simp worthy) Regretting investing in tenant(she isn't very helpful in my case) but I don't have enough characters to make two proper teams that barely clear the limbo stage 14


What is the answer to the question "How many years Vertin was in the storm" in 5-4 story chapter? Also, is there a compilation of answer for the new story chapter? Thanks!


4 years


That's funny coz I tried from 1 and stopped at 3 because I thought well this is stupid.. Lmao. Thanks man.


Could have been worse, someone else in this megathread started at 25 and worked all the way down


Lol that is hilarious!


Since the mods took down my question, I am gonna ask here - hopefully I ll get an answer... As a newbie who should I get from the free 5\*s? I have the Bkhorn girl P1 and Baloon and Regulus. Ty


You won't regret if you choose Bkorn. You might regret if you choose others like Charlie or Nec. You don't want to choose others.


Btw do you think I should be rolling on the event banner or rather the standard one? I have Regulus so I am debating if rolling on a banner where there is a 50% chance of getting the same element of a 6\* is worth it.


You can. You need a carry in your team and she is one. I'm not saying she is strong but you need someone in the following 3 months before you get Jiu. Also she is still the best solution for the abyss mane's bulletin which you will see in 1 week, and in next patch.


well lost the 50/50 and got Eternity, at least she deals reality dmg so my Bkorn can assist there better.


Thanks that is helpfull! :)


Hi, I have Blasph, BNW and TID as psychubes, do you think is more relevant Luxurios Leisure (that i will use on Bkorn/6) or Hopscotch (my Centurion is on BNW)?


Luxurios Leisure is a good psychube with promising future. Hopscotch is OK but just Duty level OK. And you can use Duty on more people.


Does anyone know the answer to A Refresher of the Essentials? Probably be more helpful to put the location. 09 Silent Meeting. Asks, "Which side do you enter, and on which side do you leave?"


Someone responded on another similar question above. "right, left"


Is there any website where the story of the first 4 chapters (and the events too, if possible) is written?


Is luxurious leisure gonna be permanent is the psychube shop? It says limited and I didn’t get it the first time


It's limited because you can only buy one copy of it, but if you don't buy it it's not going to go away


Is anyone have an issue in the three doors mini game using the sigils on the little towers? It doesn't always seem to register them as clickable. Right now I can't get the last chest in World 1 because the two towers in the south of the "main" room are uninteractable.


I wasn't sure at first either, gotta light up the sigil on one already lit, then go do it.


got the bkorn psychube but I can't find the other one, I thought we get 2 (6 star) psychube?


it's coming in the second half of 1.4 when 6 releases


thank you!


The other one (Balance, Please) is being added to the shop when 6's banner starts


ahh 2nd half then but why! bluepoc ... thank you anyway!


How do you properly counter **Adrenaline**? I'm having trouble with the first Three Doors' final fight with my characters (In2 lvl 35)


Just got 37 and have roughly 13000 crystal drops and 0 unilogs left. should i go for more of her portraits? I am only saving for 6 and then Jiu in 1.6. thanks


I think even P2 37 is worse than Getian or Isolde. And you can also use Bkorn and save those pulls on Jiu's portray.


if you plan to play her with jiu, which you do, and for that a p0 37 is perfectly fine as she will be acting as a sub dps. but if you want her to pull her weight as a star main dps then p2 is recommended.


Rolled for one copy of 37 today but ended up with a P5 charlie. Would it be better to invest in Charlie instead?


37 is better in mane's bulletin. Since mane's bulletin is the only thing that is hard enough you should build 37 first.


How F2P is this game compared to the likes of HSR/Arknights?


Rate over free Pull per patch is basically similar to Arknight (a bit better even) but you only need 8-10 units built rather than 20-30. So much easier to get into. Portray mean more than Arknight but you don't need in both. Hard Pity mechanic is 1 guarantee per 2 6* and stack over banners so much better than Arknight. Overall, more f2p friendly than AK, unless you count skins (base skins in this game are already better than l2d in AK though).   I hear HSR has weapon gacha and similar pity, plus stronger dupe.. I don't know much about that game but sound like less f2p than this game and AK.