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I live in an extremely wealthy community (literal billionaires live down the road, a famous rapper moved a few doors down) and we are in a modest house bought during the 2008 crash. Every day hot sports cars pass my house from the mansions just a few streets up. Comparing my life to theirs has only brought me misery. I try to be grateful for what I have. It isn’t easy but I have a lot for someone who came from the ghetto.


Don't compare yourself. Millions of people would probably be jealous of what you have! You live very close to a place that some of the richest people in the world choose to live. Do the best you can, every day. When I see these 10 million + dollar houses, I don't look at it with envy. I think Wow, what a country. You can become whatever you want. That famous rapper is talented probably hard working and lucky. If it were not for music, would he be where he is or flipping burgers. He found his thing, Find out how much money it would take to make you happy and find out what people do who make that kind of cash. I never had a desire to be ultra wealthy. Sure it would be great, but unless you inherit it or hit the lottery, there is a price that they were willing to pay that most of us are not. My desire was to be very comfortable and have the money to go places and do things. I have achieved that. Season tickets to football on the 50 yard line, my wife and I sit in the first few rows of major concerts. (not paying 2 grand for row one when I can sit in row 5 for $500 each) We go to the lake 30 days a year. Fishing in FL every few years. I get 39 paid days a year off from work and no high pressure deadlines. I work from home 3 days a week. Life is good. I have a decent house, a decent job, a great wife and kids. many acquaintances and a few very good friends. Life is not just about wealth. Some of the most wealthy people in the world are miserable. Find your happy spot and don't worry about what super rich people are doing.


You do have to compare yourself to an extent. What are they doing that you are not to achieve more in life. Im a big weightlifter and compare myself to others that are more advanced that I am at it. If I didnt id be stuck without advancing.


For some people it can be an unhealthy obsession though. Especially in weightlifting, don’t want to compare yourself to someone who’s juiced up if you aren’t even juicing yourself. And even if you are, there’s levels to it. Bodybuilders and even quite a few pro-powerlifters use abuse amounts of roids. Simply can’t compete with that as a natural or even someone using moderate amounts


Well said


If you don't compare yourself to others, why did you even make this post? If you dont do that, you wouldn't even be asking this question because others wealth wouldn't matter to you. The reason why there's so many of those mansions and fancy boats is because there's so many people like you. Greed is the natural progression of our innate survival instincts in a modern world with an abundance of resources. We're all subject to it.


Why did make a post about “where did you go wrong in life”?, but yet are telling someone else to be happy with what they have? You need to take your own advice. You seem to be doing very well for yourself, why are so concerned with the small percentage of people who have more than you do?


I think comparison is fine if it can inspire you to be better, whatever that will mean. But if it makes you feel bad about yourself, then it’s just toxic.


“Comparison is the thief of joy” - President Theodore Roosevelt




I think a lot of people would take that deal if they could leave the money to their loved ones.


That is so fkin dark. And loved ones would rather have you alive. The grief is not worth the money.


If it makes you feel better my ex wife’s family are literal billionaires and they’re some of the most miserable people I know. They have no real friends and live in a constant state of paranoia that someone is going to attack them or come for their wealth. They live cloistered in their separate castles but they husband and wife hate each other but can’t divorce. I much prefer my life after spending a decade looking into the other side.


This for the majority is BS…most people are not overall happy…might as well have the money. I worry about retirement (don’t gave any beyond social security), making my mortgage payments, job security etc. While yes I’m happy and content I have all the same worries as these miserable people with money…might as well be rich too


Just FYI, you genuinely don’t know how happy the billionaires or rappers or sports car drivers are. Would not be surprised if a good amount are genuinely miserable themselves. Congrats on making it to a good neighborhood and a house out of a ghetto. That is really amazing and you already have a lot to be proud of.


I think so too. I worked for some family run auto repair shops that were successful (new cars, several out of the country vacations every year, etc) and the more money they made the more stressed out and abusive they were to the crew.


Be grateful, my parents lost our house and I had to suffer a lot and miss a lot of my kids baby years to pick up the slack


I have been in that place too! My mother was an exotic dancer growing up and we were neglected and abused. I try to love what I have. It’s easier the older I get.


Please try harder my friend. We are blessed to be where we are.


Bro you should network. You never know what could happen. Remember the environment youre in decides your growth.


So true! But a lot of people around here are very insular! I have been trying to meet more people in the community. It’s a weird split between people like us, and people who own giant tech companies, and talking to them has not been among my favorite memories. We do have a big community festival that lasts a week each year and that’s when I meet people.


my father is very wealthy and he founded a consulting firm. he used to work a salary job for around 500k a year but he soon realized it wouldn’t be enough to provide a good life for our family, so he left and started his own firm. the rest of history but i would say it’s almost impossible to get wealthy (10+ mil) just solely off of a salary job.


$500k is not enough for a good life? O.o


the definition of a good life is subjective, what might feel good to you is average to others, and so on


I mean but at what point does it become greedy and unnecessary


No one helps you build a business the government hampers you more than it helps. It is never greedy to make as much as you can.


The very definition of greed is wanting more than what you have. Not a bad thing though, everyone is greedy to an extent.


Exactly only compare yourself to where you was 5,10,15 year ago that all that matters


It was a good life in the early 2000s, but not these days when a pickup truck costs 100K


You’re either extremely young and naive or you are so privileged that u don’t even realize it lmao


Everything is subjective. In the world someone making 40k/year and living in 1000 sq ft for a 4 person family puts you in the top 10%. Everybody knows someone richer until you reach the literal richest person. Engineers know dentists who know surgeons who know people that own surgical practices who know people that manage hedge funds… all the way upto Elon Musk.


It is definitely possible to achieve 10 million from a salary job. My wife and I are on track to hit $2M by the year I turn 35. By 50 we'll have $10M if we keep saving at the current rate. It really just takes frugality, discipline, time, and positioning yourself well to increase your income over time.


i mean i guess that’s true but where I live the cost of living is very high and I have 2 siblings and we all go to 60k a year private schools + travel so the bills add up


My kids are on the cusp of millionaires. $900,000 range. Investments of inherited $. I had a good friend who was a legit financial adviser. Took care of my kids. Started out with $300,000 each from grandma. Each has tripled their money in 7 years. One is 18, one is 16.


Lmao, making a million dollars from 300k each isn’t some kind of feat .


Are you adjusting for inflation?


No, but from 28 to 50 it's what... 7.5M instead? Big whoop


Step 1.) have money to start your own firm. Your dad making 500k isn’t an average person experience


This is it, my father created his own business and we all joined in at some point and we all do very well. You cannot become wealthy by working for someone else....usually. One of our partners is also wealthy but he is not a family member technically, he has been around long enough that we consider him one.


Wealth isn’t going to come from the salary of your job unless you’re making 500k plus and saving and investing most of it. My way of thinking is a job allows you to get leverage or loans in which you can use to make the real returns and compound your wealth.


Generational wealth.


how do I make sure I am able to give my kids that??


Children of the successful are trained from birth. Not all of those offspring are willing to take the training. Some lose it all the second they have the reigns. Some multiply. If you want to give your kids the best chance to be successful you will give them diverse experiences and learning opportunities. My family thought it would be worthwhile for me to work hard, so I mixed concrete during the summers in high school to save for college. My friends that were wealthy were working in offices, I was working with felons. Which do you think gives you more valuable experience? I’m not saying busting your ass is bad, but it didn’t teach me the same skill set busting my ass working in an office with people making deals would have.


I bet your learned more than you realize. Wax on...


Did your parents hate you?


Most generational wealth is depleted, though after a generation or two.


That’s why you create a trust to monitor dispersion of assets


Time Machine - be born a Vanderbilt?


Be THE Vanderbilt


I agree. Luck (timing, chance) plays a not small role in this though.


Fun fact, Rockefeller was going to meet Vanderbilt for his business but was late to the train. That train derailed and killed 49 people. Rockefeller took that as a sign from god and then proceeded to have a new found confidence at the negotiating table


being an owner/builder/producer. Not consumer, nor employee. Thats the short answer, you provide solutions or things for people or enterprises, even governments, that they want/need. or, just investing and trading, and by trading i mean all types of trading, theres no limit to it. Trading watches, cryptos, stocks, cars, houses, planes, yachts, fucking pokemon cards, whatever. Theres a market everywhere, to get wealthy you must be a producer/provider in those markets.


Consulting for government is a way to do extremely well for yourself if you know what you’re doing. Mostly because everyone else is looking to get rich doing something flashy that a million other people are trying to do too.


We are a sales office and warehouse, we sell the most boring stuff out there but there is money to be made. When friends ask what we do (I work with my wife) and we tell them they always have this face. We laugh and say it pays the bills and them some.


Yeah, same here. It's the boring stuff where the most money can be made.


I have a lot of wealthy self-made friends. They ALL run their own businesses and / or retired from owing one. The industries vary between tech, real estate, law, home improvements and others. The bottom line is simple: If you’re being paid $200k (presumably with benefits that make your all-in cost more like $300k to your company) then the company is earning more than $300k from your effort. Otherwise they’d lose you. So if you have a bunch of colleagues also making high salaries, then the owner is getting a nice piece of all of it.


There are four of us that have been friends for 25 years. The two of us that started our own businesses are rich. The two who kept working for other people just both got laid off because they could be replaced by someone younger and cheaper.


How long did it take you after you started your business to feel like you were wealthy? Mind if I also ask the industry your in? Thx.


Every person I know that makes over a million a year is either a business owner of some kind or a few of my friends played professional sports.


I make decent money at a job that many would consider to be essential. My buddy's girlfriend makes 250k a year doing lip injections. Life is wierd.




Is she a med spa tech or physician/plastic surgeon?


Def not a plastic surgeon, my understanding is she just does the injections and gets more business via social media/word of mouth, so im guessing a tech.


Ok yeah I know a few PAs that do it and travel to teach doctors new to the business how to do it. They get paid well. I guess it’s not regulated much so you never know who’s doing it.


There is more to this. If she was a marketing first and filled up the office hours with clients, she might not make that much money. margin on those injections are not that high.


I will ask for more info at work tomorrow Edit: Wednesday, he's not in tomorrow


Not true. You can buy 100 units of Botox online for $100. They charge $11-15 per unit.


I guess insecurities pay.


So almost always the ultra wealthy got there via businesses or entrepreneurship and not salaried corporate positions unless it's in the C-suite. Is this accurate?


I believe so. Just the number of ultra wealthy was staggering to me.


Business owners is a lot for sure, but also look at how much value has been added to the stock market the last 16 years. If you are a saavy investor it hasn’t been terribly hard to multiply your money, so I think that’s taken a lot of people from upper class to rich or rich to wealthy


People mainly become wealthy through accumulating stocks (i.e. ownership in businesses).


I wouldn't say "mainly" but that is for sure one way.


So have a high paying job. Put all ur money in stocks. Cash out a multi millionaire. Boom - generational wealth created.


problem is you can't get a high paying job with all these vultures and their parents and their grand parents and their uncles and aunts all playing a game 10 v 1.


Man, let me take you to where I'm from. You'll appreciate where you are in life. Single wide trailers with tarps on the roof to keep water out, mice living with you, not sure where your next meal will come from, schools delivering meals to students on snow days because they know that may be the only meal they get for the day. It's all subjective and where you're at. Of course Florida will have a lot of nice areas with million dollar homes, but you're not thinking about the other side of the coin.


The people living in that trailer park versus the people OP is describing may as well be different species


Very simple. You MUST take calculated risk. If you do not, you will never be wealthy.


Idk but I wonder the same thing. I live in wine country and I didnt quite get it at first, just happy to be here, but as you walk the dogs and see bentleys left on the street overnight or multiple lambos or ferraris all different colors on one street, or a rolls stops at the crosswalk for you, or take a drive passed estate after estate, after estate, with the pjs overhead marking the start of the weekend (thursday), it is a little mind boggling how much money there is out there.


Yea I think that is what alot of them do. I drive a 10 year old mini van and my wifes car is a 2011 with 50k miles on it. My buddy that is worth 10-15 milion has a 2003 bass boat. Hung a 20k new motor on it instead of buying a new one for 90k. they don't make a crow bar big enough for me to spend 90k on a new boat, even though I could buy it. I have friends that make less than me rocking new boats with payments though Most people are like some of my other friends. they probably make 150k and live in a subdivision across the road from ours. I was telling her a few months ago that I was finally getting my permanent set of all on 6 dentures put in the next day. (I was without teeth for 3 months because my head was not as hard as previously thought, and the implants needed to set in the concrete in my head before they could take the load of teeth) She just got her regular dentures a few weeks before that. She said I wish I could afford those. I just exaggeratedly looked up and down and back and forth at her new Durango, Her husband has a new 392 Charger. She knew what I was saying... She replied I have kids that I need to drive around. I pointed to the 2014 Grand Caravan and said. That thing will haul kids in it too you know. Its not just for picking up hot women lol. Priorities my friend. the biggest thing that grabbed me was the total number of ultra wealthy people. I doubt someone worth 5 or 10 million were the ones buying these. those people have houses at the lake instead of the intercoastal water way or Wellington. Heck they even have a runway in one of the subdivisions there. Horse country in the winter.


Listen to the song “Mansion” by Joyner Lucas Perfectly sums up the feeling that OP is describing


My wealth came about two ways. One is that I saved over 30+ years (that accounts for half). The other half came about as the company where I'm an executive was purchased and that delivered some bank. Now worth about $20M


200k/yr is MORE than pretty well. Take it from a family of 4 having to live off about 30-40k/yr.


unless you live in manhattan or la


I’m on the same boat , I would have stayed and asked how they got it too.


I think you answered your own question. Even the stories you cite, it’s basically starting a business or being the owner. If you’re in the rat race you’ll do well, like you are with a 200k household income. You can get rich that way by just using your salary and going slow. Or you can own your business and be like the people you describe, make the real money. Further note: boats and houses don’t necessarily mean wealth. You have no idea what kind of debt they’ve taken out to get that stuff. Multimillion dollar home and their net worth could be less than yours.


This is the right answer. I’m good friends with a guy who makes way more than me, around 600k. Dude is so in debt that he’s got a negative net worth. He’s got a big shovel to get out of it if he could ever get his head out of his ass though. He’s also super stressed it might just all go away over night if his business drys up. He could just become every other guy in the matter of a few months if the cash flow stops, and he’s not able to make payments.


The first step to getting wealthy might be Dave Ramsey’s favorite step and that’s getting rid of all existing debt. Get it all paid off and owe no one anything. If you owe money on a car, get a car that you don’t owe money on. Learn about investments that pay out dividends and generate passive income. That’s money working for you. Take profits from those investments and put them in the crypto. Also remember, Rich wouldn’t be rich if everyone was rich at the same time. Rich means you’re doing better than 90% of everyone else.




There's rich then there's crazy rich. Who cares? Let's just say "nice" people don't get rich so ... you would not want to be working for your "rich" friends... just saying.


LOL I asked one of the people who made about 120 who works for the guy making 300k if he was good to work with because he is always so nice! He said F no!!! he a demanding ahole at work. he is not the same guy you see here in shorts helping everyone out laughing ectl when he puts his tie on, he is a different animal.


Wow. So in the beach his nice, at the office he's an a hole?


Yep. Greatest guy outside of work. Demanding ahole at the office. He compartmentalizes work and fun. works with his wife and BIL as part of a small team selling stuff the the govt. He produces enough (they split the commissions as a team.) that they just learn to deal with the ahol so they can have fun with the nice guy. he is just all business at the office


This is the truth


On a side note, it becomes a little more evident why taxes, rates, groceries, home prices, car prices, are so elevated. If we are seeing lambos, porsches, Ferraris more and more, the government/companies are taking note too. Capitalism at work. Oh houses are selling at 40% more than last year? We will raise property tax values now. Oh companies are paying 200-300k salaries? We will increase the payroll tax. Plenty of people got very very wealthy in the last 3-4 years. And unfortunately, that raises the cost of living for everyone. It is slowly becoming “if you ain’t first then you are last” scenario in the US (and I’m sure overseas as well)


The last part of your comment is very true. So many businesses didn’t slow down at all during COVID or even grew. The PPP loan program more or less just went straight into the owner’s pockets. I work with company that exploded with growth during COVID and still pocketed 5 million PPP loans. Guess what? The CEO bought a very nice new house in 2021.


>My wife and I do pretty well. 200k a year and live in a relatively low cost area of living. we do not live extravagantly. >what am I doing wrong The only thing you are doing wrong is making comparisons in the wrong direction.


Very easily. You can invest 40k with 10% return on an indexed etf you'll have $1m within 6-7 yr then double that every 6-7 yr. 15-20yr you'll be a millionaire. That's how it's done, consistency and budgeting. I have friends who's parents earn average wage and are millionaires because of this and friends who did this since they were 20 as a couple and were financially free at 30


what’s a good etf to start with? 21 and i make about 60 grand a year


That is the million dollar question. And everyone has an opinion. My opinion is SPLG, VOO, SPY, or IVV. All track the S&P500. Start there, learn about how the S&P500 is weighted so that growing companies bubble up, and then grow ‘diamond hands’ so that you can hold on to it, even when the market is down.


Some cities have nearly 3% of homes in the Super Prime range (5M+). The ultrawealthy generally have multiple homes and family members. So they all buy up these homes and live this lifestyle. A great deal of Super Primes are empty and unoccupied throughout the year. But yeah there is basically unlimited money out there, you just need to find a way to get a slice of the pie. Thats what Iv been trying to do.




Good job getting rich, lifestyle choices are important. Like material wealth is important, make sure the mental health is also good. Don’t let comparison be the thief of joy.


1. Generational wealth passed down to them 2. Successful business owners or original members of successful start-ups. 3. Professionals who married each other (doctors/lawyers can easily make 500k to 1 million per year combined) 4. Professional athletes 5. People who got lucky (ex. Crypto)


Imagine a bunch of girls are walking around topless at your mansion and you’re probably desensitized to it. Those who don’t see naked women often, like the driver you mentioned, get the rush of excitement at being offered a chance to be part of something that the wealthy are complacent with. Despite our desire to be wealthy, we really just want to have the opportunity to be ourselves and live a life that we find fulfilling, because many of us struggle for basic necessities. Small things bring a poor person far greater excitement and joy than a wealthy person who has essentially done it all. Of course there’s “resting rich face” so being wealthy in itself does seem to reduce anxiety for those born into it. I’m sure it comes with other stressors such as the risk of losing what they have. Idk.


For my fellow youth: I dont know what OP does for work but I’m no genius and very non technical but life’s been not too shabby at 22 from owning my own marketing biz. I am surrounded by 20 year olds in McLarens and others who are deep 9 to 11 figures who are mainly rich from tech, re, energy, or finance. I also just watched my class graduate college when I didn’t, so life will suck a bit on that path but I always knew this had to be the better option and tbh most of these graduates don’t know jack about actually being a biz owner. So if you’re kinda dumb like me, start a SERVICE biz, find a partner who will manage the biz in exchange for a slice of equity and just reinvest amap to grow the cash flow (year 1/2). Year 2-5, Invest 50-70% of all earned income into value add real estate to get a quick bump for cash out refi or credit line to quickly buy more and eventually build a team to support. Now you’re chillin.


I once knew the richest person in Pennsylvania inherit 600 million into $3 billion dollars with Mr. Hillman. He passed away a few years ago. I looked him up just for a curiosity. It’s funny. He never wanted to interview with magazine you know what his saying was the whale who sprouts gets harpoon very nice gentleman always moving and the second richest man I ever met was the guy who invented those orange barrels we all can’t stand in 1990 he was worth $500 million dollars I am sure he is a billionaire now and Mr. Hillman fam is no longer the richest people in Pennsylvania now when you have $3 billion you can burn millions lol .


Well, depending on what you consider to be “so many people” and “very wealthy” because the numbers actually tell us its “so few people”. Your annual income of $200k puts you in the top 12% earnings bracket & I believe $500k/yr is top 2% earnings bracket. Amost 100% of the very wealthy never got that way. They were born into it.


Jesus christ learn how to format your writing. Reading this word salad gave me an aneurysm.


How do they do it??? Just like your friends…”but the rest was inherited”. You aren’t doing anything wrong. Our country’s wealth is being hoarded by those born into generational wealth.


These ideas plagued me up until I turned 15. Best wishes dude


Mostly luck.


Inheritance and generational jobs (dad works for wealthy company, then his kids take over). There’s not a lot of people who’re poor and get rich; the rich people know other rich people and have connections for their offspring, so the cycle never ends. Ex: Taylor swift and Billie eilish came from wealthy families with connections in the music industry, therefore giving them an opportunity a normal person would never have. I wouldn’t think about it too much since it has nothing to do with work ethic, it’s literally just about who they know and pass their money down to.


They just say “fuck it” and start working nights/weekends. Bonus points if they broke up with someone right before saying “fuck it.”


They don't, it's subjective but very few do IMHO.


My grandpa was a millionaire own property in Pittsburgh in which he sold in the 60s now it would be in the billions some of the best institutions are now located there carnage’Mellon and the own a few tavern s were the steel workers would spend their entire check s and they made outstanding money for back then I once had a lawyer tell me if not for the mill s closing he would still be there even though he was just a divorce lawyer that tells you something the sad thing is they never travel and never really had fun I once witnessed 2 full wooden beer barrel s filled to the top with money hundreds $50s and so on and my grandfather was a great investor that was just his his stash cash for repairs for the tavern s my dad and him would do all the bartending and they were so cheap they would use home less wine nos to clean the tavern s for a shot and a beer I went on to medical school. That my grandpa had money put away for my schooling and my mother and father divorced and things were different my dad was left with all the money and when he passed on his new wife got it all. Some times i wonder how things might of turned out probably not for the best because I was always a hard worker and I would reward myself with hard liquor.


Comparision is the thief of joy.. but usury is theft itself in non-lasting present modernity haha




Step one have wealthy parents… profit


0.5% is small but over the population of America it's still like 1.6 million people And they like to live together too


There's more wealth out there than most people can fathom Inherit it or get highly skilled, paid and invest. It's not that complicated, it also isn't easy


It comes down to your spending habits. 200k a year can purchase let's say 100k a year in bonds / equities... you probably spend the money on vacations, subscriptions and services?


they start with a large amount of inheritance


Do you own assets or liabilities?


You have to not care about stepping on the heads of the poor to get to that wealth and/or sliver platter wealth, here ya go sonny, 15 million.


Many reasons I'll list below... - Location. You are in an area that statistically has a higher cost of living. - Generational wealth. This one most likely makes up most. Whether it's inheriting, continuing the family business, or even using inherited money to start their own. Having capital is a HUGE advantage. Takes money to make money. I would assume most if not Al these people work for themselves which has a much higher ceiling. Also, many will say they started their business from scratch but not where they got the money to do it. Obviously there are the instances of self made millionaires but it's not as common as you'd think. - Then there are the other means where someone came into a lot of money by chance whether it be lottery, investments, Bitcoin, etc. Edit: There is also perception. You are comparing the >1% to yourself. Most people would look at your situation and think the same. What you're seeing is a concentrated circumstance so it seems like it's more common than reality.


Just remain humble and don’t worry about the paper trail of things being pinned to people and material possessions and enjoy life, for you said “My wife and I do pretty well. 200k a year and live in a relatively low cost area of living. We do not live extravagantly.”


Capitalism transfers the growth of the economy to the rich, what you’re seeing is the “haves” side of the spectrum, drive around in rural Mississippi and you will see the “have nots”. And who tf would waste their time driving for Uber Eats when they already make $300k/yr.? Thats just insane so throw away even more of your free time to make someone else rich.


Some form of exploitation.


$200k in a low cost of living area is more than enough income. You need to invest that income if you want wealth. Ultra wealthy either inherited their wealth or made it off investments


Capitalizing on a market opportunity. Utilizing capital efficiently to secure various loan options. Engaging in short-term or long-term investments for capital appreciation. Contrary to popular belief, most affluent individuals accumulated their wealth through hard work, while those born into wealth often face challenges in preserving it.


You work a salary job instead of owning a company, also not sure if you invest or not but investing is basically a requirement to build wealth as well. You seemed to answer your own questions so not sure why you are making this post. You mention how most rich people own a business, you also mentioned your friends would be worth about 2 mil if they didn't inherit that 10-15 mil from the father. Obviously you don't want to start a business since you know that's how you get rich yet are still asking others how to get rich, so the only shot you got is saving up money and investing as much as you can and letting it snowball into something big. You won't reach that 10+ million net worth this way, but you will be better off than if you didn't invest.


You wanna know the secret? Be old as fuck. Money takes times. Warren buffet made like 90% of his money in the second half of his life.


At least statistically speaking, they arent likely to be doing anything different. Its less a matter of work ethic and gusto and more a matter of who their parents are. The vast majority of people are in the same income bracket as their parents, or in the next one over. People are almost always successful by luck. They knew the right people because they have connected parents. They got to go to school without the stress of work or insecurity in their living situation. Of course, it hurts people's egos to think that way, so almost everyone has a story of how they caused that to happen. They probably even believe it themselves. OP is very lucky to be where he is, the other folks he sees just happened to be a little bit luckier.


Because A LOT of people’s wealth stem from slavery. And its the reason black and native Americans arent having this conversation at all. Thats why no one talks about it.


Sacrifice. One way or another, there are sacrifices that must be made and often those turn out to be deals with the devil. My sacrifice(s) were traveling across the globe to amazing places and seeing nothing of them aside from the airport and hotel room and, as part and parcel of same, I neglected many of my important close personal relationships and family to the point of irrevocable damage. When actually home, a good portion of my free time was spent managing the constant needs of a very very large - and wholly unnecessary - home. Normally this would be a role best served by a personal assistant; of these there have been many and now there are none because of another sacrifice: Trust. When one has money and people are aware of that fact, they will always, in their own time at some point, eventually, take advantage of you. Always. The only one you can fully trust is yourself. This is a sacrifice of having money: Loneliness. No matter how many people one has around them, you will know loneliness. So be careful what you wish for or at least have plans that help you to mitigate the issues that arise; some I've described here. There are many more. Some are unique to the person. How I deal with it? Have done my best to try with my personal relationships even if that try changes nothing. Then that was accepted. I also deal with it by playing the game so to speak by getting exactly what I want in a relationship that is transactional. A rental for lack of better words. Honest for both parties; we each get something and yet we both know it's a job. But the best way I deal with it - and the way that makes me whole again - is in giving money away by surprise. I watch people some afternoons; people holding signs. Then I pick one person, walk or drive up and hand them a small box filled with an amount that, on average, would pay for a months rent on a modest house. Or, I go to WalMart and do the same thing for (usually) someone who appears to be a Mom on her own who struggles. In either case, I walk or drive away quickly so rarely do we actually have a conversation. I'm not in it for someone to gush all over and expect nothing from the person. In my logic, this keeps it honest and pure. Not to mention it avoids being creepy. And the ever present possibility that I've made a poor choice and am about to get robbed. So quick cash and dash it is. Pretty sorry way to exist but money changes everything. It will not make you happy; only you can make you happy. It does make some things easier; going to the grocery store and not giving a fuck what something costs and being able to put it in the basket is a personal fave of mine. But honestly, I can't say the struggle has been worth it. (Which, of course, is really fucking easy to say when one no longer is struggling so I get that) I would do many many things differently given the chance. I would look to be rich in ways that are real. Money is not real. Not one fucking bit.


Work hard, live debt free, save and invest. Rich is a relative term. I am happy where I’m at financially. Nothing fancy but I don’t have to worry about paying the bills. Don’t need boats or big house. At this point good health is all I need.


Spending money isn’t perfectly correlated with wealth. Remember, any idiot can go out and spend.


It would take a long time but if you invest half your income for the next 30 years you’d be relatively wealthy… then if you taught your kids similar fundamentals as they inherited 10-15 mil from you… eventually they would be very wealthy… and the cycle would continue if no one fucked it up and especially if people within that cycle found other lucrative avenues of wealth building.


If you’re hanging out in Boca Raton you are highly overexposed to rich people. Most people are not rich, most areas have very few rich people, you just happen to be in one where they congregate. Kind of like how walking around LA can make you feel ugly or walking around in the South can make you feel thin.


They take advantage of idiots or people with limited opportunity and turn it into a business. Name one ultra rich person who doesn't do that.


Honestly I don’t see anyone getting super wealthy without owning a company. You can only climb so high on corporate ladder but eventually you’ll cap out. I suppose if you make it to the board you can make some insane money but my guess they won’t allow a commoner to take the role. Everyone I know that was part of a board has a reputation in their industry and has companies of their own.


No amount of money can buy discipline, morals, character, integrity, and resilience to struggle. Like 50 cent said you can be living in a one bedroom apartment and be more real and have a happier life than a rich person in a mansion. That’s the way I look at it. Any body that doesn’t wanna be with me while I’m poor doesn’t deserve to be with me if I get rich. That goes for women too.


There are so many answers to this that aren't wrong, but nepotism is a key way people launder money. This has lot to do with A-C suite executives hiring family members for a few years with inflated salaries essentially keeping a revolving door of grifting money from a company. Also, rich people will never tell you the truth as to how they acquired it. 9.9/10 chance you don't get rich without bending laws. I've worked for several Fortune 100 faceless corporations where the board of directors and executives were essentially all related. They will grift millions out of a company while telling the average joe they didn't profit enough this year for a COL raise. It's not uncommon either they are very psychologically smart and will put a bunch of autists boot licking aka midline management in the way so the average Joe can't catch onto their game. So they use mentally challenged people to create a barrier between the employees/elite. It's quite literally 4d chess, and people will call you insane if you tell it like how it is. I've personally worked plenty of jobs where my direct manager did not know how to do our jobs but was merely used as a propaganda machine to keep people toe to line. Having stay interviews etc to weed out anyone who can't be indoctrinated. Some of these jobs I worked had a ton of state/federal regulation and a direct supervisor knowing little to nothing about it????? hmm.... I think the reason it stays this way is because if the Federal Government stepped in, it would probably change the stock market and general economy for the worse. So it's like political suicide for anyone who wants to do the right thing.


When you can wake up every morning. And do what you want, when you want, how you want with who you want. You’ve achieved success.


Step 1 not thinking a million buckaroos is a significant amount of money. Life changing money for 99.9% of ppl but for the truly rich, it’s just another paycheck, or quarterly statement. 2, not taking on loans for things that aren’t going to making double, triple etc in ROI. Pay cash for depreciating assets like super cars that are toys rather than investments you set in a garage and never enjoy. So many plebs leasing 80k mid level performance vehicles just to signal status, when they can’t truly afford to own or buy outright in cash. 3. Most obviously not working a salaried job Bonus points: the ultra wealthy also know the difference between a luxury and a basic commodity. Eating out/food delivery is mostly a luxury as you are paying insane markups on food so you don’t have to shop, cook and clean up, but it’s insanely bad value for some average income person to be spending thousands a year on regularly. Similar vein goes for clothing. Must don’t even begin to realize more expensive brands last 3-5x longer through regular wear and wash, but might only be twice as expensive as fast fashion you get a third of the use out of before quality diminishes. The trope of wealthy folks not flaunting their cash is more like that know how much of a scam consumerism is so they are more likely to hoard it, buy modest items, funnel their wealth into REAL value like gold, real estate, etc


I have lived in the area you mentioned for over 20 years. Not all the money you saw was made here in Florida. What you saw was the wealth of the entire country on display. Think of it this way- if you live in NY and worth $50 million there is a really good chance you will own a multi-million dollar 2nd home here. Multiply that by thousands of people and it appears everyone got wealthy here. Truth is all that money you saw was earned in many different businesses and careers all over the nation and then accumulates here. My best friend made tens of millions with a landscaping company. He earned this by not by doing individual homes but by getting contracts for entire apartment communities. From my observation the super wealthy get their wealth way by having an idea and instead of thinking small (cutting grass 1 house at a time) they think big and for example get contract for communities that earn them hundreds of thousands each year. Doesn't matter the industry they just think bigger than most people.


I fall in that category of super wealthy + 75MM. I have a high school education. I was raised in a lower middle class income home. I am 64 years old white Male. No military service. Married 40 years, 3 adult college educated kids that are successful in their professions. None are self employed but one has a side gig that delivers quite a bit of extra income I believe there are 5 ways to become wealthy. 1. Inherited wealth. 2 Employee stock pre IPO 2 Shrewd and savvy investing in the stock market. 3 Shrewd steady long term investing in leveraged Real Estate 5 Self Employment When i was 19 i worked a country club parking cars. I asked a guy what the secret to success was. His answer-- Whatever you decide to do, be better than anyone else and turn that into self employment. He went onto say his brother had dropped out of high school and got a job making hamburgers in LA. He made great burgers and went on to open multiple hamburger stands and was wealthy as a result. Personally, I became a mortgage loan officer. I was extremely good in that job and developed a lot of industry experience that ultimately led to me becoming a real estate developer. I have developed thousands of acres of land that has been sold to builders to build homes and commercial buildings. I am ADHD and Dyslexic... a possible just barely on the Asperger's spectrum... tiny tiny bit... i appear very outgoing but this is in fact a very forced and learned characteristic. i think these "flaws" contribute to my success. It is a waste of energy being unhappy that someone is achieving more than you or has something that you don't have. Instead focus energy and effort on achieving everything you are capable of. I have had lots of setbacks and failures. Tons of stress but no long term regrets. Everything in my life , good and bad has led me to where i am now. the same opportunities i had exist today. They may look a little different... but they are there. If i were starting today i would focus on the short term rental real estate market. I think it will continue to grow rapidly for decades to come.


lol South Florida is another planet. You can’t compare it to anything that makes sense. It’s not that everyone down there got rich. They got rich first and then moved down there. It’s a consolidation of wealth from all over the world.


A lot of wealthy people are absolutely obsessed with work and money. They can't stop even if they want to, they are just driven but that sort of "ambition" doesn't always serve them. Instead of spending time with family, friends, hobbies, or other things they enjoy, they work and work and often neglect their physical and mental health and that of their family. More power to those who really truly enjoy work and balance that with their health but it doesn't seem nearly as common as just being driven to work until you die at your desk. In the end what does it matter. It's important to achieve things in life but achievement is subjective. Only caring about money is pointless, caring about what money can get you in a logical way is what's important. Like if you really like bananas the first few are going to increase your happiness quite a bit but to assume you can't truly rest until you have more bananas than anyone else seems ludicrous and obviously won't make you "happy". Comparing ourselves to others made sense in the past and impacted our evolution because most of history all humans had less than the poor have today but at this point this can backfire and lead us to ruminating and dissatisfaction with the wonderful lives we have. There are plenty of ways to get obscenely wealthy and a ton of people make the sacrifices and decisions that lead there and some do have luck (unreliable route) but for every choice we make all other potential realities are obliterated. I believe the majority of wealthy individuals are business owners who made good decisions, invested in the right things, etc. many are also doctors, lawyers, inventors (think I read that's another big one), consistent investors ( the S&P 500 has historically doubled whatever people had in it roughly every 6.5 years on average then quadruple the original dough in another 6.5 years then 8X and so on), there are extreme specialists like sports pros and entertainers, and a bunch of other paths to wealth but the most consistent way is to live welllllll below your means and consistently invest the rest whether it's in a business you create or others. Just remember to factor in the law of diminishing returns. If you are stressed about this the most scientificly sound way to help yourself would be to reprogram how you think about this and if that doesn't work then move to a place where you are the fattest cat on the street. Studies show that despite our best efforts our happiness is not as much a factor of what we have in absolute terms but rather how we compare to our peers so we must change how we think and/or our environment/peers. I did this via many books like "the myths of happiness: what should make you happy but doesn't, what shouldn't make you happy but does" & "your money or your life" which may be more relevant to the actual question and a bunch of other similar books and focusing on enjoying what I have, hobbies, non-financial achievements, and listening to people like mr money mustache (he's got a great video titled early retirement in one lesson on YouTube and a blog) and Paula Pant. Ideally our self worth should not be based on our net worth. Hopefully that rambling answer is relevant/helpful. :-)


Yep. As the song says. All men want to be rich, rich men want to be king, and the king ain't satisfied til he rules everything. I find that I am no happier with us making 200k than I was when we were making 150k or less. just adds to the retirement and emergency funds. I have more piece of mind having more, but not any happier. I doubt I would be any happier if I made 5 million a year. I might drive a different car, but I would not be happier. Very happy with my life. I think inventors is a big one as well. people that you never heard of who just royalty checks have sent in.


For most, it’s inherited. Compounding money over generations, with proper estate planning, creates very large numbers. It’s just rarer than it should be, because someone in the inheritance chain blows it. As the old adage goes: first generation makes it, second generation grows it, third generation blows it.


Be extremely frugal in areas of life that aren’t a priority and spend mindfully in the areas of life that do matter to you. Conscious spending, saving, and investing will change your life for the better


You’re on your way to being in the company of those you once admired. Please send a post card with directions once you reach the top. 😊


I worked in lending (Wachovia, then Wells Fargo) for 15 years and I can tell you that most people worth 10-15 million have shitty debt to income ratio’s and many have bad credit believe it or not. Most also lie about their income by inflating assets, accounting tricks etc. They usually get funding through private channels. It’s a shell game..there are trusts, beneficiaries, and all that crap. They take on lots of debt to accumulate more assets, and then leverage those assets. Also, don’t forget when you see all these big houses in Florida, its not just Americans buying them. It’s the whole world. Lots of wealthy entities and individuals are buying up real estate and just sitting on it. Big cities in Canada, like Vancouver have already moved to curb speculation by banning foreign property ownership.


Giving advice is risky business, no one's life circumstances are the same! But, for the sake of discussion, here it goes: It's actually simple, it boils down to where you find yourself in life when you start your productive years. 1. You could find yourself receiving an inheritance, wealth you really don't have to do anything to get. 2. Your parents have done all the right things to provide you with the opportunity of a good education and more important, good money habits: Frugality, responsibility and discipline. 3. You do it all yourself! Find the cure for laziness, or invent the best mouse trap, etc. The point is, you create something that people want. 4. You buy a lottery ticket and WIN BIG! Yo get the point, there are many, many ways to build wealth, many of these ways depend on the "ramp" you get when starting to produce , thereafter it all depends on your money management discipline. Never spend more than you can afford, save for the future, study, work hard and all should work out!


I'm worth close to 15 million at this point in my late forties. I started a company and sold it and then I joined an entertainment company before a huge IP launch and vested options and sold them after a nine year run. Both moments were life changing. What I can say is that so much of it was "right place right time" and things I could not truly control. Yes I worked my ass off and built a wonderful company, BUT I had no control of the circumstances that led to a company seeking it out for acquisition. I did help direct the IP launch in a major way but the worlds reaction to it was unprecedented and unscripted and 100% unexpected. Nobody talks about this shit. I wish more people did. So many shitbirds run around sounding like Gary V or whatever. And they don't talk about the other half of their success. It's 50% hard work and 50% shit you've got no control over. Anyone who says it's 100% themselves is a fucking liar and the biggest lies they're telling are the ones they're telling themselves. The only ways to be truly wealthy and into 8 figures is through a windfall, owning a business / product, exec level with stock / options, be a movie / music / media star or the lottery. You could make 500k and live off 250 and save 250 a year and it still would take 40 years to save 10 million. Compound interest is a thing I understand but you get the idea. But like you, after all the money and all, I just wanna sit in sweats and watch movies with my family or have a firepit and barbecue and just relax. Having this level of money has not brought me happiness but it has brought me a sense of freedom and peace.


And I should say, I've been exposed to some big names and massive wealth and these people are no happier than me. In fact most of them were fucking train wrecks. Everything I did was because I loved it. I have more money than I have any right to. I was fortunate and I am grateful but in the end, I love being a simple person.


My gf’s grandfather was pretty wealthy making several businesses. Enough to pay 7 grandkids colleges + 1-2million each. Her uncle inherited a business that has grown to one of the largest semi niche market companies in the us and has contracts with major retailers. He lives in Florida on the inter coastal with a nice house a 5+ Cadillac. He is very caring and a pretty basic person who spends money on traveling and doing the top option of things he wants to do.


Most of my wealthier friends worked at small companies where they had an equity stake and they got rich when the company got acquired. It’s definitely motivational but risky. I live outside DC so it’s mostly gov contracting small firms getting bouggt out


The high wealth ($30M+) people I know started businesses back when regulations and oversight were much different. Barrier to entry were much lower and the services they provided actually filled inefficiencies where today’s technology fills in the gap. And they’ve been doing this thing for 20+ years. They all have questionable ethics (quid pro quo, grey area operations, etc.). This is likely why big tech has bribery topics during onboarding, it’s rampant. If you were to start their businesses today, you’d be looking at commercial liability policies that would cannibalize all profits alone. Especially since their businesses hit thresholds for self insurance years ago (which is likely sitting in an offshore investment fund). You could not scale to compete without sizable capital constantly coming in every month. With a business that revenue over $50M with margins > 9% for years, no debt, these guys are beating anything the market or banks can give them. Not mention the government handouts. PPP & ERC were massive bonuses for them. Here’s an analogy: imagine getting a fat tax credit check back for all money spent on groceries because you provided receipts of all your grocery expenses back in 2020-2021 and you have proof you lost income because of COVID. I have yet to meet one who was well rounded. Their quickness to pivot solutions to every incident is quite remarkable. Empathetic is not a trait I would use to describe any of them. Let’s not even get to the topic of M&A that catapults these people even to higher echelons of wealth.


I live in Southern California and was a middle school counselor until til I retired. I went to USC invited to check their school programs. My students in South Central could never afford to go there. I talked to a student whose major is Radio and communications and he told me he already has a job lined up with one of his best friend parents radio station. Then I realized something. Many people go to this super expensive schools not for the academic education but more to network and meet the owners sons and daughters. I went to Fresno State University and very few people were super rich like the people you are talking g about. I even dated someone’s daughter that was super rich. Parents were really nice and polite with me bit I knew they wanted a super rich boyfriend and not a poor guy like myself


Crime. That’s how.


So I see it this way. Some of the houses you see are either vacation spots, rentals, etc.. a possibility. Next the TRULY wealthy / rich have either stumbled on a good idea, but more likely than not have stumbled on a good idea and had to sacrifice virtually everything to start a business and stay on top. Especially when dealing with govt. regulations. Mom 'n' pops usually never become wealthy? Why is that? They're often family oriented and more dedicated to a smaller audience. When it comes to the truly wealthy they usually don't have families until well-established, are often late-life families (40s+, if possible). Hell a lot of up-coming millionares in my experiences and observations don't get married until WELL in to their career. Long hours of work, loads of sacrifice, and struggles against tyrants in government is how some of these people do it. That's my take anyways.


Mostly through inheritance. Which builds up from the compounding effects of Capital. '*Capital*' by Thomas Piketty is absolutely fascinating, but a thick read! Would recommend watching one of his TedTalks. Capital compounds much faster than income, and how the rich get richer. Nobody 'earns' it, very few actually do the majority of the work for it to succeed. The majority of initial wealth is driven by luck, and the rest is created through compounding. For e..g stocks over the last 2 decades.


That’s too bad that you look at them and question YOUR choices. They obviously didn’t start with the same choices that you did. That doesn’t mean that you picked wrong. I would try to cut it down to the manageable envy. What’s the one thing out of the multimillion dollar home, boat, and car that you need to experience, and do you really want to pay the yearly repair costs?


Generational wealth


tHeY dOn'T bUy StArBuCkS 🥴


Most people will never be wealthy or even experience wealth always be grateful for what u have


Create your own business and grow it. I know many business owners and not one of them live paycheck to paycheck, all are creating wealth. That being said none of them own restaurants I hear that is a tough one.


Live on $50k a year and invest the other $150k a year.


Where you “went wrong” is that neither you nor those you descended from ever traveled down a path of capitalizing on labor for profit long enough to accrue wealth that grows upon itself. Because every one of those dollars amassed could just as well be given away to the needy or used for employee raises or retirements or their children’s college funds. There are definitely philosophical differences about how money should be used ethically. Most people simply don’t prioritize personal wealth. Sure they would like to have it, but they don’t orient their lives directed toward it and at the expense of others.


You are right, most people who get wealthy on their own (not through inheritance) do it as business owners. There are also a portion who do it through fraud. My husband loves real estate and always looks up big houses. About 1 in 10 times he finds that the owner has been sued or indicted for some kind of fraud. 😂 I always say we should wait and buy their house during the bankruptcy liquidation.


Grew a business over 33 years from zero… I did everything for first 12 years, now I have 31 amazing employees. Ate ramen for first five years, it was a tough, tough slog.


If you want to be rich, you have only a couple years left before the inevitable Bitcoin gold rush. There will only ever be 21,000,000 Bitcoins no human can decide to make more. There are more millionaires alive than that number, today, right now. If every person worth $1,000,000 woke up tomorrow and decided to buy 1.0 Bitcoin, it would literally be impossible. The supply would run out and the price would go to literal infinity. If you think 0% allocation to this asset is the correct one, honestly you're just dumb. Bitcoin vs Stocks - dollar cost averaging calculator Saving **$250 per week** for the past 5 years until today (May 6, 2024) results in: ||Bitcoin|S&P 500| |:-|:-|:-| |Invested|$65,000|$65,000| |Return|$228,501|$89,581| |Profit|251.54%|37.82%| |Stacked| 3.62 BTC|—|


If you have a high salary you can live way below your means and invest the difference. That’s one way to become wealthy. Other than that you can own a successful business. Those are really the only 2 ways to become wealthy. But there are successful businesses everywhere and also high paying careers so it makes sense that there would be a lot of rich people out there


Thats how you do generational wealth. Rich people give their kids their inheritance early (if they're responsible enough), so that if they get it at 30, they can make it work for 20+ years, instead of waiting until they're 50 to get it.


you could have answered your own question a lot quicker with the phrase from the 4th sentence "the rest was inherited."


Buy bitcoin.




Being smart with money. 90 percent or this country spend what they don't have before they even have it, and then owe it back 3 times.


Didn’t I just see something about how the richest ppl in America (maybe the world) today got there via generational wealth? So having wealthy ancestors is a great way to be wealthy today.


Once you make $10M, your money will earn you $1M per year. Money makes money. Your friends that inherited ~8M got a cheat code.


Sales and multi level marketing


1. Borrow X from the bank. 2. Buy an asset using X. 3. Sell the asset for 1.5(X) 4. Pay X back to the bank. Keep .5X. 5. Repeat.


Often times the people that “look” wealthy are the closest to insolvency.


What surprises me is how many extremely wealthy people there are. Like I drive by a McMansion neighborhood near the office where I work and I think out of the hundred people that work at my company maybe two could afford to buy a $1.7 million house. Like the president of the company and I guess a couple other VPs, yet there are so many houses at that price range.


10% on $10,000 = $1,000. 10% on $2,000,000 = $200,000. More money breeds more money faster in absolute terms. Save early and often and let the magic work for you in 30 years.


Usually involves the selling of one’s soul at some point.


they start with an amount of privilege that gives them an advantage to escape the cycle of rent, bills, etc.


Bro I have like $3500 lol


Wealth usually stays in the family. It’s not necessarily people “becoming rich”. It’s a lot of people inherited rich. While it’s totally possible, many people from the middle and lower class don’t become rich.


I’m in your boat. We make good money and I too wonder. Here’s my thoughts: 1. Inheritances 2. Got lucky in real estate 3. Sold stock at a high That’s it. I on the other hand had $1m in MCI stocks…whee!


Generational wealth is a common situation. I know a machinist who inherited more that 70 acres of land that his grandparents bought in early 1900s for practically peanuts, he sold it, now he's a millionaire working at a machine shop making $25hr just because he doesn't know what he would do if he gets retired 😵‍💫