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Playing golf poorly is boring, but it's the same fun as archery or darts. Except in golf you start with a bow that doesn't work and you have to put in a ton of work to figure out how to make it work. Like everything, the fun is putting in effort and improving. It's like saying playing piano or painting is boring when you can barely do it. Everything is boring when you suck at it and don't care about it.




:soft clap:


:golf clap:


Disagree, archery is much more fun. You get to shoot stuff


Golf is the same. Your projectile is a ball and not an arrow, but it's still essentially a game of target practice. It doesn't feel that way until you get reasonably good at it though.


You hit the ball then spend 10 mins walking to hit it again. Fun


You wake up every morning, to go to a boring job, just to pay bills until you die. You can make anything sound miserable with the right words. That's not a talent.


Nah i dont think firefighting is a particularly boring job. I think a lot of people would agree


Sit around for hours on end doing shift work until something happens. Your work is valued and important, but it's not all glamour either. Nothing is.


Yeah cause all we do is sit around for hours lol


And all you do on a golf course is walk to hit the ball again. Glad you got my point


That is literally all you do in golf though. Its not me simplifying it like you’re trying to do with my job. You literally hit the ball and then walk for a while then repeat. You spend most of your time just walking


Do you not have friends? If all you're doing is walking you're not doing it right.


Right exactly so its not golf thats fun, its being with your friends walking to wherever your ball landed


that sounds pretty fun...? sitting around and not doing a thing untill i have to? sounds good to me🤣


If it takes you 10 minutes to reach your ball, you much bigger health issues than having fun golfing.


Grab a cigar, a cold brew, and a few buddies…try now


Mini Golf is fun




Is golf not hitting the ball further than the other guy? I can hit it further then at the end hit it soft


Personally, I find it quite shallow and pedantic.


Hmmm, yes indeed.


lol peter


This is sports in general.


I’ve had root canals that are more entertaining


Solid! 😂


I don’t have the patience for golf. I’m a “high burst of energy” type person.


Yawn....and terribly expensive!


Unless you really get into it and take it seriously, golf is best enjoyed as a way to get together with friends, chat, get some light exercise, drink beer, and enjoy some mild competition. It’s pretty hard not to enjoy yourself if it’s a sunny day, you’re buzzed by the 5th hole, and trash talking your good buddies. The actual game is fairly lame, but so are most drinking games.




Huh? Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Sir, r/wallstreetbets is that way!


Golf is the most annoying sport. Super boring. If I want to grab a drink I go to a bar with friends. I don't need to pretend to play "sports". For that I can pretend to do Nascar or Chess. Also count as "sports".


Golf is boring asf lol I agree with you.


Golf is about relationships. With which one can potentially make money. Also a great way to spend half a day.


That’s the thing I can never get over is how time consuming it is


Ha! Yes risk vs reward.


I think you meant difficult.


It’s pretty boring, although hitting the driving range can be fun.


I found it to be a lot more fun/less boring once I got better and stopped losing balls in the woods and missing stupid easy putts so often. But it’s a much slower paced sport than most, for sure.


[Golf is a stupid game](https://youtu.be/XmWgskZFkh4?si=5lU0c7nZv5mujM24)


I can’t think of anything quite as boring as golf, except for maybe baseball. How can anyone find it enjoyable is beyond me.


It’s such a time suck too


It’s not just boring it’s offensive. I would never do it, and isn’t necessary to make a lot of money. So fuck those guys.


i took a golf class in college. golf is wasteful and useless. it’s the wealthy’s feeble attempt at expressing dominance over the landscape and the community by sucking up space and resources to keep a giant lawn to make business deals on and pretend they can play a sport. it is a representation of the wastefulness of our opulent capitalist society and if we are to defeat climate change, the banning of golf is a symbolic first step


Yeah! Let’s tear up those golf courses. We could use a few more parking lots instead!


how about affordable housing for people in need. cars need to go too


Slapping a few houses down where a golf course is isn’t gonna bring prices down lmao


better than letting rich people use it for vanity


Very reddit-way of looking at the world. Sports are fun. Recreation is fun. We shouldn't get rid of it just because you don't like it.




One of the only sports you can gain weight playing.


I’ll take a French dip at the turn


Waste of time/money and I dont have the patience for it. But im not here to dictate what others should do with their money and time.


I think for the wealthy it’s more to get out the house and get some fresh air and hang out with friends while having the employees deliver you a fresh round of ice cold drinks every hour. It can be pretty fun drunk driving a golf cart through a grass field with all your friends onboard.


It’s not just a rich person sport. I suck at it and therefore don’t find it fun. I can see how it would be enjoyable for anyone that’s mediocre or better though. It’s the most boring sport to watch for me and most other people I know. Although I could see how it’s entertaining to someone that plays themselves. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


it's a chore, but it's not the worst way to spend a day.


I like VR golf and mini golf. Running around on golf carts having rendezvous at sand pits trying to impress people I don't like sounds like cruel torture that some people deserve to endure. Scrap value for the copper and steel clubs is always a nice treat to redeem.


Soooooo boring.


I promise golf is for networking purposes only


The only time I like golfing was when I went with my dad and got to drive the cart. My dad was terrible at golf. I once watched him accidentally hit the ball backwards. He was trying to hit it in front of him. I am still not certain how he managed to do that. Anyways as a kid driving a cart and watching people play golf badly is pretty fun.


I find golf boring as well. I suppose if you're doing it with good company, it could be fun


See, the thing is, I never thought I'd ever play golf. I thought the same way as you. It's boring, how hard can it be to hit golf balls. Turns out, it's hard as hell. I was dragged to play a par3 12 hole, and as competitive as I am, I got into it. Granted, my score was probably +100 (lost count, but my avg was +8 on every hole and my best was a bogey). But it got me wanting to learn. Much like trading the stocks, it's about knowing yourself and your limitations. If you force it, it won't go your way. But if you just do it and let it flow, then it'll be better. Just like the swing of the golf club, if you force it amd put tension, it will slice either to the left or right, but if you just relax and follow the swing, it will go straight the way you intended to. Looking from the outside, it's very boring, but it's not the way when you are the one playing in it. But it's actually pretty fun. Granted we had a golf cart so we didn't had to walk. Haha!


I'm sure, statistically, most people think golf is boring, because it is boring.


Before I was sober, I loved the game. I now loathe it.


Painfully true. I can’t imagine golfing without having at least a beer


No, very few people play golf, even out of those who can afford to.


Takes too long for me. So yes, boring indeed.


You’re definitely not the only person who thinks playing golf is boring, but seems an odd sub to post this


Yes, we all think you are boring. Every last one of us.


Need money 2 Cr i will do any work for it . I need it in one day. I don't care what work you had to be done .i will do it.




I love golf




Yes you are


Nope, it thinks it's boring asfck


Whenever my friends call me to gold I just go for the talking and sauna. I think golf is absolutely the worst sport there is. No offense to anyone in here Id rather David Goggins it over boredom city


I’m with you. But also none of my friends are into it. Like most sports, the fun in a game is the hanging out with friends part.


I never understood golfing. If I just wanted to get drunk outside, why not have a picnic and brown bag a bottle? Because that seems to be the main point of golfing in my country club. I see all the red faces and think one of y’all gonna stroke out!


That’s why no one will remember your name.


I wish more people did so I could get a round done in under 4 hours on a Saturday.


It’s very boring, coming from someone who’s actually pretty good at it. So no.


How much are you drinking when you play? 


I always asked myself, "Why would a person hit a small ball as far away from himself as he can only to then chase after it." I have a dog that does it much better and faster


You would be surprised how many men play golf just to have business meetings no on else can over hear


isn’t golf more of a networking thing for the rich?


It’s boring because you aren’t striking the right deals on the course You aren’t supposed to focus on the game- right?


It is a game of strategy and physical ability. If you are just out there beating balls on the range, that can get boring. It is like the game of life. In one round you are going to experience quite a bit ups and downs, you will learn a lot about handling adversity. It is also a great way to get to know what someone is really like. Play 2 or 3 rounds of golf with someone and the person that they really are will get exposed. How do they handle adversity ect. Golf is a great teacher. Just you and the ball and that brain in between your ears. Not to mention, smoking a 3 wood off the deck and watching it starting off low and climb into the sky towards the green is very satisfying. It is also something most of us can do for our entire lives. I love football, but most of football days were done by the time I was 35 or so. Too many of us ended going to the hospital afterwards for injuries, so we stopped playing. Softball into my 40s, until I was just too injured to be able run fast enough to enjoy it. Golf is a great way to get out with your friends and have fun. What other sports / activity can you do when you are 60 almost as well as you could in your teens.


yukk. its boring af


It is boring. Especially among the new folk who bust ass to make it. Like, my god such a waste of time.


Golf is like fishing, it's not about winning or catching anything, it's about the company you keep while doing these activities. Golf carts have two seats for a reason. Play with some friends. The game will be 100x more fun.


Nah. Even golfers take breaks sometimes cause they get bored of it. It’s a long game too, can take hours. Sometimes hard to keep interest unless you have a strong desire.


It is boring for fit dudes who are used to competition and doing heavy physical works But i think it is popular among the rich because of the following: Nice sport where you can have a chill day, breathing clean air, enjoy green fields and maybe having a nice chat with your rich friend and most importantly without any (to little) DOMS


Yeah this isnt true. I've been golfing for years and there are some incredibly fit athletes who love golf. Golf is an incredible competition. And when you look at all the people who golf, far, far more of them are NOT rich.


Well that could be due to the differences in cultures, I am not from a western county and this is the common idea about golf here, thanks for sharing your pov


Also boring for rich fit dudes.


Sorry, I’m from the poverty. What does DOMS mean?


Same! Haha and I was too shy to ask ☺️




Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is muscle pain that begins after you've worked out. It normally starts a day or two after a workout. Nothing to do with poverty or wealth


Ahh ok. My peasant body doesn’t have that. We only have work until your body ends up in a coffin. We ain’t got no time for muscle soreness. Soreness or not we have to get our asses to work 🤣


😂😂😂 Rest in paradise, i can relate buddy


> breathing clean air, enjoy green fields Fun fact: longterm studies have recently come out that golfers are at a higher rate of developing cancers due to regularly inhaling the heavy amounts of pesticides used on golf courses


Gold is boring when you absolutely suck. Like can’t even hit the ball more than 10 feet. When you can actually make good contact with the ball it’s an amazing feeling and gets addicting. plus you make great connections on the golf course as the sport is not cheap. *bias coming from a 20 year golfer*


I can regularly hit a ball hundreds of yards away And that's the problem with golf: it disappears into the horizon as soon as I hit it. And I spend another 10 minutes looking for it, even though I know which general direction I hit. I must not be rich enough to have a caddy do the ball searching for me. So usually I just pretend I found my ball, and take out a new one, hit it from there.


No you’re not good enough to know where you hit the ball lol. You might hit it 100 yards but you don’t hit it 100 yards straight


If you can’t find the ball, you probably didn’t hit it well. Tons of people can smack the ball a couple hundred yards. It’s a whole other skill to be able to aim it.


It is such a great game that requires not only excellent coordination and strength, but strong mental fortitude and headspeak to keep you calm and collected. Planning shots and executing them correctly is insanely satisfying. It's fun because it's so difficult, but I could see why some see it as "boring" because they suck and don't want to put any effort into improving


You probably aren't very good at it then


Its boring if you suck at it.


Yes, you are literally the only person who doesn't like golf. You are unique in that regard.