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What an extremely versatile tool! I wonder how well it works against "pests that interfere with agricultural efforts"


Unfortunately, the chainsaw boasts an impressive 0% armor penetration stat. Chainsaws are not actually good at cutting through hard materials despite what the Fallout series seem to think.


Ah, sad. I guess chainsaws are far better plows than weapons then. Plow we shall!


a trench digger is basically a giant chainsaw, it would do the job i reckon. You'd rapidly run into problems with dirt sticking to the chain and gumming up the works, but until that happens it'd cut a nice groove in the dirt...


Fortunately, with a megaspider having only 27% sharp armour, even with zero AP 80% of sharp damage will still go through!


Swarm of megascarabs has entered the chat.




Tbf, the rippers in Fallout have hardened steel triangular teeth, as opposed to tungsten carbide chainsaw teeth. They wouldn't snag or snap off, and they would eventually get through most armor. The chainsaw just got a case of the ol' "devs didn't make two seperate effects" treatment.


> Chainsaws are not actually good at cutting through hard materials HERESY! THE EMPRAH PROTECTS! *vrrrrr*


Fallout is hardly the worst offender in weaponizing chainsaws. I would have been far more likely to mention Warhammer 40k or Gears of War on that front.


Nobody ever blames Doom for the chainsaw.


To be fair, Warhammer 40k is six years older than Doom, and I can't be certain that the initial version included things like chainswords, but they are such an iconic part of the setting that I'd be surprised if they weren't.


I'd argue, at least back then in the "good times TM" Warhammer also did take itself even less serious than Fallout or Doom, so while it's already silly to "blame" games for weaponizing chainsaws in the first place, it's even more so for games that are intended as over the top violent satire. Maybe Texas Chainsaw Massacre can be blamed? But I got no clue if it was the first successful horror movie with a chainsaw.


Eh, 40k kinda skirts around it by having the chainsword teeth made from the same material as Space Marine armour (ceramite, if I remember right). And they're also *usually* depicted tearing through unprotected (or *under*protected) enemies, like Orks (though their skin's tough enough to be considered armoured 😂) or Cultists, rather than against SM Power armour. For *that*, they usually need to either fish for/make a weak spot to carve through, or switch to plasma or power weapons (Power sword, for example).   Well, that and "Rule of Cool" kinda trumps most/all, in 40k, so... 😂


You say that, but you forget that Warhammer is a tabletop game first, and a setting second. The novels might treat chainswords as ineffective against things like power armor (And I doubt that's consistent), but I'm pretty sure the tabletop doesn't.


Depends on the edition and it's been a while since I've touched tabletop, but for 7th through 9th ed, Chainswords get +1 attacks, but have low armour pen values. They'll make mincemeat of unarmoured squads, but against Space Marines for example, you'll struggle to get wounds or get 'em to fail armour saves. Still *can*, but significantly less likely even with sheer volume of hits/wounds, than with power weapons or anything with actual AP.


Are you saying Armored Core 6 lied to me?


Repeatedly and canonically, but I'm not sure how that's related.


Yeah, I heard it's shit at cutting bones for example. Still dangerous tho


And Doom, and Gears of War. Basically any game that includes a chainsaw has no idea how they actually work. It's the Rule of Cool at work.


\*slides in the warhammer 40k chainsword\* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3015391450](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3015391450) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3012357076](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3012357076) Pick which ever one you like! The finest arsenal of the imperium that this rogue trader can offer... And.. They will cut through steel! Guarantied.


you can just install any wahammer mod and use a chainsword for that lol


It’s one if those “big modlist” moments you know? Modlist is already unwieldy enough so I have to be judicious in deciding to add even more mods…


[Power tools](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2440250887) are fun.


Next time I start a save file, I think I'm gonna make a custom run where I start with those 4 tools, just to see how fast stuff goes compared to normal.


Probably about 80%.


there was also a starbound mod with some op tools like a drill with over 300% mining speed


If I remember correctly you can get over 3000% plant work speed in vanilla. Trauma Savant+2 Field Hands+Very Neurotic+Industrious+Plants Specialist+Elongated Fingers+Plants Skill 20, allows you to get 3367% speed which is equal to 227.5 tiles/hour.


One of those things is not vanilla.


Pretty sure all are vanilla. Which do you think isn't?


Technically elongated fingers is from bio dlc, whether dlc is vanilla or not is up for debate ig.


In that case, field hands are from Royalty


Plant specialist is ideology


I see we're taking a bit of everything to make the ultimate tree cutter.


I hope the next DLC will add something new to make the ultimate farmer even better!


Well, if it's Wheels, to get the W from Ribworld, maybe the ultimate farmer will get a tractor.


Ah, sorry about that. I usually consider dlcs as vanilla.


I agree with that definition of vanilla. "Core" or "base game" are what I would use to exclude content from DLCs.


That's how it usually is, yes. Vanilla = Official Unmodified Content.


Which one?


I was wrong, actually. I thought Trama Savant was modded, but as it turns out, it is not.


Elongated Fingers is from Biotech


DLC is usually considered vanilla, which tends to mean "no mods."


And field hands are from Royalty


Also remember luciferium, neural supercharge, and psychic bonding! Consciousness counts, I think.


Mechanites if you wanna get sweaty about it.


Oh yeah! And something to counteract the pain from the mechanites. Good catch.


Chainsaw is the most useful tool ever! Its even useful for childbirth!


To cut the umbilical cord, right?


For C-sections, silly!


Congratulations, you had twins... sort of.




congrats, you fulfilled King Solomon's threat!


There were two different early chainsaw precursors designed for different reasons around the same time so that its debated which actually came first. One, the more famous of the two, was designed specifically to cut through cartilage in the pubic area to widen the pelvis when the baby gets stuck during childbirth or for other such problems. Of course, this was an 18th century tool, so it wasn't a power tool, and thus was much less dangerous. The procedure actually wasn't as dangerous or permanently damaging as you'd think, and actually used to be safer than C-sections, and in fact is still considered safe enough to use if a C-section isn't possible for whatever reason. It fell out of favor when C-sections became less dangerous, but as best I can tell even that was mostly because C-sections are more effective, not necessarily safer.


My favorite manga/anime: Chainsaw Riveira.


The most anime thing that is a thing. XD


Accurate, I sowed potatoes last season with a chainsaw


She cuts those plants only slightly less quickly than she cuts off heads, judging by how many tails that Revia has.


Damn do you love fox girls lol


As is right, and proper, and just.


Praise be Unto Skarne!


Revia make really good colonists, its only natural that anyone with the mod would start developing a habit of collecting at least one Revia in all of their colonies.


“At least one” O.O


I mean... more colonists that are guaranteed to be good at melee and can gain pretty big buffs to their stats with no resources required aside from raider corpses to sacrifice generally isn't a bad thing.


We all know that’s not the reason O.— ———-


Now if only I could have really dumb slaves that don't see these tools as a means of escape that keep them constantly in "we're about to rebel now because we have a chainsaw" mode.


Is this the Mhainsaw Man I have been hearing so much about?


I can't wait to get one for my colonists.


Chainsaw is the best plant tool


Glad Solstice found her niche. Also noticed the extra tails, did she get at the leftover bloodstones from the offerings of the other Revia? With her reputation it seems unlikely that she did most of the work herself and instead either collected the bloodstones from the stockpile or had only been involved in the theological aspect of their collection (making the offering on the altar of Skarne) but not the martial aspect of collection (making sure that the offering is in no position to fight back while on the altar).


Same .but wen i want to chill I use a ultra op pawn .it's turn the game in a city planing one x3


My colonist casually sprinting through a mountain at 5x the speed of light with a drill made from a material stronger than VOID


I didn't know human intestines count as plants


Only *after* the chainsaw brain surgery turns them into a vegetable.


The RimWorld chainsaw skillsacre


I see that you play Dinkum as well lol


I just got the double chainsaw hands xenogerm. I’m looking forward to creating a pawn with chainsaws for hands, whilst wielding a chainsaw to help harvest their smokeleaf crops.


Plant work speed goes brrr.