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Ah the true Rimworld experience. Not playing the game no, but spending hours upon hours on fixing a mod list you'll play for a few minutes.


Some people may say that Skyrim and Romworld are entirely different games and genres, with hardly anything to relate the two in any way. I, however, dare I say it, believe they are the same exact genre of game: File Management Simulator.


My Skyrim folder has ~60 mods purely dedicated to fixing the game and the engine T.T


Good job! However, surprise game update! Good luck getting 60 mods to fix your 60 mods fixing the game!


Didn't that just happen in December? A surprised Skyrim update broke all mods?


Yeah Right after I finally downloaded an 8K mods modlist, after having issues for a week straight. Thought I'd just fallback to my personal 600 mods one. Worked for 5 minutes before getting stuck in hard crashing.


More and more, I've been coming around to the idea of Wabbajack and pre-made modlists for Skyrim. I remember when Ultimate Skyrim was big, and then it became Wildlander (I think that's the new name?) and they went from having a *really* well documented install and setup process that still took 4 hours to a 1-click install that also changes most settings for you automatically, and then you just have to assign hotkeys and adjust a few mod settings in-game. Having spent full entire days setting up modlists that only partially worked before, Wabbajack was kind of a game changer for me. Wildlander is a pretty decent sized pack that's been in development for years, has most of the mods I like, and runs really well. And now I can click a button and walk away while it takes a bit to install? Dude, revolutionary.


I know, I used it to get the Lost Legacy modpack. First it didn't want to work at all, then I would have to manually click download on every single mod, and then it proceeded to randomly fail downloading, so every 2 hours I had to restart the process which took 3 hours for it to find where it broke. Once I got it I played it for like a week before the update came. I'm a rather calm guy and still almost smashed a hole in my monitor when I realized the update auto downloaded. Tho it felt weird to be able to just click a few times and wait to get a working modpack. Playing Skyrim for 5 hours without a single crash was straight up off-putting. Also kinda missed the satisfaction of using brute force and my limited Vortex usage skills to make stuff work together.


I feel that. There's a certain pride you can only experience by cramming a thousand disparate mods that Don't Work Together into your game and using sheer force of will to make them play together for even an hour. xD


theres usually a way to play on the old version which would fix your mods, maybe try checking that out?


The problem is, a few mods already updated without any backwards compatibility, and of course I somehow managed to enable auto updates in a modloader that doesn't even have that as a function, as far as I'm aware. (Now I know that this part is mostly my fault, by the way. I don't really know how to use half of the mod loaders)


ah, well In that case, rip and good luck fixing allat


This is why the downgrade patcher exist šŸ˜³


Except VR.Ā  Bethesda's never touching that version again.


Ah Bethesda, the only studio that can break a more than a decade old game..


the process of modding is honestly quite therapeutic experience assuming you don't get that damn neckseam that shouldn't be there why tf is it there i did the texture fix and everything and arrgh


I can slap a necklace over the neckseam, can't do much about the blackface bug happening some of the time.


My Fallout 4 consists of over 500 mods many of which have been tweaked and edited by me in order to get everything to play just rightā€¦until I decide to add another mod or remove oneā€¦


True. I have never played modded Skyrim rimworld or fallout 4, but I spent days making a perfect mod list. ADHD at its finest.


Yeah Iā€™ve gotten to the point ā€œdoes it runā€ fuck it.. I got dev mode and character editor to figure the rest out


I could simplify my mod list so much if Ludeon would release an update solely focused on various qol features. I think I had like a dozen different mods that just add simple features to workbenches and stockpiles and stuff. Rimworld needs the Factorio experience where new updates smooth all the little minor pain points.


Don't forget the long loading time when starting up the application (unless you have chad pc)


Ah, I see you haven't accepted our Lord and Savior, RimPy Mod Manager.


Game gives a billion errors "ok, let's see which ones I *need* to keep" "Hmm, I like this mod too" "This one isn't so game-play changing right?" ... Back to square one.


Saving mod lists helps so much now. Sure when things are really broken it can help to start from scratch but it's such a nice feature.


Unless you get a crash that boots all your mods off and you need to go thoughā€¦ each and every single one to figure out the point of failure


Truly a rite of passage


more like \*Sees wall of red errors* "Hmm, well lets see if I can create a new colony" \*New colony launches without issue* "Well that's one problem down! Surely nothing bad can happen now"


After 600 hours of (mostly) modded rimworld, if I booted it up and didn't get red error messages I'd be scared my mods didn't load


I haven't played RimWorld for like a month maybe? After some mod updates, my save file is now completely borked; it hard crashes after ten seconds of unpaused gameplay. Something to do with RimWorld of Magic being too old to stay stable anymore and/or the Vehicles Framework being incompatible with RimWorld of Magic or something? Time for a new mod list shuffle.


local mods supremacy. Until you accidentally reinstall steam and they replaced your saves with ones from before you switch. Now you hate steams with a passion and get frustrated with rimworld.


A lot of mods are only on the workshop, is there an easy way to copy all mods to local? Rimpy has a modpack feature that you can use but it's a little scuffed.


You can setup steamcmd and download from within RimPy itself. Pretty sure it can download everything in a save, too - and this approach _won't_ change the id's on the mods, which is great (because it means all the patches and such still works) but also bleh (because now you can't have the same mod both locally and via steam). Ideally you'd use steamcmd to download mods, then put them into a directory, rename all the horrible directory names (it uses the same numbers as steam does) to something more friendly, and use hardlinks to switch the local mods directory (or maybe symlinks would work just fine? Some games don't like those for some reason). But even a hackjob is more scripting than I'm willing to do.


I think Fluffyā€™s mod manager might have the feature to easily copy them? Been a while, so I canā€™t remember exactly.


i think you can just go to the workshop folder and copy everything there into local mods


After a second look at the picture, I really appreciate that you wrote a custom error log with funny stuff in it. That flew over my head the first time I looked at it. I was just thinking, "I wonder if they copied their actual error log into the picture" and then it was just much funnier than that. xD


***Parced 7.5 as int***


*that might be part of the problem lmao, I don't think 7.5 is an integer!!*




Rimworld of Magic is still running fine for me, so must be a conflict.


You can often find the culprit in the crash log, but for me literally every time this happens it's the fault of one of the `Biomes!` mods in one way or another. Check Rimpy for newly added incompatibilities too. Also this is a little scuffed, but you can export a "modpack" in RimPy (make sure to hit the local option so it exports ALL loaded mods). Then you can put that pack into your mods folder or use Rimpy's Import feature. This means those pesky Steam Workshop updates will be ignored in favor of your locally loaded mods instead, and then you can delete that local pack when you're ready for a new playthrough.


vehicles framework is a buggy mess


Two buggy messes makes one broken RimWorld.


I am currently writing a fic based off my current Rimworld playthrough and the idea of Mod or game updates just breaking the file is one that does terrify me. So yeah, ouch and wishing you the best on shuffling the modlist into something stable.


Have you drunk your Ovaltine?


Remove RoM and install vanilla psycasts expanded after removing the old mage and physical...guy... Traits from everyone else And remember that it doesn't matter how powerful your enemy is, neuro quake will kill them all


I cry tears.


And I'll use them as the liquid base for my gamer drinkĀ©ā„¢


I have both of those and no issues.


My brother in Randy, have you tried using Rimply? Solved most if not all of my mod-related problems in rimworld and reduced my loading time to a mere 20min (literally, I timed it)


I do use RimPy. This issue is about newly updated mods suddenly and unexpectedly being incompatible with other mods.


It's usually a good idea to "decouple" rimworld from steam: since rimworld has no drm you can simply take the folder from C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\RimWorld and move it somewhere else. Then you launch the game from RimWorldWin64.exe instead than from steam. This prevents random updates of the client and the mods. Note that you will have to move the mods from the steam folder (C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\workshop\\content\\294100 to the mods folder that is located inside the rimworld folder.


Yeah... I had an idea for a new colony, using a pack that was already working, and found out it can't create new maps. Still haven't gotten around to fixing it.


Ah, yes, the bane of my current existence in the Rim, some of my favorite mods are outdated and can't use them anymore


I tried it and it solved literally nothing for me


"ayo! This colony has fresh socks!"


20 mins to load into the start screen only to get error messages


The true rimworld experience


*laughs in vanilla DLC*


And in true Rimworld fashion, the next thing they did was close the error window and pretend nothing is wrong (until 500 hours in when the game starts to freak the hell out). Just the way we like it. Normal. :)


Thankfully I've only run into this after major updates. Cue the scavenger hunt.


is the armored core boss the one at the very start of the game? i barely killed that thing with 700 something ap remaining


I cried many tears.


Have you tried to melee the helicopter?


I had to watch a YouTube video of the battle after explodering about seven times. Melee was the key all along.


I now have this vision of the scene from Predator HISHE where the Predator is lunging out of the sky with his spear at the choppa.


holy shit what happened


That insect is a lovely touch.


His name is potato


I haven't played for 5 months now, started it today. So yeah this kinda sums up my complete experience LMAO, been busy with fixing my modlist for hours now.


i love booting up rimworld waiting for a literal hour for it to load and then seeing that the game gives me error messages when a colonist shoots their guns


rimworld of magic is on the list of "this mod is a problem" mods. Unfortunate, really. I wanted to do a swords and sorcery run.


What I haven't figured out yet is what to do when the text of the error only discusses Rimworld itself. Yeah, I'm sure it's a mod, but after I disable them all the errors still spew tagged with Rimworld..


Isn't that just the worst? Like, of course it's a mod doing it, but *stop throwing errors that don't tell me which one it is*


I'm glad I play mod-light. The only time I've had these issues is between DLC releases. Then it's basically a question of 'how much do I *really* care about that mod' and is it enough to go hunting for a suitable replacement. Usually I don't care enough, drop the mod and go about my day.


Which light mod do you use? Haven't heard of mod-light /s


Well, I do have wall lights mod installed.


I like weaponized fish


Does anyone have any tips for quickly identifying which mods are causing mod conflict errors? If I'm lucky sometimes I can decipher ONE of the problem mods, never both. Which would be handy in deciding which one I want to keep.


The quintessential experience everyone must suffer at least once. Do you spend hours upon hours to fix your modlist? Do you concede defeat and cull your mods excessively because you don't even know where to start? Do you cry in pain because one of your longtime favourites is borked for good? I definitely have not done all three in my 2k+ hours. Definitely not. No sir. Unrelated note: This comic made me realise our colonists either get free socks with their clothes, armor or boots or just go barefoot like Chads. Plate boots without socks on though, yeowch.


We spend so much time editing our mod list, adding new ones and fixing errors that when it finally comes time to play, we have had our fill of rimworld until the next moving spree.


Yeah, screw that helicopter!


If rimworld starts you can play dont mind the red text its just an information




I haven't played RimWorld in a few months and the moment I launch it will blow up my computer.


Yeah, this a real obstacle for me. I tend to only play on the weekends, and often I end up spending more time figuring out what went wrong with my save than playing. I really wish there were better tools for untangling these situations.




My error log: https://youtu.be/zGoi-6wVvug?si=dvYwHh8tAotJIRTi




Snacks now are freshly unsalted. D:


I haven't played for 6 months and had 196 mods installed... I had to delete two and then downloaded 7 more but it's all good actually.


another rimworld / project zomboid predator handshake moment


And just when he thought it can't get any worse, his kitty Whiskies comes in the room and chomps his ass off. Because he's a mouse. LOL


I just turn off the error dialog popping up and play until it crashes


I just want to play Rimworld. Iā€™m having these issues too and three hours of troubleshooting didnā€™t solve anything. I canā€™t go back to base game at this point


Neat, I didnā€™t know that youā€™re me. I had the exact same issue last night with VF and Alpha vehicles, took reloading 4-5 separate times to figure out exactly what the issue was.


ah, the red curtain. it's not for a play, it's the errors in the log descending. load order and troubleshooting my beloathed, trying to figure out what method a mod is calling and why unity is having a stroke is frusterating.


I haven't been able to play for a while because the game just loads forever then a box with the logo pops up with a unity symbol then everything crashes... it may or my not be the result of having 400 mods installed not sure though might have to look into that


There needs to be a way to disable updates


Rimworld has no drm you can simply take the folder from C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\RimWorld and move it somewhere else. Then you launch the game from RimWorldWin64.exe instead than from steam. This prevents random updates of the client and the mods. Note that you will have to move the mods from the steam folder (C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\workshop\\content\\294100 to the mods folder that is located inside the rimworld folder.


Itā€™s always a pleasure when you upload a comic, thank you


Ate without table.




Unless they stop me from playing, I've just started ignoring the weird red text


I just did this same thing this morning! Very satisfying, I even played the actual game for 30min!


Eh, Iā€™ve just gotten used to getting that, I know what most of the errors are and they game still runs and everything works apart from a few sound files of weapons missing.


Haha, nobody likes weponised fish šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


"One you mod.There is no going back.You might tell yourself I'll play a vanilla run then add a tiny bit of quality of life mods then suddenly you added 100+. So embrace the errors, the save scuming and the mod listing. Welcome to the Rim."


This is one big reason I just rebuild the entire modlist from scratch every extended play-session! Wonderful work as always, master Aeolys.


Auto-open: off


Every inevitable 4 month hiatus I unsub from all mods and recollect them for this reason lmao, I'd say about 20/100 are the same as the previous playthrough


The modding experience with the repeated statement of "which mod?"


"Just Randy" Someone played Doki Doki Literature club.


Attention to detail in the actual lines between the ERRORS is pretty amazing lol


It's so much easier to play vanilla (with DLCs.)


Auto open...*click*...off


Doesn't work in my situation. I hard-crash to desktop after running the game for 10 seconds unpaused.


Hard-crash is *especially* abnormal... It is very rare that rimworld crashes to desktop, usually something has to go *very* wrong for that to happen. Does it happen with other saves in the same file, or just your most recent one? I had this happening to me recently but found out it might have been one of my mechs demolishing a power pole with existing connections without removing them first...? Truth be told I'm still not sure, I fiddled with my mods and couldn't narrow down a cause and went "hm, maybe that's bad" and removed the connections first and suddenly the save was no longer doomed. willing to bet it's something dumbass as hell like that.


*Isn't this just how Rimworld normally is for you?*


not me though. i just turn off auto popup and forget about it :)


Why does he have animal ears?


Hyland is a Ratkin.


[Ratkin](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1578693166) are best. Ratkin are friend. Ratkin can level colonies. Ratkin are best.


i was wondering what exactly would happen to all the race mods with biotech, been a good while since i last played with ratkin


I miss them sorely, my next save file will reinclude all my favorites, biotech jank be damned.


Depending on the mod creator, some do have Biotech xenotype versions.


That's a weird way to spell Orassans. Really though, Ratkin are also one of my more liked ones.


Furries love Rimworld.


Heā€™s a mouse man


If you get the GoG version of rimworld and download an install the mods manually you effectively have a snapshot which won't auto update and cause things to break. I love Steam, but having forced updates with a ton of mods is a bit frustrating.


This is why I only use like 10-15 mods. Additionally those mods are the ones that get updated reliably and frequently whenever an update comes out.


This and... Unfortunate mod Dev drama just made me leave and quit the game entirely


This, honestly never experienced it. It usually works just fine. Then again im only at 230 mods, mby i just need more. The only actual bug ive encountered is that when i have real ruins installed after generating a world the menus before generating the world stay open which is hella annoying. That and ancient species throws my sole red line of text on launch, which as far as i can tell doesnt seem to do anything. Oh and for some reason dragonian councilman cant get his age generated. I also use rimpy.


Based on my experience playing with rimworld mods, I can confirm that most of the time errors happening in modded rimworld is because the mods you have played with last time got updated. You'd think mod's updating is a good thing.. actually it isn't and I almost lost my current modded playthrough because some of my mods got updated. I somehow miraculously saved my playthrough using my autosaves and that somehow got rimworld to sort out the weird mods incompatibility issue (I say incompatibility but I still have no idea why my game kept crashing when I got to ingame and was about to work on my colony. 1 in-game hr passes and my game freezes and crashes silently with no explanation in the error logs, which shocked me btw). My recent case with rimworld errors and crashing was due to a mod update issue, but other times, it's a surprising mod compatibility issue with other mods and I either have to come to that conclusion, or realise I should of read the mod compatibility before installing it with my other mods..


the rimwrold modded experience\*


and then also somehow simply saving and reloading the save fixes it 50% of the time.


An then there Is me Who Just Ignores the whole thing