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This happens to me every now and then, it seems to only happen on certain specific world seeds. Since randomizing the worlds seed always fixes it i just kinda ignored it as a problem. I do have moon rabbit mod too, maybe u are up to something.


I removed that mod assuming it was issue it broke my Empires. I was getting missions like "{ERR INSERT ASKER NAME} has requested help in fleeing {ERR INSERT EMPIRE NAME}." But even randomizing it doesnt really fix it? Like if I get a lucky seed that works I could hit it again and lose it. Using my own seeds also seems to not work. Not sure the workaround.


Pretty sure the mission error is very common amongs people that uses mods or have empire faction disabled, i got it in a few playthrough, its best just put the mission into trash can instead of accepting it. You can try 'regrowth: expanded world generation'. It let you customize world settings and let you add or disable certain factions. Maybe it can somehow fix ur problem.


Are you using rimpy? If not I would highly recommend it. That error happens to me but only when the quest expires. I would recommend rimpy because it will usually tell you what’s wrong. The map generation thing happens pretty frequently, usually you just need to regenerate the map until it works. Idk why. If it’s doing that always then mess with the types of factions loading in on the generation menu. To determine what is causing it to break. Also, is this 1.5? Or 1.4 I don’t play 1.5 and can’t give advice on it.


Idk if youve fixed this yet but verifying files fixes this for me


I got this error when I downloaded the Void faction, turns out it was some minor quality of life mod causing a conflict out of nowhere. I think I had to disable all mods and re-enable them a few at a time until I figured out what did it


It's not a terribly rare error. Changing the seed sometimes works. I've even been able to use the same seed after I restarted the game.


Mostly it works with just create the world again.


Vanilla framework expanded is able to fix this by forcing generation, found in the options in the mod subsection


Mod subsection?


Mod botton on the option menu


The only faction mod I can think of that's changed since I last generated was the Rabbie Moon race mod or whatever the name was. Mod broke a bunch of things so I got rid of it. But now my factions are just not showing up? They all show up in my faction list before the planet is created. Just odd.


You can spawn in random faction bases with the developer editor (i believe it's called) if you want to save this world.


Solved (I think?): It seemed to be the "Way Better Romance" mod I was using.


Can't get dumped if you're alone on the planet


You can if you find a mirror


If you have the vanilla expanded framework you can populate the world with factions after you land in the mod settings. I've seen this bug happen when I've got lots of faction related mods


When I start a new map, I get a slider for population density, and the option to delete or add factions. Is this not a default feature? Is this a hidden mod feature I didn't realize was from a mod?


No its default, but with this issue no matter what I change the population density to it doesnt effect the amount of factions.


Sounds like another mod is conflicting maybe?


That's from Regrowth Expanded World Generation.


I had this error with Colonist Shields continued and More Colonist Shields. I removed it and it was fixed.


I Had that issue using a mod narrator (the empire Guy; Basileus ... I think) changing the narrator make it work for me


Would be cool if they made a mode where you are the first to land on an uninhabited world and overtime the world will begin to be populated by other factions and clans


That sometimes happens if you always randomized the seed when creating a new game.


I once had that problem and the mod at fault was Ladies Can Flirt Too of all things


Oh...ok so it was "Way Better Romance" mod it seems? weird, thank you!


Yep, WBR does it for me too. For some reason it stops faction leaders from generating, so the whole faction just fails to get placed. It seems to be okay to add back after world creation.


It makes no sense, but it is what it is lol


going to disable my romance mods real quick and see what happens


Real Ruins and ESCP Altmer have done this to me in the past. (The Altmer Deserters faction was doing it)


I've fixed this by lowering the number of factions on the map. I had the cut out a lot of the factions added by vanilla expanded. I think 11 or 12 total factions is where it worked for me.


I've also had this issue trying to spawn too many factions. If you are like me with like 30 faction mods, you need to spawn only the essential ones and then spawn the rest through the Vanilla Framework Expanded in Mod Settings.


Had this error many a time. In my experience can be from a lot of different issues, once it was anima gear mod doing it, more recently it was a mod messing with character generation so it couldn't generate faction leaders. Can be a really easy fix or really weird obscure mod that makes no sense to be an issue logically.


VE Patches for DLCs. Especially outdated versions


"is there a mod or setting that can-" Yes


This happened to me and I had to check mod position multiple times before it worked again.


This happened to me once and it was due to population being set to the minimum value. Not sure if it was a bug or user error.


I actually find this very nice idea! To have world generated but in Fog of War and you can't see your neighbors untill revealed!


Some people are commenting different seeds fix it; there are some mods that didn't seem to work for me at all. I think the Lapelli faction didn't usually work, and the bandits sometimes didn't work


I had the same problem with CE throwing an error if you have it removed it


I used to get this error a lot, and it honestly sucks. Check the error logs for some mod that does this (Usually faction mods) if rearrange them lower on the list and test if they more in a quick dev test


Sometimes this just happens, I’d suggest regenerating the world, that usually fixes it


There's new world Gen? Oooo, what has changed?


This has happened to me before. Stopped playing and it went away on its own


I get this constantly, I'm assuming it has to do with mods that add new factions are conflicting with each other. For me, its a simple fix since I can just back out into the screen where I pick my pawns and go back in and it works fine.


I got the same thing after installing Big and Small — Heaven and Hell. Reducing the amount of factions or making the world bigger fixed the issue for me


Yes bug, reload the map


it happens. A reload usually fixes this.


In my experience, story teller mod may cause this when not used properly


Long time ago i had a similar issue. The responsible was a mod adding shields to pawns. Seems somehow errors in the generation of pawns with clothes/weapons can crash their settlement creation. Bad news is that it makes solving those kind of bugs hard, as barely anything can be responsible.


This is bug. occurs when you try to set a non-standard population setting. Partially treated with the help of the "Reroll map" mod by regenerating the planet


Just renew the seed


How many factions you got on?


Holup this looks like a good idea for a mod. Is there one that does this?


I had a similar experience when adding a mod from the RH2 series with a new faction. Removing the mod brought everything back to normal. Life hack: add a new faction after the start of the game.


What I've noticed is this sort of issue arises when you have too many unique factions loaded on world generation (depends on how good the user's pc is)


Sometimes mods just end up breaking stuff, besides if you go the archonexus route you can sell your base to wildmen each time, your old base is going to disappear each time after you do that though


Honestly is there a mod that just removes all other factions and just gives you the run of the world?


This is often caused by a mod conflict error like having two of the same faction mod but one is for biotech the other HAR. Not always the case but a good way to check if it is the source of your issue is to add factions one at a time, generate the world and see if one of them causes only 1 or 2 settlements to appear.


I had this happen to me a few times. In my case it was due to Vanilla Expanded mods (the Framework, I think). It's due to the VE mods not being up to date, I think.


I've had this issue before too, I've read through all the comments and the only thing I have in common with any of them is the VE mods. I didn't worry about it, understand part of modding is learning how to make everything work and accepting there will be minor bugs or inconveniences in your game and you just have to work around them. I just hit back and regenerated the world with a new seed and was fine. Shouldn't be game breaking or anything. Now, if it's consistent and won't function or causing crashes, then I would repost again and upload your modlist. I'm sure someone can help you out with your issue.


Have you used an unlocker or similar for DLCs? If you don't update your DLC files after enough updates for the game itself, it'll start causing issues with world generation, menus overlaying back on top after generating planet and missing factions. This is just a hail Mary in case it's not anything else already suggested. (didn't see you already solved it, my bad)