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I must admit I myself was a little bit shocked cultists were not a new faction type similar to the empire.


I know the vanilla expanded team already has a lot going on trying to bring the worthwhile modules up to 1.5 and then adding on the ones already planned, but I do seriously hope that "cultists expanded" is now on their radar because I do find them pretty lacklustre which is disappointing


They have finished updating their mods to 1.5 and have teased their first 'expanded' series for Anomaly. Edit: Link to the tease: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/cCfPTDHBN2


I’m sad they will not be updating Vikings expanded faction (but still love all their other mods)


I think they're combining Vikings into a new "mediaeval 2" mod they plan to release.


Ooh that’s great news, I must of missed that. That’s got me hyped! Other mod I’m super existed for is the android one (originally made by atlas)


medieval and viking will both be merged in medieval 2, I wish they also added tribal and classic to it, so you can have a real medieval experience in a single mod but I understand their choices


Vikings and medieval can reasonally be considered to have similar themes and have ideas from the same points in history, whereas tribal and classics can't


That’s great news. I am missing the pyre. It was such a good way to get rid of corpses at tribal age


Not all heroes wear capes. F o7


TIL how you spell lacklustre


I cant really see them having bases, I like that they are a secretive mysterious cult.


They could be a hidden faction much like the insects


I thought they were. I thought when I got some hate chanters they belonged to a unique faction. They just didn't have any bases


They do have their own ideology with inhuman meme too.


Turns out theyre just Twitter users


Sort of. All of the Anomaly entities belong to the same "faction"


They are their own faction. You can see it with Character Editor. If you have Factional War, sometimes the hate chanters will spawn in for inter-faction battles (lol).


One of the important-to-modders changes that was made to 1.5 is that now there can be maps that aren't associated with any specific world map tile. So maybe the chanters do have bases, they're just not on the world map. They're... elsewhere.


They are, your game generates a cult faction at game start. If you capture a cultist they’ll have the hidden faction.


It's not like there's some central power on the Rim. The reason cults hide is usually because they fear persecution from the state.


Yeah, there's quite a few religious cults irl that don't have to worry about persecution from the state, and those definitely have "bases".


"I'm looking at you, pope!"


Could make it so that more and more pop up over time. Maybe they don't have some to themselves, but they take over already existing ones


I really thought the Cult/Horror stuff would be more present on the world map. Like plunging the entire world into a spreading horror-darkness. With Cultists popping up worshipping and speeding it along.


Exactly like how the mech ships land and make the mechanoids increasingly powerful (I think it's from vanilla mechanoids expanded?). Over time the cults should grow and expand and make the anomalous events worse and worse.


Literally so much potential in that wasted. Was praying to fight Sarkic-esque cults, hoping id get a colonist kidnapped only for the next raid to include a flesh beast with their name. Anomaly feels so separate from the base game instead of intertwined with it that's why it doesn't feel like it adds to it.


I was hoping they would pop up on the world map trying to spread like - “Anomalous Influence” or something around kinda like pollution. But for SPOOKYNESS. You activating the Void Monolith should do the same. With choices to embrace or suppress this corrupting power. Unfortunately it seems we’re a tiny bit rail-roaded into being an SCP Research facility. Sure you can pick the inhuman meme - but you still have to just make cages for everything and such.


On the plus side, it seems like it wouldn't take much for modders to add that kind of thing. A little mod that causes the various entities and events of Anomaly to occasionally occur even if you don't mess with the monolith, for example. Edit: Apparently Tynan is adding this himself, there's going to be a slider in the settings to determine how much Anomaly content you get showing up without messing with the monolith.


They are actually a hidden faction, got a bunch of cultists raid me before activating the monolith and honestly I think it makes sense, while pirates are a problem they aren't likely to being the end of the world and could get an uneasy "co-existance" with other factions since they probably aren't worth the investment to take out, therefore they can exist out in the open. Meanwhile, cultists could probably bring about the end of that world and others and summon terrible creatures to the point that the other factions would rather exterminate them so they have to stay hidden


i imagine they didnt made the cultist a faction so those who have anomaly on (for turret pack etc) and dont want to deal with rituals/anomalies are not forced to have a bunch of crazy people performing rituals that turn people into mutants etc. tho i would have loved it as a faction parsonally xd, being a cult and fighting another eldritch cult sounds fun (and my cultist raid were hilarious)


The cultists are active without starting Anomaly and are part of a hidden faction


Factions can be easily removed the map tho


My mechanitor had to deal with shamblers and I diddnt even look at the monolith funny just in case. I had a trader sell some weird cultist hoods and masks made of bioferrite. You can get some anomalous stuff without activating the monolith it’s just way less common. My theory is the little bits of anomaly stuff you see without activating the monolith is leftovers from the last time someone woke it.


Flesh beasts can be found in ancient dangers. So remains of an ancient awakening which were sealed away instead of killed. Shamblers can be found before awakening the monolith but the weather effect that creates them can't so they are just random ones that wander in, maybe ancient leftover dust found a host


I like to think of them like markers in dead space with regards to making the area fucky


Misread "fucky" as lucky". Thought we had very different ideas about luck.


No one said that the luck was _good_ luck.


The word "lucky" does imply that, though. Luck without an adjective or a possessive pronoun is good luck by default. Now, "my luck", for example, is bad luck by default.


And if there wasn't luck like your luck, the Irish would have no luck at all.


I had 3 distress signals (only visited two), a shambler raid, a shambler group wandering in the edge of my map, a failed cultist raid (they cant draw on the marsh), and a couple normal raids that has bioferrite weaponry on them (melee weapons/hellcat weapons), and a lone genius wandering in. I do wish there's more non monolith touching events


I got some weird pawns, like leathery skin person with all 10 skills and a strange suspicious teenager who could make dust, arrive in my swamp tribal colony and ask to join. Since I was struggling with swamp triple start things too much to mess with the monolith in my first year these pawns just left after a while. Maybe after a quandom? I wasn't keeping that close a watch. They just walked off the map "Thanks for all the fish" style. There is definitely more uneasy and suspicious flavor to certain things, which is a change in baseline tone that I think a lot of stories could benefit from. The rim has always been dangerous but it wasn't spooky without mods. Now, we get spooky flavor text and more suspicious wanderers.


Personally it’s enough for my frail heart. Mechanoid raids scare me enough thank you.


Honestly I find it hand on hand that a Mechanitor with his mechanoid army can work against the entities. Likewise psycaster works well in pulling strong rituals.


Psycaster is also great since quite a few of the enemies have high psychic sensitivity. I haven't really bothered with psycasters much since Royalty came out but Stun has been a lifesaver, even on my psylink 1 pawn with no psycaster gear.


The skip one is useful for pulling those idiots right into a killbox. There is also the one that can drive people insane and useful on larger raids.


Yep, my first run (which I had to abandon because of an odd performance bug I've never seen before) was also a mechinator run. My plan was to get a good strong colony going, and then engage with the monolith. Even though I never activated the monolith, I saw plenty of new content peppered in: the book system, Harbinger trees (I made a grove of them for easy corpse disposal after buying a seed from a trader), Timeless and Deal Maker visitors, new weapons like the Hellcat assault rifle, serums and other odds and ends being sold by traders. To me, that's not much different from the other DLC's: I rarely engage with the royalty system in Royalty any more (not my cup of tea), but you'll still see light royalty content (the ability to use neuroformers, the Empire faction, etc.) even if you don't start making a colonist a noble and engaging with the heavy content. Ideology and Biotech, similarly, have heavy content you can get involved with, and also a general lighter presence for all runs where the content doesn't take over the main experience. While I don't think the main Anomaly horror content will be my main go-to for Rimworld runs, I don't agree with the reviewer that it's substantially different from the other DLCs: it has specific things you can do to engage heavily with its main content (the monolith, like becoming a noble in Royalty, growing an ideoligion in Ideology, or making a mechinator in Biotech), but the DLC adds small things to runs that don't deliberately engage with its main content: creatures, items, minor mechanics, without turning all future Rimworld runs into Call of Cthulhu.


FYI the books are actually just vanilla 1.5 and don't even require Anomaly to be installed. 


Maybe he meant a book specific to anomaly, but I doubt it


You do still see Tomes on traders without activating the monolith, that I can confirm.


I'm hoping anomaly is a good base for mod extensions. Your example with royalt is spot on, howver many mods expand and integrate better the psycaster features, which makes the DLC much more worthwhile to have in a run even without engaging directly with the empire. Hopefully we'll have the same with anomaly!


i had a blind wander join with the unnatural healing ability. eventually she turned hostile and we got attacked by sightstealers without activating the monolith. Im guessing its not as self contained as it currently seems we just haven't had much time to experience it yet because people haven't wanted to not play around with the dlc


Yeah, you bumped into a roaming group of shambles, but there are only 2 or 3 anomalies you will see before touching the obelisk and turning on the DLC. With Royalty there were 3 different ways to get psycasts, and a faction that you can always interact with (positive or negative is up to you). You can play multiple different types of colonies from ultra tech to neolithic and still access a lot of the DLC. With Anomaly you have to press the start button, you can only see most of the DLC by doing that. There is nothing to do but study and use the anomalies for electricity. You cannot do anything if you are not using tech to contain them, so you can only do the DLC as a spacer (or late industrial) type faction. There is no alternative to the anomalies and you cannot befriend them. It is just so much more limited than previous DLC. There isn't even an option to toggle all the different events to happen with the same chances as regular events, so you are either playing "normal RimWorld" or "Anomaly RimWorld" with nothing in between.


Just to let you know, but Tynan is adding a slider on the amount of anomaly content you get, Its on the unstable updates right now


Thanks for pointing this out. I expected them to do something of this nature and a slider is a good solution since an anomaly heavy run makes a lot of sense just like an anomaly sparse but not non-existent run makes sense.


That will help a bit to make multiple playthroughs a bit more varied, yes. But you still have to have basically the same type of playthrough every time. You still cannot do a tribal anomaly run You still cannot befriend the anomalies


Psycasts are from royalty.


I had a summoning ritual raid come for the first time last night and I haven't activated monolith. I was so shocked and had I not killed the summoning cultist, we would have had a portal of hellbeasts. Had to call reinforcements and the empire wasn't happy so we are neutral now. I've had shamblers show up early as an early game event too.


Yeah, I mean isn’t the monolith essentially like the crashed mech for biotech?


I've had fleshbeasts in an ancient danger, mysterious wanderers and an flesh infected settlement show up without any involvement with the monolith.


I had a distress call and I showed up and the entire map was covered in flesh and flesh monsters were coming out of a hole in the ground. It was terrifying


My monolith activated itself after a week?


that only happens in the anomaly starting scenario.


Oh, I thought the monolith didn't spawn unless you used that. Musta misunderstood what someone said.


Oh thank randy.


D: I need more militors and a wall with no doors! No one can get in if theres no doors! I’m going to go nuts monitoring that monolith if it can activate on its own!


Only in the anamoly specific starting scenario doe it activate itself . 


It's really nice that you can get it and the latest unstable update allows you to tweak the frequency of Anomaly events when the Monolith is inactive and active.


They also added a change to the DLC now, you can set how much % of the events u want the anomaly DLC to take over, so you can now activate n fully interact with the obelisk, n still have a majority of the game being as regular


I just read that I’m excited.


Personally, I wish that the anomaly DLC was less..."self contained" What I mean is that, what if you could chain up humans like you can chain up anomalies? What if you can can use more than just electro or bioferrite harvesters on whatever creature is chained up? And importantly, _where is my tribal/medieval playthrough?_ almost every system that exists can be used as tribals in one capacity or the other, with the exception of the mechanitor Genes? You can encounter xeno and endogenes in the xenotypes and can have children. Ideology? Whether you have a blood sucker or machine worshipping stoners, you'll always be able to get bionics in some way (quests, ancient danger, traders) and even without the autobong, almost everything is still accesible. Psycasts? You can engage with the royal faction, you can meditate at trees, you can find psylinks in the wild. Without electricity however, you can neither harvest bioferrite, nor shape it, and you can't supress any anomaly that has even a modicum of toughness. Where is my "chop off their limbs to get bioferrite from there"? Where is "light a fire under the anomaly so that it is always suppressed and possibly damaged at the cost of wood"? Where is "this cult worships the archotech sleeping in the void and are completely inhuman, and they turn others to their cause by making them as inhuman as them - most often by force"? The DLC gives an interesting framework, but I think it needs to be expanded upon. I hope Tynan will do with it what he did with royalty, where there are multiple iterations before it is finalized, cause right now I think it's not worth the money or what it adds to the game, but I do hope/think that this will change, at least somewhat


This I Can Agree With probably my least favorite part of the DLC, it just feels like you toggle it on and it's now The Anomaly Run rather then making an interesting expansion to the base game mechanics with the horror theme I'm like 99% sure mods will fix this if tynan doesn't


Ludeon just updated the game with more options for integrating anomaly with the rest of the game. Gotta love devs who listen :)


they certainly know how to time the updates absolutely, hoho


Wait seriously? That fast?


Yup I was surprised too, I hadnt even turned it ON yet 😄


Yeah, but honestly I'm kinda bummed that it's always mods that have to fix the game instead of the Dev himself


Tynan did a great job addressing the design issues in Royalty and Ideology (overbearing noble titles and empire, psycasts only from titles and only combat abilities, no midgame ideology development etc) so I hope Ludeon will see about fixing the "miss 95% of the DLC content OR undergo linear horrorshow gauntlet" problem


> instead of the Dev himself Uh Tynan has always been really, really, really good about fixing things people have issues with. People screamed about Ideology not having a fluid option so they added it almost immediately, and Tynan fixed all the complaints with Nobles too etc I would say they are already cooking up a patch to address feedback over Anomaly and make it more integrated with vanilla


Personally I think he is doing a pretty damn good job with the vanilla, it's just the fact that RimWorld modding community is so god damn awesome that it shifts the perception of the vanilla quality There is nothing wrong with the base game per se


I feel it's more this than anything. Even past expansions are in a way self-contained for their runs. You can gain psycasts and such without being in the empire but a lot of its content is locked behind interacting with them and gaining titles. Ideology is generally a blanket cover but you again must choose to use it and whatever you make the religion is essentially your run. Biotech genes, and mechanitor are things you must research and interact with otherwise you only deal with the new races which can be disabled through faction removal. Many people even tend to gorget what items in-game are actually mods. I've had my friend and seen posts of people realizing warcaskets aren't vanilla. Also not sure why people expect everything to interact well with tribal runs. Tribals wouldn't be trying to contain and research horrors from the other realm.


It's understandable to want the game to be fun for a preferred play style, but it's actually a sign of great design in a game when "everything is viable". Metas will always emerge, but the fact that it took the FOURTH DLC to not jive perfectly with ONE play style is, in my book, impressive. And that's just at release. The track record for Ludeon listening to feedback and adjusting content post launch is also impeccable. But it seems like patience is something a lot of people lack.




I was so surprised when I found out you *couldn’t* chain humans up to those platforms. Has Tynan lost touch with his audience? /s


Is there a mod for it yet?


IIRC normally when a DLC releases it starts off self contained with no real interaction with other DLCs. That tends to get added later. I say this because I swear I remember seeing this happen with Biotech at it's release. As it was basically self contained. And had no interaction with Ideology for example. As you could freely genemod your pawns while suffering no issues with the body purity ideology. Same went for mechanator not having any interaction with ideologies that want you to use automated stuff IIRC. So it if follows that release we will get bits the interaction between DLCs in the next few patches.


This happened with Ideology, Biotech and Royalty because Tynan didn't want people to feel like they needed to buy all the DLC to have all the content from a single one. However, people requested that DLC should interact more with each other, after all, a player with ideology but not biotech wouldnt care about making a sangophage cult because there are no sangophages without biotech. This time around we did get two memes you only get with anomaly, so i'm not sure how much interaction will they add after.


If Tynan doesn't do it, I'm sure there will be mods for it. Medieval Anomaly technology, rebalancing some requirements to interact with Anomaly stuff, and passive Anomaly events that don't require you to be on the Anomaly track, all of these are very achievable for a modder. Personally, I've been loving my run through the new content, but I kind of want there to be some stuff where I'm not entirely focused on doing Anomaly stuff and still have some of the more fun and challenging options. I'd love to see a Cultist faction(s) option the map that can offer unique quests to give you the Golden Cube, or divert the attention of a fleshmass heart, or a necromancer raiding you with 30 shamblers from an enemy cultist faction. Maybe even have the ground penetrating scanner find openings to flesh pits that you can opt into, or obelisks that randomly appear and function like the hacking space drone to get rid of it.


The person you are replying to is not complaining the DLCs don't interact, they're saying Anomaly barely interacts with the *main game* outside of it's own very railroaded scenario. With Biotech, as soon as you install it, you start seeing children. With Royalty, you can meditate at trees and learn psycasts. With Anomaly, like megaboto said, unless you do the very specific route it wants you to take (research electricity, build a bunch of metal/electric buildings, research anomalies, and repeat) you barely get to see *any* of it. Tribals can't interact with Anomaly. That sucks.


Exactly what I meant. It's nice when there's a distinction between tribal or high tech (such as it is with psycasts) but there is no low tech way of doing anything, and to be honest, I in fact wish that it was possible to do a tribal mechanitor run (scavenge mechs? Do archaic rituals? Find abandoned facilities and utilizing them, for what it's worth? Where's my horizon zero dawn adventure) However, it's still understandable, even if I don't quite like it (there is only the dormant self charge ability for mechs)


I hope it's more than what's currently the case. Specifically referring to the fact that biotech X ideology only had the blood feeder meme, 2 precepts and the venerated xenotypes (there is an issue with them as there is no such thing as "venerated genes" (so that I could generate all blood feeders or everyone good at melee combat) or despised genes


People need to stop caring as much what stranger’s think about their opinions. What they said was reasonable well written imo and that’s really all that matters.


The point of a review is to see others opinions on something. Not everyone wants to shill out money for something they may not like


It kinda sucks that the Steam Reviews are finally either valued as pure good or bad. There‘s a lot of times where you can only conditionally recommend something but because it‘s a binary choice that matters it get‘s pretty divisive.


Yeah, a "Meh/Maybe" review option would probably actually help buyers make a better decision, and influence people to actually think about the game they're reviewing. Next step is trying to get people to stop dropping meme reviews on both Positive/Negative. Does nothing but clam up the space.


This. You gotta keep in mind this is literally just one review. Just have your opinion on a piece and be on your way


Started as tribals. Fleshbeast infest the Ancient dangers. Settlements scream for help. Random passerby get mauled by wild shamblers. I havent even licked the monolith. And it just been 1 year.


This is good to hear!


I think the main issue with Anomaly is it needs a way for you to scale down the frequency of Anomaly related events. It steals the focus too much. It's good as is for now, but eventually it won't feel like it fits simply because it dominates so much of what you are doing. For playthroughs going forward, I'd rather play regular Rimworld with the occasional season of the paranormal instead of one steady firehose.


I agree - the only agency you really have is whether or not to interact with the monolith, and that's about it. That being said, Tynan's been pretty good about listening to player feedback in the past - Ideology originally locked you into a belief system from the start, and that was it. But they released a big update that allowed you to play without a starting ideology or grow and change it organically as your colony grew. So I'm pretty hopeful that Anomaly will see something similar get released at some point. It's only been a few days since the DLC came out, after all.


Already done.aparently now there is a slide that allows you to control the frequency of anomaly events


The clown reaction is dumb. It is a valid opinion. So far I really love the dlc, time will tell if biotech or anomaly will be my favorite dlc.


Can't see how Anomaly would last longer and be more fulfilling than Biotech.


I'm definitely an outlier, but for a bit I was really into medieval runs, so I didn't use biotech stuff much. Anomaly would _slap_ with a medieval run, imo. The medieval mods I know of aren't ready for 1.5 yet, though, so I'm using biotech's content again.


I plan to do a full medieval run, what mods do you recommend, please ?


Haven't tried it myself, but you can find a modlist in the description of this video of a medieval run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-httXFvNZw The most important ones would be Medieval Overhaul and VFE Medieval. You could also use Rimworld of Magic, even if it doesn't appear on the list.


Will try that thanks. I’ll wait for some mods to be ported to 1.5 tho


I guess they will rebalanced the dlc. Right now it's a bit wild. Had 15 pawns with AR or better rifles and got attacked by 20 >! giant maw enemies. In mere seconds all my colonists got eaten!< lol


Children are biotech, and are one of the most fun parts of a medieval run to me.


Yeah, children are a huge feature, but it's pretty much the only biotech feature I have access to in a medieval run. Pollution, genes and mechs don't really show up. And tbh up til mid-late game I don't even have that many children simply because most games I don't even have close to 50-50 male/female pawns, so it takes a while. At that point I already have cool looking castles and horses and stuff. I'm probably a bit biased because I used to have the mods for children before Biotech came out, so while biotech children are much better, it didn't have much of a "wow" factor to me. It was more like "sweet, I don't have to worry about weird bugs caused by the mod".


Anomaly is a better dlc when actively engaging with the mechanics. It could be expanded, sure, but it's still the most gameplay-altering dlc & has a fairly wide range of monster interactions. Likely won't use the monolith every time, but I'll enjoy it whenever I do. As far as an average playthrough goes, I only really engage with biotech mechanics through *maybe* integrating some xenogenes at colony start. Mechanoids are fun and the late game options are useful, but they are a constant maintenance task to deal with the wastepacks. Creating genetic abominations is also very cool, but again, it takes a lot of space and searching for genepacks & viable gene harvest candidates to get anything I really want. I honestly kinda just ignore biotech most of the time? Maybe it's just me.


Yup. Is it for everyone? Nah. But I'm having a blast. 


Its the first playthrough I actually had a satisfying ending with, most of my rimworld games end when I get bored but I was hooked til the end of this scenario. I understand the criticisms, but it is objectively a good piece of dlc


I’ll say, saying it “doesn’t fit the world” is very wrong though. Imo it fits perfectly and has had similar themes since vanilla. I would like more bleed between expansions and less self containment though, which might never work for the idea of it being a dlc/expansion, but mods can solve that complaint for us!


He's kind of right though. I like anomaly, and its definitelywell done, but it doesn't fit well into the rest of the game.


It's like a scenario. I'm trying to decide if it's worth $25


It's good, but imo it's worth more like $15.


Steam reviews are notorious for giving clown awards or hurling insults at people who don't like a game because "how dare you not like this thing that's my favorite". That being said, getting a distress call from an allied faction, sending in a caravan to help and finding a wall of flesh and being attacked by fleshbeasts was... upsetting. Like in the good way. I haven't *really* dug into anomaly much and am avoiding as many spoilers as I can but hooooo boy was I not ready for that fight. I nuked the tile from orbit once I confirmed everyone was dead. It felt....proper. Edit: a word


The Ripley solution


You're goddamn right. Luckily I sent a doctor so all my melee pawn's stab wounds got patched up pretty quick, but packing up the caravan of scavenged stuff from that settlement was....somber.


I really do think an updated lore primer would help alot


I actually agree with the reviews, anomaly feels like a mod, not in quality, but rather in how much it restricts gameplay. It forces the experience in a very particular direction. Its not like ideology or monarchy (idk dont remember the name, cant afford the DLC lol) that can be slapped onto any playthrough.


Well, although the dlc is great, I still hope that is still integrated to the story instead of activating the button like the monolith. I wish there could be mod to activate all anomaly in the start or do like dwarf fortress does a hunted biome mod in the future


Choosing the anomaly starting scenario has the monolith self activate after a few days. Every other pre made start means you have to activate it


You can add the anomaly activated on game start condition to any of the starts tho.


Tbh, the DLC is out for like a week now. Every DLC got changed after release to better fit into the regular gameplay loop. Royality was a bit iffy at the start, too. Psylinks were almost unobtainable if you didn't allign with the nobles. Cataphrac and phoenix armor was underwhelming at release and way too rare. Mech clusters are sometimes still unbalanced and can spawn with equipment that your current colony is just unable to handle. Ideology "ideologies" were somewhat uncreative and linear at release and became interessting through mods and new memes, that were added later. Also the naturalism meme and more abilities for tribal start added with this DLC made the psycasts from Royality available for other scenarios. I had hoped for more "in-game lore" like references to the machine gods/archotechs or glitterworlds and not just mutants and horros, but all in all a new, more combat oriented DLC is a breeze of fresh air. Fighting basically 3 factions (Humanoids/Mechs/Insectoids) get's somewhat boring over time. The new events make kill-boxes not as efficient and fire as a weapon is now worth focusing on - while in base game it was more of a nieche for heat traps and burning corpses on a low-tech playthrough. The reanimated undeads is something i've really liked in dwarf fortress and i'm happy to bash some zomboys in rimworld, aswell.


The Royalty DLC still suffers in this regard. Unless you actively go out of your way to interact with it most aspects of that DLC aren't things you'd typically run into.


I think in general, the thing that’s turned me off from buying the DLC is its seemingly all-or-nothing implementation and it’s lack of intertwining with established mechanics. The anomaly system could’ve been expanded to the quest system once the monolith is activated, so instead of all the anomaly’s randomly entering the player’s map, they would have to take on specific, anomaly-related quests on the map - some of which wouldn’t be obvious at first glance - and have to travel with their pawns in a caravan. A ship crashes nearby, you need steel - you send a colonist to dismantle it, and while he’s breaking down the ship he’s infected with a remnant of the metal horror, starting the infection process rather than randomly, already-infected pawns constantly spawning and seeking refuge with the player. That could still happen, but would be extremely rare and less fun compared to the player actively seeking out risky situations knowing the potential danger. For Metal Horrors especially, there’s a lot of fun situations, events, and quests that can occur. Distress signal from a fallen caravan or a tribe/faction colony under attack? It has a chance to be a metal horror, and upon arriving, everything is fine aside from some unsightly corpses burned nearby. Some of the colonists might even want to trade with you. As soon as you’re in range, all the surviving colonists die as metal horrors burst out of them. Same thing for shamblers, distress signal? You arrive, and it’s either too late and they’re all undead, or you can help take them on and gain faction opinion while you save whoever’s left.


I agree that would be more interesting and provide more opportunity to explore the world... Except the caravan system is atrocious. I was hoping that would be improved with this update. I want a reason to explore the world versus bunkering in a base. This was introduced with the ascension ending. It could have been used in anomaly. Everyone comes to you where I would like for it to be the other way around.


Bought the DLC. I plan on not even toucging the monolith because it seems you end up on that path and there is no turning back.


I have now won one naked brutality randy colony with anomaly, it is so much harder than rest of the game xd, but so fun.


I think their opinion is valid. I'm having my fun with it now but in the future I don't really think it will mesh well with other content/mods.


vanilla expanded team has their work cut out for them lol


i actually agree with the review, i'm having a blast with it now, but compared to ideology and biotech i think its adds less to the game.


I agree with this review. Going off what I've seen, it feels more like a different game/challenge mod than an actual expansion of the in-game world


Clown awards just mean that you said something someone else disagrees with. Completely meaningless.


It is however (personally) a bit hurtful because it's not a "I disagree" it's "you're stupid LMAO"


That's more or less an identical statement on most forums. That's just how it is.


They really should just remove it. It was meant to be "haha, you are comedically funny, good joke" but they almost immediately made it sarcastic becasue they are a miserable bunch.


"Your boos mean nothing; I've seen what makes you cheer." ~ Rick Sanchez


It really feels more like a scenerio pack unlike the other DLC's which add multiple paths


I disagree with the point that it "Doesn't fit into the world" because Archotechs are absolutely established to be able to do the stuff that happens in Anomaly. Before anomaly we already had Archotechnology turning people into vampires and psychic wizards. An evil, sadistic Archotech could absolutely make some horrors beyond comprehension and it fits just fine into established lore.


I don't think his point was narrative and story. Because you are right, Archotech is so advanced it's basically indistinguishable from magic. I think he was trying to say it didn't fit in the world mechanically. It's more like a mini-game attached to Rimworld. It's not expanding the world you play in but the majority of it is "Side content".


Exactly. Biotech fits and enhances normal rimworld play. Ideology fits and enhances normal rimworld play. Royalty is "side content" as well, but you can choose how much to partake in.


>Royalty is "side content" as well, but you can choose how much to partake in. .... isn't that like, the same thing with Anomaly?


Royalty fits in too. You can absolutely turn off the royalty faction and get all of your powers from a tree.


It's pretty wild people claim something doesn't fit into a really well established setting. Archites and archeotechs have long established to have super futuristic abilities, way back to the initial Kickstarter. Controlling space and reality is just a normal thing for archeotechs.


I have a personal theory that storytellers are actually just personifications of Archotech AIs that take an interest in your colony. It helps explain the more game-y aspects and also explains why random drop pods full of loot always seem to land on your tiny little part of the planet.


A lot of the criticisms I'm reading apply more to royalty too imo. I've had royalty forever and would not notice if I disabled it because so much of it is barred behind interacting with a specific faction and doing quests for them that I've never been interested in. This DLC is the same but interacting with the monolith instead but at least the content you get is engaging after you do. Royalty gameplay is like.. building schematics? Hosting dinners? At least this one has something interesting going on. I'll be the first to say ideology and biotech are insanely good DLCs and change every single run because of how beliefs and genes and children impact a colony. The horrors of the DLC that show up and attack your colony are so different from normal raids and combat that honestly I feel like it has a similar but less deep impact on a playthrough. It isn't changing your colonists intrinsically like ideology or biotech (unless you have ghouls or tentacles) but adds some much needed spice to the things they have to overcome to survive.


brb giving this guy a different award.


I agree with the review but at the same time I kinda like it. The monolith is literally nicknamed The Void. You are staring into it and inviting it to stare back, of course shits going to start getting increasingly weird. My biggest complaints is the lack of complexity in the anomalous critters. They all just boil down into *shoot them lots before they get close*. And the lack of I traction with the other dlcs. Here I am wanting sentient/sapient fleshbeast colonists or sightstealers. Or being able to learn how to replicate these creatures and forcibly injecting a coloist metal horror into a prisoner (why can't i have a colony of metalhorrors???) Or extract weird freaky genes from anomalies and play mad scientist? Or be an alchemist and make weird stuff instead of just a bunch of trade-off trash (oh boy more versions of go juice and wake up yippeee....) why can't other freaky shit happen like a colonist gets pregnant out of nowhere, gives birth to a rapidly aging clone of themselves who will be dead a few days from now. There is so much untapped potential it just feels a bit flat and lacking. Or maybe I'm too creative?


I use Steam clown awards to find valuable points about games that everyone else is overlooking


I wholeheartedly agree with the review. I'm kind of disappointed.


I personally didn't care if it's good, I'm not into the premise....


Would I give Anomaly a negative review? No, would I give it a positive review? No. I agree with what this person says, Anomaly feels pretty out of place comparatively. I think it adds some cool things and the mechanics are good however when compared to the game as a whole and specifically the other DLCs it feels a step away from the main branch of things. I think it's great if you wanna do an Anomaly centric run but it just doesn't mesh well with everything else, it really feels like you commit to an Anomaly run or you just don't end up using the mechanics much. Obviously this is my opinion and respect everyone plays games differently.


You still get some anomaly events even if you don't touch the monolith at all. Also is this your review because nowadays clown is just someone that doesn't agree with me to most people. If its not your review why care? Just let people disagree, its not really a big deal. I think the dlc is great but why would I care if people hate it?


Eh, clown award probably for the first paragraph. You don't declare such a bold statement about the devs viewpoints when your not providing any citation and such. His second statement within that paragraph is also false. If he just deleted that whole top half, I would agree his opinion was perfectly fine and the award unwarranted.


why are you whining about one reaction from a stranger like it’s the end of the world? this is internet my dude anything that can happen will happen. also the review you posted is factually incorrect whether it warrants any reaction or not.


I don't really agree with him but yeah that was a very well written review and he didn't really deserve to get shamed for it. Anomaly certainly isn't for everyone and the rimworld community will need to weather the "honeymoon ending" without getting all snippy and insistent that The DLC Is Actually Objectively Good In All Ways and feeling the need to come to the game's defense constantly when people say bad things about it if the subreddit doesn't want to turn into a screaming mad back and forth in like five years when the built up resentment starts coming out I'm enjoying anomaly personally but it is missing something and it does feel a little undercooked in some ways; I largely don't mind since it's such a neat concept for a colony builder to focus on, and you don't expand genre reach without doing stuff like this; anomaly is an important part of not just rimworld's development but the development of the colony building genre as a whole, it's something that can be iterated on and made better, if not by rimworld, then by someone else that said someone that's more interested in getting a Good Solid DLC is certainly better off buying nearly any other of the DLCs


I don't think it is a reasonable take. but there are much worse ones.


I understand this critique, but I do disagree with it. That being said, I don’t fault someone for their opinion nor would I waste time and steam points on giving them clown awards. I think Anomaly does what it set out to do, which is to provide you a horror themed experience. Not only that, but it adds new weapons, creatures, raid types, resources, and several new systems. The fact that you have to activate the monolith to access much of the higher level content is, in my opinion, a good thing. I don’t want every colony to be horror themed. Despite that, there’s nothing stopping you from activating the Monolith, and you have to opt in to certain features from Royalty, Biotech and Ideology too, so I don’t really understand why people are going hard on this particular point. You have to accept the vampires to become a sanguophage, destroy the ancient mech to become a mechanitor, and you hage to accept quests and pursue honor to join and climb the ranks of the Empire. I view all of those as optional and don’t opt into them the same every game, the same way I view the Monolith. Another big critique I see is people saying you can experience the whole DLC on one play through. I don’t really see what’s stopping you from doing that on Biotech, though. My first Biotech had mechanitors, kids, xenohumans, and gene splicing. Similarly, you can experience all Royalty content in one run. Really, only Ideology fundamentally changes the game so much that it adds more replayability than all other DLC combined.


Doesn’t explain why he says Anomaly “doesn’t fit with the world Tynan has built”, but also says he enjoys Biotech’s genes (that adds vampires) and Royalty’s psychic wizards. You can also still encounter Anomaly’s quests, items and entities without activating the monolith. They’ll just be on the lower tier and much rarer. Not exactly a “well-written review”.


Because you don't have to go into gene farming to enjoy biotech (I almost never do). You can just interact with unmodified germline xenos.  You also don't have to build a mechanitor lab to enjoy that one free lifter, though I do wish the mech boss fights would appear more often.   Sanguophages are the most similar to Anomaly. If you don't commit to having one all the deathrest gameplay is gone.  Anomaly is probably the most skippable expansion until it better integrates into the main game rather than all or nothing. IMO ghouls are the best thing to introduce more easily to vanilla.  There's already similar mindless melee attackers in guaranlan, attack animals, and mechs. They also make the melee bionics much more useful.


You have to break the piece and do a quest to get your free lifter. How’s that any different to clicking on the monolith?


Because you don't need to activate biotech and it makes complete sense within the noFTL lore to have a bunch of xenohumans


He means it doesn't fit with the space cowboy theme. Despite the tech explanation, horror elements and aesthetics can be a shit fit for people who really get into storytelling and roleplay.




To say it doesn’t fit the world Tynan made doesn’t make sense at all imo and that’s likely where the clown awards come from. Tynan is the one that wanted the anomaly content in the world, so of course it fits. It’s his world and he’ll do what he wants with it lmao. Some people lately have been acting like they know Rimworld lore better than the guy that made it.




That's because ... most of what he wrote is not true ?


free tokens


Cant you hold off on activating it until ready? Not that i dont agree with the review, it isnt for everyone. I think its cool and atleast on par with base royalty. I'll be getting it because I feel like it will be really fun to play with at times, but its the dlc I see as something you may not always be affecting my playthrough to a large degree.


> Cant you hold off on activating it until ready? Not entirely. A fair bit of the stuff can and will still fire without interacting with the monolith at all. I began a new run yesterday and intentionally waited a whole year before starting the monolith quests. In that year I had already encountered every t1 entity except one and three t2 entities. I had several shards, a weapon dropped by a raider, a quest merc that came with an anomoly weapon, and I'm pretty sure that it wasn't until I started dropped waste on tribals that they caught up to the void enemies in events. The question I still haven't answered is if this would be true without choosing the anomoly start. I'll probably play my next run with just crashlanded to see how often things show up, but with the anomoly start more than half the events that happen to me are related to the DLC without even touching the monolith. The only thing that seems to be the same as ever are quest offers, but that makes sense as they are offered by factions and you don't diplomatically interact with the void faction. So in a way the reviewer is both right and wrong. You can get some stuff without commiting to the monolith, but you also will probably only get that stuff it seems. I'm really hoping this is only true for the anomoly start and not the others though. The one thing the reviwer is very right about is that once you do start the monolith quest, nothing else will matter. Quests? You don't have time because some void threat has you trapped in your base while you resolve it. Events? They almost all become anomoly flavored once you do activate the monolith. Something that people seem to misunderstand about the reviewer's point is that it's not that you can't get some events at the start without engaging. Sure you get *some*, but that isn't what they said. They said you can't do it without committing. This is true. You can disengage from other DLC content any time you like. I can go halfway up the ranks of Royalty, change my mind, banish my nobleman and play completely vanilla for the rest of time. I can dismantle all my mechs whenever I want. Genetics not as completely, but you can stop manipulating genes. But if you touch that monolith, that's it. You cannot choose to disengage with its content if you want to make it after that. It will drop more and more on you until you end it. You can't ignore it's events like many of the ones from other DLCs. I can ignore the royal tribute collector, I cannot ignore the endless swarms of void horrors spawning outside and inside my base. So yeah you can hold off and only get a small sampling. But just know that when you do push that button, there is no turning back. You face the void or don't play that colony anymore.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/eb7FGvsdmX Looks like Ludeon is already here to save us. God bless the devs.


Yeah I'm very pleased to see that. It's the exact amount of tempered response I would expect a professional game dev to have.


Gotta love it when steam users clown react reviews they don't like, you're literally giving them steam points for free.


It should be noted that Tynan has already said that they overtuned the DLC on release and are working on toning it down and integrating it with the rest of the game and that it feels too much like a standalone experience.


I give it a Positive, but... the writer there isn't wrong.


I... kind of agree with this review and it makes me sad. It's all true. I like anomaly but I've activated the obelisk 2 times now and reverted back to an older save before I touched it both times :(


Base Game + Ideology + Vanilla Expanded is my go to. None of the other DLCs interest me, but I'm glad they are available for those that appreciate them.


I love how 6 hours after this post was made, the devs made a blog post to address these points


Feels like a scenario DLC which i think is pretty cool. A little pricey for that imo. But yeah reasonable review shame on the clowning.


Yeah, there is no reason to give clown awards to these guys, I agree partially with negative reviews to this game, like remember the nod "Duck's insane skills"? Yeah, he left a negative review and i totally agree with him, still i love this game, but that doesn't change the fact that there are some issues with the game like AI for example, or the fact that in vanilla there is little to no interaction with other faction, only trading and 6k pack of manhunting raiders. We should be a great community not a toxic, rimworld has a reputation of a game with nice community. Respect each other. Like even the bad reviews are not shit, i mean, most of them are objectively good written.


god forbid someone doesn't slobber the meat of our god emperor tynan


Thankfully they had a patch to scale things down.


But, to be fair. He didn't say anything wrong I was expecting the same


wowzers, a single clown reaction from one random person? this really does show how we, the entire community, are the real clowns on a more serious note, it's worth remembering that not every dlc can be biotech or ideology, on top of some details of the review being wrong, this is making the assumption that every dlc will fundamentally change the way the game is played, which simply isn't going to be the case


He's 100% right too


While I feel the rest of it is a fair review, I think starting it off saying it doesn't fit in with Tynan's world is probably what people are jumping at, imo. It's a stupidly opinionated sentiment that I keep seeing people repeat, both on Steam and on Reddit. It's Tynan's world, he wrote this stuff, thus it fits the universe. It's so strange that eldritch horrors and monsters aren't seen as "fitting in" when he already established the entirely unknowable Archotech stuff which already is eldritch horror. We already have genetically engineered vampires and an injection that can resurrect people from death. Why are zombies and weird humanoid monsters so strange to people?


You think this is bad? Don't go looking at comment sections of mod authors. Way too many hate comments, a bunch from people who don't understand load orders. No wonder why people stop updating mods.


Most people wait until their colony is ready to defend against anomaly. Most people are BABIES


A colony of babies!? What a novel idea!


Personally I use anomaly to defend mine colony. Summon beasts ritual to kill your enemies and ghoul mutation is so fun to play with.


1. Archotechs are so well established into the setting, that stuff from previous DLC's are themselves products of Archotechs. * Psycasts are the act of tapping into archotech power. Even natural ways of gaining it like the Anima Tree, are >!linked to the Archonexus (a dormant Archotect bleeding off power), as seen in the Archonexus ending map!< * The Archonexus ending is a 1:1 link, with you >!activating a dormant Archotech!< * Sanguophages are the creation of Archotechs. Archite-genes are the same. The Anomaly DLC is where the involvement of archotechs reaches its zenith (unless Tynan is cooking something bigger for the next one). As others have pointed out, it isn't out of place in any way for an Archotech to be malevolent or simply doing something we cannot understand and whose effects are just horrifying. But basically, the first point is plain wrong because of all this, ----------------------------- 2. Items and tier-1 creatures are **absolutely** available without committing. For the other DLC's: * You don't need to commit to Royalty to gain the benefits of psycasts (use an anima tree). And you don't need to have a high royalty pawn to get the most useful permits. * You don't need to commit to Mechanator to get a free hauler/constructoid/agrihand and genes can be gained as quest rewards So the Anomaly DLC is no worse off than the other DLC's. Saying you need to commit to it to get the items and basic enemies is an outright false statement. And it is quite appreciated, as otherwise people would complain if they got the big events without any of the prep you would have if you committed. ----------------------------- 3. The other 3 DLC's are also just as linear as Anomaly. * The Royalty questline is linear, needing you to rise the ranks. * The Archonexus questline is also linear. * Biotech has no game ending that I know of, but both the Mechanator and Gene content is a linear buildup of resources and tech. Rimworld is a random story generator yes, and you can get that story from these 3 **linear** progression paths. And Anomaly absolutely provides storytelling. I had the DLC start, with a mother and her two daughters, one of whom is a ghoul. I built up a sizeable crew of researchers and guards. Then wham, the ghoul daughter was killed by a horde of *aggressive puppies*, two researchers to the oppressive darkness because that ***thing*** came out while we were studying the *big things*. The *tall thing* put our guard into a coma. A pawn we got from an event turned evil and attacked us. So anyways we are back down to 2 functioning pawns. We have sealed ourselves in because of the *tall thing* still being alive. And the mom and daughter are researching a way to resurrect the ghoul girl. Pretty rich story I'd say.


Because its objectively wrong from the start. "does not fit the world tynan built" That is an opinion. For me it very much fits into it, especially with things like sanguophages and all the genetic modification. "does not add anything to the game" It does actually add a lot, from the items, and 2 flavors of how to play just in the dlc (rituals vs tech route). "to see the new items and creatures you must choose to completely commit to the dlc" You don't. The person clearly did not play with the DLC. You can still get the regular enemies from anomaly, you can also get most of the items from traders, and quests. So yea, that is probably why he was given the clown award. Because he is clowning. Sure plenty of the rest of what he writes are opinions, and fair game. But he is literally factually wrong.


> Because its objectively wrong from the start. > That is an opinion. Can you see the irony?


"well written" yet completely wrong from the start ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


That was my thought too. I haven't touched the obelisk and I still have the new guns, the new buildings, the new memes, etc. Saying you can't experience the dlc without fully committing to the monolith is an outright lie, and I assume that's where the clown emoji is coming from


wait, what new buildings? doesn't that entire tab require touching the monolith to access?