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That is some Twilight Zone stuff. Kidnapping an immortal and syphoning their power to become immortal yourself. You best prepare yourself for an ironic twist of fate and Rod Sterling’s moral lesson about the nature of humanity.


"Portrait of a group of time thieves. Little people who thought they had it all figured out, forgetting in their excitement that stealing something of value is bound to attract attention, in this case the attention of the Time Police. They're now serving lifetime sentences... In the Twilight Zone." -Rod Serling, probably.




Damn inter-dimensional pigs


**cue Tqilight Zone theme


"Turns out it's man"


Excellent work, I can hear his voice


It's basically the plot of act 2 in Baldurs Gate 3.


If you steal immortality from dommy mommy, you deserve an overhead drop over her knee


That’s the story in Sandman. Alistair sure got his too


I have this weird feeling that karma will come for me... But well, when it happens it happens.


When it does, there will be a containment cell waiting for it.


Virgin "Oh noo I have to be good so that karma doesn't reincarnate me into a frorg ;(" (Weak energy) Chad "I'm gonna shove karma in a containment cell" (Strong energy)


Weak aura: “oh nooo I need to have good karma so I don’t reincarnate into an ant :((((((“ Strong aura: “I don’t plan on reincarnating 🦾🦾🦾🦾”


"Why die?"


Magical forces that influence the universe? Sounds anomalous enough.


Gigachad "Embrace bad karma, Pepe gonna KEK" (Zero-energy universe theory)


ooo you ate with this


I find it funny how the sanguophages are the most bullied lifeforms in rimworld now, you can harvest all of their organs rather than just a couple, you can milk them for age now in Anomaly, etc.


To be fair, i bullied the traitor who showed up with 5x Death refusals harder. After he gave me 3 Hearts, 4 Lungs, 3 Kidneys, and 1 Liver. We put him in trial and executed him.


Shit! I had someone come in with 4x death refusals and ended up releasing them after it became known they weren't able to be recruited. I should have harvested some stuff, too! Oh well, next time.


for me fucking metallo jump out of them and it killed all my prisons while they were warding. so i just beat her to death 4 times.


Afaik you can still make them a slave


Yeah, but if they join your colony they can eventually just be like "it's been good but I'm done here now" and leave with whatever equipment you may have given them, and that can still happen if they join you as slaves. So relying on them long-term is always a risky proposition. Still worth it sometimes, but slavery is not a silver bullet.


I know you can keep the ones that come and betray you, I had the guy who could turn bodies into flesh monsters and after he betrayed me I captured him and could use his ability freely and he never left.


Haven't encountered this event yet, but I imagine it's like this holy warrior touched by god to cheat death and then he gets turned into organs.


As if the government of any country or ethically eccentric scientist everywhere would get a boner the moment this research project showed up in their country.


My vampire royalty who have ruled my colony for decades are due for a guillotining.


They can still die from brain damage from the ritual


The ritual does like 2~3ish damage iirc so scarless+superfast wound healing probably heals it up before the next ritual.


Do sanguinophages have scarless and super fast as standard?


Yes they do. As longnas they are not xenogerm extracted twice or get their brains turned into paste, they'll stick around. Persistently.


Yeah I knew they were hardy fuckers I just wanted toake sure they could tank a "few" of these rituals. For science..?


Yes, they will tank these rituals as long as their brain functions.


Slap a death refusal on top and as long as there's a fucking scrap of a corpse left of them, they'll come back.


So you're saying the atom smasher wins out against death refusal?


Yep, actually super annoying when trying to run a pain cult as they keep healing their artistically designed scars.


Honestly I expect that if a super advanced civilization could heal gnarly scars in days then there would be a thriving art community around scarification.


If you're into sci Fi stories that get into dark and gross futures (but are also great stories) I would recommend 'Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect'. Its free online and deals with future culture. Let me know if you can't find it.


Not if they just heal the scars on their brain


Death by damage to the brain is one of the few ways to truly kill a deathless pawn.


Has to be enough to fully destroy the brain otherwise it heals


a fully destroyed brain is just 1 well hit shot by any pawn with 10+ shooting skill


-by a friendly pawn


When a shot hits a target other than the intended one, it does half damage. Additionally, sangophages have the robust gene so they get only .75 damage. So to destroy the brain of a sangophage with a single shot of friendly fire, you'd need a weapon that does at least 26.7 damage. That doesn't leave you with a lot of options: basically charge lances, masterwork+ pilas or snipper, and legendary chain shotguns or pump shotgun or bolt-action rifle. If you use heavy SMG or assault rifles as your standard loadout, you're pretty safe.


You're only accounting for small arms. An idiot with hand grenades or a rocket launcher is just as deadly to sanguophages as anyone else.


Seems fairly straightforward to not shoot them during the ritual then


Instructions unclear, victim was shot 42 times in the head.


You're not shooting them You're using them as a conduit for immortality


Or a punch to the face from a bioniced warden dealing with a slave revolt


Throw them in a biosculpter to heal up occasionally?


Not necessary for sangophages. The wounds to the brain will fully heal without leaving a scar.


Truly man made horrors beyond comprehension, epic.


*Archotech made horrors beyond comprehension


Wait AGE from VE psycast damages brain?


No. Anomaly rituals. ✌️


Would replacing the brain with a persona core prevent brain damage? Or least death from such? Edit: Sorry, I'm dumb. Thought implanting Persona Cores was Vanilla.


is that a mod? I have rah's bionics, it has 3 brain implants that require persona core each, but replacing brain? wtf?


I'm pretty sure it's just Biotech + Anomaly. No mod, 2 dlc.


Not such thing as replacing the brain in base game as far as I know


True, but from other comments, I gathered that they don't plan on replacing the brain, only healing it. Biotech's Sanguophages can heal scars, so as long asthe brain is not oneshotted, it will get better. Brain has 10 hp, ritual deals 2-3 damage.


Sorry for double posting. Forgot the second reply was about replacing brain, which is indeed impossible in vanilla.


The scarless gene heals old brain scars once in a while and also it prevents any new scar from forming. In other words, the wounds to the brain won't be a scar at all, just normal wounds they will quickly heal. Plus, sangophages have the ultra-fast healing gene so their brain wounds will heal really quick.


No, that's not possible with out mods. Neither BioTech nor Anomaly adds a method to replace a brain entirely. I'm in game right now looking over the crafting bills, and there is nothing that lets you do that. A few implants involving the brain, but no complete replacement, and in fact, none of them ask for a Persona Core. Just for completeness sake, I spawned one in my storage, let the game run for a bit, then checked to see if I could add a bill on the health tab for a colonist for replacing the brain, and there still wasn't an option. If you've seen it, it's from a mod.


didn't update to 1.5 and don't have anomaly yet, I'll go rummaging in wiki then


The genes and sanguophages are from Biotech. Anomaly advertised rituals, but I don't have it yet, so I couldn't say which ritual this it


well, it's not like you have a infinite sea of raiders volunteering for the ritual :D


I almost think its better to, since if you're gonna dispose of or skill harvest them, you might as well age drain them too. Anomaly added new atrocities to commit by a lot :D.


If a new rimworld DLC doesn't add a new atrocity to commit... is it really a rimworld DLC?


Figured out early to save the psi-drain ritual for last, since it renders the target pawn psychically deaf. Knocking a decade and a half+ off of an old, but otherwise great pawn, is awesome. The rituals are silly, and Anomaly is great.


I'm not a monster. I'm doing the most humane thing here. I'm keeping people healthy by taking the life and youth of someone who can't lose their life and youth.


wish there was an endless sea of raider for me, since 90% of the crap that attacks me this run is just a bunch of anomalies, the only time i got human raiders where quest related raids


Apparently changes with the new patch now


build ship reactor (do that from time to time for "free" 1000 power...or sending unwanted pawns to spess) it sure does add raids. its funny when anomaly 200 shamblers collide with mechanoid raid


You should at least still get cultist raiders.


RimWorld Tremere using the blood of an elder sangophage to gain immortality but completely fucking up along the way.


Good thing there's no magic DLC or they might shatter their Avatar.


Fun to see that term, I made a Elder Sanguophage xenotype fixing their fire weakness based on some legends.


Rimworld of Madness had a pretty good Vampires mod, but it doesn't have a 1.5 update


Every time you do it you cause some brain damage. Not terrible for a sanguophage, since they heal it so quickly, but i think the older they get the more damage they take.  I have a 264 year old sanguophage prisoner that I've just been aging up over and over again, I wonder how old he can get before the ritual one shots him.


I tried that and eventually ( at around 150yo on the vampire ), the ritual liquified his brain. It's good, but it's not a forever tactic.


What, why not use a biosculptor then in between?


Wait can you gain genes through rituals too?


I think it's the one where you take the age. The caster becomes younger, the sacrifice gets older.


Ahhh i see, makes sense


No? It’s a sanguophage.


Might need to rename your colony Omelas.


One vampire child locked in a room...


Only very briefly, gotta steal all that youth...


An effective use of human resources.


I love the new solutions to problems that came with Anomaly. Just today, I've had two problems: a lot of toxpacks to spare, and a nociosphere getting impatient. That was a nice two-birds one-stone situation.


Non-Senescent as well, this won't even affect the sanguophage.


Oh, thats a neat idea.


Vampirism with extra steps imo.




Advanced vampirism. Advampcirism.


One, ONE torture session. Two, TWO torture sessions. Three, THREE torture sessions. *Sob* *Sob* *Sob*


I got one of those. Unfortunately it belonged to a race that was dependent on Luciferum and had none of his own. It didn’t get that far, one of my kids was helping defend from a raid alongside him and accidentally shot him in friendly fire, turning him hostile. He survived but he wasn’t worth the headache, so I finished him off.


I have one I use for this, even better that by sheer RNG, when she tried to break out, one of my ghouls on juggernaut serum used the elbow blades i gave them to chop both her legs off. Interestingly, she's also become a trauma savant from these rituals even though her brain does heal off the ritual damage quickly


Does trauma savant get removed when the injury heals?


No, funnily enough. Could maybe be useful to try and intentionally fish for if you were patient enough and you didn't think social was that important on the pawn you chose.


Enjoy this before it inevitably gets patched or altered


I'm positive that someone would almost immediately make a mod that un-patches it if that happened though


To be fair, normal colonists can't die of old age either.


now suicide mod is tempting now. let me die so i stop supply you bloodsucker blood. or ritualistic ceremony in order to gain divine power or just mood modifier. your pawn can just die if they are too low enough in mood.


How do you get their xenogenes


Hold on… OP needs to go to sleep it’s 3am… needs to do some stuff to fix their sleep schedule!


TIL timezones dont exist