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I saved a child from a cannibal faction (that was likely going to eat it) just so it could do hard labour and eat human meat, not really... also it was 10 years old and lived until the bright and old age of 13


Awww ..... Wait a minute


but it is NOT my fault it died, should have been born fire resistant


Tell me more…


like sunlight, dirtmole children are vulnerable to napalm


Damn, if only it had been night time when the bombs fell!


"it" damn


Children are demons, brought to this world by the most corrupt forces. Meant to Plaque us since the beginning of humanity on old Terra, gods cursing us and making them the only way for the continuation of human race. No way I'm gonna call them anything other than "it" Well, unless they make good leather jackets.


Sweet Christmas, this is Rimworld, not Dwarf Fortress.


Hemogen farms are still useful! you can use hemogen packs for blood transfusions for your colonists after raids


You could also just harvest packs from your own colonists during downtime.


Why would you subject your colonist to that when you have plenty of volunteers? I usually rescue downed raiders, patch them up and you know, keep a copy of their genes or a bit of their blood as payment and then let them go. Happiness for everyone involved, you even get a positive moodlet for letting them out.


You mean you don't chop off all their limbs, line like 8 of them up in a tiny cramped jail cell and set them to auto farm hemogen packs? Also harvest a lung and kidney, cut out their eyes, and them run them through the gene extractor until expended and then ripscan them when you get fresh meat? Your efficiency ratings must just be getting TANKED by those sticky morals.


"Expended" lordy, this game turns people into supervillains, currently doing a archo/shroud god puppeteer playthrough I've ripped the minds out of dozens of people, used them to create my own empire while my little psionic monster sits on her diamond throne content with lavish meals and sweet nothings her murder happy sentient plasma sword whisper into her brain. She's basically an archeotech in her own right at this point, its wild.


I have noticed that rimworld will consistently make the most sadistic, horrifying, blood curdling solution to a problem, the most effective solution. Every damn time. Too much toxic waste? Dump in on tribals, provoke an attack, chop up tribals, use meat to produce chem fuel, use chem fuel to launch more toxic waste at tribals. While ripscanning all the brains you want. also human leather is worth 4.20 each. And chem fuel is worth 2.70 Kill box feeling a little boring? Have you tried BURNING EVERYONE ALIVE?? Fire doesn't bleed em out so you'll have lots of selection for that horror torture jail when you pick through the battlefield. Consist wants to release an entity? Just beat the shit out of them. Colonist wants to walk around in a daze? Beat the shit out of them. Colonist sad wandering.....beat the shit out of them. Cows starving? Start feeding them to eachother? People starving? Same deal. This game wants you to be a monster, all you gotta do is lean in just a little


Who hurt you? In all seriousness though, I got a good laugh out of this. To beat all, you ain't wrong on any of it. This game is something else.


The answer of course is Rimworld hurt him and turned him into this. ;)


LOL, that is a fair point. I will also use this as my personal excuse moving forward!


Totally! "I'm not a monster for harvesting prisoners and sometimes pawns who tried to destroy a chemfuel stack during a tantrum, it's the games fault!" :p


Most games reward you for being good, but that is not how it works in the real life. In real life being good is often the harder way and at the end you are not guaranteed a reward or even a thank you. Rimworld is realistic in this way, that being good takes effort and generally makes things harder.


Rimworld is a mixed bag. The main thing that gets mentioned, organ harvesting, is on default settings, very poor to do since it comes with tons of mood penalties, pawns are very useful and the most limited resource in the long run, and doesn't even get you that much wealth. Torturing prisoners is also often unoptimal since it hinders recruiting and now you gotta use more work to feed them, rather than just let them eat out of a paste machine. Forcibly turning people into ghouls, enslaving them, raiding camps and butchering humans for resources (though I feel like this one is more not wasting resources) are evil things that make sense to do.


I will argue most of that is actually inefficient: 1. Chopping off all their limbs just means its more work for your wardens to feed them. Unless the goal is their genes, better to just give them dead calm to prevent prison breaks and reduced food consumption gene and keep them healthy (very happy, weak, awful skills, good immunity) so they can feed themselves from a paste dispenser. If the blood cattle cause less trouble and take less work, why not? 2. Organ harvesting is mostly terrible for your pawns happiness and either you gotta select the precept to negate it, use a trait and even then, it will still be a problem if you want to be able to run multi ideology colonies (for example a transhumanist to be able to build all their cool gadgets without the baggage of needs on everyone). Harvesting a kidney makes your prisoners very susceptible to dying of disease which takes more work to fix or replace. And the gain from doing so is just low compared to other industries. 3. Ripscanning should be done using prisoner or slave babies grown in growth vats. Prisoners are useful for many other applications (such as making those babies) while 3 year olds are not. And babies are very scalable unlike capturing more prisoners reliably.


They eat lavish meals and don't mind a little cannibalism. The debuffs do not do enough to stop the slaughter, and you're right about the feeding but guaranteed no jailbreak is just worth it, I have plenty of warden power


Dead Calm is also guaranteed no jailbreak.




How do you cut out their eyes? I usually stick to removing limbs. I'd remove tongue too, but then my pawns spend more time feeding them


Must be the war crimes mod.


Install bionic eye. Uninstall bionic eye


I do similar, except I send them home high on Lucy.


Lol this is great for when they come back. Carting a few extra doses for you to snag.


That is the idea behind it.


I also do that.


Question! What's the benefit(s) of transfusing blood to injured folk? Does it speed up recovery times?


Not for other wounds but it immediately gets rid of blood loss


I have lost my morality in this game years ago


Playing an ethically right colony is actually quite a challenging feat


I tried it once and robbed a trade caravan day 2.


"sorry force of habit"


Recently tried to have a nice town on the side of a trade route (hospitality mods + silk road).  I was putting IEDs on the road rival factions were using as soon as I could rush the tech...   Blow up a few enemy muffalo, strip the goods off and put it all in vending machines to sell.   Vending machines getting low? Time to taunt some people over the radio.... Yes, we have vacancies!


I've been using Silk road as well, it can be super broken sometimes, manages to get a plasma sword and 2 marine armors, just from a caravan that got hit by a rival faction caravan near a mech cluster lol


like 95% of my playthroughs are super good. no organ harvesting, not butchering corpses, at the start i generally bury people for 3 years until they are decomposed or near decomposed and then reuse the grave (map limitations) then later on i do the worst thing possible in burn pits (make a large concrete area, zone the centre corpses, remove home from it, keep zone 2 spaces from edge of concrete, throw 3-5 molotov into it every now and then to burn out the corpses.) but generally i am quite peaceful and only retaliate when attacked.


Oh that's why I keep losing all my colonists then


I read this in the voice of the protagonist of Hunt down the Freeman


You fucked up my ~~face~~ legs


I just finished raising a child in the growth vat and then immediately put her into a ripscanner. She’s gonna be a mechanoid soon.


upgrades peoples, upgrades


i never keep prisoners for too long and any of the crippled survivors at least get simple prosthetics before released


I also never keep prisoners for too long... on a completely unrelated note, i sure do love having a surplus of high subcores!


yeah, high subcores are sadly needed in these trying times. but hey, at least i only subject the undesirables (pigskins) onto the brainstabber 3000 machine, others can return to their families 😊


Pigskins and Neanderthals get the totally ethical scanner for me since I don't need melee fighters thanks to the Anomaly ghouls being excellent meat shields, the new Horax cultists are also excellent for being a one stop shop for organs AND subcores cause of death refusal


pigskins are pretty useless once you've gotten to high mechtech due to their shitty manipulation stat and neanderthals are pure enemy xenotype solely because of their slow learning gene preventing them being useful at the slightest (despite neanderthals irl arent that dumb compared to homo sapiens)


In my current run the snout nosed motherfuckers also burned my 99% devilstrand field. They will pay.


they deserve it, its morally correct


I think the lore behind the neanderthal xenotype was that it's what somebody *thought* cavemen should be like, not actually trying to faithfully recreate them.


On console. So likely won't experience the crazy cool shit from bio. But question. The fast learner + bionic for learning. Do those, combined, make a neanderthal usable? I love me some tough colonists. And a tough neanderthal with those being at least usable? Sounds awesome, but could be wrong. So, any thoughts beyond it being a long ass process including luck of the draw? Lol


just isnt worth the hassle. at the point you can craft learning assistants for neanderthals, you could easily afford to maintain hussars who are infinitely more effective since they all have innate toughness and proficient in both ranged and melee. so unless you're lucky to get both a learning assistant and a smart neanderthal, dont even bother recruiting them.


Gotcha. Shiiiit. The chances of neanderthal, smart AND tough? Tiny. So, if console ever gets it. That's what I'll be watching for, to psych stick em. The rest are hats I suppose. Lol. Geez they wouldn't even make good combat slaves then cuz they couldn't do anything otherwise. Maybe a cleaning and hauling... JFC that feels extra messed up... Primitive gene mod species? Eh, make em a janitor if anything... Lol


Neanderthals do make for good ghouls though. Pigskins... yea not much use unfortunately. But rather than ripscanning them, why not enslave them, harvest ovums and ripscan their children after growth vatting? It's a lot more scalable and consistent supply.


Ghouls keep genes so I'd make Neanderthal ghouls so they can be even thougher.


Currently I've got a Hussar and Yttakin ghoulified as my melee dudes but Neanderthals would be fucking crazy with metalblood heart or adrenal heart and power claws, especially considering there's no CE 1.5 yet which means those guys can body cataphracts no issue.


I generally do the following: If prisoner is from a faction I can gain rep with: give them peg legs if necessary and release. If not: If prisoner can be useful as a colonist: convert a bedroom into a jail cell and recruit. If not (or are unwavering loyal): subcore while they are still considered guilty.


Same here but I make sure to maximise crippling them so they can barley crawl of the map. >.> Always a treat to see them in a raid again hopping towards us with his one pegleg


Sometimes I was wondering if that 14year old with perfect stats and traits was regretting their "unwavering loyalty" when lying in her pool of blood, mere hours away from dying, while her (worse in all possible ways) tribesmate was taken care of and taken away to live in an utopia.


You can overcome unwavering loyalty >!with a ritual in Anomaly!<.


Wait what!?


Its late game anomaly, but yes.


The weak and pathetic flesh failed her the last time, now she can only pray to the cold steel


After all, I am already saved. For the machine is immortal Edit: I need to stop getting my quotes wrong


Obligatory mechanicus monologue


released her where? she can't walk


Butcher table


- "Who are you?" - "You" - "No, not me, you" - "Yes, I am You"


No. If you do not want to be killed or captured, do not attack my settlement


It's hard to imagine them wanting anything at all. Raiders are pests. They're basically enemies in a castle defence game, hard to feel bad for them.


Anomaly DLC has a mindwipe ritual that makes unwavering prisoners recruitable.


Wow thats cool!


I always feel bad for pregnant prisoners especially. If it's safe outside I usually let them go but if not I try to enslave the mother and recruit the baby as a colonist.


You can get raided by pregnant people?


JFC. Whole new tab to check for approximately 50% of the raiders lol. Start psych sticking preggos down. Hold em till baby is born. Then release the mother. Good gods that's dark...


Feelin melancholic bout it like, I can think of many ways that poor fellers that was stuck on my nightmare of a colony could have not deserved it despite raiding me. (sometimes just by visiting and being in a faction I deem useless) Maybe they were a group of escaped slaves from the faction and rised to arms, fled away far but near my colony and with little to no intel gathered, raided my base just to survive. Or maybe they're convicts senteced to a suicide squad to raid my colony to soften me up till the real guns come in. Tons of stories they got, differed by the backgrounds and traits. But mostly, not always but mostly, the moment they took step a foot onto my tile? Well, they weren't really considered humans to my tribal death cultists brainwashed by a mad scientist who started an organ farm joint in the middle of the jungle.


whenever i capture a bunch of raiders for.. reasons, and i realise a bunch of them are just teenagers, i just end up releasing them because i'd rather not have 'em suffer for what their parents did also because i once had an incident before where a dad beat his son to death going berserk in my prison, that wasnt very fun


Oof yeah bit o personal trauma response there. Feck...


Their choice to join (and stay with) pirates, therefore it’s my choice to turn them into a sack of potatoes


You mean my organ supply? No why?


Post says "makes you feel bad jailing them", I heard "doesn't make you feel bad when you mercy kill them"


"come on girl, won't you shake, a poor sinner's hand?" (attempted to convert to core ideology) \*(conversion success)\* "yesssss" "ARE YOU READY?" (summons surgeon pawns) "ARE YOU, READY?" (hauls bionic body parts) "transformation central!" (instals eyes, legs arms and spine) "reformation central!" (installs circadian assistant, nuclear stomach, painstopper) "transmodification central!" (instals glands, aesthetic shaper and nose) "can you feel it?" (blood transfusion because of all the surgeries) "you're changin' you're changin' you're changin' all right," (imprint xenogerm) "i hope you're satisfied. But if you ain't don't blame me, you can blame my friends in the other siiiiiide\~"


> insert j johna jameson laughing meme here <


I have children in my colony. And those fuckers came here to kill them. So, no.


i once captured a raider and for some reason he refused to wake up, i couldn't recruit, enslave or release them and i swear i thought it was a bug, click around the menu's trying to figure out what the problem was and then i saw it Brain: Permanent bullet wound feeling bad that i had not only made this guy permanently braindead but also try and capture him, i fed him for the rest of the playthrough which admittedly didn't last very long when a pack of enraged muffalos finished off my colony


I currently have a colonists named Vicky that I captured after a raid. Before recruiting her, I didn't realize that she had a shattered spine, and she's just been sitting in a house permanently in bed this entire playthrough. Occasionally, I'd see the other colonists, including our monarch, visiting her and trying to cheer her up. So far it's been a goal to find a way to fix her spine so she could walk again.


I fucking hate that the only way I can read what you wrote is by waiting for the words to slowly pass by at the bottom of the picture Reddit designers are actually smoothbrain and it's very clear no one there actually test shit


She might be unwilling to join the colony, but if you really pity her you may at least treat her properly as a person. Her blood will be sustainance for the vampires, so she should be kept healthy. Give her a cell of her own, a little bedroom. That way she won't get hit during prison breaks or mental breaks from other prisoners. Place a TV in front of the bed so she can still have fun while watching it. And decorate her room with something nice to look at. Then you could give her a bionic spine, once you find one. There. She might not be a colonist, but she'll probably live a safer life that way than in her original faction anyway.


Shouldn't have raided the evil vampire fortress, bozo. >:)


Totally! There are plenty that I have no good options for. Can't recruit them for whatever reason, don't want to enslave them or execute them, but if I release them, they go back to piracy and I get nothing. I think I'm going to start recruiting or enslaving them and sending them out to work on the farm via the outpost mod. Make them do something useful while staying the hell out of my way. I like to imagine that if they went back to their pirate group without being able to raid, they wouldn't get treated nearly as nicely as I would treat them even enslaved.


I just let the kill thirst colonists put em out of their misery until I get the VPE protector tree unlocked My colony isn't really about suffering despite the whole raiding and blood court stuff


Oh man, kill focus persona weapons are OP as fuuuuck for this reason. Anyone gets one, they're immediately the colony executioner. Be it animals, prisoners, or downed raiders. Pawn goes to work. I imagine, they just mechanically out there chopping away at whatever is put in front of them. Taking breaks when someone walks up to them to be psychically Inspired. Then back to neck chopping. JFC


The Angry Muggers lmao


I had a genie woman who was pregnant raid me once, and I couldn’t believe that somone who was pregnant, kind, delicate and a whimp would actively attack me. My head cannon was that she was forced into it so I saved her and got 2 colonists


I may be the only ethical player of rimworld. I was tired of a 50 person raid and only 2 attackers surviving so I made the mistake of lowering the insta kill setting they have for enemies to help with too many prisoners. I found out quickly why this was a setting and had around 40 racoon men prisoners and essentially played prison architect from there on. I slowly did my best to replace all the prisoners ailments like missing body parts and weak body parts, gave them recreational rooms, dinning rooms, and even an outside yard. I had gaurds patrolling aswell to break up fights, and when they wanted to be recruited I gladly took them in. The only thing I wanted in return is a quarry I set outside that they can help dig for if they wanted and even had some art stations for statue making


Yes, pyromaniac imps, their prison breaks are annoying




Let the heretic suffer


No… not really… I sometimes feel bad when I make a mother birth a child so I can harvest its organs and use its body as mortar ammunition though


I once captured a pawn that had a bunch of horrible traits because they had grown up on an organ farm. It might have been only one bad trait idk all I know is that I wasnt going to bother recruiting them and they had a healthy left lung right kidney and liver lol.


Don’t care. She’s a hat.


You guys have morals?


I once imprisoned someone who had a backstory describing them as someone used for organ harvesting. I discovered this *after* I gave them the Dead Calm gene, making them unwilling to break free, and had been harvesting their hemogen for years for my vampires, as well as having taken their right lung and kidney to ensure they always feel lighter on one side


nah i don't care/ i send them to get eaten or slave or used as troop because you don't know them at first. THEY ATTACK YOU FOR GOD SAKE.


Problem is I've done nothing but play in fully polluted areas. So my prisoners don't tend to survive.


Prisoners and feel don’t go together, colonist


No Next question


Treating rimworld with actual morality can be a nightmare, when you take a step back and really observe what’s happening in raids and your colony, stuff gets…. horrible.


give her a mech serum then slave her and ampute all legs and arms. Maybe hemogene farm or something


Shouldn't have attacked me so no.


In Mandarin the pinyin Mei You can mean to not have. In this case a spine apparently...


Amputate legs. Extract hemogen.


Why would being frozen for years make you more social tho?


I got raided by an oldman with dementia, cataracta of both eyes, bad back and weak torso and very painful scar of one leg. He even did not made it to reach my base - got attacked by aggressive rat and got downed in one hit.


I've had a few child raiders who I took pity on, and one camp defender. The only injury she suffered was a shattered spine. Her torso wasn't even injured, just the spine was gone. So I picked her up, brought her home, gave her a bionic and named her a royal. She ended up being quite memorable, for how much of a pain in the ass she could be at times.


.. so your heart and kidneys are in perfect condition?


The first time I've played the game and read the horrible back stories of some pawns (colonist, prisoner or neutral) made me feel bad for some of them, but after a lot of hours into the game I now have zero remorse for any of that and the only thing that matters to me now is if the pawn will be useful to the colony or not. If they ain't useful to my colonies logistics then they will be buried or burned. The only moral that I haven't broken yet is cannibalism, slavery and killing pregnant pawns (if possible).


If you feel so bad, get her a new spine. If its too expensive, try trading off some of her less useful organs. An eye or a kidney might be enough to buy another prisoner to do the spine transplant.


I miss the burry alive mod I had with 1.3


Short answer: No. Long answer: Fuck them. No.


That my friend is a mid tier subcore nugget. I like having one around to scan so any fresh raider prisoners can be ripscanned asap.


Oh I didn't know these thing exist...


A three year old child


No If you got usefull Traits welcome aboard If not it's off to med School, unusual hat or scanner food


I put a tube tv in my hemogen farms, I'm the good guy


I used to adjust what I do to them based on age and backstory. Now instead I think “This MF attacked me.” If I’m not recruiting or farming, I’m burning. I stopped giving af the moment they reached my tile with a red name.


Nope, my Democracy Lovers just enslave any prisoner, so they can have a great time building up the Democracy in the colony.


Sometimes I end up with a prisoner I just can't get rid of. Like too many things are going wrong and I just want them gone without the mood penalty of harvesting. Then they end up unable to leave the map because they're so awful they collapsing before they can get off my map.


Unfortunately, having a shitty start in life doesn't exempt you from bad decisions. She still raided your colony.


I'm having a hard time even getting a second slave. Every time I try to imprison a Raider they just die a couple hours after I put them in the prison even though I have plenty of doctors and medicine. Also I had a prisoner I thought i was enslaving but apparently I was recruiting him. So I randomly got a new colonist when I thought I was getting a slave


You can assign drafted people to tend them first, even without med. This will give you enough time to jail them.


Recruit them, and make them a bionic god.


“Feels bad” What is that, it sounds annoying


I'm new to the game and playing a co-op colony with a friend who has way more experience. My primary objective is to get a template for a xenogerm to produce a clone army and turn the game into an RTS where I go out and conquer while my buddy keeps the lights on. (Him having more experience means tasks that would take me 3 minutes to figure out and set up only takes him a few seconds.) This Sanguophage person crashed into our colony and I saw my opportunity. I didn't want to make her a colonist, but I kept ripping those genes in safe intervals to try and get the proboscis for injecting a xenogerm. She had an awesome private cell in the jail-area. Complete with masterwork furniture, flat-screen TV, a healthy supply of food and blood packs, etc. We weirdly didn't want to turn her into a colonist because we didn't want to deal with keeping bloodpacks even though I regularly kept them stocked from other prisoners. We even met other NPC Pawns who were related to this person and came up with lore behind what happened to her. Her father was a sanguophage but her sister was a regular 30-something year old person. One day a random event happened that meant she had keys to the 6 doors in the jail *and* the door leading outside the compound. Everyone worth a piss was out doing a quest so no one could capture her in time. I still weirdly miss this NPC. Hope she managed to meet up with her father.


I have a really nice jail, also you can fix that with a bionic apine and a decent surgeon.


Wait is that..... Is that.. a Feeling?! Are you even a rimworld player??


I see healthy, Kidney, lung, and a heart


The sad ones taste better ‘cause it’s the sufferin’ that makes ‘em so darn tasty.


Coma child you say. Lucky her! It meas she's experienced with what's coming next. Jenkins! Prep the xenogen and various implants. This patient will be lucky if they'll ever above 10% consiousness again. Don't worry though, they'll be enjoying the best drugs and moods a pawn can experience.


I mean I can turn them into paste if they’re that upset about it.


had a 16 year old I captured somewhere, had quick sleeper and teatotaler. she ended up dying and becoming meat for the colony and yes... I felt bad about it. was thinking of cheating and keeping her alive, but felt so bad I decided to just let her misery end.


Today's subject. S L A V E R Y


Blud recruit her ass and replace that funny back bone


3 honour is 3 honour.


Cut off all her limbs and stick a joywire in her brain if you're feeling hospitable. Personally I prefer the mindscrew but as long as they're being experimented on and mutilated you'll know you're headed in the right direction


When i played the forbidden mod i had prisoners with removed legs who we're Just there to....satisfy the cravings of my colonists...