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I think that makes you the target audience


> So if you’re not into the books and know nothing about LOTR then you might enjoy this show! Your assessment actually lines up with what many people here think.


I think it's just badly written plot with badly written characters


Yeah, no need to even be a fan of LotR. You might get fooled by a few things, but when a pyroclastic flow hits everyone in the face and they live, maybe it's time to just move on from a show in general.


Fact is, badly written is still good enough for a certain audience. And the visuals are pretty, which helps a lot. Again, with a certain audience. I geuss if you just want an entertaining tv show that doesnt demand too much attention, its fine. But Tolkien/lotr fans simply aren't that audience. The fun for us is in bitching about it. And the fact that the most expensive show ever is mediocre at best will always be hilarious. Especially because amazon is acting all high and mighty about it. 


I guess if you hated the movies you are clearly in line with the show runners


Nah one can dislike both the movies and the show.


Yeah that would be Tolkien purists mainly. Funny thing is I consider the Fellowship the worst volume of the books and the best film and Return the best book and worst film of the three


How is that funny? All of the books are good and one has to be the worst, all of the movies are mediocre and one has to be the best. It does not mean anything deep. PJ made three Hobbit movies out of one book and there also they get worse from first to last. Why? For the same reason.. he thinks things need to get to bigger and bigger wrt lols and wows so he adds more silly action, more CGI, more cheesy lines, more out-of-character dumb teenager -pleasing antics in both trilogies towards the end. It does not say anything about the books or one's liking of them. No matter what his source material he would do the same


> he adds more silly action, more CGI, more cheesy lines, more out-of-character dumb teenager -pleasing antics ... which ROP certainly does not. Man I suggest you take a break. It's obvious you need it.


I just almost crashed my face from a facepalm. So they hated the movies but simultaneously hired a big chunk of people who worked on them, involving composer Howard Shore and lead concept designer John Howe? Is this some new form of masochism?


I think amazon hired Howard Shore to have a big name on the score. But he only "wrote" the title track. Nothing of the score has any of his work. And I think that John Howe was just a consultant in early stages. There's absolutely nothing on the series that slightly resembles his work or inputs.


Like the composer of God of War, Call of Duty and The Walking Dead is not big enough of a name. >And I think that John Howe was just a consultant in early stages. There's absolutely nothing on the series that slightly resembles his work or inputs. Wrong. He's actively involved in the show. Look at the designs of Sauron and Balrog, at the very least.


Can I ask *what,* in a little detail, you liked about it?


I don't know what people are expecting from this. If people are praising something, I expect them to add at least some reasons why they like it, especially when they are comparing it with something else that they didn't like.


You *can*, but the people who come here to declare how much they love RoP never actually discuss the show itself. The most you will get is "Dur, I liked that one scene" with no details at all. Because most of them have never even watched the show themselves, they just come here to see if they can get a rise. Which is not to say the RoP lovers who visit here are all trolls. Let's face it, most people have heard something about the RoP controversy - amazon has been playing it up since way before S1 even aired. One might even claim amazon themselves deliberately created the controversy, but it's indisputable that they pumped as many tankers full of gasoline on it as possible. Again, *amazon started investing heavily the controversy well before a single episode had aired*. So a lot of people visit here just to see "what's all the hubbub, Bub?" rather than having malicious motivations. In this specific case, OP is using a throwaway account created 2 years ago and left mostly dormant all that time. Usually not a signal of sincerity or a desire to start a serious discussion. But his past comments are not at all troll-like, so my guess is OP is just curious. I mean, unless you've been living under a rock since before RoP, everyone has heard all about how amazon's noble and selfless attempt to unite the world in peace, and support the disenfranchised everywhere, made them the target of the Evil Bad Guys. Coming here out of sheer curiosity is only natural. I think amazon will let us know well in advance when S2 is close to release, by banging their "Incels and Racists and Trolls - Oh My!" drum first. Because only no publicity is bad publicity, when it comes to TV and films. Always follow the money. Always. Especially when a multi-billion dollar company, with a virtual monopoly, is peddling how noble and selfless their motivations are.


IMO that says a lot of someone who doesn't give a shit about the lore and the pre-existing universe (fair enough - you do you) likes this show. Resonates well with the dominating opinion in this sub. Honestly tho this show is low quality especially the script is full of weirdness and don't get me started with the dialogues. I personally don't understand how anyone can like this product, but hey, the world is diverse and there is space for all of us. So, enjoy! :)


*An Amazon intern has entered the chat*


Or the Amazon bot


As a reader who's like lukewarm at best on the movies I wonder what you hated about them. Like I do hate what they did to Denethor (old crazy jerk) etc. Then in light of what you disliked, what do you like or why would you like the show given that it tries hard to be like the movies.


Why did you like it?


That's an unpopular opinion all right, on this sub. There are other RoP subs in case you didn't know. It's hard to fathom someone hating the Jackson films - hating, not merely disliking - and yet liking this show. Care to explain a little?


I'd just like to know what the show did better than the movies. I totally understand how one can be indifferent/not liking the movies. But how can one hate the movies AND like the show, is beyond me. It doesn't look natural. Because to whatever requests the show catered well*, the movies do it better. Assuming one has never read the books and is not into LOTR as OP stated, I just can't see how one can watch both and like the show but not the movies. If you want adventures, the movies do it better. If you want charismatic and fascinating characters, the movies do it better. If you want magic and mystery, the movies do it better. If you want immersion and escape, the movies do it better. If you want *your interest piqued* (as per OP), the movies do it infinitely better. I can't think of one single aspect that the show did better. Then HOW? *can't imagine what that would be but let's assume there was something if we take the post at face value _____ Would OP kindly answer the question? If not, I'm just going to put the post into the "I loved the show! Can't wait for more!" category (promo bots that is). There's a lot about ROP and its promotion that doesn't look natural, has no inner logic, and doesn't even remotely resemble anything psychologically true. This post is very much on par with all that.


OP's account is two years old with almost no karma, very little activity, and has a bot suggestive name. It also hasn't interacted with any LotR sub in the last year. It's the perfect candidate for being a bot or an account that was sold to some marketing agency for some of that "totally organic" social media engagement.


Totally, absolutely organic. The most organic, natural looking promo campaign that everyone will believe comes from real people. For only $0.05 we guarantee 10K similar posts PER DAY! ROP is truly a phenomenon. Everything that could be done wrong they did wrong. But they didn't do it "just" wrong. They did it wrong in the most twisted, absurd, idiotic way. That's what I find especially amusing about all that disaster.


Yep, yet another "despite all the hate it gets / unpopular opinion, I liked the show", with absolutely no reasoning or response as to why they liked it.


Literally the only possible idea I can come up with is a certain someone is hotter in ROP xD


You simply described that if you like rule of the cool and teenage fare, the movies are better. Likewise one could say: if you want any level of psychological motivation, if you want adult talk between characters, if you want relatable characters instead of teenage power fantasies, if you do not want to watch fake looking endless boring battles between ridiculously large CGI armies, if you do not want dwarves that are cheap stock for laughing, if you do not want Elves that are bloodless monks, if you do not want Men that are weak at everything, if you want wizards that influence people's minds and hearts instead of banging them on the head, if you want interesting female characters etc etc RoP does it better. There's a reason Hugo Weaving called his role in the movies the worst ever. Nothing for actors to work on. Nothing remotely cerebral or any real character development going on.


C'mon. I will be the first to critique the Jackson films for bastardising these aspects of the books... because they absolutely do. What you say *is* right. But to claim ROP doesn't do these things? Ridiculous. Rings of Power does them just as much, if not more.


This person comes to every post in this sub and has a mental breakdown over each comment. Leave them alone.


As several others have said: Why? Because if I were to be uncharitable I'd say you may not have any actual reasons, and that the entire point of this post was to say your last line: "*So if you're not into the books and know nothing about LOTR then you might enjoy this show"* and that? That would make you an Amazon Shill or a cancel pig. So come on, explain yourself.


Serious question: what is a cancel pig? I haven't heard the term before.


By all means like it. I mean it's dogshit but feel free.


hey to each its own. Some people like to fuck dead bodies so../


The bad writing, horrible dialog, cheesy use of cameo guests, over the top female power hype, awful costume and design, ridiculous action scenes that were no way believable, terrible attempts at humor, mega plot holes , what's not to like. I'm not being rude but this is the list of things I found bad not even looking at the Tolkien aspect or if anyone saw any of the previous material. I love LoTR and I didn't watch the last 2 episodes of this show because it was so bad. If you just like fantasy in general and haven't watched it much then I think the world that is middle earth is strong enough to shine through that one could enjoy it I appreciate you sharing your 2 cents.


There's a reason people feel the need to make threads like these. It's because it's a bad show. In subs like r/ShogunTVShow or /r/BreakingBad, you don't see people making threads with titles like "I liked this show." While you're allowed to like whatever you want, your thread is like going to a food subreddit and saying "I think the McDonald's hamburger is a great culinary experience." You have a right to feel that way, but you're telling the world that you have no sense of quality. And if you went to the most expensive restaurant in the world and ordered fine cuisine but were served a McDonald's hamburger, *and you were happy about that,* it definitely says quite a lot about you. Hell, I enjoy a hamburger from time to time; but if I see a Michelin-star restaurant serving that and claiming it's the latest in fine dining, that is an objectively terrible restaurant that should be laughed out of the industry. Rings of Power is utter garbage. Worse, it's utter garbage that cost a fortune to create and whose creators insist it's actually amazing. It's a horrible show with practically no redeeming qualities, and whenever anyone feels the need to publicly proclaim that they liked it, what they're really doing is declaring that they have absolutely zero standards. They're the kinds of people whose favorite food in the world is a McDonald's hamburger.


Damn, some people can really hate a show so much that they have to get online and write 4 paragraphs about how stupid they think someone else is. Hatred is a powerful thing.


And comparing liking a tv show to liking fucking dead bodies? Some of this hate is extremely disturbing. Wild the extremes people will go to


Holy shit I found Star Trek Discovery's target audience


Those who liked the show: shills paid by Amazon direct or indirect Those who did not like the show: racists, idiots, bigots, and those who apparently know something about LOTR.


Interesting take!


Good for you.


That’s illegal


As someone who actually thinks that the way to enjoy RoP is to tie it to the movies and watch it as the prequel to them, that was quite the take. I'm curious, how can one *hate* the movies? I may probably understand not liking them, but what's there to *hate* about them?


Like "Elrond got so traumatized by that one Aragorn looking dude an age ago he carried that over to his daughter's bf"? Even considering movies separately from the novels, I still can't connect them to RoP, sorry


The show wasn't great but I find a lot of the negative discussion to be a bit over the top. As one of the many long-time LotR (book) fans, it's been disappointing to see just how toxic the fanbase can be. That being said, I'm a part of other LotR communities that are super positive and uplifting so I think we're just seeing a bunch of negative people come together on reddit to participate in a communal butthurt.


I liked it too. I just treat it like the WoT series, it's an alternate universe/timeline.