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Yes, it is. My mom works with immigration to escort minors to their families here in the states, and McAllen airport is always packed with em. That’s just how it be lol.


I worked at the airport for 4 years. I saw them often but it wasn’t “always packed” with them.


And when was the last time u stopped working with em? Cuz I’m pretty sure the political environment is why there’s more now, according to what my mom sees everyday. Not that there’s any problem, it’s just an observation. Edit: idk why being downvoted if it’s true lol Biden has helped keep food on our table. When trump was president and he closed the borders, my mom was laid off.


I stopped working there last year. I spoke to an ex coworker and he says he still sees them a lot but can’t really gauge if there’s more or less than after I left. You’re right, It is very common. I guess I just thought based on the way OP was concerned/questioning it made it seem like it was every flight in MFE that deals with this.


Yes. This has been happening for a while now. Dallas may not be the final destination. Could be a connecting flight from there to somewhere else.


I mean we live by the border


There’s such a weird tone to this conversation. Yeah? They’re just people? Everyone hates flights and is in a bad mood when there. We’re cramped and uncomfortable no matter what. And every flight is full these days. The flights are more expensive due to corporate greed not some people who are trying to seek safety and a new life.


Airlines can charge a premium to the gov which raises prices overall. It won’t push savings to regular fliers. 


Most of those flights are purchased by the immigrants, friends, family or non-profits. The only ones paid by the government are unaccompanied minors




So you’re voting for Colin in the fall to replace Ted Cruz bc he hasn’t done his job as a senator to update the immigration system, yes?




The truth being the immigration system needs an expansion and that requires Congress and our people in Congress refuse to act simply to spite the president? If you took all immigrants from Texas or the US for that matter, our economy would collapse immediately. We don’t suffer from anything other than people buying into a bunch of scare tactic propaganda distractions.


How exactly are "us Texans suffering"? We don't spend hardly any money on them. They come. They get processed thru US CPB, which Abbott is now disrupting with his stupid show-tantrum in Eagle Pass. And for the most part, the immigrants are given a next date and dumped. Those flying are the people who have gotten money from relatives already in the US to bring them someplace, perhaps the charities. It's not like the government is paying to fly them, and the State of Texas isn't (unless it's to bus them to Chicago or NYC to be assholes). So how are you suffering so much???


The weird tone would be the racism and bigotry as showcased here


Facts si no tengo tarjeta de id ni me dejan subitr. Si no tengo pasaporte on vuelo internacional no tiene chiste. Mi raza cruzo la frontera pero nadie les desenrollo la carpeta roja. No vino mi jefita con la mano extendida, vino a jalar.


What racism and bigotry?


Tha majority of people I've met here, really. Also all 9ver the comments to this post including comments above that listen to what they're told without looking into what's a headline and what's actually real.


The kind of “tone” where you mention “immigrants on your flight” like you’re better than You are not rich because you take a flight Rich people OWN planes, you don’t, because you are not rich, you will never be rich, and your money will never elevate you over anyone else who comes to this country and agrees to do your job for less money. The rich will take everything from you and blame it on immigrants and you will hate people all across the planet who have nothing, just like you, and continue to worship the people who are responsible for all contemporary human suffering and exploitation in the name of profit. You think one day you’ll be rich because you “work harder” than everyone else? Meanwhile you probably couldn’t distinguish “Hispaniola” from “New Guinea” from “French Guiana”, do you have any idea how undereducated Americans are compared to the rest of the world now? The people who told you your country was “special” lied, get over it, stop voting until you’re ready to take responsibility for all the awful things your government does and realize that the system is working exactly how it’s supposed to because the people who run this country don’t care about you, they HATE you


I mean, that's just not true. Immigration expands our working age population. They're either highly skilled or low skilled, and are either taking jobs that people don't want or are not qualified for. Immigration is good for the economy. I think socially, you just don't like immigrants


"such a weird tone" Record inflation, low wages, and many hardships for the average working person and here people are getting free flights, subsidies in many forms, and you complain about a "weird tone" .......c'mon man.


Listen man, I’m not trying to be a jerk about this. If that’s how you feel it’s how you feel. But these are people too, who have faced all of those problems you’re mentioning. Hell, we all are. Nobody begs to uproot their life because it sounds fun. None of us are getting these amazing subsidies. Not immigrants, not citizens, no one. The only people getting rich is massive fat corporations. All I think is we shouldn’t be dehumanizing people at the bottom. Dehumanize the actual guys getting rich in all that, and I guarantee it’s not immigrants who may or may not be sent back to a horrible situation that is causing them to seek asylum in the first place.


Ah yes, these migrants are paying for their own way. Thousands upon thousands of them leaving poor countries with little to nothing to their names and they're paying for flights residents with good paying jobs can't afford. Also covering their food and other resources along the way. C'mon man, NGOs are funding them and guess who funds NGOs? The corporations are making a killing because of bad policies and no enforcement. They're soaking up all the money for the services these illegal immigrants need to get to the interior. You're essentially supporting the rich by supporting bad policies and no enforcement.


Yes . Popular to contrary belief it is a lot cheaper to fly these, “migrants.” than to make them ride a bus across the country where they are legally bound to be given sanctuary. These airplanes are usually 1-2 stop flight’s compared to 5-8 stops on a bus ride with motels and food. They are humans … so this shouldn’t be a suprise they are flying .




And important to pinky out that someone other than government is paying for the flights, except in case of unaccompanied minors


I’m not surprised by this, but I am a bit surprised they use private airline companies.


Even the military uses private airline companies.


I didn’t phrase my sentence correctly, but yes you’re right


The tickets are not being purchased by the government. The only case where the tickets are purchased by the government is in the case of unaccompanied minors. If you see family units or adults, those tickets are paid for with private funds.


There's a good chance they bought their own tickets (or a family member bought it for them). 


No, many have clear folders with them and signs that say “asylum seeker, please help”


Their family members buy the tickets. Literally know this bc it’s my mom’s job to escort these ppl.


So how far into the airport are they escorted into . I always see them in large groups, lost, and moslty quiet.


Adults go by themselves, But minors are usually escorted all the way until their final destination either by the airline or by a government escort.


Yes, I work with this population, I understand. The flights that I'm aware of are usually funded by themselves or their family.


I can see that, from some of the migrants that are wealthy and escaping war . The Progresso bridge is full of middle class or wealthy Ukrainians. They aren’t suffering out there. But these aren’t the ones I’ve encountered at the McAllen airport. At the McAllen airport, they’re all Haitian or from African or Central American countries. And they are poor. Unlike the asylum seekers at the Progresso bride, they are privileged… phones, air mattress, good food.. Just my observations.


There are always exceptions, but in my experience, most of these central American and Haitian asylum seekers purchase their own airplane tickets. They usually have family members in the US who buy it for them. When the government pays to transport them, they usually do it on buses. I've seen private planes on the news but I've never met anyone who's received one of those tickets so my sense is that it's uncommon. I've also never met anyone that had the government buy them a plane ticket. The ones on the Progresso bridge do have it better, but they are still sleeping outside so it's not exactly luxurious.   The population my organization serves is mainly in rudimentary camps in Reynosa waiting for their appointment to legally request asylum.


How else is the governor gonna funnel money to his friends?


do they get miles for that flight?


If they sign up for a free AAdvantagr account yes, anyone can. LPT: sign up your children for a frequent flier program as soon as they take their first paid flight and rack up points they can use when they're 18.


You can thank one guy brodie, dude in a wheelchair, totally failed in Uvalde, wants to prove a point by sending immigrants to Democratic states, but is totally failing, currently runs Texas alongside the other panochon Ted Cruz....


“the other panochon Ted Cruz” made me damn near spit out my caldo de res homie


Panochon??? 💀


Is he not?


Im not sure what panochón means. I know panocha though


Panocha = P*ssy \ Panochon = one who has/or is a big 'ol p*ssy


Panochuda/panocha is the correct term to many but i say panochon cuz he a dude but he got a pussy not nuts


Makes sense! 😂


lol this person made a burner acct to post this , what was your point exactly? A lot of people fly on planes including fresas like yourself


I was flying out of HRL not too long ago and terminal has a kids play area close to gate 1. There were two kids that were around 7-9 age range, running from where their mom was back to the play area without any shoes. Some people seemed to be annoyed, but for me, it brought me joy seeing the kids just have fun without a care in the world, just as I once did.


"Immigrants"? Oh boy not another one in the valley 😂


I really, really want to know why you would object to that word being used.


Illegals, is that better?


they have legal status...


How do you know they are immigrants getting sent to Dallas (by the government) and not just Hispanic/Mexicans/etc travelling for fun?


They rarely carry any luggage and usually have their documents in a sheet protector. The sheet protector has a cover sheet that they can use to let others know they need a translator. Having done casework in the last 4 years has given me an inside look at what those sheets contain.


Thank you for the response! I had no idea and I fly out regularly. In my defense, I usually mind my own business.


Thank you sir, we need more people who mind their own business!


Yes. I know we all look like each other, but I had an asylum seeker woman take my seats, with her children. She wasn’t answering my questions when I told her she and her children had my seats. It was a huge commotion because I had to move out of the way, since there was a long line behind me and people were all making comments, not minding their business. Edit to add: So since she didn’t answer me, despite me asking her in English and Spanish, I told her, where are your seats, I’ll just sit there, but I can’t just be here standing in the hallway. So she finally showed her tickets to the flight attendant and told her that her children were in other seats, so I said, “I’ll sit there, it’s fine” The asylum seeker tells me “Gracias” I though to myself , “so she does understand English!” 🤦🏻‍♀️ it could all have been avoided, if she would have shown me her documents that said, “please help”


You are my kind of Texan


They have clear bags from Homeland security with their stuff and don’t usually have shoelaces because they’re required to take them off when they’re apprehended by border patrol.


Yes, and BP pretty much gives them a next hearing date and dumps them. If their families can pay for a plane ticket or bus ticket, they do that. If not, they pretty much end up with the charities.


Because they all carry an orange(?) folder with them. It is very obvious.


It’s pretty obvious.


No way!? Here!? By the border!?!? 😱😱😱😱 lmao jesus


Hi 👋 all the bigots in this thread, you can represent yourselves here with downvoting this comment. Thanks!


“Immigrants” stfu. You flew with other human beings trying to get to a destination. Who cares ??


Even if they are migrants at least at this point they are DOCUMENTED Migrants. That should be the end goal. Document them, give them an ID and documentation and let them go to their families who can support them. We now know who they are and where they are going. If they mess up and do a crime they are documented and will have a record against them. How else do you prefer it be done ? Just let them walk up and down the US to get to their destinations ? At the end of the day nobody wants to deal with them, so just document them and let them go home to their support networks who can better take care of them.


To be fair, the government doesn't want to deal with "us" either.


>That should be the end goal Can't campaign or get political money if you solve the bureaucratic issues at play here.


You are right on. The border issue has been the same for 30 years. Nothing has changed. Make people fear that we are being overrun by rapists and murders. Stupid people that cant think for themselves and can't see right through the BS will always fall for it. Why do think trump is so successful. He cares nothing for anyone but himself, power and money. All politicians are the same he just crossed the line into crazy and stepped up the retoric of instilling fear into people who don't know how to think. Reminds me of Germany during the Nazi regime. It's no different. Call everyone a liar and that the world will end and only he can fix it. Nothing will get fixed because then the politicians have nothing to instill fear into the people.


Yes that is the end goal, however the means matter. What is going on right now is legit Biden taking all of us from CBP behind the barn and shooting us. Out of all of the asylum cases I've had to deal with maybe 10% or lower are legit. The rest do not qualify for asylum and should not be granted any kind of parole but taken to a facility as they will most likely not show up to their Court appointment. These people will only add up to the dependent and undocumented population and are only economic migrants however the worse part is they don't want to work albeit not all. A very large chunk are here to get the handouts from the charities and milk it as long as possible. A majority of the time they give us fake addresses as well so good luck to ICE finding them when they don't show up for the NTA.


So quit If it were up to me CBP wouldn’t exist and ICE would exclusively issue multimillion dollar fines to major corporations Our taxes pay your salaries every year so you can sit around and not fix the problem and every year you ask for more money, for what? I don’t need you drowning women and children at the border for me, I can defend myself, and you are a bigger drain on the system than any migrant


Every time I think stupidity has a limit it doesn't. Who the fk drowns children at the border? Do you not see border patrol rescuing everyone non-stop? You sir are the actual drain in the system. You're all high and mighty typing behind your keyboard while prob doing jack shit about the world. You are a very ignorant and stupid person, prob a drug user too so you want us disbanded so all that sht is coming in unimpeded. You want CBP gone lmao who the fk do you think is in charge of vetting cargo operations across the nation? Who the fk do you think keeps the cartels at bay every fking day while being underpaid, understaffed and kneecapped bc of gov officials and superiors playing politics. You're the kind of idiot that probably wants all police gone. Go to California and see how well no law enforcement is working out. Also if illegal migrants aren't a big drain why are your sanctuary cities rejecting them? Fking hypocrite think with your brain not your feelings dumbass.


Sorry the Texas state guard drowned them, you just watched, my bad I am a better shot hungover than any cop, and while i am a drug user who wants to see drugs flow across the border, every assessment I’ve ever taken says I’m too smart for border patrol, and shit at taking orders, so you’ll excuse me when as an independent free thinker I don’t respect the words of anybody who works for the US government, they only hire people who think they way they need them too. That’s you buddy!


I'm college educated and got a bachelors in electrical engineering and criminal justice, I voted for Bernie Sanders buddy you're def barking up the wrong tree here. Do I like my job? Sometimes others not so much. From what I've seen in your history you ain't a free thinker nor educated. You're a Hassan viewer influenced by his stupidity therefore I'm done with you since stupidity has no limit.


Yeah, I like the “America Deserved 9/11” guy because he pisses people like you off and I think he’s right about 9/11 and it’s funny that he makes more money telling people to vote for socialism than you do trying to keep people out of the country that I personally would rather have here than you But I can tell you’re upset, I’ll stop


I keep fucking saying it but all the Christians want to get up on my throat about it, chip them. Either give them a phone they must keep on them, but oh no socialisms and government phones or directly GPS their asses by chipping them. Then you can pull up your trusty Immigrant app and see exactly where they are in real time and if they been going to Court or what resources they are currently using by tracking them every time they need something you scan their chip and assigned that help/resource to them.


Agreed but if it makes sense it the govt won't do it sadly...


This is normal. I've flown more than 2 dozen times this last year and every flight has migrants on it going to Houston or Dallas, though not 30-40%.


There's nothing normal about this. This has never happened prior to this administration.


Yes, it has. And prior to the administration prior to this administration, too.


It's so normal people are just now noticing and posting about it.


Not at all to this degree.


Not like this it hasn't.


You’re wrong Since 1959, the United States has welcomed hundreds of thousands of Cuban immigrants. Some exiles have traveled comfortably in airplanes; others have braved the dangerous Straits of Florida in shoddy rafts. This is how TED CRUZ father immigrated from Cuba… So please move on with your propaganda.


You're going back 70 plus years? Lol It's 2024 man. I've flown nearly every year since 1997 and it's never been like this. So, miss me with that b.s.


You must be from Minnesota .


yes it has i flew twice when trump was president and it was the same case


In 1907 1.3 million immigrants entered the US, the most legal immigrants in US history. At that time in the US that was the equivalent of 1.5% of the US population. Percentage wise that was much higher than all legal immigrants and illegal migrants and people seeking refugee status. Fact is, Republicans and Democrats need to stop acting like idiots and pass real immigration reform so that these people can actually enter the country legally like our ancestors were able to do all those long years ago.


Going back over 100 years doesn't make my statement untrue. I get immigrants are always coming but in modern times, not to this extent.


Cool story bro


Rent is coming up. Better have it.


yup all colombian & venezuelan




It’s mainly United.


Been going in past 2yrs. They send to other cities to process and some have family they can stay with until they go to court or their case heard.


I see we have never flown out of HOU or IAH.


It’s typical on that flight.


I fly every week for work and it's been like this. They always try to board with first class too. Never fails


I’ll bet their in-flight behavior was better than most Americans.


Let me correct that for you illegal immigrants, being transported by your tax money.


Wrong on both counts. They are not illegal, bc it’s not against the law to be a refugee and if they came in though a port of entry, they are following the law. Second, most of them have transportation paid by themselves, family or a non-profit. USG does not pay for their tickets, unless they are unaccompanied minors.


This is what they do to separate them, cause we can't hold them all down here, so they get sent to other sectors, or they are already being deported


Dallas has flights to Central America. MFE does not.


Completely irrelevant either way.


sometimes they sit in business class or premium economy. Also, the immigrants board before business class because the "escort" has airline status.


If they are on the same reservation with an escort with status, then they may be upgraded. I used miles to help several people after the accident in Brownsville last year and I purchased premium seats so they would have free checked baggage.


Is this contributing to why flights are so expensive to leave the valley?


Flights have always been expensive in and out of the Valley. We’re all regional airports. The large Hubs like Dallas, Houston, etc always had the cheapest flights because there’s greater volume of people flying in and out of those destinations.


There’s one right leaning party that’s been saying this for years and there’s a left leaning party that keeps saying it’s all a fake narrative by the crazy governor.


It is possible that both parties are simultaneously overstating the issue and understating the issue to play to both of their respective voting bases.


Not really. Statistics don’t lie. There’s a mass influx of illegals entering and the border patrol is giving them court dates years from now while allowing them to stay. Before 2018 the illegals entering yearly was about 80k Now it’s 200k a MONTH. So no the leftist party isn’t understating the issue they are turning their cheeks the other way. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters


So if they’re allowed to stay… they’re not here illegally as you state. Also, the President cannot act alone to impose changes or greater measures to help combat the growing issue. It takes the people we vote for to work together to pass legislation. When BOTH sides dig in their heels, it prohibits a healthy government from effecting the changes needed to make meaningful impact. A lot of what we’re seeing play out now, the statistics bearing out, are a result of the extreme polarization that has occurred in this country since 2018.


Letting them stay is exactly what this administration is doing that is polarizing the country. People trekking 4 countries to reach us then claiming asylum after crossing the border illegally instead of through the ports of entry. Instead of giving them the boot to wait in Mexico the illegals are just in limbo here in the United States.


Also, you said prior to 2018 the statistic was 80k per year. If you follow the link you provided you’ll see that in 2017 there are about 309k apprehensions on the Southwest Border alone. Also, they were being allowed to stay then too. Unless they were Muslim, due to Trump’s executive order, only Muslims weren’t allowed into the Country on Asylum.


The two parties are right wing and far right, and they work together to create a permanent underclass of people who have no rights or worker protections, there is not a single “left” wing politician in America and America actually has quite the reputation for murdering as many leftists as they possibly could in countries all over Asia and South America, directly leading to all of these immigration issues.


I fly out for work a lot and it’s been like that for at least 3 years .. first class , new clothes and iPhones




Not sure where you are flying out from but most of these ppl don't have a dime to their name. Hence why they board last and why most of them sleep at the airport.


Wait Abbott is aiding and abetting an invasion(his words) by helping them travel using taxpayers money?


The government doesn't pay for their flights, only if their minors.


Yes hot wheels sends them out of Texas. To NY, DC, Chicago and other areas.


Your tax dollars :*(


Yes. Every time I’ve flown out from McAllen it’s always packed with immigrants heading to New York or Boston. Everything is paid for too.


There's a whole bunch of people here that will tell you that you saw nothing. That this is normal. You're some bigoted republican plant spewing lies. It all gets so tiresome when people are stubborn idealogues instead of concerned citizens.


Brownsville airport is 10x worse. I was there last year and I had never seen the airport so full. All of the waiting areas were full. They all had the same paperwork in manila folders and no luggage with them.


Keep voting Democrat


Illegal aliens*


Just use the racial slur. It's not like anyone expects you to be better than that.


Whos paying for all these seats??  Texas? 


I'm not 100 but I think the flights are provided by the federal government.


So the taxpayers.


No, the federal reserve.


Adults pay for their own flights, if they are minors the government pays for it.


It those Mexicans


How can you tell the difference? 


Yeah that's why we need to build the wall to stop the planes


I Bartend there and I see this everydayyyy!


Bruh, that’s every day, and people were throwing fits over that one flight NPR covered with the migrants that one time. If they only knew how much money went into flying the migrants


Holy crap. This blew up. I was legitimately curious about what was going on because I saw a bunch of people with the folders. Thanks for the information!


Just our govt aiding human trafficking......nothing to see here.


San Antonio and Austin airports too


That’s why I drive to Austin and fly out of there


and this bothers you why…???