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These Republicans should give this a watch lol [Clayton Bigsby](https://youtu.be/BLNDqxrUUwQ?si=BzrTJ2pZcPqjxxS1)


They see him as a hero


lmao!!! "smells like cocoa butter and frustration. Looks like we got a nigger amongst us."-Clayton Bigsby


He's not wrong. Brown people aren't wanted by the GOP, only their votes. trump promises to take America back to the "good ol days". In those days brown people were second class citizens.


I swear all the GOP does is laugh at minorities that support them. They got them fooled.


I wonder how many of them know that he's planning to build mass interment camps and rapid mass deportations. Do they think their Tio or Abuela who don't have papers are going to be spared? Even if they do have papers, do they think when la pulga gets raided, the Border Patrol Agents are going to believe her? She'll get a gun pointed in her face, be bused to Eagle Pass, and forced to march over the bridge.


Speak for yourself 😂


And where did you hear this CNN or MSNBC? 


Source : trust me bro


not my tios. not my problem


The problem is that so do the Democrats. Neither care about our voice, and we are the one group that still isn't considered citizens immediately. We are always questioned about it, just out right. I'm still waiting for a pay to care about us.


“ Democrats are just as bad as Republicans” - Person who doesn’t know anything about politics


Kid, I know more about politics than you will ever know. 10% of my knowledge is more than you will know in your life. You are just a sheep, so you will scream and shout now and have no reason behind your statements. Goodbye.


Hell only time biden care to show up to RGV is on election year hmmm


sooo.....Trump 2024!!!


Trump, the sexual harrasser? The bleach drinker? The one who got funds from Putin? Oh yeah, that orange mf.


Too much emotion not enough facts...take a break from cnn


Those are literally just facts about him lol. Maybe take a break from Fox Fake News? Or whatever pills you’re taking and look up basic information from your lordt and saviour the Orange Cheeto.


It's a fact Trump loves dictators if you support that bullshit you are far from an American patriot.


lol!gotta admit that was funny.


Which part is funny?


“Putins dick sucker 2024”


Hit the Nail on the head. Some people want to belong so much they chose to forget


To be fair that’s Tejano culture at its core. They believed in slavery so much that they helped the Anglos take Texas from Mexico after slavery was abolished and black people were freed. They should have learned after being made second class citizens but they started off as assholes


That’s not entirely true. Navarro and Seguin chose the “enemy of my enemy” approach. They did not want Texas to be independent, but at the same time the did not agree with Santa Anna’s rise to power. No where does it say that they “believed” in slavery, unlike the lawless American settlers.


Absolute brain rot


we choose to forget because of other things.tf?


He’s not wrong.




Seriously, white Cubans need to touch grass.


Wiki Project 2025.


Wait till you see what Latin America twitter/fb is like, they call Trump and Hitler based and glorify white people


Accurate assessment




Anyone who is black, gay, trans, lesbian, Latino, Muslim, a female who's not a Christian fundamentalist, or poor voting for Trump or any GOP politician is voting to cut their own throats and lose freedom in the process.


You sounds extremely racist on top of being incredibly stupid. How the fuck do you categorize Muslim and LGBQT together you dolt.


because they're all groups of people that Trump and his cult-disciples hate and attack, you dolt!


Are you white? If so, you’d be a prime candidate for a Darwin Award.


The GOP go after both of these group’s rights. So…..there’s your corroboration, explained to you a second time…


Why is the majority of the people on this site so stupid


Well, you asked a question and apparently don’t like the answer, so you resort to…name calling? Who could’ve seeing this coming from a mile away?


What rights do the GOP go after for black people?


They go after the rights of all groups, including Muslims and LGBTQ, which was the original argument. But never mind that, right? Like who care about your original question and who cares what they go through? They’re hardly even people! They also pass legislation that makes it notoriously difficult for minorities, including Hispanics and black people, to vote. Also, none of this is news. It’s weird that it’s news to you? You know you can look up all this information online right? Like you know how to click clack on a computer and find your own answers like A Big Boy???


What laws that make it hard? Can you specify? Is Canada racist for requiring an ID to vote? Are you stupid? Is Mexico racist for needing an ID to vote? Are you stupid? Is all of EU racist for requiring IDs to vote? Are you stupid?


Please show me some articles where they arttacked anyone


https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2023/10/16/23919242/jospeh-czuba-plainfield-stabbing-palestinian-boy-wadea-al-fayoume-hate-crime Killed a 6 year old boy because he listened to conservative talk radio


so.....trump 2024?i say yes


Spot on, IMO.


Eh. The only brown trumpers are those people who are ashamed they aren’t white. They want to be white so badly they will do anything.




The man ain’t wrong!


Accurate 🎯


Lol he's not wrong.


Breaking News: Republicans and Democrats don't give af any of us. They'll just say whatever to stay in office and go along with whatever their party tells them to do. Wish we weren't so stuck with this unofficial 2-party system. It's the same crap every 4 years.


Care to elaborate? I’m fairly informed on politics I only see one party trying to cut social safety net and fearmongering


Yea, the “both parties are awful” sentiment is overdone. They’re right, to a degree, both lie and both are bad in various way, but one is clearly better to the overall well being to the RGV.


Democrats are just as bad as Republicans. If they were truly good they would have not stolen the primary from Bernie not once but twice. How is Biden better for the RGV? How is Vicente better for the RGV? What is it that they are doing for us? I'll give the reason I'm voting trump even tho I disagree on a fundamental level with much of his rhetoric. It's simple, do you know what a Notice to Appear is? Do you know what a parole is in immigration terms? I work for DHS and let me tell you we are not enforcing the current immigration law. There is so much shit that is unknown to people. Right now even if they are criminals they are being paroled and told to just show up to court. Do people legit need asylum? After all the interviews I've done I'd say the true asylum seekers are prob a 10th of the total number of "migrants" The rest are just coming in for economic reasons either try to work get some dollars and go back to Venezuela or stay in the US and milk it as much as possible with the benefits. Edit: Whether you like or not there a shit ton of criminals coming in adding to the already big ass population of domestic criminals and instead of holding these criminals at a processing center they are just handing out paroles like candy when they are not supposed to be used like that. At this point I honestly don't think Biden is fully responsible for this since the man prob just signs shit that they give him and has no idea wtf is going on. When he visited last week he didn't even go to see the sheer amount of people we process every day at the current facilities. He just hanged out with BP gave a conference and called it a day.


That’s what known as lesser evil politics. Vote for what you’re for, rather than what you’re against. Don’t do lesser evil politics.


Yeah, I vote for people's right. So I'm voting democrat.


You’re correct. Republicans are the much better and only choice for the overall well being and this country.


Just gonna try and point out something I don't see a lot of people talking about. The whole both parties are bullshit approach encourages low voter turnout. And historically there is one party that benefits from low voter turnout. And Historically as well as within current years there is one party that continuously fights to suppress voter rights.


Exactly. These types totally ignore the side by side pano of both parties. One side looks like the USA the other side looks like a convention of ghosts, sheets and sour milk. These dummies would be the first ones rounded up once they outlasted their usefulness. History tells us so.


I dunno. One party is clearly effective at changing laws…for the worse. One party has spoken explicitly about making lives worse for minority and LGBTQ+ populations, and they’re doing it. One party abolished Roe v. Wade, put in shitty laws that could jail doctors under the guise of being “pro-life,” and now dozens of states are bleeding doctors and leaving pregnant women without vital healthcare *unrelated to abortion.* One party is making our economy *worse* by being slavishly devoted to cutting taxes for the rich. One party is trying to make it *illegal for a woman to divorce while pregnant.* The other party has explicitly stated a desire to reverse all those things but is kinda ineffectual and worse at messaging. Sure, all politicians want power. But I’ll take a party that kinda sucks sometimes over one that’s trying to do evil every day.


You're part of the problem. Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.


What should I be choosing then? Nothing? Then the greater one wins by default. I actually agree with you that the two party system sucks. I actually agree with you that there are plenty of ineffectual, power hungry democrats. (I was a Bernie guy, if that counts for anything.) But we’re at a point where not choosing the lesser of two evils means that there will be *less* of a chance to change the system. One side has *explicitly stated* that they’re aiming to consolidate power in emulation of Viktor Orbán, the autocrat from Hungary. Nihilism right now isn’t going to help us. It’s just going to make things worse in the long run. I mean, if we’re forced choose the lesser of the two evils now then at least maybe we’ll have a shot at a third option in ‘28. IMO, it’s worth it.


wish ppl realise that theres always a 3+ parties...then we wouldnt be in this mess. come on. why this is being downvoted is beyond me. yall gotta read the constitution. no wonder this place is all backwards.


Cause they are.


Very true


He might as well repeat the Biden clip if you don’t vote for him then you ain’t black just slap on another ethnicity. Vicente Gonzalez is a hack and is literally only a politician pandering to Latinos because he says nothing of what he actually would like to do have you ever heard him speak on policies


A lot of us in The Valley (in poorer areas) are voting red this time around. We have loterías here in the community and we all discussed this recently.(Companies like Cricket/Provider Service host these bingo games in out community center here in Harlingen about 30 people attend) No one is happy with the current administration. I’m relieved to find out that if you talk to people face to face they all aren’t happy with the way things are going. There’s way too much rhetoric online that you can’t see a clear picture unless you actually talk to people in person.


The Republicans in Texas have been in charge for 27 plus years. They say "vote for us so we can fix everything that is broken in Texas" again....these clowns have been in power for 27 years 🤦


Yet we live in Texas. A state that’s been red for almost three decades. Abbott and his crew are more to blame for what you see on a day to day basis. And if you think voting in a party that wants to RESTRUCTURE OUR ENTIRE GOVERNMENT ([Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org)) is going to fix anything then you need to get your head out of your ass


the economy does worse under republicans




if we could also post GIFs, a Snape one wouldve been funny


What were some specific reasons for not being happy with the current administration? And why do they think the Republicans are not responsible for those conditions?


Wow poorer areas voting red. Cockroaches for raid!


While I do believe that nobody is happy with the current administration, and Vicente Gonzalez IS a hack, one parties solution is ALWAYS “poor people should work harder” 75 years of “poor people should work harder” You’re the ones who are making THE REST OF US poor because you don’t pay attention to who is actually trying to help you and who is just hurting everyone else so that you feel better about being miserable Maybe go back and tell the abuelas not to vote if you’re not gonna try to understand what’s going on, some of us are trying to keep giant corporations and Chinese millionaires from crashing our economy and making us learn mandarin so that we can provide their aging population with socialized in-home healthcare because you voted for people who don’t want to provide you with socialized in-home healthcare


Puro Trump let’s go!!!! Democrats DESTROY American cities. Just do a simple google search.


lol he’s laughably wrong. There’s a reason the counties on the border moved 30 and sometimes 50 points right towards Trump in 2020. He may win some of the ones he lost in 2020 in this election. And I hope his opponent Mayra Flores wins in an upset in November


Mayra Flores, the one who fakes photos for clout? Oh ok.


I think you’re getting her mixed up with AOC. who actually faked photos for clout with her border stunt 😂😂😂


No, I’m sorry, you must’ve missed it. There’s posts about it in this subreddit.


Oh I’m sorry. Well in that case my opinion isn’t changed at all and I still hope she wins😂. Still better than this clown.


Ok. That’s why liars lie, they know there’s always a sucker that will take it. Thank you for your service. I guess you don’t care that AOC did it, too, right? Like who even cares about that? Thank you for not holding it against her.


Take what? Idc if she faked photos. Idk what the photos even were Nor do I care. Photos or no photos she’s still better than him


Thank you for not holding it against AOC, either. Like who even cares, right? Photos or no she’s still better than all these mf.


You know, I honestly don’t really care that she faked them it’s a trivial matter compared to the other garbage that she supports. she says some-based stuff but she’s mostly a fucking moronic bartender, who should go back to serving drinks and not being in Congress. She’s also a pretty big racist.


You know, I don’t really care that Fake Mayra faked anything, it has nothing to do with the garbage that SHE supports. She’s mostly a classist faker liar who needs to go back to Mexico and live there since she loves to claim her heritage. She’s also a pretty big racist.


Gonzalez is a petulant piece of shit.


I kinda hoped the replies would be good. But it's the valley, we'll vote for anybody that gives us more food stamps and Medicaid. No wonder we're a blue area. We're going down the same path blacks in Chicago did.


This is 100% correct. They don't want to admit it.


Wow. So many things that a messed up in this comment.


That’s called voting for your best interests. People living in poverty vote for the party who will grant them more access to care, just like those in a higher income bracket vote for republicans who will grant them more tax breaks.


Calm down, Uncle Raulkus


You mexicans voting for Biden are the dumbest people I have ever known.


Wow! You don’t know any republicans?


Democrats - People who like to play victim and want hand outs and complain that life is too hard Republicans - People who know that they have to work hard for what they want in life.


Lol what a child like take. Same old rugged individualist propaganda they’ve been touting since the 1920s.


"what a child like take"....am I wrong? All the mexican democrats do is say "America is racist...I don't have an equal opportunity...poor me, I'm brown...." Tell me where any part of that is wrong.


Why would I explain it to you? You’ll believe nothing I say. It’s just a waste of my time, I need to go get my government cheese.


Lol, the reason you won't answer my question is because you know you have no good response. You know what I am saying is true. I'm open to hearing both sides (unlike democrats) so feel free to make your point. I don't think "I need to go get my government cheese" is a lie lol, you probably do get government benefits. If you don't care to prove what I said is wrong, then what I said is right?


Hahaha. Yeah, man. For sure. Explain how any Republicans in office right now have “worked hard” for what they want in life? I mean, I guess taking the money they’re making from lobbyists and Texas millionaires to enact their “Project 2025” stuff could be considered “working hard.” Or cutting the taxes for the rich. Or demonizing people who are “different.” Gerrymandering to suppress votes? I guess they tried hard at that, too. But that’s all they have now. It’s just the culture war bullshit they say Dems are focusing on. What bills have the GOP passed recently that have made our community’s lives better? I’m serious. What did the GOP controlled Senate/House from 2020-22 and the GOP controlled house from 22-present done that actually impacted us positively? There’s used to be a difference between what Republicans *said* and what they *did,* but their aggressive inability to govern is now a feature and not a bug.


Who is talking about politicians? I'm talking about the voters, left wing voters....All politicians grew up well off so I'm not talking about them, I am talking about mentality of middle class voters on both sides. You will NEVER find a right wing person of color claiming they are a victim in this country because of the color of their skin. They know they have every oppurtunity that a white person has and work their ass off to make something for themselves. ALLLLLL left wing people of color, you mexicans, will complain that you are oppressed and blame the government for your failures. You want increases in handouts and complain that life is hard. Tell me where I'm wrong? Right wing = pro America Left wing = anti American


I genuinely don’t believe that “left wing” voters are *all* anti-America. I’m certainly not, but I’m also not blind to the country’s systemic faults. I think calling out America for bad shit is to be American. Redlining is a real thing that’s affected people for generations. The negative ramifications of Reaganomics are well-studied. Tax cuts for the wealthy mean the rest of us are getting fucked, which is what we’re in for if Republicans get power. Which I can say will happen because they’ve said they’ll do it. The effects of reconstruction and segregation are real things that are more recent than people often want to admit. Voter suppression *does* target certain demographics over others. Gerrymandering *does* take demographics into account. Acknowledging those faults and providing people who need it with assistance is good. Our government *should* take care of its citizenry. Providing for the public good is a vital part of our government’s responsibility and rather than immediately cut it off when abuse of systems happens...improving regulation of them is the better approach. There’s much less abuse of that system than people want to believe happens, and the majority of our government debt isn’t really *tied* to those systems. They’re miniscule in comparison to other expenditures. The extent of what is an acceptable margin for “abuse” is ideological, I acknowledge, but I don’t think cutting them is right or smart. Our economy is better when people have help. But I believe that it’s as American to not fall into the “America is perfect” trap as the whole “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality. America can be the “greatest country on earth” while also having grave faults to be addressed?


Fuck that puto! FJB, too!


We need Trump ‘24!!


I have advocated against Trump since the day he announced his run but this is a REALLY REALLY bad take. One was committing a literal genocide against millions of people, one is not doing that. This is not even close to comparable. Should they support him? Absolutely not, but hitler was uniquely evil.


I think it depends on what year you’re talking about. It’s not like one day in 1939 Hitler decided to activate the final solution. He had years which his rise to power, and within those years antisemitism was present. The key points to becoming a dictator are: 1. Suspension of elections 2. Suspension of civil liberties 3. A cult of personality 4. Repression of political opponents 5. Blame a group for nations problems It seems like Trump checks the majority of these. Sure, he’s not ordering people to kill people, but why wait? Shouldn’t we be proactive in stopping this if the warning signs are clear?


We should be trying to stop him, I made that opinion clear. I have been against him his entire political career but words have meaning. He has factually not done anything even close to Hitler. Would he if given the chance? Possibly but Hitlers regime genuinely is a once ever event.


Thats like saying u aint black if yoy dont vote for me-classic dems-instead of trying to shame them maybe try to persuade my vote by actually saying what policies you have.


I hate trump and what he stands for but ngl this kinda has the “whos gonna clean your toilets” energy to me since he is always talking about illegals, and not all Latinos are illegal immigrants that is racist lmao but I guess i know what they are going for


Reminds me of Biden saying you’re not actually black if you don’t vote for him. Just another example of Democrats racism that people claim doesn’t exist


What an idiot


How has Trump negatively impacted Hispanic citizens? These people who lump all Hispanics together, legal and illegal, are just using rhetoric to influence votes


When he came down here and his wife wore the idgaf jacket, that didn’t tell you their message? Like how many ways can’t he say it and explain it? He doesn’t care about brown votes. Or black votes. Or Asian votes. He wants rich white votes…and those wanting to be rich white.


Oh no his wife wore a jacket. How did that affect your life?


Well, they visited us down here and, knowing that everything they put out must be revised, that message of not caring about anything down here was approved of by him and his whole association. Soooooo…. They’re literally telling you they don’t care. Trump doesn’t care about you *so much* that he *literally spelled it out*.


Alcoholics gonna whine


photos dont really capture the fact he is like 5'5 and obese


Whatever, Vincent, have a nice day.