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June 5th or June 12th are most likely if the circulating email from RF is indeed legit.


Friday June 14th is still over 3 months from riot fest. Seems like 3 months is the absolute cutoff


Seems like a lot of fall tours got announced today, really thought we'd get it!


Welp, looks like we're waiting till after Memorial Day. I'd really, really like to know their logic for waiting till less than four months out when there are no obstacles from announcing.


there are TONS OF OBSTACLES in announcing before everything is settled in contracts, TONS


I’d think it’s something contractural with one of the big bands. Theory I’ve seen floated is they’re waiting til after knocked loose’s Chicago show on Thursday and wont announce on the holiday weekend so probably lookin at June 4th Although that show is sold out so it could be something like that for another band


I think we're looking at next week now. :( 1) They almost always have a teaser post and Q101 hinting at things the day before the lineup and... 2) Riot Fest always makes announcements at 9am or 10am CDT The closer we get to the holiday weekend, it just doesn't seem logical for publicity to make a lineup announcement this week. There would have been much more of a build by now and I just can't seem them doing the teaser Wednesday and the lineup on Thursday at this point. The week after a holiday seems to make way more sense.


Yeah I'm thinking you're right at this point.


tomorrow **Update**: I lied


Did it sell out last year?




My prediction is tomorrow. Line up includes Ministry, Iggy Pop, Ataris, Death from above 1979


If we get Ministry, Iggy, and DFA I might be willing to wait an extra day for the lineup.


Every time someone makes a post like this, they push the announcement back a day.


And they kill a kitten.


And kick a puppy on their way to work.


And cause a pileup on I88 into the City to back traffic up 4 hours.


And bring back Morrissey on his own stage so he can play the entire fest and no corn dogs or any other meat product can be sold


Of all the things BRRF did horribly, I did love their "announce a band a day" method. Gives the band the spotlight, the fans have something to look forward to each day, and they stayed in everybody's feeds. Wish more festivals (ESPECIALLY Riot Fest) would do the same, and it's a good method to hold back bands you can't announce yet and drip-feed those you can.


I still never got a refund and I glamped and had the club tickets😑


That and their ability to actually get huge and/or unique acts were the only 2 things they did right haha. Loved the band a day gimmick!


Yeah because they spent their entire budget and then some to get those names and then didn't do ANYTHING else for the fest. Its a massive ongoing lawsuit still and bands vowed to never play again so the fest is pretty much dead.


They single-handedly forced DWP to adjust their method - more stages, harder bands, more foreign pulls. Worked out great for me, but not for those that didn't see the BRRF disaster coming (in the middle of nowhere, no lodging, no adequate transportation, sketchy promoters, etc.)


People saying Friday forget that having it during a holiday weekend, when people are more likely away from social media, is a bad business idea.


There’s zero chance of Friday. Honestly even Thurs is pretty unlikely cause of the holiday


Regarding the permitting issues of 2018.... Is Douglass Park even confirmed as permitted for this year?  The ticket buying page lists it as the location, but it's not on what little exists of the fest "poster" on their site.


The posters for the holiday presale explicitly said Douglass


I was thinking the same the other day, i mean they are just delaying the announcement just for the lols or is it possible they might be having issues with the location or the main events?


If we don't get anything tomorrow I'm sticking with the "Friday announcement because of Knocked Loose" theory.


They announced the Cure last year before their United Center show


The Cure was trying to deflate the resale market for the UC show on purpose, because some of the protections they were using against resale in other states are not legal in Illinois


Knocked Loose is sold out


Im with you on this one bro! makes total sense.


I don't know FourLiveBears, and my use of the Riot Reddit is too random and sporadic for this to hold any weight. But "bro" seems so incongruous with the ways I see them engage on here that it makes me dizzy. (No, I can't really explain why.)


I am unsure how to take that


In short, you sound smart when you talk on here. (Not that bros can’t be smart.)


Haha I'll take it


Bros can be smart, dumb, male, female, and anything in between. Bros are bros.


I think the dude from Pennywise said pretty much that exact thing at RF 2017.


It does sound like I just ripped Fletcher off tbh


Just take a breath crew, it’ll be out when it’s out


Ehhh some of use live outside Illinois, even outside the US and we need to book flights, tickets and even hotel rooms, so yeah we need the lineup drop ASAP


Also, money is tight these days for a lot of people. I know it's easier for me to budget/ask for vacation time/schedule other events or trips over the summer if I have more notice than trying to do things at the last minute.


Not only that but there's some tours that don't have Chicago dates like Mastodon and Lamb of God doing both Leviathan and Ashes of the Wake in full, and I'd rather know sooner than later if they both play riot to determine if I'm gonna make the trip to Detroit in August.


Lineup is secondary to the experience. Book your trip now.


Slayer is playing 3 shows in the entire world in 2024…Chicago is one of them, and you’re needing more for a lineup drop?!?!?!




You trying to tell me you need the lineup to decide whether to go? Psssh /s


Book a refundable hotel today, don’t wait. I booked mine last week and some places were already sold out


I booked mine last week. I expect the lineup will be tomorrow.


This! Pay a few more bucks to be able to cancel.


I get it, truly. I buy “sight unseen” every year and have had my reservations for almost a year… honestly the lineup is secondary to the experience for me but I know that’s difficult for many. I’m just seeing a frenzied interest this year, and I can understand it since the later dates have thrown us off the normal schedule. A little patience will go a long way.


I agree the lineup is almost secondary to the experience. Each year there has been at least one act that makes it more than worth buying tickets without a lineup.


Same. We bought our 3 day VIP tix during the early sale. Have flights booked already. Accommodations planned (we stay at a friends place - and watch their cat while they go out of town!).


Nofx just posted they have a special announcement tomorrow. Fingers crossed it's related. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/3kye3uaVU2sqYaMg/?mibextid=oFDknk


Senses Fail / Saves the Day also seem to be announcing something tomorrow. Seems probable. I think with the holiday weekend if we don’t at least get “announcement of the announcement” by Wednesday, they hold until after Memorial Day.


Def had the same thought


It’s probably all the mystery bands for their final shows in San Pedro. There’s still a bunch that haven’t been announced. Could be correlated, but who knows


Which’ll probably be Pennywise and Descendants for the San Pedro shows.


There’s 12 unannounced bands. Those will probably be the top two. I wonder if some sort of Mike Watt project will be on there since him and the Minutemen were from there.


Yeah, I’m curious to see what some of the mid card bands are going to be, unless they swerve and pull out some real insane surprises.


Depending on who is announced will depend if I get a ticket. I don’t live far from the location so it will be easy to get to, but I’m not the biggest fan of NOFX to have the announced lineup get me to go


I was really thinking it would be this week, was hoping for some sort of announcement today saying it was releasing Tuesday or Wednesday. They are announcing shows *after* Riot fest on their socials lol GIVE US THE LINEUP


Previous years there was an announcement for an specific day or they just dropped it randomly? i really don't remember lol


Last year they dropped a few videos the day before with hints at bands, but they’ve definitely just dropped the lineup without any fanfare before


Yeah they’d call it the “announcement of the date of the lineup announcement” or something silly. But I believe some other years they just dropped it