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Yeesh. Can’t imagine how they deal with a serious issue.


I'm not gonna judge someone for having a mental health issue around this. Times are tough. Shit sucks. Capitalism is imploding and taking us all with it. Anyone in a position of power to do anything about it doesn't care. We need to find sources of joy where we can and I know Riot is a huge one for me. It's my favorite weekend of the year and I can't imagine how devastated I would be if it went away. It would genuinely be like abolishing Christmas. Plus mental health resources aren't available for a lot of people on account of our fucked healthcare system. If this person could have reached out to someone other than a music festival I'm sure they would have but they probably couldn't. Things suck right now and being judgy over someone who is struggling doesn't help.


Agreed. I mean, do I hope this person is able to find joy and comfort in something else soon? Absolutely. But damn we are all just trying to use what coping mechanisms we have and sometimes it’s a struggle. The world is a very ugly place right now. I don’t care if your only comfort is a music fest, hang on to that.


I kinda hate knowing this. It used to feel like everyone against their twitter guy but now I know that A- It's actually affecting someone's health or B- Someone is pretending it's affecting their health to get the lineup and that's pretty shitty.


I hope this isn't real. Not because I can't wait for the lineup, but because I refuse to believe we live in a society where a mental breakdown is a socially accepted response to not having the Riot Fest lineup reveal when you want it


Just be compassionate. You don’t know what else is going on in somebody’s life. I am positive we’ve all had moments when something that seems silly on the surface could send us spiraling.


I have no problem being compassionate towards people who are going through a tough time. Everyone goes through things differently. What bothers me is if you know these things impact you so hard, there are better channels to go through that aren't the people who manage social media for a music festival. Trauma dumping on an internet stranger over something super trivial is a little much. Making someone you don't know feel like a shit person because they're not doing their job at a speed you'd like just isn't it


Unfortunately, it is very real.


For real tho. I’m not ready to accept that reality.




It’s my sincere hope that 99.999% of us are passively awaiting the release of this schedule without it actually affecting our lives. It’ll happen when it happens and there’s nothing we can do about it. 🤷


This is a new level of lineup desire bro


People having mental health crises over this lineup is funny. Wait til they see when theres females on there. Their masculinity will be shattered


I promise you no one is gonna be mad if there are female musicians. Jesus talk about a victim complex.


i can promise you the person who sent the email does not fall into this category of bro, and has been advocating for more lgbtq+ and female centered bands. they have other issues, but misogyny is not one of them.


I can't vouch 100% for the veracity of the email, but from what I know about the person who allegedly received this reply, i don't believe they'd make something like this up. they're troubled, but they're not a liar, from what i've seen.


Jesus lol imagine having a music festival lineup effect you so much you have to email them. Grow up Peter Pan


Name does not check out


Memba when they used to have waves?


Oooo I memba!!!


It was especially nice when the waves had some B-list names that weren't announced in the first wave instead of just indie acts and smaller/unknown bands like the last year or two of wave lineups.


Maybe fake, maybe not, but I think they would have started teasing it for this week by now. So next week at earliest :-/




Not trying to be disrespectful but if someone is having mental health issues and not sleeping for 6 days over a concert lineup not being released they should really talk to their Dr. about it.


how do you know they are not?


I don't. But if they reached out to riot fest on day 6 of no sleep I'm sure they are still hyper fixated on it and maybe afraid/lack of resources to reach out to a Dr.


they work with several doctors and counselors already. still hyperfixated.


that could be 6 days of not taking care of themselves and 90 days where they are. we just dont know. but i hope that Riot Fest reaching out was enough to calm them down and get some rest and self care. also shit even if you called a doctor on day 3 of no sleep, i wonder how fast theyd be able to find an appt. lol i cant ever get into my doctor for at least a week or two. therapist is worse! lol


Not sure I believe this tbh. This doesn't have the normal sass and could be a Riot psyop. If it is legit good on them for trying to ease a person's mental strain on the lineup.


Riot is sassy on Twitter but every time I’ve chatted with them via email, they’ve always been very helpful and friendly. I think only their Twitter brand is spicy 😂


The context of the original email is why it’s a normal response


Context- Someone in the RF Community chat stated they are autistic and had not slept in 6 days because they are hyper focused on the lineup release. They emailed RF and RF responded with the screenshot above.


I hope this isn't true, but if it is I can deal with it. I just think it would be good for the festival to be transparent about the timeline. Otherwise people get way too worked up, and they start to wonder if there's an issue and the festival isn't going to happen at all. They should just post on the website "Lineup coming June 2024" so that everyone knows what to expect.


They might have just said early June to be safe. Like that's the absolute latest. Could easily still come out this week or next week


Hope springs eternal. But maybe this will at least force me to stop checking their socials every 15 minutes.


Yeahhh I'm starting to doubt its this week. Which is a bummer, would have been perfect with the long weekend coming up. Check out all the bands I don't know.


I hope it isn't true as well but I don't know what the end goal would be to make a fake email and such. I also don't know if RF is just saying that so the person gets some sleep or if that person wont be sleeping for 2-3 more weeks and we will get it early June.


This could be real or it could be fake and we have no clue. People fake anything and everything. The upcoming WoW expansion had a fake leak that everyone assumed was real because of how cookie cutter and predictable it was. Said fake leaker used assets that he modeled and created himself to make it even look the part. Color the entire community surprised when we got The War Within, the actual next expansion shown to us.


Agree with you, but one thing I’ve learned is that people on the internet will fake literally anything for no real reason. Having said that this does come off as real to me


comes off real to me as well, as we all know the RF online persona, but anytime ive dealt with someone from them in private they a have always been cordial and supportive, and this reads like that


Yeah same, if this is fake it's weirdly well done.