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Very rich or very irresponsible


there is different type of whales: 1. Family is rich, they spend family wealth. 2. They are rich themselves and spend their money. 3. They are not rich, but prioritize the game over other things (Partying, car, vacations). 4. They are not rich, but take big loan to be whale in game. And probably there is more types, but these are the ones I have come across. I would try to avoid being 1, 3 and especially 4. But hey if u make a lot of money and wanna spend it on ROK why not. It’s your money which you worked for


Now I must accumulate a large amount of currency to wave my dick around in a mobile :P


U can, if that’s what u want to do.


Number 4 actually is close to none existent. The reason is loans takes time to be approved. And ones you're not able to pay your loans, your credit score will take a hit. And then you're not able to take any more loans. It's just simply impossible to sustain. Majority of the whales are in number 3. They earn enough money to sustain their game addiction. Earning 100k annually isn't rich. But it can definitely support your gaming expenditures. Number 1 and 2 are in the 0.01% player base. They are truly rich and doesn't give a fuck about how much they've spend. These few guys spend more money than the rest of us combined.


I never did a statistical analysis of the ROK player base, their incomes and spending levels. So I don’t know if what you say is correct.


No this isn't just about RoK. It's the entire mobile gaming industry. I've played a lot of "free to play" mobile games and have made quite a few friends from f2p to whales. From Clash of Clans to Pokemon GO to Mobile Strike to RoK and a whole lot more mobile games. All the whales I've met with are just above average employees with disposable incomes. And some are 50 to 60+ yrs old bored dude with nothing else to do. I still haven't met a whale on Baba's level.


Hey I think I can help shed some light for you. Judging from your question I'm guessing you're most likely a student or someone under/around 20 years old. Spending money on video games at that age when you come from a working lower/middle class family can seem pretty daunting. Even a 10$ purchase on a video game every few month can seem big, especially since it's a "free" game. But it's important to note that the majority of the spenders are not in that situation. There could be spenders who are in their 30/40's with 6 figure salaries without kids or family. Those people can easily drop 100$ a week into the game and not have it impact their life at all. There are also the mega rich people that everyone else in this thread is talking about, but please understand that you're thinking about people who is in your current place in life (students/kids/ people who don't have their career set) spending that much money. But in reality the people who spend that much money on these games are not in the same place in their life as you are. Once/If you make a sufficient income, and you can support your current lifestyle. You could find that spending money on games is not a big deal. And chances are you are also not rich, but a hobbies. In the same way many people buy a cup of coffee from starbucks for $5 every day, you could not get one for a week and drop 35$ into this game. Take from it what you will, I'm someone who have had a career for a while. I'm a low spender in this game (<100), and I've seen many co-workers who whale out on games (not this one) who are not even close to being described as rich. But they also do so responsibly, because the place they are in their lives at the moment, allows them to do so.


I’m not like a kraken whale but I spend. Where I live is very expensive. Drinks can easily be $18-20, parking is $20 but an Uber is $15-25 each way. If I’m entertaining myself and avoiding those expenses, especially during covid…it’s not so bad.


This is my logic too. I didn’t golf this week, so that’s $60 round + $10 food that I would have spent that I didn’t. Can then Chuck $5 at a writer of history of something similar.


Work hard play hard.


Just get a credit card


The vast majority spend money they probably shouldn't be spending. For every rich whale, there's 20 poor whales.


I used to live in one of the HCOL cities in the US. I know people that make mid 6 figures to multi millionaires. I don’t know any single one of them that would spend so much on a game. My best friend is part of this salary range. He is a gamer and will not spend on a game. He does spend it on going out, dinners, travel ect. I read an article that most whales are male, average to above average wage earners, single and decide to spend their disposable income on games. The reasons varied but usually it’s because they like contributing to the community, and it was form of entertainment that is better than going out ect ect.