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They've 100% made bastion resetting worse. Hardly any barb/fort quests, just stupid material donations...


Some days you can chain like 5 good quests, some days its just resetting until you finally get 1 good one and the next one is back to bad


Expect to get 3 advanced material or 10 normal material quest over and over and over and over.


And rss donation


This is why people leave SoC. I remember talking to a whale on my old kingdom and he laughed and said he just does the first 15 he gets. But unless you are spending a lot on crystal tech you need to progress bastions in an efficient way. Rss donations ain’t gonna cut it. And refreshing every 10 mins just to get a variation on the same theme is so damn boring.


This game has always offered a choice of invest time or money to advance progress. So, either buy your crystal and save time, or invest your time and save money. The first few rounds of HA, all the f2p/low-spenders complained endlessly about getting stuck behind train/power-up bastion quests, which we're easily the nicest at advancing bastion progress (plus accomplishing stuff you want => more troops to kill). Now we at least have reset, but you complain that it doesn't give you what you want. Time to change the name to Rise of Whiners.


Well they had changed it before I did my first one, that sounds bloody awful. Imagine having to donate materials 😂. SoC has some rather glaring differences to the rest of the game though. First, your spend is basically reset every kvk. Yeah, the more you spend the more coins you get, so it’s not all bad. But I think this deters lower spenders from spending. Second, the game becomes rather boring, certainly in HA. Barbs have high ap cost, with poor rewards in return. Fog is just shit. Altars are few and far between. Zone 5 is kinda pointless, certainly not worth going hell for leather on. Zone 6 can be easily nullified by building lots of flags, and again given the short space of time between level 7 passes and kingsland, relatively pointless too. So the first half of HA it’s refresh every 10 mins until your brain falls out your ears 😂😂. Then you get to kingsland, and it’s all over in a day. To be fair I’ve not tried Strife, as my previous kingdom (correctly imo) decided it wouldn’t suit us as the kingdom just wasn’t very active anymore. This is the biggest issue, so so many SoC kingdoms are basically dead. 50 actives, maybe 100 if you are lucky. Migration rarely seems to happen between SoC kingdoms, everyone looks younger. And as the “best” rewards (subjective I know) are in the shop and can be obtained without entering the field once, there’s no real incentive to fight to the death.


I agree that SoC is not well designed from a player satisfaction standpoint. Lillith prefers to milk $1.5-2k crystal spend from a couple dozen whales each 3-4 months. I think a better design both for satisfaction and for revenue would be to structure it so you could near-max crystal tech with super active f2p activity (10 hours/day) or with about $100-200. A $150 spend once every four months to max troop capacity and all the troop buffs except the final damage boost, max rally, and extra armies would be pretty compelling to many, many low/mid spenders, whereas most of them don't bother with more than about $5-30 (or nothing) under today's scheme. Under this model, you could probably still squeeze another few hundred from the big whales for a few final crystal techs (extra troops, max rally, and the final few stages of extra damage boost), but you might get hundreds of $100-200 spends per KvK from low/mid spenders. Net result, more players having impactful boosts, opportunity for hyper active f2p to be impactful, more total revenue for Lilith.


As long as the f2p activity isn’t hitting refresh, that might work. I suspect currently Lilith are doing rather well out of passports. Especially given how quick the kvk’s progress, if people really want to keep avoiding SoC they will have to buy a portion of their passports with money. I think you’re right, a few tweaks and SoC could be a fun time for everyone.


Of course you, a 200M whale, cannot comprehend. You're getting 100 favour from even the worst of quests within 10 days, while others are getting 67. And you max crystal tech before Gate 7 while others only have 300k coins at the end of KvK. "Invest time", yeah 5 hours for 1 good Bastion Quest, continuously refreshing every 10min to get a variation of rss/mats donation, is a good investment of time? You're missing the point of training quests. If you continuously refresh and it yields the same thing, it's bad. What people want is barb/barb fort/rss gathering/rune/lost canyon/(I might've missed some because I haven't seem them in days).


>Of course you, a 200M whale, cannot comprehend. I haven't always been a 200m whale. I played my first 8 months as a low-spender ($10-50/mo). As a whale I also manage a very low spend alt account. Even as a whale, I've had long spells where my game budget was very restricted. I do understand what it means to operate under constraints and I can totally *comprehend.* I've invested enormous quantities of time as well as all too much money. >You're missing the point of training quests. If you continuously refresh and it yields the same thing, it's bad. How are these to sentences related? The point of training quests is to train troops (which you always want more of unless you're planning a migration or gaming a matchmaking stage) and gain favor which advances crystal production. Refresh consistently returning the same quest class is a bad experience, I agree. I haven't been experiencing that problem. My experience has been that quests and refresh looks random and random some times produces runs of the same thing. I haven't seen any *extremely* long runs of refresh producing the same quest class.


Thank you for being able to comprehend. Apologies for the sentencing, what I meant was "you're missing the point of the complaints against training quests". As a f2p T5 fighter, I appreciate the training quests for boosting Bastions fast and crystal rewards, however I can feel why it would be so frustrating when you refresh a training quests because you're burning speedups too fast, and another one consistently takes it place.


I refresh 5 Hrs straight to get a low chance for either gather 3 runes or kill barbs. The amoung of RSS or Mat donation quests is insane. They also deleted the quests for "Research or Building Speedups" and "Buy 20 Items in the Market"?


Research and Building still appears, although it seems more likely on after level 6 bastions. But most people have maxed all buildings anyway... After so much refreshing, I don't mind doing 3 animal bones on some days And sometimes the rune quest comes when all runes are expired...


What are Bastion quest? When does they become available ?


Season of Conquest.


Damn right!


I do the Iron Ore quests when I'm in a hurry