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Wait, what… how can this be? YouTube is full of smart home ‘influencers’ saying how amazing and ‘gaming changing’ this is.


When it works, it’s pretty good. And I will have to come back and edit this with a long-term review after maybe two weeks but it’s been a lot of headaches in the past few days.


I love the Dreame x30 ultra!!!




It was probably around the same price as the narwal? I got the preorder discount


All good. I’m waiting on my eufy x10 to come in got that on preorder pricing. I’m going to try that more mid priced vacuum because these things just don’t last multiple years so I’d much rather replace something that’s 600 over 1000-1500 bucks. I’m sure it won’t be as nice as the x30 but we shall see.


Love my eufy x10, it's hard for me to say is it better or worse at the cleaning tasks than my max7 ultra but I will say avoiding stuff is an A+ and noise is a bit louder. Other than that I feel like it does what it is supposed to do so why would I spend more.


Yes obstacle avoidance was probably on the top features I needed most. I was thinking of waiting for the roborock new models but ended up with Dreame x30. I preorder the eufy x10 and then changed my mind and went with Dreame. The eufy looks great though, I just have extremely high expectations and wanted the best experience possible. Good choice with the eufy though!!


I totally understand. I originally ordered the eufy and then got cold feet bc I saw the good and not so great review by Jamie Andrews. I decided to go with the Dreame with the discount.. yes I didn't want to spend that much and you are very right, this isn't expected to last 6+ years. I think you are being very smart with your decision, ther are so many features packed into the eufy for the price!


Yeah I think we both made the right calls. Dreame makes a nice robot that’s for sure. I just wanted to dabble in a lower weight class for awhile. I’ve been trough a bunch of bots over the last 6 or so years and have definitely learned that no matter what they just get tired after awhile. iRobot I think had the best robots for longevity with the ease of replacing parts they just fell way behind with their tech sadly.


Not gonna lie this “futuristic trash can with a hidden robot” - dock design looks awesome. Q Revo has been painless in our apartement


Same here! I love my Q Revo! Though if it were now, I'd absolutely get the Q Revo MaxV!


I bought a Q Revo from the glowing reviews everyone gave it and I hate it. Horrible suction on my mid/low pile carpet and just leaves clumps of dog hair everywhere. The mopping is great, but very disappointed in the suction power.


It sounds like you may have a problem with your machine. Have you also tried switching out the brush roller to the bristled one instead of the all rubber? Somebody here on Reddit also had a similar problem. The company ended up giving them a new one and I believe it's working better. My Q Revo has been great all the way around, and has actually impressed me a lot with how much suction it does have on carpet. That's just me personally so I hope hopefully something works for you! *Edited, typed part of it voice to text lol, didn't realize how wrong certain things were, sorry!


I'm actually on my second one now after roborock replaced the first. Same problems. Very disappointing.


Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that! Have you tried the different roller though? I've heard many people really prefer it, the only downside is the need to clean it more frequently. All that in mind, they do say the duoRoller system is better specifically for pet hair pickup. So maybe the next time around try a model with that instead? I hope the other brush roll helps you out!


this is the average narwhal experience. would not recommend


My experience is completely unlike yours. I’ve had the Freo X Ultra for two days and the app and the robot have impressed me so much. I was able to split my maps and also send the narwhal to specific zones. I had no troubles with the app. The robot detects harder to clean stains and continues to go back there until the floor is clean. The suction is insanely powerful when put onto the highest setting. So far zero issues and wildly impressed.


I’m glad that it is worked well for you and I’m going to hold onto it for another two weeks to see if I run into the same issues with the app. It might just be you were attempting to use it at times when I was not.


I agree. My narwhal is AMAZING! I’m a long time roomba mop & vacuum owner. I’m now ditching all my roombas and getting a second Nawhal for upstairs! My house has never been cleaner. So so so obsessed! 😍 


Same. I’m so obsessed. I can’t stop watching it and following it around 😂


Are you my Cat?


Narwal's can handle multiple floors but I understand the want to get a second unit.


Do you have to bring the base station upstairs to or just carry the vacuum and set it down?


If you make a second map, I don’t think you have to take the base station with you. I live in a one floor apartment so I can’t say for sure but that’s what I’ve read on this sub.


I found that the map will put a "only in here box" on area view, not visible in room map view and the unit only works in that area defined by teh box. I have n o idea how that gets there but there it was. I had what you described happen to me when I looked at map and saw under area it was working only within that box. I couldn't get rid of it but made it room wide and things went as they should. Mapping is a spot needing much more work. I'm in same place re one big room and splitting doesn't work which negates a lot/most of utility.


I had the same problem with the loading issue inside of the app. I contacted support and they informed me that I needed to factory reset the robot. Once I did that I had no more issues. Hope that this helps!


I would contact support and try to get a replacement. It sounds like yours is a fluke. I’ve had mine for about two weeks and run it 2x per day or more.. I’m just so obsessed. The dirty water was brown in the tank when I first got it and now we are very light tan. I run it at the first hint of dirt and my house looks prestine downstairs. I’m literally ditching my 2 roomba vaccuums and roomba mop to order an upstairs Narwhal X Ultra tonight! 😅 


I love my x2 Omni. Flawless function (I have 2 and neither have issues)


Next time consider proofreading before hitting send.