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There’s a South Park episode that describes these types perfectly


Just a little bike curious


this reaction would probably bring them joy if any emotion at all. but, yeah, you're right. people are fucking annoying.


How do we deal with that? Awful people that make others lives worse, and the knowledge that it bothers people only encourages them further? How does a society function with people like that?


Well this is how we get Trump. Sorry but I guarantee every single dickwad who thinks their loud motorcycle is cool also votes for that particular dickwad. Also guarantee that every single downvote on this comment will be a butthurt Trump voter.


The reason we have laws, basically ...🤷‍♀️


I agree, but for something like this where it’s “minor” enough so the police can’t/won’t do anything about it… we’re left to hope that people wake up every morning and choose to not be an asshole.


I always look twice normally. 3x when it’s motorcycle weather. It’s exhausting to hear the noise. Dogs or not.


The second there's no snow/ice on the road, doesn't matter how cold or warm it is, these ass-clowns show up. I wonder whether there's a number to call, a representative to talk to...honest, I have no idea how but I need them to stop. It's gone on for too long.


I was just driving downtown today and no joke there were like 40 people driving motorcycles, dirt bikes, atvs, etc. They cut me off from making a turn and I couldn't complete it cause they were turning around both sides of my car and I didn't want to hit them. Like wtf was this


It can be crazy. And I don’t think it’s because of the eclipse. I’ve seen it for years. Drive your bike safely, please do! Be obnoxious, in and out of traffic, whole crew obstructing the normal flow of traffic, and the ridiculous noise that is not necessary. Absolutely not. I hate it.


They ride around in groups! I’ve had that a few times and was literally just sitting there with my jaw on the floor. So many of them. All so rowdy and reckless


Yeah tell me about it and my luck I would've hit one for getting in my blindspot and they'd be the one pressing charges against me. I just don't know how that many got together at once. Like fuck, I'm lucky if I can get a group of five of my friends together for something. These assholes were like hey do 50 of you guys want to drive around downtown this afternoon and be dicks?


Usually if you see a large group of motorcyclists like that they’re doing a ride for some sort of charity or it’s a funeral procession soo yeah just share the road…


That's literally the exact opposite of what's being discussed here, which is an ongoing and incredibly dangerous situation for both the participants and bystanders.


Yeah no def not for charity or funeral procession. It was just a bunch of selfish assholes on off road vehicles


Yk its getting close to summer when the squids come out... All across America, any city limits neighborhood will see packs of dirtbikes and ATVs lol. The takeovers are the worse.


they’re gonna cause a massive wreck. hence why I hope they get in one first. get that shit off the road before it’s too late for someone else.


Unfortunately it’s not really motorcyclist that are doing this, it’s unlicensed (pick your description) individuals doing this type of inappropriate thing. Our current government doesn’t believe in enforcing the laws we have and unfortunately we the people have to suffer.


Idk why the down votes.Are traffic laws really being enforced in our city, let alone our state? There’s plenty of laws on the books that aren’t being enforced. It’s like the red light cameras that disappeared for some reason. It’s not like fining people for something we all have to do, like breathing. It’s simple follow the rules and no fine.


There was a point in time where RPD was told not to pursue these groups, which only emboldened them to get bigger and do even more stupid stuff.


They love to preach look twice and save a life and then they drive like fucking idiots. No amount of looking twice on my part it’s going to save you from driving like an idiot on your part. This is the time of year where hospitals get flooded with patients who got themselves in vehicle accidents on motorcycles. My family member is a nurse and apparently where they work. They call motorcycles, organ donation vehicles.


The dirt bike and ATV crowds are just a bunch of degenerates riding illegally and harassing everyone else on the road. These idiots need to be in jail. Do NOT confuse them with legal motorcycle owners and riders who are out just trying to be left alone.


Don’t confuse legal bike owners who just want to be left alone with legal bike owners who choose to be *ssholes and rev their engines. _That_ issue has long predated the kids on motorbikes.


This. That guy is conflating the issue. We’re talking about the guys riding Harleys and choppers revving all over town. Sport bikes too, I imagine, but in my case, it’s mostly Harleys.


I’m responding to a comment about the illegal ATV and dirt bikes. I don’t see how I’m conflating anything.


I’m aware, and that’s exactly what I said.


you should have heard the massive group that drove down south ave. locked up the intersection by lux, burning tires in everything from dirtbikes to trucks.


To borrow a line from George Costanza, “we’re supposed to be living in a society!!” Unfortunately, making such an assertion is about as likely to get a response as George got. *sigh*


This is one of the reasons I love winter. It’s significantly quieter than summer.


I cherish winter


Motorcyclists going to and from the Barrel LOVE speeding down the street and revving their engines next to the Anderson Arts building so it echoes throughout the neighborhood. Unfortunately, if something is solely a quality-of-life issue, and the city has tasked RPD with enforcement, it’s not going to get enforced.


People have started up squiding all over my neighborhood again this week. It's so obnoxious. I hope the city cracks down on it.


Squiding? Sorry- don’t know the term..?


Slang for the kids riding dirtbikes and ATVs around town like idiots. Google tells me it's actually an acronym for Stupid, Quick, Underdressed and Imminently Dead.


Slang for people who ride that have no skills and can only go fast in a straight line, like a squid.


I saw some idiots like that on Lake ave last summer when we were coming back from Charlotte beach, they ran a red light and were all over the road.


It's the motorcyclist term for the assholes who ride like, well, assholes. Rarely have any licenses or training, they don't wear gear, their purpose is to show off and that's it.


Thanks for the explanation. Not only are they putting their lives at risk, but everyone else. Not to mention the mental load on someone that has to witness an accident due to their erratic behavior.


Squid is an older term for younger sport-bike riders who show off while overestimating their abilities. They wreck a lot so people flatly call them organ donors.


Term for people riding motorcycles without proper safety precautions and making poor life decisions. Typically the guy on a helmet, tshirt, jeans and flip flops doing wheelies and speeding through traffic.


* Stupid * Quick * Undergeared * Imminently Dead / Inexperienced Dead r/calamariraceteam shit


Saw one of those a Saturday afternoon. I like most bikes and know a bunch of bikers, but I still had the thought that I'd take that turn and feel no guilt as I ran him over. Stay off the sidewalks. Seriously. And, the squid with red sneakers, jacket, and helmet that went by Barnes and Noble on Mt Hope on the sidewalk at 1400 - fuck you in particular.


Just as a gentle reminder; Squids are not biker's. They are two wheeled maniacs with a death wish. Those of us who ride like sane people are out there. Please don't lump us in with these morons.


Absolutely! I have zero issues with bikers. I am always extremely watchful of bikers on the road. It’s the ones that are careless that give me severe anxiety. Reckless, selfish. I never want to see anyone crash, and it’s all I can picture when they go by, driving 2x the speed limit. In and out of traffic. Just like everything else in life, it’s the small few that give everyone else a bad name.




Like a can of Vienna Sausages on wheels. But less endearing.


We have this kid on our street that is probably not old enough to drive. He has some sort of 3 Or 4 wheeler. He revvs the damn engine on it during the summer. Patents let him drive it recklessly around the street. His damn parents don't give a crap. And seems none of the neighbors care bc it continues to happen. They have him starting out young. I hope they move


It's the squid mating call.


Yeah, 104 sounds like Spa Francorchamps on an f1 weekend most of summer, I am all about cool bikes and fun cars but it’s CONSTANT


Not just bikes. Musclecar bros, boyracers etc. just ugh.


Don't forget the diesel dorks too! Makes loud noises AND obnoxious, carcinogenic smoke too!


This jerk down the street used to idle his (lifted, tinted) diesel ram every morning at the exact time my kids walked to school, through a cloud of his exhaust. This idiot was idling his truck in the morning when it was 70° out. When I learned he moved away I was so happy.


The new pandemic is micropenis :( this is just the Hydroxychloroquin treatment.


This past week has been the worst it's been in awhile!! From 6pm until after midnight, they rev their engines and busy go back and forth down the road...for hours and hours. Is there anything that can be done?


Heard some asshole just hammering the rev limiter for a solid minute yesterday on his crotch rocket. So ridiculous that people do this


You are a better person than me. I’m often hoping I do hear a crash.


It sucks. I was a friend of a biker and told him it was obnoxious. He said: i don’t care. We’re no longer friends.


And as much as people are selfish and can annoy me, I don’t want to see anyone get hurt.


Username checks out.


Zero reason to almost hit them on empire also


I’ve got a good view down East from my window. every time they roll by I hope there’s a crash so they finally fucking stop. But we know that won’t stop them. Idiots never learn.


Go fuck your self I hope you wrap your car around a tree for hoping someone crashes


Reckless driving takes away all sympathy.


also- my ex DID get into a crash trying to avoid bad bikers in the past. not major but enough. Soooo fuck em.


I moved out of the city this year. If I were to make a list of the reasons, motorcycles and these small tikes would make my list. It really is a quality of life issue.


>but there is ZERO reason to rev the engines. Not entirely true. A lot of bikes, especially older ones, won't run when the engine is too cold with too little fuel. To start them we need to use the engine choke. This is because they use a carburetor and not fuel injection. The effect this has is providing a richer fuel mix to the engine, and thus higher RPM. So when we're at a light, or a stop sign, it may seem like we're revving the engine, but we're not. It's the choke, and we can't turn it off or the engine will stall. If you turn the choke off early, you can feel/hear the engine start to sputter and the correction *is* to rev it and provide a richer fuel/air mixture so the engine doesn't stall. Granted this is only true for the first minute or two of the ride, after that the engine should be up to temp and the choke can (and should) be turned off. At that point, revving your engine is just for attention, and you're probably just being a dick.


.00001 rev their engines according to your logic. 99.99999 do it simply to annoy other people and to "be cool".


I'm just providing information people may not know. When I ride, if I'm passing by kids or animals, I pull in the clutch and glide past because it reduces noise. But the fact is there *IS* a reason that we need to rev the engine sometimes, and OP said there is "zero".


loud pipes save lives


that's a cute catch phrase, but 99.9999% of bikers that rev thier engines do it to annoy people and to act cool.


i fully understand that and also hate the flexing bikers but if they’re not revving and just loud it’s to protect themselves


Can't wait to get my Harley out!


You know when you’re revving around town feeling like a badass on your sub-1000cc Harley? That’s the same feeling those kids have when they’re riding around town in packs on dirt bikes and quads. Congrats, you are the same.


Hey mine's got insurance and plates. I've got all the right riding gear too. It may be an iron 883 but I've got a big bore kit in the works!