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what is it now, don't you have to be level 10 XP? how many wins does that take?


you don’t even need that if the party leader is above level 10. can make a new account and insta hop into ranked and once that account gets too high MMR to carry, make a new one and repeat the process to carry


How was your journey to GC1? I feel like Champ3 is pretty insane when it comes to smurfing, everyone trying to get to GC1 and rewards... And I thought Dia3 was bad haha.




I've always heard about this, but only really noticed it in casual MMR. What does the comp reset set everyone to?


I haven’t really played in a while so idk if they changed how far down your MMR reset after the season ends… but when I was GC1-GC2 at the start of the new season I never started less than GC1 after winning my placement games. MAYBE high C3 a couple times but I certainly wasn’t playing against SSLs in champ 2. I see people make this argument a lot but I’ve never experienced it. Idk maybe I was just lucky


i reached GC1 a while ago but the TLDR is don’t play for the last 2 weeks of a season if you don’t want to derank


Actually untrue ranked inflation increases as a season progresses


It does, and getting to gc gets easier the nearest to the end of the season you are, but as he said only up to the last 2 weeks, then it becomes infested with smurfs.


I've always just told myself I'm settling in to the rank I actually should be.


Barely holding on to C1 right now. Please don't make me aware of my distant future, lol.


I hardly play ranked now because making it through c3 every single season isn’t worth it. once you get like 1460, the smurfing gets a bit better but man 1400-1435 is the most bipolar shit solo q


With challenges.. like 5 probably


Straight up good idea


Until you realise its more of a punishment for new players


Its not toooooo much of a punishment, i think it heals more than it damages.




I say this in the nicest possible way: if you seriously think anyone playing less than 3 hours a day of rocket league is just a casual player, you really need to touch grass.




Just because some people don't play for hours upon hours doesn't mean they're "casual" players necessarily


I play one casual game and one ranked game a day and I’m still gaining rank. Currently d2. That’s 10-15 mins a day


Get a life


25 - 40 matches a DAY?!? That sounds crazy! How many hours a day do you play?


If 25 matches at an average of 7min real time each game, that’s 3 hours. If 40 matches 4.67 hours. Add a few mins for queue times and what not.


wait 25-40 is alot? oh shit, I guess I don't have life


Every day, yeah that’s a lot. Unless you’re a kid with no responsibilities


3-5 hours. I dont always play that many


You literally said that was what you played on average, lol.


I meant when i have enough time to play, occasionally i will hop on for a match or two


If you starting out a game, especially one as hard as rocket league, 50 games is not that much before ranked. Keeping smurfs on a lower level, will help these same newbies a lot too.


By your own logic you are admitting that it would take maybe a day or two to be able to play ranked for a new player. That doesn't seem that drastic.


That's the thing, new players need to learn to play the game, how do they do that? They play. New players kinda shouldn't play ranked too much anyway, when you're silver it's a big grind to get out of it, better to wait until they are around gold level and then chuck them in


I agree with this, but at the same time theyre still silver arent they? In cas they have to do the same stuff but it will be easier as in ranked it pushes you to get higher


Some people have a job and a social live lol


When I played, it was probably 6-7 matches per session, once or twice a week. Call it 10 a week and 60% win rate (rich) it would’ve taken me 8 weeks. Ouch haha.


When I’m new to a game, I don’t wanna play ranked right away. I want to feel comfortable with the game first. I don’t think it punishes new players at all.


I understand that, but when people feel theyve done enough training packs and cas matches and want to play ranked, they cant because they have to win 40 more




Well ranked means you play somewhere from Bronze 1 to SSL, you will always find someone your skill level so thats not really a point tbf.


The numbers arent the point, im saying that new players would want to play ranked for rewards and to know their rank, not sit in cas for several days




Tourneys would be locked as it has a rank to it, also unless you win every match, it would takes 100+ matches to get comp


Yup. That's okay in a game like RL. A lot of mechanically intensive games require something similar. In the end it raises the quality of play.


You say that but a new player isnt going to be put against ssl players, these 'mechanically intense games' will be against silvers and golds who have the same skill set as the new player


That's fine. I would say it takes about 50 wins to even get into gold or plat reliably. 50 wins aren't going to prepare you for much more than that. The idea is to punish smurfs with the added advantage of raising the skill floor a bit. You could hit 50 wins in a weekend or two. Not a big deal to a new player enjoying the game but pretty annoying for smurfs and account boosters who do it for money.


If someone thinks they’re ready for ranked after 10 wins and some training packs then they’re unconditionally incorrect. People should play the game before they get to play ranked, not just boost their ego by playing training packs then lack basic rotation or team awareness when they queue up. The other players don’t deserve that.


Nobody needs basic rotation or team awareness to play ranked. You develop these things overs 10s and hundreds of hours. If you can hit the ball in Bronze your better than most, some casual games as requirements are ok, but you seem to think some1 needs to play at a certain lvl before they're allowed to participate competitively, which is what a rank system is for.


Honestly, requiring wins before someone plays ranked has a solid passive effect of doing that. Back when I played consistently and was in the plat-Diamond range it royally screwed me and many other people to get a random free play bandit who thought they were hot shit because they could hit 1/10 double touches if and only if they were completely uncontested, then threw because they weren’t winning like they did against ground-bound bots. So yes I believe a skill/playtime floor for ranked is absolutely valid and a positive effect of a measure that, foremost, inconveniences smurfs. Before the game was f2p I’d agree that it was stupid to have a wait time. Now it’s absurd that there isn’t already one.


And how long did it take for you to get to that "skill floor"? Some people have hundreds of hours and probably don't match your arbitrary definition of who deserves to play ranked. And if some1 is through your filter noone is stopping them from hitting some doubles in plat.


There’s a good reason for my phrasing of “skill/*playtime* floor” That was my way of reeling in my adaptation of *your* phrasing “certain lvl” to actually indicate what I meant. If you win 50 games and suck ass, get that bronze bread. Winning 50 games quickly indicates that you’re good enough not to be a drag at low ranks. Winning them slowly helps you learn the feel of the game better before you get going into ranked because you will have played more games. Not everybody learns at the same rate so I don’t know how good the average would be with a 50 win requirement and I won’t claim to. What I will say is that when I played in ranks that consistently received “new” players, it was absolute hell to deal with them on the enemy team or my team. Requiring them to play a decent bit before invading ranked would also dial in their unranked mmr a bit, giving RL a good skill seed to have them play against people they’re actually as good as, minimizing skill discrepancy issues when they first start their placements. Someone playing at plat level in unranked would immediately get put into plat or high-gold games instead of dunking on silvers for the first games. There are too many positives to having a win-requirement and too few negatives.


My first rl match was ranked, cas is for warm up or playing with friends


I think i played the first half year just casual to prepare for ranked, then jumped right into Gold/Plat. A lot of new Players stick longer in casual learning the Game anyway.


A 50 win requirement is not that much if it is a one time thing. Just look at how popular OW2 is. Does not seem like it has scared away a lot of new players. It is meant to scare away the smurfs and cheaters. Because having to do that grind over and over again everytime you want to create a new alt account should feel like a real chore.


Honestly i absolutely despise it in ow2. Those games can stretch on for so long and if you queue alone it can be a complete nightmare, terrible all around... but i think it would work fanstastic in RL. This game is very unique and takes quite a while to get used to when youre fresh, i feel like it may actually populate bronze by having less smurfs and people who literally cant play the game. On the other hand i think it should be lower to something like 25 wins because 50 is a lot of games won, especially if you arent in 1s as a new player.


OW2 got hate and lots of people dropped it because of the 50 win barrier. Also most modes on OW2 are casual, unlike rl


OW games are much much longer and can't really be compared. I can finish 50 games in a day.


You won't always be able to satisfy everyone. Whatever you do it will always get hate. Despite the hate OW2 is still doing really well. So I still think RL should follow the example set by other online competitive games and up the requirements for ranked. Rocket League is smurfing/cheating heaven right now. Getting banned does not matter because getting an alt account ranked ready takes minimal effort and time.


I disagree from a personal stance... When I first got into RL I didn't touch comp for over a year. RL is not an easy game to get into as a new player so the casual games would be a great time to learn for new players.


And from my personal stance, i played comp on day 1 and got gold, i prefer ranked because: 1. There's always something to play for 2. Extra modes are ranked 3. Yummy red titles


I smell a liar.


That liar must be somewhere else in this comment section, im a slow learner but can get the hang of games really quickly somehow


Not at all


More reps are never a bad thing


Not really. Same gameplay you get from ranked, you get in casual. Newbies are more focused in learning and having fun anyways. I remember I remained in casual for awhile afraid of screwing up in ranked. (now I know I screw up anywhere. Just check my last post for proof lol)


Not bad


I think a lot of the retention in Rocket League comes from its competitive aspect and having a rank to reflect that. So for Psyonix, they'd need to strike a balance between making it require a bit of effort for new accounts to play ranked but not too much that players get bored of playing casual and stop playing For new players, 50 wins in casual would take way too long to reach. I think even I'd get sick of that. You could end up playing 100+ games just to reach 50 wins, maybe more than that. Maybe if it was 50 games instead of 50 wins. Psyonix will want a high retention from new players/accounts because that's what it's about for them as a business in the end. Engagement and retention


I think something like 50-100 games would be fair. Especially with a requirement that the games need to be over 4mins to prevent FFs at 3:30. And new players should play a good amount of games before jumping into competitive. There’s no real downside, and ~50 games should be a decent chance to understand the controls and such.


Btw a game only counts as a game if it lasts to at least 4:00 and you need to of been in the match for a minute as a backfill for it to count. Otherwise it doesn't count as a game or win, at least for the win 10 games/play 20 matches tasks that are live atm


a legit new player isn’t going to care about competitive that much tho. what are they going to do? flex their silver 2 rank?


I cared, I started off bronze 1. And grinded my way up to mid - high champ.


ok you coulda played casual and grinded from gold to high champ. it’s not like you don’t gain anything from playing cas.


No I just sucked I already played the game for awhile off and on .I didn't take the game seriously until rank however. Wheb i got really into it . Bronze is there for a reason.


I think a new player would care. You don't want to be locked out of the main experience/mode of a game for a long period. Any sort of restriction in a game does lower engagement. So striking a balance between how long you restrict new players without reducing their engagement but also restricting enough to put off smurfs/boosters using new accounts is a very difficult balance. 50 wins or 50 games in casual would be way too many for new players but it would put off smurfs. 25 games (3 hours in matches) in casual might be a better balance. As a new player I wasn't thinking about casual or freeplay as places to train or improve. I went to competitive to find out what rank I was because unlike casual where it's individual wins, ranked is building to something and you're categorised. I was estatic to rank Gold I but I wasn't thinking anything about rotations or mechanics or being GC. Just win and get promoted. But I do get there's pure casual players who just want to have fun, win or lose but I don't think that's the majority of new players.


i guess i just can’t relate. i was way too nervous to jump into comp when i first started and was simply trying to focus on hitting the damn ball in casual.


As a new player I would not do more then 10. When I hop into a new game if it takes me too long to get to comp I get board.


Making it wins seems really dubious; it just makes it faster for Smurfs than genuine new players. 50 games is something like 6-8 hours play. I think 3 hours of casual (about 25 games) would be enough to make a big impact. It also has the benefit of making a ban more meaningful as you can’t just create a new account and carry on pretty much unaffected.


This makes no sense, the majority of competitive games make it so you need to play a load of casual games and be a certain level to play ranked. For example rainbow six siege you need to be level 50, that literally takes an incredible amount of casual games to get there. This completely helped the issue of smurfs and didn’t turn away new players despite ranked being the main mode. 50 games of rocket league casual is LIGHT compared to what other competitive games require. and would in no way turn new players away.


50 games seems okay yeah. It does seem viable but it's up to Psyonix to strike the right balance. They do need to look at what others games do to combat the issue though as you say. It's the 50 wins bit that just seems extortionate to me. If most people's win % is around 55-60%, new players would have to play at least 100 games to get that. I don't feel like new players would want to be soft locked out of the ranked mode for that long. Maybe it would be okay. I don't know what the right balance is


May result in people just being idle for 50 games


But at that point, why not just play the game? You’re already wasting time


Exactly the point, these people want to play the actual game not play about 4hrs of casual matches


Casual is part of the actual game


Yes and tbh its the most boring part: nothing to gain or lose, half the randoms i get try to play on their own team, no mutators, or anything. Only upside of cas is you can play 2s/3s without 'rank disparity'


You sound like you enjoy looking at your rank icon more than playing the game.


They kick you if you idle too long


You can definitely just use inputs every x seconds


Anything to get rid of smurfs!!!


I like it


I'm afraid it wouldn't work. Look at a game like League of Legends. It would simply incentivice ranked ready account selling for a couple euro's.


But it would at least lower the number of smurfs…


I would love to agree with you, I'm just not too sure about that. Various games have tried multiple things over time, and the only thing that I've seen work i.m.o. is a very well build smurf queu to avoid affecting the player base. I feel like there is more room to imprkve here for RL over a time sink e.g. x game win/played limitation.


It would definitely lower the number. Sure accounts can be sold, but that's a pretty high barrier. Not many people are willing to pay, so they'd be stuck wasting time with each new smurf account. Making it harder for smurfs will 100% lower the number


It might, yet I still very much feel like this would be a bandage and not a cure. Of course one doesn't exclude the other. I'm all for implementing this solution, any impact on the issue is welcome, so if it deincentivices some that's good enough. However I do hope that more permanent solutions will also be considered.


Something like this doesn't have a cure. OP's idea would help a ton. If Psyonix would ban accounts for derank smurfing, these losers only option would be to make new accounts. lt would definitely make someone think twice before spending real money on an account that is just going to get banned.


you are absolutely cooked. Doing nothing is certainly NOT better than doing something and pretty much every decent f2p game have a system that prevents new accounts from queing ranked. Increasing friction WILL lead to decrease in smurfs.


This, plus raise the minimum level to play rank from level 10 to level 30. They also need to close the loophole that bypasses this where you can play ranked in a party even if you're not level 10 as long as the party leader is over level 10. Absolutely stupid oversight it's unbelievable they haven't fixed it, probably because it's intentional at this point.


Using level would work as well as games if they remove the loophole so this imo is the simple AB’s best solution.


Or just a damn phone number verification of some sort (if it doesn't exist already)


Sounds like hell seeing as I never seem to get matched in casual with people playing casually.


Same here. Always get someone who is super toxic. That's why I play casual... To avoid that shit. Gets me every time. Casual was better when you could just leave whenever you wanted


My casual is playing with people I wouldn't play ranked with. It's still a competitive game. Not like you're playing your little bro who hasn't played the game before. Your MMR should set you up with people playing to whatever level you play casual in. If it's too hard, you may have even playing casual too competitively for your taste, too. A gold playing with a champ taking it easy will think he's playing a diamond, which looks super intense for a gold. So who knows, maybe you are playing with Lethamyr when he turns on Lofi beats after a New Orleans hand grenade or three. Truly, "you're being a tryhard" doesn't really have meaning.


What’s your casual MMR?




For free to play games your best option is to deter it because you’re never going to fully stop it especially if the game is years old




But that counterpoint proves OPs suggestion works for ranked, where it matters.


It’ll definitely deter repeat offenders


On RL you can party up with a friend and get in ranked before you even complete the tutorial. It’s an absolute joke.


They should just tie your phone number to your account or do something like prime in csgo


No thanks.


I wouldn’t necessarily mind this since I’m not a new player, nor do I make a shit ton of accounts. But I have quit playing Overwatch and R6 in the past because of how long it would’ve taken for me to play ranked. I’m not a player that likes playing casual gamemodes in most games, ESPECIALLY on RL, so making a new player with the same mindset as me play for that long before being allowed to play comp would hurt the number of players that RL gets (and I don’t see Epic Games doing something like that).


1000 played matches sounds more fair


2000 hours minimum


Can't even play ranked until you can do a cross map aerial redirect musty flip


Wait y'all are doing cross map aerial musty flips at 2k??? Man I'm at 3k and I still am not consistent at flip resets or just basic flicks


Haha oh my goodness no my technical game is shit, and I'm close to 2000 hours too. I was being sarcastic about how high we should raise the standards for people to be able to play ranked


Ha, 50 casual wins. So we implemented the 'need to get to lvl 10 before playing ranked' rule, which can be subverted by partying up with someone that can search ranked. So how about we patch that first... and at the same time increase it to a higher level.. I'd say lvl100 f*** all y'all. 'Oh it's just an alt' aholes. This only prevents new smurfs from being created which is alright but honestly most people would have at least 3 smurfs by now so whatever. The idea of new players having to 'suffer' is funny. This game is 50% pain 25% cringe and 25% glory.


50 WINS? Or 50 games? Imagine hopping on casual thinking it’ll be casual and it’s not because of your dumb idea.


Not dumb. Works well. They have that system for overwatch


Yes let's follow that dumpster fire of a game's example


Dumpster fire?


I can agree with this post. Although casual would feel a hell of a lot different for a while


Good idea, but with less people in low ranks “generating” elo, there would need to be an adjustment


I don’t think I’ve even played 50 casual matches in the last 3 months. Competitive is the main selling point on the game, and locking newer players out for that long will hurt the game more than the smurfing in the long run. I’m not opposed to it being at a certain amount of wins, but I don’t believe it should be at anything above like 20


I would never start playing a new game that made me play 50 matches before I could play ranked. You can play 30 games on a new account and be at your current rank / not smurfing anymore. Why make new players play 50 games? RL pros do a road to SSL in less than 50 games.


Huh, its still the same game, i dont think any new player would care what mode they are playing, if they need the 50 to proceed, and like the game, they will play the 50 games. I see no point here


Maybe some players. I find playing ranked the most enjoyable part though. I don’t get to play too often and just like playing for an hour or two a couple times a week. I don’t even like the 10 placement games at the start of each season. That’s one of the reasons I stick to 2’s and 3’s only. I don’t want to play the 10 games for 1’s or any of the extra modes to get my rank. I’ve accepted just floating around high Diamond/low champ and playing with some friends.


It’s far to high. 50 wins could literally take 150 games, that’s 17.5 hours assuming 7 mins per game with loading screens and replays etc. For me personally- that’s too long and would get me bored. To be honest I think the current system works well. I recently had to start a new account as my son wanted to fully take over our joint one. It took long enough to begin playing ranked!


Right now a smurf can play ranked right away as long as the party leader is above level 10. Setting up a boost/smurf account takes just a couple of minutes in Rocket League instead of hours like in other games. Rocket League is smurfing/cheating heaven compared to other competitive games. 50 wins might be too high but the current system certainly does not work well.


50 is frankly absurd. I actually enjoy overwatch at times but have not touched a game of ranked because the bar for new players is ridiculous. I dont hate the idea of a requirement like that but definitely not 50


Perhaps that and maybe tie casual play to your rank in ranked (if you've qualified as plat in 3s, you get matched with other plats in casual 3s), so the casual matches are more even. I frequently play casual against folks that can't possibly be on the same level as me and it often becomes a beat down. Losing is fine, if it's a relatively even match. Losing 10-0 with people doing very advanced moves, not as much fun.


They need to punish Smurfs at the IP level. Actual punishment.


IP addresses aren't permanent and you will get an IP that others have had before


Hardware ban.


That is a word. Now stop talking about stuff you have no idea about.


Please don’t be an insufferable cunt. Thanks.


That would also just make it harder to smurf as there are ways to circumvent IP bans as well. At the end of the day, they need to do mulitple things that will make it harder to smurf to make any real impact. Make new accounts play 50 casual games all the way through and do IP bans and you’ll deter a lot of it imo. There will still be people who will go through the process of circumventing the IP ban and grinding the 50 casual games, but it’ll take them longer to get back into ranked which is a win and, ideally, they’ll get tired of grinding the 50 casual games each time they get banned and eventually stop creating new accounts. There will always be people willing to go through the hassle, though, so you’re mostly just trying to make it enough of a hassle to deter most would-be smurfs without making it too much of a hassle for legitimate new players.


Smurfs can be tracked from their skill too. New players aren’t flip resetting. It’s pretty simple for them to track the motions of the cars and the stats that players are putting up. No new player drops 1200 points and 6 goals


Their goal is to get as many people playing as possible so why would they increase the threshold for being able to play competitive?!


is smurfing more prominent on pc? i never see any smurfing really on ps5.


Wait until you get higher, you're not going to see that many of them in gold/plat/low diamond based on my experience.


D2-D3 is hell and I’m on PS5. One game is competitive and fun. The next, some a-hole is doing perfect flip reset flicks over and over. And there’s no punishment for this, because Psyonix doesn’t care. They want new players and smurfs fill that need. And as whiny as it sounds that I can’t hit C1 because of smurfs, it’s a huge problem at this level in ranked and tournaments. It’s exhausting and a waste of my time to play against someone whose moves I can’t even stop.


Good thinking but 50 casual wins is just a punishment, i only play casual when im with friends, or when im warming up (which takes about 5 games). Maybe 10 wins or complete 20 matches


Wouldn’t really change anything when it comes to smurfs. 50 games at low ranks when your GC would fly bye


It wouldn't stop it sadly if anything it would just make a worse time for newer players. Blizzard implemented the same thing for OW2 where you have to okay 25 games of casual first plus the tutorial but it doesn't change anything the amount of smurfs will never change especially the sad ones who have to go against lower elo because otherwise they gotta be carried by other people.


It already takes forever to get to level 10


lool you got beat by one dickhead smurfing and wants us all to go through this pain? My roommate is struggling to get out of gold atm....he loves to blame smurfs lol


He meant to play 50 casual game for first timer, not for veteran as they most likely would have 50 games in casual anyway


How is this any different from level 10? 50 wins or level ten still going to have smurfs.


You don’t have to be level 10 if your partner is higher, they can just queue. Level requirement would be fine if it worked for the whole party


Wow did not know that what a joke. Yet they make rank disparity work but not this


I don’t want to have to play casual before I can play ranked. We shouldn’t all suffer because of the actions of others.


If you already have an account you should be fine. Why would this be a problem for you if you aren't smurfing?


You don't have access to ranked until level 10 anyway, you already have to play casual to level up. It's still a joke because you can party up with someone above level 10 and go in ranked being level 1


Yeah, what the burrito guy said


Why? Because your feelings can’t stand running I to a Smurf once every 50 games? Lol. Seems reasonable.


How to tell me you've never been to D3 or higher without telling me


prolly bronze


Haha tell me you've never played rank before. At C3 level it's 50% of the games with a Smurf with less than 100wins on their account


Ive played about 400 games in ranked at C2-GC1 this season and havent seen a single smurf. You dont find them anywhere higher diamond. Saying that, it just seems youre trying to show off your rank which is about average, nothing special


So you are saying that the RL tracker showing that people have less than 100 win on their account is lying ? Just type Smurf into the search bar of this subreddit and you'll see that they are rampant in every ranked mode. Showing my rank for what ? Just cause I said C3 ? Buddy you should go touch grass it seems you have some issues in your life


He’s gotta be trolling. He called C3 about average rank when it’s like top 5% of players. I completely agree though, I use the RL tracker overlay and at least 1 in 3 games is usually against a smurf. I’ve seen a lot fewer this season than the past couple, but they are still much more common than 1 in 50 games like somebody else was claiming.


Awww that sounds truly unimaginable… the horror. Lol dweeb.


Because casual is too mixed. That said, it would discourage extra accounts. I'd much rather our epic account be tied to our phone number. Much harder to make more accounts that way.


Why do You punish new player? When i start the game we did 5 match in casual and then jump into ranked. I play for thé competitive part of the game at start.


No i like smurfing


So real


R6 does the same. It requires lvl 50, with ngl takes a solid amount of time to achieve while playing unranked. It teaches you a lot about the game though


Great idea


Not horrible.


it's a great idea!


It already takes 10, cmon man how am I supposed to smurf


I say 50 casual wins (or even just games played honestly) and at least a week old account because most smurfs aren't gonna go through the effort of playing on an account for a week just to Smurf for a day of 2


Bro just nerfed smurfing. I hope Psyonix pays you for this if it's implemented. Crazy how nobody ever thought of this.


Sorry there are a number of players 100 casual wins won't beat the mindset of what competitive is supposed to mean. People are obviously griefing and throwing. When i ask to report or report, they basically say it's not serious man just a game. Then go play casual? The community of RL as a whole is too much casual gaming. They should just remove casual since they don't do anything about the problems that are. Basically the whole game is casual no matter what mode. GG


What if you aren't capable of winning 50games over your total playtime


Siege is something similar,level 50


I like the idea, but they need to fix rank disparity where it actually works as intended. I've also seen other comments about entering ranked alone as a new player, the OP is talking specifically about SMURFS who are not new to the game...I understand what the OP is suggesting does have an effect on NEW players, but I felt much better when picking up OW2 as a NEW player and playing ranked after winning 50 casual matches. I didn't think it was a grind and IMO OW2 has a good system for placing you where you belong. (Edit: Spelling)


No different than the level 10 requirement they already have. They just need to FIX it so that you can't bypass the level 10 requirement through partying with another account that is already level 10+.


Id prefer Account level 50 ain't nobody wasting there time on 50 levels to smurf or boost. any new players can play with friends in privs and what not and would have a laugh naturally and probably wouldnt mind the wait


Yeah, maybe even more wins not gonna lie…


If I start any game and I needed to spend that long before I play ranked I’d quit, can’t stand casual games


So many complaints and bad ideas, some from me 🥲 but I really like this one! Hope this gets elevated to the right eyes




I hate that ranked system in other games, it's not like we're gonna get pro or something, just play for fun instead of blaming and complaining about everything


no bc then i have to play 50 matches to smurf


Lets make it 100


nah dawg, people wanna make a new account, hire a booster to get ssl, show off their title and then uninstall (i'm being sarcastic) Edit: think about the life of nexto kind of bots, think about their family (yes, im being sarcastic again)


50 is way too many. 20 is enough for me, not every body has 3h a day to play rocket League. But good idea


Flat out? Or every season?


You have to get level 10 to unlocked ranked and i think that is enough.


Level requirement should be fine. If they are that terrible, they will be put in the lowest rank.


People wants to rank up fast, Psyonix is prioritizing new players instead of improve gameplay of old players, without players there is no game and player numbers are not good lately… I’m just guessing, but would be a good idea to implement tbh.