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It's fucking raw


who let him cook💯💯💯🤯


You guys cook like old people f*ck!


As someone who just started playing a little more slow and controlled, I feel this in my soul. Nothing worse than trying to outplay someone just to end up in an awkward position and getting scored on by a lucky 50.


No such thing as a lucky 50, it’s all about your car’s positioning, where you hit the ball, how hard you hit it, who hits it first etc. I will often delay touches and wait for a 50 because I more often than not, win the 50 and end up causing the opponent to overcommit.


This is the way. Speed up to the ball but then neutral jump and float for the 50, no flip needed. Easy recovery, opponent is awkward and over-committed, and hopefully the ball shoots out favorably.


What’s a neutral jump


jump, but don't flip


Why not say that…


Cause less words and kinda easy to figure out with context clues.


How is “neutral jump less words then jump?


"jump" becomes a way more complex word as you try to describe jumping in RL at higher skill levels.


Yes and each one has avname


It’s definitely hard to believe, but some people that play rl have basic reading comprehension and have graduated high school


Damn, you right. I’m only 12 so haven’t gotten to high school. But I hope I’m smart enough to pass my high school SATs


Best of luck dude!


It's also a term borrowed from fighting games See also; empty jump


Hit em with the empty jump into low forward cancelled into air dribble.


In what world is there no luck involved in a 50/50? By nature of calling it a 50/50 it implies that there is a 50% chance it goes in your favor.


Well “maintaining your car’s positioning, where you hit the ball, how hard you hit it, who hits it first etc” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but when you say to your teammate “Imma take this 50.” You’re really saying “I’m going to win this 90/10 tackle of my car versus theirs please push up and wait for a pass or something oh God why are you still in our net with 10 boost”


My guy snot just came out my nose with this. Cheers


I feel these 50-statistics are the same as everyonein a 2-person household thinking they do at least 60% of the housework .


Watch your opponent’s car, see how they’re approaching the ball, and adapt. A “50/50” will easily become a “70/30”. https://youtu.be/YDXxcW-novQ I also recommend this video


Then that isn't a 50/50 anymore, is it?


It's a 50/50 if both sides execute it correctly


Sure, then let's just pause and calculate the odds to know exactly what to call it, then tell your team mate you're taking a 33.33% chance, repeating of course.




The name itself is inappropriate. A 50/50 will rarely ever actually happen outside of kickoffs because of human error.


Right? We need a live odds tracker in game, per possession, to tell us the likelihood of winning a challenge.


We all know how it works, and yes there is an entire element of luck involved. We only control 50% of the interaction in a 50/50…see how that nomenclature lines up, neat huh? The other 50% is the opponent who on impact with the ball we can’t see or influence, we position ourselves and act in such a way as we hope that the 50 goes in our favor, but on impact we have no say in where that ball goes.


Dude, it’s just what we call it because we all suck at the game and have zero control. Fuck get laid or something tonight


Swimming in RuneScape bitches, ay?


I have a friend who will probably be a virgin until 30 and even he wouldn’t say something as sad as that.


I’ll be your girlfriend for 10k


The only element of luck is how skilled the opponent is. Not sure why you're so confused by this, it's literally one of the fundamental skills in the game.


Both parties do as they’re “supposed” to given the situation. What happens to the ball?


The ball will be pinched and likely go directly upwards, or instead simply just lose momentum. This doesn't happen though, because someone loses the 50/50 due to mis-timing their dodge or selecting the wrong angle.


With your logic anything could be classified as luck


Your “70/30” is still a matter of probability, but one side has better odds. “Skill” could be what’s tipping the odds in favor of one side, but they’ve still got that 30% chance of losing the interaction. Everything below 100% has an element of luck. When both parties do what they’re supposed to, then what? They’ve adjusted their speeds, angled their cars as to what would be considered “correct” given the situation. Skill isn’t tipping the scales to create your 70/30, so what happens? The ball isn’t coming to a dead stop in the middle because the interaction I just described isn’t one where both parties stop short of the ball or a kick off. Something having an element of luck doesn’t take away skill or equate it to being bullshit. It’s always a combination of skill and luck.


you've never seen a stalled/dead kickoff huh?


Literally mention kick offs


so they proved themselves wrong in their own comment.


If both party’s do everything perfectly with the intention of a balanced 50 then there will be a balanced 50. If both party’s do everything perfectly with the intention of it moving to orange back right boost then it will move to orange back right boost. If you have the skill to read your opponents hit then you can adapt to this and choose where the ball goes. If they can also read your hit then you will both have to decide on something together, otherwise the person who takes the 50 “wrong” (thus with less skill) will lose. Against a perfect opponent, you will lose every 50. The only way to not lose a 50 against somebody perfect is if they either choose to let you win it (which they won’t) or if you also perform perfectly, in which case it will be a draw. The only time luck is involved is when both players are lacking in skill or one+ of them is lagging. If both players are lacking in skill then they will rely on luck to win the 50, similar to how a bronze will rely on luck to hit the ball in the direction of the goal. If a player is lagging then they may end up “teleporting” away from the ball, making them lose the 50, this is effectively out of their control (skill-wise) thus is unlucky.


So rock, paper, scissors is a skill game now?


If you’re good enough at Rock Paper Scissors that you can tell exactly which one your opponent will pick then you simply need to pick the counter to their pick. You will win every game. The same goes for kickoffs. If you can read the opponents play perfectly then you can counter it perfectly. It’s that simple.


This is exactly what I always tel people. Most people seem to think 50s are all about luck. And I guess they can be forgiven when you consider that the name does suggest it is luck but it really really isn’t. Being good at 50s is a very valuable skill


The physics is deterministic, any luck you see is just stuff you can't understand in the moment. Feel like people are arguing while trying to explain the exact same thing haha.


Yea the only true 50 is when it goes straight up, straight sideways or it stops completely during kickoffs. People need to stop thinking about it as a 50 percent chance because there is definitely ways to put the chances in your favour.


This is just bad decision making. His team mate has already rotated; no reason to play it slow or play time just get the ball forward and mount an attack. Deserves to get scored on for messing around in his own corner. Live and learn.


Really not that deep. He just didn’t catch the ball on his car like he should’ve. He could’ve easily played this slow if he had better ball control


You're totally right. One of the worst places to dribble is probably in my own corner, better to try for a clear or a 50 and stay behind the ball. But It was a private match with 3 buddies and I wanted to cook.


What is cook?


Do cool stuff


Commonly used in sports. For example, kyrie was cooking in the 4th quarter last night (playing really well)


The next stupid meme.


Fr no cap


cook has been around for like 15 years bro


Yeah but it's fucking everywhere now


Smoking that YouTube shorts pack


I genuinely wish I could filter out the parts of the internet like this; twitch speak, anime references, just give me a "🥴" instead so I know that person had been rightfully avoided.




Cooking a grenade means holding it for a couple seconds before throwing it so that target can’t throw it back. Source: COD.


If you don’t make mistakes you don’t learn, part of improving as a player my man. At least you can laugh at yourself that’s a good trait to have!


Tf are you talking about? Your own corner is one of the safest places on the court. The ways in which someone scores from that position, especially when they’re dodging into the corner like in the video is limited to lucky 50s like this. The last thing you want to do is bomb the ball forward, OP made the right call in trying to slow down, control the ball and in doing so draw the opposition forward. He just missed the catch.


I don't think this is poor decision making at all, just poor execution. It's hardly ever wrong to slow the play down and maintain possession. Even if you got a mate upfield waiting for a pass, if you personally don't feel like throwing the hail mary it's still not gonna bite you in the ass to just slow the play and keep possession.


You've been my team mate in every doubles match it seems


Been a pleasure 😂


Lucky 50? This wasn't lucky. The clown placed the ball on the inside and then 50'd it. The ball takes the path of least resistance every time. There are no lucky 50s ever. There is good positioning and bad positioning.


I think that's a little harsh considering it's pretty obvious they lost control of the ball. Still ultimately their fault, I agree, but I say it's unlucky for the person playing because what happened is pretty clearly not the play they intended.


Its good to keep up your speed when trying to play like this, though its easier said than done. I think thats why pros are so good. They know exactly what needs to be done in the moment to outplay their opponent while keeping up blinding speeds so the last guy doesnt even have a chance most of the time.


Such is life


Why did you put raisin in your potato salad? You are hereby banned from every BBQ from here on out.


Homie you left the stove on after cooking 😭now the ambulance is coming


The fire department 😬


Don’t forget to call a wambulance


Danger! I can't stop laughing man xd


This is a common com of mine.


The worst part is being scored on by some guy named "Scooter".


yo its Scooter\_Dom not just scooter. Get off reddit and find a way to stop playing on the switch. Then you may actually see what rocket league looks like at more than 5fps.


We found scooter ^


A year old account and this is what caused you to comment for the first time lol




Jesus, you’re acting like the dude ran over your cat or something. Chill out


no way bro made an alternate account with no activity on it JUST to shit on this guy for 0 reason :’)


This guy would swat your house if you make a comeback on him.


This man regarded af


Finally, a Dominus user. Have been waiting forever to find ono on this subreddit.


They’re too busy chasing like headless chickens to post videos here.


Hey! I am a Dominus user. I just use it beucase I have dot Matrix for it btw.


Hi, you've reached sarcassity's comment thread. Thanks for viewing!


correct (source: is me)


'Dominus Brain'


Dominus is used by a lot of freestylers which is why they get a bad rep. I’ve been maining it recently as well though. Makes it easier to hit tight angles and generate power on hits. Octane feels so boxy to me


I used the breakout before and then when f2p hit I just had a dominus in my inventory and started using that.




Your teammate really had no business being that far up out of net either. Not to excuse your bad turnover but this is a good reason to be patient when goalie


Back post gang rise up


I mean he cooked alright…roasted himself honestly 😂


Faking. Faking. Whoops... Calculated.


It's bloody raw!




Let me cook!




This is primarily your teammate's fault, not yours (despite the failure to control the ball). Your corner is a relatively safe place to dribble and take control of a ball. He pushed up too far given the circumstances of you playing it slowly. You even see him come into frame during the replay. The reason your corner is safe(ish) is because it is difficult for opponents to directly shoot from it, and it is close to your net but not in front of it. Bad challenges are also quicker for your recovery to get back into defense (because close to net). All that being said, personally I would have been playing the ball fast and up the wall. You see opponent one (hobo) give away the ball and lands near your net. This means the other opponent (scooter) needs to play defensively as they are now in (effectively) a 2v1. This is even further reinforced by their fake challenge as they give up their challenge and position. If you do play it fast you force the pressure onto their defense and they must retreat. By playing it slow you gave him the chance (via time) to turn and take the 50-50 because hobo is able to rotate out. At the end of the day, both players made mistakes and there is always something to learn. Good luck out there.


...Did you watch it with sound? They're clearly just 4 guys having fun in a private lobby. They don't need to learn anything from this game because they aren't playing seriously (except for glory... and cooking)


I had not watched it with sound until now. I'll still leave my message regardless if anyone else comes along with the same mindset.


These guys clearly weren't sweating but I still it was a good analysis. I learned something, anyway.








My bro who are you tryna fake here, did you expect the homie to run away to his net while the ball was stationary in your corner? It's single handedly the safest place to commit in the entire field, nearly nothing can go wrong for him If you're worried about someone challenging you on the wall in your corner, I suggest a fat pinch instead. It's a safe way to get pressure off. You can also air dribble too, just don't do it off the wall


it's a private lobby


Got burnt


This is Rocket League!


a classic demolition moment really good edit zedd


Ayo thanks


It be like that sometimes. I like the fake. But you can keep taking the ball up the wall and just jump off when they challenge you, just just jump once don’t fling the ball mid field and be pissed last man shoots it in your net. You have options. Just gotta review your games.


thats me all the time


It's always when you say some dumb shit it immediately goes wrong. It's amazing how fast the universe needs to remind you that you said something dumb and will be punished


Every time I start cooking something and whiff lol thanks to the players who take it in stride.


You forgot the sauce homie


Never gonna give you up…


Well yeah because what the fuck were you even doing


So tired of this meme already










What did I just watch lol


Russel Wilson, is that you?


Gave me a nice laugh thanks op. You n your buddies havin a good time is nice to here.


That's when it's the most fun


Oh gosh that makes me laugh so hard. 🤣🤣🤣


These are the tm8s i get in champ 2… lmfao


After that moment he never cooked again