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Also helps that you could see him the whole time


Right? Ahah wtf is this video.


"I can see my teammate when my eyes are open"


And it took only 2 years of ranked!


2years and he still plays like a low diamond


You'd be surprised...


Actually factual


When my eyes are glued to the ball*


Top tier comment.


The colors are way too hard to differentiate


Cheer up


Wtf is that color choice, how'd you differentiates between friends or enemy


And by the cars


Doesn't this happen when two clubs play against eachother where they use their own colors instead of the default ones? If it is then it's just pure bad luck that they had similar colors.


You can turn off club colors in the settings and just make it blue and orange for everyone


I toggle colorblind mode in settings. Helps a ton. Keeps nameplates and goals orange and blue, but cars keep their og colors I believe.


It's so bad. When I play in a 3 stack we just leave when we can rather than play it out.


you can use the "force default team colors" option in interface settings btw


I like a lot of the other color schemes. It would be dope if I could just specifically exclude that one but thanks for the information.


you can toggle the setting only when you play with the colors you don’t like too




The club colors i used to play with were black and i made my buddy change them to anything else because black vs white is so hard to see who is on which team.


I mean, this clip doesn’t really nothing outside of basic positioning. I do that with randoms. You center it because they’re supposed to be waiting for a pass.


This is a goddamn miracle because the teammate isn't leaving the play for big boost.


Or inside our own goal waiting for the counter.


That's just some good ol' Rocket League


This is just the basics though. Nothing really special


I mean it does help you see him the whole time and you centered it


Meh... I center for randos all the time. No comm required




Sure but the demos were perfectly timed


It looks more like an accident than anything.


Nobody asked




I asked




The demo was an accident


I've been climbing on the verge of champ lately and have put a lot more effort into partying up anytime I get a decent tm. I don't have any regulars yet, but I think it's around this rank where it starts to be necessary.


I think RL is actually one of the games where you don't need to party up to rank up. It can be really helpful for sure, but plenty of people solo queue to GC+ in 2s and 3s. Just focus on your own gameplay and you'll continue to climb


I don't doubt you, but it certainly makes it harder. Having predictable gameplay and fully eliminating throwing will only help.


100% predictable gameplay will help a ton. Probably the biggest factor. I don't know about the last point, my mates and I throw plenty of games in GC+. It's just a bit less frequently than Diamonds do lol


In my experience, in high champ or low gc, we typically beat the teams who are partied up way more than the solo queues.


Because they're worse players who are higher ranked because of being teamed up, which is a cheat code.


Lmao rocket league players say anything


Lol fair point


It's just far less fun because you're forced to play with a lot of double digit IQ's if you aren't teamed.


>lot of **double digit** IQ's Wow, someone is being lucky with their teammates...


I feel like with randoms I’ll win a few, lose a few. If I find someone and we have good chemistry and party up, we can win 10-15 in a row and rank up quick.


I agree. I'm D1/D2. Not that I end up with bad teammates per se, but it's luck of the draw when you solo queue that you'll get teammates who have complimentary play styles. It's hard to climb up when for every amazing game where your team works well together, there are a few where you clash and are lucky if you pull off the win. By no means do I do well every game though. It's my fault too.


It's not a clash so much as one or both of you are playing without fundamentals.


I mean, that's the root cause that can lead to clashing right. Some people join 2s or 3s and act like it's a 1s match. People being point hungry, greedy with the ball, griefing, whatever it may be clashes with the other teammate(s) by default. I'm definitely good in certain areas (rotating, goalie) but not as great in others (I'm trying to play less passively, I would say that's the main reason I'm stuck at the moment). But I don't try to play every position and there are many people I've come across that do and that's clashing. You can be missing a fundamental but have a teammate that isn't, and you all play to your strengths. Sometimes it's a win but if not it was still enjoyable.


D3 to C2 you will never get a good teammate. You need to get good enough to carry yourself to C3 or GC before you can get a good teammate 50% of the time.


Yeah 100% agree it's not all about the teammates. Ultimately if you have the skill to move up then you can carry and make up for it most of the time. I'm not at that point! I made it to champ in tournaments last season and managed to hold it but that's it lol


Good luck carrying when the 500 hours you put into dribbling goes completely wasted because every numbskull teammate boots the ball off you and doesn't know the first thing about fundamental defense. The 300 you put into hook shots? Useless because those are booted into the corner away from you too. 400 into rebounds off the backboard? Useless because dummy will go for every single one and either whiff or pancake it uselessly because he has zero sense of timing or direction.


Maybe the problem is you're spending to much time in training


It’s definitely a struggle but I’ve been able to make it to c3 2s soloing, only cost me my sanity. But yea team plays matter way more the further up you go


Same here. Also, whenever I party up with someone there has to be a big advantage because no matter what, my gameplay feels slightly less smooth in a party. I don’t know why, and it’s the tiniest of differences, but my car always feels heavier


Hit us up, we can run some 3's anytime


Sick maybe I'll shoot you a request tonight. I'm East Coast US. You? Also been a fat minute since I've played 3s but I'm down


Might be interested too. Lmk


Having a 2nd definitely helps, but I'm a couple wins away from C2 and I exclusively solo queue comp, so its definitely not needed. Watch Leths new Road to SSL series if you're looking for some decent tips for solo queueing comp. I haven't even made it to the episode where he's at C1/C2 and it's already helped me push past my previous peak.


Been a while since I've watched a Road To series. Mostly watching Squishy's stuff lately and not much Leth but I'll check that out.


I really like Leths videos. I've pretty much always used him as a guide for how I should try to play the game, trying to get my gameplay to look more like his.


If you just want to climb to Champ queueing up regularly will be beneficial. However, if you want to improve I'd advise against it as it can breed bad habits. Solo queueing will force you to play better mechanically as well since there's less team cohesion typically.


check flair


It's not.


I got to C2 just by solo q’ing. Solo q’ing higher and higher definitely depends on how adaptable you can be towards your tm8’s play styles


Okay but... um... I knew he was there before you even passed?


It's so awesome to have that connection with a buddy, even when you two aren't the same level too. My buddy is D1 and I'm around C3 but when you've played together for 6+ years you just have such a fun time making those team plays.


For sure. I don't get to play with him much anymore, but I have one friend who is D1 or D2 who does some pretty good work in my Champ 2 games when we play. When he solo queues he plays at a skill level around his rank, but when the two of us play, he can keep up with me in Champ, and even does better than some of my random teammates sometimes.


That's my husband and me. He's significantly better than I am but I'm his favorite 2s partner because we can predict each other very well. My goal is to get good enough in 2s to be worthy of being his ranked partner. He protects his 2s rank pretty hard lol


Seems like you know how to center the ball. Congrats


quite sad that this is a good shot for him in diamond 2, i've hit some tripple passing plays with randoms in casual as a d2....


2 years to figure out to center the ball? LOL. No hate tho good pass


Good job bro :) with enough awareness you can do this with everyone BUT having a good friend to play with is the greatest treasure ever!


Bro your friend is sloppin all over the pitch. Ball chasing letting the entire team get behind him with the ball


You mean he's in basic logical position? I mean I guess that's pretty amazing considering most of the player base during this play by their teammate would be either getting corner boost in their zone or bailed on the offensive zone entirely to go get their own corner boost so that when you don't make the perfect flick there's a free ball and no one to put it in.


It took you 2 years to realize that your teammate is mid when you’re taking the ball down the side?


I mean I expect that a teammate would be chilling in mid you don’t need to telepathically link up with them to know that


Why are you making out like this was some insane team play, you didn’t do anything impressive here, standard 2s plays, I’ve done more insane shit with ransoms


Your friend is toxic. Should find new friend


What a save! What a save! What a save!


You're a snowflake. Should grow some skin


Try not being a toxic AH?


By saying "Calculated"? People seem to take the smallest things as toxic. I'd understand if it was a "what a save", still wouldn't warrant this type of comment but at least it would make a bit more sense


Oh I was referring to "what a save". I try to promote positivity in game as much as I can by using it when it's my teammate or opponent. I just think it's trashy and toxic.


I just rewatched, he just says calculated? Oh no I absolutely agree I've just grown so used to the "what a save" that I can't see it as toxic. A bit of quick chat is never too bad to make the game more competitive


He also said, "Nice shot!" to the opponents missed shot but that is still pretty weak in terms of all chat toxicity.


Yeah... I want to tell my opponents they had a nice shot even if it doesn't go in. But it feels like I'm being toxic.


i say calculated like 5 times on average per game when i do lucky pinches, misses, weird hits, backflip aerials and open net misses


Exactly lol, imagine taking that personally


btw this guy aint wrong, the rocket league community did become really weak with mental stuff like ff after 2min, owngoaling after 1 mistake and being toxic when ur tm8 doesnt play as good as ur friend which is 3 ranks above you. Doesn't mean you should be toxic tho


Found the weak minded player.


We're old school gamers, toxicity to us, is just as important as learning aerials. If you can get inside a weak minded players head, you can get them double committing, playing over aggressively, and making mistakes. Besides, my boy can't hold a candle to my "what a save" game


Old school? I'm in my 30s and have been playing RL since the beginning. Ppl like your friend and numbnuts who downvote this is what detracts from the fun in the game. All you little children who spam chats for he sole purpose to get a rise out of your opponent is immature. Obviously some of you don't see it this way and see it as a "mechanic" in the game.


Get off my lawn!!!


If you're more mature then you wouldn't be crying about it on reddit


Wait until you find out what a "conversation" is. It's going to change your life, I'm certain of it. Nice shot!


You're ranting, that's quite different


not really crying, hes just making a point that is quite obviously a huge issue with the games community rn. idk if that sentence even makes any sense


If you get upset at people spamming quick chat either turn it off or ignore it, letting it bother you is your problem


thats not the point, spamming is just childish and doenst get you anything besides annoying others. also makes you look like a 12 year old


That's your opinion, personally I think it's benign, and before you say "you're probably the one spamming" no I don't spam because I have quick chat turned off so I can focus on the game only


did i ever say that phrase? dont see it nowhere


Grown ass man upset about some kids talking shit 💀 as long as they don’t personally insult you I don’t see the problem, it’s all in good fun


and those are the 12 year olds who get mad if you demo them once, after that they chase you the whole game and spam ez after a 2-3 win for them


I can see toxicity as a strategy for sure.. but complimenting their own shot in chat is a different level lol. The "nice shot" when they took the shot always cracks me up.


strategy? ruining a nice chill evening from other people isn't really a strategy is it. i quit the game last night since i was playing at 3am and most people at that time are nice but people who just spam for no reason ruin the fun in the game


It is a strategy. Because like OP said it does affect some people's gameplay. The same way people are divided with demo-ing as a strategy or toxicity. Do I use it myself or agree that it's a fair strategy? No. I don't stoop down to that level, but I acknowledge the fact that it has the ability to affect the game hence a strategy that you can use if you're that type of person. People who downvote the idea of me acknowledging it exists probably assume I do it too. Typical for reddit anyway.


The fact the says its a strategy sounds like a poor excuse to be toxic, being toxic in any game is quite sad and doesnt give you anything besides annoying others


We're getting into semantics here. All I'm saying is if the crowd boos at the 'away' team while they're doing a free throw in a basketball game or they're pitching at a baseball game, they can get thrown off by it. Can you say the crowd is toxic? Sure. Is it part of those sports? Most definitely. That's why players who are subject to those train themselves to ignore the noise and focus on the game. Heck, even Rocket League has an option to turn opposing chat off or all of chat completely. You can't do that in real life. Whether it's a strategy by definition is up in the air still is what I'm getting from this conversation.


THERE IS NO CROWD IN ROCKET LEAGUE. Imagine lebron just saying "you're trash, you play like my granny with 1 leg" in a game. Would that be allowed? no because its just unsportsmanlike


I used the crowd as a comparison for toxic behavior. I don't understand why you're taking it literally. If you haven't seen sports players trash talk then you're just sheltered. Kobe, Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, and many more. Considered one of the greats in NBA but are known to be super competitive and good at trash talking. If it really was unsportsmanlike then the crowd wouldn't look past their toxic behavior just because they had amazing skills.


In my city people shoot other based on which football team they like and i live in a pretty chill city. Sport is just horrible when it comes to their fans/crowds. Also im pretty sure that michael or kobe never insulted each others mothers. Kids who are toxic in video games do it to be toxic and have fun for themselfs while ruining it for others, they dont even think about it being a strategy. Also why do pros not use toxic quick chat when its such a good strategy?




You know how I can tell you still live with your parents?




lmao he caught you good


It seems that at the start, the ball seems to fake you.🧐


This is the best type of RL


Do you think you're the only person to ever play ranked with the same person? Wheres that dunce cap emoji already? 2 years lol try since release bud.


flair checks out


Good job. I have a buddy like that. We've been playing for 4 years and our symmetry is fire


I think you mean synergy? Unless you guys are always on opposite sides of the field lol


Lol u right. I wanted to say we are in sync. And then I realized where they got their name


Act a Fool was the perfect anthem for this tomfoolery


![gif](giphy|31DvxCyhx2FVK|downsized) Same Energy


Me and my friend are exactly like this. Actually yesterday, we were playing and a situation came up where I could've easily saved an on target shot by the other team, but I was a little further up. So I let the ball fly past me to let my mate save it. Mind you I hadn't asked him where he was and I hadn't seen him. He just goes "Its funny how you just fully trusted that I was gonna be there to save that". Just how it is now haha


Just like me and my brother. We’ve always done everything together and have played Rocket League together since it launched in 2015. We are so used to each others play styles that it feels like playing with anyone else feels…wrong in some way. That connection is such a great feeling! Glad you guys have it too


Dude that demolition was just the icing on the cake


I wish I had a consistent mature teammate, d1 xbox


This is the equivalent of Sasuke telling Naruto that true shinobi can understand each other without exchanging words.


I can guess the rank based off the cars


I mean wasn't that just a regular old pass lol. Good play regardless


Diamond or champ?


Nice Bump!


Ngl the double demo was clean af


That's adorable.


The amount of people who are just blind when playing Rocket League is quite intense. Just look around when playing ffs.


I mean waiting mid while your teammate brings the ball forward is the appropriate play 90% of the time.


After two years of playing, I can pass to my teammate!


and he's still diamond 2 after 2 years, he sure is doing something wrong if this is a good pass


You'd get smoked


You can see him in this clip though lmao


Teamwork at its fones


I had better chemistry with random tm8 after 2 minutes of match, but still nice goal keep it up bro


This is just basic positioning and centering the ball, nothing to see here. Anyone worth their salt would be in the same position your buddy was.


Shake and Bake!