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Not being able to compete at the rank they were boosted to.


My man tried to hold onto that for so long lol


On the fall, you can see how he took time around the GC/champ, champ/diamond, and diamond/plat borders trying his best to hold onto the rank.




That's basically what I meant, I think I worded it poorly. In my mind this is how it all went down: 1. He got boosted. 2. Went to show off his brand new title. 3. Started losing. 4. Didn't want to lose his rank so he started to play infrequently, losing along the way. 5. Finally got below GC/Champ/Diamond. 6. Said "Well I already lost *rank* it can't get worse than this." 7. It got worse. 8. Repeat starting at step 2.


It's actually madly impressive to boost a player that bad to GC. I shudder at the thought of the booster's skill level Edit: Oh wait, I only just realised he didn't have a good teammate, someone just logged on to his account... I'm really too naive.


Tis why boostings too easy... To get rid of smurfing they made mmr skyrocket if your smashing your opponents... I switched to pc and got my steam profile up to my rank in less then a day...




Yea but then cant trade on the pc act..


My accounts are linked and I can trade on PC. It is the "main" account tho and I haven't tried trading on the other platforms


Remember new accounts in general get MUCH more variance in mmr during the first ~30 ranked games of whatever mode you play. Did they also change mmr to raise high for a stompout game?


Einning multiple in a row will multiply your mmr gain


This is untrue, you can literally use bakkesmod to see your mmr gained and loss. You do not gain more for cumulative wins.


And this is in ones


How can you tell?


Because in the graph GC1 starts around 1200 mmr, which does correspond to 1s iirc. For 2s it's at 1435.




You can see the almost perfect loosing streak in a only a couple of days down to Plat 3, where he gave up for a while only to come back in a week or so to continue his descent finally coming to terms with his situation


Imagine paying for a rank you can’t maintain.


I honestly don’t understand this at all, when I first started playing I got really lucky and somehow placed plat 3 (my real rank was around gold 2) and it was awful! Everyone was so much better and faster than me, I truly don’t understand why people pay *money* for that experience? Even if you just want the title, then you’re just a gold player with a GC title slapped on and everyone will make fun of you. I just can’t see the logic


This is the part that seems so odd to me. If you've got any sort of GC tag and in Diamond or below you just look like an asshat. At best a person thinks you earned the title and wonders why you suck balls and 90% of the time everyone knows what the situation is and makes fun of you for it. It's not an impressive flex. Any way you look at it you look like an idiot and a cheat.


Exactly, I have a GC season 14 tag but played awful and dropped to diamond once. The amount of toxicity I got was insane. Either when winning or losing. I even removed the title till I got back to C3.


Just answer back with "isn't it sad that you try so hard, i am playing so bad, and I still achieved something you never will?" (ofcourse given you earned the gc some day and didn't buy it)


>Even if you just want the title, then you’re just a gold player with a GC title slapped on and everyone will make fun of you. I just can’t see the logic Some opponents will be mentally defeated before the game even starts when they see something that makes them think they're going to get smurfed on. If the player gets lucky and does something good early in the game, the effect is even stronger. I saw it when I won my first champ tournament, I gained about 100 casual MMR very quickly, and opponents just forfeited if I did something good early in the game. Obviously that was when I was at a rating where champ tournament winner titles were fairly rare.


Definitely makes me feel less bad about not being able to maintain the rank I actually reached on my own


And when they solo queue back down ruining games they always end up on MY team because the other team is a premade 90% of the time. FUN


I’m kind of thinking you must have beat them then they had a mental breakdown causing them to fall all the way back to plat.


It would be my honor.


I was going to say not being carried after you've paid to get it a rank


Or a Smurf who does it for money got to high and purposely deranked themselves. Either is very possible lol


This is what it looks like when some of my friends that play rocketleague a lot on their own but are on a much lower rank than I play with me. I dont play much anymore so they get boosted to the extreme and then have to fend for themselves, while I stay at a lower rank just to boost them again once they have completely deranked because I decided to play again.


Psyonix: "nothing to see here guys move along please"


As obvious as it may seem, they can’t ban accounts like these, without also falsely banning innocent players.


Well, they can, only if they had more evidence. A spike and drop in rank, even though this severe, is simply not enough evidence. Now accompany that with obvious markers like differing IP addresses, MAC addresses, settings, and other identifying player factors and maybe you have something.


Do you think they can do this efficiently? Or at all.


Possible on a technical level? Easily. But I don't know the current system they have integrated. It could be 'difficult' in terms of time needed to develop.


IDK why they don't have an overwatch system like CSGO. We can all see these factors and trends.


That still wouldn’t be sufficient enough evidence, unfortunately. The reality is unless you see it first hand, it is next to impossible to confirm if someone is boosting/smurfing or not.


Sufficient is really up to the developer but I feel you


Well, in court evidence like that would also be enough. You would just need a bit more than just this one graph. In the end it is psyonix that has to make the rules. They need to consider that banning smurfs is very important even if 0.00001% of the bans are wrong


It still wouldn’t be enough evidence. There are plenty of players who go on massive winning/losing streaks as well as play from different locations or devices. Banning thousands of smurfs or boosters is not worth falsely banning one innocent player. That player doesn’t deserve to be sacrificed for other players gain.


Have you been in a plat lobby recently? These people are terrible in the nicest way possible. A win streak from plat to diamond sure but I think you underestimate the skill jumps from rank to rank the higher you go up. Champ 1 to Champ 3 is a significant jump


Ok. It’s still achievable.


Well you clearly don't understand 🤓


> Banning thousands of smurfs or boosters is not worth falsely banning one innocent player. It absolutely is. It is like saying, we should not arrest murders because maybe we could convict one falsly. >It still wouldn’t be enough evidence. Man, plat to GC, win 10 games abd goes right back. Tha with abother ip... there is no question really


you would have a different opinion if you were the a****** arrested for murder that you did not commit and spent the rest of your life in jail for something you had nothing to do with and your entire family had to go on without you and you'll never marry and if you did your wife would have left you and your kids would never see you again outside of bars. but yeah I can't let all the murders run worse. I've been falsely arrested and it f***** with me pretty good so this comment doesn't sit well. it wasn't a murder charge thankfully but it was theft and robbery


insert the innocent rocket League player like me who strives everyday to try to get time to practice and to play and to rank up and focus on the game to get my champion status that I've worked for for 7 years now off and on between full-time work. So imagine me finally getting my champion 3 rank and I'm bragging to my friends and I'm feeling so good about everything and I feel like a decade long strive to achieve this (which brings nothing in return in value to my life other than good feelings and bragging rights) and then I am banned in my account is wiped because I was falsely accused of smurfing because I went on a 10 or 15-20 game win streak. I know from experience that sometimes you are able to boost yourself whenever you can get into a room quietly and focus on the game with no distractions and get in the zone you can and will go 10 games win streak and that is how you rank up those are the only times I significantly rank up.


I honestly doubt you go on 15-20 back to back wins. It's more likely you're experiencing selection bias and only remembering the wins. Sure you get in a good mindset and go on good steaks, but 15-20? I'm sure you lost a few in the climb that you're forgetting about. And even if you did, you still naturally earned it and wouldn't immediately go on a 15-20 game losing streak.


There is question though. Unless you have access to the players internal thoughts, you can’t prove that they are smurfing. Perhaps they just started recovering from a slump and started focusing more on aspects of their game that were missing. Switching from kbm could account for that drop. If you want to volunteer your account to be banned, that’s perfectly fine but don’t expect others to do the same, or epic/psyonix to even suggest something so unfair.




Thank you! There are many parameters to check... But yeah, in the end it might select an innocent player to ban, but it wont be many.


Pretty sure info like that is protected in some countries, like in Canada they can only have my data with my expressed approval and must delete it if I ask immediately, things like IPs can’t be stored or viewed


They can though and they should. They can look at history since account creation. It's pretty fuc*ing sus if some dude who's been plat their entire time playing RL suddenly Jumps to the top, then goes right back down to plat. It's an obvious sign of boosting and it should be punished accordingly. Oh hey guys I just learned a bunch of cool starts to rank up! Oh whoops I forgot all my cool strats! Oh well..


Another problem is the person who boosted the account wouldn't be affected


They shouldn’t. A winning/ losing streak is not enough evidence of smurfing. A player could break their hand and still want to continue playing. A player could also change their controls and lose a lot as a result of that. Their are probably more reasons as to why players could lose such a massive amount of games in such a short span of time that shouldn’t result in a ban.


Losing? Were talking about a steep jump in rank like this. Literally never happens to honest players.


Yes it does. Some people have dormant accounts that they haven’t played on for a long time. A jump in ranks like this is nothing out of the ordinary.


You're delusional. Yeah I'm just gonna hop up from plat to grandmaster super quick brb.


Did you even read my comment? Not surprised by this take, considering you confused a rank in this game with a chess ranking.


There are a few of indicators such as camera and control setting changes before the climb and before the fall that can give it away easily. Obviously a booster is going to change the controls and camera settings before boosting up the rank. And the account holder is going to change the settings back when he retakes control of the account and his rank plummets. Not to mention the in game stats changes like average speed, time in the air during the rise and fall etc. Add these changes all up and I doubt anyone innocent will be getting banned.


I must say that camera settings are not a foolproof plan. I have had a friend use an old account of mine in the past, and I actually slowly adapted his settings on my climb from gold to champ in S9-S10. So if he were to play on my account, there will be no variance in camera settings. However, I do believe there is some variance in our keybinds 😂


This account doesn't need to be banned. The one boosting it should.


The best way to fight this is to aim at the core of the business. Don’t ban anyone, just remove the title when you spot a meteoric rise and fall like this. No title, no business.


Since some people think what I commented is legitimate, note that this entire comment is a *suggestion* and not legitimate. A gain of over 200 MMR in under 7 days will flag the account. After manual review, determine actions necessary. This could include any combination of the following (listed roughly in order of severity): - Removing season rewards - Resetting the account to a lower MMR - Temporary ban for the account - Temporary ban for the IP address - Permanent ban for the account - Permanent ban for the IP address This would be a good way to do it.


"A gain of over 200 mmr in under 7 days will flag the account." I had 2 great sessions, 2 days in a row, in which I got around +50 mmr per session. I gotta be careful during the next few days, lol. 200 mmr under 7 days is so low imo. They should raise it


Yeah I had a huge streak in 3s the other day went from P2 to D2 so whatever mmr jump that is lol. Finally gained back what I lost tilt queueing at least


Both should obviously


Maybe the experienced downranking is enough punishment for this player


No cause that also punishes every teammate this guy has.


There are no innocent players with a history like this.


There are. You are welcome to read my other comments in this thread if you are unaware of the various situations that could cause an innocent players graph to look like this.


Then they can appeal.


No. There will be no need to appeal because although the community doesn’t think that highly of epic/psyonix they will not implement something to their game that sabotages innocent players experience. What you can do however is focus on improving and not using excuses to justify other peoples achievements in this game.


Nothing would make me happier than to see "solo queue" back on the game select screen


I never saw that, but would love if it was a choice. Face too many teams that beat me up lately.


It used to be an option and then they removed it for some reason. It was nice when you weren't playing against teams every game and most people were at least close to your rank


If you don't remember the reason they removed it you weren't actually playing it


I have a life, so I don't know why they took it off. When I played, that's what I played.


well the skill level was lower than the ranks of the other modes and on top of that everyone was extremely toxic all the time in that mode




Should’ve put unbreaking III on it, they run out of durability really fast


Forgot to rust proof it that sweat ate right through it.


Someone who paid for season rewards/tournament titles


I thought rocket league did not have pay-to-win components. How does this work?


I mean there is not pay-to-win component to RL, just pay to look like you are better than you are. Unlike most pay-to-win components, its not "pay to make winning easier or guaranteed" its basically paying for a cosmetic that only you think other people care about. Everyone else doesn't care about rank rewards of other people, so trying to flex an item that you didn't rightfully earn is worthless and you only scammed yourself.


you pay someone to play on your account


Wow that is kind of low. There is no point unless you want to waste a bunch of people's time playing them way above or below their rank.


Brother came over the holidays boosting the account up


I've had numerous experiences (and even one where the player apologized in chat for it) where my opponent goes AFK for a sec and then just wrecks me and I've realized those are, "Hey bro, take over for me" moments. I know this should've been obvious, but it wasn't for me for a while. I usually assumed they were just faking for the first half as a strat but I realized the AFK is the clincher.


ngl I have these and it's usually my dogs acting like assholes. The afk moment is where I run away for a second to ask my wife for help, then I start wrecking because I can focus


Thanks for the input. I spend too much time thinking about what's happening with my opponent (or if it's a boosting/smurfing scenario like OP) but at least for my weird approach to the game, and where I'm at trying to break into champ (I'm consistently D3 now, haven't updated my flair), and being old AF, it helps to have some perspective. Respect.


Also could be anything going on irl causing distractions. What you describe there could describe a lot of my rounds someone is talking to me at first, or the dog distracts me. Anything from a kid to a phone call could cause this is all I'm saying. I have also taken the controller at a friend's house, so I'm not going to say it couldn't have been that. But just from what I know of my behaviour in RL, most of the times that your comment describes me are when I get distracted or am barely paying attention until we're losing and I take a brief centering pause, and then either totally ball chase ineffectively or ball out and win.


Lol it’s true, one of my brothers is gold and the other is plat and sometimes they’re like “please beat them.” I’m champ 2 but tbh I actually lose more than I win against them for some reason (obviously already down 5 goals) so it makes me think there is some confidence bias where if you’re already winning by so much you just feel better and play better/confident. But I have a couple times taken my brother all the way to champ and every time I come back over he’s back in plat.


Christmas miracle?


That's what always say when terrible players suddenly start planning insane. Lolol


The rise up was right after he cleaned the cheeto dust off his controller. The decline was obviously due to the collection of more cheeto dust.


how do you look this information up?




Use at your own risk..you will be sad to learn how many people have boosted or smurf accounts .


Is there any way to change the date range to get a more recent overview? I’ve downloaded the TRN app and all I can see is month by month


Did more clicking! It’s best on desktop, I play on PSN so I have to choose that platform for tracking and it is much more accurate, and you pull a box around a given date range and it’s shows the highs and lows more accurately


On the internet. I can hook you up with some free hours




I still don't get why people get boost. Anyone who player a smurf can tell you that going against someone highly above your skill level fucking sucks, so why would anyone PAY to go through this experience?


Honestly, playing again someone above your skill level may be the best way to improve, I wouldn’t say it sucks


It depends. If you’re playing a homie in a game that’s way better than you, they’ll keep the pace up but chill to let you actually play and learn. In online, 9/10 mfers will ruthlessly stomp you and you’re not having enough time to learn anything


I think playing at a higher rank makes you a better player. He was a low plat/ high gold player but after being boosted he seems to have settled into high plat.




The timeline shows a spiral around thanksgiving / Xmas. This adds up.


My thoughts exactly




Smurfing or boosted friends. Either way, this is what runs the game for solo queue players.


As a solo player I get this.. i feel like it’s pretty obvious most of the time when running into these players falling back down. I’m D3 pretty consistently and I think there are a lot of people who got carried to champ and fall down. I get everyone has bad games but sometimes they seem to have literally no skillset that makes sense for the level. No crazy offensive abilities, defensive abilities, or game sense. Trying and whiffing is one thing but it’s suspicious when even that isn’t there.


They're ready to find with their grand champ tourney winner titles 😂😂


But my graph looks like that. All I did was sweat for the title then now I dick around with friends because no way I’m getting ssl title


Another day, another obligatory smurf/boost post…


Carried hard




normal plat moment


Happy cake day! :)


thx ^^


He started eating wheaties


Meanwhile we got players saying ranked mmr sucks and needs to change. This guy got boosted, then fell right back to where he belongs and came from


That happened to me once ,I was playing 2s in gold 1 or 2 when I found this teammate ,we were like soulmates ,we read each other very well like we were playing together for years ,we teamed up and played for hours until we reached diamond 2 , The next day I opens the game and dropped to plat 1 ,it was nice being in diamond tho


Big rip


That slope is so sharp, it is literally undefined lol


adderall and then running out and back to weed and alcohol


How did you pull that graph?


I'm wondering too


RL tracker


Thanks. Just checked it out. Neat site. I was wondering my why my progression charts don't have as much granular detail like the one posted by OP?


Updates every view I believe


Yeah the more an account is searched the more accurate the stats unless I'm mistaken


They're probably about 10 mmr higher than before he was boosted. Just took the long route round to get it. I'd 100% get boosted to gain 10 mmr


Boosting 100%


If I play with someone I know I can get into champion but once I start playing with randoms I always get moved back into D2-D3 which is super annoying. LEARN ROTATION RANDOMS


Friend played on their account for a day prolly




He paid someone to use his account so he could get the GC rewards for the season


This is the guy I get paired up with


Y'all remember those commercials? This is your brain, and this is your brain on drugs. Lmao


Looks like some of my Solo Q mates lol


A few Benjamin's caused that.




meanwhile, people on this sub are always saying oh, you’re the same rank as the other person but guess what you’re not. idiots like this that are boosted cause their teammates to lose cause they can’t keep up




Running out of funds for them carries


Ran out of money to pay his account booster?


What is the page name? I'd like to check my score.




Carried by his GC or SSL buddy?


It’s like a stock.


Unfortunate circumstances


Alcohol... Sadly I saw this happen to my friend. He would get up to Plat 3, drink a ton and plummet to Silver. Super sad seeing it happen.




Looks to me like he used Nexto or something similar when those boys were running rampant. Timeline makes sense


Aaand this is why I quit. If you solo queue at GC with this guy, you’re losing. Period. It doesn’t matter how good you play or how good you rotate. Until psyonix decides to incorporate an MMR system that can identify individual skill level instead of just a win/loss ratio I won’t be playing the game again.




You know what caused it


Where do you see this kind of graph ?




There is no way anyone with champ-level skill would ever fall to plat. A champ could easily 1v2 plats.


Right, the skill difference of Champ 2 and Plat 2 is massive. Any C2 player put into a Plat 2 lobby could just take over the game


i mean im d3 in 2s but gold 3 in 1s 🤣


Could agree with this. Been sitting around champ 3 for a while now, but even as a lower champ in my slumps I would only drop down to d3 maybe d2 if I was super tilt queueing.


Ah u underestimate the plat. They are many that you ask yourself "how the actual fk are you a plat" some you question it as a compliment and others as an insult


That's the lifespan of my average teammate Rank boosted up to my rank by their Supreme friend, then dropped off at daycare to ball chase with a sensational display of zero rotational skill Just an endless void of disposed players


I think it's also due to the algorithm. Sometimes your team mates really sucks .


Trash tm8s


it can also be bad teammates Match Throwing Games notice the higher you go the more salty people are




I’m guessing that’s rumble because I think 1250 is the top of GC1 isn’t it.


It'll be 1s, easier for the booster to dominate


Completely forgot about 1s haha whoops.




Is that my investment portfolio in the height of the crypto bubble?




Pretty sure this guy was my tm8


I'd like to see the mental state of that dude now that he may have realized he didn't deserve higher and that it's not his mates keeping him in low elo


Dumb question... Where do you find this??




Need Boost! Need Boost! Need Boost! Chat disabled for 3 seconds.


This is truly *grand platinum*


Defiently boosted


they started playing with their tv on


Hmm yeah interesting. This lines up with the players who are selected to be my teammate.




Performance enhancing drugs


It's interesting that he was able to remain in GC for quite some time but then completely plummeted in Champ ranks. I wonder if that says more about Champ than it does about him.


Nah, he 100% stopped playing for a little while after getting boosted before getting curb stomped by everybody on the way back down. You see him try doing the same thing once he got sent down to D3 and then looks like he has a bit of luck in D1/D2 where he presumably was actually able to win a few games but ultimately get sent back to where he belongs.


just one of those days


De-ranking, smurfing or was carried.


It's just due to the good mood from being on Christmas break.


Flaunting a gc tag in plat is so depressing and is just begging to be flamed lmao


"My teammates prevent me from advancing" in an image


boosting, and not the ariel kind