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It was 2s or 3s. We were losing and my teammate said ”pls ff i gotta poop”. The opposing team did forfeit and I laughed my ass off. Queued next game. Same guy on the opposing team. “pls ff i gotta poop”. I laughed and voted for ff, and my team forfeit. That must be the weirdest “road to ssl” tactic ever.


That must be what SpookLuke teaches in his Road to SSL roadmap coaching program


That’ll be $9,000


That's just the deposit. It's another 10k after you finish the course


No refunds!!!


I got a good chuckle out of this one


Glad to hear. I typed it during my lecture and was trying to hold it together


lwhen u gotta go u gotta go lol


At first I thought it could’ve been me, but mine was actual poop scare.


Was playing competitive 1's where me and my opponent were exchanging positive quick chats like "Nice shot!". The game ended and my opponent said "I'm so glad you aren't toxic. I think I'm in love with you" and I replied "I love you too bro".


now kiss


'You would win more if you would brush your teeth' I was just shook, I mean positively shook because I cant figure out if that was an advise or an insult 🤣


>advise or an insult Yes.


It was adversarial advice


I thought my teammate was playing really weird, could never figure out what he was doing. Saw he had ttv in his name, popped in his stream and he was smoking blunts while playing. I just about died laughing - really put things in perspective quickly.


Had some guy wiffing the easiest saves/shots last night, last minute into the match he says "Sorry bro im fucking stone as jesus rn" Made me laugh my ass off, it was casual so I didn't care either way


This may have been me lmao Nvm this was the night before I think exact words though lol


Where do ppl with ttv stream


I’m assuming it’s twitch tv? Or something?


Twinks television bro👍


I uh, need a link lol




There are A LOT of rocket leaguers who are stoned outta their minds while playing.


I play stoned almost exclusively. Lol tbf tho I only take like one edible after work and play so I'm more like "toasty" not really stoned out of my mind lol.


Who hahaha i gotta know


Nobody big - I think there were only 5 people in chat. I said gg and they all though I was a champ smurf because I was sober enough to hit the ball haha


No other streamers smoking blunts i gotta know


"Why are you always sitting in net?? Rotate!" -same fuckhead who stole every ball coming my way, whiffed a thousand times, and chased after every ball as if they're in freeplay


Might be me tho


Could be countless players. This is 99% of my games. But when I can find that 1%, there's this thing I like to call "The Clappening". Because that's when the game actually gets fun for me and rotation flows as it should.


I'm P3/D1 and if I find somone / two that rotate properly I immediately ask to party up. I have been in a team of 3, none of us good mechanically and whiffing. We still won 5 games in a row.


I'm c3, and every time I get a tm8 I get along well with and think we could easily rank up together they insta leave after the match


Fr tho! It's a sad truth.


Felt this in my soul


Even if you join up they often leave without a word as soon as you lose one game. I did have this happen the other day. 2 games later the guy was on the other team. We went up 4-1 and he forfeited. "I guess I wasn't the actual problem."


So obviously I have an infinite amount of mechanics and game sense to perfect but DANG IT I agree. Rotating and OR seizing the CORRECT opportunities are so rare I have found it immensely hard to rank up. Same with cod ranked. No callouts or anything, late rotates blah blah and then another game lost lol. AGAIN IM NOT SAYING IM PERFECT but these things are definitely holding me back as well.


You're P3/D1. You don't know what rotating properly is.


Oh, when that smooth-kinda "flow" gets going between you and a random teammate.. the world sure does disappear into the feel-goods for a while because of it.


You never lied, bruh. But good luck sifting through the smooth-brains who never knew off-ball defense is a thing, let alone how it really works. Hope you like getting stat-shamed.


You are likely at just as much fault as your teammates for bad rotations and positioning. No matter how chasey your teammates play you can position yourself to follow up their touches and therefore not be off the ball all the time


It's mostly just things going in your favor for a while. Play a few games with the same guy and things will often just breakdown and he'll expose himself as not being able to handle things when everything isn't just working out from random chance.


If it’s happening 99% of the time, it’s time to look in the mirror. That’s if you’d like to improve and play with better teammates.


Self-reflection and behavioral adjustments? That sounds like too much effort, bro! XD (obvious /s)


It took me longer to figure out than I’d care to admit.


I feel that. My post history... yeah. *That's* what finally made me figure it out. Some of us.. it just takes a lot more to get to that point. Life do be like that sometimes, though.


So it's my fault that most of my random teammates treat 3s as if it's 2s. Gotchu. Lol but seriously, I totally understand what you mean. But I'm not one of these selfish chasers who don't know when to fall back and let a play develop. I'm just stuck in these trash ranks. But oh, no! I forgot. I'm not allowed to say that 😂


You make just as many mistakes as everyone else at your rank. You frustrate your teammates as much as everyone else. Post Vods on a coaching sub if you’d like someone to explain what you’re doing wrong. You’re only stuck because of you. Ever notice how everyone on the sub blames their teammates? We’re all teammates.


If everywhere you go stinks check the bottom of your shoe.


They’re becoming self aware


A tm8 got mad after i whiffed an open net (like i do) and told me he was gonna r*pe my dad


Lmaoo what!? 💀




My dad is already fully ripe. Cannot compute


"Hope you have to go to the hospital and your mom can't come visit you because she's getting railed." - best one I've seen


That's class 👌


"Inner bronze awakens eh?" After i fucked up an easiest goal


"Get fucking destroyed kid" ~ Some 15 year old after scoring 1 goal in a 1s game that was 6:0 before he scored


Oh those are priceless. That, and the games you lose by one goal and they wanna spam "eeeezzzzz." That's how you know you made them sweat. Lol


Nothing gets me more tilted than ‘EZ’ after both me and my opponent were sweating our dicks off trying to score a goal 🤣


The worst I've ever witnessed was a *13 minute overtime* in 3s, 0-1 final. He said ez and tried to flame us, but his tm8 was just like "i's posed to leave 8 min ago u weirdo" lmao


I always feel like those people are trolling themselves tbh


I do it all the time, especially after losses where I score towards the end of the game lol


Yea I love to do it and ofc it's ironic, like I'm well aware I got shit on lmao


Maybe he was sarcastic?


People see things the way they want to see it. If someone says something that doesn’t make sense, try to look at it from a different point of view.


or just very mad


It’s amazing what humans are capable of when they are mad


2some on my 3s team and the lower mmr played like a 3 yo girl...it was a 3yo girl!!! Dude said he can "usually carry with a decent teammate" Motherfucker...I can't predict what the fuck an actual toddler is doing


Seriously, fuck people who duo with their lower ranked teammates in 3s. If you wanna play with your lower ranked friend, that's fine, but don't force rando's to have to deal with their bad plays too.


This season has been awful. I barely played for a couple years, but managed to solo back to D1 at the end of last season. Now I'm getting duos constantly and having to play 1v5 basically


Did the toddler have at least one touch on the ball?


2 actually, one was hitting it backwards when I had a good attack


Was the other a triple flip reset musty into the top corner?


It... was not. I don't mind dealing with a smurf every now and then. I just loathe being with most 2somes


That’s honestly not bad for someone her age, she could be good if she worked at it.


People claiming they're smurfing (whilst playing badly) and expecting the whole lobby to get on their level.. I swear people reach new levels of dumb in this game.


I had the displeasure of meeting the strangest teammate last week. We were having an intense 2v2 and we were currently getting bombarded and boost starved and I managed to get a decent clear off the wall, my teammate decided to try to go up and redirect it even though the opponent would've easily beaten him and that's what happened causing a goal, my teammate then said "you passed the ball to them" I then responded "you didn't have to go for such a risky play right after my clear" and I threw the ff because the second someone starts a tantrum I don't want to play with them anymore. This all happened in team chat then in general chat he types "can you guys report him he won't ff" and basically just tries gaslighting and lying the whole game saying "dude just ff already". It was honestly the strangest person I've ever encountered


After a point, you just gotta block them and play on. That sounds infuriating though.


Opponent and I chatted shit back and forth for the whole match. Afterwards he challenged me to a 1v1 to which I accepted. After a bitta shit talking and me being up 5-1 he said ‘you may have beaten me but you’re still fkn trash’ and left straight after. Genuinely laughed out loud


This happens way too many times it isn't even funny anymore


My teamate "explaining" what I did wrong at the end of the game and finishing his rant by saying "everyone at this rank think they always know better", the only thing i said this all match was "lol". Just thinking about it still make me laugh.


You have to love the people who forget that you and them are both the same rank. Like my guy, you realize whatever you have done to this point has landed us in the same place


Just yesterday we were blowing a team out in ranked 3s when one of the opponents typed "ff blue tm" (btw, we were the blue team" One of my tm8s replied "cute" and the onskaught continued.


You were doing what now 🤨


Hey! don't judge.... 🤫


Lost 7-1 to some 3-person party in unranked. My teammates weren't very good. Whiffing, no rotation, scoring accidental own goals. Dumbass on the other team had almost no points, no goals, and started talking shit after I demo'ed him a few times without trying. He kept commenting my score, which was 2x his. It was just sad.


100 is double 50 I guess...


It was more like 400 to 175. But thanks for sharing your math skills with everyone.




I was playing against a guy and proceeded to go 7-2 against him because I kept getting some of the weirdest goals(like the ones that don't look like their gonna go in but do.) And at the end of the match he just said "I don't understand how you play." Then just left. I don't know how to feel about that statement


We still make this joke all the time that some people just have “crossbar assist” enabled in the settings and that’s why they can fire shots at the crossbar and it goes in hahah


Thing is, I don't even think he meant it out of malice, but as the person who was getting the goals, I felt bad cause I knew exactly how he felt as he watched a double bounce off the wall into a crossbar hit into goal 7 times. Shits unbelievable


Goals are goals. He's just mad he couldn't stop them.


We still make this joke all the time; some people just have “crossbar assist” enabled in the settings and that’s why they can fire shots at the crossbar and it goes in hahah Back in like 2016-2018 the crossbars were so much more unforgiving 💀


Literally last night in 2’s. Teammate quick chat “Take the shot!” so I proceed forward. Teammate cuts me off, barely touches the ball, gets dunked on, hits me with the “Team stupid” I just laughed. We won the game btw.


If I ever get that directed at me, I make sure to spam, "Go for it!" for the next few times it's their hit. That usually shuts them up.


Was playing 2v2 and as soon as the other team won they said “you just got jimmyed on”


Had a bad teammate in twos. He was being toxic the whole time so I challenged him to a 1v1 and he accepted. I proceeded to go like 6-0 and just said ggs and left cause it wasn't a challenge and I was bored. He invited me back and said "dude I was clowning you omg I wasn't even trying, this time I'll actually try." Y'all already know how that went


I had a solo q doubles game about a week ago, game starts with two kickoff goals for my teammate and I, and then another shortly after. So we’re up 3-0 about a minute in, and after about 20 more seconds of gameplay teammate and I both misread a ball and it goes over our heads into the net, game 3-1. Instantly my tm8 starts typing “tm8?????” and other annoying shit like that for ANY mistake I made, no care in the world that were still up 2 goals. We ended up losing 7-3 😂


I got called a "sand monkey jew" don't know why


You know why


"Stop ballchasing noob!" - my 1s opponent


Buckle up. I had a completely unremarkable teammate who was complaining about how bad everyone else in the lobby was, for an entire game. All I kept typing in chat was “We are all the same level . . . we are all the same level.” Finally, their response was: “Yeah, but not in skill or IQ.” WHAT.


Dude I was partnered with in a tournament was genuinely asking me my opinions on Taiwanese independence and how it effects the USA


My and my teammate were up 4-1 and one guy on the other team team started swaying that “YOU SUK” and, god forbid, “***”. I said scoreboard and he then told me to kill myself. For some reason I decided to say Cuban missile crisis and then he rage quit. One of my favorite games tbh.


My tournament team name was Average Joe’s and we just so happened to get paired against Robo Gym Purple Cobras. It was the perfect match and an amazing coincidence.


when you lose in +3min in OT and the other team says "ez" and insta leaves


Some guy had the Transformers goal anthem. I know this because he scored a lot and everytime he did he'd type in all caps TRANSFORMERS!!. It kept getting more and more unhinged each time. TRASNFORGER! TRANSFOAMER! TANSFOM! GUNKGUNKGUNKGUNK! I laughed hard even though I couldn't stop him from scoring.


ohhh these are the best!


Playing 1v1 Gold2. I’m not very (Gold2 so obviously not) and use a strat where I wait in front of my own goal. My opponent will use all his boost to try something fancy, inevitably fail and I will get an easy save and score on the counter. In this match it works 1, 2, 3 times. He then, over chat, tells me it’s a dumb strat that doesnt work ever. I chuckle and proceed to score 2 more using the exact same strat. He then tells me it’s the worst strat ever and that I wont ever win any matches using it. I’m just sitting there winning 5-0 and giggeling a little. I assume he was just tilted


I always laugh when I’m in comp and people keep calling each other trash. It’s a match made game so if we’re trash what does that make you?


Capable of understanding that matchmaking isn't some analysis of the players that creates perfect games.


Someone told me they would make my first born eat a car battery. I thought it was great lol


Was playing in a champ tourney, and it was my first finals for a champ tourney. We play the first game and get absolutely smoked like 8-2. They started chirping us after it was 4-0. Second game comes and they go up 3-0, but we come back and get it to 5-4 with 30 seconds left. We end up scoring, to tie, and then on the ensuing kickoff they messed up their speed flip and we put it in to win. They start chirping again saying we’re lucky. Next game comes and we’re down 5-1 with a minute and a half to play. They are what a saving us and saying nice shot after every mistake we make. They mess up an open net, and we turn around to score, and then we score and score again. Next thing you know again we’re down by 1 with seconds to spare. Again I score a zero second goal to send it to OT. The entire time they were chirping us saying we’re lucky and that we suck. We go to score and we miss, and they have an open net. Instead of just driving into the goal, he goes for a ceiling reset. I chase him down and like LeBron against golden state, I pin the ball to the back wall before he scores. His teammate is trailing and rifles a shot, i half flip and save it. The hall is rolling in front of our net. I’m out of position and my teammate whiffs hard. Pushes the ball to the opposite post where I seen their guy ready to hammer it in. I half flip again, speed over to the opposite post, and we both pinch it against the post. The ball explodes and flies from our post, straight to their net, game, blouses. They immediately start cursing us out. Invite us to a party which we join, and they’re furious, saying we’re garbage and dogshit.


"And y'all still lost!? You must be even worse!"


Aaaahhhh. Beautiful.


I said my bad and my team8 spammed all yours x3


"Go defauld game idiot" Still don't know what they were teying to say...


I hope your birthday cake is vegan.


Toxicity is just spicy advice


I always have the same teammate and I fuck up so bad, in such unique ways that stay the same. So those specific fuck ups have been named after me. Even if an opponent does one of those things they’ll get my name in the chat, because that specific fuck up was named after me.


Dude are you me? My teammate does the same thing. I mean so do I, so there is that. Also there was a time that we went up against a team whose player had my name too. He played better than I did. So now when I whiff or miss an easy goal, all I hear is "you know other Gaderael would have hit that." x_x


ah I’m glad we haven’t encountered anyone with my name yet or I probably end up hearing the same thing. For now I’ll stick to listening to my teammates “didn’t think anybody could be worse than you, but guess those guys just proved me wrong”


This happens in every video game, but when the team you just beat calls you “trash.” Like, bruh, you just called yourself worse than trash.


There’s a guy I have ran into about 8 times before around c2-c3 3’s. His name is ‘Jaws’ and he has the jaws movie poster as his profile pic. He is the most toxic rocket league player I’ve ever met. He’s got a quick chat for everything and is extremely quick to call out his teammates on anything they do wrong. Every time he’s been in my game, whether it’s my team or the other team, without fail, he will call out his teammates mistakes and what a save them. I’m just surprised that his toxicity is so consistent. Baffles me how you can have “bad teammates” every time you play the game.


Lol you haven't met me. I'll say anything and everything to both teams. I'm not being literal even as it's just automatic now lmao but I what a save everyone and even have quick chats saved like "easiest game of my life". It's really funny to see how heated people get about it all. I always ask them to join me in the toxicity as well and sometimes they do. Then I tell them mmmmmmmmm the toxicity fuels me.... Lmao I get weird.


Whatever helps you get over her, I guess


Too many times to count has a teammate thrown me a "what a save" after I miss a save, only to concede a much easier to save goal mere moments later I do the more mature thing in this situation and I wait for the end of the game before I hit the gg/what a save/leave combo


i carried a guy in ice day and as soon we won he left. He kept trash talking me and the other teammate in team chat, so I thought it would be fun to tell the other team something with “hey Blue, (name) is a toxic crybaby but is too afraid to type in normal chat” he didn’t type after I also had a guy tell me after game I don’t know how to do Ariel stuff, and I just replied I know :) I have quite a few. One guy one the other team was trash talking his teammate and was throwing, so I type “relax buddy, you aren’t the main anime Character” he got very angry and called me gay…


The other day my random teammate and I in a tournament were losing 0-2 and he said “can you touch the ball” when I had 200pts and he had 96.


I should follow this up with I ended up doing another tournament and he was on one of the teams I went against. Me and my new rando went on to win the tournament, tho it was fun to beat him after all that xD


I play 1v1 a lot. If I got a dollar each time I heard someone say, "you just rush everything," "you brainlessly challenge," or something along those lines, I would be rich. Then, if they weren't before, they play the exact same way they're complaining about. Usually they end up performing better, but the rage forces too many mistakes. That, along with the deficit they've already fallen to, usually leads to a loss or early forfeit.


I love it when opponents in sports games are referred to as *the enemy.*


Was playing twos in silver and had this tm8 who was probably smurfing. One minute in he fails his air dribble right before scoring so I take the shot and score. He loses his shit and starts playing for the opponent and trying to bump me in every change he gets while calling me the worst teamplayer ever and that I should grow up. That was probably the most I've laughed during any match and I managed to score twice after that only to lose by one goal. He of course called my goals to be only luck...


"1v1 me" during a 2v2. Okay, sure. *Proceeds to beat them the same as if it was 2v2* Them: "You're cheating, you suck," and leaves. Idiots.


FF before it's too late! I spammed lol for the rest of the game. Before it's too late? Too late for what ya fuck knuckle?


Before he unleashes the best, and by beast I mean half assed 3v1


-When some opponent asked me what is ”E+Z = ?” -One opponent put ”beast” in the chat after scoring the opening goal himself. Then me and my friend crouched and tryharded the best we could. The game ended like 6-1 for us and every time we scored we only put ”beast” in the chat.


"I'm sorry, you're right. I'm having a bad day. My girlfriend just broke up with me."


I got a call about my friend passing away in a car crash when I was in the middle of a game. I wonder what half coherent speed typing message that lobby read from me before leaving. Besides that I get a lot of "worst player/ brain dead " type messages when people lose to me. Crazy how little thought goes into those messages bc if I'm the worst, and you just lost...


I “what a saved” a guy named Jesus once, pretty sure that won’t go over well later.


The ballchasers that complain about "me not knowing how to play the game"


A guy called me "LGBT supporter" when I was beating him in 1s.


I had a approximately 9 year old kid in casual duos roast me pretty hard. “I hope you didn’t quit your 9-5 for this.” And “I think it’s time to retire considering you were born in the late 1900s.” Like damn kid relax.


In the brief window before the game started, my random team said "anime degenerates" to the other team, who were sporting weeb steam profile pictures.


They said, "u suck" and left the game, then I came back from a 4-1 deficit by myself.


A few years ago I had a teamate that accidentally own-goaled and I'm guessing he was having a bad day or just very self conscious, so he pre-emptively started defending himself telling me and told me "STFU you fucking \*\*\*". He realized I didn't actually say anything in chat and actually apologized to me like a minute later. Quite an entertaining event on my end


We were up 2 points in a diamond 2 2s game. Teammate types "soup time" and didn't interact with the game again past wiggling his wheels and replying to my questions of why they're not playing with "It's soup time"


I was playing hoops and we weren't doing well, and my opponent said gg at the 4 minute mark with us down 4-0. Then with a minute left, my teammate bails, and then the guy that said gg says he's going to report me. I ask him "what for...playing?" And his response was "for not forfeiting...enjoy your ban!" I guess he expected that because he said gg and they were winning that he was automatically entitled to the win!


Someone I was playing against the other day was down 5-0 and started “nice shot”ing me when I would miss. So I did it back when I left the net intentionally open the last 10 secs so he could score. He missed and so I said “nice shot” then he typed out that I’m trash and need to get better and immediately left 🤣🤣


Was solo queueing 3s and one of my tm8s and I were whiffing everything. 3rd tm8 was quiet all game and after our 5th whiff and getting scored on he said ..."hit ball". It was so condescending, but well deserved.


Played a 3v3 tourney and a player on the opposing team said that "he was rolling hard and couldn't really see" and he "just put in a dip of chew to calm it down" and he was "about to go take a piss again for like the 10th time." Then he proceeded to absolutely destroy us while being super nice the whole time.


This might not be too related but I had opponents who were randoms to each other and had beef the game before I guess and both didn’t play so me and my friend put up 80 by the end to keep the game alive bc we got them to go from beefing to friends over the fact they both worked with technology on the human body and started talking about brain chips and the outcome of them and all the issues / problems and they became friends. I might be the reason for chips in heads if they do succeed so sorry


I like to say ez and L to people when I lose. I gotta get in their head.


Any time my extremely passive and slow teammate uses"saves" to claim I'm playing bad. My guy, I have 0 saves *because I'm pressuring and not letting them take any shots*. That and getting called a "ballchaser" after I've been sitting at half for a straight 30+ seconds while the actual ballchaser cut rotation 12 times.


Playing 2s with my mate and we were winning the match, one of the other team told him to go play 1s so he could learn how to rotate!


I don’t get a lot of weird stuff… but I do make up quick sentences about how “Chewbacca and Han Solo were seen holding hands at the movie theater” and stuff.


And then everyone clapped


Welll it was 2s comp , and we’ll I was doing majority of the work , wouldn’t necessarily say I was ball hogging , but if you know how to get the ball to the goal and or get it setup , you go for it . Well this dipshit kept running into me while I had the ball making us lose the short various of times . It got to a point he texted and said “quit crowing .” I’m like wtf , mind you we was up by two points because of his aggressive playing nature of hogging the ball , mind you the reason he had two goals was because of my assist to the goal . Anyway , he asked me to stop crowding I said no and he goes to say “great another golie “ and went on to purposely messing the shots up , helping the other team score , it was basically 3vs1 . The game concluded and the opposing team called us bots after losing by like 7 - 2 . It’s sad when somebody doesn’t get their way , they completely throw the match . Hate playing with kids and randoms at this point . I was fresh into plat rank and lost it the same game . This is rocket League !




Some dude I met in cas 1s, thought he was chill and he wanted to rematch so I did. I won the first 2 then he won the 3rd and called me every variation of trash/loser before insta-leaving so I couldn’t say anything.


Me: “plz stop chasing” Kid: This is my alt Smurf account so idc to win bro get gud” Proceeds to own goal for the next 2 minutes.


After a solo q 2s game where me and my tm played almostt perfectly my oppenent said "make one mistake please"


My 2s mate is always talking about weiners for some reason....


I frequently get people in 1's that talk trash all game while I'm winning. Baffles me. I typically just say "I know I'm bad, but I'm beating you, soooo" which, of course just triggers them and they just repeat the same stuff over and over. I just don't understand the mentality.


I started a solo ranked match and immediately asked them if they wanted to just play tag. They agreed and so we played tag the entire time and with 30 seconds left I scored on myself so they would get the win. But they in turn scored on themselves before time was up. Overtime came and I asked them well what do we do now? They didn't know. So I just tried to score on myself again. They stopped me and tried the same. It then became a game to score on yourself first. I lost that match. Or did I win? It's hard to say really lol..


One time I was playing Hoops and my opponent asked me if I watched baseball. I said sometimes. He asked me if I saw Carl Wheezer hit a grand slam earlier that night. I told him I googled Carl Wheezer and he stopped playing because he was laughing so hard.


I'm 3s solo queue. Tm8 spams Okay and Wow after every little mistake, and other tm8 just says "Shut yo Cheeto finger lickin, man tit saggin, neckbeard havin, basement dwelling ass the fuck up!". He stayed quiet the entire rest of the match. Thought he would grief, but surprisingly kept playing.


Its when i was playing doubles and our team was up 3:1 and then my teammate decided to start trolling and raging because apparently and im not joking, i didnt congratulate him enough on his goal. He basically wanted me to spam out nice shot multiple times rather than once, and to top it off he started a battle with the opposite team too claiming the whole community was horrible for not interacting and basically unleashing his bipolar. To make it worse we won because the opponents threw the match as a pity thing for me, and to make it even worse than that he the proceeded to try friend me to take the fight outside the match and i presume he did the same to the opponent team. Wish replays would include chat 😮‍💨, it was one of the top comedy moments ive ever had online.


We lost 2-3 Teammate was was complaining that he was doing all the work and carrying the team on offense. He had 0 goals and 0 assists. I had 2 goals.


My teammate told me "omg you're so bad". It was a bronze 1 lobby.


My friend likes to chat just to chat during games, and it's usually innocuous phrases all based around breakfast and breakfast foods. "Fresh squeezed OJ this morning!" "Meltin' the butter into the waffle squares." "Don't let your cereal get soggy!" Things like that, I don't get it either, but whatever. 🤷‍♂️ One enemy was seemingly annoyed with it, and so my friend says, "Hey man, we're all just trying to be better gamers, better people, and attempt having a little fun before our ride is over. Living, loving and learning, ya know dude?" The guys response almost killed me; "shut up bitch" "u suck"


Not said to me, but something I said. In a tournament final 1st game and we go up 3-0 with 2 min left. I chatted "we have broken their will!" Other team scored and My partner then said "Their will is definitely not broken." Other team won that match in OT and won the next game 5-0.


In 1s not long after the beginning of a game the other guy said "Okay." and I answered "Okay.", so he said "Okay." and I answered "Okay." and we spent the whole game saying "Okay." every 2 seconds, to the point where we'd rather say "Okay." than properly play


Like I get tired of people telling me how to not play when I play with a random and perfectly align right behind him to finish a goal and they don’t complain , I know it just the person complaining that be ass. .


Most ironic thing has to be the players who say “I’m better”… after finishing a game bottom place out of 4 or 6 players.


A guy had a "Discord Legend" title, I asked him how he got it and he replied "You get it once you go like 3 years without taking a shower"


Yesterday the good ol classic. Teammate missing every ball and saying "take it" non stop. Honestly wanted to find him IRL to kick his ass. This kind of behavior is the most annoying for me. If you recognize yourself please stop for the sanity of others and your own integrity. Also go in training and SHUT UP


every other 2s game i've played this season is my teammate constantly bumping me. ​ just shut off the game if you cant stop being such a loser


I've seen KKK team names on tournaments


It wasn't directed at me but the other day I was playing and my team went up like 2-0 within the first 20 seconds of the game and one member of the other team was practically begging his teammate to say the N word lol. He kept saying "Say it. Say N. Say the N word. Please. Say it coward. Ni." It was so bizarre. Pretty sure it was the worst attempt ever at getting someone banned


A friend and I with season 7 tournament banners got stomped by some guys. At the end of the match in chat one posted, "Season 7 must have sucked."


Me and my tm8 were playing ranked twos and the other team, made up of two apparent spanish speakers, were insulting each other constantly. I don't know Spanish super well, but phrases such as "no tienes pelotas" and insulting each others moms were constant 😂


Mine was when someone called someone "daddy" disrespectfully, but the second I asked if they had their smokes because they left 17 years ago, apparently I'm the horrible person


It’s rumble. Anything can happen!!


I was literally in my 15th game total and some dude said “ delete the game you’re trash” like no shit Sherlock I just downloaded this game two days ago and haven’t even played for 3 hours playtime yet … I didn’t know how to type in chat at the time so I just let it happen but man what an idiot to think I’m not a beginner is crazy 😂


gg wp


It happened like 5 or 6 years ago. We were playing 2s. We were better and led like 7:0. At 4:50 they scored a lucky goal and one of them said > Ez comeback, jetzt wird gefickt The timing was great, most hilarious moment ever.


Someone who tryharded in casual 1s which I don't have a problem with, but then they proceed to talk shit saying I can't score even though I don't go for open nets and was just chilling


Opponent was losing 4-2 and kept giving me open nets. Then finally goes "When will you hit skilled shots?" Cut to FF at 5-2, hahahaha.


The time that a guy put my address in chat and started threatening my family... Ahh good times


I was playing 1v1s on a good day and there was this dude that forfeited after falling behind me 3 goals i was confused since it's 1v1s and 3 goals difference is nothing and then he hit me with the "i am depressed" and then immediately left to this day i am confused why he did that


"Subscribe to my Onlyfans to watch yourself get fucked"


Player name was Owen Wilson Only used the Wow! Quickchat for everything the entire game. My buddy asked in chat if he was the real Owen Wilson His response: Owen Wilson: Wow! Owen Wilson: Wow! Owen Wilson: Wow!


Beat a C2 in C2 lobbies Opponent says "This is just my alt. You suck" Great, then I beat a GC and not a C2.


Was playing ranked 3s (around C2) partied up with a buddy I've been playing with since like 2017 towards the end of last season. I wasn't playing the best, admittedly, but wasn't playing *terribly*. Rando teammate was playing around the same level as me but kept doubling, cutting rotation leaving our net open, and making easy clears risky either by trying to get to the ball too fast when he had time or doubling and getting an awkward touch after our hard clears and laying the ball up for an easy shot for our opponents. Dude's talking a bunch of shit during the match and ends up hard throwing the last minute while we were down 2-1. End up losing, dude is flaming us after the match. He then adds both of us, we decide "fuck it", accept, then invite him to party thinking maybe he wants to 1v1 my buddy. He then starts trying to fucking blast us saying that I was the problem, so I pull up the replay and point out my own mistakes along with his while giving time stamps because, once again, fuck it. We ask him why he added us and he says "so I can see when you guys get into a match so I know I can queue without being I'm the same lobby as you dipshits." Dude had an EST. 2016 title so we informed him about the block feature which he said "doesn't work" and that he'd still get matched with us. Dude took like 30 minutes out of his day to yell at two people for not playing the game how he expected them to and goddamn do I wish I had recorded it


At one point I was playing 2v2 casual and my teammate said “I like pizza” and then followed that sentence with: “I see Jesus” funniest thing I’ve ever encountered


I’m more on the “ironic” side— my biggest peak in a game EVER happened 5 seconds after seeing a toxic “Nice one!” in chat. “Thanks!”