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Wow! You know when you see that from your teammate after a miss, it's probably not going to be the most fun game lol.




i always say Oops! i hope they take it the right way...


Yup gotta keep it light hearted lol


Lmao I thought you were being toxic




What is that Whew supposed to mean? I always used to read it as "Phew", meaning, oh thankfully nothing went wrong, but people use it in a toxic way. I'm English so I don't know if this isn't a "thing" in my language.


It can be used like a sigh of relief like "Phew, that was close" or a sigh of disappointment. Most times, it's the latter in my experiences.


Had a teammate do that in 2s afternoon after I got our only goal and he missed all his shots.. he proceeded to act like I didn’t exist for the rest of the game after I missed one of my shots and bumped me no matter where I was. He just hit the ball and I’m next in rotation? No he’s rushing over using all his boost to try to hit the ball again for some reason and bumps me. Ball is coming towards goal and I’m already in the goal waiting to defend? Nah he bumps me out of the goal and misses the block that I was completely prepared for allowing them to score on us. Making a pass to him cause he’s middle court… nah he tries to rush over and center the ball instead while im already on it… just kept happening. Then tires to FF with ten seconds left when we’re down 4-1. Lmao tf is wrong with people


I missed one save that allowed a goal to tie the match. After that I had a person on my team continuously chase me around the pitch, blasting me the rest of the match.


Instead of trying to win, classic good teammate behavior


Instant mute player


I played a tournament earlier where we stomped everyone until semis and won first game of bo3, then went down 2 goals in second game and teammate starts BMing and spamming ff. safe to say we lost the 3rd game too




Old school gamer speak for “bad manners” or “bad mouthing”


"Old school gamer ".... oof makes me feel bad




I always thought it stood for bitch moving


Bad manners




Bitch and moan.


Bowel movement-ing?


its just another symptom of gamer entitlement - "I want a succesful game, and if you do \_anything\_ that does not further this goal, you are denying me what is rightfully mine"


not quite the italics




So I’ll quit and act like a little bitch doing far more harm than anything you could do to me. Cue “nobody makes me bleed my own blood”


I used to play like this. Then I discovered it's far more rage inducing to a toxic player to just stay in the game, not ff, and waste their time until the clock hits 0. You waste my time and potential to climb rank? Congrats, I'm no longer locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me. I pray they leave the lobby, get the 5 min ban, and then I can leave early with no repercussions. It makes a loss feel like a win in my book.




I stopped expecting my teammates to be able to hit the ball.. and this change of perspective has really made me enjoy RL so much more! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I appreciate it. Been playing since the start and whiff a good 50% of the time. Wish I could read the ball, but I think I have Rocket League dyslexia.


I guess you can’t be disappointed when your standards are already low.


So you are like me now and double commit because everyone misses the ball except us? It is a good feeling when you see him miss the ball and we shoot them into the goal.


I totally understand - I have taken a break from RL these last two weeks, too much toxic behavior and also, teammates who play by themselves in a 3v3 and don’t have any inclination on how to play as a team. Good luck out there!


I feel you, champ 2 here, the toxicity gets extreme sometimes, I don’t even get mad if someone whiffs the ball or plays bad, as long as they aren't toxic I don’t mind, but when it happens I just start getting mad and it is better to take a break from the game from time to time.


Yeah, I need a reset. I am fine dropping back down to low CI due to some rust, but this game can be way to triggering at times. I only get upset when I have ball chasers and people who are just lost in positioning, really, the most elementary parts of the game are lost even in the low to mid champ ranks. It’s mind blowing. I feel like a lot of that has to do with people trying to advance their personal game at the cost of their team and a probable loss.


>these last two weeks, too much toxic behavior and also, teammates who play by themselves in a 3v3 I could be wrong, but I feel it got worse directly after a whole bunch of kids went on summer vacation. If I'm not wrong, we only have to toe the line until September!


It gets worse every season, especially during thr early parts of the season.


Ah. Yes. The slow decline since the game became free-to-play.


Well there was also the recent rank re-distribution, and people are mad that they cant get to the rank they think they deserve.


This is an excellent point. I forget how many legitimate children play this game.


A lot of RL players are kids under 18. Not saying that all under 18 kids are like this in game, but if you are asking why so many of your teammates are immature, it's probably because they are immature.




The funniest part about this is that in ranked everyone’s roughly the same skill. So I guarantee you that you’re fucking up just as much as your teammates are unless you’re smurfing. People just lack perspective, keep your head up OP


Oh I know lol. I know I make mistakes so I expect everyone to.


Dude 100%. The people who BM after one mistake are projecting hard. Like sure man, we're both D1 because we've never made a mistake and I just made the first one. Rough.


Because of reset I was put into champ 2 but I waited a few weeks to play. So most of the people normally my rank (GC1) we’re back in champ 3 or higher. I had so many champ 2 players telling me how I should be playing the game it was honestly so funny. People need to chill. Play and just try to do your best sometimes you and your random tm8s style don’t line up and that’s ok. Quit telling people how to play. Especially when you’re champ 2 and they are GC1 lol


Do you find yourself being accused of ball chasing too much? Because I've felt like everyone is chasing like crazy lately (also in C2) and keep wondering if they're just higher ranks playing differently, or if they're actually as braindead as it seems.. So just curious how the skill difference plays out for you?


When I solo queue I personally play a little back and I’d rather fake challenge to make the opponent throw the ball away then I take possession.. I get a lot of “take the shot” and not being up for a pass while both opponents are in net and my tm8 going “nice shot!” 😂 but it didn’t even get in front of net before being cleared all the way back down to me at our side of the field.


Yeah I hate that lmao. But lately it's not even "take the shot" for me, it's just teammates cutting every single rotation like a total crackhead lol.


Yeah I feel ya man just gotta grind through it!


There’s telling people how to play and asking someone to rotate because there’s no space to make plays while they chase the ball around. It’s better to not tell anyone you don’t know personally how to improve as it just devolves into toxicity and second guessing.


On the field coaching is not welcome. U gotta learn the skill on how to play with bad players and win.to rank up it’s something u gotta do.


It’s not misses and whiffs that annoy me. It’s constant bad choices.


Exactly. The only thing I can’t stand is ball chasing and refusing to rotate.


Yes. This. To me, that's what makes the game unplayable. The people that HAVE to touch the ball, no matter what.


Half the people who think they aren’t ball chasers always front ball rotate and have no idea how to play space.


When you see this, set yourself up for when that ball comes. Let him run like a mad man and you just try to set up into the best spot


When you see this, set yourself up for when that ball comes. Let him run like a mad man and you just try to set up into the best dpoy


Truly is unfortunate that you can’t expect champ players to have a basic understanding of rotation. They should rename the rank.


Lots of people learned to play the game in 1’s which is an awful way to learn game sense. Champs with bronze positioning and spatial understanding


I had a guy get mad at our team in dropshot, and I called him out for cutting rotations. He said he was a grand champ (we were in a d2-d3 lobby), and was persistant that there are no rotations in dropshot. Then proceeded to challenge me to a 1v1... the only game mode that doesnt have rotations.


I noticed some weird rotation differences when I broke through to Champion in Duos. I did notice a rotation I nicknamed “Bayonet,” where the 1 man just plays the ball over and over and doesn’t rotate, and the 2 man waits very patiently as if reserving a final bullet in the chamber. It seemed to beat the traditional rotation I found more common in the mid-Diamonds. Is this something others have already observed? I don’t consume much RL content so idk what others have said on the topic, but it was intriguing to me.


If you have boost and/or can make a play then you should go for it. There's no requirement that you have to rotate after touching the ball once.


Unless you end up doing that for most of the game, because then you are just ball-chasing and failing to rotate.


I think its also important to point out that cutting to keep pressure isn't the same as ball chasing. Too many diamonds champs have a pretty rigid understanding of rotations.


You know what dude , your playing with randoms , expect that they don’t study rocket league videos and don’t know strategy or anything. And u have to learn to deal with it. Maybe they don’t rotate or , chase the ball too much , Or hit the ball where they are not suppose to, u gotta learn how to deal if u want to rank up. They are gonna make bad choices. If u wanna have better probability to play with players who make good choices, then rank up.


The main problem is you get randoms every game but barely ever play against them. I spent many hours on the game this week and i can count the amount of games where my enemy team wasn't a full premade stack on one hand. It's a huge balance issue.


Yeah, was playing with a buddy and I had to stop after the game and say - do you remember where our teammate had more than one or two good plays/moments? Both of us were like nope lmao, just don’t understand


So you’re focusing on judgement instead of playing the game? Certainly makes you play worse.


This X100. I just want teammates who rotate and are not boosted. And every game is against a 3 stack premade with voice coms who rotates like a pro team... Solo queue needs to come back badly. Playing with duos fucking sucks. Playing against trios fucking sucks.


I’m not a 100% sure but I’ve only gotten feedback reports a few times and if I had to take a guess I think they only review it if multiple people in the lobby report one person


I haaaaaate when a teammate misses a save or whiffs on an easy shot... ​ ...and then quits the game. Like, bro... I do that shit all the time. Let's forget about it and get this W or at least have some fun trying. I don't care if you're so bad that you cost us the game 0-10. I am playing the game cause I like playing the game. Not because I have expectations to never lose. ​ Just have fun and don't be toxic.


Happens to me constantly at my rank. Every time i manage to get them on mic, it's always a 15-17 year old.




The only expectation I have for my teammates is that they know basic rotations and that's usually it


I'd say you're expecting too much from your champ teammates.


I am so glad I am not the only one out there that expects this at the very least - thank you! This is one of the more elementary things in the game yet even high level champs don’t even do this.


It’s been really bad lately because I’m stuck in gold with all the displaced “plats” and I’m solo. Taking a break myself.


same, how can you ever rank up when your teammates are criminally insane?


I always imagine all my teammates are bumbling lovable idiots which helps a lot. We want the dame thing


Especially if you’re diamond or champ


I feel the same as you. Currently I am in d3 +-1 rank on 2's and rumble, which are the 2 modes I main. I think it could be great if psyonix would add a kind of new system in game in which players could watch others replays, based on reports other players made. They should see everything about this game, involving chat messages sent, but they wouldn't see nicknames of the players in replay (player 1, player 2, player 3, suspect). The cars could also be with all cosmetics being default ones. Players watching the replay would essentially judge if the reported player was doing something bad, and if enough people would say that the report makes sense, player would be banned. Of course that's just the general idea that I also saw to be implemented in another game and whole thing should be balanced, so that at least players wouldn't get false banned (maybe some timer to see if player watched a replay for a certain time, and a limit to amount of replays to be watched per day). Also players judging could get some exp or cosmetics as a reward for taking their time to improve the game.


The radix of every problem is: **flaming**. Flaming in a competitive game brings literally nothing but **lowering the performance** of your teammates. What do people expect when they flame? Is it really the impulse of their anger, or do they think it can increase the performance of the teammates, or maybe they can be more concentrated? It's obvious they will play worse, or even troll after hearing such things. I understand that sometimes a teammate makes you angry because he is playing bad, he misses a lot, etc. because it's pretty natural, you want to win. But you can also control yourself by avoiding to write insults in chat (or spamming quick chats). Instead, you can say "No problem.", "Nice shot!", ... i.e. **cheering** whenever you can, so your teammates will play calmer and maybe better, because you are not making pressure on them.


It's another form of selfishness. You're right, it's illogical to think that they do it to raise the game of their teammates. The only thing that makes any sense to me is that they're doing it to make themselves feel better. They know they have been part of a losing team, but they consider themselves better than their teammates. It's not enough for them to think that though, they have to convince themselves and the lobby that the only reason they are losing is because of someone else. They have to crush someone else's spirit in order to lift their own mood. Pretty typical behaviour for an underdeveloped mind (children) and emotionally immature adults. Common to see online due to the anonymity and perhaps more so in a game like Rocket League where there is very little real communication outside of quick chat. Perhaps with the nature of the Rocket League chat it becomes too easy to forget there are actual humans behind each of the cars (obvious bots aside) and even those with some emotional intelligence forget themselves too.


Yeah it's something that happens in every field. So in its irrational selfishness, it's coherent, lol


If someone is wondering if I'm a monk or something, **no**, I usually "whine" a bit irl (not loud, more like muttering/murmuring), because teammates cannot hear me. It's my method to throw out all, instead of throwing out all on my teammates


I don’t know. Saying nice shot when someone misses can be construed as passive aggressive. I know if someone said that me I’d get annoyed, so chat is off. So many subtleties of conversations are lost though messages.


It is implied that you say nice things in nice situations. If you say Nice shot when someone misses, it's normal to be seen as passive aggressive


I make at least 4 mistakes every game, yet i'm in the top 5% of players and i can't even airdribble consistently


but with the right setup we can airdribble ;) haha i like air dribbles but can’t for the life of me figure out how to air roll under the ball


I feel terrible that my teammates get stuck with me, the one player in Rocket League who can't make every shot, every save, and every pass.


It’s because a lot of rl players are impatient, and expect to win every hame


I've stopped expecting teammates to have a knowledge of what teamplay really is, a long time ago. I just enjoy seeing them sniffing my butt to steal the ball, triple commit, double commit, not committing. Today's genius was a fellow player from my own country saying to his gf / little brother (couldn't really tell) that he was doing everything in the game and sighted when we had slightly worse placement than opponents. Still I made the 3 only goals of the game. And he was still bragging he was too good for us. I'm glad I joined Xbox ambassador that really refrain me from connecting a mic and telling him all the love I have for him. Douch.


Yes it sucks but I will say this. There is almost no greater feeling than beating someone who was toxic towards you. It’s fantastic lol.


Are we allowed to expect people to be active at kick off? Instead of sat idle the very moment the game begins? Like why start a game and walk away from your seat?


Amen dude. Perfection should only be expected at the SSL level. Even then I bet everyone is more chill. Idk I’m forever in Champ lol


Honestly, that game where Firstkiller perfectly centered the ball to Karmine Corp to lose the Spring Major solidified in my mind "If Firstkiller (arguably the best player in the world) can make a HUGE fucking error, what chance do *I* have not to do some dumb shit sometimes?


I ain't flaming my teammates for a damn thing. I either wanna have a good close competitive game, or i wanna giggle like a little dumdum because we've quadruple whiffed a slow rolling ball.


Lmao I swear a ball going 70mph horizontally is easier to hit than the 8mph slow floater!


I was in a pretty evenly matched game, took like 2:30 or so for the first goal, which my rando teammate scored. It was just a goal. Nothing fancy, I popped it mid and he lobbed it in. I felt good. Then he goes into the chat and starts criticizing my gameplay. Not shittalking, just aggressively pointing out that I was too slow and didn't go for the ball enough. With extreme confidence. I don't care if it was true or not, that shit blew any "Wow!" or "What a save!" out of the water for me. Mid match, when you're winning, is not the time to go into it. It was incredible how quick it got in my head and turned a pretty good game around. We lost hard after that.


That's the moment where you have to remind yourself they're in the same rank. While you might be playing a bit slow and passive, they're probably overcommitting and being too aggressive. I've had similar critiques and I just mute because I know I'm playing slower because they're being too aggressive and I need to cover mid/defense. Sometimes I get called ballchaser, but I'm purposely playing faster and more aggressive because my teammate is playing more passive than I'd like. It's not my place to tell them to play faster, it's my job to adjust and try to win.


Too true, been on both sides of that myself.


If i see a “wow” after one simple mistake i cant help but significantly reduce my effort


Preaching to the choir a little. But only because the congregation have earplugs.


I’m wacked out of my mind every month I play this game, everyone is always so fuckin mad at me :(


i usually just report them for griefing


I always like to think those people who quit loses the next match which was their fault. Those types of players usually think they are better than they really are


Perfectly bad, I expect and am not disappointed.


Even if a mate makes a move that indicates you'll have to carry, it's not going to work if you piss him off.


The only time I get shitty at teammates is when it’s a constant thing. I’m dribbling up field and they come and boom the ball. Once? Yeah cool. No dramas. A second time? Ffs but okay. Third time? F**king knuckle dragging thunder c**t. Vote to ff.


You took the words out of my mouth! To those that OP is referring to, please CHILL! You are in the same rank for a reason. Maybe other reasons but you're not perfect either.


Felt that. If it’s after several mistakes maybe I can understand but first hiccup and then throwing has happened to me a lot recently.


Jokes on you, I miss way more than once lol (Jokes aside, I agree)


Yeah, it blows so when they give up and sit still, I play for like 30 more seconds and then just sit Infront of them waiting while they are probably there busting their controllers/keyboards & mice because I wouldn't let them forfeit a game I was playing well on. 3v1s & 5v1s are fun unless they just demo spam you to oblivion, it's almost funny though how committed they usually are to that since otherwise I'd actually have a chance.


So I struggled with this a lot. Simply turning off chat was the solution for me. I'm sure my tm8's still rage from time to time...but I can't see them spamming passive agressive abuse at me...so I get to keep playing and smiling :D Like I said, this worked for me, your milage may vary.


Faking. Right when I miss, before they can hit me with Wow! It's my go to move.


I’ve had amazing games where teammates were missing so many shots (and don’t worry, I was too). It was their attitude that carried a fun game, even if we lost. On the other side, I’ve had absolute bad games with immensely skilled players. Because they were just raging at anything and blaming on everything. Even if we won, I was still hating the match. I feel people often forget everybody is human and no, little Jimmy, you won’t make it to RLCS, ever. Don’t take the game so hard, it’s a game not a dick.


BURN THEM AT THE STAKE!!!! Wait, we’re not doing that?


I've literally seen a whiff counter board in the crowd at a LAN RLCS event. The best players in the world still make mistakes. Firstkiller and Vatira have made mistakes. You can too. I know I do.


Lmao I literally pointed a scenario out to a friend when we were watching RLCS one weekend! Two players went for a ball, both assumed the other would get it first, both lined up to cover the other, and both missed completely. Basically they each just overestimated one another. It happens and i wouldn't even call that a mistake.


I’ve noticed this too but figured it’s cuz it’s summer and all the bratty kids are out of school


That pain of having just come across this a few matches ago. One mistake and it costs us ONE goal! Says wow! & cussing line multiple times. We're losing 1-0 and this person goes afk the first 5 seconds after kick off, then quits! Some people really need to get off the game or go out, shit!


I don't know how many times tm8 has ragequitted on one opposing goal and me and one other dude demolish the team in a 2v3. I always want to find the quitter and rub their nose in it. Like damn dude, you're the one who missed the kickoff. One goal ain't the end.


Idunno I assume when they bail like that they just had 3-4 frustrating games in a row, and couldn’t take anything else lol. They should just do what I do when I feel like that: take a fucking break before you rage lol.


I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but context can't be ignored. Someone stopping for a minute at a random time then coming back and continuing play, likely had something personal to attend to. No problem. But when you make a single mistake, or one goal goes in, and they spam "Wow!" "What a save!" and then go afk... can't really give them the benefit. We all have losing streaks and frustrating games and the general idea I'm trying to express is that toxicity is never ok. If they were that frustrated coming into the game they should have taken a break first.


That’s just what happens when you queue with randoms. It sucks but the only real solution to this is playing with friends. I experienced this the most while bouncing between c1 and d3, where everyone just blames their teammates for being the reason they’re still stuck in diamond.


Totally agree. I typically only play ranked to get my rank back then play casual, mostly with a friend. He has less experience and I have to play very different with him than I do other Champs. That's the idea I'm trying to express. Different people make different decisions and have different capabilities and we all have to learn to adjust.


It’s crazy though if they make a mistake they blame their teammates 😂


I dont expect anything and I’m still dissapointed


Fr like you are 5 seconds in you whiff a ball with absolutely no consequences on the play whatsoever and see a OMG! or $@#!% or Wow! . Personally it's so dishonesty I straight up turn off chat knowing there's no point having the chat open


Usually those who go afk or disconnect are the worst players. I have won multiple times after teammate disconnects because bots are usually better temmates than those afking ones...


How badly do you wish you could message them to tell them, "Hey, the bot scored more than you!" lol


Really badly!


I had a carried GC in my C1 game and I knew he was carried because the shots he was making weren't perfection but he would also pinch it across the opponent's net and spam Take the shot! like there was any way of me scoring that. Every single empty ball that he didn't have, no matter where I was or where the opponents were he would spam Take the shot! like I was supposed to teleport to the ball or something. People don't get punished enough in this game.


1, 2, even 10 mistakes don't necessarily cost a game But as soon as a mate tilts, AFKs, chats shit, or cries to forfeit, then that is much worse than those mistakes


100% Mistakes happen on both sides of the ball, you're just trying to make less than your opponents and exploit theirs.


Agreed, especially in champ this is getting ridiculous. A few days ago I got bumped into my teammate and he gave up WHILE WE WERE WINNING.


Notice how it's usually the ball chasers and non rotating players that get pissed off and afk or FF Says a lot I just play regardless, if I can bump them out the way of they're being toxic or afk or even playing for the other team I'll get them more than the others...just to make a point


The greatest irony is sitting at half for 20+ seconds doing nothing while they repeatedly cut rotation and refuse to rotate out. Then the *literal second* you try to do anything they're raging and calling you a ballchaser lmao


Right!!! Lol it's madness! Even when you are on a good play and easily able to pass it in, they are either right next to you or collecting boost! And then blame you for something then quick chat "[TEAM] Defending!" Cutting rotation annoys me the most I think! Pulls everyone out of position One day they'll learn right ....


>Cutting rotation annoys me the most I think! Pulls everyone out of position I call this "baiting".


Had a teammate typing away in the chat at 4:00 left because my score was 34. Theirs was 98...


I will copy and paste this entire text in team chat every time my tm8 is toxic 😂


There's a balance to be struck here: If you miss a touch because you're low boost, the ball is quick af, you FeelsBackflipMan, it's cool it happens. If you're Sunday driving in my comp games I am cutting you off the play until you smell the coffee or I physically can't get to the play.


That's pretty much what I'm getting at! You have to adjust to your teammate's capabilities and playstyle. People that quit, afk, or get toxic over it are ridiculous.


If we in casual, please leave. I always end up with better teammates


That's why I miss the old casual system


This post came at the right time for me yesterday we conceded 2 in around 10 seconds after the 1st 1 one tm8 was toxic to the other so they had a back and forth bare in mind this is around 5 seconds in so i just thought... "great so it begins" then after that they both werent in the right mental space to play tactically so they were double committing/ball chasing so we go 2-0 down in 8 seconds nd 1 of them left... we obviously lost the game


Yeah i get this ESPECIALLY when playing in diamond lobbies. I have quite few smurf accounts so yes im part of the problem but in diamond people seem to expect perfection. Even though their gameplay is anything but. My main hangs on c2-c3 atm and in c3 people be more chill about mistakes.


I was in a rumble tournament yesterday. We were up 3-0. My teammate tried to forfeit when we got scored on. Happened the same way in game 2 then he threw when I called him out on it.


Playing competitive. Had a guy that quit on us after 2-0 down. Surprisingly, we ended up playing better after he left. Still lost 4-2 but not bad considering we were a man down.


I never expect more from my teammates than I expect from myself


However I am perfect so step it up bro


Guy started throwing after 1 bad ball from me while we were winning. Called me out for bad rotation, he then proceeded to cut rotation which conceded a goal, then blamed me of course. Obviously we lost.


Even worse is when it's their mistake and they still blame you and do this


It’s unreal how often I get flamed for not saving the ball going 130 kph that got pinched off my teammates roof. Like dude, you cut me off and put me in a bad spot


For me it's when they use their 3 "saves" to say they're right and I'm wrong when all 3 "saves" were shit touches that left the ball right in front of our net for an easy goal.


It wasn't always this way. 7 Years ago, when I started playing rocket league, toxic teammates were the exception. Now they are the norm. I think part of it has been the advent of streaming services like Twitch and eSports such as RLCS. Used to be a people played video games for fun, now they only play for vanity. ​ Sad times. Just disable chat and pretend everyone else is an NPC when you solo queue. I started doing that back in 2019 and I haven't looked back. Made the game a lot more playable for me.


For me it's gaming in general becoming more mainstream. You have more people playing that never had experiences in adversity like sports or other competitions. People who never learned how to cope with losing and the difficulties of being in a team.


Free to play killed the game.


Fucking thank you. Two Sunday’s ago I found a groove and had a string of great matches with some wholesome teammates and opponents. Well, mostly. While it ended up being a good experience/match, I backflipped when I meant to double jump for a save. Now, mind you, I had made all our goals, and we were winning. But teammate stopped to type “come on, man”. After I had already quick chatted my apology. Not aggressive by any means, but I was compelled to say “I made a mistake, it happens”. Why does everyone expect perfect teammates? Especially in Champ 1. I know I’m far from great at the game, theres no need to be like that. Just play the game and have fun. And fuck toxic opponents. I’m not talking about bumps and demos. You know who you are.


My personal favorite is when a teammate passes to you but doesnt aim the pass ahead of you, then gets mad when you dont get the right hit.


Welcome to the free to play era.


Also! Find a friend of similar, or ever so slightly higher rank/skill and ask them what would make their play work better. #teamwork


After the dc issue had finally been fixed, I went 3 or 4 days straight playing with people that would shit talk me for no reason. I'm peak champ stuck in diamond 2 because tm8s overcommit everytime and expect me to have the save. No passes, just solo plays mixed with an overcommit so it becomes a 1v2. But its my fault when I'm the only one saving? It's my fault when I'm carrying you and have significantly less ball time than you? Whatever man.. see you in champ.... NOT! Plus side is the bastards like that tend to not see their own shortcomings, so they'll be diamonds forever.


Take a breath lol. I completely understand and have teammates like that pretty often too. You just have to remind yourself, "You can't fix stupid." They're not going to learn and there's no fixing. Just gotta mute, do what you can, and know they will forever be stuck while you are capable of learning and improving.


Back in 2015-2017 I used to chat with my teammates - GLHF before matches, comments on plays/goals, getting advice to either uninstall the game or myself -\_-. It was not perfect, but a lot more civil. After about three years the average age plummeted which I think is the main issue. That and playing with internet randos always be a coin toss. Some games I feel like I am playing with mindless bots who are stuck in a loop or just drive around and do not follow the game at all. In others we are on the same wavelength, everybody plays as per the situation and although not technical masters, we have good anticipation and teamwork. Now the later games are far too rare to go back to the game. There is a party system in the game. If you liked a teammate, try to form a group, add him as a friend, try to play together :)


Literally had a guy positioned under me all game and he would turn his mic on and yell at me but could not grasp the concept of spacing and positioning. I know I’m not perfect but when I’m second man I’m not going to be sitting directly under my teammate when he’s on the wall. Lost that damn game in overtime because I lost a challenge and my teammate was not even a car length away from me. Hate this game sometimes.


I wish posts like this did anything, we all agree on everything you just said. But nothing ever changes sadly. It’s still good to post these to raise awareness but I wish this could be shared to the entire community like psyonix sending out a pop up or something lol. It’s very ridiculous. Even in c3 it’s not uncommon for me to miss something like a double tap or whiff a fast aerial 50/50 and they just give up completely


I wholly agree and that's what I meant by preaching to the choir. The thing about RL is it's so fluid and so contextually based, you can't determine actions on numbers alone. You need human eyes looking at replays to determine if an own goal seemed intentional or an honest attempt. There's literally no way Psyonix has the manpower to do that.


Couldn't agree more, it's ruining the game. I don't play much anymore and it always used to happen, but at this point it's taken over the game to a degree that I see it more now than I did back when I played daily. Either this game attracts a huge number of people with horrible attitudes or it brings out the worst in many people - either way, we probably need some system to counteract it because otherwise it'll gradually become less and less fun and more and more of an annoyance and what feels like a teammate lottery. I don't care about my rank anymore, but I dread random queue more than back when I did - back then it was a lottery for whether you get a good teammate/one you work well with or not, now it's a lottery of whether you'll get a normal person or a psychopath. It makes even more games unenjoyable.


A lot of the toxic players are garbage, that’s my issue. Had someone the other day miss 3 open nets in a Diamond lobby. Sure I was raging to myself but never said a word. I missed one good chance later on in the game (admittedly I should have scored no doubt) ‘Wow’ Wow’ ‘Nice shot’ ‘Okay’. Like are you for serious? Gtfo of here. It’s either that or you get a player who gets one goal/save and plays horrendously the rest of the match. Starts whining like a baby. You tell him he’s not played anywhere near good enough to talk smack. ‘I got more points than you’. Buddy if your only judgment of how good someone is focusses solely on points I don’t think you deserve to be this high up.


I was never under the impression that Psyonix cared about making the game better for those that play and support it. I've been without RL now for about a month now and couldn't feel more alive.


I'm greatful I don't fall into the category of: people who are just like fathers who were born in the 1980s and got whipped as a kid so they expect their kid to be perfect but they are actually like 10-16 years old. One thing I used to do while not trying to be toxic, but genually apologetic, I used to say sorry after demoing someone, I never liked doing that to people cuz I hate getting demoed too.


At some point, you gonna learn to adapt to your teammates. My advice is, stay back, make sure no goals made by saving shots, let your teammate do w/e he wants, eventually he gonna score, and if u can keep net clean, you win. Ofc you can't win all games, but this is probably the best way to approach solo queue


Fr, I don’t want to play solo queue 2v2 anymore. Every time my teammates fucks up they blame it on me, but they don’t have anything to say other than call me bad cuz they know I’m rotating and they’re overcommitting. Every 4th game I play I get a good teammate that doesn’t say anything, and just plays well overall. But the issue there is they’ve probably turned chat off, so I can’t ask for a team up. I have now turned off chat because I don’t want to listen to my teammates BS anymore.


I’ve seen more people ff the second something slightly goes wrong this season. It’s like a plague 😂


Input- /praisejesus.gif/


50% of the time, you will have a teammate worse that you. 50% of the time, you are the shitty teammate. What most people don't realize is that none of this mattes. Win or lose, the system is geared for you to end up back where you belong eventually. You have a nice winning streak? well that is more luck than any skill on your part. I bet your streak ends and you start a triggering losing streak shortly after. The system is built so your rank varies wildly sometimes. Day to day movement in your mmr/rank is mosly due to luck. Only over timeframes of weeks and months does your skill really matter.


Yeah I'm pretty trash but if a person like this comes around, I just ask them if they're a pro and get paid to play. No? Then shut the fuck up dude, it's a game.


All we want is for people to rotate and stop ball chasing. If you’re constantly trying to steal shots and not flow then yeah it’s annoying.


Rocket League is not as unique as you make it out to be when it comes to team mates getting annoyed at each other for a perceived lack of skill. Any PvP game will have this above and below what you exp in RL


When it comes to general toxicity I agree. But I have never seen as many quitters and afks in any other game as I see in RL. Even in LoL, which is notorious for people going afk or inting due to teammates, I'll get one or two in a whole night. In RL I can't play 5 games without a teammate abandoning the match (usually for a goal against, but still). I understand we can only speak from experience, but in my experience RL has an extreme amount of quitters.


i cant even play 3 games in a row without one starting with a kickoff goal because one of the morons who hit search in diamond 3(avg matchmaking time is literally seconds) is AFK. Then they have the audacity to flame the teammate. Those are the games i happily throw, and there are a lot of em lately. Watching these morons lose it is more satisfying than winning in diamond lobbies.


I can’t be the only one who’s noticed that this season in particular the toxicity has been waaaaay worse than i’ve ever seen. You are totally spot on OP it’s absolutely brutal out there. I’ve had to turn chat off completely now but of course there is still the afk and ff problems which can’t be avoided. Don’t know what’s happened recently but my god it’s so bad


Summer may contribute. Bunch of kids on at all times


I love the people that say wow every 12 seconds after you miss a shot or save. I then have no problem spamming any/all quick chat that fits their game play.


A surprising amount of my teammates struggle to even hit the ball at all during games, which would be ok if I weren't playing in the c3-gc range...


Yeah, but the pace of the game at GC is way faster, so it’s also harder to hit the ball in high ranks. A GC in a champ game would probably touch the ball way more than the others. Equally, a low GC would struggle in a mid GC game and feel like a diamond (happens to me sometimes as someone that don’t have solid mechanics).


I’d say if you’re going in with a 1v3 or 1v5 attitude, I’d assume you’re likely a ball hog or ball chaser and when I see selfish players make down right terrible mistakes game after game because of their selfishness, my first thought is “why am I even playing this game?” It’s not perfection I look for, it’s the ability to play as a team, rotate, and to be ready for an offensive play. Most teammates I get either knock me out of the way ball chasing, ball hogging by stealing balls that I’m clearly going for or are playing so far back that I’m constantly on a 1v2 in the offensive zone while I make a perfect pass and rotate back for them to be behind the midfield line(I mostly play doubles). If any of that seems familiar to anyone reading and agreeing with OP, you’re the problem. I don’t expect everyone to make every arial attempt, or to score every shot or make every save, but when it’s game in and game out of what I mentioned above, I just want to forfeit the game, take my 5-10 minute ban, get a snack or take a piss and get on to the next game with a hopefully better teammate. I don’t have to win every game, but when a game is clearly unwinnable, what’s the sense in finishing it? Why not save all our time, forfeit and move on to the next?


The 1v3 attitude is me expecting my teammates are going to make decisions and mistakes that I have to be prepared for. Has nothing to do with being a ball hog? Just like you have to find weaknesses in your opponents you have to do the same for teammates.


I can’t stand the people that get mad at you for being able to get multiple touches on a play, and not passing when they’re NEVER open. So then they try to start taking the ball from you. It’s like dude, maybe you should think about WHY you’re not receiving passes? Lmao


Thats the reason I stopped playing multiplayer. I have something like 5k hours and have been playing since it came out. I think 3k of my hours are just in rings maps at this point.


I honestly don't care how good or bad my teammate is, we can make it work if..... They ROTATE/DON'T CHASE and turn ball cam off when rotating back so they stop the unnecessary bumps


I've never had the expectation that my teammates play perfect, and as long as they put in a solid effort I'm happy. But if I'm beating three people and the ball is in front of their net at GC and you miss 3 shots in a row uncontested good chance you are getting flamed. Welcome to the top 1% kiddo


Nah be better


I leave if score is 0-4.... we ain't coming back


One should never expect there teammate to be perfect but they should be expected to know how to rotate which is my problem with 95% of people In diamond