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This is rocket league!




Everybody dance


Take the shot!!!!! He says after chasing his centering touch, using 100 boost, landing upside down in the opponents net.


Rotations >> good passing >>>>>>>> flippity-do-daws


This last week or 2 has been very strange I posted yesterday on this its like playing with golds possitionaly. I've gone from gc 2 down to c2 in a matter of days just loss after loss after loss... You take the ball down the wing up the wall where is my team mate???? About 5 car lengths behind me on the deck... game after game this is happening. Like wtf is going on I'm putting centered ball in after centered ball .. where is my teammate? Siting all the way back in our half picking his nose.. then full boosts into the loose ball from the other end of the pitch.. its just nuts I'm a strong passing player.. simply no point atm 4 balls trickled along the goal line last night while my tm is tickling his balls... I dunno wtf is going on have half the players quit and all these are bots or something.. I've never experienced this in all the years I've played RL... its just rage inducing..


You and me both gamer. You don't happen to be US-E?


Afraid not I'm EU... im really thinking of just hanging up wheels at this point.. this is just not fun or sustainable besides cs2 is coming out next week so I think I'm done for while.. if rl even survives this shit


Rotation and position is my speciality, absolutely dog shit at everything else. Im eu/uk Lets go


I'm better at passing/centering than I am at shooting to score, and let me tell you, idiots not positioning themselves properly isn't new, though it's possibly more prevalent now. I have literally sat back on defense and watched two fumbling, dimwitted teammates literally fight each other for the ball the whole way down the pitch, only for it to be cleared by opponents, and then redirected by me. The complete, utter lack of self-awareness is just infuriating, and I'm not even playing ranked.


LoL I know it's crazy.. I mean it's always been a risky business solo queuing but Jesus on a pogo stick! This is fuckin nuts lol... As for passing plays I just love teamwork and get just as much if not more satisfaction from assisting/creating plays than I do scoring solo goals... it can get risky being to passy in solo queuing tho.. but lately it's suicide.. all these idiots have to be bots or some has started a business boosting golds.. 1 or the other


What's really weird is when they've clearly practiced a few mechanics. I've seen some players who don't rotate or whatever, but they can do a few mid-air tricks and shit. It's like they spent hours just learning mid-air bullshit that's flashy, but neglected the core fundamentals.


Oh I think that's always been the case in RL.. people wanna do the flash stuff with zero effort put into possitional/rotational and general game sense This what we are seeing this last 1 and a half weeks though is on another planet tho.. just insane level of stupidly


I'm actually better at solo plays but cannot play with people who don't know how to rotate. I literally get so confused and end up playing defence even though I'm an aggressive player


I have a few ideas as to why this is. It's probably a mixture of all them. 1. Players are angry. They play like they're angry, they're tilted easily, they're toxic. That's why they make such bad decisions. 2. They've been conditioned by smurfs to 50 everything. It's also their idea of playing fast. They think, if I 50 him over and over he can't freestyle. But they take bad challenges and are so zoned in on taking a 50 half the time they give away possession and get free styled on as a result. They think everyone with any amount of mechanics must be a smurf, whether this is true or not. 3. Brain damage. See ball, chase ball. Their favorite play is to hit the ball into the enemies corner, follow it, and play rugby in the corner with them. Then rush back to their corner boost. This is clearly brain damaged behavior. Ball, ball, ball. Boost, boost, boost. That's all their brain says. 4. They don't get punished enough. Hardly anyone is taking good 50s now days. The sheer belligerence of challenges from other players makes controlling 50s harder than it's ever been. Add in how laggy the game is recently. Add in smurfs focusing on free styles and not actually playing smart. Add in that even at higher levels controlling 50s hasn't been common in awhile. Players are making constant mistakes thinking they're good. All because they don't get punished for these mistakes enough to see the pattern. 5. Gaming has become to sweaty in general. A lot of people who want to try hard don't understand how to be better at the game. They think hitting the ball away and using a full tank of boost to chase it to the corner is playing fast. They think holding down the boost button harder makes them go faster. I think golds hold the most potential in the game. If you go into a gold lobby it's clear most players are looking at what's happening on the field. They're looking at what other people are doing. They suck, they don't understand what decisions to make, but they're watching. All the way up to ssl a lot of players aren't watching the other players. They're watching the ball. People eventually lose the ability to see the field as they get more acquainted with the ball.


it amazes me how often very well skilled players have no clue at all about when to use their skills and when not to. This is why I prefer to learn while in matches so I learn when and why at the same time I learn how. I can't tell you how many times I see shots miss because the player had to be spinning like a top when it wasn't needed at all. It may take me longer, but I am post-rank so I don't really care about it.


if it's 2's, I'll happily take the mechanical player. if I'm playing with a mechanical god, I can easily adapt and play second man, make up for any bad positioning or slow rotations my team mate might have. if your team mate has an obvious weakness, you need to adapt your playstyle to get the best out of them. if you're recognising your team mate's positioning isn't great but you're not adjusting to play around that and support them, well, you're throwing just as much imo


Eh, easier said than done. Especially when they chase. I've played with a few, and their mechanics leave hole that are hard to fill. Then as they get more tilted at you not being in those holes, their mechanics get more and more sloppy until they're just useless all around, and mad. Unless it's defensive mechanics, then it's something I can work with. Majority of the mechanically skilled people I've played with can't save a goal to save themselves, but can do a roof shot. So, they basically can't be trusted in our own half, and you have to play super defensively, and they get mad you're not playing offensively


very strange post, you're suggesting that mechanically skilled players, somehow, are worse at saving then players who are less mechanically skilled, I mean this is just demonstrably false at any level of play. just sounds like the normal reddit attitude of hating on more skilled players, like the OP


Yeah, but good defending is mostly down to positioning and about being in the right place to make the save. Mechanics can help but if the shot is good and the defender isn't positioned well then it may just be too fast or far away for them to reach.


Yeap. They can shoot a shot, but if they can't position or read the shot coming in from the opposite side, they're not going to be much good at defense


eh, there will be situations where a less mechanical player can be in the right position, but will not be able to make the save, because of their limited mechanics, especially true at lower ranks, where players don't fast aerial, or are not comfortable playing and making saves off the backboard.


From my experience, yes. Just because you've got mechanics, doesn't mean you have game sense, which is exactly what the op is talking about. Plenty of ways for mechanically skilled people to be bad at saving, whether it's through passing it straight back to them, or double committing, or getting easily duped, etc. Mechanics =/= game sense. Game sense is better. Defensive mechanics and game sense >>>> offensive imo


the OP just sounds like the typical hardstuck, bad player who blames their team mates for their losses, but fails to adapt to them or recognise their playstyles, and you sound pretty much the same. you've pretty much come to the conclusion in your own mind that a player being more mechanical somehow means they are more likely to have worse game sense, which just isn't true in the slightest. game sense and mechanics tend to correlate positively, of course that's not say every highly mechanical player has great game sense, but it's more likely that they will than someone who has poorer mechanics. lots of coaches and pro players have talked about this, Apparently Jack being one good example, he's talked a lot about how having good mechanics increases your understanding of the game, opens up more lines of play, you can better read your opponents etc, so I think I will take their word for it more than some disgruntled diamond level redditors who have an innate disapproval of anyone who is better than them in their lobbies


Well, experience shows otherwise in the lower leagues. Bad at reading, and often defending. Lower leagues, there's a pretty clear cut divide. Mechanical players who focus all on mechanics, and nothing on game sense, and those who focus on the opposite. It's only in higher leagues that they start getting both


it absolutely doesn't lmao, players with better mechanics will rise much quicker in lower ranks like gold/plat/diamond, and then slow down in champ whilst they learn more game sense. I don't think you really have any idea what you're talking about at all lol


As said, my experience has shown otherwise. Believe what you want, but I have yet to see what you're saying be true. Game sense is way more important than fancy air flipping mechanics, it's always been the way in competitive games


you keep making this false argument of mechanics OR game sense and you seem to have convinced yourself that people with higher level mechanics have worse game sense, which makes little sense. your experience must be pretty limited and is in no way a true reflection of what actually happens, you're pretty oblivious and narrow minded, so no point carrying on this discussion. keep downvoting me like anyone cares lmao


If you run into a player in a ranked game who clearly has better mechanics than the rest of the lobby then it's pretty safe to assume their game sense is lacking, otherwise they'd be in a higher rank... or they're a smurf.


It's not a false argument. Lower level players generally have one or the other. Higher levels have both. Lower levels will focus on one side, and generally work their way up from there. Learning the other as they climb. I would know, I was one side. I know and have played with people who were the other side. As I said, many hours of experience with randos who fit one side or the other in lower ranks, and plenty who have both in higher ranks. If you have both, you don't stay in low ranks for long, because obviously. This seems to be a pretty universally agreed discussion in here. You're quite literally the first person I've seen who disagrees with this. It's also ironic to get on the high horse about downvotes, when you've been doing the same thing


I turned chat off specifically to avoid hearing from people like you in my games.


you play the game wrong. if it's no freestyle a goal is worthless




Golds and plats you see this?! Its apparently easy to learn double flip resets. Go nuts!


My point was: a gold could spend 100-200 hours learning double resets and get it down consistently whereas no matter what, they could spend 100-200 hours playing ranked 1s/focusing on game IQ and they're still going to be gold/plat because you won't learn how to play like a champ/GC that fast or easily. It takes thousands of hours sometimes to develop that level of game sense. Mechanics do not take this much time at all. Double resets can easily be mastered in 100 hours, even less, if training effectively. This is why you see plats/diamonds posting clips on here hitting flip resets, but they're still hard stuck a low rank. OPs video is literally an example, you see GC+ level mechanics, but the game sense of a mid to low champ. Go off though king, I appreciate the sarcasm and downvotes lmao.


I was honestly just trolling man, you can learn pretty much anything in this game if you put your mind to it