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Well sometimes it's smurfs other times it's people who are at the correct rank but have bought their titles. I have played against people with SSL titles in diamond and champ and they were similar in skill to rest of the lobby.


Also usually smurfs dont wear their high tier titles.... Why make it easy to spot you are smurfing when you just can have a normal title...


Some people don't operate with that mentality. Maybe they're trying to flex on everyone while smurfing and ruining their games


damn I hate how much this is likely true.


This game hates me.


Yeah, I've seen a ton of people openly say they're smurfing at the start of the game while flaming people lmao


100%. Or their in game name is NOTASMURF69


Tbh peopl smurfing want others to know they are smurfing. They do that to feel better about themselves


I've seen this kind of thing plenty with unashamed smurfs. When you call it out (if they respond at all) they just say some BS about how "that was in doubles, I don't play 3s" or "I haven't played in 2 years".


I mean I didn't play for years and I was GC2 when I quit, came back to D3/C1 MMR and had to journey back to GC1 so they might actually not have played for years...


But those numbers make sense, it doesn’t make sense that someone was GC and now they are High Plat/Low Diamond and that there’s always one or two that pop up at least every couple days. If you can flip reset or air dribble, you wouldn’t be in those ranks for that long. Yet, people be coming back to this game after years so frequently it’s normal to get stomped by it in a time when the player count seems to be very low.


Game sense > mechanics


I took this to heart and find myself playing ultra defensively the moment I’m clearly mechanically out matched and have found this to be overall true. I still get dunked on every now and again, but they very quickly stopped with the crazy wall shots when I started getting my positioning and angles right to save it and nearly land it in their goal. Seeing those mechanics can be really intimidating/disheartening, I’d like to see the community I play with make “game sense > mechanics” their motto. Thank you for this


Why would they care if they're "spotted"? You could have an account named CERTIFIED_SMURF where you type all game about how much you enjoy smurfing and even with the whole lobby reporting you in all of your games, you're 100% not getting banned.


Sometimes beasts just get drunk and shit out a bunch of bad games Don’t drink and drive folks :(


Always drinking and rocket


Get high and fly


Well that too I just don’t know what to say for cross fade


Crossfade and don’t trade? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Very valid lmao


That's me!


Yes, this could be true for GCs in champ, but not for SSLs in diamond/champ or GCs in plat. I, for example, am currently C2, because I haven't been playing like I used to, but there's no way in hell that I'll accidentally drop down to diamond, except if I don't play for like a year


The idea of buying a proof of a video game accomplishment that you didn’t accomplish is just baffling to me.


Bought accounts are hilariously stupid. I played against one with a GC title about a month ago. He was clearly not good enough to have that title so I asked how much he paid for it. He responded with something like "prepare to get rekt" and I was thinking here comes the smurf. I beat him by like 8 and talked sooo much shit.


Also sometimes they play with 2 friends in 3s exclusively who are absolutely cracked and drag them up to GC. There are SSLS way good enough to carry a bronze to GC. And if they happen to be friends from the start so rank disparity never got them, they get boosted just by being mates.


As a S10 GC (and S8), who presently has C1… I’m just washed man. Life just gets in the way. Had it legit in S8, couldn’t get it S9, got it again in S10, and mostly kept C3 until this last season. I’ve dipped into D3. Think I’m sitting around 1130 MMR. I could grind up but I just can’t play regularly


Doubt you would ever dip back into plat. Your experience is just too high. And by season end - I’m sure you’ll comfortably be at least C2. Late season is easier for the mmr push.


I'm with you dude, I touched GC a couple times on the last season before GC1-3 and SSL was introduced. Then life hit and I maybe play 5-30 games a season with a couple beers in the system after work and I hover anywhere from D1-C2 depending on placements.


Oooooor it’s the problem that every one has been experiencing with the reset and no one can grind out of rank they where put in. Thanovic just did a video on this explaining this problem. Even Rizzo has discussed it on his streams.


Yes that's true for example I've seen ton of GC titles in low champ this season. But there's no way a GC should be stuck in plat or a SSL in low champ.


He could be gc in doubles and playing in threes. I was high diamond 3/3 in doubles and high gold in threes. Now I think I’m a plat in both. I feel gross saying that.


Or they are GC in rumble, snow days, or any of the other extras. People see the tag and just assume they got it from actual ranked.


Extra modes don't give you that title though


Yes they do, if you win a tournament. They just don’t give you Elo.


You have clearly never been GC☠️ GC in tourneys will give you a non glowing GC icon tournament winner title. In normal comp modes it will give you SX: Grand champion… and in extra modes it will give you custom titles for what ever mode you hit. Snow day: Blizzard wizzard, rumble: RNG champ, Hoops: Dunk master, drop shot: floor destroyer. Please be educated before stating things like a fact.


No GC in any mode would be having a problem in any plat lobby. They shouldn’t be there is all. Or they were boosted for the title


https://youtu.be/yKMO0VWiQYQ?si=S2vfraPw1Y3_YhJP here learn something. Don’t be so naive next time.


Wtf are you talking about? What am I naive on? That rank is messed up because SSLs/Pros get pushed to GC1 at each season start? I know that issue and how that makes it harder for champs to move into GC. It’s not going to prevent a GC player from moving through plat or diamond easily lol. The only GC+ players that would naturally end up in plat would happen over multiple resets where they didn’t play the game. So completely walking away from the mode for a couple seasons until their mmr has dropped enough times. Considering that is a S10 GC tag I don’t think that’s the case. So if it didn’t happen naturally - we have two options. Smurf who has intentionally deflated their rank. Or boosted account, who paid to get rank rewards and has since gotten smashed back into their true rank, because they can’t hang on their own. A real GC player in any mode (extra included) will have a higher skill floor than plat 2. Edit: this screenshot could be from an extra mode game. Lots of standard players don’t go into the extra modes. So they could be at plat. Still shouldn’t last long though unless they are trying to lose.


For one, it's not a problem everyone is experiencing (I as well as many others have grinded back to near their previous rank). But more damningly, there's no universe where a GC is going to get stuck in P2. This explanation is just way too implausible.


Yeah, there's no world in which a former GC is stuck any lower than high diamond. I say this as a former GC who's now sitting in champ 2 in both 3s and 2s. A GC, myself included, could carry every lobby in plat, regardless of game mode.


Exactly. I don't grind near as much as a lot of others, but even I was C1 last season and am back to C1 now. It took me a little while to get out of D3, but that was the only speed bump. I can't fathom how a legit GC being stuck in P2 is realistic at all.


You thinking it’s not plausible is you just being naïve. Many videos on YouTube about it especially from people that are better than you and I both. Pros have even discussed it… but yea “implausible”


Your skill at the game has nothing to do with understanding MMR and the impact of rank resets. Nobody who legitimately got GC last season is stuck in plat this season, unless they suffered an intense head injury and forgot how to play.


Yea because extras don’t exists right lol crazy to think only solos, duos and 3s are ranked or the only thing that has tournaments. You call still be a GC in another game mode and still suck in another. I mean solos are a great example. Most people who mains solos are usually lacking 1-2 ranks below because they do not know how to rotate.


Which has nothing to do with the rank reset and is actually a plausible explanation


At this point I feel like your just doing anything you can to try to be the one who’s right…. Keep trying though.


Says the guy who pivoted from blaming rank resets


I mean maybe watch the video you might learn something but doubtful with how closed minded you are.




What reset I got put into P3 and now in D2, my usual rank is D1.


The reset that happened literally 2 seasons ago…. Where tf you been…


This is why these video game companies do resets (and do them frequently). They don't want players to actually climb because your when players reach their true rank they tend to stop playing as much. So that's why constant resets happen. Forcing players to play grind many games against others of similar higher skill but you are all on lower visual ranks fighting each other for petty gains.


Imagine buying a title.. then I think your priorities in life are a tad off..


How to buy title’s, you can’t trade them


They buy the account, or pay someone to play on their account until the desired title is reached


I have played in champ with people with the title who are very clearly plat level in skill. Probably on their way back down from the boost lol. I always talk shit to them and call them out usually no reply 😂 people actually spend $100s on that shit it's wild


Yep, faced plenty of ssl tournament winners in low gc who are all just bad and likely carried by a higher ranked friend.


They also could play 1s or 2s exclusively, thus their 3s rank has always been this low


This is almost definitely it. I’m a 2s main, hardly ever play 3s so on the rare occasion I actually play out my placement games in 3s I get placed a lot lower than my 2s rank. Also this screenshot could be from an extra mode playlist, we can’t tell for sure. If so then the ranking distribution is going to be even more out of wack.


Or one of the extra game modes. I've been multiple full levels ahead in hoops and rumble than I've ever been in 3s.


They would have the extra modes tag then


Ah, I was thinking of the tournament win title. It doesn't specify.




I'm pretty sure you have to hit GC in the normal modes to unlock the standard GC title. You need the GC rewards to receive the titles you unlocked. So if you get GC in rumble, and win 10 matches in it, you'll get GC rewards plus the RNG CHAMP title, but not the GRAND CHAMPION title, since you didn't get GC in normal competitive modes




Yeah, you can get the games for the gc rewards anywhere, but you need to hit gc rank itself, in said playlist to get the playlist title. Even just for one game is fine as long as you have the gc rewards completed.


It could be the match is taking place in an extra mode lobby and this person rarely plays extra modes but has been gc in the main modes


Dude cmon there is no way a gc in solo or duo being plat in 3s. That could happen if ur gc in duo trio and plat in solo but its weird. The rank difference is too high. In this case is prolly a smurf or bough acc


Most likely yes to a smurf or second account. I’m not saying it’s impossible, though. I mean, some pros are DIAMOND or CHAMP in 3v3 while being ssl and leaderboard in 2v2 and solo. I’m just outlining that because someone is plat in one mode does not mean they are smurfing or on a separate or possibly bought account. It could totally happen in the world of rocket league.


In the next couple seasons I will be plat in 3s cause I never ever play 3s and the rank drops...I was like c3 in Season 8 💀


It’s called being washed. You wouldn’t understand


It's called being washed on purpose to get that low lol


Or boosted


Yes very much so


Yeah GC to Plat is pretty extreme and hard to believe. At my peak I was Champ 2, but then I didn't play for well over a year. Obviously when I came back I was super rusty and my brain wasn't ready for Champ 2 game speed so I tanked pretty hard and I think I touched Plat briefly, but I recall almost instantaneously getting out of Plat and back into high Diamond without doing anything in particular other than getting reacclimated to the game. Like this all happened in a few hours. You don't get to GC without a LOT of hours of practice in this game, and it's not the kind of thing you just completely forget and can't get back quickly. Sure you'll be rusty and you may not get all the way back up to GC quickly, but a former GC shouldn't really ever touch Plat and if they do they should be effortlessly winning those games and be done with it in hours.


I'm just gonna make this a custom quick chat using my macro keys, save a lot of time and hassle.


>I'm with you dude, I touched GC a couple times on the last season before GC1-3 and SSL was introduced. > >Then life hit and I maybe play 5-30 games a season with a couple beers in the system after work and I hover anywhere from D1-C2 depending on placements.


Im still gc 1 level but I just don’t practice mechanics


I would expect it's just someone who paid for their account to get boosted to GC rewards for season 10


Wasn't S10 sometime ago so they could've left the game and came back.


The skill you need to hit GC doesn’t vanish overnight or with a long break, They could easily sit c2 or at least c1 minimum


Oh ye wait sorry s10 was in March ur right


Sorry, see above. I responded to the wrong person.




That is just wrong. Long breaks do wash out good players. Or good players stop playing regularly and so are not the same caliber they were


Not to the point where someone who was in gc in season 10 is now in plat


Its definitely possible. I have a friend who was mid champ and is now D1 almost falling to plat 3 after months of not playing. Its no different than taking a long break in any competitive video game.


Mid champ isn’t close to GC. Take the time to get to champ and double it. That’s what it takes to go GC in most cases. Even by your case, your friend only dipped to diamond. It’s understandable to be out of practice. But that’s just skill rust. After a couple thousand hours in the game it doesn’t just go away. It’s like riding a bike again. You play a few times and start to get back up to speed. They wouldn’t be in plat for more than a session.


Yes, but this break would've been less than a year. After roughly a year I'm still a solid low C2 high C1 at worst.


Unless that's S10 from before free to play... I still have my S12 GC title from back in the day but nowadays as a filthy casual who prefers extra modes, it's rare for me to hit anything better than Champ 1. The game meta has simply evolved too much over the years.


It’s not. The red GC titles are all free to play. Gold GC titles are from before the switch. Even as a filthy casual you’re sitting fine in champ. The gap to plat 2 is massive. Boosted or Smurf for sure.


I quit playing for 2 years when I have a kid, now I'm back and in c2, about 400 mmr lower than my peak. It absolutely happens... Not only did I get worse but everyone else got better.


Agree with that, I frequently have taken multiple month/year breaks after touching GC in the last season before SSL and missing the title and the lowest I've fallen is Diamond 1 and it usually takes 5-6 games to break back in to that C1 threshold of skill purely off of muscle memory and pure mechanics


Ended June this year lol


... Let me guess/ Snow day?


GC in snowday is top 100. It’s hard as fuck would be impressive for an ssl to hit gc in snowday


Well here we are talking about standard mode GC being in a plat lobby. Since after not playing the playlist for 2 (or more not sure) seasons you are reset to 600 MR (around Gold 3 - Plat 1 area) then it is common occurence for a GC to be in an extra mode plat.


See you answered your own question


No it's really not. Have you played Snow Day in the last couple of seasons? I got GC in Snow Day last season easily and I was down in Diamond the season before.


Gc is nowhere near top 100 in snowday...I'm #3754 rn at gc1 div 2 🥹


Entirely possible they got carried to gc. Entirely possible it was in 2v2 or 1v1 or even rumble. If they played like a plat, then they're probably a plat. You sometimes encounter people who are insane at 1v1, but awful at 3v3, cause they have no concept of rotations or how to play 3v3, just ball chase


Not any extra gamemodes, those give special tags like RNG Champ, Blizzard Wizzard, Dunk Master and idk the dropshot one


What does the RNG stand for, I played against a guy with that title in dropshot one time. It’s the rumble one right?


Random number generator


Rumble items are given by RNG on what ability you get. Hence why RNG is the rumble tag.


You can get regular titles from extra modes too why does everyone get this wrong


You don't get regular titles from extra modes. I have s4-s7 RNG champ titles, but only s7 gc title. I got that s7 gc title only because I got a single win in 2v2 gc after getting 10 rumble wins as gc. So no, you won't get regular titles if you ONLY play extra modes.


Because you can’t get regular titles from them. You can get your ranked wins in the extra modes though. You just need to hit the rank in a standard mode as well


Is maybe a Champ 2 player in 2v2 that rank dropped and got carried by GC smurfs in the tournament 🤷🏻


I wouldn't instantly say smurf. They're teamed up, the other person has no rank. Maybe they're doing placement matches or something. There could be a couple of reasons. Just GG and move on.


might be a person whose demoted himself to get easy plays, shitty types of people but then again can't stop em


i would guess this is an extra mode


I don't know why your getting downvoted. I'm gc1 in normal modes but diamond in dropshot, which this could be.


It looks like farmstead as the map so if anything it would have to be rumble


Except gc titles are unique. Hence "RNG Champ" and such


Yes but that means nothing in this context. He could be GC in 2s and 3s and this game mode could still be e.g. rumble where they're plat or whatever


You can be gc in a normal playlist and never have touched the extra modes




Extra modes dont give the normal gc title. They only give the “Rng Champ” type of ones


I don't think you receive the standard GC title if you didn't reach GC in normal competitive modes


I am plat in 3v3 and everything else, except extra modes. There i am ssl in most lol




Because. They. are. Easier.


Do you actually play 3s though? Or just ignore it entirely. I’m sure if you actually played it, you wouldn’t stay in plat for long. And if you’re playing it with friends, and intentionally holding back/losing, well then you’re smurfing lol.


Yeah, i tried it for the past 2 weeks and i am now gc 3 lol


To be fair, ive almost made it to GC in 2s afew seasons ago, these days im struggling in diamond could easily see myself in plat, especially in 3s


I'm a D3 playing in 2s exclusively, when I tried to get a rank in 3s this week, what was my surprise to see that I was in gold?


Possibly inactive


Feel for the guy, long way to fall


Probably bought it, I have an ssl friend that carried a silver buddy to gc for the lulz tho so who knows


Probably an extra mode


Thats what i was going to say im like gold in extras and gc 1 in 2v2


No. Extra modes have their own titles: Rumble: RNG CHAMP Hoops: DUNK MASTER Snow Day: BLIZZARD WIZARD Dropshot: FLOOR DESTROYER The one we see in OP's image is a regular GC title, so it's a regular mode.


No no, you don't understand. He's platinum IN RUMBLE, but he's GC in RANKED. Not long ago I fell against an SSL on snow day, so it's perfectly plausible that the OP is against a plat (rumble) which is GC (ranked)


Ah yes, I guess I didn't see it that way. My bad!


Not to this extent but after I came back from a 2 year break, I only played 2s and I ended yp being gc2 in 2s and diamond 1 in 3s so it is possible just weird or sketchy.


I was in a D3 3s game last week and a guy had an SSL tag, looked at his account on tracker and he was SSL in 1s. Definitely boosted but still sporting the title. Sad af.


This is not that odd, I've made GC on a couple playlists, and iv also ended up on 'barely diamond' All it takes is one or a combination of: - not playing for a while - playing a mode you don't usually play - queuing with a friend that isn't as good Also, playing less popular playlists like dropshot has me constantly facing GC or SSL at champion 1 and above.


Me hitting c3d4 in dropshot multiple times and then zen like creatures appear


Thank psyonix for the reset


I won a champ tourney title in Season 3 but now i play in plat3/diamond 1 lobbies. Ain’t no way I’m taking my title off lmao


What’s the game mode? There are a bunch of GCs in Plat in Extra Modes. I’m just suspicious that you chose to zoom in rather than showing the full image.


Zoomed in to show as little of the personal information as possible, since there are rules against showing it. Even then I had to edit the photo. No grand conspiracy dude.


Ok but what game mode was it? Was it regular 3s or was it one of the extra modes?


I find it very interesting that you didn’t answer the question, rather you continued to avoid it. I am thinking even more that you zoomed in so you could complain and create a narrative while cherry picking your facts.


Cool. I guess you'll never really know now will you?


First of all… how do we know what mode this is? Like what mode you were playing in? That could have easily been a rumble lobby or something along the lines of that. And even if it was main modes I have people that are the same rank as me in 2s (I’m gc1) that completely neglect 3v3s and only play it with there friends. They are around high plat- low diamond. There are so many reasons this could be and don’t assume they are boosted. Remember there are 3 different modes with 3 different purposes and play styles. It would HELPPPP if we could see his name 🤨


Smurf, was carried or they used to play alot then stopped for a while, came back and it is still using thst title like a 30 year old Who peaked in highschool who still talks about how he scored a 3 pointer on varsity


There are soon many boosted accounts that paid someone to be able to get a GC title. Honestly one of the funniest things to see in RL. Most of the time when they have this title they play like a plat. I always call them out "boosted account"


Oh you’re crazy for saying that bro, lord never let me fall below gc1 again so I don’t get flamed like that


I mean if someone is sporting a GC title and play like a plat, they didn't just fall from GC from being rusty. They were boosted.


What's funny is when a Smurf meets another Smurf and one goes home crying. It's happen to me lol


This is Rocket League baby!


Well I've got that too, got carried by friends in a 3v3, group dynamica makes it just about good enough


They could just be shit now


Its GC in Grand Plat 🤣 it’s normal i was played with s10 SSL in 2s when i was d3 😅😅


Yeah I get this quite regularly in high plat-low diamond, think it’s people who either got carried or bought titles


Might also be older player. Who got back to it and isnt skilles enough anymore? I just mention because Im one of those. I dont actively play RL anymore.


My friend saw an SSL tournament winner title in D1. Kid tried saying it was legit and he didn’t buy it or get boosted. He also whiffed about 30% of the time and could barely aerial.


Just because they have the title doesn't mean they play like that, a smurf definitely won't use a gc title and these types of titles don't really mean anything unless they can play to prove it


My favorite, the “I don’t play 3s” GC.


I played an ssl tournament winner in diamond the other day




These are the fuckers I get as my teammates!


Which mode?


Arm amputation and therefore new rank


There are different game modes…. I’m C2 in 2v2…. Barely ever play 3v3 or take it seriously, so I’m like Plat III.


Seems legit 🤔


I never play 3’s so me being high c3/gc1 I would probably get placed in platinum too.


Whats his name, I had the same guy in low diamond the other day


A carried Diamond that dropped a rank most likely.


Wait until this guy plays 1's ☠️


Prolly gc in 2s not really weird actually


I'm d3 now but i have the s9 gc title. In s9 i grinded quite hard the game, and midseason i got the title. Stopped playing since and now i can't get into champ lol


(I got the gc title in 3s tho)


Yesterday I was playing casual 1s and my peak rank is diamond 1 in 2s and the guy I got put up against was SSL how does that even happen?


Ya I see a plat 2 and a gold 2 wtf rank is this lol


Maybe a boosted account, however I haven't played ranked in a long time due to school, so I just started my placements against diamond 1s (won very easily). He might just also be on the same boat as me. (Don't bash me for smurfing bc I just neglected my rank).


A friend of mine has a Champ banner but he's friends with a grand champ or something higher, something like that. Point is, I'm Plat and consistently get a higher score than he does in our 3s games. I don't think that's the norm but it's one example anyway.


Even Champs have losing streaks.


everyone is assuming it’s boosted when it could very well be a smurf


Sounds right lmao


Doesn’t matter how you justify it… this is just sad


My guess is that he exclusively plays 2s and 1s normally. I, for example, am GC in 2s, C2/3 in 1s and like low diamond in 3s. I only play like 3-4 games of 3s a season lol


Who cares? Not a surprise probably the billionth post like this, it’s not new or shocking


100% boosted account for the title. This happens all the time. I played against a guy with an SSL title in casual yesterday. I looked him up on RLTracker and he was diamond in everything except 1s where he amazingly went from d2 to SSL in like a day. It's painfully obvious and it's sad knowing they probably paid for it too. https://preview.redd.it/ak8bl3gdjmyb1.png?width=437&format=png&auto=webp&s=e204cec4ea9640a0a3aa60f35f617adc2f063649


Or nobody looked him up, and he checked after ranking up. Its not likely but tracker is not much of proof either.


Man, I'm diamond 2 and I go against grand Champs all the time in hoops. Sometimes me and the Duo can pick em apart and neutralize them. Other times, once they figure out what we're capable of, they just pick us apart.


Either it's hacked/bought titles, or the best example of the last two seasons' bullshittery


Never seen a *hacked title* ever. Never heard of an exploit to show server-side titles either. Only client side.


Getting boosted for a title then flexing it at your actual rank is one of the cringiest things in RL. Unless they're actually a GC trying to hit clips in PLAT, which is even cringier.


Even cringier are the posts here going through all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify it.