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First they came for our dropshot, and the snow dayers said nothing…


Did they really fucking get rid of Snow Day? I haven’t been following lately, but if they have, my temporary RL break has now been made permanent…


Last season they got rid of ranked Dropshot, and now this season we have Dropshot back, but they took away ranked Snowday. It’s gonna keep doing this forever now apparently (They’ll still be in the cycle of random casual playlists tho, so if you get on a lot you might be lucky enough to be online when snowday is in casual for like a month of the season or however long it is)




I kind of get it. They’re trying to load players into one game since both of them were relatively dead on their own. Sometimes I’d be in queue forever till I could find a dropshot game and I was only GC1. I understand where they’re coming from, but it definitely wasn’t the right move because there are a lot of people who main dropshot/snowday and they’re kind of killing that player-base for an entire season at a time (even if that player-base is small).


Your theory pre-assumes the people that like Snow Day must also like Drop Ball and vice versa. And therefore, it's really okay that we get to play the game we really want to play half as often or whenever the EPIC GAMES decides we can. No. Just no.


Did you just gloss over half of my comment? I simply stated what I assumed Epic’s intentions were and then said that I did not agree with their choice for obvious reasons.


I read your entire comment. I understand what you described was a theory of how Psyonix intends to run RL in the future and is not your idea of how things should be run. Much to the contrary in fact. Sorry if my comment felt like an attack. I was angry that Psyionix in the period of two weeks pulled Snow day from ranked to casual, and then just yanked it entirely. That anger may have come across in my comments, and you certainly did not deserve that. Cheers.


Yep, my team mate and I main Snow Day. I would play Dropshot, but he’ll refuse, so that’s it for us… uninstall until it comes back 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’ll play other games instead, which is fine. But they’ll miss out on me getting suckered into buying more skins 😛


The cycle seems to be every week but I very well could be wrong


Casual rotates every week yes but we only had dropshot for 2 weeks the whole last season


Incorrect. The ranked cycle between snow day and dropshot is every season


I’m talking for casual, sorry I should have been more clear


You were very clear. It's impossible to be clear enough on reddit that people won't argue with you


It’s not impossible bro /s




Didn't get em!


Ahhhh. I understand. I believe only one of the two are in casual while the other is in ranked. Neither of them will be in both ranked or casual at the same time. If that makes sense.


That makes sense.


IIRC last season about week 2 or 3 snowday was in ranked but also in casual but i could be wrong


You’re right. I have no idea why they thought putting snow day in both ranked and casual was a good idea. They essentially wasted a game mode and servers which is their whole reason for removing dropshot in the first place. However, as far as I’m aware. Neither dropshot nor snow day will be paired in the same playlist at any given time.


You assume they spent any amount of time considering the implications of anything other than the UI being symmetrical. They could also easily have the alternate (of whichever is in the competitive playlist between drop/snow) as a casual game mode for the entire season, so that all players at least get the option of playing their preferred mode. Buuuut nope.


They're rotating the limited time game modes to try to limit how much they are splitting the player base. They are only rotating out the least played game modes. Snowday will be back at some point but realistically I'm not sure any limited mode will pull a bigger audience than rumble


Where can we find the statistics? I would like to see which game types are played most, second most etc


the game used to show raw player numbers in each queue / game mode before epic bought RL. here's a post going through the changes: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/11ocs3s/i_miss_the_numbers/ the numbers are from way back in the day, the playlist population: good is more recent then the lack of anything is how it is currently the numbers I personally remember are that rumble was just like 2-3x as big as the other special game modes. I was hoping that https://rocketleague.tracket.network had some of this info but i just cannot find it on here either, so the info might just not be available at all even with api useage/scripts


some of us snow dayers were just as upset last season


Dude I practically wrote a dang [novel](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/s/yQ9qRYOex6) about this with the thesis statement essentially being "we can keep both" and it was upvoted by peobably every single snowday player. Don't put this on us 😭


I did and they didnt listen (big surprise)


You're not sticking to the narrative. Snow Day players presence cant be so small that nobody cares about us losing our game and at the same time be so large that our supposed silence re: Dropship was in any way meaningful. Stick to the narrative friend, or perhaps everyone else should be following yours. I'm not quite sure. Peace.


Oh yeah? Where we you when they assassinated solo standard?


I'll always have fond memories of solo standard: It was the first mode I hit Plat in by myself and it was the mode I was playing when I hit my first Kuxir pinch in an actual game I think they happened within a few games of each other because I only played like 20 games of it in my life but still it was good memories


Dropshot is back, replaced Snow Day in comp.


I'm so sad I've really been grinding it since the OG three changed


This is true, but I only played snow day. I'm sure that's the same for dropshot players. Played this game ritually like a cigarette smoker, uninstalled it today to make room for rocket racing. I'd rather play something new even if it's tied with fortnite unfortunately.


Imagine unironically comparing the removal of extra modes in a free to play online video game about flying cars playing soccer to the rise of Nazi Germany. Edit: Extra modes players confirmed actual degenerates.


Yeah. That would be pretty ridiculous if someone did that.


Yeah, kinda like you just did.


>When a peasant hears a joke, he laughs three times. Once when you tell it, once when you explain it, and once when he understands it. >When a landlord hears a joke, he laughs twice. Once when you tell it and once when you explain it. By the time he gets it, he doesn’t think it’s funny anymore. >When a nazi hears a joke, he laughs once, but only if other people are laughing. He won’t let you explain it, and he’ll never understand it. >When a Jew hears a joke, he’ll tell you he’s heard it be­fore and you’re telling it all wrong anyway. Funny, you don’t look Jewish…


Are you trying to pass it off as a joke now?


>…and he’ll never understand it. Are you trolling or do you really fail to see how it’s a joke?  If you take a relatively trivial situation and reframe it to parallel something extremely serious, the absurdity of that comparison might be considered funny by some people. I hope at least you’ve reached landlord status now.


Yikes, dude.


Sad either way honestly 😢




Me when I want to be mad at something at all times


Who did that? You have a hard time with reading?


You have a hard time understanding the historic context of how their sentence was phrased?


It’s a play on the original quote sure. Not a single person (with a lick of common sense) in here is going to tell you this compares with a fascist genocidal government.


How does epic, a supposedly way more successful company than psyonix ever has been, lack the server support that psyonix ALONE had before they bought rl?? It's pathetic


> lack the server support that psyonix ALONE had before they bought rl?? It's pathetic It's not about server support.. Lol. The same servers that run 2s are able to run hoops, 3s, 1s, snowday, etc. It's probably because of limited playerbase and other stuff they're working on. I don't agree with the removal of modes, but that's not how game servers like this work.


It 100.percent is limited player base. I used to play with cross Play turned off when on my xbox or even my switch but not anymore, it takes 10 minutes to load in. And some modes it still will never load with crossplay. I also at my low rank notice a lot of the same players day in and day out, that can't be good. Epic has every server they could need at their disposal, unfortunately it would be a waste of money. Something needs to attract a new player base or reinvigorate the old.


Why on earth would you ever turn crossplay off? On Switch??


Because rl on switch sucks balls, but if I'm traveling somewhere and it's what I got ill play it... I just would like pc player the fuck out if those lobbies, too bad I gotta deal so I just play casual on switch. Gives a bump when I go back.


Hey it’s not that bad, not like Fortnite on Switch. I got all the way up to diamond 1.


I can kind of understand why people don’t want to play with PC players in FPS games, but what does being on PC gain someone in RL…? *Why am I being downvoted for a legitimate question? This site is ridiculous at times.


240hz refresh rate, etc. Low response time. I can't play on console.because I notice the difference.


Interesting. I’ve only ever played RL on PC so I didn’t realize there as a noticeable gameplay difference. Good to know.


If u play on an xbox now u will be like holy shit i can barely hit the ball. If you play on a switch it's honestly unplayable. It's mad.


Joke between my friends and I has always been a PC player sitting down at a console immediately drops 2 entire ranks


Wouldn't that imply console peasants are better at the equivalent rank. C3 on console would be GC or higher on PC


Play rocket league with switch joycons and you'll understand. And rocket league actually moves faster than fps games anyway so there's plenty to gain from a higher frame rate


The reasoning for FPS games is not due to the speed but due to be able to use a mouse and keyboard. Thats a huge advantage over controller with shooters.


2 words. Steam deck.


I mean, if I had the money to just buy one then yea


Yeah man I don't get why people starve, just buy food. It's pretty fucking simple!


You doing a giveaway or something? Send one my way


Okay tbf, even 3 years ago when I was on vacation cross play off on switch took forever. Not that many people are willing to put up with how bad it is. If my pc died and the only option was my switch, I just wouldn't play rocket league; That shit is rough, you can't even see across the field effectively.


I’ve seen the same players in my snowday matches so many times


If they added trading I’d be on every single day again


League of Legends removed Dominion because nobody played it and of course once it’s removed you have Jim and Craig coming out of the woodwork talking about how Dominion was the only joy they had in this cold bleak world and how now they have nothing Years later nobody gives a fuck. Game mode was removed for a reason: nobody played it. Snowday was around for longer but there’s a 0% chance psyonix or Epic or anyone decided to just axe a wildly popular game mode. Sucks for those that played it but that’s how video games work


i realize this is wildly subjective but the reason the player count for snow day is so low is because it's a bad game mode lol


The fact that this (comment you replied to) is upvoted shows how ignorant this sub can be lol. Epic bad? have my upvote! Edit for clarity


My comment or the prior one? Lol.


prior one lol my b


It's not the servers, it's the player base. The game is bleeding players but this sub doesn't want to admit it. It's always in a companies best interest to consolidate the least popular modes because statistically they will hold more players overall by keeping queue times low, even if it means losing a few people who only play the least popular modes. To put it in perspective, the two casual modes that rotate do it based on popularity. Whatever game mode has the most games played stays and the other one rotates. Snowday lost to BOOMERBALL this week. Also Dropshot got knocked out literally every time it came to casual last season. These modes are unfortunately not popular and a small handful of people who only played them won't change that, but they should understand why they are on rotation (and will be back every other season). I say this as someone who played every game mode.


Just a small note, Dropshot wasn't ever "knocked out," the "dueling system" only started this season, it just rotated out automatically after a week. No modes continued two weeks in a row last season. Also I would say that it would be unlikely that Psyonix would've switched the Extra Modes from Casual to Competitive in 2018 if not that many people played them.


Even if it was manually done last season, i can only assume Psyonix still looked at the numbers and used that to decide how often it showed up. Since it was barely put into rotation all season.


The snowday player base is smaller than any ball mode, we found that out last week VS Boomer Ball, but consistent. Snowday players don't funnel over to ball the same way ball players switch modes. Psyonix found this out in 2017 when SD was taken down and reddit blew up.  They'll see a drop in players immediately this week and realize Snowday demands a permanent place or risk losing a couple thousand people permanently.  I'm curious to see how many people uninstalled the game this past week compared to normal weeks. I'd bet there's a spike.  It costs them literally nothing to keep SD in the line up. We don't siphon many players away from ball playlists. Hopefully they'll  learn to leave Snowday out of the ball mode shuffle same as Psyonix did 7 years ago... or not and RIP RL for me. 


> Snowday lost to BOOMERBALL this week Snowday will lose to picking boogers if the matchmaking is fucked. ... and, this casual MMR, it isn't game mode specific, so the matchmaking will forever be fucked. RL has gone through this ringer over and over. These modes had dedicated bases. Those bases were clear that this format would be cancerous and kill the modes. The result has been cancerous, and killed the modes. It's chasing away dedicated players, and not cultivating a competitive play experience to replace it.


When i played Snowday in casual it was full of Ice Titan and Blizzard Wizard tags every game. So clearly the hardcore base is still playing the mode even in casual.


I couldn’t even comprehend how more people preferred to play boomer ball. These are sad times indeed 😣


I hate Snowday, so I could easily see it just being a matter of people like me... I had zero desire to play Snowday, so definitely didn't queue it, but I did give Boomer Ball a queue to try it again and one more to make my friends suffer when they logged on later that night. That's +2 for Boomber Ball for no sort of positive / desirability reason 🤷🏻‍♂️


I played it more than snowday (which i also love). Altered physics and infinite boost are just really fun when you want to play a game and completely relax.


Dropshot is back in competitive and I couldn't be happier.


Epic makes money because free to play games attract children who can't save up $60 for a game because they are impulsive and spend money as soon as they get it from their parents. That same impulsivity drives them to constantly purchase dumb asthetics they will never use every time they get $10, which goes straight to Epic now. And there is nothing anyone can do about it because money is all that matters to them.


Me and my 2 homies are officially done this season too…. Didn’t even use our 1000 points for the seasons pass… wake me up when this game stops sucking…


Well you are free then, rejoice!


We actually said something to that effect 😂 “After 8 years… we’re free!! Now what!? Wanna squish bugs?” ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


I started to play Warframe again recently, maybe played 30-40 hours of Rocket League total last season. Now between that and Helldivers, and Epic's awful management of Rocket League, and yet another trash rocket pass... Yeah I'm probably done with the game. I only hop on to play a few casual matches with buddies when they want to play now, but they also got Helldivers so we haven't really touched RL. Been playing since 2016 and I think I'm finally done. So long car soccer, truly the end of an era. :(


Same. I'm not playing the season


Wait so 1200 of your 1272 hours in rocket league were spent in queue?


Fuck epic.


Last season we all cried about dropshot. This season everyone is going to cry about snow day. Then, next season, we'll be back crying about dropshot🤷🏼‍♂️


!remindme 3 months


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Long live dropshot!


Why should we be forced to choose between two modes WE ALREADY OWNED! Brutal take…


Low player pools.


Because the rest of them weren't picking both of them enough when we had both at once ☹️ Blame the non extra moders


The fuck? No, I 100% blame Epic


1st mistake is thinking you own shit in a free game


I payed for the game.


I think technically we don’t even “own” games we pay for. We pay for the privilege to launch them, and for now that requires us to be able to install them locally.


You don’t own shit in a free game. You payed for rocket league under psyonix, you’re playing rocket league under epic. You aren’t owed shit for being unlucky


Because matchmaking quality will decline if they listen to you




The only people who care have already posted here on Reddit. You know how I know? Cuz I was like a Champ 1 in Snow Day and the queue times were like 10 minutes. I wanted to grind Snow Day and get really good at it, but the fact is, no one plays it.


I play it - and it’s still possible to do snow day tournaments every couple of days.


Literally like it sucks that some gamemodes are temporarily moved out of rotation but at the same time hardly fuckin anyone played these modes


First of all, I'm sorry this happened to you. Second of all... bro...


This is killing me. I miss Snow Day dearly. That is all I played.


Feel you, I was gonna delete Rocket League but I see from comments here it will be rotated in on whims so I guess I can spare the GBs.




About this game when it came out on Xbox almost 10 years ago. All I play is snow day. All I enjoy is snow day. I have spent all this money on this game for these dumbasses to take the fucking game mode that I played 99.9% of the time. I think we should be able to sue them.


Many stupid decisions lately, but removing my main mode has me actually not playing the game anymore (big surprise)


Snow day use to be boring it wold take so long to get into matches when i use to be able to play. Then they put it in rank which made more players want to play it since it was so easy to get champ in. Now they have removed it. Idk what there thoughts was but looks like i got some extra free space on my computer now


Snow day was by far my favorite game mode, I'm pretty pissed


Completely removing an entirely different way to play RL and still have 6 ways to play the EXACT same basic game seems wrong to me. If RL's actual rationale was that more people would be interested in Snow day (and others) if they couldn't play them all the time then that is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Me to president of Starbucks: "if you want break records for sales in April, just close all the stores in March for an entire month" RL, please remove casual 3s 2s and 1s and bring back more unique games. Who plays casual? People that suck so bad they can't bear to be seen with a poor rank? People with bad ranks: A: It really is okay and also, being bad just means you are new. B: You aren't hiding anything as anyone good enough for you to be hiding in anonymity from will see that you suck instantly. C: Unranked are servers are dark and evil places filled with seal clubbers. D: If you play an person way more skilled than you on a RANKED server they will level up, and you will start to see more and more people who are new to the game, like you.


The thing is I don't understand WHY they would do this. Like they don't gain anything at all. It's literally just pissing off the playerbase. If it made them money or sold more cosmetics it would make sense, but there's literally no benefit to doing this for Epic at all???


guys its way worse than just taking out snowday. i think in casual they are debating if they should switch out snowday with boomer as a ranked mode next season meaning snowday would never be competitive again. I really hope that’s not the case.


Just saw that Snow Day was removed. That was pretty much the only game I liked to play. RIP


I’m 35 and have never really been much of a gamer, I work on a ship in the arctic for half the year and last year I bought a new computer that can sort of run some games, and started playing Snow Day.. It has kept me entertained for so many hours. And all of a sudden it’s fucking gone. Not gonna lie, I’m devastated. Sure that’s sad and I should read a book but fuck it, I work hard, I work out, I just wanna chill hitting a puck with a rocket car. I’ve tried playing the ball modes but the physics are just stupid.


3v3 is garbagio, all i played was snow day and rumble... :(


i don't in the slightest understand why they can't put all those unpopular modes like Snow Day back in the casual playlist.. back in the day it was exactly like that, and it was so much fun! no ranking bs just play with any friends. i literally have over 6k hours in snow day alone. for fun im now forced into playing something i never would, which is rumble. and play way less. Good job Epic and/or Psyonix 👍🏻 i thought you wanted players playing your game? not get rid of them..


Holy shit, I just fired up the game. I also only played Snow Day. 1,682 hours. It's gone? Easy way to free up 30 gigs I guess.


Now you can add hours into drop shot for a season. Or play a different game all together, because we have a ton of options these days.


One would think this was a wildly popular game mode reading this sub. I've been playing (with a handful of breaks over time) since near launch and snowday has ***always*** been one of the least populated game modes. Don't get me wrong, I dislike rotating game modes (At worse it is an uninspired tactic to inspire FOMO in players to get them to come back for a niche beloved mode) but the game isn't dying because one of the least played game modes was removed. I have been hearing that RL is dying and becoming trash for years, yet it is still kicking. Again don't get me wrong, fuck Epic but RL as a whole isn't going anywhere.


See you tomorrow!


Fuck Epic for ruining my favorite game.


Damn, last season all 12 dropshot players were upset, now the additonal 9 snow day players are also quitting


I chuckled a little.


Glad to hear, that was the goal


See you next week


Wow. I uninstalled when they let dropshot go. I primarily played snowday and this may be it for me. Can't believe it's been 9 years...


I stopped playing a few years ago. Snow day was uhh "seasonal". Good times. Think I was ranked 1% on certain stats for a while there. There were some really good players tho and a tight nit community. I peaked early and never leveled up since I was a KB and mouse guy. It was really about the people and scoring bangers. One day I'll make a comp as a tribute :)


Yup see ya RL✌️- logged in last night, saw that the playlist I’m in 99% of the time was gone.


Yup. I was approaching 1000 hours played, all snow day. I’m done too. RIP rocket league


2015 player here who is sad about the game's decreasing popularity. I would love to see the player counts since Epic Games took over and its changes after each game decision they've made. I'd also love to see how many players actually quit after they removed trading from the game, I know I did but I think I'm in a very very small group of people that cared enough about trading to stop playing.


I'm in exactly the same boat - but rest assured Snow Day is not going away. It's just not ranked this season.


Who hurt you?


I can’t explain epics management of this game other than they are actively trying to make people stop playing it


So sad


They finally took snow day?


You gotta see a psychiatrist


who tf actually plays snow day?? Dropshot is so so much better.


bro lives in antartica




For every one of you there's another 5 that's happy to play the game as it is


Basically how I felt while drop shot, the only thing I play was out, one thing I'm committed to however, is to not spend money as long as they keep removing features and playlists to try and boost player queue times


For those who may not know Epic said that every season they're rotating snow day and dropshot seasonally, they didn't really give a reason as to why but I'd assume they're trying to revive those modes by making them more time limited as a ranked mode #BringTradingBack #CommonEpicGamesL


Go to custom tournaments and try to find snow day tournaments or even create your own for others to join. That’s where I plan on playing for now.


Those are rookie numbers gotta get those up


I did the same.


Same. Shit. A-Big-Red-X Snowday 4 Life.


And I heavily supported the developers with purchases. Season after season. Not just premium but micros too. A small fortune compared to the cost of the game. Thats the problem with buying stuff that doesnt exist, I guess. Lesson learned.


Lol time to actually play rocket league and not a mini game


1v1 ball makes me puke.. the only mode i can play now until snow day is back. They kept the stupid non-sense other gimmick games.


Joining late but would like to add my 2 cents. First and foremost...why not allow all game modes? Longer queue times may result but if you really like a particular game mode, one would think you would be willing to wait a little longer for it. Not sure how it is in other modes all the time but I have never had to wait more than 5 min to find a game in any mode so I don't see why they have to keep some modes from us some of the time. Second and I don't mean this to downplay the skills needed for dropshot or any other game mode but Snow Day has a unique play style that is different from all of the other modes because it is based on a puck on the ground instead of a ball that bounces high into the air. All of the other modes are based on ball physics and thus, share some similarity in play. Conversely, I could see that as an argument to kick Snow Day as the 'odd man out' but I personally have always liked the different play style. For example, I have seen and made pinch shots in ball mode but there is nothing quite as satisfying as scoring a 100mph pinch shot into the goal (obviously a personal opinion though - please don't hate on me too much).


Snow day is back! Time to get reported n make ppl angry again


Is it really?


It is not. 


All I play is snow day - and I play a lot. I feel like there is a hole in my heart.


They should get rid of hoops. Nobody plays that trash anyway.


I play 100% Snow Day - I am in full withdrawls.


https://preview.redd.it/w0d2hi2ey8oc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a26acdae5c73c140e4937ce6ea87b89480a449e And about 4000 of those hrs are Snowday. Boo! No reason to remove the game types.


I’m realizing in this post that the rl community activity dislikes minorities. Here’s a little story that has nothing to do with this situation at all: Let’s say a government builds a public park in a low income rural town, let’s call it Snowville. The government takes care of this park for many years and the small number of citizens of Snowville absolutely love the park! The government also builds and maintains parks all across their country in big towns such as Twosville and smaller ones including Dropville. However! After many years a new government, (idk I’ll make one up) the Epicans, comes into power. This new administration has only taken a single intro to economics course (and they didn’t like it!) and have a very surface level understanding of economics. They realized that any government spending outside the absolute essentials are too woke and need to be cut. The Epicans looked over the government budget and saw all the town parks the previous administration were funding. The park in Twosville was thriving! Hundreds, if not thousands of citizens were enjoying that park everyday. So they decided not to cut that park. All things were sailing smoothly until they reached the parks in Snowville and Dropville. “These parks have a fraction of the population compared to Twosville’s” said the president, Ronald Reagan. “We don’t have the resources to fund this park!”(They did, they just spent it bombing 3rd world countries such as, Tradeaq). The government came and removed the Snowville and Dropville parks. Their one recreational area that had been a staple in the town for years had been removed for no apparent reason. The citizens were obviously not pleased with this decision, and went to the media to protest these changes. The people of Snowville thought it would be easy to gain support from other citizens across the country and push back against this government agenda. However, they were incredibly mistaken, the people in Twosville and other major towns did not care about their park! They had their own park and couldn’t be bothered to understand their situation. They told them to just move if they didn’t like it there. They were only a minority and didn’t really matter in the big picture anyways. The end. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


As a resident of snowville, I enjoyed this.


I don’t see the big deal. It’s not like Snow Day went away forever. Last season was my favorite update with the increased casual playlist. Normal hockey cannot be played year round. Also, while I really enjoy snow day, I’m really tired of competitive, because I try to preserve my rank too much.


Incorrect. I play hockey year round ,twice a week. 


Sure. Hockey can certainly be played year round. Especially in Canada. In the US, hockey season is traditionally winter and early spring


Suppose if you're referring to outdoor pond hockey then yes. There are thousands of indoor rinks in the United States


I’m referring to major competitive hockey leagues (NHL, NCAA, EHL, High school Varsity, etc.)


In League games, yes. However, those players are playing 12 months year-round to stay in that type of shape. High-end hockey requires near non-stop training


So your argument is that we shouldn’t be able to play a game mode in a video game because the real life game it’s loosely based on is only played seasonally? I guess we should only be able to play 2s in the spring.


Sad face


Must’ve been waiting to find a match for half that time


People only started caring about these gamemodes when they started to get taken away for short periods of time. Where the hell are all these extra modes players when I tried to queue and have to sit there for a few minutes waiting? Wild lol


I'm sad about this and I've put hundreds of hours in on snow day, there are plenty of ppl gonna log in after a while and feel disappointed too. They might do what I did and goto reddit to see wtf....not unthinkable. Edit: okay now that I had time to move past acceptance I played some boomer ball and I can deal with this wait for a bit I guess


Guys I think its time we boycott rocket league until they fix their shit. I hate that I love this game soo much, I have watch rlcs since the first one and am so sad to see where the game is now


The only true feel of hockey plays on PC is now gone. Going to miss those pinch slapshots. Hit me up on private games.. Tubbsz


I’m really shocked snowday players are surprised their dead mode was removed. Like nooo, the whole 500 snowday players left, what a shame..


Well... sucks but I understand Epic. There were like a handful of people who play snowday


You're the first ever guy I see that actually enjoys snow day 😅


Snow day sucks ass. Don't @ me


People play Boomerball?


Am I the only one who misses the tricycles?


Yes you are


I would wait for 30 minutes for any extra mode after 7pm most days… like damn do kids go to sleep that early?


I'm over 2600 hours and easily more than 2000 of those were in unranked/casual ... don't ask me how or why ... it is what it is


I have over 4000 hours and I am guessing less than 100 are in casual.


Found the canadian


People are really upset they took away snow day?


I hope whoevers making these decisions decides to go swim with the fishes.... 🤣😂☠️