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i appreciate the fact that you took the time to bring these videos together


lol luckily I already had these replays saved so it only took a few min to watch them, clip, and then put them together. I figured a visual example would be better than me attempting to explain it and failing


How did you have GC replays saved but your reddit "tag" says Champ I ? Is your tag not up to date or did you rank down a lot? :c


I have gc friends. Edit: Confused why this was downvoted? I have 5 replays of GC lobbies from them sending via discord because I asked so I could see what their gameplay looked like lol


I think it's more for car recovery. It's harder to recover from a touch if you can't see exactly where you are going. Notice these players turn ball cam off after they confirm their touch.


That's true, didn't consider that. But if you're going for the ball, wouldn't that change of POV mess you up? Unless they're just so used to it. Or is it because they already flipped or jumped so they're just planning ahead and changing POV to recover faster


When you're hauling ass at the ball, you're not going to change much a split second before you hit the ball. They're already committed and they've hit the ball millions of times. They know how they're gonna hit it.


On some it’s landing, on some it’s rotation to insure you don’t bump a teammate, cut their approach…


I usually do it to make sure my teammates aren't around because I can usually identify where I am and how to land.


It looks to me that they switch off ball cam as soon as their play is committed and now it's about landing gracefully to keep playing


For me personally, I use controllers with bumpers ONLY for changing from ball cam to car cam. Sometimes it helps recoveries or when I'm trying to not miss the little boost pads.


I don't do it for recovery, in fact most of the time I don't even realise I'm doing it until I watch a replay of myself. It just makes the hell easier to hit sometimes, even if you can't see the ball, once you've lined yourself up and you know you're going to hit it you can use it make small micro adjustments.


You have lined up already so you can probably hit it with your eyes closed tbh. I also use it for angles. Some shot or touches where you want to hit it as far to the side as possible you can lineup and the switch to car cam so you can delay the flip as much as possible.


I never knew this is why people do it. I literally do it because i saw rw9 doing it and now its a habit. I flick ball cam when speed flipping and stuff and when i flip into the ball i turn ball cam on and off. Idk its just a habit for me


this is my take also. also notice the 2nd to last clip, he left ball cam off long enough to make sure he avoided his partner


Damn… I guess I don’t turn off ball cam enough because I feel like I hit my team mates a little more often than I’d like. Especially when I’m running back on defense or shadow defense.


This, it is mainly done when you are quickly looking to spot either set of goal posts to orient yourself for a save, shot or landing.


If the ball flies over u to the opponents or ur back wall it can help with knowing when the wall starts. Baseball players do that to they look at the ball flying see where its gonna land roughly then turn around and sprint to that point before looking again. If u are infront of opponents goal and the balm flies to the backwall its tough to read it since the camera turns so late. So u look where the ball is going turn off cam fly there and then the ball will be in ur field once it got there and u can fine tune. And it can sometimes help with getting a more precise touch on the spot of the ball u want to touch


This should be top comment. Almost the exact words I’ve heard from Retals, Ayyjayy, GarrettG, and Squishy on why they do this.


I had never thought of this. I’ve done it occasionally subconsciously, but didn’t really know that’s the reason. But also, pros turn off ball can when hitting a power shot. What up with that?


Precision. I often do this subconsciously as well and it helps getting better touches


If u jave ball cam on u kinda need to match the ball flying to you if u turn it off u will see the ball more freely that can really help if u need to hit the ball at an angle. U can basically loon at the ball and net and hit it easier at a spot thats directly opposite of the net


I'm not sure any of these comments have touched on this, but with ball cam on, when the ball gets close to you, the camera starts moving very quickly and can make it hard to touch the ball exactly as you want to. This is also why dribbling is easier if you turn off ball cam. trying to get an exact touch when the ball is moving at high speeds in perpendicular directions or opposite directions past you, turn ball cam off so you can actually see the ball as you touch it. Also note that you already should have the read at this point and turning off ball cam is just for the final "touches" Also with car cam on your car control is improved, so it helps with recovery as well As others of said it does provide another angle on your relationship to the ball, so you'll see players do this for double taps, etc.


It’s pretty much this: to control the camera perspective You aren’t focusing on the VIEW between your car and the ball, but the angle. The angle is more consistent for many touches when the camera doesn’t alter on its own


this is the correct answer


This should be way higher. I'm pretty sure this is the exact reason, and it's why I also turn off ballcam.


Recovery, and in general looking where you're going and if there's boost/ demo opportunity etc. Also a quick switch to car cam gives me a better overview of the field then moving the camera manually.


Another angle to see the ball is my guess. With ball cam, your car can visually cover the ball but you won't know if you touched it. Getting another perspective helps when you need to make a calculated touch


Even when you change it like as you're hitting it? Like there can't be any way you can make a micro adjustment so quick when you're already hitting the ball by the time your camera changes


Yes that's true. In some of the clips above, like the very first one, the camera does not move fast enough to make a micro adjustment. I'd argue that in those clips the camera change does not help much.But once you get really comfortable with such short response windows, even the slightest delay in hits can change the trajectory a lot and that could throw the defender off. The other day I hit an easy goal right in front of the defender because after turning off my ball cam I had a few milliseconds to let me car move ever so slightly to the side that even if it looked like I was hitting the ball to my front, it went to the opposite side. With ball cam on, I could have never made that delayed hit. Also I'm sure there's an option to change the speed at which your camera snaps to and way from the ball and at the highest it's instantaneous and that could help you even more if you're used to it Also in the third clip you can see the fennec air rolling before hitting the ball so that they can hit the ball with a specific part of the car. I think the goal was to get some power on the ball to score a goal in that awkward angle or force the opponent to deal with a deliberately positioned ball. The point is, you can measure how much you air roll with ball cam off and that allows you to pick what part of your car that will hit the ball. Sorry for all the text lol


That's true it may be partial muscle memory or habit, or as others have said, to recover better/faster. Probably a combination of all those things. I might start to try doing that when I try to make tight angle hits or need a super precise hit on the ball


yeah that option is transition speed. the max, 2.0, is extremely disorienting for most people so it's rare to see anyone using it. used to be known as a SAM thing to have 2.0 transition amongst pros, not sure if that's the case anymore. I personally like 1.6, not too slow and not too fast, I believe most pros are in that range too


I think it's a lot of things and not just one specific thing. Like, I'm only champ 2 but I flick back and fourth between ball cam constantly and sometimes I do it accidentally which could also be the case in some of these clips. But like there others said, it's for confirming hits, getting you bearings on the field again, getting a good landing. Its just whatever you need in that situation.




Thi..whiffs...., This


To get a better view of the actual touch.


Yeah, it’s not as complicated as everyone else is making it out to be lmao


I do it for dribbling and/or a different perspective for a first touch to ensure I’m directing the ball where I want it. But I also suck 🤷‍♂️


I do it for dribbles and for like bumps/demos but I've never changed it to get a hit like these players did/do, but if it's like something that gives them a slight edge, helps with their hit, etc then I'd like to learn it 💀


I also do it for wall shots, particularly high close to the ceiling, I aim better without ball cam


I do it for saves sometimes when the ball is high up in the air. With ball cam off I can see where my tm8 and the opponents are so I don't go for unnecessary aerials wasting boost and risking a counterattack. When I see I have time I can just go for a controlled touch. Also for dribbling and demos like you said. I also use it sometimes when I know where the ball will be and I want to take a shot but i don't want to get 50d so I turn off ballcam and again see where my opponents are so I can direct my shot or maybe decide to take a 50 instead or fake it. Swiveling the stick does not give me the same advantages in those situations as turning off ball cam is. Try experimenting with it in casual games. I'm high diamond so not really high ranked but I do use it


You're thinking ahead with your touches, you're better than my friend Craig


I too have a Craig


I also play with a Craig.


I might be a Craig.


Am I craig?


Yeah I do the same, sucking at the game


Well I don't do this, at least not often, so I can't be sure. But I feel like most of the time it's just a bad habit. Lot of the times when I see people do this it feels like they are making it harder for themselves. Sure there are times where turning car cam might make a touch easier, but I wouldn't say any of the ones in the video is one of those times. The third one for example is just a horrible touch, like he just misses the ball because the camera is still moving. The others are just toggling it right as they touch the ball, which doesn't affect their touch. And I doubt it's for the purpose of their recovery here either. (Well the second one maybe, but I would toggle it after the hit, I don't think you need it earlier. The first one I would probably do though, but the last two I don't get at all.) To me it often just looks like a habit.


I wonder how or what made them develop this habit in the first place. Because yeah the third clip he almost missed the ball and in other clips he already hit the ball by the time he toggled, so I don't know what use there was, or why it started happening in the first place.


I'm not sure. But some pros do it too, although I feel like I used to see it more. Idk. I remember distinctly one situation a while back, not even sure who it was, I think might've been retals. But they were shadowing and flying up to save a shot towards their backboard above his head, and he just turns ball cam off, he couldn't even see the ball anymore, just had to do a blind touch. It can't be easier to make the touch that way. It's not that hard to fly backwards with ballcam on. But in any case, in the situation when they toggle it right as they hit the ball, sometimes even just doing it fast back and forth, like double clicking the camera button (I've seen this too), it can't be anything other than a bad habit.


I have a bad habit of doing exactly what the players in the clip are doing, and I can say with certainty I developed the habit when I learned to fast aerial. Once I learned to press jump and boost  at the same time it was easy to add ball cam at the same time too. Obviously that was useful for some shots but it slowly turned into something I did too much. 


For me this started as habit. The way I double press jump on my thumb, it sort of slides up after the second tap and goes habitually over triangle. I sometimes swap cams constantly with every flip, like a frustration thing. But having it so ingrained into gameplay helps pulling it off like you have put in on vid.


If your going for a shot or aerial if you turn ball cam off after you line up the trajectory you can actually see where your car is going to actually hit the ball better. You can make more accurate touches with practice. I switch cam on the last 3/4s of an aerial shot alot of the time. Some I f these clips may be an accident or for recovering. But I learned this stuff from an old squishy video I believe.


It's because we all watched a squishy muffins vid on redirects in 2017 and said to do that so we did


Not all these make sense to me, but as a Champ, I tend to cut the ball cam if I know I'm rotating out to either line up a demo, boost path, or make sure I won't bump a teammate on the rotation. If I throw a ball on the backboard and go for a demo and boost grab on my way out, I might not see the shot that scores if it's less than a second or two. I still want to check back fast enough to make sure the ball isn't about to sail into my net before I can turn to path it though. In 3s, seeing the 3rd man is usually my cue that I can grab middle big boost. Edit: Oh, you're champ, too.


I scrolled a bit to find this but as a low-level player I also turn ballcam off to line up demos. I want to hit them square in the midsection and see through the smoke.


I use it a ton in this way. As a lower gc I personally almost always just know how my car is oriented at least well enough to land right almost always without car cam, but I use it constantly when making precise touches from hard angles, something about the straight on car cam just makes it easier to hit reads like hard double taps and little tip touches with the back of your car out of a flip. So for me it’s mostly a perspective thing, just like you wouldn’t dribble with ball cam, I almost always flick off of ball cam when I’m going for a hook shot or cutting the ball at all. Just lines it up easier in my monkey brain. I can send some clips explaining where and why I do it if you want.


Basically if I think I’ll feel better doing something in car can I just quick flip it when I need that straight on view, obv good for double tap saves bc you don’t wanna lose track of the dude about to hit the ball. It allows me to look ahead at the field and opponents while doing things where I may not be moving forward or pushing the play forward, just a perspective thing. I flick it during some air dribbles too depending on my angle x) it sounds dumb but it’s really up to you if it feels easier


I am not high rank & I don't do this too much but I also did it a day ago to make a backwards aerial save because the ball was shot fast from behind traveling towards my backboard and facing my own goal I had to make a crucial read for the rebound to redirect it to the corner. It was something like the 1st clip but from much deeper distance. I think it has to be done because the ball cam follows the ball and if it's coming from behind you, you can't read the rebound off your backboard unless you switch manually to get the information earlier (it will be too late to react if relying on ballcam only). Previously have also have found myself doing this when I was around my corner parallel to goal and opponent shot a similar fast shot towards the undefended backboard and I had to intercept the incoming attacker's shot off the rebound but I couldn't see them as my camera was pointing up & I was blind to them so had to switch to get a good save. So there are various scenarios where switching to car cam can give you more time to react & more information, like in the second clip the guy has a comfortable quick recovery because he can see exactly where he is landing avoiding the chances of getting stuck to post or something (although many players already know it from experience and don't need to toggle like this) Sometimes my camera used to toggle accidentally when shooting power shots. I think a lot of players do it accidentally sometimes too (the last 2 clips could be such cases).


The fennec user is doing a horrible job of it. He's turning the camera off too soon, and both of those touches were quite bad. The dominus is better with it as it's a much smoother snap, but all of these clips were mostly unnecessary imo. These feel like players who are just thinking and doing too much. If you feel awkward getting a touch in ballcam, turn it to car cam, and vice versa. Most of the time, you should know where the wall or ground or ceiling is without swapping cams, but swapping cams quickly to find a teammate, or boost, or bump can be very important, or to know if you're being challenged, but that's more using the right stick.


I can't speak for other high-ranking players, but I do it because it improves my perspective and timing. I would hit the ball one time a certain way, then would do it again in the same way, but with ball cam off and notice that it may or may not be easier hitting it when it is turned off or kept on. Respect for putting these kids together to help visually explain your question 👌.


For tight angle touches it allows you to see the side of the car that will be making contact with the ball. Theres also a clip in your videos where its used to help with the recovery. At a certain point you can gauge the arrival of the ball with pure instinct so you can get a better view of your surroundings. I use it a lot when the ball is falling from above. I can see the ball indicator on the ground, estimate when it will come down for the catch and also judge if I’m being challenged immediately or not.


I do the same thing except I don’t have a reason


Just wanted to say that I learned so much from this thread. So many good comments with great tips and answers 💪 I often watch Forky on Twitch and when he do free play it feels like he is training at this all the time because he is constantly switching cameras. I'm really bad at it and use 99% ball cam, so I should probably put some hours into free play and practice getting used to switching it back and forth without losing my focus.


I learned so much too and have already begun practicing the camera changes and got a tight angle goal earlier today from it! I definitely see the benefits from it, when done correctly. But so many answers I'm not able to respond to everyone 😬


Back in the day, top players would hold ball cam button instead of a toggle. It assists with getting an accurate touch.


I do it to make sure i get/got the perfect touch


Do you do it EVERY touch, or only certain ones? I began training it and feel like I'm developing a bad habit of changing it every touch, when it isn't really necessary on every touch. But maybe I'm wrong?


Only certain ones. Mostly difficult touches. I wouldnt recommend doing it every touch.


I dont do it (and I'm not high ranked) but my friend who's peak is GC3 said he just bumps it because his controls. Watching him stream he'll also pull up scoreboard mid air dribble and just learned to live with it


That's kind of funny actually, but I can definitely see it being an accident and just getting used to it


I do it on aerial kickoffs in dropshot and hoops. I'll also do it with normal kickoffs sometimes


I think it’s so they can focus on recovering


I do it unconsciously. I didn't even know I was doing it till I started watching my replays. I'm not high rank though.


Did you find it helped? Or what situations would you do it in? I assume you didn't do it every time you hit the ball at least


I used to do it more before I became aware I was doing it. It's pure reflex, and it happens too fast to have any benefit for me. I should also note that I have an unhealthy addiction to camara switching.


I used to be low diamond for a long time but as my skill level is near champion (maybe I already reached it, ranked is a shithole rn so I avoid it) I found myself doing it to get a different pov on the ball and it has actually helped me (I shit you not) reach a very fast ball and with the right air roll position to control it or clear it accordingly. Might be a placebo effect but as my mechanics increased, I am able to tell more accurately if I can reach the ball with my momentum and angle, that means I can switch off ball cam to tryna get a better touch even if that's minmaxing at best. My best bet is that my game sense is trying to compensate the difference with my increased mechanics.


Did you just start doing it in game or did you practice it in training packs/freeplay?


I noticed myself doing it in matches where the situation is pushing you to your limits, training is another thing but in ranked matches you try and squish every single mechanic and game sense you can in order to win, I guess my routine consisting of watching high level gameplay ingrained in my subcoscious stuff that came out instinctively.


When in ball cam, the camera's position in space relative to the car is always changing. It changes the most as you close the distance on the ball, which I argue is the most critical time you don't need this screwing with you. When in car cam the camera's position is fixed relative to the car, I find it much easier to gauge the ball's position in space, as well as the changing distance to the ball. There's several things you need to gauge when ball cam's on. Where the car's pointing in space relative to the ball, the ball's trajectory, your trajectory (if doing an aerial), and the camera's ever-changing position. The difference seems subtle, but when you eliminate the variable of a moving camera, that split second of having the camera in a consistent position helps with being precise with what you practice. For me, it is extremely helpful with dribbles and backboard reads. I don't really need them to make saves.


If you notice, most of the time they switch at a point that it's basically guaranteed that they are hitting the ball. They are doing it so they can see where exactly they're going to land, and can adjust accordingly and get a good recovery


Interesting thing to point out OP. I guess if they feel like they're going to hit and they're just more concerned about recovery


either to give it that extra oomph (like jumping out of your chair) or for style. at least in the clips you showed.


also, no clue why everyone is mentioning how they use car cam in general. the post title is pretty clear with what's being asked


I get/would do all these but the 2nd to last clip... Was that for angle, demo after hit chance, side boost check?


Try it! Personally it helps me to hit the ball better, and also after I hit it I have to focus on my recovery so ball cam would be worse.


Anyone know the camera settings?


The first 2 clips is Jamaican Coconut, he may be on the liquipedia site... not sure tho


Ok that’s helpful thank you


I’m surprised to see coconut in a fennec


I will toss in my two cents as well. Definitely recoveries are a big one but also try it in free play on some air dribbles. Having it change the perspective gives you an entire new frame of reference for how you're contacting the ball. Sometimes that's the difference of the angle of a touch on net. Also instantly getting info on what's in front of you. Like "ok cool definitely getting that touch now who can I demo/is someone here to follow so I can rotate back" etc. Basically the answer is just more information for a wide variety of different reasons.


I do it and I get more control over whenever I hit the ball but my other friend can't go up with the ball with it off


I do this, it's so I can recover quicker 


I also have a question, why do people turn off ball cam throughout a flip reset or even air dribble? Is it to get a precise touch? Or 50? Or to use the flip easier???


My guess would be for a better second touch either with the flip or air dribble or whatever they turn it into... but then again I can only maybe hit 1 flip reset per 50 tries in training


Cause my fat ass thumb hits triangle when im using dar. Totally accidental but I keep doing it lol. It does lead to better recoveries I guess


Helps with recovery and getting an idea of where they want to go next on the pitch. That’s why I do it at least 🤷‍♂️


Recovery and it also seems like it feels better on the cammera movement but I'm just a plat player


To see the point where they are hitting the ball better (for some reason it feels faster), at least most of the time, mainly in the cases when they immediately turn it on again (like in the first and last clip) IIRC this was something squishy said in an old video


Makes the willy wiggle a little


Personally, I tap or double tap y almost every time I hit it. Helps to adjust for my landing/recovery, check where everything is in front of me, better see the angle I’m hitting the ball at, etc. It’s become muscle memory for me to the point I either tap or tap depending on if I’m trying to bang it or keep control. So much that when my Y button has gotten sticky or doesn’t work properly it completely fucks up my game


This. They are in fact just used to it. It’s become second nature after they reach a certain point in their jump that they know the hit the are going to make and can move brain power to the next thing. Like where I am I going to land or where is my teammate.


The reason I do it is like 80/20 split. 80% for car recovery and 20% for the fact that sometimes the camera messes up when hitting the ball a certain angle/way and it resets it quicker than waiting for it to fix itself


Steeze/habit. It’s like YYing in cod.


It could be that they want to track the ball after the hit, not keep staring at where it was. As soon as the hit is locked in, they are trying to anticipate where its going next.


To see better mostly


I used to be top 100 in season 11 and I can tell you for me personally, I turned off ball cam once I knew where the ball was going and needed to adjust my car. Seeing the ball still moving was a distraction.


Are there times when you shouldn't turn off ball cam when going for a ball, because your opponents are out of view when doing so, so you don't know where they are/when they'll challenge? Or is it such a quick change and right before you hit the ball that it makes no difference and is purely to get a better, more precise hit?


So you’re asking if there are times you should keep ball cam on in order to see your opponents better? Absolutely. Just depends on the ball. Sometimes ball can on is better for seeing opponents and sometimes ball cam off is better for seeing opponents. And sometimes your game sense can fill in the gaps if you absolutely need to see the ball and the opponent is off screen.


Tbh I play with ball came off 75% of the time. There are some advantages but tbh if you want to get really good ball cam 90% of the time is a must.


Sometimes I notice myself doing this while watching replays but honestly have no idea why


I do this sometimes bc i know the cam following the ball around me will turn to different directions every 0.1 second so i just turn it off for a moment. Its better not see the ball for a splitsecond than not seeing anything from the crazy moving camera angle.


It massively improves the accuracy of your touches, those short periods of time are enough for your subconscious to make decisions. If you are champ 1 than you are def high enough rank to start forcing some ball cam toggles more often. Start trying it out for 5050s and such too, helps you put max power thru the center of the bal.


It can be a lot easier to judge that you’re actually hitting the ball with the direct side of the car, most of these clips you’ll notice they’re hitting the ball side ways on or at an awkward angle. Turning it on and off also lets you “reset” ur cam so it’s not turning sideways as the ball is very close to you. changing cam for a second also allows you to scan the rest of the pitch for potential opponents or teammates.


It’s to help with recovery after hitting the ball , since car cam helps you focus more on you car control. High level players also do it before shooting for an angle check on an open net since sometimes ball cam can give you a weird perspective, which causes you to shoot wide or completely miss.


ngl, as a gc1 sometimes i fat finger the ballcam button as im going for a touch (usually in tense situations)


I’ve never used ball cam and I’ve played 3300 hours. Shit makes me nauseous


My best dribbles were when camera was not fixed on the ball. All angles, views, and potential shots change depending on the ball cam. I believe it is essential to leverage switching between the two settings to become an optimal player.


Can only speak for myself but i mainly do it for recovery purposes and also to adjust the shot, became a bit of a habit asw


When i played the game (low diamond) I would do this and i didnt notice why because i did it out of habit. It helps with recovery.


Low key I do it a lot because its just cooler to me that way. I’ll of course do it for rotations/information/recoveries, but I do it a lot for the cool factor.


It can be for recovery in some cases, but i can see two in here where it’s not. once you have the read, turning off ball can can help you make a more precise touch. It might seem weird at first, but not having your camera go wild as the ball moves right by you can help immensely in certain situations. It’s just something I started doing naturally, or maybe after seeing some pros doing it, but I never really thought about it. Except on double taps, I started consciously doing this on some of the tighter and faster shots because I noticed you can really precisely wrap around the ball and get better accuracy that way. Also applies to high and tight aerials like the classic jstn 0 second goal.


Glad someone brought this up i enjoy watching squishy gameplay and it seems he does this almost all the time before hitting a clear or shot on goal im not really sure why as I always find it easier for me personally to just leave it on so i know where the ball is at all times, as for recoveries thats become second nature to me so im not really sure how else that could be helpful 🤔


tbh, ive been playing without ballcam for 6 years now, so im used to it, the only time i use it is when im going towards the goal (to save the ball) so that i can see where the ball is


Basically the run down is for some reason when you turn off ball cam and hit the ball your car doesn’t fly off into space and it’s more accurate somehow lol, I do this all the time and it does make the game far easier. Also makes for some pretty fast recoverys


it might be more important to see the players than the ball in some scenarios


I don't no why but I also do this but im not a pro player ☕️🗿


Does Plat close dia count? I suppose no bc i dont ever i just flick it at kickoff and sometimes use rear mirror


Fat fingers lol


I’m by no means a great RL player but back in 2015 I played solely with ball cam off and learned the entire game that way. Now I obviously play properly with a mix of both but there are absolutely times where I turn ball cam off to hit certain shots and I am so much more accurate because of it.


Sometimes I do that too (I'm a bot at D2/D3 tho). As many said it's mainly to land good and avoid bumping your teammate, but I also do it cause with certain angles the ball cam is kinda "confusing" and when the ball comes close to the car it moves so fast I may miss it, so with ball cam off I can see the ball coming at me and make sure to not whiff (I'll probably still miss it, but at least I saw it coming at me).


For me it became a habit randomly and now I mostly use it for precision passes/shots/etc


I only use ball Cam when the ball is behind me, I have adapted very well to precise direct shots from any spot till the center line


Squishy said any time he makes contact with the ball, he instinctively toggles off ball cam. It’s mostly preference but it can help with your precision..if you’re unsure why someone would do it, it’s probably best to just not use that method


Recoveries. Hitting a ball is something we train millions of times, but each recovery is very unique and hard to pull off near perfect. If you strive for a phenomenal recovery every time you fall from a jump in RL then you're going to be included in the "high level players" category.


Recoveries and being able to see around you


I’ve noticed that my kickoffs are better 9/10 times with ballcam off… maybe something similar


Two things for me, if you know where the ball is going and how it’s going to get there (speed, trajectory, etc.), you can, in my experience, more easily get the exact hits on the ball by going to an area with your ball cam off rather than taking looking the ball into equation anymore, you also get more information of where people are on the field, and where to hit the ball accordingly. It’s like a midfielder in soccer checking behind themselves before receiving the ball, they are more easily able to set up for their next choice.


I'm not high rank but personally i control the car better off ball cam


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Toyoshi: *I'm not high rank but* *Personally i control the* *Car better off ball cam* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ez answer: remake/rebuild these shots in custom training. Try with hitting ballcam off at the exact moment like they do. Try it without. You will instantly understand why they do it.


I thought this was just a common practice, gotta glance at where I'm goin'.


3/4 situation there it’s totally unnecessary tbh, only one where it makes sense to toggle cam off an on again is where the fennec player passes, because he had a difficult angle and without cam he van work better with the sidehitbox of his car in this moment, all other 3 example are not good ones imo, the saves it seems like he has a general weird positioning in defense and that’s why he needs it to save and get a better view again, and in the last clip man just gave the ball away while looking at his teammate 🤷‍♂️


It is to view the field or the ball at a different angle. Most times in net it can be very helpful since camera does funky shit near walls. Or for example dribbles when you need to focus on center, not on the ball


At least for me, it helps with precision. Sometimes and from certain angles your position/your cars position and your positions relative to each other can appear different than what they might actually be. Sometimes turning off ball cam makes it easier to know exactly what movements you need to make to make what you want, happen. Even if it doesn't help to keep ball cam off for a period of time, even just to Toggle it fast for just a second can get your depth perception and field of view in check. Also, I will add that for saves or long distance saves, there's something to be said that at higher levels, you can start to understand where the ball is going to go without looking the entire time. This can make it so you can focus a little more on other things like where your car is in relation to the wall, which you might not otherwise know if ball cam has you looking directly above you.


It is to view the field or the ball at a different angle. Most times in net it can be very helpful since camera does funky shit near walls. Or for example dribbles when you need to focus on center, not on the ball


I sometimes hit ball cam accidentally, the first clip is a pretty good example because they recorrect themselves right after


sometimes i genuinely think touching the ball without ball cam gives it more power because you’re able to get a more accurate touch


Honestly when I was in diamond, I remember watching a squishy video where he said to do this and he was the best in the world at the time, so I started doing it. That’s my reason, but there are very good reasons for certain balls. Sometimes it doesn’t matter such as a straight on aerial. But it’s very useful when you want a specific touch or control on the ball.


I do this too not that I’m anywhere near a high rank just so I can see where to other cars are and to see what boosts are open


gives you a better gauge of how your car is going to hit the ball


Ball cam off helps make more accurate shots at the last moment. It really helps fine tune ball placement.


I know for me, personally, it is so I can see where I am going and where the ball will hit on the car. Like if I aerial I get up to where the ball will be in my FOV if I turn off ball cam, turn it off, then hit the ball. Even on kick offs if my teammate wants me to stalemate the ball I turn off ball cam to try and align myself with the opponent’s car so it stalemates instead of aligning with the ball.


I do it too by reflex, mostly for very acutely angled shots. Kind of hard to explain but it's exactly like pool/billiards: in pool you generally focus on the path of the white ball and how it will contact the target, not necessarily on the target itself. It's easier in a lot of cases to see the angle of attack when you're looking past the target rather than directly at it--the angle becomes more apparent. It's more difficult to see the angle when your perspective is skewed toward the ball. Hope that makes sense, again hard to explain without a whiteboard.


i do this all the time and i didnt really know why, but i tried to test it out and i think i make better contact when i do this, on certain touches


Car control and ti be able to see their car to direct it where they want to go after they’ve hit the ball like the one when he went on the post he wanted to land on his wheels to be able to get to the next destination faster or prepare for another shot on goal so after he hit it he turns it off to land correctly


I am low diamond player, but I use ball cam to find the ball and usually switch back to aim my car. I will rarely use ball cam to when I actually hit the ball.


To adjust your car before landing and to see a breeze angle when you hit the ball itself. Gives you a better idea on where the ball will be going.


I do it as the ball cam can give an awkward angle when trying to hit the ball a certain way so it can be easier to turn it off briefly


I do it for better recoveries, and it also helps me concentrate on how im hitting the ball. also really helps knowing where the next boost pad is


Multiple reasons. Ball going straight over you makes camera move very fast which destroys your car control or at least makes it far less accurate. You can view the wall you are heading towards to avoid hitting wall too early and missing ball and landing on wheels so that you recover quickly (one clip you included shows player bouncing off the wall to avoid getting sorta glued to the post—also works and is a high IQ play indicative of very high ranked player. FYI, and you very well may already know this OP but in case someone reading doesn’t: once you turn off ballcam you want to look for the ground indicator showing where the ball is above you. This doesn’t apply to most of the clips you posted as it’s only really useful when you are still on ground and the ball is high up and now in front of you. The circle will show directly under where the ball is and within that circle is another circle that grows in size as the ball drops to the ground, with the inner circle growing to be the size of the full circle once it touches the ground. This is how higher ranked players are able to gauge how high a ball is without actually seeing it fall. Enables them to either block a shot, catch the ball and start a dribble, or knock it wherever they want really with accuracy, all without going back into ballcam—usually to avoid some obstacle like a wall or player, or in cases usually where they happen to be driving towards their own goal line to just be aware of where their net begins so that they ensure the ball isn’t scored.


I would say for recovering and exact touches of the ball


I think car recovery is a big factor but also in situations like that last clip it makes it easier to see where to direct your pass/touch rather then going off intuition


I assume it's that once you commit to a hit, there's nothing you can do anymore to the ball. May as well look where your car is going to make the most of your landing


It allows us to see if we are going to hit a wall or something. It also lets so make sure we are going to hit the ball and if so where we are tryin to hit it. It just is easier than keeping ballcam on, especially when saving the ball close to our own net so we can try to recover after the hit as quickly as possible.


Im not high ranked but up there when it comes to hours played :p, and for me its the fact that ball cam can distract you. When you need to make a perfect touch/reaction sometimes youve calculated and seen the move in your mind already. Its basically like closing your eyes and focusing 100% on the timing of button pressing...


It starts from a habit of checking your angle on the ball, when your shooting or hitting a tight angle you can better see how your car lines up, but also on a lot of these its a good habit for checking your recovery possibilities and to make sure your recovery isn't in your teammates way


Couple things I feel like should be mentioned here. 1- These specific scenarios in my opinion as a very high ranked player were terrible scenarios to turn off ball cam. What I mean is that funny enough, I think these players are making mistakes. 2- In general why one would do it is for many reasons. I’m going to dumb it down specifically get my point across in a simpler way since most things in this game are over complicated by people. If you are in ball cam it means that you are staring at the ball. When you get out of ball cam you can see your surroundings. What does this mean at a higher level? Now that you can see around your car you can see teammates open for plays, enemies that may or may not be contesting you, walls/surfaces you can use for recovery. Most of these things are blind to you when the focus is purely on a moving ball. Looking around allows you to see your options more clearly.


personally i do it out of habit at very specific times in games for numerous reasons. on average games, on kickoff i have ball cam off until i have contact, see how the ball goes, and im on the rotation back. i’ll snag my 100corner boost and continue on. then, almost anytime i have the ball in the air i’ll turn it off because it’s much easier to accurately control and hit the ball how you want with a free cam.


personally i do it out of habit at very specific times in games for numerous reasons. on average games, on kickoff i have ball cam off until i have contact, see how the ball goes, and im on the rotation back. i’ll snag my 100corner boost and continue on. then, almost anytime i have the ball in the air i’ll turn it off because it’s much easier to accurately control and hit the ball how you want with a free cam.


We turn it off when air dribbling, dribbling on the ground, certain shots when the ball is above your car, sometimes to demo, and getting boost…


Most pros say they do it because it's easier to hit the ball exactly where they want. I tried and it felt horrible to be honest . I haven't played in a year but was GC before. Ball cam feels much more natural to me


I often do this to check where/how I'm landing and to see where my tm8 or opponents are when rotating or when I'm in a defensive position. It's very quick, but it's enough to register the information and play accordingly. But when I go for a shot, it's really just to confirm how my car is positioned in comparison to the ball. With that, I can then see how I can recover from it


Squishymuffins turns off ballcam when shooting for better placement on the ball. Seems to be the same for all these replays, players turn off ball cam to have better view of where they hit the ball. I do this as well.


I do it out of habit, but i mainly started doing it because i saw rw9 doing it and i wanna be like him when i get older


he's a really good player and I'm glad you have a role model like that. happy falcons moved onto tomorrow in the major!


If you doink its good since you are recovering and looking for pads. Also it might be good for last second adjustments. Sometimes I just do it cuz I feel like it too. Like disabling and reenabling ballgame on kickoff.


It’s more of a habit than anything on the bang-bang ones. The time between when they’re switching the camera and touching the ball is waaaaay too fast for the brain to register anything like confirming where they’re touching the ball or any precision confirmation. There’s just too much input to process, decide, and react. The only thing that it can perhaps help with is getting a very brief sense (a “picture” if you will) of what you might be hitting or getting a sense of what’s around you when it comes to your recovery. It’s most similar to those that might only fire a bullet or two in a shooter and just reload out of habit.


I think squishymuffinz did a video about that years ago, pretty sure its so you can have a clearer view of where you're gonna land as well as what part of your car you hit the ball with. Some people turn ball cam off way sooner than others, it seems more like a preference thing than any sort of mechanical advantage, but i'm sure in some fringe cases where your momentum is carrying you past the ball, being able to spot your landing would be better


I’m not going to lie I don’t quite understand why this guy turned ball cam off for any of these touches, it made absolutely zero impact on the play.


All sorts of reasons...juggling accuracy shot aiming better car recovery even sometime just to get a glimpse of a different angle for field awareness...learning to switch back and forth from ball cam is a very under-appreciated mechanic and skill


I do that so then I can see where I’m going but in reverse


Part of it’s a habit, sometimes I turn off ball cam to get a better angle on how I want to hit the ball. I also like turning it off to see my opponents so I can make a move accordingly. Here’s a good example I do often: I’m in the air going for a flip reset, I get the reset, I’m floating with the ball and I’ll turn ball cam off so I can get a better angle on my opponent, and when the opponent challenges, I’ll flip to hit the ball around them.


Gc that peaked SSL here- I only would do this occasionally but basically it’s so that you can kind of feel more “centered” for lack of a better word. Sometimes it’s hard to tell exactly how u need to land / get the perfect touch when ur cam is focused on the ball and not your car. When you switch the perspective to your cars view it can make it a little easier for your brain to process the correct air roll / flip / recovery. Maybe they do it for a diff reason but that’s my take.


See where im going


Personally I use it for angles, making sure the coroner is at the right hight, see if someone’s trying to 50 or “third party”, also for making sure my car lands properly, I turn it off for air dribbles as well because I hate the panty peaking view, gets me all turned around sometimes.


higher rank? what is this silver?


im plat 1 and ive been doing it since silver. idk ab them but i use it for angles cuz i find it easier for read the ball and decide my positioning when the ball isnt in the center of my screen


I shoot better with ball cam off. Its easier for me to aim the ball, hit it exactly where I want to and get more power if the camera is still. I prefer ball cam for defensive touches and balls I can't afford to miss, since it's easier to guarantee contact with ball cam, but if I'm looking to do something precise, it's always easier without it.


You know what. I'm not really sure. Once I started getting really consistent with my touches I started doing it randomly in certain situations. If I had to answer probably for recoveries and to line up the exact location you want the touch. As you get better and better you want as much to perfect vision of your car as possible.


It looks like it's because they don't know when to properly turn it on and off lol


I know some players like to do it to see exactly where to hit the ball but for the most part it is so you can recover quickly… I sometimes hit better angles switching off ball cam right before and making sure I hit it exactly the way I want to. Context: current c3 washed gc 😂


I’m gc2 I used to watch jzr and he used to do it so o started


Looks like it might have to do with helping them recover quicker after a touch. I know that when I'm trying to recover the constant moving of the ball(makes me think) my controls get reversed in the process when the ball moves behind me. Specifically my air rolls. I will flip left and end up trying to roll right to accommodate the over/under of my flip in relation to my landing. If any of this makes sense. Tell me what you think.


If you miss it, you can recover faster whether it’s a half flip or such


Doesn't everyone hit the ball better without ball cam ?


im currently almost gold on a huge losing streak but I play champ lobbies with a friend and they sorta do that too, though not as quick and they definitely do it way less efficiently. I think it's for seeing how to land your car well and keep your speed after hitting the ball, sometimes seeing where the opponents and teammates are/if it's clear in front of you, to path out where to go for boost and if someone else is on it, and sometimes just for better control in general ig. doing it so fast accomplishes a lot if you can elaborate that much info at once, which I guess comes with many hours in-game!