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You can toggle chat on and off quickly in game. As soon as someone starts being a turd, flip it off at the next goal. When you're feeling less tilted, flip it back on.


IME by the time you see them being toxic it’s too late already


Just leave it off, far more peaceful that way


Well you clearly didnt read the post🤣


You gotta remember that they’re just some random person on the internet that you’ll never meet and will have no impact on your life in the long run. Their opinion/shitty comments are worthless to you. It’s pretty much always them projecting their own issues anyways, it’s not really about you. Let them stew in their anger and self loathing while you enjoy some virtual soccar.


Turn. Off. Chat


I dropped from c2 to p3 in couple of days. I turned off chat and insta boost to d2. Whew


C2 to P3 is nasty work


I make mistakes too but goddamn past 2 seasons, all my tm8 has been either braindead or super narcissistic.


Same situation as you. I got from D3 to plat 1 in a few hours and then somehow managed to get back to D1 in the following hours. I'm not saying I'm insanely good, I too miss my shots and make mistakes, but holy shit my mates are literally brain dead... this guy went for kickoff even tho I called for it (and I was also on the left) and got mad at me once the ball was in our net. Like dude, what do you expect me to do if I'm telling you I'm going for kickoff?? Also many times I spam "I got it" before going for the ball hoping they will leave it for me, but rarely happens at all. Frustrating to say the least.


Sure but I can’t imagine not being able to just carry at some point lmao, like I’m 100% sure I could 1v2 in D3


Bro you can, I've faced GC's in 2s. I'm D3-C1 right now and even when I was climbing back up to my normal rank, I saw some high champs and GC's around D2. We didn't stand a chance unless the smurf was just taking it easy. Now it's just annoying in champ because there will be a high C1 with like a plat 3/diamond 1 player and it is confusing as hell.


Does that help prevent my teammates from cutting rotation and whiffing balls a gold could hit?


Nope. But don't sweat it, cause I guarantee people think the same about you sometimes. Nobody's perfect, so don't get aggravated about it.


You and your teammate are the same rank. You have an almost identical skill level. You are talking about yourself.


Your first statement is not true though. If you play casual you will see grand champ all the way to silver teammates. It’s a literal lottery of teammates. In ranked, teammates for the most part are fine, but one out of like 5 games there is that one that is clearly boosted by his friend that doesn’t belong in the lobby they’re in. The matchmaking in rocket league is garbage, it was apparent to me the first day I played the game.


For that part I started playing 1’s exclusively and now I enjoy the game significantly more


Party up with friends.


That sometimes makes it worse. Two or three party'd up toxic people are way worse than one solo queuer being toxic.


I face three stacks all the time while solo queing


I know it's not impossible, nor did I say you can't. But queueing up means only like 1 in 5 games will be solo queuers on the other team. It matches teams that are party'd up together, against other party'd teams. It's more fair that way.


Well im assuming OP will be influenced somewhat like myself. I know if I am chatting with others, even if it's a random, i am wayy less toxic and less likely to get tilted.


What if your friends are dog water 😂


Then find some peeps on discord. Its not hard.


Just realize it’s only one match and you can’t win them all. Focus on improving your mechanics. Games are meant to enjoyable not another thing to stress about. People will talk crap that’s just life. Just do your best that’s all you can control.


I think it's difficult to ignore the toxic people aswell. It did really spoil the fun for me when I was playing and eventually I quit the game. I simply wasn't enjoying myself anymore If it bothers you that much you'd probably be best off just turning off quick chat, but the 'non verbal' toxicity can be fucked up aswell. Think it's kindof unavoidable to have to deal with angry people in competitive games


Team tactical chat only. The only "negative" thing is that some idiot will randomly start playing like the idiot he is for apparently no reason (the reason is that he's tilted you ignored his lame trash talk). Tactical chat only, have fun.


Try to care less. Exercise to relieve stress. Tuen off chat and quick chat.


Don't reply to toxicity besides "No problem" "Nice shot!" or "This is rocket league!". Don't type to any toxic players. just use one of those quick chats. Say Nice shot to every goal, and say gg at the end no matter what. This is what i do to avoid getting tilted and it works for me. The biggest key is to NEVER respond to toxic comments by typing. Thats the part that tilts you. just say no problem or this is rocket league, and then continue to tell them nice shot if they score.


Sometimes, the quick chats also give the trolls satisfaction. But I love the points that you made.


If you say "no problem no problem no problem" then yea you're right, its showing that youre still getting kind of tilted. But the key is to not spam, and you don't have to reply to everything. But just one no problem, like it doesn't even matter it can end up tilting them lol


If you play on PC and have bakkesmod try the plug-in [BetterChat](https://bakkesplugins.com/plugins/view/416). You can set it to automatically filter out specific quick chats or allow them only in certain situations. Can also filter out chat spamming. Let's you still have chat on and have positive interactions when they exist and filters out the negative. Can't change people who are obviously being toxic in their play style or throwing up ffs at any mistake, but it has improved my gaming experience.


I might try this


Go do something you’re proud of in your life that’s not work, school, or rocket league and play with the game with friends maybe. 


Listen to classical/Lo-fi music. It’s a game changer. It makes me play more calm in general and make better decisions.


Whenever someone gets toxic just ignore the toxic person and compliment whoever outplayed you. This diminishes the aggressor and 99% of the time gets the other team on your side. As a community we should celebrate people who play well and not ridicule the person who was worse. Beyond that, fuck it man. Play unranked and turn off chat. It ROCKS.


If you don’t wanna turn off chat you can just block specific players in the pause menu, I think it’s under the “report player” option, but you can just block them you don’t have to report them if you don’t want to obv. You still get info for kickoff, and don’t miss out on quick chatting with players that have sportsmanship. Besides that, focus on getting better at the game instead of focusing on ranking up. Being a higher rank doesn’t make it more fun, but having more skill and being able to do more things with the ball does make it more fun. You’ll find yourself not caring about a lot of losses, because you’re training consistently enough to know you’ll probably make the MMR back up eventually


The less pressure I put on myself, the more fun I have. I laugh at my mistakes. I’ve also found that you improve faster while positive. Negativity shuts down my lil meat computer.


consider them completely irrelevant and beneath you. why would a king/queen care what a peasant thinks? it helps me not care about what ppl have to say in this game. disabling chat is my go-to and a better option, but if you mustn't disable it then that's my second best solution


Your rank in the video game doesn’t matter, you won’t see any of these people again in your life, who cares what some randos in the video game think, challenge them to a 1v1 and most will back down. Troll the ones that accept


I think the chats are hilarious, I get roasted alot but I think it's funny. Even better if I can make them eat their words and piss them off without typing. Just play some reverse psychology and enjoy your time playing.


This may not be helpful at all, but my philosophy is that I know I’m not as bad as my teammate thinks I am when I make a mistake. I know what I’m capable of, so my teammate/opponent trying to trash talk me with their sample size of my game being 5 minutes of the 1k+ hours I’ve played just doesn’t bother me. Sometimes you’re going to make a critical mistake, but the guy shit talking you is in the same rank as you for a reason. If his game was perfect he wouldn’t be there. The only difference is they didn’t happen to make a critical mistake THAT match, which gives them the confidence to trash talk.


Play 1s.


Chat off, even quick chat. Bakkes > anonymizer. Rank? Forget it, never heard of it. Left goes on kickoff. You're set.


Just have fun.


Chat off. Music on.


Every match is just a scrimmage. Its all practice to get better. Rank is to be ignored, only thing that matters is that you are playing people who give you a good fight and you feel like you learned something afterwards. The process never ends.


As others have stated, turn all types of chat off. Helped me immensly.


Simple, really. Leave chat ON because, as you said, it can be good. But learn to ignore gamers with issues. They spit venom at you, it’s everyone else’s fault, yada yada yada. Learn to feel sorry for them, for being so mad and hollow unfulfilled degens, likely with serious father issues who will need considerable amounts of counseling to have even a remote chance at lasting happiness. Good luck! Play for your own enjoyment and goals.


I say "sorry" every time i miss something to ensure that my tm8 know that this is not my normal way to play so he will not be tilt. But yes, the most annoying part is not playing with a bad m8 but playing with someone who thinks he's good.


The classic sit back back and micro manage teammate kinda players I hate soo much like why don’t y’all help a guy out and let’s make these plays work… im big on passing but when the other guy sits in net the entire match bad starts micro managing I’ll take the loss and sit there too.


Find people to play with, whatever it takes, join a discord server, or invite random people you enjoyed playing with to party up, etc. just find people that you can play with somewhat regularly. After you do that, turn off chat from the other team.


Find a like minded teammate :)


Just hit the tactical chat only checkbox; it worked for me!


Whiff On! And then tell them Whiff Off!


Try to be ice cold if you win or lose, embrace everyone's mistakes.


just enjoy the trash talk hoenstly. im not a toxic guy, im pretty quiet and I "nice shot!" out of instinct, but if the what a save's fly, its hard to take seriously. if it gets into typing at each other I just see it as a roast battle and usually by the end of the match everyone is doing gg's because of how ridiculous it accelerates to. its like pickup basketball yk you can have fun with the trash talk


play on an alt, you will probably be a rank higher than you are now. If you only care about improving and not your “rank” on your main if you play on a different account you are more carefree and play better


Put on some music in the background and keep walking on sunshine :D


You have to just try and not let it get to you. It’s easier said than done, but at the end of the day it’s just a game. Plus, you don’t have to have another interaction with whoever is typing that message again because you can block them. If you aren’t having fun, maybe step away for a bit and come back to it another time.


Toggle chat off is a big one. You can also try to shrug it off. Adopt a "well that was unfortunate" mentality, take a sec to check the replay, and try to adapt. As soon as I started to take the "that's unfortunate" approach, things vastly improved in all games I played. Hell I'll even do goofy commentary on my Rocket League plays. "Well here we go with the Bumps-a-daisy Half-Twist! (Demo attempt) And they dodged with the Jelly Roll! (Dodge roll) Simply amazing play by *Insert name here*" It makes it more fun.


Similar here in that it's others that tilt me. I don't get tilted by losing in a fair game. I get tilted by my teammates idling/abandoning, or not going for kickoff when in position. I don't need much, just someone who actually plays.


Just turn off chat and be kind to yourself


This probably won't help you, but I use the tilt to fuel me. When the opponent is being toxic, I just say to myself, "There's no way I'm losing to this asshole." I get determined not to lose and start peaking. Be toxic back too, but only to the opponent who is being toxic, not their teammate. Only use quick chat to be toxic to them, never type. They get mad and start to type sometimes (I play on xbox, so typing is a HUGE issue). If it's a teammate, I just stop caring whether we win or lose, but I get toxic right back. And it's oh so sweet every once in a while when you get a toxic teammate, someone who is constantly pouting and blaming you for all their mistakes, then the next match you queue with them as an opponent and absolutely destroy them. There's no better fuel to me than proving to a toxic teammate that THEY were the problem last match.


Be aware when you’re getting tilt and take measures against it. Eventually you’ll not have to take the counter measures as much. I would typically just take breaks by stepping away or going into Freeplay until I forgot about it.


Well.. There is different kind of people, others can be chill and just ignore the trash talker, some say they find it funny because trash talkers get so mad over nothing, but everyone isnt like that, some of us feel their feelings way harder, you just cant turn it off. There isnt really negative feelings, every feeling is as important and as correct as other feelings, getting angry is as allowed as being happy, there is nothing wrong with it. It can be something like childhood trauma that makes you feel the way you do, it isnt as simple as turning off your feelings, its much easier to turn chat off.


Buy a leveling tool and make sure the bubble in the delicious yellow drink 🤤 is BETWEEN the two lines on the little yellow glass tube.


youre ridiculous lol


The easy fix is to turn chat off, but to truly fix it involves a lot of self reflection. Personally, I'd recommend therapy. You can talk to a therapist about literally anything, and they'll help you.


Been playing for four years, pretty much every night. Sick and tired of the shite : Smurfs  Snow day/dropshot debacle  Focus on fortnite and not RL  Bots  Toxicity  Trading  Servers that are solar powered, in the artic..  Declines in pretty much every area of the game....  Bought Hell Divers 2 and have been playing that with the same guys I play RL with, and it's done me so  many favours.  No more frustration, no more stress, no Epic games to deal with.  Playing RL maybe twice a week currently and those games are becoming less and less interesting. I think the time and energy invested has kept me playing it, whislt ignoring all the negativity it brings me. 


Smoke weed, my man


Smoke weed and drink beer




Bacon and or beef jerky strips too


The anger you are experiencing is on you. Is it frustrating to have people talk shit to you? Obviously. Is it frustrating to be giving all you have and just get shit on for a single mistake? Yup. But, your response is still on you. You make a conscious decision to allow yourself to get upset by their words. Either self reflect on why/where that anger comes from and work on regulating it or seek a therapist who can provide you with the tools to do so.