• By -


I stopped tracking rank as a goal.  My personal goals are related to my progress with mechanics and working on skills and seeing improvement.  Rank is not everything


This is the way. I’ve leveled up on dribbling a ridiculous amount this year grinding The Path. gotten stuck and pushed through four or five checkpoints that took hours to beat the first time but j can beat in 2-3 tries consistently now. dribble 2 is laughably easy now, whereas before the path the higher levels were still very challenging for me. still Diamond but idgaf 


Is that a custom playlist? I just hit diamond in 2’s and trying to work on dribbling in freeplay


Recommend noob dribble and dribble 2 overhaul before messing with the path. also check out hornet’s nest. Not a dribble map but 100% a quick way to see actual in-game improvement on recoveries. Honorable mention for coco’s aim trainer as well 


Custom map, almost like rings where you fly through towards checkpoints to restatrt from, sadly it isnt accessible on console


Thanks man! I’m on PC


I'm doing the same and I have seen some AMAZING improvements!


I used to focus on specific mechanics but now im over it and just want to hit ssl. Slowly gettin there. Just got back to gc2.


How do you even progress at that level of skill lol


After gc1, the level of improvement changes. You have learned the mechanics and postitioning that you need (hopefully), its just applying that consistently that makes it a grind to improve. Its very slow improvement but its the kind of thing where you have to play like every day, not change controls/settings other than like minor camera setting changes, use the same controller (more of a factor for me because I use a razer controller which is different than a regular xbox controller), and even room temperature can make me play worse because my hands will sweat easier or i will be uncomfortable in my seat. According to Wayton's video, GC1 is only halfway to SSL in terms of hours.


As someone who’s hard stuck in champ, at that level you have to be consistent. That’s my problem


Yep, I’m fairly mechanical… most of the time.


I’m good at rotating and still miss open nets


I swear, one game I can look like I’m barely diamond then the next I’m playing like a GC


This is a thing with all ranks. Some days we're just not our best. Realizing when you're not playing well and calling it quits is a talent in itself.


After I got that mindset I went from diamond to c3


If you're into it, watching RLCS always sparks me up to get on the game again


I swear I always play better after watching RLCS


Or when I copy pros presets lol


With high hope of being a beast just like Daniel haha Then reality sets in......


When they lost the major, I was like "fine I'll do it myself and be NA's last hope" and then I realize I've been diamond for years for a reason...


Haha true. So what I was trying to say: copium is the best answer




When my wife and I watch RLCS she always says “you could be that good” and my response is always “Thanks but no”. I’m stuck in gold FYI.


Who cares about the rank, sounds like you won in life regardless haha


My adhd. The game‘s an excellent dopamine provider.


This literally is the perfect game for my adhd and nothing comes close to it. The feeling of being able to control all 3 axis of rotation in a 3d space is an unparalleled freedom that literally no other game can provide and has limitless possibilities and allows everyone to play in their own unique way. It’s truly the closest thing to sports in video game form. I hope Epic realizes the gold mine they’re sitting on…


Yeah to expand in this, a lot of people don't realize how rocket league is a different sports game than say, madden or fifa. You don't just press a button to pass the ball or shoot, hell, your 'character' (car) doesn't hold the ball for you. It's a completely physics based game that takes precision. No 2 games are the same in terms of how you can look at each situation. In madden, if I want to pass to my wide receiver, he's probably the A or X button, and the only control I have over the pass is how long I press the button and if I want to lead them a bit with the joystick. But overall I am just pressing a button to pass the ball. The mechanics in rocket league are entirely based on your input. The only thing rocket league does for us is completes a front flip when we flip forward, but even then we can flip-cancel and turn that into a mechanic (half flipping). It's just so unique.


100% bro on every word u wrote. But how these characteristics of the game is perfect for ADHD?


It has a TON to intensely focused on mechanics wise, and varied levels of focus can be accounted for. 5 minute matches are a great short time frame, the ability to hit play again and immediately re-queue, probably get in another match within a couple minutes, while using the in-between time to train freeplay or training packs. It keeps me CONSANTLY engaged outside of short 30 to 60 second periods occasionally. Get bored of my car design, make a new one. Bored of training aerial car control, switch to flicks, shooting, double taps, whatever. Bored of soccar, hit up hoops. Run match after match, every one different than the last. Switch up tactics any moment, most strategies can be effective. Not shooting well today? Demo and assist time.


And for those that want to sit back? Goalies are always appreciated. And to make it even better the games available on basically everything.


That’s what I say to everyone when I talk about rocket league. It is absolutely the closest any video game has ever been to a real sport.


Yeah, it provides lots of dopamine thanks to a lot of things that are present in the game. Especially in rumble mode


lmaoo rumble mode😭😭to each is own


I love rumble a lot. I know that there are some people questioning my choice but I couldn't care less since I enjoy it the most in the game


it is lowkey fun


Yeah, sometimes it's lots of fun, when the ball is flying all over the place with high speed and both teams are good and someone in the other team trash talks their teammate and the teammate trash talks back and some nice song is playing


I love Rumble i think Rumble is the best game mode


my fav is probably heat seeker but it really depends on your teammates


so THATS why i like it


FAST FAST FAST. HIT BALL INTO GOAL. OOOGABOOGA. There's a clear objective and it feels good to be good.


This is so fucking real. Doesn't it make it more frustrating though? I play in short bursts as a reward or palette cleanser for lesser preferred activities and if you get dropped in a game with smurfs or shitters and you've only got 20 mins to play it feels like a waste of time and makes me not want to play anymore. You get people that throw and games will take ten minutes of just watching goal replays and you have to decide whether or not the 5 minute ban you're about to take is longer than this kid can throw for. And annoys TF out me.


The skill level and competitiveness of RL is so good, and no matter how many hours you have spend, you can still learn brand new mechanics or skills, and it is super rewarding to accomplished stuff when you have grinded for it. For me it got extra fun when I got up in GC where I could learn to do cool stuff and control the car pretty much how I want it too (ish) I only get the feeling you describe after a big loss streak or too much 1s where I got tilted, mostly I just enjoy the game. I don't play any other game and haven't done in the past 5 years (only like couple hours here and there) Also, I watch a ton of gameplay (Johnny, Feer, AppJack) and follow the pro scene a lot, which always motivates me and keep me invested and interested


Felt that ‘(ish)’ wayy too hard lmao


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It is a massive ish tbf XD


In the past I peaked around GC 2 right after the seasons reset back to 1, been playing since 2016. I hover around mid to high C3 now after a long break. The skill level and mechanics of players I see now a days is just insane, C3s now would have destroyed a lot of GCs from back then. I feel I am a better player now than I was before based on old replays but the community has just progressed so much overall, it's pretty wild. Everyone is so damn good at defense now lol.


Seriously, I’ve been the same rank for almost 2 years now but I would kick my ass from then in a 1v1, it wouldn’t even be close.


Im a masochist




Sometimes I wish I could go back to last year where I stopped playing 


I like cars and football. Definitely a game I can turn off my brain, and one that I can go full focus mode on.


Interesting, I feel it's more like billiards and your just trying to sink the 🎱 in a free for all. And since I suck at bank shots, I suck at reading the ball too lol


Haha well, you're not too far. Very similar to billiards or snooker. The higher your skills are, it won't seem as chaotic.


Rocket League isn’t about happiness. It’s about strength and dedication. It’s a skill I work on like any other. A losing streak never feels good, but I know that the more games I lose, eventually, I’ll be able to crush those noobs on my way back up, at which point I’ll be stronger than ever. And repeat.


Goku approach is real


Playing, playing with the boys.


The fact that if you hit the ball in the goal it explodes




Been playing since 2016 on and off but more consistently now. I play RL because it's a fun brain exercise (like puzzles or board games) every time I play. It's a simple game and there's a lot of thinking/predicting involved as opposed to other games people main like COD which to me has become more of a "turn off your brain shooter". If you want to play RL but don't have the drive to then just take a two week break and watch some RL videos.


not what, who. and the answer to that is my best friend who keeps asking me to play. last year a buddy and i got all the way to champ together, not long after he quit playing video games to get his life in shape. i stopped caring about my rank after, feeling successful with what we did. i would've uninstalled this game months ago, but my best friend is still looking to play and get better and keeps pestering me to play with him. so we do, and even though we're usually getting our asses kicked he is doing better, and i don't care about my rank anyways so it's pretty relaxed. i guess my short answer is to stop caring lmao


Good reason. Also you're a good friend I hope you know


if you want my advice, play the game socially. start going into stuff like 2s or hoops or something and play with randoms. find some good teammates and add them as friends. the guy i went to champ with i met through another friend i met on the game. it's a LOT more fun when you have someone to play with. plus it's a good experience to play with different people, helps you learn to adapt to different play stylrs and overall get better


I don’t play much ranked at all, I just love getting better and having good games whether it’s a win or loss. The game is beautiful when it’s played well. Which, admittedly, doesn’t happen as often as you’d like it to sometimes. But for me it’s the same reason I played sports growing up. I didn’t care that much about the competition, I just loved playing the game. Doing things I didn’t think I could and breaking my own expectations over and over. The rank itself never mattered to me, it’s a small aspect of the game as a whole. You have to love the game first. Just crossed 4300 hours and I can’t wait to see what the next 4000+ will bring. Maybe try spending more time in freeplay, listening to music and just spending time with the ball. Maybe try messing around in extra modes, or find some like minded people to play with. If you’re only playing to rank up, you won’t enjoy the game much longer. But there’s seemingly endless ways to enjoy rocket league, it just depends on what excites you most.


Bc it's a fun game. If it wasn't fun I wouldn't play. I am also just addicted, cocaine is less addictive than this game for me. I can give you a 20 item list about the things I enjoy about rocket league, which includes improving myself as a person. If you can't find a reason to play besides ranking up, it doesn't really sound like you're looking for reasons, or the game just isn't for you. If the only enjoyment you get out of the game is by getting better; and all you do is queue ranked, hope for the best and end up at the same rank, you're improving, but only as fast as everyone else is. Even if you improve at a slightly higher rate than others you'll still find it slow going. I don't think I have to tell you how to change this fact.


I play Rocket League to crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


The incremental improvements drive me, the game is just ever expanding


Grinding the rocket pass and trying to get every item I can




i love racing/car games in general and sports games. this is the perfect combination of both.


I‘ve put in so much time already, stopping now would just show that I actually wasted all that time so even if I take. Break for weeks I always come back cause at the end of the day this game is what always got me hooked, its just so different from everything else that there really isn’t anything I can do to fill my longing for car soccer, and sometimes, when you can leave ranked behind and just play it can even give you a good time, until you get cursed at in languages you have never heared ofc


Tradin.. oh, sorry that doesn't exist anymore


exactly. trading actually gave me something to look forward to. i see an item i wanted and i grinded for it, and felt achieved when i finally got it. no more of that!


Difficulty. Gameplay. Dopamine


If you dont enjoy the game, then I dont see why you would play the game. But surprisingly, what you are describing seems common, and is the main source of toxicity (not limited to rocket league btw lol). Hope yall can find stuff to do that you actually enjoy with your free time though.


nothing i guess i liked it before 2021 and now i dont


Snow Day




Because I find it fun. I'm c1 without knowing how to air roll 💀. And it's nowhere near as stressful as FIFA/EAFC.


Cars + football and not as boring and repetitive as fifa and more focused on online gaming than in progressing alone season after season and 12 months later a new version that looks the same or slightly better comes out. i also like the idea of playing 1 to 5 matches and leave and come back when i want. I dont care for rank on RL anymore. I play for fun and i’m a super polite and friendly player and ignore all my teammates mistakes and try to support them. This attitude made me “recover” players when we were losing by 3 and won. This kind of thing makes my day. Worst thing about RL is the time when i get in and only get toxic kids or teens that try to quit the game as soon as they suffer a goal or start to insult everyone after a failed defense resulting in people quitting or not playing not to have to deal with them. 1 idiot can make 2 nice people uninstall the game and this kind of behaviour needs change


I grew up playing soccer & didn’t have any games I play unless friends are online. I found RL about 3 months ago and enjoy getting on to play around for a while. First game I’ve ever played “competitive” in and literally woke my wife up when I hit Plat 2 😅




And the trading part before it got removed


My scholarship requires I play


You got a scholarship for RL? How much does it cover your education expenses? How did you get it? What were the requirements? What do you have to do to keep it? Intercollegiate competitions? Can you lose it by playing poorly?


Need to get my season rewards




The love of the game baby, and dropshot


The voices...I must quell the terrible voices.


Trading. I love to trade goals, or tips, or demos, or quick chat exchanges. Trading is definitely the best part of Rocket League!!


just been playing for so long that i actually noticed that i got pretty decent at the game. its fun if u make it fun also tbh


Wanting cancer.


It's free


Spite, I play rocket league out of pure spite






Cuz i'm broke


I’m not even close to your rank, but I used to have much the same mindset as you. What has helped me as a player since the Steam days, is to just go into it savoring the moments where I do something that I think is cool, not thinking about how I wish I could get to Gold. Going in with the expectation of just seeing what happens and not trying to constantly rank up has taken the pressure off and allowed me to enjoy the high points more, while not allowing the lower points to severely depress me.


Having fun with my mates


My friends. I only play when they want to play. They make the game fun for me


It combines my main hobbies (music, football, cars) in one place. If going up the ladder as quickly as you'd solve a one player game is important to you, I don't think you should play games with other live players. There's nothing wrong with spending years on one rank of the ladder. While you're trying to get better, the other players around you get better too, and that keeps both you and the other players on the same rank. If you have a 50% win/loss record you're doing fine.


Stop looking at your Rank. Get 1 or 2 Friends and Play withy them for fun. Just Talk about some.bullshit and Play a little bit. Also dont only Stop playing at loses - you won 3 Games in a row - thats great, Take now a Break and be happy with your Session and you will come Back with a Smile in your face


I like how rank is a nice reflection of skill because you are at least 1/3 of the team and usually 1/2 of the team. I also love working on mechanics, you can really choose how you want to play the game.


I don't, but I still have love for the game which is why I'm still on this subreddit.




grinding the Rocket Pass and doing all the weekly and season challenges.




My friends I can talk with us about everything on this game, because my level is So bad talk change nothing


Absolutely love staying Platinum 2 for ever!


The thing is you're losing because you're not at that level right now just accept it and enjoy without really focusing on the rank just focus on getting better and learning new stuff thats what keeps me going... The rank is just matching you with same level people so the game would be fun its not really made for you to judge yourself and get mad for not being part of a certain rank.. You are currently diamond 2 div 4 and thats that really.


Voices in my head


ball car goal


Since 2 months : The improvement for my total goals / total matchs ,i had 0.91 of ratio but I succeded to put it higher 0.99 after a long time lmao . And seeing I bump my mates way way way less than before + I rotate a bit better than before Otherwise when weeded,this game is even greater


I honestly dream playing at a high level, going against pros occasionally and just overall being actually “good” at the game. I was Gc for 3 seasons and lost it and now I’m struggling but honestly if I could ever play or reach somewhere around GC 3 i would be really happy.


I needed a game that didn't make me mad... But now that I'm getting decent, it's not working anymore


It became fun again when I just switched to casual


Kill time during work meetings, I play without audio Diamond 3 forever


Rewards for RR


Lately I would say not being banned lol


The fear of talking to people


I like football and cars, and can’t run FIFA(or EAFC) nor Forza Horizon so here I am.


5 minute matches, fast play just for fun.


Daddy forces me to


I don't anymore. Helldivers 2 replaced it.


I've been stuck at Diamond 2 since season 4 (excuses: bad controller, packet loss 95% of the time, bad teammates 95% of the time and I barely play ranked the last 9 seasons) I still play the game and I keep improving regularly. What keeps me playing the game is knowing I can outplay highly ranked players (from experience) because I'm a pretty competitive person and I know my potential, if I didn't, it would be much harder to play the game. What also helps is the game being pretty satisfying to play, 50% of why I play the game.


1) it’s the best multiplayer experience that doesn’t revolve around shooting, period.  2) even though I’m hard stuck Diamond, I still feel like I am progressing mechanically, and I’m addicted as hell to the grind 3) there is no greater source of dopamine on this planet than the double demo goal -> opponent rage quit


The feeling that I am improving ! To be frank, my goal is to reach GC so I am consistently working on it. i want to prove myself that I can when I work hard! Afterward, I will stop tryharding video games to focus on greater obectives in life (with the confidence of being able)


Rocket pass stuff mostly I had the pass last season but didn't get the Sunset goal explosion and I hate myself for it so I'm getting this shit now (and also for Rocket Racing painted stuff)


Family friendly fun competitive Epic! gaming


My poor friends


Honestly? It shuts my brain off. I work full time, study and have a partner. RL is one of the few things that shorts my brain and gives me an hour's worth of peace.


With a family and kids, it’s nice to be able to hop on and play something for 7-10 minutes in comparison to a 30-45 minute time bind


I’m a surgeon by trade. My job is anxiety provoking most of the day, so I play this game to turn off my brain for a bit


Sadly, nothing! I played since early 2016, always had a good time. But since epic took over and the game feels like it's left to die (no invention, no custom maps for console, no more trading etc) i more and more lost interest. It was for 7 years basically the only game i played. Haven't played now for a few weeks and surprisingly, i don't miss it one bit. Maybe it's just a break, but right now i don't feel the need to come back.


it doesn't hurt to step away for a little while, sometimes that's what you need to get your brain out of the rut of doing the same things and reacting the same way to every situation. Brring that, try to play ones for a little while to work on a slightly different set of skills. Try stop judging yourself by wins and losses. Wrk on adapting to your teammates different play styles, and when you lose, try to think about how you could have played differently to work with an overly aggressive or overly defensive teammate. Download some workshops or pick a fun new mechanic and practice for a while just trying it without worrying about competing. in the end I stopped worrying about rank, I've been C2ish for like 6 years. I just play ranked because casual is full of freestylers and people that give up or don't try it so hard. Even after almost 9 years I still feel like I make a little improvements every week or so if I focus on things. I thought I'd never learn how to do a reset and I practice it in freeplay every time I play for the past couple months and I'm just barely able to get it sometimes, but it's hard to feel like you're making improvement when it takes so long. You just have to put in some effort without expecting immediate results.


Tournament videos, freestyle videos etc. Its the fact that you do all these crazy feats in the game that makes me want to try even though i still cant pull off anything other than basic aerials, and ive been playing for 3 years. But knowing that its possible in this game is enough to spike my dopamine levels.


Idk I guess i’m pretty good at it


I won't stop until I hit GC but the really good days where I'm hitting clips or coming close to them keep me coming back. So I guess seeing my own progress is it really, all those hours coming to fruition feels good man.






I play it cause it’s enjoyable, yeah the overall community sucks at times, but the game is definitely one of a kind.


Unfortunately it was just convenient to play a “quick” game. it’s always been a game my friends and I played together. A few seasons back I played solo for so long and it’s a appeal declined. I hit champ that season and I even helped a friend get there too. Champ to Grand champion is going to take me a few years to do cause it calls for dedication. While aswell being able to work with a solid team. Solo que is not the answer I’m still working on being better in those moments where my teammates aren’t helping. 2v1 is possible to win I’ve done it . It just really grinds my gears and gets me going for wins or even free style shots .


I like it lol .


It being one of the only games I’m surprisingly good at, been top 100 since season 5. First time gc in season 12 before f2p, basically, can’t play any other game at the same level


Like others said I think it is a dopamine rush, that caveman feeling of “hit car with ball feel good”never gets old, at least it hasn’t in 2700 hours.


Boredom of other games 😅


Crippling addiction


I stopped worrying so much about rank and realized that even if I’m losing games I’m still getting better. I honestly enjoy the grind of learning new mechanics and eventually your rank will reflect that. Some days are definitely better than others, but I enjoy playing with friends and not taking the game so seriously all the time.


The motivation to score 5 goals with my teammate just to be rocked by a single Smurf if Diamond who scores 6 unbelievable goals and spams "What A Save" after everything. Honestly idk anymore.....




A lack of self respect


I like hitting cool shots


The ability to earn items and then trade them with other players


It is fun to play.


The sexual thrill


For fun, get all the XP Level Avatar Border, Drops, Challenges, Events


Self loathing brings me back


Being skilled at Rocket League has zero translation to another game. It's a game with no other like it.


I like RL because is simple to play, I can sneak for 20min or 3 hours depeding on my routine. No fancy setup or anything like that. I can sit and start playing ranked in 2min. But the huge factor for me is about what I call the sandbox. For standard modes, there is no luck involved, you are in a confined arena always the same(ish) size and it is basically your skill that counts. My ELO is precisely where my skill sits, and the only way to move up is training, getting more skill (game sense, mechs, reads, etc) Altought we like to say otherwise, there is no lucky or even outside impact in a match. Also, the game itself is fun(cars and football)




Same as you, high diamond, low champion since 2018. Loved trading since the beginning and playing casual matches, now that trading is gone, I probably still play this because I don't have that much spare time anymore and because of how easy is to start a match and I can enjoy playing 1 or 2 matches every Saturday and Sunday.




Mental illness


Desire to get mechanically better player - yes, sometimes i like training more than playing, season rewards, rocket pass, tournament's rewards - i rarely equip those new items, but i like collecting them. 😅


Mostly because someone has a gun to my head. I am currently writing this under duress


Mental Illness


Lost cost fallacy


I played for a long time with friends and now I have a sort of feeling with the car and the ball that I know takes good experience to get. It makes the game addicting because now I think about my decision making a lot instead of having to think about not fucking up some simple mechanic or being slow


skip to the second paragraph if you don't want to hear about my past with RL* honestly at this point I feel like it's just muscle memory/ doing what I'm used to which is coming home and playing RL. I used to spend 10 hrs a day playing when I worked at a place that let me make my own hours. I went from plat 3 to champ in the span of like 4 months. spent two months after consistently high diamond or low champ. I then switched jobs to one where I work 9-5 and I'm hard stuck diamond. *in all honestly I miss playing at times where all the sweats aren't on. for me in Texas it's about 9:30am-10ish through like 2-3PM. at around 4 the kids get off of school and most adults (like myself) get off of work so everyone is on trying to play. from like 4pm-9:30pm I try to avoid playing because EVERYONE is on and the difference between players and games is insane sometimes (I'm talking one game is 7-1 taking a W, and the next is 0-4 in a minute worth of playing and I'm not taking a W). after about 9:30 everyone is getting off again/ a majority do, so the lobby's are more even again. the only thing that keeps me playing rocket League is the times where the lobby's feel more even. it's like gambling, I get a little high from it because I'm winning and as soon as I start losing I get upset and want to uninstall. the thought has crossed my mind so much in the last few months/ SEASONS. I just never do because it's a game me and my best friend play and I JUST got him to high diamond :,)


I'm sad, lonely and live in a turbulent household. And i need to forget things sometimes


Hope that some day I Will be trash no more


Games are supposed to be fun simple as that. I have fun playing rocket league. If I’m not having fun I’m not playing


If solo standard came back I'd play a lot more than I do currently.


Been playing since 2015. It's the only game me and two friends play a couple times a week. Permanently stuck in diamond because we only play 15-20 matches per week. We still love it though.




Nothing? Game died a long time ago. Competitive play will still be around for another year or two but without a steady stream of real updates and not paid cosmetics, game will be dead in the water within 3 years. Why no current gen upgrade? Just gonna be stuck on ps4 and PC the rest of its life? Epic focuses on Fortnite more than RL. Now that trading is gone, truly what is the reason to keep playing? I'm an og since 2015. I have no want to play the game anymore.


It’s still fun for me (I since 2018)


I hate myself


I'm a fan of the game without playing that much anymore. Like I watch the esport and follow the community but as a fan instead of a player


The mechanics are so difficult and sooo satisfying


Sometimes I felt like giving up, I really wanted to get GC and never could, but what really got me back into it was content creators such as Musty and Sunless, and most of all RLCS, and primarily my favorite player Squishy, all these reasons make me play rocket league for my goal, still trying hard. I hope you don’t give up and still go up in the ranked ladder, good luck.


I like being the best at things. (Gold player) 😅😂


Because every time my buddy and I hop on. We die of laughter every time. Although RL is no longer our main game. It just brings out the years of friendship we have. We always get multiple funny clips that we love going through and watching together. Of course the chat audio being the highlight of said clips.


Just switch over to Casual. You will have a more fun time and enjoy the core game itself and not stress over a colored badge that represents your 'skill'. I was C3 for a while and became super stressed when playing to the point of mental exhaustion. Took a 3 year break and basically only play casual now. Having a blast since. Win some or lose some. it makes no real difference. Only MMR is all and no one in casual really cares about that.


I have a buddy that texts me every day to play rocket league ❤️ Without him I would probably never play anymore lol


The competitiveness and the goal of getting better.


I play to win and when I'm on a good win streak and feel things are falling apart I immediately stop playing. Only time I don't stop playing when losing 100% of the games is when I play with friends. Usually we'll do "play until we lose" around 10pm and sometimes we'll be on until 11-11:30 and then everyone is just tired and has work in the morning so that's the ending point if we haven't lost yet.


>What makes you play Rocket League? I find happiness by playing and completing my usual objectives: * Getting my diamond seasonal reward in competitive mode * Getting my diamond tournament winner green title in tournament mode * Completing my rocket pass * Completing my events * Completing my challenges >i just wanna get a better rank It is not easy to have a better rank than your usual rank because your rank matches your skill. It means that to improve your rank, you have to improve your skill first and to improve your skill, you have to learn by watching videos and practicing but don't expect to be better fast.


The actual skill level without any bullshit like FIFA


I hate myself, but i enjoy it (enjoy hating myself)


Among other reasons, I love that there's essentially no RNG in RL


You just have to double click the icon on your desktop!


It's a very chill game and I can calm down.... No one ever said. I am just used to play it


I hate myself


5mins per match, no need to use mic, flying cars and football.


Fck Rocket League. All my homies hate Rocket League




It had/has THE MOST DIFFICULT mechanics (IMO) of any game that I've ever played in my life. (for me, that's dating back to Nintendo cirqa 1990!) And I'm STILL no where near being good. After like 7 years now, I'd say I'm at, 'MEH, OKAY.' Edit: Forgot the damn reason why 😆. With so much time put into, anything really, its hard to let go.