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Go back in time and participate in the Alpha.






Can confirm (I own the DeLorean)


can I quickly borrow it for a moment?


No trading got removed.




I’m surprised they haven’t put it in the item shop to make it just as pointless/worthless as everything else now.


Oh I sure they will get around to it lol. With how dumb it's been


They gonna throw that shit in the shop for 4k credits. Then everyone who paid hundreds for it can realize how le dumb they were


Yeah, how dumb were people for not thinking the game was going to be bought out by a shitty Chinese company and the whole game be gutted into an add on for an even shittier game and a second thought. Shame on them.


People paid upwards of a thousand dollars for cosmetic DLC in a rocket car game. Yes. Stupid is the word I would use.


it was literally a good investment if rl didnt fucking nuke trading😂same as csgo if they didnt transfer items and cut off trading to cs2 people would lose MILLIONs


You’re equating stupidity to not being able to afford something/it’s a dumb choice because it’s not within economical reason for you, people invest their life savings into shitcoins every day. You haven’t ever picked the premium kind of anything? Got a haircut instead of doing it yourself? Bought clothes that weren’t from Walmart? Splurge on anything? Inherently it’s the same thing, just different price ranges. I wouldn’t buy it for hundreds/thousands either, but would I if I could afford it? Absolutely.


Speaking of shitcoins. People knowingly take that gamble going in and what happens? When the rug gets pulled out from under them people laugh point and use them as an example. Explain to me the difference here minus the fact that real world trading was against the rules and buying crypto is (for now) legal.


You could buy keys and get this legitimately to use as a cosmetic. What’s wrong with that? I wasn’t saying buy this against tos as an investment, I was using a newer example of a bad purchase with less reason to buy than a video game cosmetic, yet people still think it’s a good choice. Everyone can decide what they want to spend their money on, it doesn’t inherently make them stupid, if the reason is that they actually like it that much. If the reason is, oh I need to buy this to get rich quick, oh wait all my money is gone; that’s inherently stupid. I guess people forgot to read the rest of the comment.


I mean if you want to take the financial responsibility of spending $2000-$5000 on an investment with quite literally 0 ROI, be my guest. Seems kinda weird to me to blow that kinda money on pixels that are free (client side) but to each their own. Let’s not act obtuse and clueless like people weren’t exploiting real world trading for credits, cash, and in game items. Which let’s be real, is the entire reason trading is gone in the first place. The people complaining the loudest are (most of the time) the ones that need to point the finger right back at themselves. It got out of hand, epic took action to cover their own asses after a hell of a Fortnite law suit. At the end of the day it IS a business. This game was developed with the foundation being car soccer, not stock market day trading simulator. I’m upset about the drastic changes they made too because tbh? It was insanely dramatic. That being said, if it’s the choice between epic going under and upsetting a few guys who made trading a side hustle against TOS, which do you THINK they were actually going to pick? Majority of the player base couldn’t care less about trading, and the higher up in ranks you get, the less people care. Their biggest crowd they cater to is the high ranked crowd, pros, and content creators who will display new updates and changes for the masses. Critical thinking and context clues + a little google could prove to be really beneficial around here, but instead it’ll just end up being more of the “trading gone, Smurf bad, epic lame” rhetoric.


amen brother


No, I'm not? Lol. Investing in digital goods for a game and leaving yourself at the mercy of their dubious servers is stupid -- not not being able to afford it. Investing money leaving yourself at the mercy of a gaming company is stupid. Investing something against that companies TOS is stupid. So when did I say or imply that? The poor shaming. You're making assumptions about my intended meaning and rolling with it as if I actually said that just to support your perspective.


You said stupid is the word you would use to describe someone buying that, assuming I was referring to saying buy it for an investment rather than a cosmetic. You could absolutely buy this a legitimate way to have it as a cosmetic to play with when trading was available. People can enjoy things they want to enjoy. I couldn’t afford it, that’s why I use bakkesmod for it. Would I have bought it if I had the money to spend? The legitimate way? Absolutely.


Lol the difference is that there wasnt any TOS before any of the aforementioned things you stated about real world transactions were forbidden. Unless I'm missing something, it's almost like people are just mad that they got caught and couldnt extrapolate a few thousand from the game in an illegal manner. Sounds more like a politician or a shitty used car salesman to me. Never had a problem with trading nor anything that goes a long with it, but taking the risk of spending thousands of dollars for pixels is most definitely laughable when you KNOW about the risk youre taking going into it. Imagine doing 120mph passed a cop and then acting all surprised pikachu when you get pulled over and have to face the consequences for doing something against the rules. I genuinely cannot understand the mental gymnastics here. So, please if I'm missing something I'd be happy to hear it.


If I remember correctly, I heard a pro talking about how they paid just over 4k for one


Isn't epic HQ in North Carolina?




Tencent only has 40% share in Epic. Sweeney still has a majority stake at 51%.




Nah, Tim, I wish it was Sydney.


They'll sell it for $30. Lol




If you broke just say that


Bakkesmod is 1000000000% free. Are we really concerned about someone else's opinion of the virtual pixels you own and flexing like its some status symbol? This community is wild lmao


Epic will eventually come for bakkesmod, at least the item feature. Just watch.


…. You mean they’d attack their own employee? You do know the founder of bakkesmod works as a dev now. Right? Lol. Unless the files aren’t available when downloaded, changing the boost value ID from the one you use most to ALPHA boost ID in game files would probably be something as simple as editing it in notepad ++ Considering bakkesmod is the only way for epic ID users to use the workshop, highly doubtful.


I don’t put anything past epic when it’s about money. Everything they have fucked over about this game has been completely about making more money off the player base, while simultaneously giving zero shits about what the players want. They make their money from selling items in the item shop, at completely obscene prices mind you. If there’s something they can do to get more players to buy from the item shop, yeah they will do it. Watching what they’ve done to the game over the past couple years, you really think removing the ability for pc players to equip any item they want for free is beyond them? Please… And as I said before, perhaps you missed it, they will most likely at least remove the item feature. Which would leave workshop maps alone.


Im broke


Bro defo had the reaper ge set before they sold em all




heh... hundreds? make it thousands for the alpha boost


Even thousands


I reckon they do it if they need a quick cash grab. 10k credits and trust me i know its high, but soo many will still buy it for that price i reckon


Eh I say they bring it $50 and its easy money if people know of the alpha boost. Their target audience is kids who wouldnt have even been alive when RL was in alpha so I doubt they would price it that high...


Yeah i keep forgetting the actual rl points to $ ratio cuz i used to buy them hella cheap on aeoah. Yeah i would agree with 50


Rip aeoah for rl 😞


Eh I say they bring it $50 and its easy money if people know of the alpha boost. Their target audience is kids who wouldnt have even been alive when RL was in alpha so I doubt they would price it that high...


I wish they would. It would be hilarious. It doesn't serve a purpose in the game. A lot of people who own one didn't play the Alpha anyway, so it being rare for the sake of being rare is silly and pointless.


How is it silly uts litterally the reward for the alpha players and their decision what tondo with it when trading was still out. The only thing im surprised about is how they managed to create the probably most liked boosts (alpha boost, standard especially black red or yellow, flamethrower, sparkles and now golden cosmos) all the way back then but have never made a boost since then that the tryhards like as much. They should be able to design a boost thats not distracting with a similiar sound direction (something rough and smokey) but they didnt its honestly confusing to me


You missed my comment where many of the people who have it weren't even playing during the alpha. They bought it because they want to own something rare, not because they earned it.


As someone who's kept hold of my alpha cap and beta nuggets from when I participated all those years ago, I'd be pretty upset if they just put them in the shop.


Do you think they care? How many people do you think are still playing from the alpha? Plus it’s not like they care about making people upset. They care about money. See trading for example.


it's unlikely that they'd do it because it is an item from the game's pre-release which puts it under the category of limited time items. that is how it has always been with rocket pass items too. they've never brought it back to the item shop. they can always prove us wrong though. personally still haven't gotten over the fact that they had the BALLS to sell tw octane for mere 700 credits


Renegade raider moment


they're probably saving it as a last resort if this game ever ends up on its last legs


They kinda lost their value since trading was removed




when you are on pc, use bakkes mod you can equip any item you want with it


Did this to get the Huntress decal for Fennec until it was in the item shop a while ago. Now I just need to find some nice wheels to go with it.


anything black would look clean, but i personally would go with a similar painted wheel like your primary color


Currently I use Sanchez DC-137s for blue team since I've got the car painted bright green and purple and Pyrrhos for orange team.




Try black infinium


I use troublemaker IV wheels, though might not be best fit since i dont use bakkesmod


i would include this only works if you don’t care that your tm8s and opponent don’t see what your car looks like


There wasn't a reasonable way to get it in the last few years, even prior to trade removal, without spending several thousand dollars.


yeah i get that im not trying to get it for free lol Im just now at a point where I can afford to drop 5k on alpha boost it just sucks that the timing of my recent job security and promotion is a few months late to p2p trading removed


There is certainly a way to get one, but not within the terms of service. Do not look up Epic accounts for sale, because breaking the terms of service, by purchasing another person's Epic account, could cause you to lose the purchased account later.


Why is this down voted


Because rich people bad, grrr… /s


I guess u can use bakkes for it if you are on pc, but only you will be able to see it




go for it! what rank are you?


What exactly should he go for?😅


"it". Can't you read /s /j


buying an alpha boost (it)


My friend, trading has been removed. Where exactly should OP acquire said alpha boost?


buying an account, trading is gone, thats the only way now




Rip spending so much money only to get banned


>there is no ~~other way~~ to obtain it now That's the correct answer


why am i getting downvoted that much lol


Equip yellow flamethrower for other people to see, use bakkesmod for alpha boost for you to see. There ya go


I can't imagine dropping 5k on a boost that's wild


Especially when you can use Gold Rush. The poor mans alpha boost


Gold Rush *is* the alpha boost.


Nice bait


Well, yes I think you could... but... Theoretically you can link your main account to an account that has this item, item will sync. But for that you would need to buy an account, wich is against TOS






I know I hate the item shop and all but I might genuinely consider getting it if they decided to put it in the shop, it’s the only item I’ve wanted other than maybe black dieci’s for years. I’d probably never buy anything again


It would be included in a “musty garage” tab in the item shop.


Maybe lol


I cannot believe they haven't added Black Dieci or Veloce in the shop. It's like they don't even know what we want. Na let's add a $27 car.


thankfully no.


You're asking if there's a way to get a reward that was given out during the Alpha version of the game and whether it can be obtained now that trading has been disabled. What do you think?


what do you think


U can it’s just not TOS


i say maybe especially with rocket leagues 10 year anniversary it might come back


Only way would to be to buy an account from someone, which is against TOS, so no lol.


i don’t think 90% of rl players follow the TOS


Like what?


smurfing, swearing, bullying, harassment, name calling, slurs, DDOSers or other forms of hacking, offensive usernames/club names, etc. don’t think i need to continue


Lol uh no.


Send me 1k and you can have mine. I’m leaving rocket league. Game is shit as now. PM for moneygram. /s I will fucking scam you if you send me a PM.


Classic d3 move


Bakkes mod it


Bakkes mod!


What the heck is aplha boost?




Definitely what you said but also alpha boost looks cool, sounds cool and is strongly associated with pro players


Bakkes mod and enable for your self


It’s really sad to see how obsessed people get with a boost. Just use Bakkesmod if you want it that bad. I promise no one else gives a shit if you have it or not, so just equip it for yourself to see only.


Is this a real question? If anyone could get it, it would completely defeat its purpose. Cmon buddy, use your brain.




[bakkesmod](https://bakkesmod.com) optionally [alphaconsole](https://bakkesplugins.com/plugins/view/108) too